Give the correct biological term 4 programme where members of the community help patients take their medicine regularly​


Answer 1

The correct biological term for a program where members of the community help patients take their medicine regularly is community-based medication adherence.

A programme or project that engages community members in encouraging patients to take their medications as directed on a regular basis is referred to as community-based medication adherence.

The goal of this kind of programme is to combat pharmaceutical non-adherence, which affects a lot of people who have chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

Medication non-adherence can lead to worse health outcomes, higher healthcare expenses, and a lower quality of life.

Therefore the correct term is community-based medication adherence.

For such more question on biological:


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i Found the guys account



he is hacking somehow he deleted some of my questions to thats not possible


A lightbulb with a resistance of 7 Ω has a maximum current rating of 10 A. How much voltage can safely be applied to the bulb?



We can use Ohm's law to determine the maximum voltage that can be safely applied to the bulb. Ohm's law states that:

V = IR

where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance of the bulb.

In this case, the resistance of the bulb is 7 Ω, and the maximum current rating is 10 A. Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

V = (10 A)(7 Ω) = 70 V

Therefore, the maximum voltage that can safely be applied to the bulb is 70 V. Any voltage higher than this may cause the bulb to overheat and fail.

you are given unsupervised data that is all numeric. your goal is to create a model that can group like data so you can determine if new data points are like data points in your initial data set. this question is generic, but you can use to an external site. as an example. the example dataset is labeled but answer as if it is not. what learning technique would you use to create a model? how will you determine the initial parameters to feed to the model? how can you measure the model and compare it to models using different initialization parameters?


To create a model from unsupervised numeric data, you could use a clustering algorithm.

To measure the model, you could use an internal measure such as the silhouette coefficient or an external measure such as the Rand index. Comparing models with different initialization parameters can be done by comparing the scores of the internal or external measures. K-means The goal of clustering, a vector quantization technique that originated in signal processing, is to divide n observations into k clusters, where each observation belongs to the cluster that has the closest mean (also known as the cluster centroid or cluster centers), acting as a prototype for the cluster.

Learn more about K-means:


One of the easiest ways to join two lists together is to use the _____ operator.

One of the easiest ways to join two lists together is to use the _____ operator.







concatenation operator


pls mrk me brainliest

Code the declaration for a private method named GetMessage that returnsa string value and requires a string parameter named fullName and a decimalparameter named currentBalance in that order.


To code the declaration for a private method named GetMessage that returns a string value and requires a string parameter named fullName and a decimal parameter named currentBalance in that order, you can use the following code:

private string GetMessage(string fullName, decimal currentBalance)
   // Your code here

In this code, the `private` keyword indicates that the method is only accessible within the class it is declared in. The `string` keyword before the method name indicates that the method will return a string value. The `GetMessage` is the name of the method.

The parameters, `string fullName` and `decimal currentBalance`, are declared within the parentheses after the method name. These parameters are required for the method to be called and will be used within the method.

Learn more about programming:


The RandomRange procedure from the Irvine32 library generates a pseudorandom integer between 0 and N - 1 where N is an input parameter passed in the EAX register. Your task is to create an improved version that generates an integer between P and Q. Let the caller pass P in EBX and Q in EAX. If we call the procedure BetterRandomRange, the following code is a sample test: mov ebx, -300 ; lower bound mov eax, 100 ; upper bound call BetterRandomRange Write a short test program that calls BetterRandomRange from a loop that repeats 50 times. Display each randomly generated value. Masm g



BetterRandomRange PROC

push ebp

mov ebp, esp

push ebx

push ecx

push edx

sub eax, ebx ; get the range

call RandomRange ; call the original RandomRange procedure

add eax, ebx ; adjust the result by adding the lower bound

pop edx

pop ecx

pop ebx

mov esp, ebp

pop ebp


BetterRandomRange ENDP


In this code, we first save the current stack pointer and base pointer by pushing them onto the stack. We also push the ebx, ecx, and edx registers to preserve their values.

