george w. bush refused to accept congressional subpoenas and issued executive orders in order to do so. these actions are most comparable with .


Answer 1

The actions of George W. Bush, who refused to accept congressional subpoenas and issued executive orders to do so, are most similar to Richard Nixon's tactics in the Watergate scandal.

What was Watergate?

Watergate is a political scandal that began to unfold in the United States in 1972 and ended in 1974, resulting in the resignation of President Richard Nixon. The event is named after the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., where a group of burglars broke into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972.

How did Richard Nixon refuse to accept Congressional subpoenas?

Richard Nixon attempted to withhold certain tapes and documents from Congress by citing executive privilege, a power afforded to the President by the Constitution. This conflict between Congress and the President reached the Supreme Court, which ordered Nixon to turn over the tapes.

When Nixon refused to do so, he was impeached by the House of Representatives and resigned in August 1974.The actions of George W. Bush, who refused to accept congressional subpoenas and issued executive orders to do so, are most similar to Richard Nixon's tactics in the Watergate scandal.

Learn more about Watergate at


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dating violence and sexual assault prevention with african american middle schoolers: does group gender composition impact dating violence attitudes?


Yes, group gender composition does impact dating violence attitudes and sexual assault prevention  for African American middle schoolers.

Dating violence and sexual assault prevention with African American middle schoolers. Studies have shown that when boys and girls are in a group together, there is less acceptance of gender-based violence, such as dating violence, sexual assault, and domestic abuse.

Group activities, such as educational seminars or workshops, are beneficial for helping students build awareness and understanding of the harms of dating violence.

Additionally, if teachers and other adults in the school community model respect for girls and boys, students are more likely to accept gender-based violence prevention.

Learn more about African-American here:


Using your textbook, complete the chart below by listing four notable things about each individual or group. The First Philosophers​


1. Plato's "The Republic" divided ideal government into these 3 groups: Philosopher Kings; Warriors; Common People

2. Plato's Common people lacked these attributes of the other classes: Warrior's courage; and Philosopher King's logic and wisdom (

3. Plato's Book is called "The Republic"

4. Plato's school is known as The Academy

What about the Sophists?

1. These philosophers (Sophists) challenged Greek traditions, did not believe the gods influenced humans, and accepted money for teachings

2. Sophists rejected the idea of absolute right or wrong

3. The Sophists - what was right for one person, may not be right for another

4. The Sophists held no values apart from being winning and succeeding.

learn more about Plato:


The complete question goes thus:

Using your textbook, complete the chart below by listing four notable things about each individual or group. The First Philosophers is Sophists and the second is Plato

when randall collins looks at organizational power position, he finds that the difference between the working class and the middle class is found in


When Randall Collins looks at organizational power position, he finds that the difference between the working class and the middle class is found in the type of power each has.

Working class people have coercive power, which is the power to force others to do something, while middle class people have authority power, which is based on their ability to influence others to cooperate.

Organizational power is the ability to direct or influence the behavior of an organization. It can be divided into three main types: coercive, legitimate and reward.

Coercive power is the use of force or threat of force to influence the behavior of an organization. Legitimate power is based on people's perception of the authority or trustworthiness of a leader. Reward power is the ability to offer rewards for desired behavior.

To know more about organizational power , refer here


which type of social support is beneficial for adherence? a. living with a family b. both a and c c. belonging to a large family, even one with a lot of conflict d. being married


"The type of social support that is beneficial for adherence is a. living with a family and d. being married." The correct options are A and D.

What is meant by social support?

Social support is a network of family, friends, neighbors, & community members that are available in times of need to give psycho-logical, physical, & financial help. Social support is the perception and actuality that one is cared for, has assist-ance avail-able from other people.

What is the relationship between social support and adherence?

Providing patients with ade-quate social support imp-roves adherence to a healthy life-style. More attention sho-uld be given to the elderly & patients with low in-come to enhance adherence to a healthy life-style. The correct option is A and D.

To know more about social support click below:


suppose pat's dog barks loudly at night and keeps erin awake. if erin has a clearly defined right to peace and quiet at night, then:


If Erin has a clearly defined right to peace and quiet at night, then Pat has a duty to take appropriate measures to prevent his dog from barking loudly and disturbing Erin during the night. There are several ways in which Pat could approach this problem.

What is HTML?

