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Assignment: 01.07 Collapse of an Empire
It's time to decide—what were the biggest causes of the Byzantine Empire's final collapse? For this assignment, from the many described throughout the lesson, you will identify the four causes of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire that you believe most directly contributed to its end. Then you will compare them to each other to see which you believe was the most significant overall.

First you need to explain each of the four causes that you identified—make sure your causes review the entire lesson, which covers many different possible causes. Then you will directly compare them in two rounds to identify which you find the most significant overall.

As always, remember to use the template provided—either submit it after filling it out or reference it to make sure you don't miss any part of the assignment.


Answer 1

The Byzantine Empire's eventual collapse was mostly brought on by the Ottoman Empire's growth, which resulted in the fall of Constantinople and put an end to centuries of Byzantine dominance.

The Byzantine Empire fell, but why and when?

In the year 1453 CE, the Ottoman Empire used cannons to breach the walls of Constantinople and capture possession of the capital city, bringing an end to the Byzantine Empire once and for all. In the conflict, Constantine XI, the final Byzantine Emperor, perished.

What dangers faced the Byzantine Empire?

Emperor Heraclius' destruction of the Persian Empire in 627–628 made the Arab troops that formed after becoming unified by Islam the greatest danger to the Byzantine Empire. Up until 1071, when the Seljuks first appeared.

To know more about Byzantine Empire's visit:-


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The Bill Is a Law

If a bill has passed in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and has been approved by the President, or if a presidential veto has been overridden, the bill becomes a law and is enforced by the government

which scientific discovery of the nineteenth century contributed to questions about the nature of reality?


The Realist movement in French art flourished from about 1840 until the late nineteenth century, and sought to convey a truthful and objective vision of contemporary life.

What was the mood of the american
People at the time of hoover election



The mood of the American people at the time of Herbert Hoover's election in 1928 was generally optimistic and confident. The 1920s were a period of economic growth and prosperity, and many Americans believed that this trend would continue under Hoover's leadership. Hoover was seen as a successful businessman and a capable leader, and his campaign emphasized his experience and competence. Additionally, Hoover's Republican Party had been in power for eight years, and many Americans were satisfied with the party's record on economic and foreign policy issues. However, this mood of optimism and confidence would soon be shattered by the onset of the Great Depression, which began in 1929, just months after Hoover took office. The economic hardships of the Depression would come to define Hoover's presidency and lead to a significant shift in the mood of the American people.

Pavlov's apparatus is often misportrayed in modern psychology textbooks because?a. Yerkes and Morgulis put the wrong labels on the drawings in their 1909 article b. Pavlov deliberately altered the drawings to make it difficult for others to steal his procedures c. Textbook writers often rely on secondary sources, which may be in error d. The apparatus that he actually used was much too complicated to reproduce in textbook drawings


Pavlov's apparatus is often misportrayed in modern psychology textbooks because c. Textbook writers often rely on secondary sources, which may be in error. This can lead to inaccuracies in the depiction of the apparatus and its function in Pavlov's experiments.

Pavlov's apparatus was a device used in his experiments on classical conditioning, which involved pairing a neutral stimulus (such as a sound) with a reflexive response (such as salivation) until the neutral stimulus alone could elicit the response. The apparatus consisted of a soundproof chamber in which a dog was restrained and presented with stimuli, such as food and a metronome, while physiological measures such as salivation were recorded. However, in Yerkes and Morgulis's 1909 article, the labels for the "experimental" and "control" groups in their illustrations of the apparatus were switched, which has resulted in confusion and misinterpretation in subsequent publications and textbooks. In the mislabeled illustrations, the dog in the "experimental" group was shown with a tube in its mouth, implying that it was being force-fed the food stimulus, while the dog in the "control" group was shown without the tube. This led to the misconception that Pavlov's experiments involved force-feeding the dogs, which is not the case.

Learn more about illustrations here:


what was the student nonviolent coordinating committee (sncc)? a an organization founded by students to coordinate and publicize sit-ins and other peaceful protests b an organization started by benjamin mays c an organization started by dr. martin luther king, jr., that stressed nonviolent acts d an organization in georgia that created new laws for african americans in the state



A. an organization founded by students to coordinate and publicize sit-ins and other peaceful protests


The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was founded in 1960 in the wake of student-led sit-ins at segregated lunch counters across the South and became the major channel of student participation in the civil rights movement

how did the government encourage continued, positive economic growth in the years following wwii?


