help me I'm stupid idk anything

Help Me I'm Stupid Idk Anything


Answer 1




hrfh erjh fer hjrhjv

Related Questions

Use illustrate in a sentence


The author illustrated a vivid picture of a luscious garden in her book

is tis site for making frineds


Answer: No, it's for getting homework/schoolwork help/answers.



it can be


What is revealed about George and Lennie in chapter one? Choose three from the list below. George is responsible for Lennie, and this creates tension between them. Lennie remembers past events in great detail. Lennie has a limited mental capacity. George and Lennie share the same dream of the future. No answer text provided. No answer text provided. George and Lennie recently met and are competing for a job at a ranch.​



after finishing this work we have realized why robert frost is considered one of after two years, frost left harvard to support his growing family. burial,” “a servant to servant...

What does the term “refrain" refer to in a song or poem?
A. a line that is repeated in multiple stanzas
B. the use of auditory imagery
C. the prohibition of rhyme in a stanza or verse
D. a ballad that tells a sorrowful tale



A refrain is the line or lines that are repeated in music or in poetry — the "chorus" of a song.



The answer is A a line that is repeated in multiple stanzas

Explanation: I took the test I hpe this helps.

Consider Mathilde's motives throughout the text. What role does greed play in this story?



The role greed plays in the story is changing Mathilde into a tired, poor old woman for not taking her husband's amount of money into consideration. Mathilde wanted to rise above her social status so badly that she asked for expensive things without regard for her poor husband, the karma for this was being worked to the bone for 10 years. Making her miserable and looking older than she really was.  

      The first piece of evidence is when the text says "He grew slightly pale, for this was exactly the amount he had been saving for a gun, intending to get a little shooting next summer on the plain of Nanterre with some friends who went lark-shooting there on Sundays. Nevertheless he said: "Very well. I'll give you four hundred francs. But try and get a really nice dress with the money."" This shows that Mathilde didn't take her husband's feelings and wants into account when she asked for a new expensive dress. All Mathilde wanted was to seem rich at a party of people she would never see again. When her husband already tries very hard to get this ticket it still isn't enough for her.  

         The second piece of evidence is when the text states ""I brought you another one just like it. And for the last ten years we have been paying for it. You realize it wasn't easy for us; we had no money.... Well, it's paid for at last, and I'm glad indeed." Madame Forestier had halted. "You say you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?" "Yes. You hadn't noticed it? They were very much alike." And she smiled in proud and innocent happiness. Madame Forestier, deeply moved, took her two hands. "Oh, my poor Mathilde! But mine was imitation. It was worth at the very most five hundred francs!... "" This shows that all that work that Mathilde did for 10 years was pointless. She threw away her youth for a necklace that was truly only worth 500 francs. Because of Matilde's greed to seem rich she suffered, doing hard labor just to pay of a debt they didn't even have to have. If Mathilde hadn't been so greedy to not be satisfied with a nice dress and the invitation, she would have never had to be in this situation.

       In conclusion because of Mathilde's greed and desire to be rich without regard for her husband she paid for it, she had to do hard work for years. In the end it turned out to not even be necessary, she had wasted 10 years of her life and her youthful beauty.


Mathilde was the wife of a "minor official in the Ministry of Education." In the story, "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant greed played a central role because Mathilde was not content with what she had. This is why she dreamed of situations that were unattainable for her.

Mathilde was not content with what she had and this is seen in her longing for what she did not have.

In the text, she longed for "...vast living rooms furnished in rare old silks, elegant furniture loaded with priceless ornaments,..."

She went a step further to create an impression of who she was not when she borrowed jewelry from Madame Forestier to attend an event. She lost the jewelry and paid a huge price for that.

So, her longing for material things was reflective of her greedy motives.

Learn more here:

The raft back and forth on the ragged sea as the frigid waters at its weathered hull.


what is the question

Rewrite the following passage from the book correctly. Use the book to check your work. Freak is on the floor, digging through the packing boxs for pots and pans and stuff, hes almost inside this box, all you can see is his funny little rear end sticking out. Youd think he was maybe 2 years-old thats how small he is until you notice wear his leg brace makes a lump in his pants



Freak is on the floor, digging through the packing boxes for pots, pans and stuff, he´s almost inside this box, all you can see is his funny little rear end sticking out. You´d think he was maybe 2 years-old. Thats how small he is until you notice where his leg brace makes a lump in his pants.


Hope this helps


hey ashhhh


missed you

What is the format of writing a memoir?



