Hey! Does anyone know the answer to this?

Hey! Does Anyone Know The Answer To This?


Answer 1


it should be subjective


because usually the newspaper involves many different topics.

Related Questions

HURRY ASAP) What does the descriptive language in this passage
help readers to visualize?
Read the excerpt from The Call of the Wild.
A poor substitute for food was this hide, just as it had
been stripped from the starved horses of the cattlemen
six months back. In its frozen state it was more like
strips of galvanized iron, and when a dog wrestled it
into his stomach it thawed into thin and innutritious
leathery strings and into a mass of short hair, irritating
and indigestible.
O how dry and tough the meat is
O how freezing the weather is
O how thin and sick the horses are
O how hungry the cattlemen are



O How dry and tough the meat is .


Descriptive language is the use of certain words that gives a clear and more descriptive image of what is being discussed or talked about. It provides in-depth detail about how something looks.

In the given passage from Jack London's "The Call of the Wild", the descriptive language shows how dry and tough the meat is. This is evident from the phrases like "In its frozen state it was more like strips of galvanized iron" and how hard it must have been, considering the narrator's comment that "when a dog wrestled it into his stomach it thawed into thin and innutritious leathery strings and into a mass of short hair, irritating and indigestible."

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

What is the goal of the line of succession


Answer: The United States presidential line of succession is the order in which officials of the United States federal government assume the powers and duties of the office of president of the United States if the incumbent president becomes incapacitated, dies, resigns, or is removed from office.



A line of succession refers to an established order of people who will fill a pivotal role if necessary.

Ahhh! Such a beautiful day, uh (Yeah)
The sun's shining in a beautiful way, uh (Whoo)
Gonna take a shower, brush my teeth and
Life is ultimately meaningless
Uhh... Uhh...
But I'll get out of the house
Get on the road, top down, hands out
Put on my favorite song and nod to the rhythm
The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions
But I- I-, I'll head to class
Try my best on every test 'til I pass
And my grades are screaming in my face, hey
98 percent of what you learn is a waste
I get to hang out with all my friends (Yeah)
My friends are the friendliest friends
Can't think of a better way to spend my time
Your brain is flawed, and all your friends will die
Never mind!
I'm alive in the greatest nation!
So proud of the exploitation of natives
This graceful bird means freedom for all
Tell that to the slaves, and bald eagles aren't bald
I can live in the moment, milk every second
At any time you could get clinical depression
But I'll just be happy, no matter what's in store
It's quite genetic, and we have no cure
Uh, at least
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Or you'll regret it
We are young
For now
Life is fun
For some people
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Good luck
Woo! I got a brand new job today! (Yeah)
Doin stuff that'll help the economy (Uh)
I'll save money and buy things at the store
Banks can crash and capitalism is flawed
And it's all because of my hard work
And the thousand advantages you lucked into at birth
I put a lotta effort in my resume!
Good thing you don't have a black person's name
I'm proud to be a functioning member of society
Finally, I can be the citizen I dream to be
Part of the community, contribute with my tax
What could possibly stop me?
The shrinking middle class
I've at least got a nice stable job
Until it's outsourced to China or replaced by a robot
OH GOD! Well, then I could relax a bit
You'll be empty with nothing to distract from it
But man, I'm a passionate graduate
I can be different, and I have a career paths to pick from
I could be a rapper or an animator if I'm lucky
Neither of those will make you happy, trust me
I'm able to choose what I pursue (Yeah)
You're a slave to people born richer than you
Then screw it, I'll keep going in
Then I'll party on the weekend and sing, no, oh, oh oh
Thanks to autotune
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Or you'll regret it
We are young
We still die
Life is fun
Until you die
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it
Because you'll die
Life is a wonder
You'll never know the answer
Nature is a miracle
Natural disasters
It's good to be alive
You could wake up with cancer
But I'm healthy
Healthy people still get cancer
I love this show
It's the last episode
The sun is shining
It's going to explode
Every species is beautiful and unique, though
Children have malaria thanks to mosquitoes
I met a cute girl with a ponytail
Statistically that relationship is going to fail
I have a wonderful family, it's like no other
You're not special, and one day you'll bury your mother
No matter what, I can find a home!
We, Will All, Die, Alone
There's amazing potential in every human on earth
There's no escaping the heat death of the universe
I don't have to live life based on negative parts
No matter how bad they are, they're just thoughts
Yeah, that's fair
Wait, really?
Yeah that seems reasonable
Wait, wait, wait, wait but you were just telling me to-
Whatever man, I dunno, live your life how you want
I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm just saying
Well in that case...
We are young!
Life is fun!
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
We are young!
Life is fun!
We gotta make the most of it! Make the most of it!
Enjoy it while it lasts


