For many people, outdoor activity is the most common and usual way of having a rest or having fun on a vacation. While some of us prefer staying indoors with a book, others cannot keep their wild energy inside and keep on trying outdoor activities whatever the season. Along with it, a large number of people have outdoor hobbies like horse riding, surfing, camping, hiking, or canoeing. With time, they develop their skills, which gives even more pleasure and confidence.
Being active outdoors has many evident benefits. For many, it can be a good sport alternative or a way to keep their bodies fit and healthy. Sure, this is not the same as visiting a gym three times a week. However, energetic amateur baseball or basketball game may give an effective physical exertion that takes negative emotions away and gives positive vibes instead. Fresh air helps a lot to feel better after a hard week spent in college or at work. There are many proofs that this can never be replaced by the process of surfing the Internet all weekend indoors. For all outdoor activity lovers, this is also an additional way to leave their comfort zones and overcome their fears of heights, trauma or others. Safety, without a doubt, is of great importance. Yet even the riskiest activities just keep calling our name.
Outdoor participation may be of different types depending on the season and the level of risk. Activities in both cold and warm seasons take place in different environments. For example, on the ground, in the water, or the air. They may also be rather safe or pretty extreme. Everyone can find the most comfortable and affordable type of activity because there’s a bunch of things one can be involved in – rafting, cycling, hiking, swimming or canoeing, camping, charter flight on a small plane or helicopter. The ideas are unlimited and each engagement may be suitable for different purposes and events. Even a romantic date may become unforgettable if spent on an air balloon flight or horseback riding.
Over the last years, some of the outdoor recreations have become the most trendy and popular among those who want to get a new portion of emotions and experience. To enjoy them, there’s no need to go far from the town or city you live in. Nowadays even small towns have many activities to offer. For instance, body jumping is an exciting way to get out of your comfort zone or overcome the fear of heights and the unknown. When flying from a bridge tied to it with only one rope, you can feel all imaginable emotions at one moment and one place – fear mixed with euphoria, joy, and surprise.
Each year more and more people tend to live a healthy life. Based on it, almost every city organizes running or cycling charity marathons where all participants donate a sum of money to support a charitable purpose. Such events inspire indoor activity lovers to try at least some of the outdoor activities and change their ways of life.
On the other hand, outdoor activities became a good source of moneymaking depending on the region. For example, the recreation centers in the mountains provide one of the most popular winter vacation activities. This way, they attract people who are looking for such types of having fun. Living in the mountains, people earn by providing services like mountain biking, horseback riding, Jeep travels, and similar that cannot take place in the city where there are no high hills around. A big role for winter recreation, for instance, is given to the rent of equipment necessary for skiing, skating, sledding, which is helpful for those who do not have any of it.
I prefer spending my free time outdoors rather than in front of my computer if there is nothing urgent like finding important information or writing a letter to someone. Even park walks get me more relaxed and calms down my thoughts than playing computer games or watching sitcoms. For me, any outdoor activity is always better than any indoor one, even though I like gatherings with my friends when we play board games to train our brains and savvy. Of course, I agree that from time to time we, humans, get tired and sometimes the best way to regain our strengths is to spend the whole Saturday in bed and doing nothing but relaxing or sleeping. Nevertheless, one day is enough to feel better and get bored at the same time. It is good when you have friends who share the same way of spending time with pleasure and outdoors. I think that any outdoor participation helps us feel inner changes by feeling different emotions that we may never feel while staying indoors.
(hope this helps can i plz have brainlist :D hehe)
Life and Friendship
Brainstorm a list of ways they are similar.
you learn something new and you have bad times and also good.
Well you see, Life is the most amazing thing anyone can ever ask for! It teaches you about everything you need to know to survive.
Friendship is also the best thing that can happen in life, it teaches you how to trust someone deeply, and it shows a side of love just like most people love life.
So to answer your question Love and friendship are similar because it shows Independence, trust, and its the move amazing thing anyone can have
Hopefully that helps
Which sentence using neither/nor
demonstrates proper subject/verb
A. Neither a cake nor cookies is in the bakery.
B. Neither a cake nor cookies were in the bakery.
C. Neither a cake nor cookies was in the bakery.
Neither a cake not cookies were in the bakery
Answer: Neither a cake not cookies were in the bakery
how can we recocnize the feeling of brotherhood
Love, cooperation and goodwil between the individual and countries help in the growth of brotherhood.
Everyone should leave egoism and work for the prosperity and happy life of mankind.
We should love all the creatures, equally as we love ourselves.
Select the correct answer.
How does a general internet search help in the research process?
It helps you search for information that can’t be found at libraries
It helps you select articles that only credible authors have written.
It helps you choose sources that have been published more recently.
It helps you revise your research focus as you uncover more information.
Read the sentence.
A tiny red bird in a tree outside my window chirped while I practiced my flute solo for the winter concert.
Which part of this sentence is a clause?