We then subtract the lower bound (ebx) from the upper bound (eax) to get the range of possible values. We call the original RandomRange procedure, passing in the range as the input parameter.

Finally, we add the lower bound back to the result to get a random integer within the desired range. We restore the ebx, ecx, and edx registers, restore the stack pointer and base pointer, and return from the procedure.




main PROC

mov ebx, -300 ; lower bound

mov eax, 100 ; upper bound

mov ecx, 50 ; loop counter


call BetterRandomRange

call WriteInt

call Crlf

loop random_loop


main ENDP

END main

Implement a Java program for Armstrong numbers.​


Answer: Your welcome!


An Armstrong number is a number which is equal to the sum of the cubes of its individual digits. For example, 153 is an Armstrong number since 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153.

The following code demonstrates how to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not in Java.

public class ArmstrongNumber {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int num = 153;

       int number, temp, total = 0;

       number = num;

       while (number != 0)


           temp = number % 10;

           total = total + temp*temp*temp;

           number /= 10;


       if(total == num)

           System.out.println(num + " is an Armstrong number");


           System.out.println(num + " is not an Armstrong number");



In the above code, we use a while loop to iterate over the individual digits of the given number. To get the individual digits, we use the modulus operator (%). For example, if the number is 153, the loop will iterate three times. In the first iteration, the modulus of 153 % 10 will give us 3. We then multiply the individual digits by itself three times and then add the cubes of each digit to obtain the total. If the total is equal to the original number, it is an Armstrong number. Else, it is not.

While I <=20
TextWindow.Write (A + " " )
I = I + 6


The code provided is a simple example of a while loop written in the BASIC programming language. The loop uses a counter variable 'I' to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is met.

In this particular example, the loop initializes the variable 'I' to 5, and then executes a block of code that writes the value of a variable 'A' to the console using the TextWindow.Write method. After writing the value to the console, the loop increments the value of 'I' by 6.The loop continues to execute the code block and increment the value of 'I' until the condition 'I <= 20' is no longer true. This means that the loop will execute as long as the value of 'I' is less than or equal to 20. Once the value of 'I' becomes greater than 20, the loop terminates, and the program moves on to the next line of code.

To learn more about while loop click the link below:


Warning: This is a riddle from my homework so choose wisely if you want to do it. But, if you are willing to answer it you will have 100 pts plus i will give you brainliest for being smart.

Riddle 1. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

This riddle relies on tricking you into thinking about ears and a mouth. You get a tiny hint about wind to encourage you to think broadly and avoid the literal.

Riddle 2. have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

This riddle aims to confuse you and get you to focus on the things that are missing: the houses, trees, and fish. You might guess you need to think about something inanimate

(I am putting it on computers and Techology because i want to test your brains)


Answer: The first one is an echo. the second is a map.


Someone asked me the second one, and i thought the first one was corn until i remembered the other one from a year ago.

Define a function make_derivative that returns a function: the derivative of a function
. Assuming that
is a singlevariable mathematical function, its derivative will also be a single-variable function. When called with a number a , the derivative will estimate the slope of
at point
. Recall that the formula for finding the derivative of at point a is:
f ′
(a)= h→0


approaches 0 . We will approximate the derivative by choosing a very small value for
. The closer
is to 0 , the better the estimate of the derivative will be. def make_derivative(f): "'"'Returns a function that approximates the derivative of
. Recall that
f ′
approaches 0 . We will approximate the derivative by choosing a very small value for

def square
: ... # equivalent to: square = lambda


derivative = make_derivative(square)


round(result, 3 ) # approximately
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"


To define a function `make_derivative` that returns a function, we can use a nested function definition. The inner function will take a number `a` as an argument and return the approximate derivative of `f` at point `a` using the formula `f'(a) = (f(a+h) - f(a))/h` with a very small value for `h`. The outer function will return the inner function. Here is the code:

def make_derivative(f):
   def derivative(a):
       h = 0.00001
       return (f(a+h) - f(a))/h
   return derivative

We can then use this function to create a derivative function for any single-variable mathematical function `f`. For example, if we have a function `square` that returns the square of a number:

def square(x):
   return x*x

We can create a derivative function for `square` by calling `make_derivative` with `square` as an argument:

derivative = make_derivative(square)

Now we can use `derivative` to approximate the derivative of `square` at any point `a`:

result = derivative(3)

And we can round the result to 3 decimal places:

round(result, 3)

This will return `6.0`, which is approximately `2*3`.