The odd1sout? Respect to you man


Beautiful. Thanks for the points ;)


"He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, destroyed the lives of people."
This is an example of:
A. Rhetorical fallacy in that Jefferson is overgeneralizing in his argument.
B. Pathos in that Jefferson is appealing to the emotion of the reader.
C. Ethos in that Jefferson is trying to persuade the reader of his credibility
D. A logical fallacy in that Jefferson is using circular reasoning in his argument.



B. Pathos in that Jefferson is appealing to the emotion of the reader.


Ethos and pathos are both rhetorical devices - techniques an author or speaker uses to convey their point to the audience and persuade them to begin viewing things from their perspective.

Ethos is the appeal to ethics. The speaker/writer who uses ethos is trying to convince others of his or her own character or credibility. We tend to accept the credibility of people we respect.

Pathos is the appeal to emotions. The speaker/writer who uses pathos aims to elicit certain emotions in their audience.

A logical fallacy is the use of faulty reasoning in an argument.

The given Jefferson's quote refers to the fact that King George had declared war on the Americans. There are no logical fallacies here, and Jefferson uses pathos to appeal to the reader's emotions. He is telling how King George destroyed their lives, describing the horrors his troops caused. These lines were supposed to elicit anger in the American people and motivate them to fight.

what is loyalty to those with whom one shares a common history, culture, and belief system.



Relation or connection







Yh.... ✌❤✌♥️

Write a story titled 'The Encounter'



a story titled 'The Encounter'


You told me to write that.

Read “A Book,” by Emily Dickinson.

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

Which words best indicate that the speaker believes that books offer traveling adventures?
page, poetry, and soul
frigate, traverse, and toll
prancing, poorest, and frugal
oppress, bears, and human



B: frigate, traverse, and toll



The frigate, traverse, and toll are the words that books offer traveling adventures represent. Thus, option B is correct.

Who is Emily Dickinson?

Emily Dickinson was a very famous poet who has a very original in-depth writer with a huge fan following of her writing.  some of her poems are:

Hope is the thing with feathersI felt a funeral, in my brainBecause I could not stop for deathI heard a fly buzz — when I diedTell all the truth, but tell it slant

To tell us about the book that offers traveling adventures, she has used words like a frigate, which means a light weighted boat that is used for traveling in the sea.

The word traverse is used to depict that she is traveling back and forth from one book to another.

Also about the chariot which is frugal, which means to travel with the low amount or on a budget. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Emily Dickinson, here:



Which of these lines is an example of 'Personification'?. Single choice.Immersive Reader (1 Point) A. My computer ate my homework B. I would guess it was a virus C. I suppose I might have pressed Escape D. And it landed in the trash



A. My computer ate my homework

Which of these is a specific person, place, or event that demonstrates a point?

a fact

a statistic

an illustration


It’s an illustration

Which is a feature of the passage that identifies it as a portion of a memoir?
A. It is a description of a turning point in the writer's life.
B. It is a record of a significant historical moment.
C. It provides satiric commentary on the social context of events.
D. It records and offers insight into a personal experience.



I would think the answer is D


Memoir reccounts personal experiences

help me with question please ​


Answer fuits


7) Which sentence best expresses the differing opinions of these two book
Neither Review 1 or 2 are able to find any point of
A) weakness in the novel and praise it as completely
While Review 2 finds one or two negative aspects of
the novel, Review 1 is entirely positive with no
criticism whatever
While Review 1 gives the book a negative judgment.
Review 2 has nothing but praise for the realism,
characterization, and plotting of the novel.
Review 1 and 2 are both extremely positive about the
book, but written from different perspectives--the
adult and the young reader, respectively


Answer: the answer is d: review one and two are both extremely positive about the book, but written from different perspectives— The adult in the young reader, respectively.