HTML is a type of code that is used to create websites. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The term hypertext refers to the way the documents are linked together. The markup languages are used to add structure to text and create documents. The language was invented in the early days of the internet by Tim Berners-Lee. The following are some of the measures that Pat may take to prevent his dog from barking loudly and disturbing Erin during the night:He can try to calm the dog by talking to it and giving it attention.

He may take the dog to a vet for a check-up to see whether there is anything wrong with the dog's health that is causing it to bark at night. He may build a soundproof shelter outside the house where the dog can sleep at night to prevent it from disturbing Erin during the night. He may put the dog on medication to calm it down during the night so that it does not bark loudly and disturb Erin during the night.

For more about peace:


jeremy includes items that measure sexism in his index of gender roles. he does this because he believes the two variables are empirically related. as a methodology student, you should tell jeremy that:


As a methodology, you should tell Jeremy that including items that measure sexism in his index of gender roles may not necessarily be appropriate, as it can lead to biased results and invalid conclusions.

Jeremy's belief that the two variables are empirically related is not enough justification to include items that measure sexism in the index of gender roles. The presence of an empirical relationship between two variables does not necessarily imply that they should be measured together, particularly if they are conceptually distinct.

Gender roles and sexism are related concepts but are not the same. Gender roles refer to societal expectations and norms related to behavior, attitudes, and values based on an individual's sex. In contrast, sexism refers to discrimination, bias, or prejudice against an individual based on their sex or gender.

By conflating these concepts methodology, Jeremy risks producing a biased index that conflates gender roles and sexism, potentially leading to invalid conclusions. Therefore, it is important for him to consider the conceptual distinction between gender roles and sexism and choose appropriate measures for each concept separately to produce a reliable and valid index.

To learn more about methodology, visit here


michael wants to make sure he is helping his daughter's brain develop connections as she grows. which activity would best help him do this? putting his daughter in a swing reading to his daughter feeding his daughter keeping his daughter safe from harm


The best activity  Michael should do to help his daughter's brain develop connections as she grows is reading to his daughter.

Reading to your daughter is one of the best ways to help her brain develop connections as she grows. This activity helps your daughter to develop her language and cognitive skills.

When you read to your daughter, it encourages her to create connections between words and their meanings. It also allows her to imagine stories and practice her comprehension skills. Additionally, reading to your daughter can help to foster a love for books and promote bonding time between the two of you.

To help your daughter's brain develop connections, set aside time each day for reading. Find stories that are appropriate for her age level and that she will enjoy. Talk about the characters, explain difficult words, and answer any questions she might have. Involve her in the story and ask her to draw pictures or make up stories.

Learn more about brain development here:


the immense body of justified beliefs that consists of facts people learn from their own direct observations and facts they learn from others is known as their


The immense body of justified beliefs that consists of facts people learn from their own direct observations and facts they learn from others is known as their epistemology.

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge, how we acquire it, and how we justify beliefs. It includes both personal knowledge that is based on direct experience, as well as social knowledge that is based on the authority of others, such as experts, books, or other sources of information.

Epistemology seeks to understand how we distinguish true beliefs from false ones and how we can justify our claims to knowledge. It is a fundamental area of inquiry in philosophy and has implications for a wide range of fields, from science and education to law and politics.

Learn more about Epistemology here:


Please Helpp!!
What is the significance of this event in the Civil War?

A. The Union victory divided the Confederacy at the Mississippi River.

B. The Confederate attack on the Union fort initiated the war.

C. The invasion of the Confederate capital forced it to surrender.

D. The Confederate defense of the besieged fort lengthened the war.


The Confederate defence of Fort Sumter had significant consequences for the duration and escalation of the Civil War, Thus, option D is correct.

What is the event in the Civil War?

The event described in option D likely refers to the prolonged defense of Fort Sumter by Confederate forces during the early stages of the American Civil War.

Fort Sumter was a federal fort located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, and was one of the last remaining federal forts in Confederate territory.

The significance of the Confederate defense of Fort Sumter is that it lengthened the duration of the Civil War.

The attack on Fort Sumter marked the beginning of the Civil War, as it was the first major military engagement between Union and Confederate forces.

The prolonged defence of Fort Sumter by Confederate forces not only signalled the start of hostilities, but it also created a sense of defiance and determination among both the Union and Confederate forces, leading to an escalation of the conflict.