Following WWII, the government encouraged continued, positive economic growth through several key policies and initiatives. These included the Marshall Plan, which provided financial aid to rebuild European economies; the GI Bill, offering educational and housing benefits to returning veterans; and investment in infrastructure.

After World War II, the United States government implemented a range of policies aimed at encouraging continued, positive economic growth. Here are a few examples:

The GI Bill: The GI Bill, also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, was passed in 1944 to provide returning veterans with a range of benefits, including educational opportunities, home loans, and unemployment benefits. This helped to stimulate economic growth by providing veterans with the skills and resources needed to succeed in the civilian workforce.Infrastructure investments: The government invested heavily in infrastructure projects, such as highways, bridges, and airports, which helped to create jobs and stimulate economic activity.Housing policies: The government implemented policies to encourage home ownership, such as the Federal Housing Administration's mortgage insurance program, which made it easier for people to obtain home loans. This helped to create demand for housing and stimulate the construction industry.Tax policies: The government implemented tax policies aimed at encouraging investment and business growth, such as accelerated depreciation allowances and tax credits for research and development.

These and other policies helped to create a period of sustained economic growth in the United States during the post-WWII era, known as the "Golden Age of Capitalism."

Learn more about unemployment here:


compare netty fridan and phyllis Schlafly


Friedan and Schlafly shared many characteristics: they were both well educated, married, and committed to their respective causes in the ERA debate.

What are Phyllis Schlafly's two objections to the Equal Rights Amendment?

According to this perspective, Schlafly opposed the amendment because she thought it would violate housewives' rights, give the federal government too much authority, and harm women who were already equal under the law in the important ways.

What feminism principles did Phyllis Schlafly hold?

By creating the concept of "family values" as a partisan division, Schlafly contributed to making feminism a divisive political issue. Based on their support for homosexual marriage, abortion, and other topics that Schlafly and her allies deemed to be against the nuclear Christian family, she and her supporters attacked politicians.

To Know more about amendment


how does annie react to helen throwing the key into the well at the end of act i?


At the end of Act I of "The Miracle Worker," Annie Sullivan, the teacher of Helen Keller, reacts to Helen throwing the key into the well with a mixture of frustration, anger, and determination.

Annie had been trying to teach Helen the meaning of words by using a water pump, and the key was a reward for Helen's progress. However, Helen took the key and threw it into the well, seemingly out of defiance and lack of understanding.Annie's reaction to this setback is significant because it shows her resilience and determination to teach Helen, despite the challenges she faces. Instead of giving up, Annie decides to spend the night with Helen in her room, using a variety of techniques to try and communicate with her. This demonstrates Annie's dedication and commitment to helping Helen learn, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.Overall, Annie's reaction to Helen throwing the key into the well highlights her unwavering belief in the power of education and her determination to help Helen overcome her disabilities.

Learn more about The Miracle Worker here:


how did compromises and/or acts fail to save the union? be sure to bring up at least two compromises and how they helped (for the short term) but could not help for the long term. your answer:


Answer: Compromises and acts were implemented in an effort to save the Union, but ultimately they were not enough to prevent the outbreak of the Civil War. Two examples of compromises that helped in the short term but failed in the long term were the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.

The Missouri Compromise, passed in 1820, aimed to maintain the balance between free states and slave states in the United States. It established a line at 36 degrees 30 minutes North latitude, with slavery allowed south of the line and prohibited north of it. While this temporarily settled the issue of slavery in new territories, it did not address the underlying tensions between the North and the South over the expansion of slavery into new states. As more territories were acquired, debates over the expansion of slavery continued to intensify, ultimately leading to the secession of Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War.

The Compromise of 1850 attempted to resolve disputes over the newly acquired territories from the Mexican-American War. It allowed California to enter the Union as a free state, while also implementing stricter fugitive slave laws and allowing for popular sovereignty in the remaining territories. This compromise temporarily eased tensions, but it ultimately failed to address the underlying issues of slavery and states' rights. The Fugitive Slave Act, in particular, sparked outrage in the North and increased support for abolitionist movements, further dividing the country and pushing it towards war.

