history of sonjata the lion king​


Answer 1


Sundiata Keita, also known as the Lion King, was a real-life king and founder of the Mali Empire in West Africa. His story has been passed down through generations and has become part of the oral tradition of West Africa.

According to legend, Sundiata Keita was born in 1217 in the city of Niani, which is located in what is now modern-day Mali. His father was Maghan Kon Fatta, king of the Mandinka people, and his mother was Sogolon Kedjou, who was said to have been a powerful sorceress.

Sundiata was born with a physical disability that prevented him from walking, but he was said to have possessed great strength and intelligence. When he was a child, his father was killed in battle by a rival king, and Sundiata and his mother were forced to flee to a neighboring kingdom.

As Sundiata grew older, he developed a reputation as a powerful warrior and leader. He eventually returned to Niani and began to unite the various kingdoms and tribes in the region under his leadership. He formed alliances with other powerful leaders, including the sorcerer king Soumaoro Kante, and led a series of successful military campaigns against rival kingdoms.

In 1235, Sundiata led an army of over 10,000 soldiers against the Sosso Kingdom, which was ruled by Soumaoro Kante. In a legendary battle, Sundiata and his army defeated the Sosso army, and Soumaoro Kante was killed. With this victory, Sundiata became the first king of the Mali Empire.

Sundiata is remembered as a great leader who brought peace and prosperity to the people of West Africa. His story has been told and retold for generations and has become an important part of the cultural heritage of the region.

Answer 2


Sundiata Keita, also known as Sunjata or Sundjata, was a legendary king of the ancient West African empire of Mali. His story is told in the epic poem "Sundiata," which has been passed down through oral tradition for centuries.

According to the legend, Sundiata was born in the early 13th century in the city of Niani in what is now Mali. His mother, Sogolon Kedjou, was said to be a hunchback who was ostracized by the other women in the kingdom. However, she was also believed to be a powerful sorceress, and it was said that Sundiata inherited her mystical abilities.

When Sundiata was a child, his father, the king of Mali, was assassinated, and his half-brother took the throne. The new king was cruel and despotic, and he exiled Sundiata and his family to a remote village. Despite his physical disabilities, Sundiata grew into a strong and courageous young man, and he began to gather a following of loyal supporters.

Eventually, Sundiata and his supporters launched a rebellion against the cruel king. They defeated him in a great battle and restored Sundiata to the throne. Sundiata went on to become a great king and a hero to the people of Mali. He expanded the empire's borders, promoted trade and commerce, and was known for his wisdom and fairness.

Today, Sundiata is considered a national hero in Mali, and his story continues to be celebrated in song, dance, and literature. He is also recognized as an important figure in the history of West Africa, and his legacy has inspired generations of Africans to fight for their independence and sovereignty.

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Evaluates the extent to which industrialization impacted the process of state-building and imperialism in the 1750 to 1900 time period.


Imperialism and the Development of Nation-States (1750-1900 CE) States started to industrialise, grow their existing foreign colonies, and found new colonies. During the modern era of empire building, this expansion influenced both diplomacy and military.

What is meant by imperialism?Imperialism is the state's strategy, practise, or advocacy for expanding power and domination, particularly through direct territorial conquest or by seizing control of neighbouring regions' politics and economies, frequently through the use of both hard power and soft power. Imperialism can be characterised as a theory, political strategy, practise, state policy, or advocacy that entails the expansion of political and economic authority over new territories or the acquisition of new territories.Imperialism is when a nation expands its influence into other lands for commercial or political reasons. The aim of imperialism is resource acquisition, frequently through exploitation and coercion. Economic, cultural, political, moral, and exploratory control are only a few of the factors that drive imperialism.

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describe what martin luther king jr. argued for in letter from a birmingham jail. list at least 5 big takeaways.


In "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. argued for the importance of nonviolent direct action and the need for immediate and urgent action to address the issues of racial segregation and discrimination.

Here are five big takeaways from the letter:

The urgency of the civil rights struggle: King emphasized that the struggle for civil rights was not a matter of gradual change, but rather an urgent and immediate need for action. He argued that justice cannot be delayed and that waiting for change to happen naturally would only perpetuate the status quo.

