Gulliver falls I’ll after


Answer 1

Gulliver is restless once more two months after arriving in England.Gulliver arrives on the island of Lilliput after the ship he is travelling on gets sunk in a storm.

Gulliver, in what category?

Book I: Gulliver wakes up on the island of Lilliput to discover that he has been abducted by Lilliputians, very little people who are around six inches in height. This happens when the ship Gulliver is travelling on is sunk in a storm.

What happens to Gulliver after Lilliput?

All of Blefuscu's warships are taken by Gulliver, which leads to the two countries' reconciliation. Gulliver is ultimately compelled to leave Lilliput, nevertheless, when he defies the Emperor's instructions to enslave the Blefuscudians. Blefuscu becomes Gulliver's refuge.

To know more about Gulliver visit:-


Related Questions

Imagine that your teacher wanted a group of students to present one poem with students individually saying lines. Decide on the largest number of students who could smoothly present this poem and explain your choice. Use two details from the poem to support your response.


The concept of "Myself" by Edgar Guest is developed to show the character learning to appreciate and forgive himself in order to set himself free and eventually lead a happy life.The guest considers all of the good and bad deeds he has done in his life.

What stands out in this poem as its main theme?

The main idea of a poem is its topic, or, to use another expression, "what it's about." The poet had something in mind when they wrote the poem, even though many people are uncomfortable with poetry being "about" anything.

What stands out as the main concept of Edgar A. Guest's poem Be a Friend?

the Edgar Guest. Through this lovely poetry, he wishes to express his gratitude for his constant company and contribution to his happiness. Although the speaker would like to pay him back, he means a lot to him and his assistance cannot be returned.

To know more about "Myself" visit:-


The table below shows the average temperatures for Tampa, Florida recorded for 12 months.
Month Temperature
January 22°C (72°F)
February 23°C (74°F)
March 26°C (79°F)
April 28°C (83°F)
May 31°C (88°F)
June 33°C (92°F)
July 34°C (95°F)
August 34°C (95°F)
September 32°C (90°F)
October 31°C (88°F)
November 26°C (79°F)
December 23°C (73°F)

Why do the temperatures change over the months?

Because the Sun is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because the Moon is tilted on its axis, it reflects more sunlight on Earth during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, the stars reflect more light during different times of the Earth's yearly orbit.



The correct answer is B. "Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit."


This is because Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun. This tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year as it revolves around the Sun. When a particular hemisphere of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, it receives more direct sunlight and experiences warmer temperatures, while the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun receives less direct sunlight and experiences cooler temperatures. This results in the change in temperatures over the months as observed in the average monthly temperatures for Tampa, Florida in the given table.

Select all that apply.​ ASAP


To be effective, the conclusion of a narrative must be able to show how the character has grown or changed and be able to wrap up the plot without leaving any loose ends.

What is the conclusion of a narrative?It is the last part of the story.It's the end of the plot.

The conclusion is the moment when the story is over, all issues have been resolved, and the characters are ready to move on with their lives.

At this point all elements of the story should be wrapped up satisfactorily, with no loose ends or disputes. Furthermore, the concussion should show how the story impacted the characters and brought about changes in them.

Learn more about plot conclusion:


What does the phrase "charted the course for the nation" mean as it is used in paragraph 1 of the passage? A ran for an office B fought for more freedom C moved to a country D planned for the future​


The phrase "charted the course for the nation" as used in the given context means to "plan for the future" Option D

What does the phrase mean and how to understand phrase contextual meaning?

The phrase  "charted the course for the nation" also means to establish a direction or plan of action that a nation will follow. This often involves developing policies, setting goals, and taking actions that will shape the nation's progress and development.

To identify the contextual meaning of a phrase, you should follow these steps: Identify the phrase, Look for the surrounding words, Determine the tone or purpose of the sentence, Consider the audience or situation and Look for context clues: Context clues such as punctuation, capitalization, and emphasis can also provide additional information about the intended meaning of a phrase.