In summary, compromises and acts were used as temporary solutions to the growing tensions between the North and South, but they ultimately failed to address the deeper issues of slavery and states' rights. The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 are just two examples of how attempts at compromise fell short, ultimately leading to the devastating conflict of the Civil War.


Resulted in the surrender of Japan to the Allies



The bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki


A combination of events such as the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet Unions invasion of Manchuria forced Japan to surrender in World War 2. On September 2, 1945, Japanese representatives signed the official Instrument of Surrender, prepared by the War Department and approved by President Harry S. Truman. It set out in eight short paragraphs the complete capitulation of Japan.

Is it right for a nation to make preemptive strikes against another nation? Why or why not?


Answer: It is not right for another nation to launch a preemptive strike.

Explanation: Preemptive strikes violate the principle of national sovereignty and international law, which prohibit one country from using force against another country unless in self-defense. Preemptive strikes can also lead to unintended consequences, including escalating the conflict and causing more harm than good.

the – -century french artist and political cartoonist – used his skills to draw attention to police brutality in his – titled –


The 19th-century French artist and political cartoonist, Honoré Daumier, used his skills to draw attention to police brutality in his work titled "Rue Transnonain, le 15 Avril 1834.

Daumier was known for his satirical and often critical depictions of contemporary society, including political corruption and social injustice. In 1834, he created a lithograph titled "Rue Transnonain, le 15 Avril 1834" (translated as "Transnonain Street, April 15, 1834"), which depicted a tragic event that occurred during the April 1834 insurrection in France.

The lithograph portrays a scene of police brutality, showing a family massacred by the authorities in their home on Rue Transnonain in Paris. The powerful and emotive image, political cartoonist, with its graphic depiction of the brutal violence inflicted upon innocent civilians, was a condemnation of the government's heavy-handed response to the uprising and a critique of police brutality.

To learn more about political cartoonist, visit here


The 19th-century French artist and political cartoonist, Honoré Daumier, used his skills to draw attention to police brutality in his series of lithographs titled "Les Gens de Justice" (The People of Justice).

The lithograph was created in 1834 in response to an incident in which French soldiers opened fire on a group of civilians during a protest against the government. The incident, which became known as the Rue Transnonain massacre, resulted in the deaths of several people, including women and children.

Daumier's lithograph depicts the aftermath of the massacre, with a family huddled together in a room, surrounded by the bodies of the dead and wounded. The image is powerful and emotional, and serves as a critique of the government's use of violence to suppress dissent.

Daumier was known for his social and political commentary, and used his art to draw attention to the injustices and inequalities of French society during the 19th century.

For more question on lithographs


Henry Beecher reported that soldiers wounded at the Anzio beachhead during World War II experience ______ pain.


Henry Beecher reported that soldiers wounded at the Anzio beachhead during World War II experience less pain.

Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) was a prominent American Congregationalist minister, social reformer, and orator. He was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, into a family of famous preachers and reformers. Beecher's father, Lyman Beecher, was a renowned Congregationalist preacher, and his sister, Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote the influential anti-slavery novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Henry Ward Beecher became a minister in 1837 and served in several churches throughout his career. He was known for his charismatic preaching style, which emphasized personal freedom and social reform. Beecher was an ardent abolitionist and worked tirelessly to end slavery in the United States. He supported the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses used by slaves to escape to freedom in the North, and used his pulpit to rally support for the abolitionist cause.

In addition to his work on behalf of the abolitionist movement, Beecher was also an advocate for women's rights and temperance. He believed that women should have greater opportunities for education and employment and was a supporter of the women's suffrage movement. Beecher also believed in the importance of temperance and worked to promote the idea that alcohol was a dangerous and destructive force in society.

