GETS BRAINLIST!!!!As the archaeologist digs deeper, the color of the dirt become lighter shades of brown




correct as is


Answer 1


C) Becomes


In one sentence, verbs have to be the same tense. The verbs in this sentence are "digs" and "becomes". As you can see, "digs" is in the present tense and ends with s, so becomes has to be in the present tense as well. Became is in the past tense. Becoming indicates present AND future tense, but we want only present tense. And become is the present plural tense, but remember, the thing that is doing the verb is the color of the dirt, which is singular. SO, it is NOT correct as is. That's why the answer is C) becomes

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

OFTD is a strategy to improve

time management


actually it's four but


time management?


Throughout the country of England, one can find great homes made of stone and surrounded by tall walls that were built to provide protection for the people who lived there.

Which response best replaces homes to provide the most precise meaning?






Castles because they are made of stone and surrounded by tall walls

Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
After identifying a language technique an author has used, you should ask:
O Did the author use this technique correctly?
O How can I use this technique in my own writing?
What is the meaning and effect of this technique?
O When have I seen this technique used before?
Question 4 (Essay Worth 10 points)



You should be asking 2 things, how can I use it in my own writing and what is the meaning and effect of this technique

Jeremy was in his seat in the studio waiting for the interview to start when Shinichi, the sports news anchor, got that slightly distant look anchors get during an incoming message. Then suddenly Shinichi smiled, his professional good humor momentarily replaced by the real thing. He slapped Jeremy on the shoulder.

“Last minute opening. They want you to run. Amazing!”

His eyes lit on Jeremy’s kitbag.

“You do have everything you need, don’t you?”

Jeremy nodded. The bag was really just a prop, but he kept it packed as if he were going to run every day. When he failed at the quota lottery, he had thought that his one time in the Olympic stadium, marching in the opening ceremony, had been his last. Nevertheless, he kept training, packing in sweat-soaked hours between the endless interviews, blogs, picoblogs, interactives, and all the other appearances and promotions he did to boost the team’s profile. If Jeremy couldn’t run, he could still serve the team. The team media people loved his dedication to workouts; they said he was so authentic.

But he wasn’t doing it for them.

He hurried to the pre-competition area, security guards looking at him in amazement as they scanned his pass.

The charging room smelled of machine oil with a tang of hot metal. But there was something else.

Jeremy sniffed the air carefully: liniment1. Here there was another human athlete preparing to compete against a field of machines. Jeremy followed his nose through the room full of tables, each bearing a robot athlete lying down, surrounded by a busy group of technicians. Some tables had a cluster of tubes and wires emerging from the floor with a red rectangle painted around it and the word “Danger” stenciled on the smooth concrete. As Jeremy detoured around one, he came upon a robothlete that smelled of burnt insulation. The technicians sat near the table chatting. This must be the reason he had been summoned from the studio.

Jeremy pushed through a curtain that created a makeshift changing area in one corner of a huge work area. The corner was free of tools, computer terminals, and machinery. In fact, the whole corner was empty except for a woman with blond hair in tight braids, dressed in running gear.

“Hi, I’m Amy,” the woman said with a smile. She looked at the sports bag slung over Jeremy’s shoulder. “Are you running with me today?”

Jeremy nodded. There were no men’s or women’s events anymore. The performance difference between robots and humans was so great that male/female differences no longer mattered.

Amy gestured beyond the curtain toward the charging room. “I’ll go check out the opposition while you change.”

There was a requirement that each Olympic event have a minimum of one human starter—they called it “the quota.” In truth the quota was also the maximum. People came to the Olympics to see the best, and robothletes were the best. This would be the first event of the 2052 Games with two humans competing. It would probably be the last.

