How can social media help teenagers maintain better bonds with their peers


Answer 1

Answer: By connecting even when they're not in person


The best part about online/social media networking is that you can communicate with your peers even when you can't physically see them. This makes it so relationships can still be maintained even if your peers aren't physically there with you.

Answer 2

Answer: Social media better shows student's interests; ie bonding


Usually, students are less shy on social media, they post about their interests, what they're doing, etc which can bring students with similar interests together and can keep students communicating even when they aren't in the same place.

Related Questions

Distinguish between phonological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic rules. Provide an example of each.




See below


Pragmatic rules tell us what meanings of a word or sentence are appropriate in a given context. e.g. He was choking on his food. He pulled the choke on the lawnmower.

Syntax is the group of rules that create sentence structure. (Grammar rules)

e.g. Walk in the park he did. vs He did walk in the park.

Semantics is basically the study of the meaning of sentences

e.g miserable and unhappy basically mean the same thing, but have different subtle meanings. The tree had unhappy flowers. The tree had miserable flowers. Miserable implies a distaste.

A phonological rule is a formal way of expressing a systematic phonological or morphophonological process or diachronic sound change in language. (this one i had to use wikipedia to figure out.)

e.g. from encyclopedia brittanica

"For example, there is a phonological rule of English that says that a voiceless stop such as /P/ is aspirated when it occurs at the beginning of a word (e.g., in pin), but when it occurs after a voiceless alveolar fricative (i.e., after /S/), it is unaspirated (e.g., in spin)."

What inference can be made about the author’s opinion on public school closures?


2 points

A She feels it will negatively affect student learning.

B She feels it will follow a normal trend.

C She feels it will only affect certain students.

D She feels it is too difficult to predict.

Which sentence from the text best supports this inference?


ShORT RESPONE AT THE END please help 69 points


The inference can be made about the author’s opinion on public school closures is that she feels it will negatively affect student learning. Hence option (A) is the answer.

What idea does Joshua Goodman convey in his essay?

Joshua Goodman's research findings on the effects of academy closures on student accomplishment are presented in the essay, with a focus on student absenteeism and low-income seminaries. No attempt is made to convert, amuse, or explain; instead, the language is objective and instructive.

With a high likelihood of low-income students, Goodman's analysis established support for a connection between closures and worse test scores in public seminaries. The study demonstrates that a decline in performance on the state test's calculation and English language trades parts is correlated with each day of inspection. This implies that those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds may be disproportionately affected by the negative effects of academy closures, pushing the significance of considering equity in education policy.

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Where can i find edmentum analyzing Theme Development in "New Chicago" mastery test


From there, you can look for the "Analyzing Theme Development in "New Chicago" Mastery Test" by using the platform's search bar or the course material itself.

What does a mastery test entail?

A mastery test is a tool for assessing a student's knowledge and comprehension of a specific subject or topic. It is intended to gauge a student's level of proficiency in a particular subject by evaluating their capacity to apply and integrate new information. The majority of the time, mastery tests are used as a type of summative assessment, which means they are given at the conclusion of a course or unit to gauge students' overall understanding of the material. Mastery tests may be given in paper-based or online formats and can be used in a range of educational settings, including K–12 classrooms and colleges and universities.

To Know more about Mastery Test Visit:


write a story about the innocent girl who lives in a village



Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lila who lived in a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. Lila was a bright and innocent child who had never ventured beyond the borders of her village. She spent most of her days tending to her family's farm, playing with her siblings, and exploring the nearby forests.

Despite the simplicity of her life, Lila was content and always had a smile on her face. She had a pure and kind heart, and everyone in the village loved her for her gentle nature.

One day, a group of travelers passed through the village and caught Lila's attention. They were dressed in vibrant colors and carried exotic goods from far-off lands. Lila watched with wonder as they set up a makeshift market in the village square, selling spices, silks, and precious jewels.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Lila wandered over to the market and struck up a conversation with one of the travelers. The woman was kind and welcoming, and she offered to show Lila some of the treasures she had for sale.

