Give me three types of control systems


Answer 1
There are various types of control systems, but here are three common types:

1. Open-loop control system: In this type of system, the control action is determined solely by the input signal. The output of the system is not compared to the desired output or reference signal. An example of an open-loop control system is a washing machine with a timer that runs for a fixed duration regardless of the state of the clothes inside.

2. Closed-loop or feedback control system: In this type of system, the output of the system is measured and compared to the desired output, and the control action is adjusted accordingly. This type of system uses feedback to continuously adjust the output to match the desired value. An example of a feedback control system is a thermostat that measures the temperature of a room and adjusts the heating or cooling system to maintain a desired temperature.

3. Digital control system: In this type of system, the control variables are processed digitally. The input and output signals are sampled and converted to digital signals, and then the control algorithm is executed using digital processing techniques. This type of system is commonly used in modern industrial control systems and robotics.
Answer 2
Three basic types of control systems are available to executives:
(1) output control,
(2) behavioral control, and
(3) clan control.

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You are troubleshooting an application problem and want to eliminate faulty memory as a source of the problem. Which command do you use?Mdsched.exe. Mds.chace. Mds.con


If you are troubleshooting an application problem and suspect that faulty memory may be the cause of the issue, you can use the "mdsched.exe" command to check for any memory problems.

"mdsched.exe" command runs the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, which will test your computer's memory for any errors or issues. Once the test is complete, it will provide you with a report that you can use to determine whether faulty memory was indeed the source of the problem. It is important to eliminate faulty memory as a possible cause before moving on to other troubleshooting steps, as memory issues can often be the root cause of many application problems.

To troubleshoot an application problem and eliminate faulty memory as a source of the issue, you should use the command "mdsched.exe". This is done as follows:
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R.
2. Type "mdsched.exe" into the dialog box and hit Enter.
3. The Windows Memory Diagnostic tool will open, offering options to restart now and check for problems or check for problems the next time you start your computer.
4. Choose the appropriate option to run the memory diagnostic test.

This command, mdsched.exe, will run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, which is designed to detect and diagnose any issues with your computer's memory. By using this tool, you can confirm whether or not faulty memory is contributing to your application problem.

Learn more about  Windows Memory Diagnostic tool (WMD) here:


Hi! To eliminate faulty memory as a source of an application problem, you should use the command "mdsched.exe".

This command launches the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, which checks your computer's memory for any issues that might be causing the problem with your application.

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a parallel rlc circuit contains a resistor r = 1 ω and an inductor l = 2 h. select the value of the capacitor so that the circuit is critically damped


To design a critically damped parallel RLC circuit with a resistor R = 1Ω and an inductor L = 2H, you need to select the value of the capacitor C according to the following formula: C = 1 / (4 * R * L) Plug in the values for R and L: C = 1 / (4 * 1 * 2) C = 1 / 8 So, you need to select a capacitor with a value of 1/8 F (0.125 F) for the circuit to be critically damped.

To calculate the value of the capacitor required to make the parallel RLC circuit critically damped, we need to use the formula for the damping ratio, which is given by: ζ = R / (2√(L/C)) where R is the resistance, L is the inductance, C is the capacitance, and ζ is the damping ratio. For critically damped behavior, ζ = 1, which means: 1 = R / (2√(L/C)) Substituting the given values of R = 1 Ω and L = 2 H, we get: 1 = 1 / (2√(2/C)) Squaring both sides and rearranging, we get: C = 8/9 F Therefore, the value of the capacitor required to make the parallel RLC circuit critically damped is 8/9 F.

Learn more about circuit here-


To make a parallel RLC circuit critically damped, the value of the capacitor should be chosen so that the damping factor is equal to 1. In a parallel RLC circuit, the damping factor can be calculated using the formula:

damping factor = R / (2 * √(L * C))

Given that R = 1 Ω and L = 2 H, we can rearrange the formula to find the value of the capacitor (C):

C = (R^2) / (4 * L)

Plugging in the values, we get:

C = (1^2) / (4 * 2) = 1 / 8

Therefore, the value of the capacitor needed for the circuit to be critically damped is C = 1/8 F (farads).

Learn more about critically damped:


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