Jeremy was out on the starting blocks, looking down the field at the hurdles when it finally began to sink in. He was really about to compete in the Olympics. He was going to get his chance. And the crowd was cheering—chanting “JEREMY, AMY…JEREMY, AMY.” Jeremy could feel the rhythm of the chant in the air pulsing against his skin. The crowd wanted to watch the best, but they also loved to cheer for the underdog, and there was no doubt about which athletes were the underdogs.

The robothlete’s “muscles”—brushless motors, actuators run by rare Earth magnets, pistons driven by high-pressure nitrogen—didn’t accumulate fatigue acids as they ran. Robothletes didn’t take years to learn the rhythms of racing or how to judge the pacing between hurdles; they just downloaded the programs from their most successful predecessors and measured distances with laser and ultrasonic rangefinders. Decades had passed since a human had beaten a robothlete.

“On your marks, ready…”

The starting pistol cracked. Jeremy sprang off the blocks faster than he ever had before. He catapulted ahead of Amy. Even so, the robothletes raced ahead of him.

Jeremy came up on the first hurdle so fast that he was afraid he had overshot his mark, but he flowed over it as if it weren’t there. He could hear the whir of motors and the blasts of exhaust gas from the robothlete to one side of him. They reached the second hurdle and jumped together, but the robothlete took it just a millimeter too low, grazing the top of the hurdle. Perhaps its handlers had tweaked the software to shave milliseconds off its time, but the risk didn’t pay off. The robothlete landed badly and went down. It didn’t get up. Running robots were not programmed to get up; a fall guaranteed a loss, so there was no point in trying. Jeremy twisted in midair to avoid the fallen machine, landed still running, gauged his distance, and drove himself even harder for the next hurdle.


I had to do this so I could get answers I am so sorry


Please Give Brainliest


Write a narrative of approximately six hundred words set in the far North. The story can be based on personal experience or it can be completely invented, but either way it must be realistic, given the setting. Be sure to think about setting, character, plot, and theme. Make use of your transitional words and phrases to communicate changes in time, sequence, or settings.

After you have completed a draft of your narrative, ask your teacher or a peer to read it, and provide feedback. They should pay special attention to how well your purpose has been addressed, as well as your style, spelling, and grammar. After receiving feedback, revise the draft to make any improvements.

Submit both your first draft and your final draft in the space below.

View the rubric, Project: Create a Narrative, for project details.




I couldn't feel my entire body, like the wasteland in front of me I was frozen over and near my end. As that could be an exaggeration, I couldn't feel anything in my body, my toes had long since lost feeling and I lost feeling in my face awhile back. The wasteland in front of me housed hundreds of bodies, all of them screaming in delight all the while I wanted to scream in pain. "You could at least look like your happy." My mother grumbled at me from beside me, of course. I turned to her with murder in my eyes, I will never be happy in this freezing weather of despair, the message came across in my eyes and she turned away from me with a frown. It was her fault I was in a horrid mood, I was freezing in the middle of nowhere when I could be at home in the warmth reading or doing something equally as mind-numbing. No one was going to be able to find us, for we were dropped off by my father. I didn't know why someone I loved would put me in danger. I clenched my hands. My stomach growled as I haven't eaten in days. "When are we going to eat" was a constant question that I would keep to myself. I began to feel sleepy, as the sun fell and the moon rose. I tried to stay awake so I would be able to sleep in tomorrow morning, but I fell in a deep sleep. The next morning I woke up to screams. I opened my eyes in fear of what I may see. I was in the same place where I went to sleep. I noticed that I was by myself. In fear, I stood up and started to look around for my mother. She wasn't anywhere. "She's probably just getting food" I whispered to myself, as I returned to where I where we were dropped off. A couple of hours passed and I haven't seen my mother. I began to worry that she got lost or she could've gotten so could she gave up. No, I thought to myself, she couldn't give up. Then I remembered the screams that woke me up. "Was that her screams?" I mumbled to myself as I shivered. A couple of days past and I had not seen her. I was walking miles to find someone that could help me, but I had no luck. I stumbled across a shack. There wasn't anyone or anything inside but I stayed inside for a couple of hours, for it was a good shelter. I woke up, in the shed. Must've fallen asleep in there. I'm not sure how long I was in there for but it must've been long since it was now dark. I was broken, no one would be able to find me. I began to feel frustrated. I was by myself, I was terrified, and cold. I just want to be inside by a fire, and family. I walked more the next day and found a house. I slowly approached it in fear someone would jump out. With my blue shaking hands I knocked. No one answered. I knocked again and waited. The door slowly creaked open. An older woman appeared at the door. "My, what are you doing here in this weather?" She explained. All that could come out of my mouth was, "I'm lost." She took me inside and made me a cup of hot cocoa. I began to warm up and was able to speak more. "Have you seen my mother?" I asked. She replied with a no.  I slept on the couch that night. The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat there with my eyes open, thinking of my mother. Where was she? I thought. I decided it would be best for me to stay where I am. A whole year passed of me living with this woman in the middle of nowhere. One night as I was sleeping by the warm fire, I heard knocking from the door. I got up and went to open the door. As I looked outside I saw nobody, so I shut the door. A couple of minutes later I heard the knock again. I got up faster this time and opened the door. There, standing right in front of me was my mother. I was shocked. I leaped into her arms and started to cry. I was overjoyed that she was with me. The older woman stumbled out of her room and made hot cocoa just like she did for me.