Learn more about programming:


Field-level security allows you to: restrict access to certain fields on object records. Set passowrds on specific fields


Note that the above statement regarding Field-level security is TRUE.

What is the justification for the above response?

Field-level security allows administrators to control the visibility and editability of individual fields for different users in an organization.

This means that even if a user has access to an object, such as a position object, field-level security can be used to restrict access to specific fields, such as the salary field in this example, to only certain users, such as hiring managers and recruiters.

This can help ensure that sensitive data is only accessible by those who need it, while still allowing other users to access the object and its other fields.

Learn more about Field-level security at:


Full Question:

Can you use field-level security to restrict access to certain fields, even for objects a user has access to? For example, you can make the salary field in a position object invisible to interviewers but visible to hiring managers and recruiters.

A. True

B. False

For Project STEM 4.7 Lesson Practice. What are the answers?


STEM is an acro-nym that stands for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

What is the Project STEM?

It is an educational program aimed at promoting interest and proficiency in these four fields among students. The program emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary learning and encourages students to develop skills that are relevant to a wide range of careers.

Project STEM often involves hands-on activities, inquiry-based learning, and the use of technology to enhance instruction. The goal of Project STEM is to help prepare students for success in a rapidly changing, technology-driven world.

Share the exact question for proper help.

To learn more about STEM, visit:


suppose alice chooses a strong 20 character passphrase. is the scriptpubkey above a secure way to protect her bitcoins? why or why not?


The scriptPubKey above is not a secure way to protect Alice's bitcoins because it only requires a 20-character passphrase to spend the bitcoins, which is not a strong security measure.

While a strong passphrase is essential, it should not be the only security measure employed. The scriptPubKey above does not provide any additional security measures that would make it difficult for an attacker to spend Alice's bitcoins. ScriptPubKey is a public key script used to verify that a person has the right to spend bitcoins.

A scriptPubKey is essentially a locking script that specifies the conditions for spending the bitcoins. It is possible to create a more secure scriptPubKey that requires more than just a passphrase to spend the bitcoins. This can include using a multi-signature address or creating a time-locked address to add additional layers of security to the bitcoin transaction. Therefore, the scriptPubKey above is not secure enough to protect Alice's bitcoins because it relies solely on a strong passphrase. Alice should employ additional security measures to ensure that her bitcoins are secure.

Learn more about passphrase visit:


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence describes the correct action that should be taken when the computer doesn’t respond?
Sharon was working on her computer, when it suddenly stopped responding. She checked the power supply of the computer. It was fine. However, the computer still did not respond. Her little brother came to her room and suggested that she switch off the power supply to the computer. Sharon’s mom heard this conversation and told Sharon to press the Num Lock key multiple times. Her dad thought she should press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously and reboot the computer. When she called a friend, he said that she should just press any mouse button multiple times.



The sentence that describes the correct action that should be taken when the computer doesn’t respond is: "Her dad thought she should press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously and reboot the computer."


Radha is using nslookup to troubleshoot DNS-related issues on SERVER1. She uses the command prompt and types in the statement nslookup servery. Zone1. Com. SERVER1 returns an incorrect result. If SERVER1 is non-authoritative for this lookup, what should Radha do to resolve this issue?

