What type of political system separates powers of the executive and legislative branches?

Parliamentary democracy

Presidential Democracy



HELP PLSS What Type Of Political System Separates Powers Of The Executive And Legislative Branches?Parliamentary


Answer 1


A presidential system, or single executive system, is a form of government in which a head of government, typically with the title of president, leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch in systems that use separation of powers. This head of government is in most cases also the head of state. In a presidential system, the head of government is directly or indirectly elected by a group of citizens and is not responsible to the legislature, and the legislature cannot dismiss the president except in extraordinary cases. A presidential system contrasts with a parliamentary system, where the head of government comes to power by gaining the confidence of an elected legislature.

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Describe the three types of fossils.



Mold:an imprint in rock

Cast: a hollow shape in the rock

Preserved: the entire creature

How does culture and social structure impact deviance?



Culture and social structure can have a significant impact on deviance, or behavior that violates social norms and expectations. Social norms are the unwritten rules of behavior that govern what is considered acceptable and unacceptable in a society. Deviance is behavior that falls outside of these norms.

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, and practices of a group of people. In some cultures, certain behaviors may be considered deviant, while in others they may be acceptable or even encouraged. For example, in some cultures, drinking alcohol is considered a normal and socially acceptable behavior, while in others it may be considered deviant. Similarly, certain religious practices may be considered deviant in some cultures but accepted in others.

Social structure refers to the organized patterns of social relationships and institutions in a society. Social structure can influence deviance by shaping individuals' opportunities and constraints for engaging in certain behaviors. For example, poverty and inequality may limit opportunities for social and economic mobility, leading some individuals to engage in deviant behaviors such as theft or drug use.

Social structure can also influence the way that deviance is defined and responded to by society. For example, the criminal justice system may be more punitive in societies with a stronger emphasis on law and order, while in societies with a greater emphasis on rehabilitation, deviant behavior may be addressed through social programs and interventions rather than punishment.

In summary, culture and social structure can impact deviance by influencing what behaviors are considered acceptable or unacceptable, shaping individuals' opportunities and constraints for engaging in certain behaviors, and influencing the way that deviance is defined and responded to by society.

Where are you more likely to find a video monitor wall?


Answer:A Production control room!!! :D


discuss how appropriate expression of views or feelings may enhance effective communication between you and your parents.


Adequate expression of points of view or feelings can enhance effective communication between me and my parents because we can respect each other's points of view and understand them.

What is the discussion?

A discussion is a form of communication in which two or more people share their views on a common topic. Discussions are generally associated with differences of thought and ideological clashes. However, from a perspective of respect, discussion is a way of understanding the way of thinking of others in a respectful way. Additionally, discussion allows us to share our views with others.

In accordance with the above, the discussion could contribute to improving communication with our parents because it is a way of sharing our points of view on a common topic with the aim of understanding others without any type of aggression. Additionally, this can be a way to establish agreements between both parties.

Learn more about communication in:


When President Kennedy was elected, he supported a flexible response strategy. What does flexible response mean?
using nuclear weapons instead of conventional weapons
using both nuclear and conventional weapons
using the best weapons to meet the goal of the attack
using conventional weapons instead of nuclear weapons



Flexible response means using both nuclear and conventional weapons to meet the goal of the attack, depending on the situation and the level of threat. It allows for a range of military options rather than solely relying on nuclear weapons.


What’s the similarities and difference between Rationalism and empiricism?


Difference: The main difference between Rationalism And Empiricism is that rationalism is the knowledge that is derived from reason and logic while on the other hand empiricism is the knowledge that is derived from experience and experimentation. Rationalism is about intuition while empiricism is about visual concepts.

Similarity: Rationalism and empiricism share some similarities, specifically the use of skepticism, which is a doubt that the other ideas are true, to invoke a pattern of thought that will lead to knowledge or the truth of the nature of reality.

Why is the color red, RED?