The power of nonviolent resistance: King advocated for nonviolent resistance as the most effective means of achieving social change. He argued that nonviolent resistance could create a "tension" that would force those in power to address the issues at hand, without resorting to violence.

The importance of breaking unjust laws: King argued that laws that were unjust and discriminatory should not be obeyed and that civil disobedience was a necessary means of challenging the status quo. He believed that individuals have a moral obligation to break unjust laws and accept the consequences of their actions.

The need for unity: King emphasized the importance of unity among all those who were fighting for civil rights. He argued that the struggle was not just for African Americans, but for all those who believed in justice and equality.

The role of the church: King believed that the church had a moral obligation to speak out against injustice and to be at the forefront of the civil rights struggle. He argued that the church could not remain silent on issues of social justice and that it had a responsibility to be a voice for the oppressed.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.:



The viet cont mainly used the HoChi Minh trail


correct. It is intended to send North Vietnamese soldiers into South Vietnam to help Viet Cong fighters fight non-communist South Vietnamese soldiers.

To learn more about Chi Minh Trail, here:



It is intended to send North Vietnamese soldiers into South Vietnam to help Viet Cong fighters fight non-communist South Vietnamese soldiers.

Soldiers are individuals who have been trained and enlisted by a country's military to serve and protect their nation. They play a vital role in defending their country's borders, as well as supporting peacekeeping and humanitarian missions around the world.

Soldiers undergo rigorous physical and mental training to prepare them for combat situations, and they are expected to follow orders from their superiors without question. They must also adhere to a strict code of conduct and uphold the values of their country's military. Soldiers may serve in various roles, such as infantry, artillery, engineering, logistics, or intelligence. They may also specialize in areas such as aviation, medicine, or communications.Soldiers may be deployed domestically or internationally in response to natural disasters, civil unrest, or military conflicts.

To learn more about Soldiers visit here:



For what purpose did Hitler and the Nazi party stage spectacles such as rallies and parades in Germany?



The rallies were primarily propaganda events, carefully staged to reinforce party enthusiasm and to showcase the power of National Socialism to the rest of Germany and the world. The first nationwide party convention was held in Munich in January 1923.


Napoleon’s victory at _____________ in 1805 helped to defeat the _________ by 1806, thus ending the Holy Roman Empire. He defeated Prussia in 1806 and Russia in 1807


Napoleon's victory at the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 helped to defeat the Third Coalition, by 1806, thus ending the Holy Roman Empire. He defeated Prussia in 1806 and Russia in 1807.

The Roman Empire was a vast political and social entity that emerged in the 1st century BCE in the Mediterranean region. It was established after the Roman Republic, a period of political turmoil and civil wars, came to an end. The empire was characterized by a centralized government, a complex bureaucracy, a well-trained army, and a legal system that influenced Western law for centuries to come.

Its economy was based on agriculture, trade, and conquest, and its society was divided into social classes with different levels of power and wealth. The empire reached its peak during the reigns of Augustus, Trajan, and Hadrian in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE, but eventually succumbed to internal conflicts, economic decline, and external pressures from barbarian invasions in the 4th and 5th centuries CE. The Roman Empire left an enduring legacy in Western civilization, including architecture, art, engineering, language, law, and religion.

To learn more about Roman Empire visit here:



The development of which of the following weapons proved to be the most valuable for the Allies?

poison gas


Option B. The development of the airplane  proved to be the most valuable for the Allies

How was the airplane useful to the allies

The development of the airplane proved to be the most valuable for the Allies during World War I and World War II. The airplane allowed for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, bombing raids, and air superiority over enemy forces.

Airplanes were also instrumental in transporting troops and supplies to different fronts, and played a critical role in many key battles, such as the Battle of Britain and the Normandy Invasion. While submarines, tanks, and poison gas also had significant impacts on the outcome of the wars, the airplane's versatility and strategic importance made it the most valuable weapon for the Allies.

Read more on allies here:https://brainly.com/question/25957894


What is MOST LIKELY the author's purpose for using repetition in the beginning of the excerpt? *

A. To help the reader recount the details of the camp experience.

B. To reflect the astonishment and confusion the narrator feels.

C. To create a singsong quality to the introduction of the text.

D. To emphasize the importance of remembering an atrocity.


B. To reflect the astonishment and confusion the narrator feels

How would you explain the paranoia that existed around finding and exposing

communists in the U. S. ?*


In the middle of the 20th century, there was a paranoia in the United States about locating and outing communists. This paranoia was fueled by a number of political, social, and economic factors.