"my flute solo"
"a tiny red bird"
"while I practiced"
"for the winter concert"
It is "While I practiced" because the sentences has a subject and and a predicate.
Please help me , i am just not American so for me it isn’t very easy
1. Been
2. Have always wanted ( Wanted is past tense )
3. Have never tried ( Tried is paste tense )
4. Did not finish ( Could be didn't finish )
5. Have always wanted ( wanted is paste tense )
6. Did not do ( Could be didn't do )
7. Have / heard ( Heard is past tense )
8. Have / Been / Have not seen ( Could be haven't seen )
anime suggestions (not the popular ones)
- toilet bound
- cells at work
- another
- elfen lied
- food wars
- your lie in april
- corpse party
- cells at work
- violet garden
Q1 . Should we ban keeping pets. ( justify.)
Can anyone help me with English subjects are Romeo and Juliet Act 1 scene 2 ? Placing the events in the correct order ?
It goes:
•Peter, a servant
•Help read it
•Trying to find a new girl
•Capule lt
7 Tips for nervous travellers
Answer: See explanation
Some of the tips for nervous travellers are:
1. Plan for your anxiety. The individual should bring along distractions that can make him or her calm such as books to read, games etc.
2. The individual should practice relaxation techniques in order to help them cope with the nervousness.
3. The individual should be positive and avoid negative thoughts. One should take his or her mind away from fear.
4. One should use affirmations, like "It's well" or “I am safe,” in order to calm ones thoughts.
5. Travelling with friends can also help in coping with nervousness.
6. Avoid alcohol
7. Enjoy the ride and be positive.
During the editing phase of the writing process, a writer's main focus is _____. brainstorming new topics elaborating on ideas creating a useable draft proofreading for errors
During the editing phase of the writing process, a writer's main focus is proofreading for errors.
The writing process consists of many phases, the last one being the editing and proofreading phase. At this stage, the writer has already brainstormed, drafted, and elaborated on ideas. The work is practically done, but it needs polishing. At this point, the writer should focus on removing whatever is unnecessary, polishing vocabulary, watching out for wordiness and, of course, finding and correcting errors.
catching and correcting errors in punctuation
Which statements accurately describe the sonnet’s rhyme scheme and its effects? Check all that apply.
The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.
The rhyme scheme is abba cddc effe gg.
The lines in the couplet do not include a rhyme.
The second quatrain rhymes redeem and team, spent and document.
The regular rhyme scheme makes the sonnet sound musical and memorable.
A and E
The statements that accurately describe the sonnet’s rhyme scheme and its effects are The rhyme scheme is abba cddc effe gg and The regular rhyme scheme makes the sonnet sound musical and memorable.
What is a sonnet's rhyme scheme?Sonnets are written in 14 lines, each written in iambic pentameter and most with the traditional rhyme scheme of the English sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg.
Therefore, the correct answers are as given above.
learn more about sonnet:
how does woodson's choice to include hughes poem as an epigraph to her book forecast themes she may develop
Which of the following identifies the theme of the poem?
Let them be as flowers,
Always watered, fed, guarded, admired,
But harnessed to a pot of dirt.
I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed,
Clinging on cliffs, like an eagle
Wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks.
To have broken through the surface of stone,
To live, to feel exposed to the madness
Of the vast, eternal sky.
To be swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea,
Carrying my soul, my seed,
Beyond the mountains of time or into the abyss of the bizarre.
I'd rather be unseen, and if
Then shunned by everyone,
Than to be a pleasant-smelling flower,
Growing in clusters in the fertile valley,
Where they're praised, handled, and plucked
By greedy, human hands.
I'd rather smell of musty, green stench
Than of sweet, fragrant lilac.
If I could stand alone, strong and free,
I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed.
a.People often fear those who do not follow the crowd.
b.It is much easier to be true to yourself than to follow the crowd.
c. Being different can be isolating, but it leads to true independence and happiness.
d.People who must overcome difficult circumstances are often stronger.
The White House has to be guarded 24 hours a day. Five guards are ordered to split each day’s guard duty equally. How long, in minutes, will each guard spend on guard duty in one day?
please show work
288 minutes for each guard
24/5=4.8 this is hour many hours each works
4.8*60(because there is 60 minutes in an hour)=288
hope this helps!(:
Write a story entitled "Time for Change" essay 300
as much as I don't have much experience in writing essays but the title time to change can be used in writing so many wonderful stuff like writing the bad habits then what you want to change in them so that they become good and acceptable in the community
Fill in the gap with the correct option from the bracket.
1. My aunt or my uncle ___ arriving by train .( is , are )
2. Neither Sh , I not my friend ___ going to the festival .( is ,are )
3. A car and a bike ___ my means of transportation. ( are , is)
what does " her feet barely touched the ground " mean ?
Mallory likes to dance in the rain.
a. Infinitive
b. Gerund
c. Participle
Mallory likes to dance in the rain is an example of the infinitive. The correct option is a.