A) Ensure that the configuration of any stub zones is correct

B) Configure the IP address of the correct DNS server in network interface properties on the resolver

C) Modify the associated records in the zone on SERVER1 to include the correct information

D) Clear the DNS Server cache, and clear the DNS cache on the resolver



Clear the DNS Server cache, and clear the DNS cache on the resolver


Four kids Peter,Susan,Edmond and Lucy travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia. Narnia is a fantasy world of magic with mythical beasts and talking animals. While exploring the land of narnia Lucy found Mr. Tumnus the two legged stag ,and she followed it, down a narrow path. She and Mr. Tumnus became friends and he offered a cup of coffee to Lucy in his small hut. It was time for Lucy to return to her family and so she bid good bye to Mr. Tumnus and while leaving Mr. Tumnus told that it is quite difficult to find the route back as it was already dark. He told her to see the trees while returning back and said that the first tree with two digits number will help her find the way and the way to go back to her home is the sum of digits of the tree and that numbered way will lead her to the tree next to the wardrobe where she can find the others. Lucy was already confused, so pls help her in finding the route to her home


Upon returning, Lucy should look for trees bearing two-digit numbers and be careful to add the digits to determine the proper route. This ought to make it easier for her to return to Narnia and find her family.

What did Lucy discover in the closet?

Lucy is startled as the wardrobe door unexpectedly opens, and she enters the spacious closet to see a snowy wood at the rear of it. She wanders around the wood, curious, but aware that the secure wardrobe is still behind her. She eventually encounters a faun, a hybrid of a goat and a man.

What set Lucy apart?

Lucy's skeleton was so complete that it provided us with a previously unheard-of portrait of her species. In 1974, Lucy demonstrated that early humans.

To know more about numbers visit:-


What two factors play a role in creating a budge?


Income and expenses play a role in creating a budget.

Define the term budget.

A budget is a financial plan that outlines an individual's or organization's expected income and expenses over a specific period, usually a month or a year. It is used to track spending, allocate resources, and ensure that expenses do not exceed income.

Two main factors that play a role in creating a budget are:

1. Income: The amount of money that is available to spend is the first factor that plays a significant role in creating a budget. This includes all sources of income, such as salaries, wages, bonuses, dividends, interest, and any other sources of money that come in.

2. Expenses: The second factor that plays a role in creating a budget is expenses. These include all the costs that must be paid, such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, insurance premiums, transportation costs, groceries, entertainment, and any other necessary or discretionary expenses.

Therefore, To create a budget, one needs to carefully consider both their income and expenses, to ensure that their spending does not exceed their income, and to identify opportunities to save or invest money for the future.

To learn more about budget click here


Which of these attacks is designed to steal a victim's password or other sensitive data by the attacker watching the victim while they provide sensitive information. Question 14 options:


Shouldering is the  attacks is designed to steal a victim's password or other sensitive data by the attacker watching the victim while they provide sensitive information.

What is a cyber attack?

A cyber attack refers to the deliberate exploitation of computer systems, networks, or devices with the intent of causing harm, stealing information, or disrupting normal operations. Cyber attacks can take many forms, such as malware infections, phishing attacks, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, ransomware, social engineering, and more.

Cyber attacks can target individuals, businesses, organizations, and even governments, and can have a wide range of impacts depending on the nature of the attack. Some cyber attacks may cause minimal damage or inconvenience, while others can result in massive data breaches, financial losses, or even physical harm to individuals.

Read more on cyber attack here:


a conceptual model includes: group of answer choices only entities and relationships only entities, attributes and relationships entities, attributes, unique identifiers and relationships only entities, attributes and unique identifiers


A conceptual model includes entities, attributes, unique identifiers, and relationships. The correct option is C.

The conceptual model is an abstract model that is used to define the data architecture of a system. A conceptual data model defines the data elements and their relationships, as well as the constraints placed on them in a particular domain. It doesn't take into account any physical aspect of the system or how the system will be implemented; rather, it represents a simplified view of the real-world problems, functions, and their data requirements.The following are the components of a conceptual model:-Entities -Attributes -Unique identifiers-RelationshipsThe option that is accurate is "entities, attributes, unique identifiers, and relationships."Hence, a conceptual model includes entities, attributes, unique identifiers, and relationships.