I couldn't feel my entire body, like the wasteland in front of me I was frozen over and near my end. As that could be an exaggeration, I couldn't feel anything in my body, my toes had long since lost feeling and I lost feeling in my face awhile back. The wasteland in front of me housed hundreds of bodies, all of them screaming in delight all the while I wanted to scream in pain. "You could at least look like your happy." My mother grumbled at me from beside me, of course. I turned to her with murder in my eyes, I will never be happy in this freezing weather of despair, the message came across in my eyes and she turned away from me with a frown. It was her fault I was in a horrid mood, I was freezing in the middle of nowhere when I could be at home in the warmth reading or doing something equally as mind-numbing. No one was going to be able to find us, for we were dropped off by my father. I didn't know why someone I loved would put me in danger. I clenched my hands. My stomach growled as I haven't eaten in days. "When are we going to eat" was a constant question that I would keep to myself. I began to feel sleepy, as the sun fell and the moon rose. I tried to stay awake so I would be able to sleep in tomorrow morning, but I fell in a deep sleep. The next morning I woke up to screams. I opened my eyes in fear of what I may see. I was in the same place where I went to sleep. I noticed that I was by myself. In fear, I stood up and started to look around for my mother. She wasn't anywhere. "She's probably just getting food" I whispered to myself, as I returned to where I where we were dropped off. A couple of hours passed and I haven't seen my mother. I began to worry that she got lost or she could've gotten so could she gave up. No, I thought to myself, she couldn't give up. Then I remembered the screams that woke me up. "Was that her screams?" I mumbled to myself as I shivered. A couple of days past and I had not seen her. I was walking miles to find someone that could help me, but I had no luck. I stumbled across a shack. There wasn't anyone or anything inside but I stayed inside for a couple of hours, for it was a good shelter. I woke up, in the shed. Must've fallen asleep in there. I'm not sure how long I was in there for but it must've been long since it was now dark. I was broken, no one would be able to find me. I began to feel frustrated. I was by myself, I was terrified, and cold. I just want to be inside by a fire, and family. I walked more the next day and found a house. I slowly approached it in fear someone would jump out. With my blue shaking hands I knocked. No one answered. I knocked again and waited. The door slowly creaked open. An older woman appeared at the door. "My, what are you doing here in this weather?" She explained. All that could come out of my mouth was, "I'm lost." She took me inside and made me a cup of hot cocoa. I began to warm up and was able to speak more. "Have you seen my mother?" I asked. She replied with a no.  I slept on the couch that night. The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat there with my eyes open, thinking of my mother. Where was she? I thought. I decided it would be best for me to stay where I am. A whole year passed of me living with this woman in the middle of nowhere. One night as I was sleeping by the warm fire, I heard knocking from the door. I got up and went to open the door. As I looked outside I saw nobody, so I shut the door. A couple of minutes later I heard the knock again. I got up faster this time and opened the door. There, standing right in front of me was my mother. I was shocked. I leaped into her arms and started to cry. I was overjoyed that she was with me. The older woman stumbled out of her room and made hot cocoa just like she did for me.


