greeks set up colonies in part of: _____


Answer 1


"Greeks created settlements along the Aegean coast of Ionia (or Asia Minor) from the 8th century BCE. Important colonies included Miletos, Ephesos, Smyrna, and Halikarnassos. Athens traditionally claimed to be the first colonizer in the region which was also of great interest to the Lydians and Persians."By google

Related Questions

Which statement is not true about the Indus Valley civilization?
A) They built a granary to hold surplus wheat and barley.
B) They worshiped one god who was believed to control nature and agriculture
C) They made tools, pots, pans, and toys
D) They developed sophisticated water systems



The only statement that is not true about the Indus Valley civilization would be that "D. They worshipped one god who was believed to control nature and agriculture," since they were in fact polytheistic.  


In your opinion, what are the main differences between politics in the air of good feelings in politics in United States today? (Idk what to write)


In the Era of Good feelings it was a national mood of America and back then there was a rise in the power of democracy because of Andrew Jackson, but he still favored his official companions (nepotism) known as the spoils system. In today’s politics it’s more of a 2 party system because think of the elections, people rarely vote for the Green Party or independent, it’s either DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICANS. That’s the biggest difference because during that era it wasn’t diverse political parties in the government, if you had a different belief or didn’t support the president he threw you out.


In the Era of Good Feelings, it was the national mood of America. There was a rise in power of democracy because of Andrew Jackson. In today’s politics, it’s a two-party system because think of the elections it’s either Democrats or Republicans. That’s the biggest difference because during that era there weren't diverse political parties in the government.  



An ant has a mass of approximately 4 x 10-3 grams and an elephant has a mass of approximately 8 x 106 grams.

An ant can lift up to 100 times its mass. How much can the ant lift? Express answer in scientific notation.


Answer: An ant has a mass of approximately 4×10âˆ′3 grams and an elephant has a mass of approximately 8 metric tons.

How many ants does it take to have the same mass as an elephant?

An ant is 10âˆ′1 cm long. If you put all these ants from your answer to part (a) in a line (front to back), how long would the line be? Find two cities in the United States that are a similar distance apart to illustrate this length.

Note: 1 kg = 1000 grams, 1 metric ton = 1000 kg, 1m = 100 cm, 1km = 1000 m

IM Commentary

In this problem students are comparing a very small quantity with a very large quantity using the metric system. The metric system is especially convenient when comparing measurements using scientific notations since different units within the system are related by powers of ten.


First we observe that the mass of the ant is in grams, where the mass of the elephant is in metric tons. We cannot compare the two masses as is, so we first convert them into the same units. We can do this with ratios, using the conversion chart above to convert metric tons into kilograms and then kilograms into grams.

(8 metric tons)(1000 kg1 metric ton)(1000 grams1 kg)=8,000,000 grams=8×106 grams

Notice that both metric tons and kg appear once on both the top and the bottom, enabling them to be canceled out, leaving only grams. Also note that we could have converted .003 grams into metric tons, and though this would have given an answer with a large number of decimal places, we would end up with the same final result.

Now that both quantities are in grams, we want to find how many ants, n, are required to have the same mass as the elephant. As each ant has a mass of 4×10âˆ′3 grams, we multiply 4×10âˆ′3 by n to get the total mass of the ants

total mass of n ants=4×10−3n

and then we set this equal to the mass of the elephant:


We find that n=2×109 ants.

Thus, it takes approximately 2×109 ants to have the same mass as an elephant.

Each ant is 10âˆ′1 cm long, and we have 2×109 ants total. If we put all these ants in a line (front to back), we can find the length of the line by multiplying the length of one ant by how many ants we have:

2×109×10âˆ′1 cm=2×108 cm

As is, this answer is difficult to illustrate because it is such a large number. To find two objects that are this distance apart, we first want to convert centimeters into more useful units. We do this by using ratios from the above chart, converting centimeters to meters and meters to kilometers.

(2×108 cm)(1 m102 cm)(1 km103 m)=2×103 km=2000 km

This amount is much easier to visualize, and it turns out that 2000 km is approximately the driving distance from San Francisco, California to Denver, Colorado.An ant has a mass of approximately 4×10âˆ′3 grams and an elephant has a mass of approximately 8 metric tons.

How many ants does it take to have the same mass as an elephant?

An ant is 10âˆ′1 cm long. If you put all these ants from your answer to part (a) in a line (front to back), how long would the line be? Find two cities in the United States that are a similar distance apart to illustrate this length.