Find more exercises on  contextual meaning of a phrase;


Freedom can be used as a tool for control
for instance...





Why is having free time good for mental health please answer help


There are both physical and psychological benefits of leisure time, with reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression; improved mood; and higher levels of positive emotion. Engaging in recreational activities can also lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Read this excerpt from Walt Whitman’s poem “I Hear America Singing” from Leaves of Grass.

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand
singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as
he stands.

Whitman most likely uses this structure for his poem to
present a poem with a natural, conversational rhythm.
show his talent for using traditional rhyme scheme.
share a narrative poem using the storytelling structure.
reflect a lyrical style using stressed and unstressed syllables.


Whitman most likely uses this structure for his poem to reflect a lyrical style using stressed and unstressed syllables.

How does Walt Whitman use lyrical style

Whitman most likely uses this structure for his poem to reflect a lyrical style using stressed and unstressed syllables. The structure of the poem follows a free verse form, the poem does not follow a specific rhyme scheme.

Instead, it uses a natural, conversational rhythm that shows the everyday lives of Americans. His poem  celebrates the individual and the diversity of experience that humans have.

Read more on I Hear America Singing” here:


T/F If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.


True. If one assumes communication is flowing as intended, they may not actively seek feedback to confirm clarity of expression and communication, potentially leading to misunderstandings.

When one party assumes that communication is proceeding as intended, the other side need not be consulted to assure mutual comprehension. This presumption could be risky since it might cause others to misunderstand or misinterpret the intended message.

Without asking for comments, people would not be aware of any problems with comprehension or clarity, and the dialogue might go on without the required corrections. To ensure that the message has been properly heard and comprehended, it is crucial to actively seek feedback throughout the communication.

Learn more about communication:


True. If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Assuming that communication is flowing as intended can lead to a lack of feedback and can result in misunderstandings or miscommunications.

It is important to actively seek feedback and ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the message being conveyed.
if one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, they may move on with the dialogue without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Miscommunication is the social failure to effectively and appropriately communicate. One of many different kinds of communication impediments, it.

Excessive communication is one of the main reasons for misunderstandings in business. The crucial takeaways might be easily overlooked when information is sent in several communications over a long period of time or when important information is buried in a big message.

To know more about  miscommunications, click here:


Select the word from the drop-down menu that most accurately completes the sentence.

For a writing assignment, Tamika was asked to rewrite a poem using ________ for as many of the words as possible.
It was interesting to see how changing words to their opposites affected the meaning of the poem.

A. Antonyms
B. illustrations
C. Rhymes
D. synonyms





Antonym is a word with the opposite meaning of another.

The Song: Disney's Part of your world
1. What is the speaker’s tone in this song?
2. What persona is the speaker trying to become?
3. Is this song an example of a monologue? Explain why or why not?
4. What is the extended metaphor in the song?
5. Provide one example of how imagery is shown in the song.





The speaker's tone in the song "Part of Your World" is wistful and longing.

The speaker is trying to become a persona who dreams of a life beyond her current circumstances, yearning for something more and believing that she is meant for greater things.

Yes, the song is an example of a monologue as it is a speech delivered by one person, the speaker, expressing her thoughts, feelings, and desires.

The extended metaphor in the song is the comparison of the speaker's desire to be part of the human world to a fish out of water, emphasizing her feeling of being out of place and yearning to belong.

One example of how imagery is shown in the song is the line "Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun," which creates a vivid image of a world that is bright, lively, and free, contrasting with the dark, confined space that the speaker is currently in.

In the article "What’s it like to live without electricity" on CommonLit, What are some alternatives that people of Sadikpur use to survive without electricity?


The people of Sadikpur use alternatives such as kerosene lamps, solar panels, and biogas to survive without electricity. They also use stoves to cook food and hand pumps to draw water from the ground.