Learn more about model here:


What is artificial intelligence? what are the benifits of AI ?​


"Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, learning from experience, and making decisions.

The benefits of AI are many, including:

1. Increased efficiency: AI systems can automate tasks, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing productivity.

2. Improved accuracy: AI can analyze data more accurately and quickly than humans, reducing errors and improving decision-making.

3. Enhanced customer service: AI-powered chatbots and other virtual assistants can provide 24/7 support to customers, answering questions and resolving issues.

4. Predictive analytics: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns, enabling businesses to make more informed decisions.

5. Personalization: AI can analyze customer data to personalize marketing messages and product recommendations, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

6. Medical advancements: AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases and developing treatment plans, potentially leading to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.

7. Improved safety: AI-powered systems can monitor and control potentially dangerous situations, such as in manufacturing or transportation, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve our lives in numerous ways." (ChatGPT, 2O23)

Consider the following correct implementation of the selection sort algorithm.

public static void selectionSort(int[] elements)


for (int j = 0; j < elements. Length - 1; j++)


int minIndex = j;

for (int k = j + 1; k < elements. Length; k++)


if (elements[k] < elements[minIndex])


minIndex = k; // Line 11



if (j != minIndex)


int temp = elements[j];

elements[j] = elements[minIndex];

elements[minIndex] = temp;




The following declaration and method call appear in the same class as selectionSort.

int[] vals = {5, 10, 2, 1, 12};


How many times is the statement minIndex = k; in line 11 of the method executed as a result of the call to selectionSort ?



The statement minIndex = k; in line 11 of the selectionSort method is executed n*(n-1)/2 times, where n is the length of the elements array.


This is because the inner loop starts at j+1 and iterates through the remaining elements in the array. In the first iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop iterates n-1 times. In the second iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop iterates n-2 times, and so on. The total number of iterations of the inner loop is:

(n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 2 + 1

= n*(n-1)/2

Therefore, the statement minIndex = k; in line 11 is executed n*(n-1)/2 times in the selectionSort method.

In the specific case of the vals array given in the question, which has length 5, the statement minIndex = k; in line 11 is executed 5*(5-1)/2 = 10 times.

2 Select all the correct answers. Which two statements are true about algorithms? 0 Algorithms can be written using pseudocode. There can only be one algorithm to solve a problem. Computers can understand algorithms. Algorithms can be visualized using flowcharts. Algorithms are specific to a specific programming language. Reset NE​


Pseudocode, a condensed version of programming language that employs everyday language and fundamental programming constructs to express an algorithm's steps, can be used to write algorithms.

What is a pseudocode-based algorithm?

A made-up, informal language called pseudocode helps programmers create algorithms. Pseudocode is a "text-based" detail (algorithmic) design tool. The Pseudocode rules aren't too difficult to understand. Any sentences that show "dependency" must be indented. While, do, for, if, and switch are a few of these.

Which of the following claims concerning pseudocodes is accurate?

The right response is: Pseudocode is language independent. This indicates that the machine programme functions are unaware of the pseudocode language's mechanism of data transmission.

To know more about Pseudocode visit:-


fit the ridge regression model to predict price from all variable. you can use one-hot keying to expand the categorical variable status. use 5-fold cross validation to select the regularizer optimal parameter, and show the cv curve. report the fitted model (i.e., the parameters), and the sum-of-squares residuals. you can use any package. the suggested search range for the regularization parameter is from 80 to 150. (b) (10 points) use lasso to select variables. use 5-fold cross validation to select the regularizer optimal parameter, and show the cv curve. report the fitted model (i.e., the parameters selected and their coefficient). show the lasso solution path. you can use any package for this. the suggested search range for the regularization parameter is from 6000 to 8000.