Sentences that best express the differing opinions of these two book reviews are review 1 and 2 are both extremely positive about the book but written from different perspectives of the adult and the young reader, respectively. The correct option is d.

What is a book review?

A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is merely described or analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review may be a primary source, opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review. Books can be reviewed for printed periodicals, magazines and newspapers, as school work, or for book websites on the Internet.

A book review's length may vary from a single paragraph to a substantial essay. Such a review may evaluate the book based on personal taste. Reviewers may use the occasion of a book review for an extended essay that can be closely or loosely related to the subject of the book or to promulgate their ideas on the topic of a fiction or non-fiction work.

Photios I of Constantinople has been called "the inventor of the book review" for his work, Bibliotheca.

Learn more about review, here:



What do Hamlet's words indicate in this soliloquy from Hamlet, act III, scene I?

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?


He has resolved to avenge his father's death.


He is considering leaving Denmark for ever.


He is confused about what action to take.


He blames fate for his inaction.



ummm what can may i ask what are you tying to say



He is confused about what action to take


What does it mean for a source to be reliable?(1 point)

It is published on the internet.

It is trustworthy.

It took a long time to write.

It cites at least one source.

When researching the topic of "performance enhancement equipment in competitive sports," which source is most likely to be trustworthy?(1 point)

a survey of fifteen physical education teachers

the opinions of five baseball coaches

a survey of eight professional athletic organizations

the opinions of ten basketball players

Vivian is researching the topic of listening to music while studying. Vivian finds that Text 1 is more trustworthy than Text 2. Which piece of information is likely to be found in Text 2?(1 point)

the results of a study published in a scientific journal about the effects of music on concentration

the results of a survey of 1,000 college students about their grades and study habits

a story about a teenager who improved his grades by listening to classical music while he studied

an interview with a doctor who specializes in memory and works with teenagers

What is a sign that the source you are reading might be unreliable?(1 point)

It is trying to sell a product.

It includes facts verified by outside sources.

It uses neutral language.

It is created by a professional journalist.




1) It is trustworthy

If a source is reliable, it means that it does not contain false information, and that if there are opinions in the piece, they are clearly indicated to be opinions rather than disguising opinions as facts.

2) A survey of eight professional athletic organizations

When it comes to an opinion versus a survey, a survey typically collects more diverse and therefore more reliable info. Basketball players and baseball coaches are surely great at their respective sports, but they are not professional, and neither are the physed teachers.

3) A story about a teenager (...)

All of the other choices are studies, surveys, and interviews with professionals, so this single answer choice not including any research is a red flag.

4) It is trying to sell a product

Let's say a snack company is trying to sell their very sugary cookies. They might create an article claiming that these unhealthy snacks are 'good for athletes' and help their performance. These supposed facts cannot be backed up by anyone, nor are they even true! Therefore, any article with a goal to sell a product should not be trusted as unbiased.

what can you do if you just got lied to give me some advice before my head explodes



Ask the person why they felt the need to lie to you if you guys are close, but make sure you calm down before you say anything so you’re in the right headspace.

Which best describes how the excerpt appeals to readers emotions?





The excerpt explains how to skin a tree, which makes readers feel awed at the height of the tree.

'the cover my new book ai as soft as velvet'
metaphor or simile?
what 2 things are compared?​



This is a simile the book cover is being compared to velvet


A simile uses like or as

Have a great day/night!


Let us walk in the white snow  : Let us walk in this pure, innocent world of ours.

In a soundless space  : The poet is saying that the world is free of imperfections such as pollution, both noise and waste.


This passage is important to the story because it shows that Buck

has left behind his old friends and ways of life.

has become part of a new family of dogs.

has started to feel strong and healthy again.

has given up his need to be a leader.n your ideas and decide on a single focus.





edge yw

PLZ HELP ASAP Why is it important to pick a narrator carefully when planning to write a narrative? (5 points) a The narrator tells the story, but it is the reader who controls how events are imagined. b The narrator's point of view determines the sequence of events. c The narrator must know what all characters think at all times. d The narrative will change depending on the narrator's tone and point of view.


Answer: If its not B it's A



It is A The narrator tells the story, but it is the reader aho controlls how events are imagined.

in the yellow wallpaper What does Jennie notice that makes her concerned about the narrator?





the lack of the narrator focusing and being uneasy.

