
The half-life of Radium-226 is 1590 years. If a sample contains 300 mg, how many mg will remain after 2000 years? -------------


Answer 1

If a sample contains 300 mg, 129.6 mg of Radium-226 will remain after 2000 years.

What is half life?

The period of time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay is known as the half-life. This means that if you start with a given amount of a radioactive chemical, half of it will have decayed after one half-life, and so on. After two half-lives, just one quarter will be left.

A radioactive substance's half-life, which is one of its distinguishing characteristics, can be used to forecast how quickly it will degrade over time. Scientists can compute a radioactive substance's half-life and use it to infer the age of rocks and fossils by measuring how much of the radioactive substance is still there after a predetermined period of time.

The radioactive decay is given by the formula:

[tex]N(t) = N_0 * (1/2)^{(t/T)}[/tex]

Substituting the given values we have:

[tex]N(2000) = 300 * (1/2)^{(2000/1590)}[/tex]

N(2000) ≈ 129.6 mg

Therefore, approximately 129.6 mg of Radium-226 will remain after 2000 years.

Learn more about exponential decay here:


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Choose scales for the coordinate plane shown so that you can graph the points J (5, 50), K(3, 50), L (4, -40), M (-2, 40), and N (-5, -10). on the x-axis use a scale of ____ units for each grid square. on the y-axis use a scale of ____ units of each grid square. complete the explanation for using these scales for each axis. the x-coordinates range from ____ to ____, and the y-coordinates range from ____ to ____.


On the x-axis use a scale of 2 units for each grid square. on the y-axis use a scale of 10 units of each grid square. The x-coordinates range from -5 to 5. y-coordinates range from -40 to 50.

What is coordinate plane?

In mathematics, points and functions are represented and graphed on the coordinate plane, commonly known as the Cartesian plane. The x-axis and y-axis are two perpendicular number lines that meet at the origin to form the plane (0,0).

On the coordinate plane, points are denoted by ordered pairs (x, y), where x denotes the point's separation from the y-axis and y denotes its separation from the x-axis.

For the given coordinates the range of x and y coordinates are:

x-coordinates range from -5 to 5

y-coordinates range from -40 to 50.

Thus, we use a scale of 2 on the x-axis and 10 units on the y axis.

Learn more about coordinate plane here:


Jeff surveyed all the students at his school and reported the fraction of students who liked each flavor of sherbet.

Six-sevenths liked cherry.
One-ninth liked grape.
Three-fifths liked orange.
Four-elevenths liked strawberry.

Which list has the flavors in order from least liked to most liked?

A. grape, strawberry, orange, cherry
B. grape, orange, strawberry, cherry
C. orange, cherry, grape, strawberry
D. cherry, grape, orange. strawberry


We can compare the fractions to determine which flavors are liked the least and which are liked the most. The smallest fraction is 1/9, followed by 4/11, then 3/5, and the largest fraction is 6/7. Therefore, the list that has the flavors in order from least liked to most liked.

Answer is : A

A machine in a factory makes chairs at rate of two chairs every 10 minutes how much time does the machine take to make five chairs how many minutes would it take for the factory to fulfill an order for 32 chairs show your work or explain how you determine your answers


If the machine makes 2 chairs every 10 minutes, then it makes 1 chair in 5 minutes (since 10/2 = 5).

To make 5 chairs, the machine will need 5 times as much time, which is 5 x 5 = 25 minutes.

To fulfill an order for 32 chairs, the machine will need to make 32/2 = 16 sets of 2 chairs.

This means the machine will take 16 x 10 = 160 minutes to make 32 chairs.

I obtained these answers by using basic math. First, I found out how many chairs the machine makes in one minute by dividing the rate of production (2 chairs every 10 minutes) by the number of minutes (10). That gave me the production rate of 1 chair every 5 minutes.

Using that production rate, I could then multiply it by the number of chairs I needed to find out how many minutes it would take for the machine to produce them.

