fter graduating, you start work as a management consultant. you are paid $150 per hour. one morning before work, you decide to buy a new car. you know the exact model you want, and you know that in your area the price ranges from $35,500 to $36,500, with the average price you can expect to pay being $36,000. you can choose among hundreds of dealers, but you don't know which dealer will give you the best price. time is literally money, since every hour you spend searching is an hour you don't get paid. each visit to a dealer takes an hour. your expected marginal benefit of another search is the difference between the current dealer's offer and the average price. the first dealer you go to asks $36,300 for the car. should you accept the price or keep searching? (keep in mind that each visit to a dealer takes an hour.) keep searching. accept the price. suppose you kept searching, and the next dealer you go to asks $36,100. do you think you should accept this price or keep searching? keep searching. accept the price. suppose you kept searching, and the next dealer you go to asks $36,130. you could return to the last dealer (who offered you a price of $36,100) but that would take another hour. what should you do? return to the last dealer and pay $36,100. accept the price of $36,130. get a new price from yet another dealer. suppose you only earned $20 per hour. would you accept the price at any of those dealers, or would you keep searching? (recall that the first dealer asked for $36,300, the second asked for $36,100, and the third asked for $36,130.) stop searching after the first dealer, and pay the price of $36,300. stop searching after the third dealer, and pay the price of $36,130. after getting a price of $36,130 from the third dealer, return to the second dealer and pay $36,100. after getting a price of $36,130 from the third dealer, search for a fourth dealer. continue without saving


Answer 1

As a management consultant earning $150 per hour, it is important to consider the opportunity cost of spending time searching for the best deal on a new car. In this scenario, the average price for the desired car is $36,000 and the first dealer offered $36,300. The expected marginal benefit of another search is the difference between the current dealer's offer and the average price.

Since each visit to a dealer takes an hour, it would be wise to keep searching for a better deal. If the next dealer offers $36,100, the expected marginal benefit is still $100, so it would be best to continue searching.
However, when the third dealer offers $36,130, the expected marginal benefit is only $30. In this case, it would be more efficient to return to the second dealer who offered $36,100 and accept that price, rather than spending another hour searching for a potentially better deal.
If the consultant only earned $20 per hour, the opportunity cost of searching for a better deal would be lower. In this case, it may be more reasonable to stop searching after the first or third dealer and pay the offered price, rather than spending additional time and potentially losing out on paid consulting work. Ultimately, the decision to continue searching for a better deal depends on the individual's personal valuation of time and effort.

To know more about opportunity cost, visit https://brainly.com/question/30726111


Related Questions

Torch Industries can issue perpetual preferred stock at a price of $65.00 a share. The stock would pay a constant annual dividend of $5.00 a share. What is the company's cost of preferred stock, rp? Round your answer to two decimal places.


The company's cost of preferred stock, rp, of Torch Industries, can be found to be 7. 69%.

How to find the cost of preferred stock ?

The cost of preferred stock, rp, can be calculated using the formula:

rp = Dp / Pp

where Dp is the annual dividend per share and Pp is the market price per share.

In this case:

Dp = $5.00

Pp = $65.00


rp = $5.00 / $65.00

rp = 0.0769 or 7.69%

The cost of preferred stock for Torch Industries is 7.69%, rounded to two decimal places.

Find out more on preferred stock at https://brainly.com/question/18068539


Moving to the next question prevents changes t tion 1 Stock prices follow a "random walk", which means: Stock prices tend to follow trends. Stock prices rise, then fall, then rise again. Stock prices


Moving to the next question, it's essential to understand that stock prices follow a "random walk", which means that stock prices change unpredictably and do not follow trends or predictable patterns such as rising, then falling, then rising again.

Understand that stock prices follow a "random walk"

Moving to the next question prevents changes to the current response, so please make sure you have answered the previous question before moving forward. Regarding your question, the term "random walk" means that stock prices do not follow a predictable pattern or trend.

Instead, they move  in a seemingly random and unpredictable manner, making it difficult to forecast future stock prices. Therefore, it is important to conduct thorough research and analysis before investing in the stock market.  

Stock prices and the "random walk" theory. Moving to the next question, it's essential to understand that stock prices follow a "random walk", which means that stock prices change unpredictably and do not follow trends or predictable patterns such as rising, then falling, then rising again. This theory suggests that it's difficult to consistently predict future stock prices based on their past behavior.

To know more about stock price.




A company had €200 million shareholders' equity on January 1, 2020.
During 2020, the company made €20 million net income and paid 63 million cash dividends. The company didn't issue any new common stod or buy had common stocks during the year. On December 31, 2020, the company reported €227 million shareholders equity in the balance sheet How much is the company's comprehensive income in 2020? A. €630 million B. €10 million. C. €20 million


The correct answer is C. €20 million. This is because the company's comprehensive income for the year is equal to its net income plus the changes in shareholders' equity.