Red appears red to human eye because the object having the red coloured pigments absorbs all the colours of the light spectrum but reflects red colour.


This is because the red coloured pigment absorbs all wavelengths of light but cannot absorb red colour

Hope you understand

Kindly mark my answer the brainliest


In order to share information among the colonies and build unity against
Britain, Ben Franklin was the Postmaster for

( A) Committees of Information
(B) Committees of Correspondence
(C) Information Circles
(D) None of the above


Answer: B) Committees of Correspondence

two speakers give their argument for and against electronic voting. the passages are excerpts from their speeches on which idea would both speakers agree


Electronic voting systems are highly vulnerable to hacking and manipulation, which poses serious threat to integrity of our elections.

What is voting?

Voting is a democratic process where individuals express their preferences or opinions on a particular issue or for the selection of a candidate. It is a fundamental right in most democratic countries and is an essential tool for citizens to participate in the decision-making process. In voting, people cast their votes by selecting a candidate or a proposition on a ballot paper, which is then counted to determine the outcome. The candidate or proposition with the majority of votes wins the election or decision. Voting is a crucial way to ensure that the government or the leaders elected represent the will of the people. It allows for fair representation, accountability, and helps maintain a democratic society.

To learn more about voting, visit:


Pants have a world price of $60. If the economy opens up to trade, producer surplus will be


To determine the change in producer surplus when an economy opens up to trade, we need to know the domestic supply and demand curves for pants and compare them with the world price.

If the world price for pants is $60, and the domestic price before opening up to trade was higher than this, then we can assume that there was a domestic producer surplus. Let's say that the domestic price before opening up to trade was $80, and the domestic supply and demand curves for pants are as follows:

Domestic supply curve: P = 20 + 0.5Q

Domestic demand curve: P = 100 - 0.5Q

where P is the price of pants in dollars and Q is the quantity of pants in thousands.

To find the equilibrium price and quantity before opening up to trade, we set the domestic supply equal to the domestic demand:

20 + 0.5Q = 100 - 0.5Q

1Q = 80

Q = 80,000

P = 20 + 0.5(80) = $60

So the equilibrium price and quantity of pants before opening up to trade were $60 and 80,000 pants, respectively.

When the economy opens up to trade, the domestic price will equal the world price of $60. At this price, the domestic supply will be:

P = 20 + 0.5Q

60 = 20 + 0.5Q

Q = 80,000

So the domestic producers will supply the same amount of pants as before, but at a lower price. The new producer surplus will be the area above the world price and below the domestic supply curve, which is:

(80 - 60) x 80,000 / 2 = $800,000

Therefore, the change in producer surplus when the economy opens up to trade is -$800,000, since the domestic producers will lose the surplus they were earning before.

why are the wompnogs inpordent to learn about


Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, each country in the Caucasus established which type of government? O A. Democracy O B. Communism O C. Theocracy O D. Authoritarian rule



The answer is A. Democracy. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, each country in the Caucasus established democratic type of government.

Definition of democracy?

The term democracy is come from the Greek terms "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power." As a result, democracy may be described as the "power of the people": a form of government that is on the will of the populace.

Does democracy in the United States?

America is a representative democracy. Hence, voters give our government. Government representatives are elected here by popular vote. In governance, these representatives speak for the opinions and issues of the people.

To know more about Democracy visit:


Please note: This Journal requires you to reflect on your use of language prior to writing your reflection.

The ability to choose and use words that enhance our communication is one of the keys to becoming a competent communicator. Language – also known as “verbal communication” – can be spoken or written, but language always involves words. Words are actually signs or symbols for ideas, and whether you speak Cree or English or Tagalog, words are combined to form messages. Sign language, used by deaf and hearing-impaired people to communicate, is also language. More than 100 distinct sign languages, such as American Sign Language, are used around the world.

In this Discovery Journal, you are being asked to monitor and keep track of how language is used for three (3) days. This includes both your choice and use of words, as well as the words being spoken and used by other people.