The defence of Fort Sumter by the Confederates also had strategic implications. By holding on to Fort Sumter, the Confederates were able to maintain a foothold in the Charleston Harbor, a key port for Confederate trade and military operations.

Therefore, the Confederate defence of Fort Sumter had significant consequences for the duration and escalation of the Civil War, making option D the correct choice.

Learn more about war here:


which theory of contextual interference argues that random practice forces the person to abandon and then reassemble a skill?


The theory of contextual interference argues that random practice forces the person to abandon and then reassemble a skill. This is the challenge point framework.

The challenge point framework is a theoretical framework that provides a conceptual model for the effects of practice on skill acquisition. It was proposed by Guadagnoli and Lee in 2004.

The challenge point framework argues that skill acquisition is a function of two factors: the learner’s current skill level and the task difficulty. It proposes that effective learning occurs when the task difficulty is matched to the learner’s current skill level.

According to the challenge point framework, there is an optimal level of task difficulty that promotes learning. If the task difficulty is too low, learning will not occur because there is no challenge. If the task difficulty is too high, learning will not occur because the task is too difficult to complete.

The challenge point framework also argues that the contextual interference effect is due to the fact that random practice forces the person to abandon and then reassemble a skill.

This leads to deeper learning because it requires the person to re-engage with the skill in a more flexible and adaptable manner.

To learn more about skill acquisition, refer below:


________ allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively w/o affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability


Unified command allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability.

Unified command is a collaborative framework that enables different agencies to cooperate and coordinate their efforts during incidents that require a multi-agency response, such as natural disasters, large-scale accidents, or complex emergencies.

This system promotes effective communication and information sharing among participating agencies while respecting their unique roles, jurisdictions, and mandates. It also ensures that all agencies have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, objectives.

Unified command encourages the development of a shared strategy and incident action plan, which helps to streamline decision-making and resource allocation processes.

Know more about  natural disasters here:


all organizations and jurisdictions should conduct a post-pandemic evaluation of operations in the same way as for other incidents. this includes:


The post-pandemic evaluation of operations is an important step for organizations and jurisdictions as they move forward after a pandemic. This evaluation should be conducted in the same manner as any other incident or emergency, and it should analyze the impact of the pandemic, identify areas that need improvement, and recommend solutions for any gaps that have been identified.

Next, the organization or jurisdiction should analyze the effectiveness of their emergency preparedness and response, which includes evaluating the readiness of personnel, procedures, communication, and emergency response plans. The analysis should also focus on the financial and economic impacts of the pandemic and what can be done to mitigate the effects. Finally, a post-pandemic evaluation of operations should also include a review of organizational performance, customer and stakeholder feedback, and any lessons learned.

The post-pandemic evaluation of operations should also include a plan for how the organization or jurisdiction will be able to respond more quickly and effectively in the future. This plan should include specific strategies and steps for making sure that the organization or jurisdiction is better prepared in the event of another pandemic. The evaluation should also provide a roadmap for the implementation of any changes or improvements that have been recommended, so that the organization or jurisdiction can better serve their constituents.

Overall, the post-pandemic evaluation of operations is an important step for organizations and jurisdictions to take as they move forward after a pandemic. It is necessary to understand what happened and what can be done to ensure better preparedness and response in the future.

To know more about  post-pandemic evaluation of operations refer here:


who or what is the power elite? is it stable? how does an elite view of power pose tension for a democratic society? is conflict between elite groups normal? dillon


The power elite is a term used to describe the most influential and powerful individuals in a society, typically concentrated in the upper classes. It is not necessarily stable. An elite view of power often presents a tension for democratic societies. Conflict between elite groups is common.

The Power Elite refers to a small group of people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, and political influence in society. It includes individuals from the government, military, corporate sector, and other powerful institutions. The concept of the Power Elite was first introduced by sociologist C. Wright Mills in his book titled “The Power Elite.” He argued that this group wields immense power over society and influences decision-making in ways that benefit their own interests.

The Power Elite is not a stable entity, as the composition of this group can change over time. However, the Power Elite tends to be composed of individuals who have access to resources and opportunities that are not available to the general public. They often have connections with influential people in various spheres of society and can use these connections to advance their own agendas.

