H. W 2: A class includes 20 female students and 30 male students, including 15 female students and 20 male students with black hair. If a person is randomly chosen from the class, what is the probability that the chosen person is a female student with black hair? Hint: (Female student with black hair ) = P(AU B)​


Answer 1


The probability that the chosen person is a female student with black hair is 15/50, or 3/10.

Related Questions

Explain the following terms and how they relate to mobile technology​


Answer: Mobile technology refers to the technology used in mobile communication devices such as smartphones


Mobile technology refers to the technology used in mobile communication devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices. Mobile technology allows users to access information and communication services on the go, anywhere and anytime.

Mobile technology has evolved rapidly over the years, leading to the development of various applications and services that have transformed the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. Some of the key features of mobile technology include:

Portability: Mobile devices are designed to be portable and can be carried around easily, making them convenient for use while on the move.

Connectivity: Mobile technology allows users to stay connected to the internet, enabling them to access various services and applications.

Personalization: Mobile devices can be customized to suit individual preferences, with various settings and features that can be tailored to the user's needs.

Location-based services: Mobile technology allows for the delivery of location-based services, such as navigation and weather updates.

Overall, mobile technology has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us, making information and communication more accessible and convenient. It has also opened up new opportunities for businesses and individuals to connect and engage with their target audience.

If you want to learn more you can visit this blog


Using An assembly code
Read a 3 digit number from one row, then a 1 digit number from the second row. Subtract the 1 digit number from the 3 digit number, and display the result. Make sure you print your name first, then your output.
Sample Input
Name Last name
Sample Input
Name Last name
099 (or you can display 99 without the 0, either one is fine)

Sample Input


Name Last name
0 (or you can display 000, either one is fine by me)


An example implementation of the algorithm you described in x86 assembly language using NASM syntax:

The Assembly Language Program

section .data

   ; Define your data here if needed

section .text

   global _start


   ; Print your name here


   ; Read the 3-digit number

   mov eax, 3       ; number of characters to read

   mov ebx, 0       ; file descriptor (stdin)

   mov ecx, buf     ; buffer to store the input

   mov edx, eax     ; maximum number of characters to read

   int 0x80         ; invoke the read system call


   ; Convert the input to a number

   mov eax, buf

   sub eax, '0'     ; convert the hundreds digit

   mov ebx, 10

   imul ebx

   mov ecx, buf+1

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the tens digit

   add eax, ecx

   imul ebx

   mov ecx, buf+2

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the units digit

   add eax, ecx


   ; Read the 1-digit number

   mov eax, 1       ; number of characters to read

   mov ebx, 0       ; file descriptor (stdin)

   mov ecx, buf     ; buffer to store the input

   mov edx, eax     ; maximum number of characters to read

   int 0x80         ; invoke the read system call


   ; Convert the input to a number

   mov ebx, 10

   mov ecx, buf

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the digit

   mul ebx


   ; Subtract the 1-digit number from the 3-digit number

   sub eax, ecx


   ; Convert the result to a string

   mov ebx, 10

   div ebx

   add edx, '0'     ; convert the units digit

   mov [result+2], dl

   div ebx

   add edx, '0'     ; convert the tens digit

   mov [result+1], dl

   add eax, '0'     ; convert the hundreds digit

   mov [result], al


   ; Print the result

   mov eax, 4       ; system call for write

   mov ebx, 1       ; file descriptor (stdout)

   mov ecx, result  ; address of the string to print

   mov edx, 3       ; number of characters to print

   int 0x80         ; invoke the write system call


   ; Exit the program

   mov eax, 1       ; system call for exit

   xor ebx, ebx     ; exit status

   int 0x80

section .bss

   buf resb 4       ; buffer for input (3 digits + newline)

   result resb 4    ; buffer for output (3 digits + null terminator)

Note that this implementation uses system calls for input/output and assumes that the input is terminated by a newline character. You may need to modify it to suit your specific requirements or platform.

Read more about assembly language here:



In PowerPoint, if a developer wanted to include audio in a presentation, they can either record their own audio, or ___.
A) select an audio clip saved on their PC
B) choose from sound clips available in PowerPoint
C) use the SmartArt feature to include sound
D) select online audio clips




In PowerPoint, you can add audio to your presentation by either recording your own audio or by inserting an audio file. When inserting an audio file, you have the option to select an audio clip saved on your PC, choose from the sound clips available in PowerPoint or even select online audio clips.

PowerPoint provides a built-in library of sound clips that you can choose from, including music, sound effects, and narration tracks. You can access this library by selecting the "Insert" tab, clicking on "Audio," and then selecting "Audio on my PC" or "Online Audio" to browse through the available sound clips.