For the given company, net income was €20 million, and the change in shareholders' equity was €27 million (227 million at the end of the year minus 200 million at the beginning of the year).

Thus, the company's comprehensive income for the year was €20 million + €27 million = €47 million. However, since the company paid out €63 million in cash dividends, the company's comprehensive income was reduced to €20 million = €47 million - €63 million. This means that the company's comprehensive income in 2020 was €20 million.

Know more about equity here



southwest corporation issued bonds with the following details: face value: $600,000 interest: 9 percent per year payable each december 31 terms: bonds dated january 1, 2021, due five years from that date the annual accounting period ends december 31. the bonds were issued at 104 on january 1, 2021, when the market interest rate was 8 percent. assume the company uses effective-interest amortization and adjusts for any rounding errors when recording interest expense in the final year. required: 1. compute the cash received from the bond issuance in dollars. tip: the issue price typically is quoted at a percentage of face value. 2.


Southwest Corporation received $624,000 from the bond issuance.

How to much company will receive from bond issuance

Southwest Corporation issued bonds with a face value of $600,000, a 9% annual interest rate, payable each December 31. The bonds were dated January 1, 2021, and are due in five years.

They were issued at 104% when the market interest rate was 8%. The company uses the effective-interest amortization method and adjusts for rounding errors in the final year. 1.

To compute the cash received from the bond issuance, multiply the face value by the issue price percentage. In this case, $600,000 * 104% = $624,000.

Learn more about bonds issuance at



tyrone is a manager of a bicycle parts factory. he oversees the process of transforming the raw materials into bicycle parts that are ready to be assembled into bikes. he also plans and designs the factory's operations systems and manages the logistics, quality, and productivity. what type of manager is tyrone?


Tyrone's role as a manager of a bicycle parts factory involves a wide range of responsibilities that fall under the umbrella of operations management.

Based on the responsibilities mentioned, Tyrone can be classified as an operations manager. The primary role of an operations manager is to oversee the production process and ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. This includes managing the logistics, quality control, and productivity of the factory.

Tyrone is responsible for transforming raw materials into bicycle parts, which involves managing the entire production process, from planning and designing the factory's operations systems to overseeing the manufacturing process. He must ensure that the production process meets quality standards, is cost-effective, and maximizes efficiency.

Additionally, as a manager, Tyrone must also manage the people involved in the production process, including hiring, training, and supervising employees. He is also responsible for setting goals and targets for the factory, tracking progress towards these goals, and making necessary adjustments to the production process to meet them.

To learn more about managers



6) (10 pts) Consider a hypothetical security that pays a continuous dividend over time according to D(t) D.(1 + t). Assuming a (constant) CC rate of interest, r, write a SIMPLIFIED expression for the present value and the duration of this security. If r = 10% what maturity ZC bond matches the duration?


To match the duration of this security with a zero-coupon (ZC) bond, you would need to find a ZC bond with a maturity that is equal to the calculated duration of the continuous dividend-paying security.

In other words, you would need to find a ZC bond with a maturity that has the same weighted average time until cash flows as the continuous dividend-paying security.

The present value (PV) of a security that pays a continuous dividend over time according to D(t) D.(1 + t), with a constant continuous rate of interest, r, can be expressed as:

PV = ∫ [D(t) / (1 + r)^t] dt

where the integral is taken from 0 to infinity, representing the present value of all future dividend payments.

The duration of the security, denoted as D, is a measure of the weighted average time until the cash flows are received. The duration is given by the expression:

D = - (1 / PV) ∫ [t * D(t) / (1 + r)^t] dt

where the integral is again taken from 0 to infinity.

If r = 10% (or 0.10), and assuming the dividend D(t) is known, you can plug in the values for D(t) and r into the above expressions to calculate the PV and duration of the security.

Learn more about hypothetical security here https://brainly.com/question/17054181


It is December 31, the end of the fiscal year. During December, employees earned $800,000 in salaries, but paychecks do not get issued until January 2


The adjusting entry required on December 31 is to recognize the accrued salaries expense for the month of December, even though paychecks will not be issued until January 2. This entry will increase the salaries expense and payable accounts on the balance sheet.

The adjusting entry for salaries earned but not yet paid at the end of the period is a common accrual adjusting entry. This entry aims to recognize the expenses incurred in the current period, even though the related cash payments will occur in a future period.