In the article "What's it like to live without electricity," the author describes how people in Sadikpur, India, have learned to live without electricity. The author explains that while many of us take electricity for granted, there are still millions of people around the world who don't have access to it. In Sadikpur, the people have found ways to adapt to this lack of electricity by using alternative sources of energy.

The article describes some of these alternatives, such as kerosene lamps, solar panels, and biogas. It also discusses the challenges that come with living without electricity, such as the lack of access to modern technology and limited educational opportunities.

To learn more about educational opportunities, here


some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of money.
do you agree or disagree with this opinion? why? ​


Unchecked deforestation and species extinction, according to studies, would negatively affect people. Unexpected benefits from even obscure animals, like cancer-fighting medications, can benefit humans.

What can you do to save endangered animals, and what shouldn't you?

According to scientists, preserving the special habitats in which threatened species dwell is the best approach to preserve them. For food, housing, and somewhere to rear their young, wildlife needs locations. Habitat damage is a result of development, logging, oil and gas drilling, overgrazing, and overstocking.

What occurs if we fail to conserve endangered species of animals?

Without protection, endangered species may eventually go extinct, which would have a variety of negative effects on our access to food, clean water, the environment, and even our health.

To know more about endangered species  visit:


Henry I. Miller, MS, MD, is the Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution. His research focuses on public policy toward science and technology, encompassing a number of areas, including pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering in agriculture, models for regulatory reform, and the emergence of new viral diseases.
Why is Miller opposed to organic food? Will he have evidence for what he says?



based on the given statement, it is mentioned that Henry I. Miller's research focuses on public policy toward science and technology, including pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering in agriculture, models for regulatory reform, and the emergence of new viral diseases. It is not explicitly stated that Miller is opposed to organic food in the given information.


3. One common criticism of capitalism is that it encourages greed and harsh competition for money. In the context of this text, does money buy happiness? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer


The text does not provide a clear answer to the question of whether money buys happiness or not, as it mainly focuses on the downsides of capitalism such as exploitation and inequality.

However, there is evidence in the text that suggests that the pursuit of wealth and material possessions can lead to unhappiness, as the author argues that "the chase for more and more money" can be a "never-ending treadmill."

Additionally, other literature, art, and history have explored this topic, with some arguing that money can buy some level of happiness in terms of meeting basic needs and providing security, while others argue that true happiness comes from non-material sources such as relationships, purpose, and personal growth. Ultimately, the relationship between money and happiness is complex and may vary depending on individual circumstances and values.

To learn more about capitalism, here


The basic sound that composes a language is called the _______; the ________ is the smallest unit of language that has meaning.
morpheme; semantic
parse; phoneme
phoneme; morpheme
morpheme; polysemy


The basic sound that composes a language is called the phoneme the morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has meaning. Because A morpheme is the smallest meaningful component in a language.

Language is a form of communication that is used to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Language has a significant role in human connection. The cognitive linguistic relationship has only been fully developed in humans.

The smallest unit of meaning in language and the fundamental building block of language, the morpheme, cannot be divided into smaller meaning-containing components. The meaning is largely the same across languages and contexts.The discipline of morphology is concerned with morphemes. Bound and free morphemes are two categories into which these can be separated.While bound morphemes need the existence of a free morpheme in order to communicate meaning, free morphemes.

To know more about morpheme visit:


The “Read Books, Share the Love” advertisement effectively uses the association technique to convince people to read more books. The advertisement targets parents who could easily associate the children in the picture with their own children. This has a positive connotation of intimacy and love. The image implies that reading is not just intellectually beneficial, but that it creates a closer bond between parents and their children. Because of this association technique, parents are persuaded to read to their children. Most parents certainly would want their children to do well academically and feel loved at the same time. Therefore, this ad effectively encourages literacy.

Which of the following revisions would most improve this paragraph?
specific details from the poster
a strong topic sentence
a discussion of the techniques used in the ad
additional information about the ad in general


A strong topic sentence would most improve this paragraph. A possible revised paragraph can be constructed.