Using the built-in sound clips can save time and effort for developers as they don't have to spend time creating or searching for suitable audio files. Additionally, PowerPoint's sound clips are often designed to work well with the program's features and can enhance the overall quality of the presentation.

Write code in MinutesToHours that assigns totalHours with totalMins divided by 60

Given the following code:

Function MinutesToHours(float totalMins) returns float totalHours
totalHours = MinutesToHours(totalMins / 60)
// Calculate totalHours:
totalHours = 0

Function Main() returns nothing
float userMins
float totalHours

userMins = Get next input
totalHours = MinutesToHours(userMins)

Put userMins to output
Put " minutes are " to output
Put totalHours to output
Put " hours." to output



Function MinutesToHours(float totalMins) returns float totalHours

   // Calculate totalHours:

   totalHours = totalMins / 60

   return totalHours

End Function

he files provided in the code editor to the right contain syntax and/or logic errors. In each case, determine and fix the problem, remove all syntax and coding errors, and run the program to ensure it works properly.

An example of the program is shown below:

Enter a number between 1 and 20 >> 5
5 4 3 2 1 Blastoff!
// Prompt user for value to start
// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive
// At command line, count down to blastoff
// With a brief pause between each displayed value
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DebugSix3
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
final int TIME_WASTER = 100000;
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN +
" and " + MAX + " >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
while(userNum < MIN && userNum < MAX)
System.out.println("Number out of range");
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " +
MAX + " inclusive >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
for(val = userNum; val == 0; --val)
System.out.print(val + " ");
for(int x = 0; x < TIME_WASTER; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < TIMEWASTER; ++y)
for(int z = 0; z < TIME_WASTER;);
// Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance


Fixed code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DebugSix3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
final int TIME_WASTER = 100000;

System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();

while (userNum < MIN || userNum > MAX) {
System.out.println("Number out of range");
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();

for (val = userNum; val >= 0; --val) {
System.out.print(val + " ");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

Changes made:

Fixed the while loop condition to use OR instead of AND
Fixed the for loop condition to use greater than or equal to instead of equal to
Added a try-catch block to pause the loop for 1 second using Thread.sleep() instead of nested for loops
Fixed some syntax errors and indentation issues.

program to take the command line input to cut down the blast off.

// DebugSix3.java

// Prompt user for value to start

// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive

// At command line, count down to blastoff

// With a brief pause between each displayed value

import javax.swing.*;

public class DebugSix3


 public static void main(String[] args)


   String userNumString;

   int userNum, val;

   final int MIN = 1;

   final int MAX = 20;

   userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,

       "Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");

   userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);

   while(userNum < MIN || userNum > MAX)


      userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,

       "Number out of range" +

       "\nEnter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");

      userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);


   for(val = userNum; val > 0; --val)


     System.out.print(val + "  ");

     for(int x = 0; x < 100000; ++x)

      for(int y = 0; y < 10000; ++y);

      // Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance





learn more about command line input here:



Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes a website builder?
A. an application that enables code editing to create a unique website
a tool that enables developers to create web apps without programming knowledge
a tool that enables developers to create websites without programming knowledge
D. an application that automatically applies HTML tags to text


The statement that best describes a website builder is option C. a tool that enables developers to create websites without programming knowledge

What is programming?

A website builder is a software tool that allows individuals or organizations to create websites without the need for advanced technical skills or knowledge of programming languages.

Website builders are designed to simplify the website creation process by providing an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates that users can customize with their own content.

Therefore, With a website builder, users can create and edit web pages, add images and videos, and customize the design and layout of their website without needing to write code.

Read more about programming here:



Making sure that every employee has a stake in customer happiness is the best way to ensure:
A) Lower marketing research costsB) Lower employee turnoverC) That you are creating a customer-centric corporate cultureD) A higher percentage of market share


Answer: C) That you are creating a customer-centric corporate culture

That you are creating a customer-centric corporate culture is the best way to ensure customer happieness.

What is Corporate culture?

Corporate culture is the set of values and practices that guide how management and employees should work together and interact inside an organization.

It may have an impact on staff recruitment and retention, productivity, financial success, and long-term viability of the organization. International trade, economic trends, national cultures and traditions, company size, and goods all have an impact on corporate culture.

A company's corporate culture embodies its guiding principles in both theory and practice. Clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, and hierarchical culture are the four different forms of business cultures.

Therefore, That you are creating a customer-centric corporate culture is the best way to ensure customer happieness.

To learn more about Customer centric corporate, refer to the link:



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