For the order of 32 chairs, I used the production rate to figure out how many sets of two chairs the machine would need to make to reach the total amount. And then I multiplied that number by the time it takes to make two chairs (10 minutes) to get the total time it would take to produce 32 chairs.

On a given planet, the weight of an object varies directly with the mass of the object. Suppose that an object whose mass is 2 kg weighs 4 N. Calculate the mass of another object that weights 18 N.



Let m be the mass of the object and w be the weight of the object. According to the problem, weight varies directly with mass, so we can write:

w = k * m

where k is the constant of proportionality.

To find k, we can use the information given in the problem. We know that when m = 2 kg, w = 4 N. Substituting these values into the equation above, we get:

4 N = k * 2 kg

Solving for k, we get:

k = 4 N / 2 kg = 2 N/kg

Now we can use this value of k to find the mass of an object that weighs 18 N. We can rearrange the equation above to solve for m:

m = w / k

Substituting w = 18 N and k = 2 N/kg, we get:

m = 18 N / 2 N/kg = 9 kg

Therefore, the mass of the object that weighs 18 N is 9 kg.

Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 31 1/2
yards. Use 3.14 for π. Write your answer as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:


Solve for circumference





C=2πr=2·π·155.5≈977.03532 = 977.03



Step-by-step explanation:

C=2πr=2·π·155.5≈977.03532 = 977.03

How do I solve this problem?


The measure of  angle CFE is determined as 29⁰.

What is the measure of angle CFE?

The measure of angle CFE is calculated by applying the following formula.

The intersecting chord theorem, also known as the intersecting chords inside and outside theorem, is a geometric property that applies to chords (line segments that connect two points on the circumference of a circle) that intersect inside or outside a circle.

Based on the angle of intersecting chord theorem, we will have the following equation.

m∠CFE = ¹/₂( arc angle CE )

arc CE = 360 - 302 (sum of angles in a circle)

arc CE = 58⁰

m∠CFE = ¹/₂ x 58

m∠CFE = 29⁰

Learn more about chord angles here:


The table contains some points on the graph
of an exponential function. Based on the
table, which function represents the same


Answer:  1st one

Step-by-step explanation:

Luisa has great news, she communicates it to 3 people. Each of them tells 3 more. This is how a chain is set up, since each new person who learns the news communicates it to three others. It takes one person approximately 10 minutes to communicate the news to three others. If an hour has passed, how many people have heard the news?



The amount of persons who have heard in 30mins would be:

45 persons

i only need help with the second problem which is:

5. For 0≤x≤ 6, express g(x) in terms of x. Do not include +C in your final answer.

please and thanks!​


From the calculation, g increases on the interval [-3, 6) and for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, g(x) = 6 - 1/2(x-2)²

What is a mathematical expression?

A mathematical expression is a phrase that includes at least two numbers or variables, at least one arithmetic operation, and the expression itself. This mathematical operation may be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. An expression's basic components are as follows: The formula is (Number/Variable, Math Operator, Number/Variable).

Since f(x) is a piecewise-defined function, we need to consider each interval separately.

For -3 ≤ x < 0, f(x) = 3, so g'(x) = 3, which is positive.

For 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, f(x) = -x + 3, which is a decreasing function, so g'(x) is also decreasing. However, since f(x) is always non-negative on this interval, g'(x) is non-negative as well.

For 6 < x ≤ 9, f(x) = -3, so g'(x) = -3, which is negative.

Therefore, g is increasing on the interval [-3, 6).

To justify this, note that g'(x) = 0 at x = 0 and x = 6, where g has local maxima. This means that g is increasing on the intervals (-3, 0) and (0, 6) and decreasing on (6, 9]. Since g is continuous, it cannot have any jumps, so it must be increasing or decreasing on each of these intervals. Since g(-3) = 0 and g(6) = 9, we know that g is increasing on the interval [-3, 6).

