
Answer 1




Hope this helps.

Related Questions

10 oraciones con predicado nominal



Alfredo es(v. copulativo) papá de dos niños hermosos (atributo).

La calle está (v. copulativo) muy oscura (atributo) a estas horas de la noche (complemento).

Su trabajo es (v. copulativo) más difícil de lo que parece.

Consuelo es(v. copulativo) una mujer muy bonita.

La cama del hotel estaba (v. copulativo) perfectamente tendida y ordenada.

El enfermo que llegó ayer de urgencia está(v. copulativo) mucho mejor (atributo) el día de hoy (complemento).

La casa de Rogelio y de Ana es(v. copulativo) nueva y muy moderna (atributo).

El departamento de José siempre (c. verbal) está(v. copulativo) muy desordenado (atributo).

El automóvil clásico de mi abuelo está (v. copulativo) en venta (atributo).

Jesús está (v. copulativo) muy inconforme con el resultado que obtuvo en la prueba (v. copulativo)



espero te sirva tambien trae explicacion :))

Write 5 simple questions in Spanish using the question words you learned this week. Be sure to use 5 different verbs. Be sure to conjugate your verbs correctly and to use correct punctuation upside down question mark at the beginning of the question.




¿Cuando tu vas a mirar mi pelicula?

¿ Porque tu no contestas?

¿Cuántos pesos tienes?

¿ que miras ahora?

¿Adonde vas?

Does azul have different adjective forms?



Yes, azul (blue) has different adjective forms in Spanish depending on the gender of the noun it modifies.

- For masculine singular nouns, the form is "azul": El coche azul (the blue car).

- For feminine singular nouns, the form is "azul": La falda azul (the blue skirt).

- For masculine plural nouns, the form is "azules": Los zapatos azules (the blue shoes).

- For feminine plural nouns, the form is "azules": Las camisetas azules (the blue shirts).

Note that these adjective forms also change according to whether the noun is singular or plural.

IdentificarDrop down Activity


DUE February 14th 11:59 PM

Identify the person who would make each statement based on the video. Questions

Me gusta nadar, pero no sé (I don't know) qué es un cenote. Me gustan las películas. Voy a pedir mucha comida. Nuestro equipo de fútbol juega en el parque. Me gusta salir los fines de semana



Explanation: 1. A mí me gusta nadar, pero no sé qué es un cenote. -- Marissa

2. Mamá va al cine y al museo en sus ratos libres.  -- Pablo

3. Yo voy a pedir mucha comida. -- Felipe

4. Quieren ir a jugar al fútbol con nosotros en el parque? -- Eduardo

5. Me gusta salir los fines de semana. -- Tia Ann Maria

Choose the word that best completes the phrase. Los peces O se devierten O se diviertern O se divierte O se diverten (divertirse) al nadar.​



О  se divierten.                                                


Los peces se divierten al nadar.


Mis amigos y yo _________________ español perfectamente


Question 2 (2 points)
Mi familia _________________ en una casa bonita con un jardín y muchas flores.
Question 2 options:

A. viviría
B. viviría
C. vivirá
D. viviremos

Question 3 (2 points)
Mis hermanos _________________ en la universidad de Madrid.

A. estudiarán
B. estudiaron
C. estudiarían
D. estudiaríamos

Question 4 (2 points)
Mis profesores me _________________ sobre los Reyes Católicos.

A. enseñaría
B. enseñarían
C. enseñaron
D. enseñamos

Question 5 (2 points)
Mis compañeros de clase y yo _________________ un proyecto sobre la conquista de España por los árabes.

A. prepararían
B. prepararía
C. prepararíamos
D. preparamos


Answer: 1: D.

2: C

3: B.

4: C.

5. D.

Explanation: hope this helped!

These all make sense !!!!!!!

Record yourself giving a performance of "The Key of the King's Kingdom" in Spanish. Review the story for a few minutes if you
need, and when you are ready, just click on the record button. You can review your performance by clicking REPLAY.
*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but, more
importantly, it will enhance your understanding of Spanish culture. This activity will not count towards your grade.
Hold down the record
sensitivity 75 button while you record.