A personal narrative


It's a personal narrative that has a singular theme, and within that theme there also has to be a reflection of some sort.


a chronological order.


Some follow a chronological order they start at the earliest point in the subject's life and work their way up. This approach works very well when the subject has lived a long and rich life. And, this memoir format works very well when exploring extensive periods of the subject's life.

Writing a Paragraph
This part of the unit test assesses your knowledge of broad ideas and concepts covered in the unit, as well as your personal views and original thinking on unit topics.

Respond to only one of the two prompts below. Your answer is worth 50 points. In order to maximize your score
write thorough answers using the proper structure and pattern of organization that you learned in this lesson;
write in complete sentences;
use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
1. Write an example paragraph concerning events you've read or heard about in the news lately.

2. Write an illustration paragraph about the grounds of your school or the view outside the window where you study (include at least three supporting sentences).
I will give brainlist to those who relly help


It wouldn’t let me send my response but I took a screenshot so I hope this helps :)

Can anyone help me come up with a introduction for my paper it's about the positive effects on nature.​


Nature has positive and negative effects which include

1. Identify the narrative point of view of 'The Red Room" and explain how this point of view helps the author establish the tone (author's attitude toward the subject) and mood (overall feeling) of the story. ​



the attitude of the writing is angry, sarcastic, or bitter?


What did the young men do to Mrs. Shachter? What about the environment of the crowded train car likely caused them to do it?



for the first question they bounded her and gagged her

that's the only question that i could answer sorry

Determine if the statement is true or false.
The terms hue and color can be used interchangeably.
a. True
b. False





The words hue and color are often used interchangeably, but there is a real difference. Color contains all three dimensions, while hue is only one part of color. identifies a color

Answer : True


which is it? help please (it's a picture)





I am acing english.

Once you have your topic idea, write a short paragraph in your journal explaining what your idea is and how you plan to cover it. Also, include some ideas for sources you can use when researching your topic. Jot down a potential research
question, or maybe even two, to help guide your research. When you're finished, hold on to the paragraph so you can
use it to start planning your essay. Your paragraph should be no more than 100 words, but should be very detailed
about your ideas for your topic.



So I didnt feel like doing this so I looked it up and nobody had an answer, so I figured I would do it myself and answer it on here. I'm doing the program oddysseyware, and in the reading for the question its states that the writing should be about the civil war.  Heres what I wrote:

(Also it is 131 words)


In April of 1861, the civil war was formally bugan after southern forces had brought fire upon south Carolina. During this time women's roles changed drastically. Numerous women were left at home to fend for themselves, keep a family going, or maintain a business. Other women went a little more outside the bounds and spied for their cause or followed a particular unit as a daughter of the regiment. There even have been numerous discoveries of women who disguised themselves as men to serve as soldiers. An 1896 story about Mary Stevens Jenkins, who died in 1881, tells an equally brief tale. She enlisted in a Pennsylvania regiment when still a schoolgirl, remained in the army two years, received several wounds, and was discharged without anyone ever realizing she was female.

The civil war officially began in April 1861 as southern armies fired against South Carolina. Women's responsibilities saw a significant transformation during this time. Many women were left behind at home to care for their families, run businesses, or fend for themselves. Some ladies went a bit farther than others, spying for their cause or enlisting as the daughter of a certain regiment to accompany a particular unit.

What is Civil War?

An intrastate or civil war is a conflict between established factions inside a single state. One side's objective may be to seize power in the nation or a specific area, secure regional independence, or alter governmental practices.

Armed conflict frequently causes infrastructure devastation, forced migration, and ongoing refugee issues. Institutions in the social, political, and economic spheres can sustain long-term harm. There are significant negative effects of conflict, particularly civil war, on development.

Since the end of World War II, civil wars have lasted an average of little over four years, a significant increase from the one-and-a-half-year average of the years between 1900 and 1944.

To read more about Civil War, refer to -


Which former adversary of Animal Farm is seen cajoling with Napoleon at the end of the book?



Mr. Pilkington


The former adversary of Animal Farm that is seen cajoling with Napoleon at the end of the book is "Mr. Pilkington".

Mr. Pilkington is known to be the owner of Foxwood, a large and neglected old-fashioned farm. He is known to be easy-going farmer who spent most of his time hunting and fishing im seasons.

Towards the end of the story, Mr. Pilkington cajoles Napoleon and Animal Farm. He makes witty remarks about Animal Farm. He said "If you have your lower animals to contend with, we have our lower classes". His statement set the table in a roar. When Napoleon came to speak he mentioned the things that have been suppressed in Animal Farm and finally annouced that the name "Animal Farm" has been changed to "The Manor Farm".