We can evaluate g(x) on the interval [0, 6] by integrating f(x) with respect to t from -2 to x:

g(x) = ∫_{-2}^{x} f(t) dt

On the interval [-3, 0), f(t) = 3, so we have

g(x) = ∫_{-2}^{0} 3 dt + ∫_{0}^{x} (-t + 3) dt

Simplifying the integrals, we get:

g(x) = 6 - 1/2(x-2)^2, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6

Therefore, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, g(x) = 6 - 1/2(x-2)²

Learn more about expression


The expression of g in terms of x  is increases on the interval [-3, 6) and for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 is  g(x) = [tex]6 - \frac{1}{2(x-2)^2}[/tex].

What is a mathematical expression?

Mathematical expressions consist of at least two numbers or variables, at least one arithmetic operation, and a statement. It's possible to multiply, divide, add, or subtract with this mathematical operation. Unknown variables, integers, and arithmetic operators are the components of an algebraic expression. There are no symbols for equality or inequality in it.

Since f(x) is a piecewise-defined function, we need to consider each interval separately.

For -3 ≤ x < 0, f(x) = 3, so g'(x) = 3, which is positive.

For 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, f(x) = -x + 3, which is a decreasing function, so g'(x) is also decreasing.

However, since f(x) is always non-negative on this interval, g'(x) is non-negative as well.

For 6 < x ≤ 9, f(x) = -3, so g'(x) = -3, which is negative.

Therefore, g is increasing on the interval [-3, 6).

We can evaluate g(x) on the interval [0, 6] by integrating f(x) with respect to t from -2 to x:

[tex]g(x) = \int{-2}^{x} f(t) dt[/tex]

On the interval [-3, 0), f(t) = 3, so we have

[tex]g(x) = \int_{-2}^{0} 3 dt + \int_{0}^{x} (-t + 3) dt[/tex]

Simplifying the integrals, we get:

[tex]g(x) = 6 - \frac{1}{2(x-2)^2}[/tex], for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6

Therefore, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, g(x) = 6 - 1/2(x-2)².

To Learn more about expression refer the below link


a right triangle has a hypotenuse of length 7 inches. If one angle is 38 degrees, find the length of each leg.


Check the picture below.

[tex]\sin(38^o )=\cfrac{\stackrel{opposite}{x}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{7}}\implies 7\sin(38^o)=x\implies 4.31\approx x \\\\[-0.35em] ~\dotfill\\\\ \cos(38^o )=\cfrac{\stackrel{adjacent}{y}}{\underset{hypotenuse}{7}}\implies 7\cos(38^o)=y\implies 5.52\approx y[/tex]

Make sure your calculator is in Degree mode.


4.31 in5.52 in

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the leg measures in a right triangle with a hypotenuse of 7 inches and an angle of 38°.

Trig functions

The mnemonic SOH CAH TOA reminds you of the relations between side lengths and trig functions:

  Sin = Opposite/Hypotenuse   ⇒   Opposite = Hypotenuse×Sin

  Cos = Adjacent/Hypotenuse   ⇒   Adjacent = Hypotenuse×Cos


The given triangle will have opposite and adjacent sides of ...

  opposite = (7 in)sin(38°) ≈ 4.31 in

  adjacent = (7 in)cos(38°) = 5.52 in

The leg lengths of the triangle are 4.31 inches and 5.52 inches.

It's in the picture !


The position of  √17 between 4 and 5, which is nearer 5, and the location of 6, which is between 2 and 3, which is nearer 2.

What is Number line?

A visual representation of real numbers in a linear manner is a number line. It is a straight line that is divided into intervals or segments, each of which stands for a distinct real number value.

Number lines can be vertical or horizontally oriented, and they can also have a positive or negative orientation. Positive numbers often extend to the right or up, whereas negative numbers typically extend to the left or down. The origin of the number line, or zero, is typically situated in the middle of the line.

The number line is a crucial tool in mathematics since it offers a means of representing numerical relationships visually and carrying out fundamental arithmetic operations. For instance, positive and negative motions along a number line can be used to depict addition and subtraction, respectively, with positive movements denoting addition and negative movements denoting subtraction. On a number line, multiplication and division can alternatively be shown as repeated addition or subtraction.