The journal entry to record this adjusting entry on December 31 would be:

Salaries Expense $800,000

Salaries Payable $800,000

This recognizes the expense for December and records the corresponding liability for the unpaid salaries. After this adjusting entry is recorded, the salaries payable balance on the balance sheet will reflect the amount owed to employees for the December salaries, and the salaries expense on the income statement will accurately reflect the total salaries earned by employees during the period.

To learn more about salaries from the link:



The correct question is:

It is December 31, the end of the fiscal year. During December, employees earned $800,000 in salaries, but paychecks do not get issued until January 2.

Which journal entry reflects the adjusting entry needed on December 31?

contribution margin per unit product a $ 40 product b 32 product c 45 the product mix is 51%/25%/24%. required:


The weighted average contribution margin for the given product mix is $39.2. This means that on average, the business earns $39.2 in contribution margin for every unit of product sold in this product mix.

To calculate the weighted average contribution margin for the given product mix, we need to first find the contribution margin per unit for each product. As given in the problem statement, the contribution margin per unit for product A is $40, for product B is $32, and for product C is $45.

Next, we need to calculate the weighted average contribution margin by multiplying the contribution margin per unit of each product with its corresponding product mix percentage and then adding up the results. The formula for weighted average contribution margin is:

Weighted Average Contribution Margin = (Contribution Margin of Product A x Product A Mix Percentage) + (Contribution Margin of Product B x Product B Mix Percentage) + (Contribution Margin of Product C x Product C Mix Percentage)

Substituting the given values, we get:

Weighted Average Contribution Margin = ($40 x 0.51) + ($32 x 0.25) + ($45 x 0.24)

= $20.4 + $8 + $10.8

= $39.2

It is important to note that contribution margin is not the same as profit. It only accounts for the variable costs associated with producing and selling a product and does not take into consideration the fixed costs and overhead expenses. However, knowing the contribution margin per unit can help businesses make informed decisions regarding pricing, production, and product mix.

Click the below link, to learn more about Contribution margin:



what is meant by fiscal policy? a. economic policies that involve government spending and taxation. b. the trend in which buying and selling in markets have increasingly crossed national borders. c. the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. d. the payment in addition to the original investment from those who have received financial capital to those who provided it.


Answer: (A) Economic Policies that involve government spending and taxation.

Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. Governments typically use fiscal policy to promote strong and sustainable growth and reduce poverty. These include aggregate demand for goods and services, employment, inflation, and economic growth. The goal of fiscal policy is to achieve macroeconomic objectives such as economic growth, low unemployment, and stable prices.

Types of Fiscal Policies:

i) Expansionary Policy: An expansionary fiscal policy lowers tax rates or increases spending to increase aggregate demand and fuel economic growth.

ii) Contractionary Policy: A contractionary fiscal policy raises rates or cuts spending to prevent or reduce inflation.  

Therefore, during a recession, the government may lower tax rates or increase spending to encourage demand and spur economic activity. Conversely, to combat inflation, it may raise rates or cut spending to cool down the economy.

How Fiscal Policy is different from Monetary Policy? Fiscal policy is often contrasted with monetary policy, which is enacted by central bankers and not elected government official. Monetary policy refers to central bank activities that are administered to influence the quantity of money supplied and credit generated in an economy. And in contrast, fiscal policy refers to the government's decisions about taxation and spending with macroeconomic set of goals. These are two different sets of policies that affect the economy via different agents and mechanisms.

Learn more about Fiscal and Monetary Policies: https//brainly.com/question/31520181


If the sampling distribution of the sample proportion is normally distributed with n=20, then calculate the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12. (Round final answer to 4 decimal places.)
We cannot assume that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is normally distributed. We can assume that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is normally distributed and the probability that the sample mean is less than 12.5 is Probability


To calculate the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12, we need to standardize the sample proportion using the formula:

z = (p - P) / sqrt(P * (1 - P) / n)

p is the sample proportion

P is the population proportion (assumed to be unknown)

n is the sample size

Using this formula, we get:

z1 = (0.10 - 0.5) / sqrt(0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / 20) = -2.83

z2 = (0.12 - 0.5) / sqrt(0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / 20) = -2.12

To find the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12, we need to find the area under the standard normal distribution curve between z1 and z2. We can use a standard normal distribution table or a calculator to find this probability. For example, using a calculator with a standard normal distribution function, we get:

P(-2.83 < z < -2.12) = 0.0216

Therefore, the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12 is 0.0216, rounded to 4 decimal places.

Regarding the second part of the question, we cannot answer it because the information provided is incomplete. We need to know the mean and standard deviation of the population, as well as the sample size and level of significance, to determine the probability that the sample mean is less than 12.5.

To know more about sampling here



To find the probability that the sample mean is less than 12.5, we need to first estimate the population mean and standard deviation. If we do not have this information, we cannot calculate the probability.