Visit here to learn more about Henry Beecher


how did politics affect the 1920s?


politics affected the 1920s in many ways

The 18th Amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, which led to a rise in organized crime and government corruption.
The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote, leading to increased participation in politics.
Nativism rose in the 1920s, with many Americans fearing that immigrants were taking jobs away from native-born citizens.
The Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 restricted immigration to the United States.
The Republican Party was in power for most of the 1920s, favoring a pro-business, laissez-faire approach to government.
This led to a boom in the economy but also contributed to the stock market crash of 1929.
The 1920s were marked by significant social and economic changes.
The Scopes Trial in 1925 highlighted the tension between traditional religious beliefs and modern scientific thought.
The Ku Klux Klan experienced a resurgence in the 1920s, with millions of members across the country.
The 1920s also saw the rise of the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement celebrating African American art, music, and literature

• how does the history of peking (beijing) opera since the 19th century reflect larger social and political movements in chinese history?


The history of Peking Opera in China since the 19th century reflects larger social and political movements that have occurred in Chinese history.

Peking Opera emerged in the late 18th century and became increasingly popular in the 19th century. During this time, China was undergoing significant political and social changes. The collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 led to the establishment of the Republic of China, which brought new cultural and social changes to the country. Peking Opera continued to evolve during this time, reflecting these changes in Chinese society.
In the 1930s and 1940s, Peking Opera was used as a propaganda tool by the Chinese Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War. The Communists used Peking Opera to promote their political ideology and mobilize support for their cause. After the Communist Party came to power in 1949, Peking Opera became a part of the official cultural policy of the new regime. The government promoted Peking Opera as a traditional art form that could be used to educate the masses about the values of the new socialist society.
During the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, Peking Opera faced a challenging time. Many traditional Chinese cultural practices, including Peking Opera, were denounced as remnants of the old society and were suppressed. However, after the Cultural Revolution ended, Peking Opera experienced a revival. The Chinese government promoted Peking Opera as a symbol of Chinese culture and a tool for promoting national unity.

In conclusion, the history of Peking Opera since the 19th century reflects the larger social and political movements in Chinese history. It has been used as a propaganda tool, promoted as a traditional art form, and suppressed during different periods of Chinese history. Today, Peking Opera continues to be an essential part of China's cultural heritage and is celebrated both within China and abroad.

To learn more about revolution visit;


how the social contract works in the united states?



The social contract is a philosophical concept that describes the implicit agreement between citizens and their government to abide by certain laws and regulations in exchange for protection, security, and the provision of public goods and services. In the United States, the social contract is embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The U.S. Constitution sets out the framework for the government and outlines the powers and responsibilities of each branch of government. It also establishes the rights and freedoms of citizens, including the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to a fair trial, and the right to due process. The Bill of Rights, which consists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, further protects individual liberties and limits the power of the government.

In exchange for the protections and freedoms provided by the government, citizens are expected to obey the laws and regulations set out by the government. This includes paying taxes, serving on juries, and complying with regulations that are designed to protect public health and safety. Additionally, citizens are expected to participate in the democratic process by voting and engaging in public discourse to help shape the policies and laws that govern the country.

The social contract in the United States is a dynamic and evolving concept that is influenced by changing social, political, and economic conditions. The government is expected to respond to the needs and concerns of citizens, and citizens have the right to hold the government accountable through elections, protests, and other forms of activism. Ultimately, the social contract in the United States is based on the idea that the government serves the people, and that both citizens and the government have a responsibility to work together to build a just and prosperous society.


Answer: People live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior.

Explanation:  Some people believe that if we live accordingly to a social contract we can live morally by our own choice and not because a divine being requires it.

in the 1930s and 40s, early jazz gave way to?a. bebop.b. Latin jazz.c. swing, or big-band.d. West coast jazz.


In the 1930s and 40s, early jazz gave way to swing, or big-band.

The correct option is C.

Swing was a style of jazz which originated in the 1930s and featured a heavy swing beat, improvised solos, and a large ensemble. It became the most popular form of jazz in the United States during the 1940s, with big bands such as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Benny Goodman leading the charge.

This style was characterized by a steady, driving rhythm and featured four-beat phrases divided into eight eight-note sections. Swing jazz also had a strong emphasis on improvisation and soloing, as well as a sense of collective improvisation between the different sections of the band. Other jazz styles that emerged during this period included bebop, Latin jazz, and West Coast jazz.