If we have a number line with the proper markings, we may indicate where the square roots of 17 and 6 are located as follows:

To begin, determine the approximate square root values:

√17 is between 4 and 5, since 4² = 16 and 5² = 25.

√6 is between 2 and 3, since 2² = 4 and 3² = 9.

Place the number √17 closer to 5, between 4 and 5.

Place the number √6 between the numbers 2 and 3, closer to 2.

Since 6 and 17 are not integers and their values are not evenly spaced, it should be noted that their markings will not be evenly spaced on the number line.

To know more about Number Line, visit:


Number line attached below,

Help pleasee
The half-life of Palladium-100 is 4 days. After 16 days a sample of Palladium-100 has been reduced to a mass of 2 mg.

What was the initial mass (in mg) of the sample? --------------

What is the mass 7 weeks after the start?-------------


The initial mass (in mg) of the sample is  32 mg

The mass 7 weeks after the start is 0.198 mg

What is exponential decay:

Exponential decay is a process in which a quantity decreases at a rate proportional to its value. This means that the larger the quantity, the faster it will decrease.

Exponential decay is modeled by the following formula:

[tex]A = A_{0} \times (1/2)^{\frac{t}{T} }[/tex]

where A is the amount after time t, A₀ is the initial amount,

T is the half-life, and t is the time elapsed

Here we have

The half-life of Palladium-100 is 4 days. After 16 days a sample of Palladium-100 has been reduced to a mass of 2 mg.

For the first question, we know that after 16 days, the amount is 2 mg, and the half-life is 4 days. We can plug these values into the formula:

[tex]2 = A_{0} \times (1/2)^{\frac{16}{4}}[/tex]

Simplifying, we get:

2 = A₀ × (1/2)⁴

2 = A₀ × (1/16)

A₀ = 2 × 16

A₀ = 32 mg

So the initial mass of the sample was 32 mg.

For the second question, we need to find the mass after 7 weeks, or 49 days. We can use the same formula, but with t = 49:

[tex]A = 32 \times (1/2)^{\frac{49}{4} }[/tex]

A ≈ 0.198 mg


The initial mass (in mg) of the sample is  32 mg

The mass 7 weeks after the start is 0.198 mg

Learn more about Exponential decay at


simplify the expression ^5√-32x^5y^30



The fifth root of -32x^5y^30 can be simplified as follows:

First, we can write -32 as (-2)^5.

Next, we can rewrite the expression as follows:

^5√-32x^5y^30 = ^5√((-2)^5 * x^5 * y^30)

Now we can split the root:

^5√((-2)^5 * x^5 * y^30) = (^5√(-2)^5) * (^5√x^5) * (^5√y^30)

Simplifying each part separately:

^5√(-2)^5 = -2

^5√x^5 = x

^5√y^30 = y^6

So the simplified expression is:


How to find the circumference of a circle


Answer: To find the circumference of a circle, there are 2 formulas.

Step-by-step explanation:

The first formula is 2πr and the second formula is πd when solving any math problem. You can use either one but you would use which one is the most helpful to answer your question. Hope this helps!

An economy is operating with output $400 billion above its natural level, and fiscal policymakers want to close this expansionary gap. The central bank agrees to adjust the money supply to hold the interest rate constant, so there is no crowding out. The marginal propensity to consume is 3/4, and the price level is completely fixed in the short run.

to close the expansionary gap, the government would need to increase or decrease spending by $ billion.


Hence, to close the expansionary gap, the government would need to decrease spending by $100 billion.

To close the expansionary gap, the government would need to decrease spending by $100 billion.

The formula to calculate the change in equilibrium output due to a change in government spending is:

∆Y = (∆G / (1 - MPC))


∆Y = change in equilibrium output

∆G = change in government spending

MPC = marginal propensity to consume

Here, the output is $400 billion above its natural level, and the central bank agrees to adjust the money supply to hold the interest rate constant, so there is no crowding out. Therefore, we can assume that the change in government spending (∆G) would have a one-to-one effect on the equilibrium output (∆Y).

