Have you ever wondered where chalk comes from? Tiny animals called foraminifera live in the sea. Each of these small living animals makes a tiny shell out of lime. When they die, their shells remain. With time, these shells become layers of white rock which we call chalk. Chalk is often found in places that were once underwater.

Which sentence from the passage BEST supports the main idea that "Real chalk is made by a small sea animal."


Chalk is often found in places that were once underwater.

With time, these shells become layers of white rock which we call chalk.

Tiny animals called forminifera live in the sea.

Each of these small living animals makes a tiny shell out of lime.


Answer 1

Answer:no but ill try to find the answer ..... this is the answer: Chalk is a soft, white, porous, sedimentary carbonate rock, a form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. Calcite is an ionic salt called calcium carbonate or CaCO3. It forms under reasonably deep marine conditions from the gradual accumulation of minute calcite shells (coccoliths).

Answer 2
Have you ever wondered where chalk comes from? Tiny animals called foraminifera live in the sea. Each of these small living animals makes a tiny shell out of lime. When they die, their shells remain. With time, these shells become layers of white rock which we call chalk. Chalk is often found in places that were once underwater.

Answer: “With time, these shells become layers of white rock which we call chalk. “

Explanation: this is the only one of the responses that shows chalk comes from a small animal.

Related Questions

Use the poem “Giles at 14” to answer the question.

How does the speaker reflect on the fact that Giles is getting older?


The speaker reflects on Giles getting older with a somber tone, expressing sadness over the passing of time and the inevitability of growing up. The speaker notes how Giles used to be young and carefree, but now he is becoming more serious and less willing to engage in youthful activities. The speaker also comments on how Giles' physical appearance is changing, with his body becoming more muscular and his face losing its boyish features. Ultimately, the speaker mourns the loss of Giles' youth and the fact that growing older means leaving behind a part of oneself.

How do authors reveal their attitudes, or point of views, toward a topic in argumentative writing?



Writers express their attitudes through their word choice, sentence structure, and figurative language. Attitudes also show up in the details, reasons, and evidence writers select to support their descriptions and arguments.

Answer: Authors reveal their attitudes or point of use through the wording in the writing and type of punctuation they use. An example of this is when an author uses dashes to exaggerate the pause to make it more suspenseful to keep you attracted to the piece of writing.

How did you visualize Daniel and his father gaining freedom? Did you expect it to happen this way? in Daniels story





Please give a proper explanation to the question or attach a screenshot of the question. This seems a lot like a comprehension question and would be very easy to answer with the paragraph or extract

1. What does the word rhythmic mean as it is used in the preface?
"Reynolds was inspired by rap music to begin writing poetry at nine years old, and he continues to use ⇒rhythmic⇔ language patterns, that follow a meter or feel like they have a beat, in his work."


Rhythmic in this sentence means song like or going with the beat or to a tune.

beat/pattern of music

Rewrite the sentence, placing a colon or commas correctly. The circus had acts such as juggling tumbling and lion taming.



The circus had acts such as juggling, tumbling, and lion taming.

The circus had acts: such as juggling, tumbling, and lion taming.

Tom Sawyer avoids making a request or a demand, but he does use argumentative techniques to persuade his friends to help him. Write a letter
from the point of view of Tom Sawyer trying to persuade a neighbor to hire him for a whitewashing job, using language that represents Tom's
unique perspective. Include some figurative language used as rhetorical devices to advance the appeal as well.


Answer:N word


My name is Tom Sawyer, And I declare that all people black and white should stop saying the n word.  They are a disgrace to our swamp and our dogs are biting black people because of you.If you decide not to stop saying the n word I will cut off my black friends balls and feed them to my pet pony. 

The infant is the father of the man, as the renowned poet William Wordsworth once said. Despite my youth, I can assure you that I have the maturity and responsibility required for this job.

What is argument writing in English?

A piece of writing that expresses an opinion on a subject is an argumentative essay. A strong argumentative essay seeks to persuade readers to comprehend and support the writer's point of view on a subject by outlining the writer's logic and supporting it with facts.