During this period, focus on the following aspects of language use:

1. Simple versus Complex Words

Words need to be clear and easy to understand. The use of overly complex words, professional jargon and technical words tend to block and inhibit communication. This is especially true during times of stress, illness or conflict.

“Use of unfamiliar terminology without explanation inhibits the ability of the receiver to understand or respond to what is said in a timely manner. The listener can get lost in trying to understand the words used, rather than focusing on what the message is and its intent” (Sieh and Brentin, 1997, p. 4).

Both the speaker and the listener need to be comfortable with the words being used.

2. Abstract versus Behavioural Language
Abstract language is vague and unclear, and its use can lead to miscommunication. When you replace abstract language with behavioural language, defined as language which describes specific things people say or do, communication is often enhanced.

To further learn about behavioural language, read “Abstraction” (pp. 118 – 119 of the 3rd edition; pp. 123 – 124 of the 4th edition) in Chapter 5 of LOOK.

3. Emotive language

Emotive language, in which one’s attitude or opinion is presented through the choice of words, can also lead to communication problems. In particular, the use of subtle, negative assessments and judgements can cause other people to become defensive.

Emotive language can be replaced with behavioural language, which focuses on neutral, objective descriptions. Neutral, behavioural language is less likely to cause conflict or stress, especially when discussing sensitive issues.

To further learn about emotive language, read “Emotive Language” (p. 127 – 128 of the 3rd edition; p. 133 of the 4th edition) in Chapter 5 of LOOK.

4. You Language versus I Language

You Language is judgemental. It points the finger at the other person, identifying his or her faults (as you see them). The typical response to You Language is defensiveness, which shuts down communication.

I Language is an alternative approach which can often lead to better outcomes. When I Language is used, the speaker focuses on himself or herself, identifying his/her situation, needs and feelings. I Language also uses behavioural language to neutrally describe the other person’s behaviour and the situation.

Review the differences between You Language and I Language in LOOK (pp. 129 – 131 in the 3rd edition; pp. 135 – 136 in the 4th edition).


During your observation period, note any examples of overly complex language, abstract language, emotive language or You Language. These notes are for you only, to learn through observation. Please DO NOT include these notes with your assignment.

Reflect on your experiences, and choose one or two examples to share in your journal assignment.

What happened? How did the choice of words contribute to a problem between the communicators? Finally, how could the situation have been handled better? What language could have been used instead, possibly resulting in a better outcome?

Minimum word count: 200 words


A language is a system of written and spoken symbols used by the people of a particular country or region for speaking and writing. It is a medium of communication.

How may your word choice affect how you communicate?

The intended idea is not communicated when a person employs the incorrect phrase. Poor word choice leads to misunderstandings among the audience. It could occasionally make things challenging and unclear. Sometimes a mistaken word may be meaningless.

How important is language choice for effective communication?

One of language's primary goals is to foster "homophily," or a sense of shared experience with its audience. It can be difficult to understand the message when the writer uses a language that the reader does not understand since it tends to underline the differences between the writer and reader.

Day 1

During today's observation session, I learned that I frequently use abstract language when I talk with other people. When a colleague once requested my opinion on a project, I told them that it lacked "clarity" and "cohesiveness." I admitted that I should have been more explicit and gave concrete examples to help people understand what I was saying.

Later that day, I overheard a conversation in which one person was using a lot of you-language to communicate with another. They kept saying, "You always do this and you never listen to me." I could tell that the other person was becoming irate and hostile over this. I think the speaker may have handled this situation better if they had used more I Language and concentrated on how they were feeling and what they needed rather than continually criticizing the other person's conduct.

Day 2

I purposefully used more simple language when conversing with individuals today. I learned that people were responding more favorably to my conversations and that I could express my opinions and thoughts more clearly. Yet, I did overhear a conversation in which one person was using strong words to attempt to get the other person to do something. Their frequent use of dramatic language and exaggerated assertions seemed to do little more than intensify the tense environment.