During the height of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, there was a great deal of concern about communist espionage and infiltration.

Under the direction of Senator Joseph McCarthy and others, the American government launched a campaign to purge communists from all spheres of society, including politics, academia, the arts, and labor unions.

The social and economic changes that were occurring in the United States at this time also contributed to the fear and paranoia surrounding communism. As the nation underwent rapid growth and change.

To know more about   communists  here



When was nelson mandela released from robben island?


Nelson Mandela was released from Robben Island prison on February 11, 1990.

In 1962, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison on charges of sabotage and conspiracy against the government. He was imprisoned on Robben Island, a notorious prison off the coast of Cape Town, for 27 years.

During his imprisonment, Mandela became a symbol of the struggle against apartheid, and his release was a highly anticipated and historic event.

Mandela's release from prison on February 11, 1990, marked the beginning of a new era in South African history. He immediately resumed his leadership role in the ANC and began negotiations with the government to end apartheid and establish a multiracial democracy in South Africa.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela here:



All of the following are limits to freedom of speech except?


Answer:speaking and wishing harm on other communities


List THREE developments that occurred in Greece and Turkey as
a result of America's sphere of influence



Economic development: This was one of the most important things that happened in Greece and Turkey because of the United States' sphere of influence. Under the Marshall Plan, the United States gave these countries a lot of money to help them rebuild their economies after World War II.

Military Cooperation: Another important change was that Greece, Turkey, and the United States worked together more on the military front. As part of the Truman Doctrine, the US gave these countries military aid and training to help them stop communists from taking over more of the area.

Democratic Reforms: As part of its fight against communism, the US also pushed for democratic reforms in Greece and Turkey. This meant supporting free and fair elections, setting up independent courts, and protecting the rights and freedoms of each person. These changes helped both countries become more democratic and made the area more stable.

Reflective Essay Assignment Complete all lessons prior to this assignment. Frederic Henry's perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story by Hemingway. How and why does Henry's change happen? Write a reflective essay in which you explain Henry's change in thinking about war and connect this to a personal experience where you underwent a significant change of perspective, how and why this change happened, and how this benefited your life. The essay's thesis statement and body contents should refer to A Farewell to Arms and clearly state the connection. The conclusion should refer back to A Farewell to Arms too. Note: Henry's change in perspective about war has nothing to do with Catherine or romance! Thesis statement: Your introduction's thesis statement must include story title and author (A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway), the controlling ideas of Henry's change and your change, and why this is important. Do not use announcements such as "In this essay...". The essay should be 1 typed page in length and include essay structure with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and edit carefully for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Please Help Me !!!


More The course of the book saw tremendous changes in Frederic Henry. His attitude toward Catherine, the dispute, and his friends had all significantly changed.

In A Farewell to Arms, what changes does Frederic Henry undergo?

In the conclusion of the book, Frederic Henry admits guilt for taking the lives both his beloved and unborn child and discloses his greatest transformation: He has developed from a rootless immigrant to a compassionate guy who sees herself as a possible husband and parent.

What type of personality is Frederic Henry?

Henry lacks any sense of politics, culture, history, morals, or religion. He makes an effort to avoid his social obligations while cherishing his solitary, private existence. He is unusually docile, receptive, and an astute observer.

To know more about Frederic Henry visit:



how did the protestant union and Catholic league influence certain countries to go against their own religious affiliations? (30 years war)



The Protestant Union and Catholic League played a significant role in the outbreak and escalation of the Thirty Years' War, which lasted from 1618 to 1648. These two organizations were formed in response to the religious conflicts that had been simmering in the Holy Roman Empire for several decades.

The Protestant Union was founded in 1608 by German Protestant princes who were concerned about the increasing power of the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Emperor. Its goal was to defend the rights and interests of the Protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire.

The Catholic League, on the other hand, was formed in 1609 by Catholic princes who were alarmed by the growing strength of the Protestant Union. Its purpose was to protect the Catholic faith and to preserve the power of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Both the Protestant Union and the Catholic League were able to exert considerable influence over the policies and actions of the states that belonged to them. They used a combination of diplomacy, military force, and financial support to persuade or coerce rulers to support their cause.