An elite view of power can pose tension for a democratic society because it suggests that only a select few individuals have the ability to influence decision-making. This can lead to a sense of disenfranchisement among the general public, who may feel that their voices are not being heard. Moreover, the Power Elite tends to focus on their own interests, rather than the interests of the broader population. This can result in policies that benefit the few at the expense of the many.

Conflict between elite groups is normal because different groups within the Power Elite may have different agendas and interests. For example, corporate executives may have different priorities than military leaders or government officials. These conflicting interests can lead to tension and competition among different elite groups.

In summary, the Power Elite refers to a small group of people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, and political influence in society. Their view of power can pose tension for a democratic society, and conflict between elite groups is normal due to their differing agendas and interests.

For more such questions on Power Elite.


the____view of psychopathology assumes there is a range of behaviors from normal to pathological and that diagnoses can be made quantitatively by assessing extremes of behavior. group of answer choices
a. dimensional
b. categorical c. freudian
d. psychiatric


The dimensional view of psychopathology assumes that there is a range of behaviors from normal to pathological and that diagnoses can be made quantitatively by assessing extremes of behavior. Option A is the correct answer.

The dimensional view of psychopathology assumes that there is a range of behaviors from normal to pathological and that diagnoses can be made quantitatively by assessing extremes of behavior. This method considers mental health to be a continuum or spectrum, with one end representing normal functioning and the other representing pathological behavior.

For example, if anxiety is considered as a continuum, a person with an anxiety disorder may be diagnosed with excessive anxiety that lies on the pathological end of the continuum. The correct option is option A.

You can learn more about psychopathology at


which of these techniques involve teaching children how to recognize emotions, describe bodily reactions that are part of these emotions, and act out emotions in session? subjective units of emotion feelings identification the emotions thermometer feelings expression


The correct option is B, Feelings identification strategies involve coaching kids the way to understand feelings, describe bodily reactions which can be part of these feelings, and act out emotions in consultation.

Feelings identification is the ability to recognize and label one's own emotional state and that of others. It is an essential component of emotional intelligence and involves being able to differentiate between a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise.

Identifying one's own feelings can be beneficial in regulating one's emotional state and making more informed decisions. It can also lead to better communication with others, as it enables individuals to express their emotions clearly and appropriately.

Recognizing the feelings of others is equally important in building empathy and understanding. It can help individuals to better connect with others and respond to their needs in a more appropriate manner. This skill is particularly crucial in social situations, such as in the workplace or in personal relationships.

To learn more about Feelings identification visit here:


Complete Question: -

Which of these techniques involve teaching children how to recognize emotions, describe bodily reactions that are part of these emotions, and act out emotions in session?

a. Subjective units of emotion

b. Feelings identification

c. The emotions thermometer

d. Feelings expression

if personal property is stored in the vehicle, it may be left on the floor or on the rear seat providing the vehicle is equipped with well tinted windows. True or False?


False. As long as the car has properly tinted windows, personal belongings stored inside can be left on the floor or the back seat.

How does Germany fare?

A fine of up to 30 Euros may be imposed and your insurance rating if a vehicle is stopped and the driver or passengers are not wearing seat belts or have them fastened improperly.

How much room do you allow between cars?

In other words, you should maintain a safe following distance of three seconds between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. The National Safety Council (NSC), AAA Car Club, and numerous other groups support the three-second rule.

To know more about tinted windows visit:-


which type of survey collection method is best for high involvement questions: which type of survey collection method is best for high involvement questions: telephone mail in person online all methods are acceptable for surveys with large scales


The survey collection method that is best for high involvement questions is "in person". Survey research is a method of accumulating and analyzing information from a sample of people using standardized procedures and questions.

The results of the survey research are often used to make generalizations regarding a larger population by using statistical analysis. It is a quantitative research method and is suitable for gathering data on a wide range of topics. The best type of survey collection method for high involvement questions is the "in-person" method because it allows the respondent to ask questions, clarifications, or provide further detail. As a result, you can obtain comprehensive responses from the respondents.

The online and telephone survey collection methods are ideal for low to moderate involvement issues since respondents may not be able to give an in-depth answer due to the lack of discussion. The mail survey collection method is useful for sensitive questions since it provides anonymity to the respondent. The choice of the survey method is determined by several factors such as the survey objective, the topic of interest, the budget, the audience, the ethical considerations, and the convenience of the respondents.