Thus, You saw, for me, whitewashing is an art as well as a work. I take great pride in making sure that the entire wall is flawlessly coated, leaving no blemishes or flaws. I am excited to share my passion with you and your home because it is a labor of love.

Learn more about argument writing here:



Please help this is due today! :(
Reread the poem "Fish." Then, follow the instructions that follow.


Pliant blades of silver light

Cut their way through knots of sea

They are thoughts of sheer delight

A fish-man, what joy to be!

-- Annis Mather

Find two metaphors that stand for "fish" and type them in the appropriate boxes below.

Five-word metaphor:

Four-word metaphor:

If you do this I will give you 30 points and brainly!!



five-word metaphor: pliant blades of silver light.

four-word metaphor: thoughts of sheer delight.


Pilant Blades, and thoughts of sheer delight.

An adverb tells which one, how many, or what kind. True False


Answer: false

Explanation: Adjectives usually tell what kind, how many, or which about nouns or pronouns. An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a another adverb, a verb, or an adjective

the answer to your question is false

In which of the following sentences is the phrase underlined?



I helped my younger brother build a sand castle at the beach.


In the sentence mentioned above the phrase that is underlined is .

A phrase is a group of words that forms a . It can be used to communicate something. It is a part of a sentence and cannot stand on its own. Phrases provide more information about whatever the sentence is speaking about.

Phrases are just a part of the sentence and . Phrase -
if taken out of context.

To know more about ,


Please help!!!!!!
And though my head felt heavy,
I played on till dusk
Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders
And calling out in desperation things like
“Yours” and “take it,” but doing all right,
Tugging at my cap in just the right way,
Crouching low, my feet set.
“Hum baby” sweetly on my lips.

—“How I Learned English,”
Gregory Djanikan

Compare the original ending with the version in which most of the vivid language has been taken out. Write three to four sentences explaining how the original version helps you visualize and understand the poem’s story.



The original ending of the poem “How I Learned English” by Gregory Djanikan vividly describes the narrator playing baseball till dusk, missing flies and pop-ups, and calling out in desperation. The use of sensory details such as tugging at his cap, crouching low, and the phrase “Hum baby” on his lips, helps the reader visualize the scene and the narrator's passion for the game. These vivid descriptions help the reader understand the narrator's perseverance and determination to overcome language barriers and learn English through his love for baseball. In contrast, the version with most of the vivid language removed would not create the same impact or emotional connection with the reader.


You are going to write a brief summary of Chapter 6 of To K a Mockingbird. Use the S.M.R.Y. Method notes It must be at least 5-8 sentences long.
S = STATE the title, author, and chapter
M = MENTION the setting and characters
R = RESTATE the main idea and events that took place
Y = Are you done YET? Check for correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar



for only 5 points??!?!?!?!?!??!?!

In Chapter 6, Scout, Jem, and Dill become more fascinated with Boo Radley and start to make plans to lure him out of his house. They attempt to use a fishing pole to leave a note for him on his windowsill, but are caught by Atticus. Jem is punished for disobeying Atticus, and Scout learns a valuable lesson about respecting people's privacy. Meanwhile, Miss Rachel's nephew comes to visit and becomes obsessed with hearing about Boo Radley. This chapter highlights the children's growing curiosity about Boo Radley and their increasing attempts to make contact with him, despite the warnings and disapproval of the adults around them.

For how long have animals been used in medicine?



Since 500 BC


Animals have been used in medicine for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all used animals for medical purposes, including in the development of medicines and surgical techniques. For example, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used animal products such as honey, milk, and eggs in his treatments.

Throughout history, animals have been used in medical research to better understand the human body and develop treatments for various diseases. In the early 20th century, animal models were used to study infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and polio. In the mid-20th century, animal research played a key role in the development of vaccines for diseases such as smallpox and polio.

What is an example of alliteration?
a) The leaves danced in the win
b) The sly snake slithered slowly in the sand
c) Sha has a heart of gold.





because they do not have a literal heart of gold

b) The sly snake slithered slowly in the sand

is an example of alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound, usually the first sound, in two or more words that are close together in a phrase or sentence. In this example, the repeated sound is "s".

Which transition would best connect the two sentences below?