Why does knowing your purpose help make reading more interesting?
A. Having a purpose helps you have a conversation with the text.
B. Having a purpose provides you with a picture in your mind.
C. Having a purpose makes it easier to obtain information.
D. Having a purpose enables you to decode and understand unfamiliar words.​


it’s D or C but i say D!

Knowing the purpose helps to make reading more interesting is having a purpose helps you have a conversation with the text.​ Thus, option A is correct.

What is the purpose of using text?

Personal, family, commercial, and social purposes are all served by text. Text messaging is used by government and non-governmental organizations to communicate among coworkers.

Setting a reading goal helps children stay focused and interested while reading, and it gives them a task to help reinforce learning. Reading with a purpose stimulates youngsters and teaches kids who prefer to rush to read slowly, so they don't miss important details in the text.

Knowing the objective makes reading more fascinating, since it allows you to converse with the material. As a result, option A is correct.

Learn more about the purpose here:



Read the beginning of a method for party planning.

1. Identify an event that is cause for celebration.
2. Secure a location for the party.
3. Buy decorations and food.
4. Identify guests and send them invitations.
5. Plan party games or activities.

Which statement best identifies a problem with this method?

Step 1 should not come before Step 4 because different guests will want to celebrate different events.
Step 2 should not come before Step 3 because the party's location determines the decorations that should be used.
Step 4 should not come before Step 3 because the amount of food needed depends on the number of guests invited.
Step 4 should not come before Step 5 because the party games or activities are more important than which guests are invited.





The statement best identifies a problem with this method is :

C) Step 4 should not come before, Step 3 because the amount of food needed depends on the number of guests invited.

Identify the problem

The statement best identifies a problem with this method is that step 4 should not come before, step 3 because the amount of food needed depends on the number of guests invited.

The correct order for the party planning is :

Identify an event that is cause for celebration.Secure a location for the party.Identify guests and send them invitations.Buy decorations and food.Plan party games or activities.

Thus, the correct option is C.

Learn more about "Planning Party":


The writer in Frankenstein describes his one crewman as being "as silent as a Turk." What literary
device is this?
A. Metaphor
B. Irony
C. Personification
D. Simile


Simile because they use the words “like” or “as” to compare two things


d) simile


a metaphor is comparing two things without using "like" or "as"- this sentence uses the word "as"

irony is when something happens that you do not expect and this doesn't apply to this sentence

personification is giving human characteristics to non-human objects however a crewman is a human

the answer is simile because the author is comparing two things (a crewman and a Turk) USING the word "as"  

Is process an abstract or concrete noun





Concrete which can be seen or touched but the abstract which cannot be seen or touched.

Yes concrete can be seen and or touched

Mrs. Gottweiler was nominated as national teacher of the year, one of the most
awards that a teacher can win in his or her career.



Thats so cool!  congrats to her!


Stay safe, god bless and happy studying!

Have a nice day!

What is the overall tone and mood of the frozen trailer?
Link to trailer YT: Disney's Official Frozen Trailer by Walt Disney Animation Studio​


Tone - In Frozen the point of view changes between Elsa and Anna. While Elsa sings Let it go she is somewhat gaining all the attention towards herself. But for the most part, Anna is the main character.

Mood - Anna is trying to find out the meaning of true love since she grew up all alone. While this is happening, Elsa is trying to find the good in her powers.

Which of the following are NOT characteristics of nonfiction texts ?
A. Informing
B. Persuading
C. Entertaining
D. Inspiring
E. Describing


Describing and informing

Answer: Entertaining.

Explanation: Nonfiction is made to inform and persuade, not to enettain or provide a fun story to distract you from life’s challenges.

The following questions refer to “Nobel Prize Banquet Speech” by Bob Dylan (p. 359). Throughout the passage, "literature" is used to mean






Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex Sentence?

“The exam was difficult, but most students did well.”

“After the sun rose, birds gathered at the empty feeder.”

“Unless you have a better idea, Please ask for some help.”

“Someone ate the cake, now we have no desert”



1. compound

2. complex

3. I believe this one is complex if not then it's simple

4. complex

future tense
she (have) a birthday party.​



She will have a birthday party

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