For more such questions on Survey research


4 ways wich a good self awareness can decrease the likelihood of learners turning to discriminating behaviour


There are various techniques for developing and exercising self-awareness, but the following are some of the most successful ones: Practice meditation and mindfulness, exercise yoga, Journal, set aside time to reflect.

Students who have good self-awareness abilities can better understand themselves and others, act appropriately in appropriate situations, and grasp their cultural identities. Students must develop their self-awareness before they can take on the other SEL competencies, thus it is crucial that they do.

Students who are self-aware are more likely to be confident learners, to develop the independence they need both inside and outside of the classroom, and to make wiser decisions. Emotional well-being and self-esteem are promoted by having a good sense of self. It gives kids direction, helps them understand who they are as people and why they act the way they do.

Learn more about self-awareness Visit:


Correct Question:

What are the 4 ways that makes your self-awareness more effective and can decrease the likelihood of learners turning to discriminating behavior?

what is the main goal of people who work for of people who work in the career field of human services


The main goal of people who work in the career field of human services is to make life better for people who need services. Thus, option (b) is correct.

Human services professionals are motivated to succeed in assisting individuals and organizations in operating at their peak potential.

They work to help people and communities function as well as they can in the key areas of daily life, with an emphasis on both issue prevention and solution. They also uphold a commitment to enhancing the general standard of living of the serving populations.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on human services, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

What is the main goal of people who work in the career field of human services

a) to improve the environment and save wildlife

b) to make life better for people who need services

c) to provide entertainment for families on vacation

d) to offer affordable goods and services to online shoppers

Seoul has actually REMOVED highways. Why did they do this? What effects has it had?


Answer: The removal of the highway led to the transformation of nearby streets and brought a 3.3 degree Celsius drop in average summer temperatures in the area adjacent Cheonggye Creek.

which type of social power is drawn from an individual or group's relative position in the larger society?


The type of social power that is drawn from an individual or group's relative position in the larger society is known as structural power.

Social power is the capacity to create or cause an effect, either by one's own abilities or by mobilizing the abilities of others. In sociology, social power is the ability of individuals or groups to exert control over others, even against their will.

Structural power can be defined as the capacity of social structures to influence people's behavior by providing them with incentives, punishments, and opportunities.. It is derived from the institutional structure of society, which includes economic, political, legal, and cultural institutions.

Therefore, structural power is the type of social power that is drawn from an individual or group's relative position in the larger society. This kind of power emanates from the social structure, which includes the socio-economic structure, political structure, and the international system.

To know more about structural power, refer here


people who are more influenced by an external locus of control when faced with a threatening situation are more apt to:


People who are more influenced by an external locus of control when faced with a threatening situation are more likely to feel helpless and unable to cope, as they believe that their actions have no effect on the outcome. They may be more prone to feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear in such situations.

To further explain, a locus of control refers to the extent to which a person believes that they are in control of their life and can influence the outcomes of their decisions and actions. An external locus of control means that the person believes their outcomes are determined by external factors beyond their control, such as luck or fate.

To know more about locus, refer here


the power of the purse is important in oversight because it allows congress to


The power of the purse is important in oversight because it allows Congress to control and allocate funding for various government programs and agencies.

What is the power of the purse?

The power of the purse is the ability of Congress to control and allocate funding for various government programs and agencies. The Constitution grants Congress the authority to collect taxes and appropriate funds, giving them significant control over the federal budget.

How does the power of the purse relate to oversight?

Congress uses the power of the purse as a tool for oversight by using the budget process to monitor the activities of government agencies and programs. By setting funding levels and requirements, Congress can force agencies to comply with their policy priorities and objectives, and hold them accountable for their performance.

For example, if Congress is dissatisfied with the performance of an agency, they may reduce or eliminate funding for that agency, forcing them to make changes or improvements to their operations. Similarly, if Congress wants to address a particular issue, such as national security or environmental protection, they can allocate more funding to relevant agencies to support those efforts. Thus, the power of the purse is an important tool for Congress to exercise oversight over the executive branch and other government agencies.

To know more about Congress refer:


What is a Theory Y manager likely to do according to Douglas McGregor's theory?