As Lila perused the glittering wares, a shifty-looking man approached her and offered her a necklace. It was made of gold and adorned with sparkling jewels, and Lila had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. The man told her it was a gift, and Lila, trusting and naive, accepted it with gratitude.

However, as soon as Lila had the necklace around her neck, the man grabbed it and tried to run away. Lila was shocked and hurt, feeling foolish for her trust. She ran back to her village, crying and embarrassed.

Despite the incident, Lila's innocence and kindness remained intact. She didn't hold a grudge against the man or the travelers who had come through her village. Instead, she learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of trust and the importance of being aware of the intentions of others.

As Lila grew up, she continued to live a simple life in her village, but she never forgot the lesson she had learned. Her innocence and purity remained, but they were tempered by a newfound sense of caution and awareness of the world beyond her village. And in the end, Lila's gentle spirit and kind heart made her beloved by all who knew her.

A stanza in a poem is like a paragraph in an essay.





it had a rhythmic

Answer: True :)

Stanzas separate poems like paragraphs separate essays.

Name one way in which each of the exam skills below can help you effectively when writing your exam 1.1 read the question 1.2plan the answers 1.3 answer the questions​


1.1 Reading the question can help you understand what the examiner is asking for and avoid answering a different question.

What is the exam skills?

1.2 Planning the answers can help you organize your thoughts, save time, and make sure you answer all parts of the question.

1.3 Answering the questions can help you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the subject, and earn points for each correct answer.

Once you've understood the question, take a few minutes to plan your answer. This can help you organize your thoughts, structure your answer, and ensure that you don't miss any important points. Jot down key ideas and examples you want to include in your answer.

Answer the questions: This is where you put your plan into action and write your answer. Make sure you answer the question directly and concisely, using clear and well-structured sentences.

Lastly, Read the question: This is the first and most important step in any exam. Make sure you understand the question before you start writing. Take the time to read the question carefully, paying attention to key words and phrases that can guide your answer.

Read more about skills here:


Which detail in "The Good King Arthur" shows a different key scene than "Excalibur"?


According to the Story “Morte Darthur” the real purpose of Bedivere now not throwing the sword(Excalibur) into the lake used to be because of its beauty, and value; which simply gave him the cause of not throwing it in the lake like the king said.

How did King Arthur get Excalibur?

Excalibur is given to Arthur via magical means, via the Lady of the Lake; it is not a weapon forged in this world but in another. The sword comes from this different realm and, once Arthur is defeated and dying, it need to be back there.

How would you describe King Arthur as a king?

Arthur unites Britain and drives off the invading Saxons. He becomes a benevolent and well-loved king. His reign is acknowledged for its heroic deeds and chivalric romance. In fact the name of his castle, Camelot, has come to signify a golden age.

Learn more about  Arthur" here;


“Blue Ain’t No Mockin Bird” is written in the blank tense


Bambara claims in "Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird" that everyone has the right to privacy, regardless of race or social class. With the use of metaphor and symbolism, the theme is demonstrated.

Write a summary of “Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird”

Kids are having fun in a front yard. The narrator and her cousin, Cathy, bounce and dance on a frozen puddle while the twin boys who live next door, Tyrone and Terry, are on the tyre swing. On the back porch, the grandmother of the narrator is drizzling rum over homemade Christmas cakes. Two men who claim to be from the county and are making a movie about food stamps are located nearby the house in a meadow. They have been there all morning filming with their movie camera. While they have moved father away and Granny has ordered them to leave the property and objected to their filming, they have yet proceeded.Granddaddy Cain returns home from woods where he has shot a chicken hawk. The two filmmakers film his approach. Granny asks him to get the men out of her flower bed. Granddaddy Cain holds out his hand for camera. Without arguing, the men give it to him. They say they are making a movie for the county. One of the men used the word "please" to request the camera back. Grandpa destroys the camera. The cameraman collects the fragments. The men are told by Granddaddy that he and Granny own the property and that they are standing in a flower bed.