Note: 1 kg = 1000 grams, 1 metric ton = 1000 kg, 1m = 100 cm, 1km = 1000 m

IM Commentary

In this problem students are comparing a very small quantity with a very large quantity using the metric system. The metric system is especially convenient when comparing measurements using scientific notations since different units within the system are related by powers of ten.


Which of the following is a grievance from the Declaration of Independence?

A. Colonists born in America were prohibited from holding elected office
B. Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes
C. Colonists were not eligible to become officers in the British Army
D. Colonists were required to serve a year in the colony’s militia



Its B Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes


I took this quiz and got a 100%

Also The king forced colonists to quarter troops in their homes

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between cash crops and enslaved workers?

Cash crops provided many enslaved workers with money to purchase their freedom.
In order to make cash crops profitable, farmers sought to reduce the number of enslaved workers.
Cash crops were labor intensive, so they were grown on large plantations that used many enslaved workers.
In general, cash crops were grown on small family farms with only a few enslaved workers.


Answer     #3

Cash crops were labor intensive, so they were grown on large plantations that used many enslaved workers.



It’s c


Edge 2020

What is one reason the Americans won the Mexican American war ?
A. They had more familiarity with territory
B. They had financial support from Spain
C. They had a larger army
D. They had better equipment



I want to say C.


They had extended their nation to the pacific, so I’m pretty sure. I’m so sorry if it’s wrong though.

the answer is c
step by step explanation

One reason that athens had huge ____ was to try and prevent bribery and ____



Econom, theft



Which of the following best describes the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?

A. Britain took control of the waterways off the coast of the colonies
B. More colonists enlisted to join the Continental Army
C. King George III sent more soldiers and supplies to help defeat the Patriots
D. The colonies convinced France to ally with them against England.



D. The colonies convinced France to ally with them against England.


Significance of the Battle of Saratoga: The significance of the conflict was that it proved to be the turning point of Revolutionary war and convinced the French of American strength which persuaded the French to support the Americans with military aid.

Which group of immigrants DID NOT experience discrimination
A. Irish
B. Italians
C. Chinese
D. English



It is B or A Explanation: Bc the Chinese ppl did get discrimination back then.

How old was William Higinbotham when he made the game tennis for two?



Tennis for two was created on October 18, 1958. William Higinbotham was born on October 22, 1910, so he was 48 years old.





HISTORY QUESTION please help me answer ill mark u brainliest if u get them correct!



It is B


The answer to this is B

What was one problem Andrew Jackson face when trying to remove American Indians from the south eastern United States?


Answer:C or D i think its D


The answer is A

American Indians weren’t the wealthiest, poor white farmers wanted American Indian off “their land,” and US military wasn’t too weak to remove them which we can see by the Trail of Tears

plz help its due today. What contributions did Cleisthenes make on the road to democracy? (You must add at least two contributions to the blank boxes)



I'm sorry please I don't know the answer please forgive me

Cleisthenes successfully allied himself with the popular Assembly against the nobles (508) and imposed democratic reform. Perhaps his most important innovation was the basing of individual political responsibility on citizenship of a place rather than on membership in a clan.

Is Donald Trump still president, cuz people keep confusing me (ALSO PLEASE DON'T GET POLITICAL) (This isn’t a question from school, it’s a personal question from me)


Answer:No, Biden is President I believe.



no  Donald Trump is not president biden is president he just doesn't go into the white house until january      


i hope this helps you

Which letter indicates the route taken by Spanish explorer, Ponce de León?


C I just took the test, hope this helpsss!
The answer would be C for the test. I took it

Can someone help me with doing my constitution project?

Basically what I have to do is:

"Your task will be to read the Constitution and explain how specific aspects of it relate and apply to real world events. You will demonstrate both that you understand the Constitution and its principles, and that you can explain how the Constitution is relevant to situations in the United States today."

Then I will choose three issues from the list below:

Freedom of Speech
Separation of Church and State
Gun ownership/rights
Illegal Search and Seizure
Freedom of Assembly
Natural Born Citizen
Amending the Constitution
Freedom of Press
Supreme Court Justice Nomination
Trial by Jury
Voting Rights
Equal Protection
Override Presidential Veto
Conference Committee for a Bill
Presidential Nominee
Impeachment of the President
Speedy Trial

"You will show how the Constitution is relevant by completing these tasks for each issue."