Select the more effective sentence.

I had a swell time at Lake Mead.
I caught three bass at Lake Mead.



I had a swell time at the Lake Mead.


This one is more effective because it tells how someone felt or how one word described how the trip went.I caught three bass is kind of plain and could mean anything it portrays no feelings.

I hope this is correct:)

I had a swell time at lake mead

Explanation: this is right because it tells us they had a good time at lake mead

give 5 example of active voice.

please help​



1. A movie is going to be watched by us tonight

2. The obstacle course was run by me in record time.

3. A book was gonna be read by me

4. Dinner was ate fast by me

5. The lawn was mown fast by me


Needing help with poetry please?????


It is the third one love

Answer: ABCB

Explanation: The reason why is because the second and forth line rhymes so the rhyme scheme second and forth letters will be the same. Now for the first letter you start with A. then B because it different from the first. third letter C because it is different from the first and second. Forth is B because it rhyme with the second.

can anyone check my savvas realize ?



Looks right! You did well, keep up the good work!

Yep everything looks pretty good to me

Analyze the word to determine its Greek prefix. Then use your understanding of the prefix meaning to choose the correct meaning of the word. endodermis the outer layer of skin the inner layer of skin all skin


The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin.


the outer layer of skin


Read the excerpt from Island of Hope, Island of Tears. Which statement best describes the text structure of this sentence and explains why it is used? If illness was suspected, immigrants were detained at Ellis Island's hospital complex. O A sequence text structure is used to describe the order of events at Ellis Island's hospital complex. © Acompare-and-contrast text structure is used to show the relationship between illness and treatment. O A sequence text structure is used to explain the order of events that occurred after an immigrant was detained. O A cause-and-effect text structure is used to explain why immigrants could be detained at the hospital complex​



D). The cause is if the illness was suspected, and the effect is immigrants were detained.


The cause-and-effect structure is primarily used to denote the reasoning for a specific problem or issue and the effects brought by the causes.

The last statement i.e. 'the cause ... detained' aptly relates that the given excerpt from 'Island of Hope' employs the 'cause-and-effect' structure and explains it. In the given paragraph, the organization of the cause 'if the illness is suspected' followed by the effect 'detaining of immigrants' assists the readers to identify the probable consequences associated with the action and understand the idea clearly. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

The English word doom comes from the Old English word dom as does the Russian word duma. Doom means "give judgment against." Duma could mean to wrap around oneself. a representative council that makes decisions and judgements about laws. funny. opening a door. stupid.



Duma could mean a representative council that makes decisions and judgements about laws.


Considering the origin of the words, let's first look at the word "doom". "Doom" is originated from the Russian word "dom" which is old English. Similarly, the Russian word "duma" also originates from the same Old English word.

Now, with the word "duma" similar in origin to the English word "doom", it can be taken or inferred that the word will also have some similarity to the idea of a judgment or any form of power play.

Therefore, the word "Duma" means 'a representative council that decides and makes a judgment about laws.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

what is the resolution to the play fourteen ​



The number of guests is back to fourteen with the presence of the prince, and Mrs. Pringle no longer cares where the guests sit or that Elaine thinks well of Mr. Farnsworth because she has already set her sights on the prince as a better possibility for her daughter


Which inference about the gods behavior is MOST strongly supported by persueus and Medusa



"They showed what it meant to be Greek, and what it meant to be human."