While swing was the most popular form of jazz during this time, other styles such as bebop and Latin jazz were gaining popularity.

The correct option is C.

To know more about Duke Ellington, click here:


embed preferred culture by describing organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values.


Embedding a preferred culture within an organization involves outlining the company's philosophy, mission, vision, and values in a way that aligns with the desired culture. The organizational philosophy should articulate the company's overall approach to business and how it intends to operate within its industry.

The mission statement should clearly define the organization's purpose and what it hopes to achieve. The vision statement should express the company's aspirations for the future, while the values statement should outline the guiding principles and behaviors that are expected of employees. By incorporating these elements into the company's culture, organizations can promote a shared sense of purpose and a commitment to achieving common goals. This, in turn, helps to foster a positive work environment and increases employee engagement, which can lead to improved productivity, increased innovation, and greater organizational success. By clearly defining and communicating its organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values, an organization can help to create a shared sense of purpose and direction among its employees. This, in turn, can help to embed the preferred culture and reinforce the behaviors and attitudes that align with the company's goals and objectives.

Learn more about innovation here:


Formal statements embed preferred culture by describing organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values.  

These statements should clearly communicate the beliefs and principles that guide the organization's actions and decisions. The organizational philosophy should outline the underlying principles that guide the organization's behavior and decision-making.

The mission statement should communicate the organization's purpose and reason for existence. The vision statement should describe the desired future state of the organization, while the values statement should articulate the core beliefs and principles that the organization stands for.

By developing these formal statements, the organization can clearly communicate its preferred culture and encourage employees to embrace and embody these values. This can help to create a more cohesive and unified culture within the organization, as everyone works towards a common set of goals and principles.

To know more about vision visit :


Complete Question:

____________embed preferred culture is through the use of formal statements or organizational philosophy, mission, vision, and values.





Notable revolutions in recent centuries include the creation of the United States through the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the French Revolution (1789–1799), the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804), the Spanish American wars of independence (1808–1826), the European Revolutions of 1848, the Russian Revolution in

As an historian of the French Revolution of 1789-99, I often ponder the similarities between the five great revolutions of the modern world – the English Revolution (1649), American Revolution (1776), French Revolution (1789), Russian Revolution (1917) and Chinese Revolution (1949

some members of the counterculture lived together in _______, group living arrangements in which members shared everything and worked together. *


Some members of the counterculture lived together in communes, group living arrangements in which members shared everything and worked together.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the counterculture movement emerged as a social and cultural phenomenon in the United States and other parts of the world. The counterculture represented a rebellion against mainstream societal norms and values, advocating for peace, love, equality, and communal living. Communes were one of the ways in which counterculture members sought to create alternative lifestyles that emphasized cooperation, communal living, and shared resources.

Communes were typically rural or urban communities where individuals or groups of like-minded people lived together in a collective manner. They often shared living spaces, food, clothing, and other resources, and made decisions collectively. Communes also often emphasized self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a rejection of materialism and consumerism.

To learn more about communes, visit here


Some members of the counterculture lived together in communes, group living arrangements in which members shared everything and worked together.

Communes were often formed as a rejection of mainstream society and its values, and were based on principles of cooperation, equality, and communal living. Communes provided an opportunity for people to live a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle, and to create their own alternative culture.

Many communes were founded in the 1960s and 1970s as part of the larger countercultural movement, and were associated with hippies, environmentalists, and other groups who rejected the materialism and consumerism of mainstream society.

The counterculture is a social and cultural movement that emerged in the United States and other Western countries in the 1960s.

For more question on counterculture


Which BEST explains how the Land Ordinance of 1785 influenced education?


Under the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Congress passed the Land Ordinance of 1785. It outlined the procedure for surveying and selling property west of the Appalachian Mountains. After 1785.

All U.S. land was divided into townships and their corresponding sections.  The convention's main goal was to find a solution to the long-standing problem of the slave trade and the associated commerce. The situation was complicated because the northern states wanted Congress to have the authority to control the slave trade.

While the southern states opposed it because they thought Congress might outlaw slavery. Whether the federal government or the states would have more power was a major topic during the Convention.

To learn more about procedure, click here.