In some cases, states were willing to abandon their own religious affiliations and ally themselves with the opposing side in order to gain military or financial support. For example, the Elector of Saxony, who was originally a Protestant, allied himself with the Catholic Emperor in 1620 in order to gain military support in his war against the Protestant city of Magdeburg.

Similarly, the Catholic King of France, who was not a member of either the Protestant Union or the Catholic League, provided financial and military support to the Protestant states in the later stages of the war, in order to weaken the power of the Holy Roman Empire.

In conclusion, the influence of the Protestant Union and the Catholic League was significant in the escalation of the Thirty Years' War. Through their diplomatic and military efforts, they were able to persuade or coerce some states to go against their own religious affiliations and support their cause.

So i need someone to give me 2 efforts that stopped labor unions along with these questions because my brain is about to explode SOMEONE PLEASE HELP


A trade union or labor union, often simply referred to as a union, is an organization of workers intent on "maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment", such as attaining better wages.

How labor unions was working in USA?

Higher salary and benefit requirements, time limitations, safeguards against occupational risks, and other elements are created through labor union contracts. Through fostering democratic engagement and a sense of belonging among employees, unions also foster wellbeing.

On average, union members make 10.2% more money than non-union employees with equivalent employment and work histories. Moreover, the salary premium for women and people of minorities is significantly bigger. Unions contribute to the nation's economic growth by increasing salaries and lowering income inequality. Employers and government representatives were compelled to make workplaces safer by unions. While union contracts also contributed to development, the majority of American employees have never joined a union, making public policy the primary means by which labor rights are implemented.

Learn more about labor unions:



How was the Brown v. Board of Education ruling a significant development in the Civil Rights Movement?
O It reaffirmed the idea that separate facilities and services can be equal.
O It resulted in the immediate desegregation of all public schools and universities in the nation.
O It brought national attention to the school segregation issue.
O It led to the creation of political organizations focused on violence.


The Brown v. Board of Education ruling a significant development in the Civil Rights Movement  It reaffirmed the idea that separate facilities and services can be equal.

What impact did Brown v. Board of Education's decision have on the civil rights movement?

More work needs to be done because the Brown ruling did not instantly change the nation. Yet eliminating segregation in the country's public schools served as a significant spur for the civil rights movement, paving the way for improvements in desegregating housing, public places, and institutions of higher learning.

How did the 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education affect the growth of special education?

The federal law requiring access to a free adequate public education for all children with disabilities was passed in 1975 and is now known as the People with Disabilities Education Act. It was founded on the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.

To Know more about higher learning.



Discuss the perspectives of the colonizers and the colonized. In your response, cite at least one piece of evidence for each perspective. What differences existed between the two perspectives? What assumptions did the two groups make about each other? What methods were effective at acquiring and resisting power?


During European colonialism, colonizers sought power and expansion, while the colonized experienced oppression and exploitation. These contrasting perspectives were influenced by cultural, economic, and political factors.

What exactly is European colonialism?

European colonialism refers to the period of time from the 15th century to the mid-20th century during which European powers, primarily from Western Europe, established colonies in territories outside of Europe. This process involved the acquisition of territories in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific, often through military conquest, colonization, and economic exploitation. The legacy of European colonialism continues to shape global politics, economics, and culture in various ways today.

In conclusion, the perspectives of colonizers and the colonized differed significantly during the era of European colonialism. While colonizers saw their conquests as a means of expanding their power and influence, the colonized often saw European imperialism as a form of oppression and exploitation. These differences in perspective were shaped by a variety of factors, including cultural differences, economic interests, and political power dynamics.

To learn more about European colonialism, click



write the state that this country colonized
1) Great Britain
2) France
3) bangion
4) Portuguese
5) Italian
6) German​


Answer: They are alll flourishing


1) Great Britain: India, Australia, Canada, United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Zimbabwe, and many others.
2) France: Algeria, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Tunisia, Morocco, Madagascar, and others.
3) Bangion: I'm sorry, but there is no country called "Bangion." Could you please provide the correct name?
4) Portuguese: Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and others.
5) Italian: Libya, Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia (briefly).
6) German: Namibia, Tanzania, Togo, Cameroon, and others.