Bigfoot has long been the source of historical legend.
These stories and sightings have lasted for centuries.

In fact
In contrast
On the other hand



In fact


Bigfoot has long been the source of historical legend, in fact these stories and sightings have lasted for centuries.

In fact

Because it is adding on to the original sentence explaining why.

Part C: Possessive Nouns

Complete the sentence by adding a possessive noun.

1. ___ glasses are on my desk.

2. Marcy is wearing her ___ gold bracelet.

3. My ___ club will meet at our house Monday night.

4. The ___ first statement caused us to change our minds.

5. We have formed a ___ club.

6. Rosa's brother found the ___ lost puppy.

7. The ___ store was damaged by the recent storm.

8. What are the ___ duties?

9. When does the new ___ term of office begin?

10. ___ notebook is on your desk.


Answer: 1. My glasses are on my desk.

Marcy is wearing her Sister's gold bracelet.

My Math club will meet at our house Monday night.

The President's statement caused us to change our minds.

We have formed a Gardener's club .

Rosa's brother found the Little boy's lost puppy.

The Harrison's store was damaged by the recent storm.

What are the Officer's duties?

When does the new Governor's term of office begin?

Harry's notebook is on your desk.

Explanation: :)

1.My glasses are on my desk.
2.Marcy is wearing her sister's gold bracelet.
3.My Math club will meet at our house Monday night.
4. The President's statement caused us to change our minds.
5.We have formed a Gardener's club 6.Rosa's brother found the Little boy's lost puppy.
7.The Harrison's store was damaged by the recent storm.
8.What are the Officer's duties?
8.When does the new Governor's term of office begin?
9.your notebook is on your desk.

It’s worse for her than it is for me—
birthing the twins near killed her.
So I took up my basket and snatched up the twins. One held by hand,
the other on my hip,
We set off for the market.
It wasn’t easy.
The twin on the ground
grabbed the fish from my basket
and threw it. It landed
by the water trough, and I had to wade through the mud to get it back.
The twin on my hip
seemed quiet enough—
till he started to bellow.
I smelled something rank,
and I felt it,
leaking down my dress.
I couldn’t staunch him—
my hands were full.
That’s when I saw her,
Isobel, the lord’s daughter,
dressed in blue.
Her hair was combed, sleek as an otter. Her veil was snow white.
She had a servant
to carry her basket,
so her hands were free
to pinch up her skirt,
and pick her way through the muck,
daintily, daintily.
Her lips were curved,
like the smile of a cat,
and something got into me—
maybe ’twas the devil.
I let go of the twin,
picked up a handful of
dung, filth, God-knows-what
and let fly.
Bull’s-eye. But I didn’t enjoy it—
not for more ’n a moment.
Not after I saw her face.
She hadn’t done anything to me,
and the smutch of the mud
against her blue gown—
the prettiest dress I ever saw.
I ruined it.
The boys in Shamble Lane2 laughed.
They won’t tell on me. They’re my friends. I saw her eyes pass over me
and rest on them. She thought they did it. I ought to have said—
something—I’m sorry,
’twas my doing—
but my little brother
picked up something foul
and mashed it in his mouth.
By the time I got to him,
pried open his jaws,
fished it out,
and bellowed, “No!”
she’d plucked up her skirts to go.
Her back was straight as a knife,
her head held proud, poor girl.
I was sorry,
almost to weeping.

On the way home
I went to church.
I dragged the twins before the crucifix
and knelt down, trying to pray
and keep hold at the same time.
It wasn’t easy. I prayed
that God would forgive me—
that the muck would come out of her dress, that my stepmother wouldn’t die.
It made me think <—- Stanza 12
how all women are the same—
silk or sackcloth, all the same.
There’s always babies to be born
and suckled and wiped,
and worried over.
Isobel, the lord’s daughter,
will have to be married,
and squat in the straw,
and scream with the pain
and pray for her life
same as me.
And thinking of that,
I added one more prayer—
sweet Jesus, come Christmas,
don’t let it be twins.

what is the theme of this poem?