What  possible revised paragraph can be constructed to improve the paragraph?

"The 'Read Books, Share the Love' advertisement efficaciously uses the association technique to promote literacy by spotlighting the emotional alliance between parents and their children while reading. Through the image of a parent and child cuddled up with a book, the ad targets parents by tapping into their desire for intimacy and love with their children. The ad implies that reading not only benefits a child's intellectual development, but also strengthens the relationship between parent and child. This powerful association technique persuades parents to read to their children in order to achieve both academic and emotional success."

This revised paragraph includes a strong topic sentence that clearly states the main idea of the paragraph, as well as specific details from the poster and a discussion of the techniques used in the ad. It also provides additional information about the ad in general.

Learn more about topic sentence here:


The dialogue and behavior in i don’t like to brag but of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are


The dialogue and behavior in "I don’t like to brag but.." of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are: F witty and clever.

What what can be suggested about the charaacters?

The behavior of the characters in the stories suggest that they were witty and clever persons. They were not pushed to say anything that came to mind but applied some restraint.

A dialogue is a conversation between individuals or characters in a play. The statements made by Finn and Zelda during the dialogue can help in drawing conclusions about their personalities.

Learn more about dialogues here:


what organizational method (or methods) might you use to arrange main points for speeches with the following specific purpose statements?


When arranging main points for speeches with specific purpose statements, there are various organizational methods that can be used depending on the type and content of the speech.

One effective method is the topical method, where the main points are organized according to the topic or subject being discussed. Another method is the chronological method, where the main points are arranged in order of time or sequence. The problem-solution method can also be used when the purpose of the speech is to identify a problem and propose a solution. Additionally, the cause-effect method can be used when the purpose of the speech is to explain the cause and effect relationship between different ideas or events. Ultimately, the organizational method used will depend on the purpose of the speech and the content being presented.

To know more about speech refer :


Read the fable. Then, answer the question that follows.

"The Mouse and the Weasel" from Aesop's Fables

A little hungry Mouse found his way one day into a basket of corn. He had to squeeze himself a good deal to get through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. But the corn was tempting and the Mouse was determined to get it. When at last he had succeeded, he gorged himself to bursting. Indeed he became about three times as big around the middle as he was when he went in.

At last he felt satisfied and dragged himself to the opening to get out again. But the best he could do was to get his head out. So there he sat groaning and moaning, both from the discomfort inside him and his anxiety to escape from the basket.

Just then a Weasel came by. He understood the situation quickly.

"My friend," he said, "I know what you've been doing. You've been stuffing. That's what you get. You will have to stay there till you feel just like you did when you went in. Good night, and good enough for you."

And that was all the sympathy the poor mouse got.

Which two themes are developed in this fable?

You should never take more than you truly need.
If it appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Greediness often leads to trouble.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
A and B
B and C
A and C
C and D


Answer: The answer is A & C


This is because the mouse took more corn than he needed and as a result, couldn't leave the basket.

The other reason is that because he was greedy enough to take a lot of corn, he got into the trouble of not being able to leave the basket.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance, just send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

they love the outer look of a thing . make it imperative sentence



Love the outer look of a thing!

Haircut Hysteria

A dance was set for Saturday;

all my friends were going.

I had my ticket and my plans,

but I indeed wasn’t glowing.

My hair was long and straggly;

I wasn’t looking good.

I needed some de-tangler—

I needed to look good.

Mom said, “Get a haircut!”

I knew that she was right,

but going to a hair salon

caused me nervous fright.

Washing, clipping, spraying, primping—

it’s such a risky move!

Short? Curly? Straight? Trendy?

Would my hairstyle improve?

I walked into the hair salon,

and felt a little foolish.

They took me to the styling chair,

in a black cape, looking ghoulish.