To calculate the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12, we can use the formula for the standard error of the sample proportion:
SEp = sqrt[p(1-p)/n]
where p is the population proportion (unknown) and n is the sample size (given as 20). Since we do not know the population proportion, we can use the sample proportion (p-hat) as an estimate:
p-hat = (number of successes in sample)/n
We can then use the z-score formula to standardize the sample proportion:
z = (p-hat - p)/SEp
Since the sampling distribution of the sample proportion is normally distributed, we can use a standard normal distribution table to find the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12. We first calculate the z-scores for each end of the interval:
[tex]z1 = (0.10 - p-hat)/SEp\\z2 = (0.12 - p-hat)/SEp[/tex]
Using a standard normal distribution table, we find the area under the curve between these two z-scores, which represents the probability that the sample proportion is between 0.10 and 0.12. The final answer is rounded to 4 decimal places.
Regarding the second part of the question, we can assume that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is normally distributed if either the sample size is large (n > 30) or the population distribution is normal. If we can assume normality, we can use the z-score formula to standardize the sample mean:
[tex]z = (x-bar - mu)/(sigma/sqrt(n))[/tex]
where x-bar is the sample mean, mu is the population mean (unknown), sigma is the population standard deviation (unknown), and n is the sample size (unknown).
To find the probability that the sample mean is less than 12.5, we need to first estimate the population mean and standard deviation. If we do not have this information, we cannot calculate the probability.

For more such questions on probability  visit:



calculate de beers’s total revenue and its marginal revenue. from your calculation, draw the demand curve and the marginal revenue curve.


The relationship between marginal revenue, demand curve, and the marginal revenue curve in microeconomics is that, the marginal revenue is derived from the demand curve and shows the change in revenue from selling one more unit of output.

In microeconomics, the relationship between marginal revenue (MR), demand curve, and the marginal revenue curve is that the marginal revenue curve is derived from the demand curve.

The demand curve shows the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at different prices. The marginal revenue curve shows the change in revenue that a firm experiences when it sells one more unit of a good or service.

The marginal revenue curve is derived by calculating the change in total revenue from selling one additional unit of output. In a perfectly competitive market, where firms are price takers, the marginal revenue curve is a horizontal line at the market price.

In a monopolistic market, the marginal revenue curve is downward sloping and lies below the demand curve. In an oligopolistic market, the shape of the marginal revenue curve depends on the behavior of the firms in the market.

Overall, the relationship between marginal revenue, demand curve, and the marginal revenue curve is important in understanding the profit-maximizing behavior of firms in different market structures.

Learn more about demand curve :



The complete question is :

What is the relationship between marginal revenue, demand curve, and the marginal revenue curve in microeconomics?

on may 1, 2021, mosby company received an order to sell a machine to a customer in canada at a price of 2,000,000 mexican pesos. the machine was shipped and payment was received on march 1, 2022. on may 1, 2021, mosby purchased a put option giving it the right to sell 2,000,000 pesos on march 1, 2022 at a price of $190,000. mosby properly designates the option as a fair value hedge of the peso firm commitment. the option cost $3,000 and had a fair value of $3,200 on december 31, 2021. the following spot exchange rates apply: date spot rate may 1, 2021 $ 0.095 december 31, 2021 $ 0.094 march 1, 2022 $ 0.089 what was the impact on mosby's 2021 net income as a result of this fair value hedge of a firm commitment?


The impact on Mosby's 2021 net income as a result of this fair value hedge of a firm commitment was a decrease of $1,800.

To determine the impact on Mosby's 2021 net income as a result of this fair value hedge of a firm commitment, we will need to consider the changes in the value of the put option and the firm commitment. Here are the steps to calculate the impact:

Step 1: Determine the change in the value of the put option.
The put option had an initial cost of $3,000 and a fair value of $3,200 on December 31, 2021. The change in the value of the put option is:

$3,200 - $3,000 = $200 gain

Step 2: Determine the change in the value of the firm commitment.
On May 1, 2021, the spot exchange rate was $0.095, so the value of the 2,000,000 Mexican pesos firm commitment was:

2,000,000 pesos * $0.095 = $190,000

On December 31, 2021, the spot exchange rate was $0.094, so the value of the firm commitment was:

2,000,000 pesos * $0.094 = $188,000

The change in the value of the firm commitment is:

$188,000 - $190,000 = -$2,000 loss

Step 3: Calculate the net impact on Mosby's 2021 net income.
The net impact on Mosby's 2021 net income is the sum of the change in the value of the put option and the change in the value of the firm commitment:

$200 gain + (-$2,000 loss) = -$1,800

So, due to the impact on Mosby's 2021 net income their fair value hedge commitment was a decrease of $1,800.