Young made several mistakes. He thought the third hieroglyph was part of the one for "T," whereas it actually stood for the vowel "O'." The fourth hieroglyph, the lion, meant just "L," the fifth meant "M," and the last hieroglyph stood simply for "S." In other words, the spelling in Egyptian was "Ptolmis," not "Ptolemaios." Which statement best describes this excerpt? This excerpt is biased because it reflects an attitude about Young's actions. This excerpt is biased because it reflects an attitude about Egyptian spelling. This excerpt is unbiased because it provides opinions about Egyptian spelling. This excerpt is unbiased because it provides details about Young's actions.



D). This excerpt is unbiased because it provides details about Young's actions.


The last statement aptly describes that the given excerpt is unbiased as it offers an objective account of the actions of the young. The author presents the mistakes of his actions using third person point of view and without employing any descriptive words to make his idea effective for convincing the audience to believe in it. He logically justifies his claim of mistakes committed by Young(thought...'Ptolmis' not 'Ptolemaios') which suggest that he is unbiased. Thus, option D is the correct answer.




Which of the following could be INSTILLED?



where is the pic



I need more information to answer yo question


Upload a picture

How do I combine this sentence?? ​



Add a coma and either a and/because


There isn't one that's common sense

Need help ASAP please!!!



Worked hard to earn their new title from the emperor

28. Mary goes to the grocery store after her husband has
already been murdered. The real reason she goes to the
grocery store is because she needs

food for dinner.
an alibi
some time to think.
something to distract her.



an alibi


Mary goes to the grocery store after her husband has already been murdered. The real reason she goes to the grocery store is because she needs an alibi. The correct option is (B).

Why does Mary go to the supermarket?

Mary Maloney travels to the store in order to have an alibi for herself. As the wife of a police investigator, she understands the importance of having an excuse when defending oneself in a crime.

Mary's mind starts to work very logically and systematically after she impulsively murders her husband by striking him over the head with a frozen leg of lamb.

She knows she'll need an alibi to hide the fact that she committed the crime. Mary kept to her pattern, going to the grocery store to have someone to back up her story that she wasn't home when it occurred, and then she had the cops consume all of the evidence.

Therefore, Mary goes food shopping after her husband has been murdered. She actually goes to the grocery shop because she wants an alibi.

To know more about the Mary's grocery store, visit:


Why is Shakespeare good to read?



Cause u can search about him in google

Which of the following is not a way for business owners to save labour costs? *

staff training


Answer: Outsourcing is more expensive it doesn't cut down on costs.

Explanation: :)

In the box below, enter the value that is missing from the table. Someone please help ASAP.





you have to look at the decrease of the numbers

List three key employability skills *
6 points


1. Working Well with Other People

2. Being Reliable and Dependable

3. A Willingness to Learn

Which of the following aphorisms best reflects the virtue of RESOLUTION?

Resolution being defined as the act or process of resolving an issue





tatti chup kar




PART A: Which of the following best explains what the monster’s descriptions of his own rage (such as burning down the cottage) reveal about how he views himself?
A The monster describes himself as wild, almost like a crazed beast in his rage, implying that deep down he views himself as much as a monster as others do.
B The monster describes himself as taking pleasure in his acts of rage, implying that he has total control and views himself as a mastermind of destruction.
C The monster describes himself as a wounded animal in his rage, suggesting that he views himself only as a helpless victim.
D The monster describes himself as unrestrained in his rage (as he burns down the cottage, suggesting that he views himself as powerful and limitless, like a god.



C. The monster describes himself as a wounded animal in his rage, suggesting that he views himself only as a helpless victim.


Mary Shelley's gothic novel "Frankenstein," tells the story of a monster created by a young scientist and the abandonment issues between the creator and created being. The story deals with themes of resentment, family, relationships, love, good and bad, etc. among other themes.