To know more about Hawk, click on the link below:


Can someone help me write a essay about immigration in the United States please this is urgent!!!!


Body paragraphs-




Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the country’s history. The United States has long been known as a “melting pot” of different cultures and backgrounds. Every year, immigrants come to the United States seeking a better life and new opportunities. Immigration has been a major driving force in the American economy, providing an influx of labor, new ideas, and capital. Despite the many benefits of immigration, the debate over immigration policy in the United States is a contentious one. Supporters of immigration argue that it is necessary to secure economic growth and labor, while opponents claim that it undermines the American economy and poses a threat to national security. In this essay, we will explore the history of immigration in the United States, the current state of immigration policy, and the controversy surrounding the debate.

Body Paragraph 1

Immigration has been a major part of American history since the colonial period. The first major wave of immigrants to the United States began in the late 1700s with Europeans from England, Ireland, and Germany. This wave of immigrants was largely driven by religious persecution and economic hardship in their native countries. As the United States grew and the Industrial Revolution swept across the country in the 19th century, more and more immigrants from Europe and Asia began to arrive. This period saw the largest influx of immigrants to the United States, with an estimated 20 million people arriving between 1880 and 1920.

Body Paragraph 2

In the 20th century, the United States became a more diverse nation as more immigrants from Latin America, Asia, and Africa arrived. This period saw a shift in the types of immigrants, with more unskilled and low-wage laborers arriving to take advantage of economic opportunities in the United States. The influx of immigrants has had a significant impact on the American economy, with some experts estimating that immigrants contribute as much as $2 trillion to the nation’s gross domestic product. Immigrants also contribute to the diversity of the United States by bringing a variety of cultures and perspectives to the country.

Body Paragraph 3

Despite the benefits of immigration, the debate over immigration policy in the United States is a contentious one. Opponents of immigration argue that it undermines the American economy by taking jobs away from native-born citizens and driving down wages. They also argue that immigrants pose a security threat, as they may bring in drugs and terrorism to the United States. Supporters of immigration argue that immigrants are necessary to secure economic growth and labor, and they point to the many contributions immigrants make to the American economy.

Body Paragraph 4

In recent years, the debate over immigration policy in the United States has become even more heated. In 2017, the Trump administration implemented a number of policies aimed at curbing immigration, including travel bans, increased border security, and the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. These policies have been met with criticism from both sides of the debate, with supporters arguing that they are too extreme and opponents arguing that they are not strict enough. The current administration has also come under fire for its treatment of immigrants, with many accusing the government of inhumane practices such as separating families and detaining children.

Body Paragraph 5

The debate over immigration policy in the United States is likely to continue for years to come. As the population of immigrants continues to grow, it is important to understand the history of immigration in the United States and the current state of the debate. It is also important to recognize the contributions immigrants make to the American economy and society and to ensure that any immigration policies are fair and just. Ultimately, it is up to the American people to decide how to move forward and ensure that immigrants are treated with respect and dignity.


Immigration has been a major part of American history and continues to be a major source of population growth and cultural change today. The debate surrounding immigration policy in the United States is a contentious one, with supporters arguing for more lenient policies and opponents arguing for stricter ones. It is important to understand the history of immigration in the United States, the current state of the debate, and the contributions immigrants make to the American economy and society. Ultimately, it is up to the American people to decide how to move forward and ensure that immigrants are treated with respect and dignity.


Suggest there ways in which you van address each of the identified socio-economic factors for the achievement of educational goals


There are various ways to address socio-economic factors for the achievement of educational goals, such as: Providing increased access to quality education, Increasing support and counseling services, Improving school infrastructure, Developing programs, Creating awareness.

Providing increased access to quality educational resources and materials to students, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Increasing support and counseling services to help students stay on track and reach their goals.

Improving school infrastructure, such as classrooms and learning spaces, to create a more conducive environment for learning.

Developing programs that provide targeted assistance to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Creating awareness campaigns and initiatives to increase the public's understanding of educational issues related to socio-economic status.
Each of these measures can help promote equity and inclusiveness in educational opportunities, enabling all students to achieve their educational goals.