“Oh my, this is a nasty mess!”

said the stylist with a knowing smile,

“but do not worry one little bit.

I have a perfect style!”

She washed my hair and combed it,

And then she started cutting.

She snipped and snapped and snipped some more;

my poor heart was thudding.

She used some gel and then some spray,

And then she got the dryer.

Brushing, blowing, twisting, rolling,

her skills I did admire.

I started smiling. This could be

the hairstyle of my dreams.

And then I looked into the mirror:

it was a dreadful scene!

My hair was oh-so fluffy,

and short.

I looked like Fifi, the puppy,

the fancy poodle sort.

I smiled weakly and paid the bill,

and hurried out the door,

flipped up my hood and headed home;

I couldn’t take much more.

I ran upstairs and washed my hair.

I scrubbed out all the goo,

combed it back, and let it dry.

What else could I do?

I went off to the dance that night,

Wondering what I had done.

My best friend greeted me and said,

“Your ‘do’ rates number one!”

“Thanks!” I said, surprised and grateful,

my worries now departed.

I danced all night so joyfully,

my life had been restarted.

Next time I need a haircut,

I won’t freak out or moan.

I promise no hysterics—

I’ll simply trust in myself alone!

One theme from this poem is that things are usually not as bad as you think they will be. Describe how the speaker develops this theme over the course of the poem. Use evidence from the poem to support your response.


In the poem "Haircut Hysteria," the speaker develops the theme that things are usually not as bad as you think they will be through her experience of getting a haircut.

What is the explanation for the above response?

At the beginning of the poem, the speaker is nervous and anxious about going to the hair salon, but her mother convinces her to get a haircut. Throughout the haircut process, the speaker is filled with worry and doubts about how she will look.

However, in the end, the speaker's fears are unfounded, as her friends at the dance compliment her on her new hairstyle. This experience shows that the speaker's initial anxieties were exaggerated and that she need not have worried so much.

Learn more about theme at:


How do Elisa's feelings and actions toward the stranger change over th course of her conversation with him?


The correct answer for this question is option d: she resists him at first but then warms up and begins to feel a connection with him.

How do Elisa's feelings change towards the stranger in the story The Chrysanthemums while conversing with him?

Throughout the conversation, Elisa initially responds with suspicion and defensiveness towards the stranger, but as he expresses an interest in her chrysanthemums and in her as a person, she becomes more open and engaged. She even shares her own hopes and dreams with him, which shows her growing trust in him. By the end of their conversation, Elisa seems to have developed a deeper sense of connection with the stranger, even though he ultimately disappoints her.

Learn more about The Chrysanthemums here:


Full question is here:

How do Elisa's feelings and actions toward the stranger change over the course of her conversation with him in The Chrysanthemums?

a. she is angry at him, but then her feelings give way to fear and uncertainty.

b. she trusts him and invites him into her garden before angrily asking him to leave.

c. she is unkind to him but then apologizes for her behavior and begins to like him.

d. she resists him at first but then warms up and begins to feel a connection with him.

Slaughterhouse 5 1. In Chapter 1 Vonnegut tells the reader that he has promised Mary O'Hare that he will not
make war glamorous. Give some details that show he is keeping this promise in this


He discusses the excessive number of youths fighting in the conflict. He also talks about dying honestly and without embellishment.

What does Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter mean?

Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter functions more like an introduction or prelude than like the conventional opening chapter of a novel. More biographical than fictional, it not only recounts a significant portion of Kurt Vonnegut's life story but also describes how the book was created.

Why did Mary O'Hare become agitated while Vonnegut was there?

The spouse of Bernhard O'Hare is Mary. Vonnegut is rebuked by Mary because she thinks his book would glorify war; he, however, makes a commitment not to do so.

To know more about Mary O'Hare visit:


What is an example of an internal conflict in A Midsummer Night's Dream?