The theme of this passage is the shared experience of motherhood, regardless of social status or wealth. The narrator realizes that all women face the same struggles of childbirth, raising children, and worrying over them. The incident with Isobel, the lord's daughter, serves as a reminder that even those with privilege and wealth are not immune to the challenges of motherhood. The narrator also expresses a sense of guilt and remorse for her actions towards Isobel, highlighting the importance of empathy and compassion towards others.


Type the spelling words in which a pair of vowels are followed by silent gh . Put your answers in alphabetical order.



1. eighth

2. height

3. thoroughly

Explanation: these are in alphabetical order


Local governments-

Special Districts-




County Sheriff-

County Assessor-

County Clerk-


Property Taxes-

Local agencies-




Local governments refer to the governing bodies that operate at the local level of government, such as cities, towns, and villages. These governments are responsible for providing various services and enforcing laws and regulations within their jurisdiction.

Special districts refer to local government entities created to provide specific services, such as water supply, sewage treatment, or fire protection. These districts operate independently of cities or counties and are governed by a board of directors.

Counties are geographic regions that serve as administrative divisions of a state or country. They are typically responsible for providing services such as law enforcement, public health, and public works. Counties are governed by an elected board of supervisors or commissioners.

Ordinances are laws or regulations passed by a local government, such as a city or county, that govern specific aspects of daily life within that jurisdiction. Examples of ordinances may include zoning laws, building codes, and noise regulations.

Townships refer to small, geographically-defined areas of land that are often used for local government purposes. These areas are typically found in rural or suburban regions and are governed by an elected board of trustees.

County Sheriff is an elected law enforcement official responsible for maintaining peace and order within the county. The sheriff's duties may include investigating crimes, serving legal documents, and overseeing the county jail.

County Assessor is an elected official responsible for determining the value of property within the county for tax purposes. The assessor's office maintains records of property ownership and may be responsible for administering property tax exemptions and deductions.

County Clerk is an elected official responsible for maintaining official records and documents for the county, such as property deeds, marriage licenses, and court records. The clerk's office may also provide various other services to the public, such as issuing business licenses and conducting elections.

Municipality refers to a city or town that has its own local government and is considered a separate entity from the surrounding county or state. Municipalities are responsible for providing services such as police and fire protection, public works, and zoning enforcement.

Property taxes are taxes assessed by local governments on the value of real estate or personal property owned within their jurisdiction. These taxes are used to fund local services and infrastructure.

Local agencies refer to government organizations or bodies that operate at the local level, such as school districts, parks and recreation departments, and transportation authorities. These agencies may be funded by tax revenues or other sources and are responsible for providing specific services or managing specific aspects of local government.

Local governments- this is a generic term for the lowest tiers of public administration within a particular sovereign state.

Special Districts: independent, special-purpose governmental units that exist separately from local governments such as county, municipal, and township governments, with substantial administrative and fiscal independence. They are formed to perform a single function or a set of related functions.

Counties: an area of a state or country that is larger than a city and has its own government to deal with local matters.

Ordinances: a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority.

Townships: A township is a kind of human settlement or administrative subdivision, with its meaning varying in different countries. Although the term is occasionally associated with an urban area, that tends to be an exception to the rule.

County Sheriff: The sheriff is most often an elected county official who serves as the chief civilian law enforcement officer of their jurisdiction. The sheriff enforces court orders and mandates and may perform duties such as evictions, seizing property and assets pursuant to court orders, and serving warrants and legal papers.

County Assessor: a local government official who estimates the value of real property within a city, town, or village's boundaries

County Clerk: an elected county official who is responsible for local elections and maintaining public records.

Municipality: a city or town that has corporate status and local government.
"voters in each municipality choose between four candidates

Property Taxes: Real property includes land plus the buildings and fixtures permanently attached to it.

Local Agencies: a county, city, city and county, political subdivision, district other than a school district, or municipal corporation.

Does the sentence state a fact or an opinion?
Found in the tropical forests of Indonesia, Komodo dragons are the biggest lizards in the world. please help me. 18 points!




................hope this helps...............

this is a fact because you can’t have a opinion on the size of something unless it’s an guess

100 points. Please help its due soon. Write a book review about Esperanza Rising.