For more such questions on  educational goals, click on:


How did The Mechanical Hound change the way Montag thinks? (From the book Fahrenheit 451)


In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, The Mechanical Hound serves as a symbol of the oppressive society that Montag lives in. As a tool of the government, the Hound is programmed to seek out and destroy any dissent or non-conformity, instilling fear and compliance in the populace. Montag initially views the Hound as a necessary tool of the government, but as he becomes more disillusioned with the society he lives in, he begins to question the role of the Hound and its impact on society.

As Montag becomes more aware of the manipulation and censorship in his society, he starts to see the Hound as a representation of the government's control over its citizens. The Hound's relentless pursuit of non-conformity represents the government's desire to stamp out any dissent or individuality, creating a society of obedient conformists. Montag realizes that the Hound, like the government, is a tool of oppression that must be resisted.

Ultimately, the Hound catalyzes Montag's awakening and transformation. It represents the fear and oppression that Montag has lived with his entire life and his growing awareness of its negative impact on society. Through his interactions with the Hound, Montag begins to question the society he lives in and the values it represents, ultimately leading him to take action and fight against the oppressive government. The Hound's presence in the novel forces Montag to confront the reality of his society and take a stand against the forces of conformity and oppression.


Read the poem "a jelly-fish" by marianne moore. then, answer the question that follows.
visible, invisible, a fluctuating charm, an amber-colored amethyst inhabits it; your arm approaches, and it opens and it closes; you have meant to catch it, and it shrivels; you abandon your intent— it opens, and it closes and you reach for it— the blue surrounding it grows cloudy, and it floats away from you. which poetic form does moore use in her poem?


Marianne Moore's poem "A Jelly-Fish" does not follow a specific poetic form or structure.

How to explain the information

It is a free verse poem, meaning that it does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme. Instead, the poem uses imagery and figurative language to convey the elusive nature of a jellyfish and the speaker's attempts to capture it.

According to the poem, "it was written that visible, invisible, a fluctuating charm, an amber-colored amethyst inhabits it; your arm approaches, and it opens and it closes; you have meant to catch it, and it shrivels; you abandon your intent". In this case, no structure was used.

Learn more about poem on:



Free Verse


Marianne Moore uses the poetic form of free verse in her poem "A Jelly-Fish." Free verse is characterized by its lack of strict meter or rhyme scheme, allowing for greater freedom and experimentation in the structure and rhythm of the poem. In "A Jelly-Fish," Moore's lines vary in length, and there is no consistent rhyme pattern or meter. The poem flows with a natural and fluid quality, mirroring the subject matter of the jellyfish and its movements. This lack of formal constraints in the poem's structure enhances the sensory imagery and captures the ephemeral and elusive nature of the jellyfish, creating a sense of openness and fluidity that aligns with the free verse form.

PLEASEEE HELP ILL GIVE BRAINLYEST Read the following paragraph. Heroes come in many shapes and forms, but they all do uncommon things in unusual situations. They stand out. We've all heard stories of hero dogs that save their owners. One dog saved his owner by fighting off an alligator. Another woke his sleeping family when a fire broke out in its home. Still others rescue injured or needy people in dangerous situations. One dog even managed to call 911 when his owner suffered a seizure. But one dog, named Ginny, performed heraic acts on a reqular basis, not just once or twice in unusual situations. Because of her kindness, many lives were saved. What is an appropriate paraphrase for this passage? OAlarge number of dogs are heroes There are many stories about dogs saving their owners from a scary situation. A dog named Ginny, however, was consistently brave and saved a number of lves as a result of her courage and caring. Otread that hero dogs have saved a lot of people. I think this is admirable and can't wait to hear more about Ginny O Dogs have saved their owners by fighting off alligators, waking a sleeping family when a fire broke out in their home, and rescuing injured or needy people in dangerous situations​



There is both qn and ans in your qn


pls mrk me brainliest

Need help quickly as possible


Swing music is a jazz genre that originated in the United States and gained widespread popularity in the middle of the 1930s thanks to bandleaders like Benny Goodman. The Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, and Royal Crown Revue led a swing revival in the 2000s.