The only really serious conflict is the one between Hermia and her father, and that is literally a life or death situation for her. She does not have the right, under Athenian law, to decide who she wants to marry. Her father says it will be Demetrius or death.

which type of audience appeal calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense? which sentence best summarizes truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech? apex


The type of audience appeal that calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense is called the logical appeal or logos. This type of appeal is used to convince the audience through rational and logical means.

As for Truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech, without knowing the specific part of the speech, it is difficult to provide a summary. However, in general, Truman was known for using straightforward language and appealing to the common sense of his audience. He also used emotional appeals when necessary, such as in his famous "Truman Doctrine" speech where he appealed to the fear of communism spreading.

Overall, his persuasive strategy was a combination of logical and emotional appeals.

To know more about persuasive strategy, click here:


what makes a productive discussion? in your response, consider the following:
1.what language should you use?
2.why does a discussion stand out as successful?



a productive discussion


A productive discussion is one where all participants engage in meaningful and respectful communication to exchange ideas, information, and perspectives. To make a discussion productive, it's important to use clear and concise language that is free from jargon, sarcasm, or personal attacks. Here are a few factors that contribute to a productive discussion:

Language: The language used during a discussion plays a crucial role in ensuring its productivity. Participants should use a clear and concise language that is easy to understand, avoids ambiguity and is respectful towards others. It is also important to use active listening skills, which include paying attention, asking relevant questions, and clarifying misunderstandings.

Active participation: A successful discussion requires active participation from all participants. Participants should be willing to share their thoughts, listen to others' viewpoints, and offer constructive feedback. Additionally, it is important to encourage all participants to speak up and contribute to the discussion to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate.

Respectful behavior: Participants should be respectful towards each other and avoid personal attacks, insults, or discriminatory language. Disagreements should be expressed in a polite and respectful manner, with an aim to understand others' perspectives and reach a common ground.

A clear goal: A productive discussion should have a clear goal or purpose. This helps to keep the discussion on track and ensures that all participants are working towards a common objective. Having a clear goal also helps to keep the discussion focused and prevents it from becoming too broad or unfocused.

In summary, a productive discussion requires clear communication, active participation, respectful behavior, and a clear goal or purpose. When these factors are present, a discussion stands out as successful because it results in a meaningful exchange of ideas, increased understanding, and the potential for positive outcomes.

Read the passage.

The Peanut Man

courtesy of the Library of Congress

George Washington Carver was a person born into slavery in Diamond Grove, Missouri, around 1864. He is one of the nation's most famous agricultural scientists. He is best known for his research on peanuts and his commitment to helping poor Southern African American farmers.

George Washington Carver was always interested in plants. When he was a child, he was known as the "plant doctor." He had a secret garden where he grew all kinds of plants. People would ask him for advice when they had sick plants. Sometimes he'd take their plants to his garden and nurse them back to health.

Later, when he was teaching at Tuskegee Institute, he put his plant skills to good use. Many people in the South had been growing only cotton on their land. Cotton plants use most of the nutrients in the soil. (Nutrients provide nourishment to plants.) So, the soil becomes "worn out" after a few years. Eventually, cotton will no longer grow on this land.

This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. Carver was dedicated to helping those farmers, so he came up with a plan.

Carver knew that certain plants put nutrients back into the soil. One of those plants is the peanut! Peanuts are also a source of protein.

Carver thought that if those farmers planted peanuts, the plants would help restore their soil, provide food for their animals, and provide protein for their families--quite a plant! In 1896 peanuts were not even recognized as a crop in the United States, but Carver would help change that.

Carver told farmers to rotate their crops: plant cotton one year, then the next year plant peanuts and other soil-restoring plants, like peas and sweet potatoes. It worked! The peanut plants grew and produced lots of peanuts. The plants added enough nutrients to the soil so cotton grew the next year. Now the farmers had lots of peanuts--too many for their families and animals--and no place to sell the extras.