According to Douglas McGregor's Theory Y, a manager is likely to do certain things. According to Douglas McGregor's Theory Y, a manager is likely to do the following:

Empower the employees by giving them more autonomy. Allow employees to express themselves more openly. Communicate effectively with employees. Promote a sense of belonging among employees by encouraging them to be more self-motivated and responsible for their work. Reduce management's use of formal controls such as threats and punishment.

As a result, McGregor recommended that management emphasize Theory Y since it would result in a better environment for employees to thrive and be more productive. Theory X, on the other hand, is based on negative assumptions about employee behavior and motivation and is unlikely to result in a work environment that is conducive to employee productivity and satisfaction.

Learn more about Theory Y :-


what is the primary distinction between psychological needs like autonomy and social needs like achievement?


The primary distinction between psychological needs such as autonomy and social needs such as achievement is that psychological needs are intrinsic needs which are based on the individual's psychological makeup, whereas social needs are extrinsic and depend on external forces.

Psychological needs such as autonomy focus on a person's inner sense of control and self-determination, while social needs such as achievement focus on external recognition or validation.

Psychological needs like autonomy stem from an individual's desire to have a sense of self-governance, or to make their own decisions without the influence of others. Autonomy is the ability to act freely and with intention, without feeling controlled by someone or something else. It's a need that involves having a sense of control, self-determination, and independence.

Social needs like achievement focus on external recognition and validation, such as recognition from peers, employers, or society at large. They are based on a desire for social recognition and acceptance, and for reaching goals and standards set by others. Achievements may be tangible, such as achieving a specific goal or objective, or intangible, such as receiving a pat on the back from a colleague or boss.

In summary, the primary distinction between psychological needs such as autonomy and social needs such as achievement is that psychological needs are intrinsic and based on a person's inner sense of control and self-determination, while social needs are extrinsic and depend on external forces.

To learn more about psychological here:


the processing and understanding of patterns in the child's educational, social, developmental, environmental, medical, and emotional history is called: a. collection b. analysis c. evaluation d. determination


Evaluation is a critical component of assessing the overall child development, and it involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of information to identify areas of need and develop targeted interventions and support.

What is the processing and understanding of patterns in the child's educational, social, developmental, environmental, medical, and emotional history?

The processing and understanding of patterns in the child's educational, social, developmental, environmental, medical, and emotional history is called evaluation. Evaluation is an essential component of assessing children’s overall development and progress, and it involves the collection and analysis of information to make informed judgments about a child’s strengths and challenges.

Evaluation in child development requires a systematic and comprehensive approach to collecting and interpreting data from various sources. The process includes gathering information from parents, caregivers, teachers, and other professionals, as well as direct observations of the child's behaviors and interactions. The information collected is analyzed to identify patterns and trends that can help to understand the child's developmental profile and identify areas of need.

Evaluation is critical in identifying and addressing developmental delays, learning difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, and other challenges that may affect a child's overall growth and development. By identifying these areas of concern, the child's caregivers and professionals can work together to develop targeted interventions and support that can help the child overcome these difficulties and reach their full potential.

Learn more on child development here;


lacy's participants were socialized into a set of strategies that allowed them to negotiate racial discrimination. these improvisational strategies were often:


The improvisational strategies were often used to navigate and negotiate the complex, often oppressive, realities of racial discrimination.

Lacy's participants were socialized into a set of strategies that allowed them to negotiate racial discrimination. These improvisational strategies included using language to their advantage, avoiding provocative situations, and finding humor in the situation. They also used passive resistance and negotiation tactics to protect themselves and their communities. To explain further, these strategies used by Lacy's participants included using humor, language and negotiation tactics to peacefully negotiate racial discrimination, instead of engaging in confrontations or violence.

Here you can learn more about improvisational strategies


which of the following behaviors is not consistent with the role of a task specialist? group of answer choices initiate ideas compromise energize seek information summarize


The behavior that is not consistent with the role of a task specialist is "initiate ideas."

Task specialists typically focus on the task at hand and take direction from other members of the team. They are responsible for executing the ideas generated by other members and focus on the details of completing the task.

They compromise, energize, seek information, and summarize in order to make sure the task is done properly and in a timely manner. In summary, the role of a task specialist does not include the initiation of ideas, but rather the execution of existing ideas.