Learn more about fair value hedge here: https://brainly.com/question/27992267


extreme value stores include dollar general, dollar tree, big lots, and 99¢ only stores. True or false?


True. Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Big Lots, and 99¢ Only Stores are all considered extreme value stores, offering low-priced merchandise and household essentials.

Extreme value stores, also known as discount stores, offer a wide range of products at very low prices. These stores are popular among budget-conscious shoppers looking to save money on household essentials, personal care items, and other everyday necessities. The stores listed above are among the most well-known extreme value stores in the United States, with thousands of locations nationwide. Their low prices are achieved through a combination of cost-cutting measures and strategic sourcing, allowing them to offer everyday items at prices that are often significantly lower than their competitors.

Learn more about Extreme value stores here:



By reviewing a company's common size Income Statement, one can measure a company's profitability liquidty leverage size


By reviewing a company's common size Income Statement, one can measure a company's profitability. The correct option is a.

An income statement that is expressed with each line item as a percentage of revenue or sales is known as a common size income statement. When performing a vertical analysis, each line item in a financial statement is represented as a percentage of the statement's base figure.

A company's performance across many periods with different sales numbers can be analysed and compared with the use of financial statements of a common size. The performance of the company in relation to the industry can then be assessed by comparing the common size percentages to those of rivals.

Learn more about income statement, here:



Households' labor supply decisions are influenced by all of the following except
Question 9 options:
unemployment benefits
income taxes
the potential GDP
the real wage rate


Households' labor supply decisions are influenced by all of the following factors except the potential GDP.

Unemployment benefits play a role in labor supply decisions, as they can impact an individual's willingness to search for or accept a job. If the benefits provide enough income to sustain a comfortable living, some people may choose to remain unemployed for longer periods.

Income taxes also affect labor supply decisions, as higher tax rates may discourage individuals from working more hours or seeking additional income sources. People may feel that the additional income is not worth the increased tax burden.

The real wage rate is a crucial factor in labor supply decisions. A higher real wage rate makes work more attractive, leading individuals to supply more labor hours. Conversely, a lower real wage rate might cause people to work fewer hours or seek alternative income sources.

However, the potential GDP, which is an estimate of an economy's maximum output when all resources are fully employed, does not directly influence a household's decision to supply labor. Potential GDP is a macroeconomic concept, primarily used by economists and policymakers to analyze long-term economic trends and potential growth.

In summary, unemployment benefits, income taxes, and the real wage rate are factors that influence households' labor supply decisions, while the potential GDP is not a direct factor in these decisions.

To know more about potential GDP, refer here:



Complete question:

Households' labor supply decisions are influenced by all of the following except

A. unemployment benefits

B. income taxes

C. the potential GDP

D. the real wage rate

true or false? a structural sign that health care is evolving to a true retail market is that retail centers set to receive health care are now appearing nationally.


The statement '' structural sign that health care is evolving to a true retail market is that retail centers set to receive health care are now appearing nationally'' is true because one of the signs that the healthcare industry is evolving into a true retail market is the emergence of retail centers that offer healthcare services.

These centers are often located in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, strip malls, and other retail locations. They offer convenience and accessibility to consumers, who can receive healthcare services without having to visit a traditional hospital or clinic.

In recent years, retail centers offering healthcare services have been popping up all over the country, providing a range of services from routine checkups to urgent care. The trend is likely to continue as more consumers seek out convenient, affordable healthcare options, and the healthcare industry looks for new ways to meet their needs.

For more questions like Market click the link below:



Rosenberg and Birdzell note that during the Middle Ages it was alien for individuals to guide their current activities by deliberate calculation of their future consequences. For serfs, what were the consequences of being this shielded from reality?


Middle Ages when they were shielded from reality: by not being able to guide their current activities based on deliberate calculation of future consequences, as Rosenberg and Birdzell note.

During the Middle Ages, serfs faced several consequences due to being shielded from reality. Firstly, this lack of foresight and deliberate calculation hindered their ability to make informed decisions that could improve their lives in the long term.

They were unable to assess the impact of their choices on future prospects, such as economic security or personal well-being, resulting in stagnation and limited social mobility.

Secondly, this limitation on their ability to plan for the future may have contributed to their vulnerability to exploitation by the feudal system. Without a clear understanding of the potential consequences of their actions, serfs might have been more prone to make decisions that benefited their lords and the overall system, while neglecting their own interests.

Lastly, being shielded from reality meant that serfs were likely disconnected from the broader socio-economic developments taking place during the Middle Ages.

This lack of awareness would have further hindered their ability to adapt and respond to changes in the world around them, such as shifts in political power, technological advancements, or emerging economic opportunities.