Day 3

During my last observation period, I thought about how I might put everything I had learned the previous two days to use. The outcomes were better when I was able to talk more plainly and clearly, while at times it was challenging to modify my default language habits. I also witnessed a conversation where someone was using incredibly complex language that was difficult for other people to grasp in an attempt to impress others.

Considering the last three days, I believe there is always opportunity for language use to be improved. We may communicate more effectively and establish stronger relationships with people around us if we are more conscious of the language we use.

Learn more about abstract language:


If supply increase does the demand increase


Answer: NO


The equilibrium price will decrease with an increase in supply, leaving all other factors unchanged, but the amount demanded will rise. The amount requested will decline as a result of a fall in supply, which will raise the equilibrium price.

What does "above equilibrium price" mean?The balance between supply and demand determines an equilibrium price. Unless certain aspects of supply or demand alter, prices have a tendency to return to this equilibrium. When either supply or demand shifts or moves, or when both do so, the equilibrium price changes. 1,000 spinning tops are produced by a business and sold for $10 each. But, nobody wants to pay that much for them. The shop lowers its pricing to $8 in an effort to increase demand. At that price, there are 250 customers.Quantities supplied and sought will outweigh one another if the price is higher than the equilibrium level.

To learn more about equilibrium price, refer to:

Define the term conflict and state four reasons why the inability to communicate effectively may cause conflicts between you and your friends?​



The term conflict is a serious disagreement or argument.


Four reasons why the inability to communicate effectively may cause conflict between you and your friends.

1. Misunderstanding or lack of information

2. Differences in communication styles

3. Emotions or values conflict

4. Relationship conflict

How many total firms are in the market



According to Statista, the estimated number of companies is approximately 213.65 million worldwide in 2020. This is a marginal drop from 2019 when there were 214.21 million.


I hope it helps <3

how does a bursary differ from a student loan


A LOAN is money borrowed to the student to complete his/her studies. This money must be repaid once the student takes up employment. A BURSARY is an award given to students in need of financial support who are performing well academically. A bursary does not have to be repaid.

Examine the scenario below. Determine the goal the responding international agency is trying to achieve if they intervene in this issue.

Two European countries are at war, and are using their navies to attack one another in an area in which cruise ships frequently travel. NATO has decided to intervene, to help protect the cruise passengers from being attacked.

Human Rights

Spread Democracy

National Security

Economic Growth


The responding international agency's objective in interfering in this matter is to advance national security.

Whom and what is NATO there to serve?

With the signing of the Washington Treaty in 1949, the NATO security alliance, which consists of 30 countries from North America and Europe, came into being. Through using military force and political action, NATO's primary goal is to safeguard the Allies' independence and security.

What was the response of NATO to the assaults?

In accordance with Article 5, if a NATO ally is the target of an armed attack, the other Alliance members are required to see the violence as an armed assault against all members and to take whatever actions are deemed necessary to protect the attacked ally.

Learn more about NATO security alliance:


Choose all the items that reflect major exports of South Korea.

A crude oilcrude oil

B motor vehicles motor vehicles

C copper orecopper ore

D steelsteel

E ships


The answer are Crude oil, motor vehicles, steel and ships reflect major exports of South Korea.

Therefore apart from option c. copper , all are correct.

Which exports do you mean?

Exporting is the activity of creating an item or service in one nation and selling it to consumers in another one.

Does it support the economy?

For enterprises of all sizes, exporting may be profit. Sales increase more quickly, more jobs are added, and people make more money than in companies that don't export. Competitive Edge. The United States is renowned across the world for its innovative products and services, excellent customer service, and ethical corporate practices.

To know more about Exports visit:


The following sentence contains three "hedge" words (seem, suggest, apparent). Rewrite the sentence to remove all but one of these hedge words. (Make sure to maintain the basic structure of the sentence and to use correct spelling and punctuation.)