Given that MPC = 3/4, we can plug in the values into the formula:

400 = (∆G / (1 - 3/4))

∆G = (1 - 3/4) * 400

∆G = (1/4) * 400

∆G = 100

Hence, to close the expansionary gap, the government would need to decrease spending by $100 billion.

To know more about interest rate visit:


The owner of a sports complex wants to carpet a hallway connecting to buildings. The carpet costs $1.50 per square foot. How much does it cost to carpet the hallway?



$526.75 i believe

Step-by-step explanation:

James recorded the prices of 10 brands of cereal. The prices are: $3.50, $2.30, $2.50, $3.90, $2.90, $2.40, $1.90, $2.50, $3.20, $2.70. What is the median cost of these boxes of cereal?



To find the median cost of these boxes of cereal, we need to order the prices from least to greatest:

$1.90, $2.30, $2.40, $2.50, $2.50, $2.70, $2.90, $3.20, $3.50, $3.90

There are 10 numbers, so the median is the average of the 5th and 6th numbers:

Median = ($2.50 + $2.70) / 2 = $2.60

Therefore, the median cost of these boxes of cereal is $2.60.


What is the median cost of these boxes of cereal?

$3.50, $2.30, $2.50, $3.90, $2.90, $2.40, $1.90, $2.50, $3.20, $2.70

Let's put it in order first:

$1.90, $2.30, $2.40, $2.50, $2.50, $2.70, $2.90, $3.20, $3.50, $3.90

Now find the middle number (s):

$1.90, $2.30, $2.40, $2.50, $2.50, $2.70, $2.90, $3.20, $3.50, $3.90

In this case, there are 2 middle numbers so do this:

$2.50 + $2.70

= $5.20

5.20 ÷ 2

= $2.60

So the median cost of those cereal boxes would be $2.60.

Step-by-step explanation:

You're welcome.

7. Can the following be the lengths of the sides of a triangle?
a. 20 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm
b. 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm
c. 41 cm, 250 mm, 12 cm​




Step-by-step explanation:


rachel turned 62 in 2022.

estimate her full social security retirement benefit if she were 67 and if her average monthly salary over her 35 highest paying years was 3,100

if she chooses, to start collecting her benefit now at age 62, estimate what will her reduced benefit would be​


She reduced benefit would be approximately: $2,293.52 x (1 - 0.30) = $1,605.46 per month.

How can I calculate average?

Average This is an arithmetic mean calculated by adding a set of numbers and then dividing by the number of those numbers. For example, the average of the numbers 2, 3, 3, 5, 7 and 10 is 30 divided by 6, which is 5.

 If Rachel retires at  age  67, her total Social Security pension can be estimated using the following steps:

Determine Rachel's average indexed monthly income (AIME) by taking the sum of her 35 highest  earnings (in today's dollars) and dividing it by 420 (the number of months over 35 years). GOAL = $3100 x 12 x 35 / 420 = $3100

Use the formula to determine the Primary Sum Assured (PIA), which is the monthly benefit amount payable under AIME at full retirement age. PIA = 90% x $996 32% x ($3100 - $996) = $2293.52

So, if Rachel were to retire at  age  67, her  Social Security pension would be approximately $2,293.52 per month.  If Rachel decides to start collecting her benefits now at age 62, her benefit amount will be reduced by a certain percentage based on the longer period  she receives benefits. The reduction factor is based on how many months before  full retirement age he begins receiving benefits.

In 2022, a person turning 62 will have a full retirement age of 67, which means the discount factor for starting benefits at age 62 is 30%. So, if Rachel started collecting  Social Security  now at age 62, her reduced benefit would be approximately:

$2,293.52 x (1 - 0.30) = $1,605.46 per month.