In conclusion, serfs in the Middle Ages faced a range of negative consequences due to being shielded from reality, as noted by Rosenberg and Birdzell.

This inability to guide their actions based on a deliberate calculation of future consequences left them vulnerable to exploitation, limited their opportunities for social mobility, and hindered their capacity to adapt to a changing world.

To know more about Middle Ages, refer here:



QUESTION 6The APR on a financial security is 12 percent. If the inflationpremium is 4 percent and the pure rate is 3 percent, what riskpremium is required by the market? b) A bank wishes to earn 4.74% 4.56% 5.00% 3.81% 5.37%


The risk premium required by the market is 5%.

Find the risk premium required by the market?

To find the risk premium required by the market, we need to use the following formula:

APR = Pure Rate + Inflation Premium + Risk Premium

We are given the APR (12%), the inflation premium (4%), and the pure rate (3%). We will now solve for the risk premium.

Plug in the values into the formula.
12% = 3% + 4% + Risk Premium

Combine the known percentages.
12% = 7% + Risk Premium

Solve for the Risk Premium.
Risk Premium = 12% - 7%

Risk Premium = 5%

The risk premium required by the market is 5%.

Learn more about risk premium.



Question 6 (1.5 points) The current price of a 15-year, $1,000 par value bond is $659.46. Interest on this bond is paid annually, and its annual yield to maturity is 12 percent. Given these facts, what is the annual coupon payment on this bond? a. $140.00
b. $70.00 c. $120.00 d. $79.14 e. $65.95 f. $60.00



The annual yield to maturity of the bond is 12%, which means that the bond's cash flows are discounted at a rate of 12% per year. The bond has a 15-year maturity and a $1,000 face value, so it will make 15 annual payments of the same amount. We can use the present value formula to solve for the annual coupon payment:

PV = C / (1 + r)^1 + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^15 + FV / (1 + r)^15

where PV is the current price of the bond, C is the coupon payment, r is the yield to maturity, and FV is the face value of the bond.

Plugging in the given values:

PV = $659.46

FV = $1,000

r = 12%

n = 15

Solving for C, we get:

C = (PV - FV / (1 + r)^n) / [((1 + r)^n - 1) / r]

C = ($659.46 - $1,000 / (1 + 0.12)^15) / [((1 + 0.12)^15 - 1) / 0.12]

C = $79.14

Therefore, the annual coupon payment on this bond is $79.14, which is closest to answer choice d. $79.14.

teshi recently graduated from college. her income increased tremendously from $5,000 a year to $60,000 a year. teshi decided that instead of renting, she would buy a house. this implies that


Teshi recently graduated from college and her income increased tremendously from $5,000 a year to $60,000 a year. She decided that instead of renting, she would buy a house. Teshi's decision to buy a house indicates that she is financially stable and confident in her ability to maintain her increased income.

Teshi want to buy a house. What she implies for that?

Teshi's decision to buy a house indicates that she is financially stable and confident in her ability to maintain her increased income. It also suggests that she sees homeownership as a more long-term and profitable investment than renting. However, it's important for Teshi to consider the additional costs and responsibilities that come with owning a home, such as property taxes, maintenance, and repairs.

She should also ensure that she has a solid financial plan in place to manage her new expenses and any unexpected financial setbacks that may arise.

To know more about income increase tremendously




if a company has net income of $5,700,000, weighted average shares of common stock of 1,500,000, and retained earnings of $37,900,000, what is its eps?


The company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) is $3.80.

EPS = Net Income / Weighted Average Shares of Common Stock

EPS = $5,700,000 / 1,500,000

EPS = $3.80 per share

Note that retained earnings is not used in the calculation of EPS.

They represent the cumulative profits that the company has earned and kept over time, rather than the current year's earnings.

Earnings per share, or EPS, is a crucial financial metric that shows a company's profitability. It is determined by dividing the net income of the business by the total number of outstanding shares.

(Net Income - Preferred Dividends) / Weighted Average Shares Outstanding is the formula for EPS. The first formula calculates EPS using the total number of shares outstanding, but in reality, analysts might compute the denominator using the weighted average shares outstanding.

Learn more about Earning per share :- https://brainly.com/question/27815958


ravinder has created a bar chart showing product category and product name. he has hidden the legend and displayed the caption at the bottom. how did he do this? a tableau window displays a bar chart with a caption box below it. the ribbon has options that include file, data, worksheet, dashboard, story, and analysis. select an answer: he right-clicked in the caption box, and then selected show cards. he selected worksheet on the ribbon, and then selected show caption. he right-clicked in the caption box, and then typed the summary. he selected worksheet on the ribbon, and then selected show summary.