Which of the following best describes how Christianity played an important part in shaping America?


Christianity played an important role in shaping America in several ways. One of the most significant ways is through the influence of Christian values and principles on the country's founding documents and institutions. For example.

the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both reflect the Christian principles of individual liberty, equality, and the inherent dignity of every human being.Christianity also played a role in shaping American culture and society, particularly through the influence of religious movements such as the Great Awakening and the social gospel movement. These movements emphasized the importance of personal morality, social justice, and community service, and helped to inspire and mobilize many Americans to work towards these goals.Furthermore, Christianity has been a significant force in shaping American politics, particularly through the influence of religious groups and leaders on policy debates and elections. Many politicians and political movements have drawn on Christian themes and ideas to mobilize voters and shape public opinion.Overall, the role of Christianity in shaping America has been complex and multifaceted, with significant impacts on the country's political, cultural, and social development.

Learn more about Christianity here:


How can military alliances around the world benefit a country? What did this do to the US?

I have already searched this but it's stressing me out :(


Military alliances can benefit a country in several ways. First, they can provide mutual defense in the event of an attack. Second, they can promote economic cooperation and trade among member nations. Third, alliances can increase a country's diplomatic influence and bargaining power on the international stage. Additionally, alliances can facilitate the sharing of intelligence and military technology between member nations.

In the case of the United States, military alliances have played a significant role in its global power and influence. For example, NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has been a critical alliance for the United States since its formation in 1949. NATO has allowed the U.S. to maintain a significant military presence in Europe, and has been a key force in maintaining peace and stability in the region. The U.S. has also formed military alliances with countries in Asia and the Pacific, such as Japan and South Korea, which have helped to contain the influence of countries like China and North Korea.

Military alliances can be an important tool for countries to advance their national security interests, promote economic cooperation, and increase their diplomatic influence. For the United States, alliances have played a key role in maintaining its position as a global superpower.

which of the following best describes the relationship between Rosa parks and martin Luther king jr.?


Answer: Both Parks and King were civil rights activists, and King organized protests in support of Parks.


1. why was the Indian department created
2. what is a Wampum belt? What is its significance in the treaty process?
3. What were the findings of the Bagot Commission? What were the long-term consequences of this commission?
4. what was the goal of the government?
5. how did the Canadian government determine who was indigenous?
6. who were the clan mothers? What was their purpose? How did the indian act impact them?
7. which country based its apartheid system on Canada's assimilation policies?
8. Despite its problems, why do many indigenous people not want to abolish the Indian Act?


In order to manage ties between the British Empire and the First Nations of North America, the Indian Department was created in 1755.

2.  What is a Wampum belt? What is its significance in the treaty process?

Wampum belts were used to signify agreements made between nations.

Indigenous peoples utilized wampum to record treaties and resolve conflicts.

3. What were the findings of the Bagot Commission? What were the long-term consequences of this commission?

Three major findings made up the report.

The first gave a history of Canadian policy towards Indigenous peoples;the second was a statistical analysis of Indigenous issues; and the third outlined colonial administrative structure.

Charles Bagot, the governor general of the Canadian province, called for the establishment of the Bagot commission. It suggested changes to both the provincial management of Indigenous issues and the Indian Act's antecedent law.

Between 1842 and 1844, the commission was in operation.

4. What was the goal of the government?

The goal of government was to look after problems of Indigenous people. Bagot commission included a variety of suggestions for addressing alleged issues with Indigenous people.

5.  how did the Canadian government determine who was indigenous?

Canadians defined indigenous people as individuals who lived in a country or a certain geographic area at the time that people from other cultures or ethnic backgrounds arrived.

6. Who were the clan mothers? What was their purpose? How did the indian act impact them?

Senior female members of a clan or longhouse, known as clan mothers, played significant social and political duties.

7. Which country based its apartheid system on Canada's assimilation policies?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in particular, served as a major inspiration for South Africa's post-apartheid constitution.

8. Despite its problems, why do many indigenous people not want to abolish the Indian Act?

Despite opposition, Aboriginal peoples value the Indian Act for its historical and jurisprudential significance.  