Answer: Ésta es una llave, una pequeña llave. He aquí un rey.

Explanation: I just took this assignment.

Cuales son los adjetivos de ( la semana pasada estuve de tiendas por mi  ciudad. Me compre unos pantalones azules y un bañador rosa y negro. A mi hermana mayor le gustaron mas los segundos pantalones que vimos en otra tienda, pero le quedaban pequeños, asi que no se los pudo comprar y se puso un poco triste. Pero luego, vio una toalla preciosa y muy suave; se la compró y llego muy contenta a nuestra casa vieja


- Azules
- Rosa
- Negro
- Segundos
- Pequeños
- Preciosa
- Suave

People live in many different locations. Some live in a big city, some live in a small town or village, and others live in the country. Where do you live? It’s time to share about your town MAKE UP YOUR OWN TOWN!! and please, dont use very advanced spanish.

Your task:

Draw or create a map of your town.
Label in Spanish at least 10 different places in your town.
Label the streets.
Write five sentences telling the location of five places.


Answer: To get to the park from my house, you have to go striaght, on La calle Redburrow, and turn right.

To get to the gym from the park, you have to continue striaght on La Avenida Lowtops and turn right.

To get to the pool from the gym, you have to turn left on La avenida Lowtops, turn right on calle Redburrow, turn right on La calle SunnySide, and turn left on calle Twoenshed.

To get to the library from the pool, you have to turn right on La calle sunnyside, and continue straight for one mile, then turn right to the library.

To get home from the library, you have to turn left on La calle SunnySide, continue straight for half a mile, and turn right on La calle Redburrow.

Explanation: I tried my best fam.

Reseña crítica de la alimentación sana


La alimentación sana es un tema muy importante en la sociedad actual, ya que cada vez es más común la preocupación por tener una dieta equilibrada y saludable. En este sentido, se han publicado numerosos artículos, libros y guías sobre cómo llevar una alimentación sana y los beneficios que ello conlleva para nuestra salud.

En general, una alimentación sana se caracteriza por estar compuesta principalmente por alimentos naturales, frescos y sin procesar, como frutas, verduras, legumbres, cereales integrales, frutos secos y proteínas magras. Además, se recomienda reducir el consumo de alimentos procesados, ricos en grasas saturadas, sal y azúcares añadidos, ya que estos pueden contribuir al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas como la obesidad, la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares.

Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la alimentación sana no se trata solo de lo que comemos, sino también de cómo lo hacemos. Es decir, es necesario prestar atención a la forma en que se preparan los alimentos y a las porciones que consumimos, así como a la frecuencia de las comidas y al tiempo que dedicamos a la actividad física.

En conclusión, una alimentación sana es fundamental para mantener una buena salud y prevenir enfermedades crónicas. Es importante seguir una dieta equilibrada, compuesta principalmente por alimentos naturales y reducir el consumo de alimentos procesados y ricos en grasas, sal y azúcares añadidos. También es necesario prestar atención a la forma en que se preparan los alimentos, a las porciones que consumimos y a la actividad física que realizamos. En resumen, la alimentación sana es un estilo de vida que puede mejorar significativamente nuestra calidad de vida y bienestar.

Choose the correct demonstrative adjectives to complete the following sentences

1. ¿Te gusta _ (that) abrigo? No cuesta tanto y es Bonito.

2. _(those) faldas son horribles. Son feísimas.

3. Me encantan (those) Zapatos. ¿Cuánto cuestan?

4. ¿Qué piensas de _ (that) camiesta? A mí me gusta mucho.

Answer choices-

A. Esa
B. Ese
C. Esos
D. Esas

_ (that over there) sudadera está de moda. Pienso que debes comprarla.

¿Cómo te quedan_ (those over there) medias amarillas? ¿Son cómodas?

_(that over there) vestido es muy elegante. ¿Quieres comprarlo para llevar al baile?

_(those over there) pantalones cortos son muy bonitos, pero son demasiado caros. No Voy a pagar tanto.