Make it yourself don't copy from somewhere else.

introduction should include:
a hook to inspire readers to look at or listen to your review. Your hook may be an unusual question, a vivid description, or an interesting statement taken from the book or author.
specific information including the title, author, and genre of the story.
a brief summary of the setting, characters, conflict, and plot. Provide enough details to get readers interested without giving away information that could spoil the story.

The body paragraph of your book review should include

transitions that lead your reader from one thought to another.
an interesting character in the story. Explain a bit about the character and provide textual evidence to support your ideas.
the most interesting event in the story. Describe the scene and explain to the audience why this event is important Support your ideas with evidence from the text.
the tone/mood of the text. Describe the author's attitude about their subject and the feeling the author creates through their diction and syntax. Is the short story or novel suspenseful? Comical? Romantic? What emotions will it bring out in the reader? Will they be sad? Inspired? Angry?
the theme the author is sharing. If you wish, discuss more than one theme. Do not give away the ending, but let readers know what type of life lesson they might learn from reading the text.
any other elements you think are successful in the story, such as figurative language, parallel structure, etc.

The conclusion/evaluation should include

a transition that lets your reader know that you are summarizing your thoughts in this final paragraph.
a recommendation that mentions the type of audience that would most enjoy reading the material. Is it perfect for sports fans? Is it suited for fans of historical fiction? Will it appeal to people who love animals? Create a connection your audience will understand.
a clincher to end your review in a memorable way. Create a final statement, positive or negative, that summarizes your thoughts. Be creative and honest. Write a final comment that perfectly wraps up your review.



              Esperanza Rising is a captivating novel by Pam Muñoz Ryan that takes readers on a journey through the life of a young girl named Esperanza. Set in the 1930s, the book explores themes of family, hardship, and determination during the Great Depression. From the first page, Ryan draws readers in with her vivid descriptions and emotional storytelling.

                Esperanza is a remarkable character in the story. She was born into a wealthy family and lived a life of privilege in Mexico until her father was killed, and her home was taken away. She is forced to leave Mexico with her mother to work as migrant farmworkers in California. Despite the hardships, Esperanza learns to persevere and adapt to her new circumstances. She becomes a hard worker, and her mother encourages her to be grateful for what they have, saying, "We are like the phoenix, rising again from the ashes. We will rise from our own ashes."

             The most interesting event in the story is when the workers go on strike, protesting their low wages and poor living conditions. Esperanza and her mother join the strike, and Esperanza takes on a leadership role, speaking out for the workers and organizing them. During the strike, Esperanza and her mother face danger and opposition from the authorities and the wealthy landowners who try to break the strike. This event is important because it shows Esperanza's growth as a character and her commitment to fighting for justice and equality.

              The tone of the text is hopeful and inspiring. The author's attitude about the subject is one of perseverance and resilience. Through her diction and syntax, the author creates a feeling of hope in the face of adversity. The novel is full of vivid imagery and figurative language that conveys the emotions and struggles of the characters. For example, when Esperanza is feeling hopeless, she thinks, "She looked at her own feet, planted firmly on the ground, and the earth seemed to whisper, 'Patas, patas, patas,' a reminder that she had feet and could walk." This metaphorical language evokes a sense of empowerment and strength.

              The theme that the author is sharing is about the power of family and community. Esperanza learns to value the love and support of her family, even when they are faced with adversity. She also becomes part of a community of migrant workers who support each other and fight for their rights. Through her experiences, Esperanza learns that it is important to stand up for what is right and to help others in need.

                    Overall, Esperanza Rising is a captivating story about resilience and perseverance. The character of Esperanza is inspiring and relatable, and the events of the story are both heart-warming and heart-wrenching. The novel is recommended for readers who enjoy historical fiction, as it provides a unique perspective on the struggles of migrant workers during the Great Depression. The story will leave readers feeling uplifted and inspired, and the message of hope and resilience will resonate with readers of all ages.

PLEASE HELP PLEASE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the paragraph and then select the correct answer below.