How was relationship between the European settlers and Native Americans?



During the colonial period, Native Americans had a complicated relationship with European settlers. They resisted the efforts of the Europeans to gain more of their land and control through both warfare and diplomacy. Some famous alliances were formed during the French and Indian War of 1754–1763.

Help Apex English 9-2 quiz 2.2.7



I guess it's B number most of them dislikes with his views because they live in a state with a female governor and female senior governor

What is a central idea in "Flood Myths From Around the World"?
O Ancient chillizations used their flood myths to control their audiences with stories of vengeful gods.
O Early flood stories provide a look at the societal stratification of humans heroes and gods
Ancient food myths show that early civilizations had a low view of themselves morally and sought to please the gods
through their stories
Ancient flood myths gave audiences a positive way of understanding their place in the world as a new creation brought out
of destruction


Answer;For the ppl that have dif answers its '' Ancient flood myths gave audiences a positive way of understanding their place in the world as a new creation brought out of destruction. ''  i got a 100


Ancient flood myths gave audiences a positive way of understanding their place in the world as a new creation brought out of destruction is a central idea in "Flood Myths From Around the World.

What is the audience?

An audience is a group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, literature in which they are called readers building, music in which they are called listeners video games in which they are called players faculty members in any medium.

The audience  Epic of Gilgamesh is one instance of a flood myth. Many academics think that the Akkadian Atra-Hasis, which dates to the 18th century BCE, was the source of this tale. The supreme god, Enlil, decides to wipe out the earth with a flood in the Gilgamesh flood story because people have grown too boisterous.

Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the audience here:


What has Scout learned about injustice from Miss Caroline and the townspeople of Maycomb?



Scout learns that everyone is going to judge Atticus because he's defending a black man.


Fill in the blanks below with the correct reciprocal pronouns:

Alex and Martha say goodbye to ______ after school.

The puppies playfully bit ________ on the nose.

The mom and dad loved ________ very much.

The children fought with _________on the playground.


1. Them
2. Her/him or maybe them
3. Her/him
4. Each other
Hope this helps and if you could can you add this as brainliest? I wanna rank up really bad!!

A pronoun that denotes reciprocity is known as a reciprocal pronoun. A reciprocal construction, or a sentence in which two participants have a mutual relationship.

What is reciprocal pronouns ?

Can have one of its participants be a reciprocal pronoun. Together with reflexive pronouns, the reciprocal pronouns one another and each other make up the category of anaphors in English.

Reflexives are used when the subject acts upon oneself, as in example (1), but reciprocal pronouns are used when members of a group do the same action relative to one another, as in example (2). This is the main distinction between the two types of pronouns. There are reciprocal pronouns in numerous languages. They are linked They signify a reciprocal link between the members of plural noun phrases and are associated with them.


1. Them

2. She/he or possibly they

3. She/he

4. Everybody

Learn more about  reciprocal pronouns here


Is revenge ever justified? Do you agree with the U.S. response to the 9/11 attacks? Why or why not? for the story 9/11/2001 by Mike Kubic



no it isnt











The human and economic costs of the attacks were horrendous. As of August 2016, six out of every 10

dead bodies in the twin Towers had not been identified. They were either completely burned or so

disfigured that their names could not be established with certainty.

Thousands of other New Yorkers, and the victims of the attack on the Pentagon, still suffer from their

injuries. The damage to buildings ran into billions of dollars. 15 years after 9/11, the construction of

three new World Trade Towers was still far from finished.

And throughout the shocked Western World, governments took unprecedented5 measures to prevent

more terrorist atrocities.

Air travel across the United States and Canada was almost completely suspended for three days; from

coast to coast, communities, sports clubs, and other organizations cancelled or postponed events that

could attract large crowds and offer targets for terrorists. Similar precautions were taken by some

European countries. In the United Kingdom, for instance, civilian aircraft were forbidden from flying

over London for several days after the attack.

The U.S. government was reorganized and put on emergency footing. The Congress created a

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) tasked with a huge mission: preventing terrorism disasters,

and managing border security, immigration, customs, and cybersecurity.


FIRST QUESTION. what does scruple mean? SECOND QUESTION. What is a sentence for scruple?



scruple means a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.


Annie had a sudden feeling of scruple when she told herself she could finish her homework in 20 minutes.

Which narrative point of view is used in this excerpt from “The Lily’s Quest” by Nathaniel Hawthorne?