Answer choices -
A. Aquel
B. Aquella
C. Aquellos
D. Aquellas



Choose the correct demonstrative adjectives to complete the following sentences

1. ¿Te gusta _ (that) abrigo? No cuesta tanto y es Bonito. Ese (B)

2. _(those) faldas son horribles. Son feísimas. Esas (D)

3. Me encantan (those) Zapatos. ¿Cuánto cuestan? Esos (C)

4. ¿Qué piensas de _ (that) camiesta? A mí me gusta mucho. Esa (A)

Answer choices-

A. Esa

B. Ese

C. Esos

D. Esas


_ (that over there) sudadera está de moda. Pienso que debes comprarla. Aquella (B)

¿Cómo te quedan_ (those over there) medias amarillas? ¿Son cómodas? Aquellas (D)

_(that over there) vestido es muy elegante. ¿Quieres comprarlo para llevar al baile? Aquel (A)

_(those over there) pantalones cortos son muy bonitos, pero son demasiado caros. No Voy a pagar tanto. Aquellos (C)

Answer choices -

A. Aquel

B. Aquella

C. Aquellos

D. Aquellas


Hope this is right. :)


look at the sentence and write the reflexive pronoun that pertains to the sentence.


According to the above, the reflexive pronouns that correctly complete the sentences are: me, se, se, nos, te.

What are reflexive pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns are a term that refers to a type of pronoun that refers to another noun or pronoun within the same sentence. In Spanish there are different reflexive pronouns for different subjects. For example:

Yo - meTu - teElla/Él - seNosotros - nosellos - seUstedes - se

According to the above, the complete sentences would look like this:

Yo me levanto todos los días a las 5am.Ella se alista para ir al trabajo.Ellos se visten con camisetas iguales.Nosotros nos vamos en avión.Tú te maquillas todos los días.

Note: This question is incomplete. Here is the complete information:

Yo ___ levanto todos los días a las 5am.

Ella ____ alista para ir al trabajo.

Ellos _____ visten con camisetas iguales.

Nosotros _____ vamos en avión.

Tú _____ maquillas todos los días.

Learn more about reflexive pronouns in:


I need Help translate this to spanish
Please dont use Translator
Its for project


Hoy visité la Ciudad de México. La visité junto con mi hermano, vimos muchos lugares hermosos. Me gusto mucho. Catedral Metropolitana del Barroco de México La visité el 5 de mayo con mi hermano, vimos grandes ejemplos del Barroco de México, lo disfrutamos mucho. Visité el Palacio Nacional con mi familia para el cumpleaños de mi hermano, tomamos muchas fotos. A mis padres les gusta y a nosotros no. El Museo Temple Mayjorwe visitó de vacaciones con mis abuelos. Nos gustaron mucho las increíbles colecciones de artefactos asiáticos. Me gusta mucho.

1. ¿Qué problema tienen los empresarios encuesta-

dos en el estudio que se discute?

(A) Proveer entrenamiento adecuado a los

empleados jóvenes

(B) Cooperar con las instituciones educativas

(C) Encontrar a trabajadores bien formados

(D) Hallar a jóvenes que tengan ambición para

tener éxito


C) Encontrar a trabajadores bien formados. Los empresarios encuestados en el estudio tienen dificultades para encontrar trabajadores que estén bien formados y capacitados para realizar las tareas que requiere su empresa.

What is the  survey about?

The problem that the surveyed entrepreneurs in the study discussed are facing is the challenge of finding skilled and trained workers. The employers are having trouble finding employees that have the required qualifications, knowledge, and training necessary to perform the tasks required by their companies.

Therefore, This issue could be attributed to a variety of factors such as inadequate training programs, inadequate educational institutions, and a lack of interest among young people in pursuing a career in certain fields. In conclusion, the problem identified in the study is the difficulty of finding competent and qualified workers, which is a significant concern for employers in various industries.

Learn more about survey from


What time is a typical Spanish dinner? Select one: a. 7:30 PM b. 10:00 PM c. 6:00 PM



10:00 PM



О  7:30 PM


The typical Spanish dinner is at:

Siete y media de la noche.