Within the branches of a eucalyptus tree in Australia lives one of God's special creations, the cuddly koala. He is often called a koala "bear," but he is not a bear. He is a marsupial or a "pouched" animal. The koala is native only to Australia. He has large bushy ears, a black nose, and no tail. He would make a nice pet, but he rarely survives in captivity. Once hunted for his fur, the koala now enjoys government protection.

"He has large, bushy ears, a black nose, and no tail."

This sentence is an example of a(n) _____.

support sentence
topic sentence
summary sentence
transitional device
introductory sentence



support sentence



the answer is A: support sentence


"The supporting sentences, also called the body of the paragraph, are used to support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic sentence"

What is the present that Papá gives Odilia? Chapter 22 of summer of the mariposa, please.



he apologizes to odilia

He gifts her flowers

What are your favorite video games to play? How often do you play, and who do you play with?
(write 5 to 7 sentences)


Answer: One of my favorite video games to play is Call of Duty.

Explanation: I like to play call of duty because of the graphics, and how engaging it is. The gunfights are determined by reaction, aim, and target acquisition. The explosions, the backgrounds, and the characters look more real than most games. On average I play for about 1-3 hours a day depending on if I am busy or not. I like to play with friends mostly. Overall I think Call of Duty is one of my favorite games out there.

Lego Indiana Jones, a few hours a week or so. By myself

Write three paragraphs discussing how the universal idea of human kindness relates to the texts in the unit.

In paragraph 1, discuss and give examples of how the author shows human kindness is demonstrated in the story Thank You Ma'am.
In paragraph 2, discuss and give examples of how the author shows human kindness is demonstrated in the story The Strangers That Came to Town.
In paragraph 3, state a theme shared by both texts. Use evidence from the text to support the theme.


The metaphor, "Milk of human kindness" mean to be caring and compassionate to other people. This could be a universal theme because anyone can be kind to a stranger in need. People in China can care for someone, people in England can care for someone else, even people in Alaska can be caring for a stranger.

In " The Convict and The Bishop," the bishop helped and defended Jean Valjean whom he didn't even know. While everybody else drove him out, the bishop tended to him. He gave Jean a bed to sleep in, a bed and he gave him comfort when nobody else would. This shows that people can be nice to others in need.

In " The Strangers That Came to Town," when Andy and Tom made mischief, they really hurt the Duviches. Thier father made them repay the family by catching 60 fish. When they gave the fish to the Duviches they were overjoyed and invited Andy and Tom's family to eat the fish. The Duviches were shown kindness by the father and returned the kindness by inviting Andy and Tom's family for a meal

compare and contrast the secret garden mary and colin






believes in the impossible



nature lover





always argues

doesn't believe in himself

feels pity for himself



Changed their lives

Greedy; Mary was in the beginning of the book

Have a happy life in the end.


Distinguish which two scenarios provide evidence to support the following theme.

Patience can lead to great things.

Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

In February, Brendan found out that after over a dozen interviews he finally got the job as an accountant.
In February, Brendan found out that after over a dozen interviews he finally got the job as an accountant.

Laurel waited to find out the results of her algebra test only to discover that she hadn’t turned it in yet.
Laurel waited to find out the results of her algebra test only to discover that she hadn’t turned it in yet.

Curtis was excited for his new glasses to arrive, but then discovered that they were shipped to the wrong place.
Curtis was excited for his new glasses to arrive, but then discovered that they were shipped to the wrong place.

While Evan waited for his brother’s practice to finish, he chose to reread parts of his favorite spy novel.
While Evan waited for his brother’s practice to finish, he chose to reread parts of his favorite spy novel.

Olivia continued to try out for a new play every year until she finally got the lead role in May this year.



The two scenarios that provide evidence to support the theme "Patience can lead to great things" are:

Olivia continued to try out for a new play every year until she finally got the lead role in May this year.

Brendan found out that after over a dozen interviews he finally got the job as an accountant.

In both cases, the individuals had to wait and persevere through setbacks and disappointments before achieving their desired outcomes. Their patience and persistence paid off, leading to great achievements in the end.