So one breezy and cloudless afternoon Adam Forrester and Lilias Fay set out upon a ramble over the wide estate which they were to possess together, seeking a proper site for their temple of happiness. They were themselves a fair and happy spectacle, fit priest and priestess for such a shrine, although, making poetry of the pretty name of Lilias, Adam Forrester was wont to call her "Lily" because her form was as fragile and her cheek almost as pale. As they passed hand in hand down the avenue of drooping elms that led from the portal of Lilias Fay's paternal mansion they seemed to glance like winged creatures through the strips of sunshine, and to scatter brightness where the deep shadows fell.



First Person


Answer: 1st person :)


Which of the following reveals an event in the rising action?

A. In the brightness of the wintry sun next morning as it streamed over the breakfast table he laughed at his fears.
B. "Herbert will have some more of his funny remarks, I expect, when he comes home," she said, as they sat at dinner.
C. His mother laughed, and following him to the door, watched him down the road; and returning to the breakfast table, was very happy at the expense of her husband's credulity.
D. His wife made no reply. She was watching the mysterious movements of a man outside, who, peering in an undecided fashion at the house, appeared to be trying to make up his mind to enter.​



B:) Is the answer cuz action is still incompelete and is rising.The action will be completed when herbert comes home


Plz mark as brainloest I am close to expert.

Write a rough draft about spider man into the spider verse



Bitten by a radioactive spider in the subway, Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales suddenly develops mysterious powers that transform him into the one and only Spider-Man. When he meets Peter Parker, he soon realizes that there are many others who share his special, high-flying talents


use mixed tenses these sentences if i (be)you,i (check)my facts before I wrote that letter​



if I were you, I would check my facts before I write that letter


List what Tobias as a noble is free to do:


live laugh love hope

HURRY it you give me the answer it on 10 mins I’ll give brainiest!If you can’t see it says family love is power emotion.this is a theme found within jungle book mowglis brothers which rear-life experience best helps readers connect to this theme 1.cheetahs and leopards both come from the cat family 2.brothers and sisters often grow up to become life-long friends
3.spending the day at the zoo with friend’s is a lot of fun gatherings are a great time to catch up


the answer is number 2; “brothers and sisters often grow up to be lifelong friends”


b) Brothers and sisters often grow up to become life-long friends


hope this helps :] <3

In two to four sentences, explain how this sentence or passage communicates or supports the theme. Complete the following sentence to help you begin your explanation.

This quotation shows how the protagonist has learned / has not learned...

the short story is Theseus and the Minotaur







The short story is The "Legend" relates the tale of a young man who learns the importance of humility. This quotation shows how the protagonist has learned the importance of humility, as he realizes that his pride and arrogance have caused him to make mistakes and suffer consequences. He comes to understand that humility is the key to success and happiness.

Other Questions
How did the New York City community of Harlem become an exclusively African American neighborhood in the twenties? Which are the partial products of 3,706 4? which expression represents this model? put this numbers from greatest to least0.2734, 23.74, 0.0347, 0.43,0.0043 I have been trying to get the population of a fish pond to 80 for 3 hoursThis is a question my friend is asking, if someone could quickly answer by today that would be greatly appreciated :] doctor gives alife to people justify In rupert's land fishing and ship building were the main industries. True or false? During evaporation, what causes certain liquid molecules to become vapor molecules? A. Decreased fluidity A. Increased viscosity A. Decreased kinetic energy A. Increased kinetic energy. Which phrase best completes the diagram? Common duties of citizenship Christopher has breakfast at a cafe and the cost of his meal is \$36.00$36.00dollar sign, 36, point, 00. Because of the service, he wants to leave a 10\%10%10, percent tip. l no ________ chino.tomahablaveespera what kind of disease is pneumonia is it Use the information to find the minimum sample size required to estimate an unknown population mean . Margin of error: $110, confidence level: 95%, = $500. Group of answer choices The Intensity level of a loud saw is 100 db at a distance of 5m. At what distance would the level be 80 db Dom and Riley both want to find the change from the 6 AM temperature to the new 12 PM temperature. Dom says that you can use a number line and add the distances from 0 to the 6 AM temperature and from 0 to the new 12 PM temperature. Riley says that you can subtract -1.4 from the 12 PM temperature. Is either Dom or Riley correct? Explain your reasoning and find the change in temperature. what is (3-x)3y if you answer please explain how to do these ones Six and forty-two ten-thousandths as a decimal What was Johnny's favorite part of Gone with the Wind?-The Outsiders Not sure how to do this which of the following elements would decrease in size when it became an ion