1. Enter the plural form of the noun casa to complete the sentence.
Hay muchas BLANK....... nuevas en mi vecindario.

2. Enter the singular form of the noun luces to complete the sentence.
La BLANK ...está demasiado brillante.


According to the above, the nouns that correctly complete the sentences are: casas and luz.

How to complete the sentences correctly?

To complete the sentences correctly we must read the available part and identify the meaning of the sentences. Additionally, if we read the statement that is above each sentence we can identify that there they tell us that in the first the noun is house and in the second it is light. Based on the above, we can infer that

1. Hay muchas casas nuevas en mi vecindario.

2. La luz está demasiado brillante.

Learn more about spanish sentences in:


In which situations would you use the following demonstrative adjective in Spanish .

1. Aquel / aquella : aquellos / aquellas

2. Este/ esta: estos/ estas

3. Ese/ esa: esos / esas

Answer choices -

A. Near
B. Far
C. Farther away.

(Example: on how to answer question) (the answer for 1 is B)
Choose the correct demonstrative adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. ¿Te gusta_(this) gorra?

2. _(these) pantalones no me Quedan. Son muy pequeños.

3. No, prefiero _ (this) sombrero. Es más Bonito.

4. Y_ (these) blusas no me quedan tampoco. Son muy grandes.

Answer choices-

A. Estos
B. Esta
C. Este
D. Estas



In which situations would you use the following demonstrative adjective in Spanish .

1. Aquel / aquella : aquellos / aquellas - Farther away (B)

2. Este/ esta: estos/ estas - Near (A)

3. Ese/ esa: esos / esas - Far (C)

Answer choices -

A. Near

B. Far

C. Farther away.


Choose the correct demonstrative adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. ¿Te gusta_(this) gorra?

Esta (B)

2. _(these) pantalones no me Quedan. Son muy pequeños.

Estos (A)

3. No, prefiero _ (this) sombrero. Es más Bonito.

Este (C)

4. Y_ (these) blusas no me quedan tampoco. Son muy grandes.

Estas (D)

Answer choices-

A. Estos

B. Esta

C. Este

D. Estas


Hope this is right

Ellos (leer) en la biblioteca cada tercer día.​


Leen! so it’d be “Ellos leen en la biblioteca cada tercer día.”


Which of the following sentences from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audio? (1 point)

1.) I think that it is necessary that the indigenous people share their science and their knowledge of human development because with this knowledge, we have an enormous potential for growth.

2.) Stars, hills, clouds, trees, birds, crickets, men; each one in his or her own world; however, in some way, each of their worlds belongs to one another.

3.) At the close of this century, we have discovered that we are part of an immense system that goes from plants and animals to cells, molecules, atoms, and the stars in the sky.

4.) We will only be able to defend life as we know it if the sense of brotherhood with our fellow man is reborn within us.

(I’m so sorry, but I don’t have a audio recording, but the audio is 1:02 long)


The sentence from speech in English that has the same topic as the given speech is:

3.) At the close of this century, we have discovered that we are part of an immense system that goes from plants and animals to cells, molecules, atoms, and the stars in the sky.

What is the speech about?

The speech in the audio is discussing the dangers that human activities pose to the natural world and how these activities put our own survival at risk. It highlights the fact that despite our advancements in science and technology, we have caused harm to the environment and need to take immediate action to protect it.

The sentence from speech in English that has the same topic as the given speech is discussing the interconnectedness of all living things and the universe as a whole. It highlights the importance of recognizing our place within this system and taking care of the environment in order to ensure our own survival.

Therefore, the speeches are discussing the importance of recognizing our place within the natural world and the need to protect it in order to ensure our own survival.

Learn more about speech  from


See full question below

The audio speech: El pasado reciente nos enseña que nadie tiene las llaves de la historia. El siglo se cierra con muchas interrogaciones. Algo sabemos, sin embargo: la vida en nuestro planeta corre graves riesgos. Nuestro irreflexivo culto al progreso y los avances mismos de nuestra lucha por dominar a la naturaleza se han convertido en una carrera suicida. En el momento en que comenzamos a descifrar los secretos de las galaxias y de las partículas atómicas, los enigmas de la biología molecular y los del origen de la vida, hemos herido en su centro a la naturaleza. Por esto, cualesquiera que sean las formas de organización política y social que adopten las naciones, la cuestión más inmediata y apremiante es la supervivencia del medio natural. Defender a la naturaleza es defender a los hombres. Which of the following sentences from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audioWhich of the following sentences from speeches in English has the same topic as the speech in the audio? (1 point)

1.) I think that it is necessary that the indigenous people share their science and their knowledge of human development because with this knowledge, we have an enormous potential for growth.