Identify a real-world example from the United States of a situation that involves a Constitution issue
Find two different news articles from different media sources about the example (for example a newspaper article, television, news blog, news magazine)
Find a visual/image about the example
Summarize the main details (who, what, where, and when) of the example in one paragraph using specific details from your articles
Describe the Constitutional issue and how the Constitution is being violated in the example
Explain what you think should happen with the example so as not to violate the Constitution.
List all sources in a works cited, in MLA format, at the bottom of each scenario (Link for MLA Citing)
Your example must have occurred in the last five years
Upload your completed assignment to the drop box.

Some help would be really nice, and if this is that hard, I can help whoever answers with the most detailed and well written answer with a question of their own. Thanks!



Your screwed >:D

-Master of Mayhem


What are some of the important causes and effects of the American Revolution?


The Intolerable Acts was the tip of the iceberg to start the American Revolution.


Cause: British leaders feared that more fighting would take place on the frontier if colonists kept moving onto American Indian lands. ... This Act required colonists to house British soldiers. Effect: Increased people's anger at Britain. It fan the flames of the revolution.

Why was Marie Azélie Haydel important to Louisiana’s women’s rights movement?

She set her slaves free after her death.
She bought her husband’s plantation after he died.
She advocated for women’s right to vote.
She was the first woman to run for office in Louisiana.





Read the preambles for the United States Constitution and the Louisiana constitution.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

–Preamble, US Constitution

We, the people of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political, economic, and religious liberties we enjoy, and desiring to protect individual rights to life, liberty, and property; afford opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; assure equality of rights; promote the health, safety, education, and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; ensure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and justice to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

–Preamble, Louisiana constitution

How are these two preambles different?

Only one includes the phrase “we the people.”
Only one focuses on protecting citizens’ rights.
Only one states the purpose of the document.
Only one expresses individual rights and liberties.



um you canuse this app add me o snap and ill give u the name of the app


Ok so this is a little confusing but I think it’s b only because the second preamble focuses a little more on religion rather then the rights of the people. Let me k ow if I helped

ASAP PEPOLE! What were male citizens of ancient Athens expected to do?

a to actively take part in the Assembly

b to pay a small fee to vote in the Assembly

c to join the army for three years

d to serve on a jury for members of the same class



The correct answer is A., or "to actively take part in the Assembly".

The male citizens of ancient Athens expected to actively participate in the Assembly. Thus, option A is correct.

What was Ancient Athens?

The ancient and modern Greek names for Greece's capital are Athens and Athenian, respectively. The city is often regarded as the cradle of Western civilization since it was the source of many of the intellectual and aesthetic concepts of Classical culture.

Every person was required to present his or her own case. Every citizen's participation in Athens' democracy was essential. All people were expected to vote and, if required, to participate in government service. In Athens, the majority was in power and the people governed.

Every Athens resident has the chance to cast their vote on any proposed new laws. Citizens required to be present at the assembly on election day in order to cast a ballot. Direct democracy is the name given to this system of administration. States of America. Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about Ancient Athens here:


What explanation do you have for why Kanye West needs signatures in order to appear on the November ballot in the State of Missouri?

What do you think would happen if he did not need signatures?



JEFFERSON CITY — Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said Tuesday that rapper Kanye West did not turn in enough voter signatures to have his name on the Nov. 3 ballot as an independent candidate for president.

West announced his candidacy last month. Ashcroft, a Republican, said West’s campaign turned in 6,557 valid voter signatures — short of the 10,000 signatures needed to make the ballot.

Maura Browning, spokeswoman for the secretary of state’s office, said his campaign turned in 5,072 invalid signatures, or nearly 44% of all the signatures the campaign submitted.


Why did the Mier y Terán Report lead to the creation of the Law of April 6, 1830?

A. The report showed an excess number of Mexican immigrants

B. The report showed an excess of slaves

C. The report showed the settlers weren’t adopting the Mexican culture and Angleo settlers greatly outnumbered Mexican settlers.

D. The report showed Texas was in debt



The Law of April 6, 1830 was issued because of the General Mier y Terán Report. The Law of April 6, 1830 angered many Mexicans, Tejanos, and Anglos alike in Texas. This decree placed a severe halt on American immigration to Mexico. The Texians wanted the 1824 General Colonization Law (Constitution of 1824) to be restored.


Law Edit

In 1827 and 1829, the United States offered to purchase Mexican Texas.