It recognizes and upholds the special historical and legal relationship that Aboriginal peoples have with Canada. For this reason, despite the Indian Act's drawbacks, efforts to completely repeal it have encountered strong opposition.

To know more about Wampum Belt visit:


An advantage of the Industrial Revolution was___________. A disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution was_____________.

Identify one advantage AND one disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution.



An advantage of the Industrial Revolution was better technology and cheaper prices for goods. A disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution was poor working conditions in factories.

despite being an anti new/fair dealer, what one project of eisenhower's dwarfed anything from the aforementioned programs? what were the pros and cons of this investment?


The most significant project of President Eisenhower was the creation of the Interstate Highway System.

This project dwarfed anything from the New Deal and Fair Deal programs, with the construction of over 41,000 miles of highways. The Interstate Highway System was a major investment that brought many benefits to the country, including improved transportation between cities, improved access to goods and services, and increased economic activity.

It was also a major source of jobs and tax revenue for state and local governments. However, the project was expensive and the funds spent on it could have gone to other more pressing needs, such as infrastructure and education. Furthermore, there have been environmental concerns raised about the project, such as air pollution and destruction of habitats.

To know more about President Eisenhower, click here:


describe the events surrounding the kennedy assassination. what did the warren commission conclude? what doubts remain? apush


John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with the murder, but he was fatally shot by Jack Ruby two days later.

The Warren Commission was appointed to investigate the assassination and concluded that Oswald acted alone. The Commission's report, which was released in 1964, concluded that Kennedy was killed by two shots fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building.

Despite the Commission's conclusion, many doubts remain about the assassination. Questions remain about Oswald's ties to organized crime, the possibility of a second shooter, and the accuracy of the autopsy.

Additionally, many people have questioned the independence and thoroughness of the Commission's investigation. These doubts about the Warren Commission's conclusions remain to this day.

To know more about John F. Kennedy , click here:


Serbia receives an ultimatum.
Russia supports Serbia.
Germany mobilizes its troops.
These events led most directly to the ____


According to the question of ultimatum, these events led most directly to the outbreak of World War I.

What is ultimatum?

An ultimatum is a demand or warning that allows for no further discussion or negotiation and is often presented as a final option. The term is derived from Latin, meaning “last words” or “final statement”. Ultimatums are typically used when one party wants to pressure the other into a desired course of action. For example, a government might issue an ultimatum to a rebel group to stop their activities or face military action. Alternatively, an employer might issue an ultimatum to a union to accept a certain contract or face a lockout. Ultimatums are usually considered a last resort, and are often seen as an effective way to put pressure on the other party and reach an agreement.

To learn more about ultimatum


what is depicted in this relief carving from the top of a babylonian stela created in the eighteenth century bce?


The top of a Babylonian stela created in the 18th century BCE, the depiction typically includes a scene of a Babylonian king or ruler, possibly alongside divine figures or symbols. The carving illustrates the ruler's authority, achievements, and connection to the gods, showcasing the significance of their reign in ancient Babylonian society.

As a significant zero, the zero in 20 influences the value of the number and should be retained when rounding. On the other hand, the zero in 20.0 is a non-significant zero, which means that rounding should omit it because it has no impact on the value of the number.

The presence of a decimal point distinguishes two zeros in terms of how they affect the number. If there is no decimal point after the last digit of a number, as in the example 20.0, the zero is important. If there is a decimal point after the last digit, as in the example 20. Significant zeros are represented in scientific notation by a number with a power of ten, such as 2x.