2.) Stars, hills, clouds, trees, birds, crickets, men; each one in his or her own world; however, in some way, each of their worlds belongs to one another.

3.) At the close of this century, we have discovered that we are part of an immense system that goes from plants and animals to cells, molecules, atoms, and the stars in the sky.

4.) We will only be able to defend life as we know it if the sense of brotherhood with our fellow man is reborn within us.

Complete their conversation with the appropriate possessive adjective according to the clues (cues) in parentheses.

Here is an example: MODELO: Isabel: Aquí hay una foto de nuestros abuelos en la playa. (nosotros)

Rafael: Están con (1) ________ madre. (nosotros)
Diana: ¿Hay dos fotos de (2) _______ tía? (yo)
Isabel: Sí. Una con doña Evelina y don Enrique, y otra es con (3) ______ padres. (tú)
Rafael: Aquí están doña Evelina y don Enrique en (4) _______ casa nueva. (ellos)
Isabel: ¿Están todos (5) ______ nietos en la foto con ellos? (ellos)
Diana: No, yo no estoy en la foto y soy (6) ______ prima favorita. (Uds.)
Rafael: Pues, mi foto favorita está aquí con (7) _______ hermano, Jenny la au pair y yo en el parque. ¡Qué día tan divertido! (tú)














Which question asks about where your aunt lives?
¿Dónde vive tu abuelo?
¿Dónde vives tú?
¿Dónde vive tu tía?
¿Dónde viven tus primos?




its A. Donde vive tu abuelo.

Donde vive tu Tia?

*Option C is correct

somebody help me with number six please





i think this is the answer but not 100% sure




Clara contesta el teléfono.Yo saludos a RosaNosotros hablamos de la fiesta del sábado pasado.Enrique y Carlos invitan a muchas personas.Sus padres preparan muchas cosas para comer.Todos pasan un buen rato allí.Tú cantas y bailas mucho.Yo regreso a casa tarde.Megan y Ste pintan mucho en la clase de arte.Nick corre tres millas en la clase de educación física.Yo leo un cuento sobre Don Quixote.Sam y yo levantamos pesas después de las clases.Jordan y Mike aprenden mucho en la clase de inglés.Jaime nos ayuda con la tarea para la clase de inglés.Nosotros comemos mucha comida en la fiesta anoche.

Fill in the correct interrogative according to the context and response. Use correct spelling and accent marks. Help please 2 and 3


Number 1 is como number 2 is de donde

I really am not good at Spanish



Try using a translator.


If that doesn't work, you can ask me as many questions as you want.

¿Por qué la anciana encendió el fósforo y se suicidó?



О Porque ese era su deseo.


¿Por qué la anciana encendió- el fósforo y se suicidó?

Lo hizo porque ese era su deseo, así lo quiso ella.


Why did the old woman light the match and commit su-cide?

Sentía que no valía la pena vivir la vida sin sus libros.