In the original sentence, there are three hedge words ("seem," "suggest," and "apparent"), which are used to express uncertainty or caution about the statement being made. However, using too many hedge words can make a sentence sound tentative or weak.

In the revised sentence, only one hedge word ("apparent") is used, which still conveys a degree of uncertainty while making the sentence more concise and direct. The basic structure of the sentence remains the same, but unnecessary words are removed to create a stronger, more confident statement. Overall, it's important to use hedge words appropriately in writing to convey the appropriate level of confidence or uncertainty in a statement. While they can be helpful in some cases, using too many hedge words can weaken a statement and make it less clear.

To learn more about hedge word here:


How do violent resistance and nonviolent resistance see power differently?


Recent quantitative study has shown that peaceful techniques are twice as effective as aggressive ones. The world, as well as our lives, our relationships, and our communities, can be disarmed and changed through organized and disciplined nonviolence.

What is violent resistance?The use of collective action, such as protests, rallies, strikes, and noncooperation to develop power and advance political objectives, is known as nonviolent resistance. It is a style of conflict resolution in which the combatants are unarmed.Nonviolent resistance aims to build relationships and mutual understanding rather than to overthrow any particular authority figure. The nonviolent resistance worker seeks "to awaken a sense of moral guilt instead of destroying the opponent... Redeeming and bringing people together is the goal. The tenets of NVR are based on the sociopolitical practice of nonviolent resistance (or nonviolent action), which refers to achieving goals by nonviolent means including symbolic protests, civil disobedience, and economic or political noncooperation.

To learn more about violent resistance, refer to:

An economic system in which the means of producing wealth are privately owned
and privately owned and operated to produce privates.
a) conservatism.
b) capitalism.
c) social contract.
d) totalitarianism.



b) capitalism.


If a researcher finds that her variable of personality strength shows similar results for a population after five yearly intervals she can conclude that she has __________ of measurement.


If a researcher finds that her variable of personality strength shows similar results for a population after five yearly intervals, she can conclude that she has good reliability of measurement. Hence, the correct answer is good reliability.

What does the term "reliability" mean?

Reliability refers to the extent to which a research method, test, or measurement tool produces consistent and stable results over time and across different conditions.

In other words, a reliable measure should yield consistent results when applied to the same subject or population repeatedly, as well as under different conditions. If a research instrument is unreliable, it may produce inconsistent or contradictory results, even when applied to the same subject or population.

To learn more about reliability, click


Some theorists claim that the sexual revolutions of the 20th century is really a "stalled revolution" waiting to be finished, and that Americans today are really just "liberated Victorians." What do you think is meant by this? And do you agree? Why or why not?



The claim that the sexual revolution of the 20th century is a "stalled revolution" waiting to be finished and that Americans today are "liberated Victorians" implies that while there has been a lot of change in attitudes towards sexuality and sexual behavior, there is still a long way to go. In this view, while people may have more sexual freedom than in the past, they are still constrained by many of the same societal norms, expectations, and values that existed during the Victorian era.

There is some truth to this claim. Despite the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s, many aspects of American society are still quite conservative when it comes to sex. There is still a lot of stigma attached to certain sexual behaviors, and many people feel pressured to conform to traditional gender roles and sexual norms. At the same time, there has been a backlash against some of the more extreme forms of sexual liberation, such as the "hook-up culture" on college campuses.

However, I do not entirely agree with this view. While there is certainly still work to be done when it comes to sexual liberation, there has been significant progress over the past several decades. For example, the legalization of same-sex marriage and the increasing acceptance of non-traditional gender identities are signs of significant change. Furthermore, the rise of the #MeToo movement and increased awareness of sexual assault and harassment have brought attention to the ways in which societal norms can be harmful.