Learn more about arithmetic mean here


Elliot read a report from a previous year saying that 6 % 6%6, percent of adults in his city biked to work. He wanted to test whether this had changed, so he took a random sample of 240 240240 adults in his city to test H 0 : p = 0.06 H 0 ​ :p=0.06H, start subscript, 0, end subscript, colon, p, equals, 0, point, 06 versus H a : p ≠ 0.06 H a ​ :p  ​ =0.06H, start subscript, start text, a, end text, end subscript, colon, p, does not equal, 0, point, 06, where p pp is the proportion of adults in Elliot's city that bike to work. The sample results showed 21 2121 adults who biked to work, and the corresponding test statistic was z ≈ 1.79 z≈1.79z, approximately equals, 1, point, 79. Assuming that the necessary conditions are met, what is the approximate P-value for Elliot's significance test?


Answer: To find the P-value, we first need to determine the direction of the alternative hypothesis. Since the alternative hypothesis is two-tailed, we need to divide the significance level (α) by 2 before finding the critical values and the rejection region. Therefore, we have:

H0: p = 0.06

Ha: p ≠ 0.06

α = 0.05/2 = 0.025

The test statistic is z = 1.79, which represents the number of standard errors that the sample proportion is from the hypothesized population proportion under the null hypothesis. We can find the P-value by looking up the area in the standard normal distribution table beyond the test statistic in both tails:

P-value = P(Z ≤ -1.79 or Z ≥ 1.79)

= P(Z ≤ -1.79) + P(Z ≥ 1.79)

= 0.0364 + 0.0364

= 0.0728

Therefore, the approximate P-value for Elliot's significance test is 0.0728. Since the P-value is greater than the significance level of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence to suggest that the proportion of adults who bike to work in Elliot's city has changed significantly from the previous year.

Step-by-step explanation:

Jeremy and Aksa were finding the volume of this prism. They agreed that 4 layers can be added together to find the volume. Jeremy says that he can see on the end of the prism that each layer will have 16 cubes in it. Aksa says that each layer has 24 cubes in it. Who is right? Explain your answer.


Both Jeremy and Aksa could be right, depending on how they are counting the cubes for finding the volume of a prism.

What is a prism?

A prism is a three-dimensional solid shape with a constant cross-section, usually a polygon. It is characterized by two identical end faces, parallel and congruent bases, and straight lateral faces connecting the bases.

According to the given information:

Both Jeremy and Aksa could be right, depending on how they are counting the cubes.

If the prism has a square base with 4 cubes along each side, then there would be 16 cubes in each layer. If there are 4 layers, then the total volume would be 16 x 4 = 64 cubic units.

However, if the prism has a rectangular base with 6 cubes along one side and 4 cubes along the other side, then there would be 24 cubes in each layer. If there are 4 layers, then the total volume would be 24 x 4 = 96 cubic units.

Therefore, the answer depends on the shape of the prism and how the layers are counted.

To know more about Prism visit:


A principal of $1500 is invested at 8.5% interest, compounded annually.

How much will the investment be worth after 14 years?

Use the calculator provided and round your answer to the nearest dollar.


The investment will be worth approximately $4468 after 14 years.

What is annual interest rate?

Annual interest rate is the rate at which an investment or loan grows in value over the course of a year, expressed as a percentage. It represents the cost of borrowing or the return on investment over one year.

According to question:

The following equation can be used to determine the future value of an investment using compound interest:

FV = P * (r/n + 1)(n*t)


FV is the investment's future value.

The principal is P. (initial investment)

The annual interest rate is represented by r,

The number of times the interest is compounded annually by n (expressed as a decimal).

t is the time (in years)

In this case:

P = $1500

r = 8.5% = 0.085

n = 1 (compounded annually)

t = 14

With these values entered into the formula, we obtain:

FV = 1500 * [tex](1 + 0.085/1)^(1*14)[/tex]

     = $4467.56

Therefore, the investment will be worth approximately $4468 after 14 years.

To know more about annual interest rate visit:


The sum of 2 vector forces is <5, -3>. What is the magnitude of the resulting force?


According to the question the magnitude of the resulting force is 5.83.

What is magnitude?