She felt like life was not worth living without her books


I'm not 100% sure but it may be this

28. Aunque habían dicho que era un hotel de cinco estrellas, no me pareció que ....... tan bueno. a) sería b) sea c) haya sido d) fuera 29. ¿No te parece que ........ mejor que continuáramos dentro de un rato? a) fuera b) sería 30. La última película que vi de ese director no me pareció que ...... tan buena a) sería b) sea c) haya sido d) fuera 31.- No puedo imaginar que ellas ....... estar en la playa todo el día. ¡Con el frío que hacía! a) quieren b) quieran c) quisieran d) querían 32.-¿No piensas que esta ciudad ........ muy agradable para vivir? A mí me encantaria pasar aquí una temporadita. a) haya sido b) sea c) es d) era 33. Me dijo que por qué no le ....... hacerlo a su manera a) permita b) permitía 34. ¿No crees que Ana ....... una barbaridad? a) haya adelgazado b) ha adelgazado c) adelgazó 35. Pasado mañana ... sol. a) hará b) hacerá c) haga d) hizo 36. Hasta la semana que viene no... los resultados. a) sabré b) sepa c) saberé d) supe 37.... un mes empezarán las fiestas de Semana Santa. a) Dentro de b) Después de c) Luego d) Al cabo de 38. ¿A Uds.... parece normal lo que hace este Gobierno? a) los b) les c) le d) se 39.-María tiene un novio ecuatoriano. - ¡Vaya, no lo ...! a) sabía b) sé c) conocía d) entraba 40. Menos mal que un vecino lo vio todo y "avisó" a la policía. a) habló b) informó c) visitó d) preocupó 41. El hombre que envié a Alemania a comprarme un coche "escapó" con todo mi dinero. a) volvió b) se casó c) se fugó d) salió 42. La policia ha "detenido" a varios inmigrantes ilegales. a) registrado b) liberado c) arrestado d) ejecutado 43. Me contestaron a) rápidamente b) enseguida c) maleducadamente d) a mediados del mes​




28.- d) fuera

29.- b) sería

30.- c) haya sido

31.- b) quieran

32.- c) es

33.- b) permitía

34.- b) ha adelgazado

35.- a) hará

36.- a) sabré

37.- a) Dentro de

38.- b) les

39.- a) sabía.

40.- b) informó.

41.- c) se fugó.

42.- c) arrestado.

43.- a) rápidamente.

1. A. Él piensa que es mejor llamar a Mariela al celular. B. Parece que el teléfono de Mariela está descompuesto porque no suena. 2. A. Anabel tiene que mirar debajo del capó. B. Su próximo carro va a tener un baúl más grande


The translation to Spanish will be:

A. He thinks it's better to call Mariela on her cellphone.

B. It seems that Mariela's phone is not working because it's not ringing.

A. Anabel has to look under the hood.

B. Her next car will have a bigger trunk.

How to translate to Spanish

It should be noted that to translate text to Spanish, there are several options:

Online Translation Tools: You can use online translation tools to translate text from one language to another. Simply type or paste the text you want to translate into the tool, select the source language and target language, and the tool will provide you with the translation.

Professional Translation Services: If you need a high-quality translation that is accurate and precise, you can hire a professional translation service. These services typically employ native Spanish speakers who are fluent in both the source and target languages, and who can provide a polished translation that is suitable for any purpose.

Learn more about Spanish on;


How do foreigners often label Spaniards?
Select one:



hard working

well rested



C. hard working


Foreigners often think of Spaniards as hard working due to the fact of how they are always doing something.


О c. hard workin            (muy trabajadores)


Los extranjeros suelen etiquetar a los españoles como:

muy trabajadores.

In this activity, you will research online and read a play or a portion of a play written in Spanish or English. Then, you will write a paragraph, in Spanish, mentioning the main characters, the plot, and the genre of the play. Use vocabulary related to plays in your response. Submit it to your teacher.


A possible paragraph about a play is "Romeo y Julieta es un obra de teatro muy popular en todo el mundo".

What is a summary of Romeo and Juliet's play?

Romeo y Julieta es un obra de teatro muy popular en todo el mundo, esta obra de teatro fue escrita por William Shakespeare y cuenta la historia de dos jóvenes de familias rivales quienes se enamoran (Romeo y Julieta). Esta obra de teatro puede clasificarse como una tragedia ya que los jóvenes luchan en contra de la sociedad y el final es triste.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet in


Prefiero las hamburguesas de _______________.
A. sal
B. azúcar
C. carne
D. mantequilla


Answer: C. Carne


Carne (meat)