To fit the ridge regression model and predict price from all variables, we can use one-hot encoding to expand the categorical variable status. One-hot encoding is a process of converting categorical data into numerical data, where each category is represented by a binary vector.

Next, we can use 5-fold cross validation to select the optimal regularization parameter. Cross validation is a technique for assessing how well a model will generalize to an independent data set. In 5-fold cross validation, the data set is divided into 5 equal parts, and the model is trained on 4 of the 5 parts and tested on the remaining part. This process is repeated 5 times, with each part being used as the test set once. The regularization parameter that gives the best average performance across the 5 folds is selected as the optimal parameter.

We can then fit the ridge regression model using the selected regularization parameter and report the fitted model parameters and the sum-of-squares residuals. The sum-of-squares residuals is a measure of how well the model fits the data, and is calculated as the sum of the squared differences between the predicted values and the actual values.

For the second part of the question, we can use Lasso to select variables. Lasso is a regularization technique that adds a penalty term to the loss function, which encourages the model to select only the most important variables. We can use 5-fold cross validation to select the optimal regularization parameter, and report the fitted model parameters and their coefficients. We can also show the Lasso solution path, which is a plot of the coefficients as a function of the regularization parameter.

In both cases, we can use any package to fit the models and select the optimal regularization parameters. The suggested search range for the regularization parameter is from 80 to 150 for ridge regression, and from 6000 to 8000 for Lasso.

Learn more about One-hot encoding:}


a mapping application that might require you to download additional software example of web app referred to as online reference software words that refer to storage on the internet web apps that help you accomplish specific tasks such as creating a document or presentation a host site that provides microsoft office web apps and cloud storage term cloud, online onedrive earth dictionary productivity apps


A mapping application that might require you to download additional software is Go-ogle Ea-rth. This is an example of a web app referred to as online reference software, as it allows users to access maps and satellite images of different locations around the world. Other examples of online reference software include online dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Words that refer to storage on the internet include cloud storage, online storage, and remote storage. These terms refer to the practice of storing data on remote servers that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, rather than storing data locally on a personal computer or device.

Web apps that help you accomplish specific tasks, such as creating a document or presentation, are known as productivity apps. Examples of productivity apps include Goo-gle Do-cs, Micro-soft Wo-rd Onl-ine, and Pow-erPo-int On-line.

A host site that provides Micro-soft Off-ice web apps and cloud storage is One-D-rive. This service allows users to access and edit Off-ice documents from any device with an internet connection, and to store those documents in the cloud for easy access and sharing.

Learn more about Go-ogle Ea-rth:


Use the drop-down menu to complete the steps for editing a conditional formatting rule. on the tab, click the group. on the styles drop-down list, click . in the dialog box, select the rule, and click . make the changes to the rule, and click ok.


To edit a conditional formatting rule in Microsoft Excel, follow these steps:On the Excel tab, click the group that contains the conditional formatting rule you want to edit.

On the "Styles" drop-down list, click "Conditional Formatting".In the "Conditional Formatting" dialog box, select the rule that you want to edit by clicking on it. Click the "Edit Rule" button. In the "Edit Formatting Rule" dialog box, make the changes to the rule as desired. You can change the formatting style, the comparison operator, the values, and other settings for the rule.Click "OK" to save your changes to the rule. By following these steps, you can easily modify the conditional formatting rules in your Excel spreadsheet to suit your needs. You can add new rules, delete existing rules, and modify rules to change the formatting of cells based on specific conditions. Conditional formatting is a powerful feature in Excel that can help you highlight important data and make your spreadsheets more readable and visually appealing.

To learn more about Microsoft Excel click the link below:


i need a code to create a gaming webstite which you sell games on with games and their price​ or send me a video on how to do that


To create a gaming website, you'll need to have knowledge of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Some steps to create a basic gaming website with a menu bar and login page:

Choose a hosting provider and purchase a domain name for your website.

Create a folder on your computer to store your website files.