Who helped launch the factory system in the United Statesa. Henry Fordb. Samuel Slaterc. Eli Whitneyd. Francis Cabot Lowell


The correct answer is C - Eli Whitney. Eli Whitney helped launch the factory system in the United States with his invention of the cotton gin.

This machine allowed for cotton to be harvested and processed quickly, which in turn enabled the development of factories in the US. This spurred the industrial revolution in the US and brought forth the factory system.

Eli Whitney is often credited with the launch of the factory system in the United States as well, particularly for his development of the cotton gin in 1794. So, option C is correct.

For more question on United States click on



2. Read this passage and then explain the difference between causation and correlation. Include at least one example of each in your answer.

The fishing at Rockport was terrific this year thanks to the largest run of salmon in 20 years. I caught a half dozen king salmon, the most I've ever caught! Plus, we started fishing on the day the salmon run was at its highest, and there were no other fishermen there. We had the entire river and all the fish to ourselves. My uncle was listening to the radio while we fished, and he heard that Rockport had elected a new mayor on that same day. He says the mayor is a great fisherman and will do a good job.


Although they are distinct, correlation and causation are two statistical concepts that are sometimes confused. When there is a causal relationship between two variables, a change in one directly affects the other variable.

What is an illustration of correlation and causation?

The freeze was brought on by a Memory shortage rather than an attempt to send a text message. Yet she immediately made the connection between that and the final thing she did before the froze. Where there was merely a correlation, she was inferring a cause.

What distinguishes correlation from causation?

What distinguishes correlation from causality. The concept of causation states that one event led to another. Correlation only reveals that two events occurred at the same time.

To know more about distinct visit:-



Two people are now waiting in the street to warm caesar of impending doom. What do you think will be the result of these warnings?


He may listen to them because it is the people who are telling him. You've probably heard the fortune teller's warning against Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare's play of the same name.

"Beware of the Ides of March." A diviner or soothsayer tells Caesar to heed the Ides of March [March 15], a warning that Caesar will die on that day.

At the beginning of Act III Scene 1, the fortune teller and Artemidorus try to warn Caesar not to go to the Senate. The fortune teller reminds Caesar that the Ides of March is not yet over, and Artemidurus tries to force Caesar to read a note warning him of the conspiracy.

Caesar was clearly a threat to Roman democracy. The Senators decide to stop Caesar before he tries to take over the government. The Senate declared Caesar an enemy of Rome and ordered him to return to Rome with his army. The Senate knew that without his army Caesar would be helpless. 

Know more about Caesar here:



What were the black codes?

laws that discriminated against Black people
laws that discriminated against Black people

laws that guaranteed citizenship to Black people
laws that guaranteed citizenship to Black people

laws that allowed Black people to vote in the South
laws that allowed Black people to vote in the South

laws that prohibited hate groups


The black codes were wto oroto the white codes of their

In what way was Will Rogers a "relief" during the Great Depression?


The way in which Will Rogers was a "relief" during the Great Depression was through his comedy and social commentary.

Famous for his caustic commentary on politics, current affairs, and society throughout the Great Depression, Will Rogers was a famous American comedian, actor, and author.

He was well renowned for his quick wit, folksy sense of humour, and ability to discover the funny in everyday circumstances. His optimistic and humorous outlook on the hard times was a refreshing respite from the despair of the era.

He was one of the most popular figures of the time, giving speeches and hosting radio shows that discussed topics such as politics, government corruption, and the hardships of everyday Americans. By focusing on the joys and victories of the day, Rogers offered a much-needed reprieve from the struggles of the Great Depression.

For more such questions on Will Rogers, click on:



How did the Yuan Dynasty's founding affect China's cultural and political landscape at the time?


The founding of the Yuan Dynasty had a significant impact on China's cultural and political landscape during the time.

Some key ways in which the Yuan dynasty affected China:

Cultural Diversity: The Yuan Dynasty was established by the Mongols, who were a foreign and nomadic group. The Mongols brought with them a different culture and lifestyle that significantly impacted Chinese culture. During the Yuan Dynasty, China became a more diverse and multicultural society, as Mongol, Persian, and Central Asian cultures mixed with Chinese culture.