C is the correct answer
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Find an equation of the line with gradient 1/3 and passes through the point (5,-1) Be sure to use three to six complete sentences in your response. The ottoman Parliament tehcir law of 1915 authorized each of the following acts except which oneA the deportation of Christian armenians from the EmpireB the seizure of property is belonging to Christian ArmeniansC A car dealership uses the linear model y= -1100x + 25,000 to predict the depreciation of car values as time progresses. If x is how old the vehicle is in years and y is the current value of the vehicle,what will the value of the vehicle be 5 years after purchase? About 25% of children in child care settings have a food allergy true or false you are sitting on a frictionless floor of a stationary wagon. when the wagon starts to move forward, you get pushed against the back of the wagon. this can be explained by: Quotes from Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone about where they are in the book i dont know how to do thisthe answer isnt 4 pls answer if u know with simple working Tan^2a-cosec^2a+1=0 value of pie A cylinder has a height of 30 ft and a volume of 63,679 ft. what is the radius of the cylinder? round your answer to the nearest whole number. responses 676 ft 676 ft 338 ft 338 ft 52 ft 52 ft 26 ft Is 14x + 2 equivalent to 16x? A car is parked on a hill. The driver starts the car, and the car accelerates until the car is driving at a constant speed and then the driver steps on the brakes to put the brakes pads in contact with the spinning wheels. Explain how and when static friction, sliding friction, and rolling friction are acting on the car. (Use the image below to help you explain and support your answer with scientific facts and terms.) Use this tax table to find how much tax you need to pay on a taxable income of $25,000. If taxable income is over-- But not over-- The tax is:$0 $7,825 10 percent of the amount over $0$7,825 $31,850 $782. 50 plus 15 percent of the amount over 7,825$31,850 $77,100 $4,386. 25 plus 25 percent of the amount over 31,850$77,100 $160,850 $15,698. 75 plus 28 percent of the amount over 77,100$160,850 $349,700 $39,148. 75 plus 33 percent of the amount over 160,850$349,700 no limit $101,469. 25 plus 35 percent of the amount over 349,700 suppose we draw 2500 samples of size 100 from a population and compute a 97% confidence interval for each sample. approximately how many of those intervals will contain the population mean? Can you please help me 'Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friendif Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own. That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! But it's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope; I'd not take Linton by surprise with it. To this point he has been discreet in dreading to provoke me; you must represent the peril of quitting that policy, and remind him of my passionate temper, verging, when kindled, on frenzy. I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of that countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.'The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating: for they were delivered in perfect sincerity; but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence; and I did not wish to 'frighten' her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness. Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together. He began to speak first.'Remain where you are, Catherine,' he said; without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency. 'I shall not stay. I am neither come to wrangle nor be reconciled; but I wish just to learn whether, after this evening's events, you intend to continue your intimacy with''Oh, for mercy's sake,' interrupted the mistress, stamping her foot, 'for mercy's sake, let us hear no more of it now! Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever: your veins are full of ice-water; but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.''To get rid of me, answer my question,' persevered Mr. Linton. 'You must answer it; and that violence does not alarm me. I have found that you can be as stoical as anyone, when you please. Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me? It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.''I require to be let alone!' exclaimed Catherine, furiously. 'I demand it! Don't you see I can scarcely stand? Edgar, youyou leave me!'She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; I entered leisurely. It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages! There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters! Mr. Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. She had no breath for speaking. I brought a glass full; and as she would not drink, I sprinkled it on her face. In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death. Linton looked terrified.'There is nothing in the world the matter,' I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.'She has blood on her lips!' he said, shuddering.'Never mind!' I answered, tartly. And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy. I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me; for she started upher hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally. I made up my mind for broken bones, at least; but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room. The master directed me to follow; I did, to her chamber-door: she hindered me from going further by securing it against me.In paragraph 7, the narrator is speaking primarily asGroup of answer choicesa detached observera concerned confidanta passionate advocatean inconvenienced employeean ungrateful servant 6. If the price of a good increases by 20% and the quantitydemanded decreases by 10%, the price elasticity of demand is:a) -2b) -1c) -0.5d) 0.57. If the price of a good increases by 10% and the The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended warfare between which two nations? United States and Italy Germany and Russia Austria and Serbia United Kingdom and Ottoman Empire Man is the most paradoxical of all animals Please helpppppppppppp