Create an index.html file in the folder and add the basic HTML structure.

Add a navigation bar to the top of the page using HTML and CSS.

Create a login page using HTML and CSS. You can add form fields for users to enter their email and password.

Add JavaScript code to handle user input on the login page.

Create a "Games" page and add game titles and prices. You can use a table or list to display the information.

Add links to the games on the "Games" page, so users can purchase them.

Use a payment processing service to handle the transactions, such as Pay Pal or Str1pe.

Test your website to make sure everything works correctly.

Keep in mind that this is just a basic outline, and there are many additional features you could add to your gaming website, such as user profiles, forums, and social media integration.

Read more about websites here:


what type of software enables you to create sophisticated business briefs that can be projected for display?


The software that enables you to create sophisticated business briefs that can be projected for display is presentation software.

Presentation software allows users to make informative and engaging presentations, which are often projected onto a screen during conferences, meetings, and other events. The software offers a range of features that help users create and edit visual aids and slideshows to suit their specific needs. There are many types of presentation software available, with some of the most popular options. All of these options offer users a range of tools and features to create visually appealing presentations that can be easily displayed on a projector or large screen.

Learn more about visual aids here


there is a set of 10 jobs in the printer queue. two of the jobs in the queue are called job a and job b. how many ways are there for the jobs to be ordered in the queue so that either job a or job b finish last?


There are 90 ways for the jobs to be ordered in the queue so that either job A or job B finish last. To calculate this, you can use the formula: Number of ways = (Number of Jobs - 1)! / (Number of Jobs - 2)! = 10! / 9! = 90

There are many ways to order a set of 10 jobs in the printer queue so that either job A or job B finishes last. To solve the problem, you can use the permutation formula, which is given as follows:`nPr = n! / (n - r)!`where n is the total number of jobs and r is the number of jobs you want to order.The number of ways you can order the remaining 8 jobs is 8P8 = 8!, which is equal to 40320.Therefore, the total number of ways you can order the 10 jobs in the queue so that either job A or job B finishes last is equal to:`2 x 40320`=`80640`. Thus, there are `80,640` ways in which the jobs can be ordered in the queue so that either job A or job B finishes last.

Learn more about queue:


how can the amount of broadcasts on a crowded segment of your ethernet network be decreased? group of answer choices divide the segment into two segments, and join them with an ethernet hub install fiber optic cabling divide the segment into two segments, and join them with an ethernet switch divide the segment into two segments, and join them with a router


The amount of broadcasts on a crowded segment of an Ethernet network can be decreased by the method:  divide the segment into two segments, and join them with an Ethernet switch

In a crowded Ethernet network, broadcasts can cause network congestion, reducing network performance and causing delays. By dividing the network segment into two smaller segments and joining them with a switch, broadcast traffic is limited to each individual segment, reducing the overall amount of broadcast traffic on the network.

An Ethernet switch is a network device that filters and forwards data packets between different network segments based on their destination MAC addresses. By using a switch to connect two network segments, broadcast traffic is only forwarded to the segment that contains the destination device, reducing the amount of broadcast traffic on the network.

Therefore, the answer is "divide the segment into two segments, and join them with an Ethernet switch".

Learn more about Ethernet network here:


What are some text effects found in WordArt gallery? Check all that apply

Soft edges


Depending on the version of Microsoft Word or Office, the text effects seen in the WordArt collection may change. Keep in mind that the text effects "Glitter" and "Shine" are not frequently used ones in the WordArt gallery.

What text effects can be seen in the WordArt gallery?

Each style in the WordArt exhibition was produced by combining several text effects found in Word. You can change the text effects or use different text effects after adding WordArt to the text. Glow, reflection, 3D, morphing, shadow, and bevel are a some of the effects.

What kinds of text effects are there?

Choose either text or WordArt. Go to Home > Text Effects. Click the desired effect. Point to Outline, Shadow, and Other for further options.

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Other Questions
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