He selected 'Worksheet' on the ribbon, and then selected 'Show Caption'. This process allowed Ravinder to customize the appearance of his bar chart and effectively communicate the desired information to his audience.

In the Tableau window, he created a bar chart by dragging the product category and product name fields to the appropriate shelves. To hide the legend, he right-clicked on the legend and selected 'Hide Card' or clicked the 'x' button on the top right corner of the legend card. To display the caption at the bottom, he selected 'Worksheet' on the ribbon, and then clicked on 'Show Caption'. This added a caption box below the bar chart.

This is because the caption is the text that appears below the chart, and by selecting "show caption," Ravinder was able to display it at the bottom. He may have hidden the legend because it was not necessary or was taking up too much space on the chart. Tableau is a data visualization tool that allows users to create various types of charts and graphs, including bar charts

Know more about Tableau  here:



the inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price for a good can be explained by the law of diminishing marginal utility.group startstrue true or false


True. The law of diminishing marginal utility explains the inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price for a good.

This law states that as a consumer purchases more of a good, their satisfaction with it decreases. As the consumer purchases more of the good, they become less willing to pay for it, which leads to a decrease in quantity demanded as the price increases.

This can be seen in the downward slope of the demand curve. For example, if the price of an item increases, the consumer will purchase less of it due to the decrease in satisfaction they gain from it. This decrease in quantity demanded is what drives the inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price for a good.

Know more about Marginal utility here



which of the following situations would cause a shift in the demand curve, as opposed to a change in the quantity demanded? a.federal income tax rates are decreased. b.auto sales increase due to increased employment. c.gasoline consumption decreases as the taxes on gasoline increase. d.both a and b.


Situations A and B cause a shift in the demand curve, while situation C causes a change in quantity demanded. (Option D is correct)

Circumstance An and Circumstance B would cause a change in the interest bend as opposed to an adjustment of the amount requested.

Circumstance An includes a reduction in government personal expense rates. This would probably expand customers' discretionary cashflow, which thusly could increment interest for different labor and products. Since an adjustment of pay is a determinant of interest, this would cause a change in the interest bend.

Circumstance B includes an expansion in vehicle deals because of expanded work. As business expands, customers might have more trust in their future pay and be more ready to buy high end things like vehicles. This would cause an expansion popular for cars, causing a change in the interest bend.

Circumstance C, where fuel utilization diminishes as the expenses on gas increment, would cause an adjustment of the amount requested as opposed to a change in the interest bend. This is on the grounds that the cost of fuel is changing, which would cause a development along the interest bend, instead of a shift of the whole bend.

In this way, the right response is (d) both An and B. Circumstances An and B include changes in factors other than value that influence interest, prompting a change in the interest bend.

To learn more about shift in the demand curve, refer:



an example of commodity money is . group of answer choices gold coins paper money backed by gold fiat currency electronic debit cards


Commodity money is a form of currency that has actual physical value in addition to its monetary value, often taking the form of a commodity such as gold or silver coins.

It is different from fiat currency, which is money that is not backed by a physical commodity and instead relies on government regulations to maintain its value. An example of commodity money is gold coins.

Gold coins are a form of currency that has been used for centuries and is recognized as a universal form of payment. They are valuable because of their physical properties and are often used as a store of value. Gold coins were once widely used as a form of currency and were often accepted as payment for goods and services.

Gold coins are still used today as a form of investment, and are highly sought after by collectors and investors. Gold coins are a form of commodity money and are highly valued because of their physical properties and historical significance.

Know more about Commodity money here



"A company has the following capital structure: $5 million from
bonds, $25 million from preferred stock, and $100 million from
common stock. The cost of each source of funding is as follows:
Bonds = 6.000%; Common = 9.75%; Preferred = 6.50%. Compute the company's WACC.


The company's weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 8.69%.

To compute the WACC, follow these steps:

1. Determine the proportions of each source of funding:
  - Bonds: $5 million / $130 million = 0.0385
  - Preferred stock: $25 million / $130 million = 0.1923
  - Common stock: $100 million / $130 million = 0.7692

2. Multiply the proportions by their respective costs:
  - Bonds: 0.0385 * 6.000% = 0.231%
  - Preferred stock: 0.1923 * 6.50% = 1.250%
  - Common stock: 0.7692 * 9.75% = 7.500%

3. Add up the weighted costs to obtain the WACC:
  - WACC = 0.231% + 1.250% + 7.500% = 8.69%

In summary, the company's WACC is 8.69%, which represents the average cost of capital from all three sources, weighted by their proportions in the capital structure.

To know more about weighted average cost of capital click on below link:



Cash management' is another area of responsibility which you will have as a financial manager. What would a financial manager need to do for the business in terms of 'cash management?