Alice Walker

Carole Jenkins

(1)To a family of sharecroppers in Eatonton, Georgia, Alice Walker was born in 1944. (2)As a result of a BB gun accident, she was severely scarred, almost blinded, and had suffering during her childhood. (3)For six years, she would not lift her head or show her face. (4)The scar tissue was removed, and she regained her self-confidence. (5)She graduated as valedictorian of her high school class and was attending Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, for two years. (6) Transferring to Sarah Lawrence College in New York, her first book of poetry Once was published in 1968 while she was there. (7)After graduating from Sarah Lawrence she moved to Mississippi to work in the civil rights movement. (8)She also taught African American studies at Jackson State university during that time. (9)Alice Walker has emerged as one of the most well-known and well-respected contemporary African-American authors. (10)Her interesting and realistic characters and her strong messages continues to combine to appeal to readers everywhere. (11)Much of her writings concern the lives of African-American women and reflect a pride in her heritage. (12)Her third novel, The Color Purple, received both the American Book Award for Fiction and The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

How would this biographical account of Alice Walker's life be different if it were written as a memoir?

A. A memoir would be written using formal language and a somber tone.
B. A memoir would be written in second person and convey a jovial tone.
C. A memoir would be written in first person and would contain personal experiences from her life.
D. A memoir would be written in third person and would contain dates and locations for the events in her life.


Answer: C

Explanation: a memoir is a biography written based off of the authors PERSONAL memories. the passage would include her own thoughts and experiences

A memoir would be written in the first person and would contain personal experiences from her life. Hence option C is correct.

A memoir is a first-person account of personal experiences and memories. It would allow Alice Walker to share her thoughts and feelings about her life in a more personal and introspective way.

She could delve deeper into her emotions and provide more detail about her experiences. It would also give her the opportunity to reflect on her life and share her unique perspective. Therefore, a memoir would be written in the first person, using a more personal and reflective tone.

Therefore, option C A memoir would be written in the first person and would contain personal experiences from her life is correct.

To learn more about Memoir:



Please help!! 50 points!
It was in an empty lot
Ringed by elms and fir and honeysuckle.
Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket,
Chuck Keller, fat even as a boy, was on first,
His t-shirt riding up over his gut,
Ron O'Neill, Jim, Dennis, were talking it up
In the field, a blue sky above them
Tipped with cirrus.

And there I was,
Just off the plane and plopped in the middle
Of Williamsport, Pa. and a neighborhood game,
Unnatural and without any moves,
My notions of baseball and America
Growing fuzzier each time I whiffed.

So it was not impossible that I,
Banished to the outfield and daydreaming
Of water, or a hotel in the mountains,
Would suddenly find myself in the path
Of a ball stung by Joe Barone.
I watched it closing in
Clean and untouched, transfixed
By its easy arc before it hit
My forehead with a thud.

I fell back,
Dazed, clutching my brow,
Groaning, "Oh my shin, oh my shin,"
And everybody peeled away from me
And dropped from laughter, and there we were,
All of us writhing on the ground for one reason
Or another.

Someone said "shin" again,
There was a wild stamping of hands on the ground,
A kicking of feet, and the fit
Of laughter overtook me too,
And that was important, as important
As Joe Barone asking me how I was
Through his tears, picking me up
And dusting me off with hands like swatters, And though my head felt heavy,
I played on till dusk
Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders
And calling out in desperation things like
"Yours" and "take it," but doing all right,
Tugging at my cap in just the right way,
Crouching low, my feet set,
"Hum baby" sweetly on my lips.

—"How I Learned English,"
Gregory Djanikian

Write a short paragraph in which you evaluate what makes the poem effective and give your opinion of the poem overall.



The poem "How I Learned English" by Gregory Djanikian is effective in its ability to transport the reader to a specific time and place through vivid imagery and sensory details. The author captures the essence of a neighborhood baseball game and the narrator's feelings of being an outsider in a new country. The poem also uses humor and irony to convey the narrator's experiences and emotions, such as when he misses a ball and is laughed at by his teammates. Overall, the poem is an enjoyable and relatable depiction of the challenges and joys of adapting to a new culture.