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A company that uses a more expensive short lead time supplier as a backup for a low cost, long lead time supplier is usingA) tailored sourcing.B) quick response.C) postponement.D) improved forecasting. Can DermalMD Acne Serum be used in conjunction with other acne treatments? if i throw myself on a bomb to save 5 of my fellow soldiers, then i'm demonstrating ______________ ethics A patient in one of the residential homes to which you supply medication is going on holiday and needs her prescriptions made up for the 5 days that she will be away. If she usually takes ranitidine 150 mg twice daily and atenolol 50 mg in the morning, what is the dose of combinations of Zantac syrup (75 mg ranitidine/5 mL) and Tenorminsyrup (25 mg atenolol/5 mL) would you supply? super sleep hotel has 1,700 guests who stayed for two nights and rented 150 rooms. how many guest nights did the hotel have during this period? the nurse is caring for a the newborn of a diabetic mother whose blood glucose level is 39mg/dl. what should the nurse include What is the payback period for the following set of cashflows?(Can I please get a full step on how to get to theanswer?)YearCash Flow0$ 3,20012,70022,60032,60042,700 Mini-Case C: (6 marks-1 mark each) Sandra is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in her late father's business (he passed away 5 years ago). She is married to Chris. Both her and Chris just turned 65. They have always lived in Quebec. Chris was a stay-at-home dad and cared for their two children who are now adults. Chris has never worked and has decided to continue to remain at home and now care for their two grandchildren ages 2 and 4. (6 marks-1 mark each)Both Chris and Sandra are looking to you for the following answers to their questions. a) At age 65, will Chris be eligible for Old Age Security (OAS)? Highlight AND underline your response Yes or No (1 mark) b) At age 65, will Chris be eligible for Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)? Highlight AND underline your response Yes or No (1 mark) c) Chris has never contributed to a Tax-Free Savings Account, how much could he contribute as of today, April 8, 2022? Consider carry forward amounts. $ (1 mark) d) Chris has never contributed to a Registered Retirement Savings Account (RRSP), how much could he contribute as of today, April 8, 2022? Consider carry forward amounts. $. (1 mark) e) Sandra is looking at her options when it comes to applying for her Quebec Pension Plan (QPP). She knows that the age at which she begins receiving this retirement pension will affect her income for the rest of her life, so she wants to choose wisely. She is weighing two scenarios; one is to retire now and to start receiving this pension at age 65 while the other scenario is to delay the QPP pension to age 70. If she starts receiving her QPP at age 65, she will receive the maximum annual pension of $15,043. What would be the amount of her annual QPP pension if she decides to delay it to age 70? $ (1 mark) f) Sandra believes that her Old Age Security (OAS) pension will be subject to clawback. She is trying to understand what this means. The maximum OAS pension in 2022 is $7,707. Sandra's net income is $122,000 (which includes her OAS pension). The clawback starts at the minimum threshold of $81,761 to the maximum threshold of $133,141. How much will Sandra keep of her OAS when the clawback rate is 15%? in social psychology research, the term confederate refers to he point in operations at which revenues and expenses are exactly equal is called the break-even point. true false jody invested less in an account paying simple interest than she did in an account paying simple interest. at the end of the first year, the total interest from both accounts was . find the amount invested in each account. the classical decision-making model assumes that managers have all of the information they need in order to make the optimum decision. true or false Reflexive Verbs. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct formsof the reflexive verbs in parentheses.6. T7. Yo8. Nosotros nunca9. Mi hermana(levantarse) a las siete todas las maanas.(baarse) por la maana.10. Ustedes siempre(dormirse) en la clase de espaol.(lavarse) el pelo todos los das.(despertarse) a las nueve los domingos. Four friends want to play a game. In how many ways can the friends from teams, if both team dont have name the best source for obtaining primary information on addressing the hipaa security rule woudl be which of teh following sources state parole boards are typically composed of citizens who are appointed for fixed terms in office by the: a ball is swung by a string in a vertical circle at a constant speed. is the tension in the string bigger when the ball is at the top of the circle or when it is at the bottom of the circle? explain your answer or show your work johnson company manufactures a variety of shoes, and has received a special one-time-only order directly from a wholesaler. johnson has sufficient idle capacity to accept the special order to manufacture 15,000 pairs of sneakers at a price of $7.50 per pair. johnson's normal selling price is $11.50 per pair of sneakers. variable manufacturing costs are $5.00 per pair and fixed manufacturing costs are $3.00 a pair. johnson's variable selling expense for its normal line of sneakers is $1.00 per pair. what would the effect on johnson's operating income be if the company accepted the special order? select one: a. increase by $37,500 b. increase by $52,500 c. increase by $22,500 d. decrease by $60,000 power point slides can be quite effective and used best when they PLEASE ANSWER ASAP 1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.5. Determine the molar mass of Co.6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.IT WOULD BE HELPFUL