What are infinitives?
The word "to" comes before English infinitives. Because they are unconstrained by time, like the idea of infinity, these verbs are known as infinitives. The conjugated forms of the verb sometimes referred to as the finite forms of the verb, are derived from the infinitive.
The verb form known as an infinitive can be employed as a noun, adjective, or adverb. They can be helpful when talking about activities without actually carrying them out, as in "I want to go home" or "To err is human."
They are typically created by adding the word to before the base verb. An infinitive is a verb that has the word "to" before it. Here are a few instances: To fall in love, eat, run, believe, follow, laugh, look, and wonder.
Therefore, the correct option is a. Infinitive.
To learn more about infinitives, visit here:
Why does Atticus feel confident that "it's not time to worry yet" about Tom's guilty verdict?
1. Tom can escape from prison and head north
2. Tom has only been sentenced to 30 days in jail
3. Mayella has done the right thing and taken back her story, so Tom will be released soon
4. Atticus will appeal the verdict
4. Atticus will appeal the verdict.
Just took the quiz and got it right.
Bob found his topic in an encyclopedia. What was his primary method for gathering this information?
Read is the correct answer.
What is Kpop ?
What does it mean ?
Kpop is a music genre that stands for Korean Pop. The term comes from the combination of the "K" in Korean and pop. The genre originated in South Korea and includes rock, electronic, hip-hop, pop ballad, metal, and dance-pop.
Brainliest, please.
basically Korean pop music.
There are various groups and soloists.
I would suggest ->
Stray Kids
Somi- Soloist
IU- Soloist
Will looked everywhere for the book.
um I don't think I understand
for brainiest:):):):):):)
1. Joe waited for the train.
2. The pirate captain lost her treasure map, but she still found the buried treasure.
3. Many people enjoyed the movie; however, Alex did not.
pls brainliest
Which lines of Brutus's dialogue from Julius Caesar support the inference that Brutus feels guilty about having killed Caesar?
Select the two correct answers.
"But this same day must end that work the ides of March began."
"Art thou some god, some angel, or some devil, that makest my blood cold?"
"I killed not thee with half so good a will."
"If we do meet again, why, we shall smile."
The two lines from Brutus's dialogue with Julius Caesar that support the inference that Brutus feels guilty about having killed Caesar are:
"Art thou some god, some angel, or some devil, That makest my blood cold?""I killed not thee with half so good a will."The correct options are B and C respectively.
How does Brutus feel after killing Caesar?As a result of everything that weighs on him—including Portia's death, the Rome fight, and Caesar's ghost, who continuously reminds him of his previous deeds—Brutus begins to exhibit signs of the guilt that will ultimately consume him. In his orchard, his thoughts became divided between what might occur and what would occur if he joined the conspirators.
The line that Brutus says to Cassius is one of his most well-known quotations "Gods, decide for me! erroneous I mine enemies? If not, how can I possibly wrong a brother?" The fact that he also assassinated Caesar for the benefit of Rome illustrates his delusion as well as how much he loves his buddies in this phrase.
Thus, the ideal selections are options B and C respectively.
Learn more about Brutus and Caesar here:
The two exchanges between Brutus and Julius Caesar that lend credence to the implication that Brutus regrets killing Caesar are as follows:
Are you some kind of demon, angel, or god that can make my blood turn cold?
I didn't kill you with half as much intention.
B and C are the appropriate choices, respectively.
An essay on a place I feel connected to ?
How does the outcome of the play relate to Friar Laurence’s earlier observations (in Act II, Scene 3) about nature? Cite from Act II to support your response.
Is “Because we are ashamed” a phrase or a clause?
phrase IG
Read the excerpt from "Why Alligator Hates Dog.”
Alligator hissed in delight. "Well, look who’s here . . . the mangy, miserable mutt who’s been mocking me every night, shouting, ‘Come and get me, come and get me!’ I gotcha now, don’t I? Get ready, because I’m gonna snap you up and grind you into mincemeat!”
Based on the clues in the excerpt, what does gotcha mean?
A. have caught you
B. have admired you
C. have released you
D. have despised you
Answer: A. Caught you
Explanation: When reading the excerpt you can see the alligator is annoyed and angry the dog continuously teased him. The dog would say "cone and get me" Meaning he wanted the alligator to chase him. When the alligator finally catches him he threatens to grind him into mince meat.
Answer:-A- have caught you
is the answer
have a good day :D
Wouldn’t they be surprised when one day I woke out of my black ugly dream, and my real hair, which was long and blond, would take the place of the kinky mass that Momma wouldn’t let me straighten? . . . Then they would understand why I had never picked up a Southern accent, or spoke the common slang, and why I had to be forced to eat pigs’ tails and snouts. Because I was really white and because a cruel fairy stepmother . . . had turned me into a toobig Negro girl, with nappy black hair.