In Chapter XVI of the novel, the monster had decided to befriend the people in the cottage. But when he returned, he was dejected to see them leave, once again making him alone and deserted, with no one to love him as he wanted so much. Feeling rejected all over again, he was filled with "a rage of anger" leading him to burn the cottage down, but "unable to injure anything human". Rather, he focused his target on "inanimate objects", thereby burning the cottage. This seems to show how he really feels, that even though he's seething with immeasurable anger, he still couldn't get himself to hurt humans/ living things.

Thus, this reveals that he views himself as a wounded animal, deserted and rejected, viewing himself as an unfortunate and helpless victim rather than a raging monster.


A is the correct answer


It is a because my teacher and i did it and i also thought it was c but she said it was a beacuse in the answer you can see that he was in rage and that others view him as a monster and he also agreed with that.

In what way does the plot contribute to the theme? A. The young man must decide on a name that reveals his special skills B. The chief of the Shuswaps appreciates the young msn for what he is C. The young man doesn't give up until he prove he is a great warrior D. The young man finally achieves success in a nontraditional way.



C. The young man doesn't give up until he prove he is a great warrior


This is true because, the determination of the young man not to give up irrespective of all the challenges he encountered shows that, the theme of determination was actualized. He went ahead to show that he is great warrior.

What are five main plot elements in a typical plot? Briefly describe what each elements function is.



The characters are the individuals that the story is about. The author should introduce the characters in the story with enough information that the reader can visualize each person. This is achieved by providing detailed descriptions of a character’s physical attributes and personality traits.

Every story should have a main character. The main character determines the way the plot will develop and is usually who will solve the problem the story centers upon. However, the other characters are also very important because they supply additional details, explanations, or actions. All characters should stay true to the author’s descriptions throughout the story so that the reader can understand and believe the action that is taking place—and perhaps even predict which character may do what next.


The setting is the location of the action. An author should describe the environment or surroundings of the story in such detail that the reader feels that he or she can picture the scene. Unusual settings (such as a fantasy world) can be interesting, but everyday settings can help a reader to better visualize the story and feel connected to the plot!


The plot is the actual story around which the entire book is based. A plot should have a very clear beginning, middle, and end—with all the necessary descriptions and suspense, called exposition—so that the reader can make sense of the action and follow along from start to finish.


Every story has a conflict to solve. The plot is centered on this conflict and the ways in which the characters attempt to resolve the problem. When the story’s action becomes most exciting, right before the resolution, it is called the climax.


The solution to the problem is the way the action is resolved. For example, Katie often resolves a conflict by finding a compromise for two fighting characters or helping fix any mistakes she made while switcherooed into someone else. It is important that the resolution fit he rest of the story in tone and creativity and solve all parts of the conflict.

Explain the main idea of the article, taking the beef out of burgers


The main idea is to show that fake beef can be made out of veggies

hi I need ideas on what to write for a topic that goes like- Write a story in which a train ticket plays an important part



You could do something like, there was a kid who was sent to ride the train and go to their relative to give them something. On the way there the character decides to help someone who fell so the character sets down their things including the ticket to help the person back up. Unfortunately a thief came by and stole the ticket. The character grabs their belongings and runs after the thief but as they were doing that the train was leaving. The character was to be back by 5 pm and that wouldn't be possible if they took another train, and they don't have the money to purchase another one. Nor does the character have a way back home. So they wander around and see a lady who is on the phone and she angrily throws the phone at the ground. She also throws her ticket. The character asks if she is alright and hands the lady her phone and ticket. The lady would be like "Yes, I'm fine" things like that and gives the character her ticket.

That's just one idea but hopefully it helps, and have a great day!

Maybe the train ticket brings a child somewhere magical or something maybe something like from Charlie and the chocolate factory with the golden ticket

How do these two anecdotes help readers understand Achebe’s purpose for writing the essay?





I took the quiz


By suggesting that Achebe is trying to draw attention to his essay...


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