Both times, President Guadalupe Victoria declined to sell part of the border state.[1] After the failed Fredonian Rebellion in east Texas, the Mexican government asked General Manuel Mier y Terán to investigate the outcome of the 1824 General Colonization Law in Texas. In 1829, Mier y Terán issued his report, which concluded that most Anglo Americans tried to isolate themselves from Mexicans. He also noted that slave reforms passed by the state were being ignored.[2]

Almost all of Mier y Terán's recommendations were adopted in a series of laws passed on April 6, 1830 under President Anastasio Bustamante.[3]

The law explicitly banned any further immigration from the United States to Texas, inclusive of any new slaves.[4] Settlement contracts were brought under federal rather than state control, and colonies that did not have at least 150 inhabitants would be canceled.[5] Provisions of the law were designed to encourage Mexican citizens to move from the interior to Texas. Mexicans who agreed to relocate to Texas would get good land, free transportation to Texas, and some financial assistance.[3] Convicts would be sent to Texas to build fortifications and roads to stimulate trade.[3][6]

Other parts of the law were targeted at those already living in Texas. Bustamante rescinded the property tax law, which had exempted immigrants from paying taxes for ten years. He further increased tariffs on goods entering Mexico from the United States, causing their prices to rise.[7]

Response Edit

The ban and other measures did not stop U.S. citizens from migrating to Texas by the thousands, and by 1834, it was estimated that over 30,000 Anglos lived in Texas,[8] compared to only 7,800 Mexicans.[9]

In regard to slavery, influential settler Stephen F. Austin, who reasoned that the success of his colonies necessitated free slave labor, and the economics it produced in order to lure more whites to the area, used his relationships to get an exemption from the law. [6] Therefore, slavery remained in Texas until the end of the Civil War.


brainliest plz (:

It’s c for this one

Pls help me I’ll give brainliest.





American colonies were trying to break away from Great Britasin.

During the late 1700s,
owned the Louisiana Territory. This region was more than
square miles. At the time, this nation wanted to
the Mississippi River. Signing Pinckney’s Treaty in 1795 allowed the United States to use the river to


I thick it is territory


During the late 1700s,  

✔ Spain

owned the Louisiana Territory. This region was more than  

✔ 825,000

square miles. At the time, this nation wanted to  

✔ close

the Mississippi River. Signing Pinckney’s Treaty in 1795 allowed the United States to use the river to  

✔ trade goods




The modern-day Pueblo tribes of the Hopi and Zuni share the same ancestors Which of the following are believed to be their ancestors?






I hope this helps :)

The modern-day Pueblo tribes of the Hopi and Zuni share the same ancestors. Anasazi are believed to be their ancestors. Thus the correct answer is D.

What are ancestors?

A person's ancestors are those from whom they are inherited, and they are typically longer back in the line of a family than a grandparent. Understanding the heritage of our ancestors can help us see the glory in and value of the ideas and rituals we preserve out of remembrance and gratitude.

The Hopi are thought to be Anasazi ancestors, and the term "Anasazi" was established in 1927 by the historical Pecos Classification. It is also believed that other tribes from the Pueblo region descended from the Anasazi.

Changes in the environment caused them to migrate and establish themselves in different areas of the country after they built their homes on hills.

Therefore, option D  Anasazi is appropriate.

Learn more about Anasazi, here:


Why did Louisiana repeal the head and master statutes?

They were unfair to African Americans.
They were unfair to men who did not own land.
They were unfair to farmers.
They were unfair to women.


Answer: They were unfair to African Americans. They were unfair to men who did not own land


Answer:the answer is “they were unfair to women”

Explanation:if not that then its “b”

Which job is appointed by the president and is the top position in the State Department?




The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President's chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.

Answer:The Secretary of State


Which statement BEST describes the behavior of President Adams during the crisis with France?
A. He encouraged American war fever to advance his political career.
b. He signed a secret deal with French agents to avoid a war.
C. He resigned from office rather than make difficult choices.
d. He resisted American war fever and avoided armed conflict.​



A. He encouraged American war fever to advance his political career.






Which of the following was not a British advantage during the American Revolution?

A. Professional Training
B. Steady and reliable supplies
C. Knowledge of the land
D. Amount of soldiers in the army



C. Knowledge of the Land


This is because many of the British Soldiers that fought in the Revolutionary War were not familiar with the region. They were all trained, had steady supplies from the king, and a nearly unlimited amount of soldiers being able to source from around the world. The colonists have lived in the 13 colonies nearly all there lives allowing them to have a steady and advantageous grasp of the land.

Answer: knowledge of the land

How did Civil war started ?



Slavery was a big part in this war



The war began on April 12, 1861 when confederate soldiers attacked union forces at Fort Sumter.


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