Carver invented all kinds of things made from peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut paper, and peanut soap. Carver thought that if farmers started making things out of peanuts, they'd have to buy fewer things and would be more self-sufficient. And if other people started making things out of peanuts, they would want to buy the extra peanuts, so the farmers would make more money. Although not many of Carver's peanut products were ever mass-produced, he did help spread the word about peanuts.

Peanuts became more and more popular. By 1920 there were enough peanut farmers to form the United Peanut Association of America (UPAA). In 1921 the UPAA asked Carver to speak to the U.S. Congress about the many uses for peanuts. Soon the whole country had heard of George Washington Carver, the Peanut Man! And by 1940 peanuts had become one of the top six crops in the U.S.


Which statement is a main idea of the text?


A. Carver helps people figure out what is wrong with their plants.

B. Before Carver, peanuts were not recognized as a crop in the United States.

C. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

D. Sweet potato and pea plants do not pull nutrients from the soil.


Option C is correct. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

What is the idea of the passage

The main idea of the text is that George Washington Carver was a famous agricultural scientist who helped poor Southern African American farmers by promoting the planting of peanuts to restore the soil and provide food and protein.

The answer is C: Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living.

Read more on George Washington Carver


After Dill wonders aloud what Boo Radley looks like, Jem gives a description from his imagination. How does he describe Boo? What image does his description evoke?


In Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem describes Boo Radley as being about six-and-a-half feet tall, with a long, jagged scar across his face and a row of jagged teeth.

What image does Harper Lee description evoke?

He also says that he drools most of the time and that his eyes pop out, giving him a frightening appearance. Jem's description creates an image of a monstrous and grotesque figure, evoking fear and fascination. It reflects the rumors and legends that have grown up around Boo, who is seen as a mysterious and dangerous figure by many of the children in the neighborhood.

To know more about Harper Lee visit:


What is the poet's main message in this sonnet (poem)? Explain with a CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning). Sonnet XXVII: I know I am but summer to your heart
by Edna St. Vincent Millay.


The movie Love Is Not Everything explores the ways in which love cannot protect a person from potentially fatal circumstances and the ways in which a person may be prepared to give up that love. The speaker compares love to nature in the first quatrain of "Pity Me Not Because the Light of Day," which starts the poem.

What is the subject of Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet?

This is a classic Shakespearean sonnet that, like many of Millay's poetry, discusses love. In this passage, the speaker warns a lover that their time together is fleeting.

What is Edna St. Vincent Millay's topic in Sonnet 29?

Themes. Millay explores concepts related to relationships and nature. The majority of the poem is devoted to the poet's speaker comparing their relationship, the highs and lows of love,

To know more about Edna St. visit:-


1. Claim: Every student should have a compu O A. Counterclaim: Students have many opportunities to use computers in school or the library. B. Counterclaim: Schools should help students buy used computers. C. Counterclaim: Most students spend too much time on computers anyway.​


Claim: Every student should have a computer.

Counterclaim A: Students have many opportunities to use computers in school or the library.
- While it is true that many schools and libraries have computers available for student use, these resources may not always be accessible or convenient for every student.
- Having a personal computer allows students to have more control over their own learning and to work on assignments and projects outside of school hours.

Counterclaim B: Schools should help students buy used computers.
- While this is a possible solution, it may not be feasible for all schools or students, especially those who come from low-income households.
- Additionally, used computers may not always be reliable or have the necessary features and software to support students' academic needs.

Counterclaim C: Most students spend too much time on computers anyway.
- While it is important for students to have a balanced lifestyle that includes physical activity and social interactions, computers have become an integral part of modern education and daily life.
- Restricting or limiting students' access to computers may hinder their ability to keep up with academic demands and technological advancements.

While there may be counterarguments to the claim that every student should have a computer, the benefits of having a personal computer for academic and personal use outweigh the potential drawbacks. It is important for schools and policymakers to address the digital divide and provide resources and support for students who may not have access to computers at home.
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