Overall, while there is still progress to be made in terms of sexual liberation and breaking down societal norms, I do not believe that Americans today are simply "liberated Victorians." Rather, we are in a period of ongoing change and evolution when it comes to sexuality and sexual behavior.


Why do we have the right to 'Freedom from inhuman treatment '?​


A fundamental human right recognized by international law and established in Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the right to "freedom from cruel treatment" (UDHR).

No one "should be subjected to torture or to cruel, brutal, or degrading treatment or punishment," according to this right. This right exists to shield people from enduring any treatment seen as inhumane or degrading, such as cruel punishment, physical or mental torture, or any other sort of treatment that results in excruciating pain or suffering in the mind or body.

This right is significant because it defends people against violence and abuse at the hands of others, especially governments and organizations, and acknowledges the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.

The international human rights framework fundamentally upholds freedom from inhuman treatment, and numerous national laws and constitutions do as well.

Respecting this right contributes to the protection of people's fundamental human rights and their ability to be treated with decency and respect.

To learn more about Human rights:

As government is an institution which creates and implements policy and laws that
guide its people, please identify which is not a role?
A) distribute a wide variety of services many of which are referred to as public
B) establish and maintain a legal system.
C) insure adequate protection of their sovereign territory and their citizenry and
provide international defense.
D) preserve order and stability and provide a political structure


A) Distribute a wide variety of services many of which are referred to as public goods is not a role of government. The government may provide public goods, but it is not a defining role of government. The other options are all recognized roles of government.


(A) distribute a wide variety of services many of which are referred to as public goods.

the things that we regularly consume can be of low quality, adulterated or dateexpired



That is correct. It is important to be aware of the quality of the products we consume and make sure they are not adulterated or expired, as they can pose health risks. It is advisable to check labels, expiration dates, and the source of the products to ensure their quality and safety.

1 Would you consider a student loan? Why or why not
2 Which person in the video has the most serious situation???
3 Why do you think this person’s situation was the most serious???
4 When taking out a student loan, should you consider the price of the college or should you prioritize your education over the loan ??


Yes, I would consider a student loan if I needed additional funding for college. Student loans can help cover the cost of tuition, fees, and other educational expenses.

What is funding?

Funding is the process of providing financial resources to an individual, organization, business, or government in order to support a specific project, activity, or initiative. Funding can come from a variety of sources, including individuals, businesses, governments, foundations, and other nonprofit organizations.
The person in the video with the most serious situation was the student who had already taken out multiple loans and was struggling to make repayments.
This person's situation was the most serious because they already had a large amount of debt and were unable to make their payments. This could lead to a cycle of debt and continual financial hardship.
When taking out a student loan, you should prioritize your education over the loan. It is important to consider the price of the college, as it can affect the total amount of the loan and the repayment options available. However, it is also important to make sure that the school you choose has the right educational resources and faculty to ensure you get the best education possible.

To learn more about funding

what is international mother language day



International Mother Language day is a worldwide annual observance held on 21 February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism.

It essentially promotes cultural diversity and multilingualism. Celebrated on February 21

Who was the ruling monarch of England during the Spanish Armada? Responses A Phillip IIPhillip II B Henry VIIIHenry VIII C Elizabeth IElizabeth I D Mary I


The ruling monarch of England during the Spanish Armada was Elizabeth I. Therefore, the correct answer is C) Elizabeth I.

Who was the ruling monarch of England during the Spanish Armada?

The ruling monarch of England during the Spanish Armada was Elizabeth I. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I became queen in 1558 and reigned for 44 years until her death in 1603.

The Spanish Armada was a fleet of ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to invade England in 1588. The conflict between England and Spain had been brewing for years, fueled by religious differences, piracy, and English support for Dutch independence from Spain.

The English navy, led by Sir Francis Drake and Lord Howard, defeated the Spanish Armada in a series of battles that took place between July and August of 1588. This victory was a turning point in English history and established England as a naval power.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about Elizabeth I here:


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