What does jazz mean in music?

American music is characterized by upbeat rhythms with distinctive accents and frequently by songs created by musicians as they perform. Jazz is a musical style that has its roots in ragtime and the blues, and it was created in the African-American neighborhoods of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Since the Jazz Period in the 1920s, it has been acknowledged as a significant form of musical expression in both traditional and popular music. Jazz was undoubtedly the most well-liked kind of music in the US from the 1920s to the 1940s. Miles Davis and Louis Armstrong were leaders in the solo jazz movement. But even in the present, jazz is now the least well-liked genre of music.

To learn more about Jazz, visit:


What are the literary device used in informing ourself to death by neil


Neil Postman's book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" is a work of non-fiction that critiques the role of television in modern society. While the book does not make extensive use of literary devices typically found in fiction, there are still several rhetorical and stylistic techniques used throughout the work. Here are a few examples:

Metaphor: Postman uses metaphor to describe the impact of television on our society. For example, he writes that "we are in danger of amusing ourselves to death" (the title of the book), suggesting that our obsession with entertainment and distraction is eroding our ability to engage in meaningful discourse and critical thinking.
Allusion: Postman makes reference to historical events, literature, and other works of art throughout the book. For example, he discusses the "Age of Exposition" (a term coined by Henry Adams) and contrasts it with the "Age of Show Business" that he believes we currently inhabit.
Irony: Postman uses irony to highlight the absurdity of some of the phenomena he describes. For example, he notes that people in the early days of television were concerned that it might be used to spread propaganda, while in reality, it has been primarily used to sell products.
Repetition: Postman repeats key phrases and ideas throughout the book to emphasize their importance. For example, he frequently returns to the idea that television has a bias toward entertainment and that this bias has serious consequences for our society.
Satire: While not as prominent as some of the other techniques, Postman does use satire at times to skewer the excesses of our entertainment culture. For example, he notes that we live in a world where "seriousness is a problem" and where "being well-informed is irrelevant."

what is active and passive voice?​



Active and passive voice are two ways of expressing the same idea, but with a different focus on the subject of the sentence.

Active voice describes a sentence where the subject is the one performing the action of the verb. In other words, the subject is doing something. For example, in the sentence "John ate the pizza," "John" is the subject, and he is the one performing the action of "eating the pizza."

Passive voice, on the other hand, describes a sentence where the subject is the one receiving the action of the verb. In other words, something is being done to the subject. For example, in the sentence "The pizza was eaten by John," "the pizza" is the subject, and it is the one receiving the action of "being eaten" by John.

In passive voice, the subject is often preceded by the helping verb "was" or "were" and followed by the past participle of the main verb. Passive voice is commonly used when the focus is on the action itself rather than the person or thing performing the action.

make a 6 sentece paragraph on the book "future we choose" chapter 8 action 1" let go of the old word"​



In "The Future We Choose" by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac, chapter 8, "Action 1: Let Go of the Old World," the authors urge readers to let go of old ways of thinking and doing things to create a sustainable future. They argue that the old world of individualism, competition, and short-term thinking has led to climate change and other environmental crises, and that a new world of collaboration, innovation, and long-term thinking is needed to address these challenges. The authors suggest that individuals can let go of the old world by embracing new values such as empathy, compassion, and a sense of global citizenship. They also call on governments and businesses to let go of old systems and practices and embrace new technologies and policies that promote sustainability. The authors emphasize that letting go of the old world requires courage and a willingness to take risks, but it is necessary for creating a better future for all.


2. Place a check mark next to each choice that describes Abigail Williams.
very obedient
pious and religious
untrustworthy and manipulative
capable of controlling the group of girls
interested in having an affair with Reverend Hale


The Option which best describes Abigail Williams is untrustworthy and manipulative. The Option C is correct.