Political Centralization: The Yuan Dynasty brought about a centralized form of government in China. The Mongols established a highly centralized administration, which was run by Mongol officials. They also created a new legal code and taxation system, which helped to standardize the administration of the vast empire.

Economic Expansion: The Mongols facilitated economic expansion in China during the Yuan Dynasty. They encouraged foreign trade and established a network of roads and canals that helped to connect different regions of China. This expansion of trade and commerce led to an increase in prosperity and the growth of urban centers.

Learn more about Yuan Dynasty at:



What did the bombings of the USS Cole and the U. S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania have in common?


For a long time, he was the brains behind assaults against Americans, remembering the besieging of the USS Cole in 2000, which killed 17 American mariners and injured handfuls more.

He assumed a vital part — a critical job in the bombarding of U.S. consulates in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 and injuring more than 4,500 others.  The Military Sealift Order armada sea pull USNS Catawba towing USS Cole after the besieging.

The USS Cole besiege was a self-destruction assault by the psychological militant gathering al-Qaeda against USS Cole, a directed rocket destroyer of the US Naval force, on 12 October 2000.

Learn more about bombings:



What were some of the pressures the nine students encountered and how did they overcome them?


The "nine students" referred to in this question likely pertains to the "Little Rock Nine," a group of nine African American students who enrolled in Little Rock Central High School ,The students encountered numerous pressures and obstacles during their time at the school, including:

Racism and Segregation: The Little Rock Nine faced extreme racism and segregation from both the students and the community. They were subjected to verbal and physical abuse, as well as harassment and intimidation from their white peers.

Legal Challenges: The state of Arkansas attempted to block the integration of Little Rock Central High School by passing laws and filing lawsuits to prevent the students from attending.

Safety Concerns: The Little Rock Nine faced numerous safety concerns due to the hostility of the white students and the community. They were often threatened with violence and faced the risk of physical harm.

To know more about   African American  here



Which battle/ event was the Major loss for Germany against the Soviet Union (in WW2)

Battle of the Bulge
Fall of the Philippines to Japan
Battle of Midway
Battle of Stalingrad
V-E Day



The Battle of Stalingrad


The major loss for Germany against the Soviet Union in World War II was the Battle of Stalingrad. This battle, which lasted from August 1942 to February 1943, was one of the most significant battles of the war. It was a decisive victory for the Soviet Union, as it marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. The battle saw the German forces suffer heavy losses, with over 1 million casualties, and it was a major turning point in the war. The German forces were eventually forced to surrender, and the Soviet Union gained control of the city of Stalingrad. This victory was a major blow to Nazi Germany, and it ultimately led to the eventual defeat of the Third Reich.

What was the cause fought for by free African-Americans?
A. Abolition
B. Colonization
C. Temperance
D. Suffrage





I think that it’s d

During the late fifteenth century, moveable-type printing was combined with which other printing method to provide the elaborate letter design in liturgical collections?


During the late fifteenth century, moveable-type printing was combined with the Woodcut printing method to provide elaborate letter design in liturgical collections.

Woodcut, the most established technique utilized in compelling artwork printmaking, is a type of help printing. The craftsman's plan or drawing is made on a piece of wood (normally beechwood), and the immaculate regions are then removed with gouges, leaving the raised picture which is then inked. Woodcut prints are created by squeezing the chose medium (generally paper) onto the inked picture. Assuming variety is utilized, separate wood blocks are required. Woodcut printing is at times alluded to as xylography or a xylographic interaction (from the Greek words 'xulon' for wood and 'illustrations for composing/drawing), albeit these terms are usually held for text prints.

Until the approach of machine-based technology, the whole cycle was generally work concentrated. Normally, the craftsman just planned the woodcut - either by drawing straightforwardly on the wood or by first drawing it on paper and afterward following or sticking it onto the wood. Expert skilled workers are known as 'from Schneider' then played out the genuine wood cutting of the plan, after which the block was given to expert printers.

to know more about woodcut print click here:



Describe the changes in art during the Renaissance:



During the Renaissance, there were significant changes in art, including:

Perspective: Renaissance artists used perspective to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface. They employed techniques such as linear perspective, which involves using parallel lines that converge at a vanishing point, and aerial perspective, which involves making distant objects appear lighter and less detailed.