Magnitude is a measure of the size or intensity of a physical quantity. It is an expression of how large or small a quantity is in comparison to a reference value. Magnitude is typically used in physics and astronomy, but it can also be used in other areas such as engineering and seismology. Magnitude is not an absolute measurement; rather, it is a relative measure of how much larger or smaller one quantity is compared to another. For example, the magnitude of a star's brightness is a measure of how much brighter it is compared to other stars.

The magnitude of the resulting force can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. The formula for calculating the magnitude of a vector is:
[tex]\sqrt[]{(x2 + y2)}[/tex]
In this case, x = 5 and y = -3, which gives us:
[tex]\sqrt{(52 + (-3)2)}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{(25 + 9)}[/tex] = √[tex]\sqrt{(34)}[/tex] = 5.83.
Therefore, the magnitude of the resulting force is 5.83.

To learn more about magnitude

Given the following sets, find the set (AUB)' n C.
U = {1, 2, 3,...,8}
A = {1, 2, 3, 5}
B = {1, 2, 6}
C= {1, 3, 4, 5, 6}



To find the set (AUB)' n C, we first need to find the union of sets A and B, which is the set of all elements that belong to either A or B or both:

AUB = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6}

The complement of AUB, denoted by (AUB)', is the set of all elements in U that do not belong to AUB:

(AUB)' = {4, 7, 8}

Next, we need to find the intersection of (AUB)' and C, which is the set of all elements that belong to both (AUB)' and C:

(AUB)' n C = {1}

Therefore, the set (AUB)' n C contains only the element 1.

Find the area of a rectangle with length 4.3 cm and breadth 3.9 cm



16.77 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of rectangle = L x W

L = 4.3 cm

Width = 3.9 cm

Let' solve

4.3 x 3.9 = 16.77 cm²

So, the area of the rectangle is 16.77 cm²

What is the range of the relation whose graph is shown?


The range of the relation whose graph is shown include the following: C. -1 ≤ y ≤ 1.

What is a domain?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a domain is the set of all real numbers for which a particular function is defined.

Additionally, the vertical extent of any graph of a function represents all range values and they are always read and written from smaller to larger numerical values, and from the bottom of the graph to the top.

By critically observing the graph shown in the image attached above, we can reasonably and logically deduce the following domain and range:

Domain = {-4, 4} or -4 ≤ x ≤ 4.

Range = {-1, 1} or -1 ≤ y ≤ 1.

Read more on domain here:


anyone know this geometry stuff?



The side length is [tex]\frac{6}{\sqrt{2} }[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the diagonal of the square: 6 meters.

Using the formula with given side length:


We can see that the diagonal length of the square divided by the square root of 2 can find the missing side length.

Hence the answer is 6√2.

6. You have a device that monitors the sound level of a conversation
located 1 meter away. The results are shown in the graph.
a. Describe the relationship of the sound level as
a function of time.


At first Sound level increases then for an instant it becomes constant then in decreases for a while then again becomes constant for an instant then again starts to increase .

What is sound level of a conversation?

A decibel (dB) is a unit used to measure sound. A motorbike engine operating is around 95 dB louder than a whisper (30 dB louder than typical conversation).

                          Your hearing may begin to deteriorate if exposed to noise levels exceeding 70 dB for an extended length of time. Your ears might suffer instant damage from loud noises exceeding 120 dB.

The relationship of sound level w.r.t time can be described as ,

a) At first Sound level increases then for an instant it becomes constant then in decreases for a while then again becomes constant for an instant then again starts to increase .

b) At both the instances the sound level is increasing as the slope of the tangent drawn to the curve at those points is positive but absolute value of sound level at instance (1) is clearly lower than the value of sound level at instance (3).

Learn more about sound level of a conversation


Maria 400 mL in every hour how many hours will it take her to drink 2 L of water



5 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

Every liter is 1000 ml, and 2000 ml divided by 400 ml would be 5 hours.

The sum of a number and three is no more than eight



Step-by-step explanation: hope this helps

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