Learn more about task specialist here:


You stopped sharing sensitive information with your roommate because she would often use it to attack you later. Your roommate is guilty of what type of listening?
Selective listening
Defensive listening


The term "ambushing" perfectly reflects the way the roommate acted in this situation when they were listening.

What is insulated versus selective listening?

Listening selectively is expressing attention in only certain topics. Insulated hearing involves avoiding or disregarding a subject. Listening on guard is taking criticism personally. Critical listening carried out solely to gather data for an assault is known as ambushing.

Isolated listening: what is it?

Insulated hearing occurs when a communication is not heard or acknowledged. When someone listens on the defensive, they misinterpret innocent statements as insults. Ambushing is listening intently but only to gather data that will be used against the speaker in the future.

To know more about criticism visit:-


a well-established phenomenon of hypnosis is that some people who are susceptible to hypnosis can experience a reduction of pain even more effective than that produced under anesthesia. this phenomenon is known as:


The phenomenon of hypnosis producing a reduction of pain more effectively than that produced under anesthesia is known as hypno-analgesia.

Hypno-analgesia is a well-established phenomenon of hypnosis where some people who are susceptible to hypnosis can experience a reduction of pain more effectively than that produced under anesthesia. This phenomenon is considered to be a result of the power of suggestion and the trance-like state induced by the hypnotherapist.

Hypno-analgesia is a well-established phenomenon that has been studied and accepted by many in the medical field.

Therefore, Hypno-analgesia is a term used to describe the phenomenon where hypnosis is more effective than anesthesia in reducing pain.

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Which words from the article help the reader to understand the importance of a special habitat?OPTIONS 9. Anne stated in the following simile, "They had no right to swing me back and forth like a pendulum on a clock." What does she mean by this?Anne wanted to be different and change herself in her own way.Anne wanted to conform and be like everyone else. the nurse is caring for a client with laryngitis. which interventions would the nurse implement? select all that apply. plants and animals need a variety of resources to carry out and maintain life processes; the most important of these resources is . when going from a 5 to a 6 on the richter scale, what is the increase in amplitude of seismic waves?a. 1 timesb. 2 timesc. 10 timesd. 32 times The polynomial has been factored completely. What are the zeros of the function?x2-2x-48-(x+6)(x-8)x=6 and x=8x=-6 and x=8x = 6 and x = -8x = -6 and x = -8 Hii please help !! ill mark you as brainliest Winslow HomerColor Intensity (Are the colors bright or dull?)Color Value (Does the artist use lighter or darker hues?,What types of lines are present? (Do you notice the lines are straight or do they curve?)How would you describe the texture of Homer's work? (What does the piece"Feel" like?)What basic shapes do you see in these paintings? Please be specific (Can you see circies, squares, rectangles, friangles?)Do any of the shapes overlap? ExplainHow does Homer use the 'space' around the main figure in each painting? What ilusion is he trying to create with this style?Review art by O'Keefe and Homer. Using key terms, write a paregraph comparing/contrasting the elements of art used in the works of these two artists after a (not very successful) trick or treating round, candice has 12 tootsie rolls and 10 twizzlers in her pillow case. her mother asks her to share the loot with her three younger brothers. (a) how many different ways can she do this? Explain how the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars eventually led to the conquest of Greece by the Macedonians. solve the system 2 -1 5 -2 with -2 -1 . give your solution in real form. , . an ellipse with counterclockwise orientation 1. describe the trajectory. please please please help ill give brainlist since harley-davidson owners share a set of values that differ in certain respects from those of the overall culture, they would be classified as a(n) your medical patient seen today needs long term hemodialysis services. you telephone for authorization to get verbal approval. four important items to obtain are? a company that produces sporting equipment for senior citizens would like to use display ads to reach new customers. their product line gears toward people, with or without an identified interest in sports, over the age of 65. which option can best help them reach these users? A stream or river is a body of water flowing in a __________. identify three types of pressure that resulted from changes taking place in the education sector and explain how they affected hec montreal. the practice of colluding with other firms to set prices is called . multiple choice question. the decision of comparing the costs of manufacturing in-house to the costs of outsourcing production to another firm is called which phrase best describes the scientific method? a. natural experiment b. collection of facts c. linear series of steps d. ongoing process 4. the ultimate objective in a jit system is: a. low inventory c. balanced and rapid flow b. high quality d. minimal waste e. all of the above