Chiaroscuro: Chiaroscuro is an Italian term that means "light-dark" and refers to the use of light and shadow to create the illusion of depth and volume in a painting or drawing. Renaissance artists used chiaroscuro to create a sense of drama and to highlight the contours of a figure or object.

Fresco: Fresco is a painting technique that involves applying pigments to wet plaster. Renaissance artists used fresco to create large-scale murals and frescoes on the walls and ceilings of churches and public buildings. The fresco technique allowed artists to create detailed, colorful images that could withstand the test of time.

Overall, these changes in art during the Renaissance led to a greater emphasis on realism, depth, and naturalism in art. Renaissance artists sought to capture the world around them as accurately as possible, using new techniques and technologies to achieve their goals.

What is a quick summary of this quick help!


The Hyman of the Nile had been written in 2100 BCE by a man named Khety. In addition, this song referred to an Egyptian religion and a relationship to the Nile. Moreover, it stated that these Egyptians very much appreciated the Nile had done with their goods (food). Continuously, it had been said that the Nile was immersed every year. It also produced soil which was used for rich plant crops.

Hope im correct
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How do I do this?I already know the answer I just dont know how to do it (6x + 5 - 3x + 16)/3 x 15/5 Complete the chase production plan, using the following information. The only costs you need to consider here are layoff, hiring, and inventory costs. If you complete the plan correctly, your hiring, layoff, and inventory costs should match those given here. Click the icon to view the costs table. Click the icon to view the forecasted sales. Fill in the production plan table below (enter your responses as whole numbers). to meet Month Actual Forecasted Actual Ending Lavoffs Sales in worker hours sales sales average = 252 Hiring Layoris Hiring production workers inventory 2,000 0 More Info i More Info Month Layoff 302 $302,000 Hiring 302 $755,000 S1,297,000 Inventory 24,000 S240.000 March April May June July August September October November December January February Forecasted sales 1,880 1,820 1,420 1,260 2.140 2,690 3,110 2,830 4.000 3,870 2.930 2,280 Totals Costs Cost of plan Planning values Starting inventory Starting and ending workforce Hours worked per month per worker Hours per unit Hiring cost per worker Layoff cost per worker Monthly per-unit holding cost Entel 2.000 214 400 40 $2.500 $1,000 S10 Clear All Question 3In the figure below, if AB = 1964, what is BC? HELP DUE IN 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ice cream is packed in cylindrical gallon tubs. A tub of ice cream has a total surface of 387.79 square inches. If the diameter of the tub is 10 inches, what is it's height? use n = inches7.65 inches14.7 inches17.35 inches How many micrometers is a pith cell? An arithmetic sequence starts at 0 and each successive number equals the previous number plus 6. Thus a1=0 and the distance d=6 What is the sum of the first 36 terms? this precipitate will dissolve in 1m hno3 select one: a. mgco3(s) b. baso4(s) c. agbr(s) d. all of the above will dissolve in 1m hno3 e. none of the above will dissolve in 1m hno3 Generally, describe the projected distribution of cities in the world in 2030. How does this compare to the distribution in 1950? In 2018? for classroom use.2. Place each of the following expressions into the twocategories of "whole number" and "not a wholenumber" based on whether or not the product isa whole number.314W|NX 7x 3515. NE7x 15x 100Whole Number679x 210x 26Not a Who A 124- inch board is cut into two pieces. One piece is three times the length of the other. Find the lengths of the tow pieces fill in the blank. micah's psychiatrist diagnosed him with depression. his psychiatrist follows a biological model and believes that micah has low activity of___, which have been strongly linked to unipolar depression. 1. Think about something you purchased recently that made you really happy. What wasthis item? Why did you decide to buy it? How many atoms of each type are present in the empirical formula of Sample R0103? the probability of bill serving an ace in tennis is 0.15, and the probability that he double faults is 0.25. what is the probability that bill does not serve an ace or a double fault? a. 0.5 b. 0.15 c. 0.4 d. 0.9 e. 0.6 I need a solution please Completely factor the expression below. 4x^2 + 14x + 10 Determine the approximate value of x Why is the theory of plate tectonics more accepted than continental drift? Select all that apply.It explains many geological processes.It was supported by Alfred Wegener himself.It is supported by a wealth of evidence.It explained why there was a supercontinent, Pangaea. what is your favorite movie