As a financial manager, one of your primary responsibilities will be managing the cash flow of the business. This involves ensuring that the company has enough cash on hand to meet its financial obligations and maintain operations.

To do this, you will need to monitor and project cash inflows and outflows, create and manage a cash budget, and make strategic decisions about when and how to invest excess cash.

Additionally, you may need to negotiate with lenders or investors to secure financing or manage debt, as well as implement policies and procedures to prevent fraud or misuse of funds.

Effective cash management is critical to the success of any business, as it enables the company to meet its financial obligations, pursue growth opportunities, and maintain financial stability.

By carefully managing the company's cash flow, a financial manager can help ensure the long-term success of the business.

To know more about cash flow refer here:



Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in Select one: a. personality clarification b. cognitive dissonance c. values clarification d. institutional dissonance e. affective reactance


Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in cognitive dissonance. Therefore, the correct answer is (b).

Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort that arises from holding two or more conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or values or when there is a discrepancy between attitudes and behaviors.

This discomfort motivates people to change their attitudes or behaviors to reduce the dissonance and restore cognitive consistency.

Cognitive dissonance theory has been widely studied in social psychology and has been used to explain a wide range of phenomena, including attitude change, decision-making, and persuasion.

The theory suggests that people have a natural desire to maintain consistency between their thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and that the experience of cognitive dissonance can lead to significant psychological discomfort and tension.

Learn more about cognitive dissonance :



B. Cognitive dissonance

A person who possesses two or more conflicting views or values or who acts in a way that opposes those beliefs or values may suffer cognitive dissonance, a psychological phrase that describes the mental discomfort they feel. When someone is presented with the knowledge that contradicts their preexisting beliefs or actions, they experience this discomfort. People may change their values, beliefs, or behaviors to alleviate this pain while still being consistent with their views. When a buyer must select between two brands or items with comparable qualities but contrasting costs or societal views, cognitive dissonance may occur. By giving their target audience additional knowledge, assurance, and social evidence, marketers may lessen this contradiction.

learn more about Cognitive dissonance here:



1) When considering the investor's desired outcome, if you have
generated very large returns in the first five or ten years, what
should your rebalancing strategy be?
**can rebalance portfolio ever


Hi! When considering the investor's desired outcome, when you have generated large returns in the first five or ten years, you should regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired outcome, while also considering risk levels, diversification, and any life events that may impact your investment goals.

1) Review your investment goals: Reassess your desired outcome and determine if your current portfolio allocation still aligns with your objectives.

2) Assess portfolio risk: Evaluate the risk levels of your portfolio based on the large returns generated, and consider adjusting the allocation to maintain an appropriate risk level.

3) Rebalance periodically: Regularly review your portfolio and rebalance as needed to maintain the desired asset allocation. This can be done either at a fixed interval (e.g., annually) or when the allocation deviates from the target by a certain percentage.

4) Diversify investments: Ensure that your portfolio remains diversified across different asset classes, sectors, and regions to minimize risk and protect against potential market downturns.

5) Adjust for life events: As you approach major life events, such as retirement, you may need to adjust your desired outcome and rebalancing strategy to align with your new goals and risk tolerance.

To know more about rebalancing strategy refer here:



29. The following information pertains to a property and casualty (P&C) insurance company: • Investment income 5% •Dividends 2% .Loss ratio 74% •Expense ratio 23% Based on the information provided, what is this company's combined ratio after dividends? A. 96% B. 94% C. 97% D. 99%


The combined ratio after dividends for this P&C insurance company is 95%, which is closest to option B, 94%. To determine the combined ratio of a P&C insurance company after dividends, we need to add the loss ratio and the expense ratio and subtract the dividend ratio from the sum.

Loss ratio refers to the amount of claims paid out by an insurance company compared to the premiums it collects. In this case, the loss ratio is 74%, meaning that 74 cents of every dollar collected in premiums is paid out in claims.
Expense ratio refers to the expenses incurred by an insurance company to operate its business, including salaries, rent, and marketing costs. In this case, the expense ratio is 23%, meaning that 23 cents of every dollar collected in premiums is used to cover expenses.
Dividend ratio refers to the portion of profits that the insurance company distributes to its shareholders. In this case, the dividend ratio is 2%, meaning that 2 cents of every dollar collected in premiums is paid out as dividends.
To calculate the combined ratio after dividends, we add the loss ratio and the expense ratio:
74% + 23% = 97%
Then, we subtract the dividend ratio:
97% - 2% = 95%
Therefore, the combined ratio after dividends for this P&C insurance company is 95%, which is closest to option B, 94%. This means that for every dollar collected in premiums, the company pays out 95 cents in claims and expenses, leaving 5 cents as profit before paying out dividends.

for more such question on  dividend ratio



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