The poem how i learned english

can someone write a summary of " the secret garden"




The novel centres on Mary Lennox, who is living in India with her wealthy British family. She is a selfish and disagreeable 10-year-old girl who has been spoiled by her servants and neglected by her unloving parents. When a cholera epidemic kills her parents and the servants, Mary is orphaned. After a brief stay with the family of an English clergyman, she is sent to England to live with a widowed uncle, Archibald Craven, at his huge Yorkshire estate, Misselthwaite Manor. Her uncle is rarely at Misselthwaite, however. Mary is brought to the estate by the head housekeeper, the fastidious Mrs. Medlock, who shuts her into a room and tells her not to explore the house.

Mary is put off when she finds that the chambermaid, Martha, is not as servile as the servants in India. But she is intrigued by Martha’s stories about her own family, particularly those about her 12-year-old brother, Dickon, who has a nearly magical way with animals. When Martha mentions the late Mrs. Craven’s walled garden, which was locked 10 years earlier by the uncle upon his wife’s death, Mary is determined to find it. She spends the next few weeks wandering the grounds and talking to the elderly gardener, Ben Weatherstaff. One day, while following a friendly robin, Mary discovers an old key that she thinks may open the locked garden. Shortly thereafter, she spots the door in the garden wall, and she lets herself into the secret garden. She finds that it is overgrown with dormant rose bushes and vines (it is winter), but she spots some green shoots, and she begins clearing and weeding in that area.

Mary continues to tend the garden. Her interaction with nature spurs a transformation: she becomes kinder, more considerate, and outgoing. One day she encounters Dickon, and he begins helping her in the secret garden. Mary later uncovers the source of the strange sounds she has been hearing in the mansion: they are the cries of her supposedly sick and crippled 10-year-old cousin, her uncle’s son Colin, who has been confined to the house and tended to by servants. He and Mary become friends, and she discovers that Colin does not have a spinal deformation, as he has believed. Dickon and Mary take Colin to see the garden, and there he discovers that he is able to stand. The three children explore the garden together and plant seeds to revitalize it, and through their friendship and interactions with nature they grow healthier and happier. When her uncle returns and sees the amazing transformation that has occurred to his son and his formerly abandoned garden now in bloom, he embraces his family, as well as their rejuvenated outlook on life.

The story is set in Paris. The main character is Aristide Valentin, who is the city chief of police. Valentin has decided to stage an elaborate dinner party at his curious estate. The estate is notable because there is only one entrance, which is presided over by Valentin's fastidious servant, Ivan. Once in the house, visitors can arrive at a beautiful back garden. However, this garden is protected by a high wall; there is no entering or leaving, except by the main entrance.

Valentin invites many elite members of society, whom Chesterton describes in detail. Among the party-goers is an ambassador, a lady and her daughter, a priest, a doctor, and a soldier. These guests are described in quick succession, and, as a reader, it's a bit difficult to tell one from another. Also invited is Julius K. Brayne, a rich man from the United States, and Valentin's rival.

Chesterton includes some side plots here and there, including a tryst between the soldier and the young lady. These sorts of descriptions put characters in certain places when the real action begins to take place.

Everything changes when one member of the group finds a dead body in the garden. The head has been decapitated. Suspicion immediately falls on the solider, Commander O'Brien, who had been carrying a long sword. However, he claims that he had earlier put the sword down in another room and was not in possession of it at the time of the murder.

The guests begin to act as amateur detectives. The dead body is not initially identified as someone from the party. Eventually, they begin to put the pieces together. At one point, Ivan coincidentally brings inside the severed head of Julius Brayne, which was outside the house. As it turns out, the body in the garden is Brayne's, but the head is someone else's.

Eventually, we learn that, earlier in the day, Valentin had attended an execution by guillotine, and had brought the head back to his home. In the garden, he cut off Brayne's head after tricking the American into bending over. He then threw Brayne's head over the wall, and replaced the head next to Brayne's body in an attempt to fool the guests. The guests find out that Valentin is the murderer and attempt to approach him. Once they arrive at his study, however, they find him dead of self-poisoning


A.monkey: arboreal
B.tree: plant
C.earthworm: tunnel
D.bat: cave



the answer is A


The answer is a A monkey arboreal I hope this is right
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