How best can we describes Abigail Williams in Crucible?

Abigail Williams is a complex character in Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible". She is the main antagonist of the play, and her actions set in motion the witch trials that engulf the town of Salem. Abigail is depicted as a young woman who is manipulative, deceitful, and cunning.

She is obsessed with John Proctor, a married man with whom she had an affair, and will stop at nothing to be with him. Abigail is also fiercely independent and refuses to submit to the expectations placed on young women in Puritan society. She is willing to lie, manipulate, and accuse innocent people of witchcraft in order to achieve her goals and avoid punishment. Overall, Abigail is a complex and compelling character who embodies the dangers of unchecked ambition and the destructive power of lies and deceit.

Read more about Abigail Williams


According to the narrator, why is basketball "as good as Shakespeare" (paragraph 1)?
It connects her to important people.
It helps her to understand her life.
It has the power to strongly affect her.
It helps her deal with disappointments in life.


Answer: I think it’s B (It helps her understand her life).

Explanation: I think this because it seems that basketball seems very personal to this person and clearly they are aware of the extraordinary pieces of Shakespeare so I think that both of these thing are close to her and help her understand her life. Therefore, I THINK it’s option B.

What does the ebony click symbolize in “The masque of the red death”


The ebony clock symbolizes the relentless march of time and the inevitability of death.

What more should you know about the  ebony click in “The masque of the red death”?

In "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe, The clock is described as "massive and of the ebony, and the pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang." The use of the word "ebony" emphasizes the dark and somber nature of the clock, while the sound of the "dull, heavy, monotonous clang" creates a sense of foreboding and finality.

The clock's presence in the story serves as a reminder to the revelers that even though they are trying to escape the Red Death by hiding in the castle, they cannot escape the passage of time and the ultimate fate that awaits them. The striking of the clock at the end of each hour interrupts the festivities and serves as a grim reminder of the approaching end.

The symbolism of the clock is closely related to the theme of the story, which is the inevitability of death. No matter how much wealth and power one may possess, death comes for all in the end. The clock, therefore, represents the ultimate authority over human life and serves as a constant reminder of our mortality.

Find more useful information on "The Masque of the Red Death";


Please answer this question


We can see here that filling the sentences, we have:

1. A. will read

2. A. will get

3. D. won't have watched

4. A. would improve

5. A. will be learning

6. B. won't have finished

7. B. will finish

8. A. will complete

9.  C. won't complete

10. B. is growing

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a grammatically complete set of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. A sentence typically contains a subject (a noun or pronoun that performs the action), a verb (the action performed by the subject), and often an object (the recipient of the action).

Sentences can vary in length and complexity, and can be simple, compound, or complex depending on the number and relationship of clauses. In written language, sentences are typically separated by punctuation, such as periods, commas, and semicolons.

Learn more about sentence on


Ella is writing an argumentative body paragraph about why computers should not be allowed to grade student essays. Ella wants to use the word "algorithm" in a sentence but is not sure her readers will know what an algorithm is. Which elaborative detail would help Ella's readers understand this difficult concept?

A definition of the word algorithm
A description of a computer program that uses an algorithm
A quote from an expert about an algorithm they created
A statistic about algorithms


A is the answer I think

Read the excerpts from Roosevelt’s "Four Freedoms" speech and Lincoln’s "Gettysburg Address." Roosevelt: This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory. –four freedoms, franklin d. roosevelt Lincoln: To be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the does the appeal to emotion in the first half of this passage make listeners feel? what does the effect of the appeal to reason in the second half of this passage make the listener believe? used together, what do these two appeals help convince listeners?



In Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" speech, the appeal to emotion in the first half of the passage creates a sense of unity and national purpose. The phrase "the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women" emphasizes the importance of individual contributions to the greater good, and the reference to "freedom under the guidance of God" adds a religious and moral dimension to the speech. The appeal to support those who struggle for human rights and the call to victory creates a sense of urgency and determination.

In Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address," the appeal to reason in the second half of the passage emphasizes the importance of the sacrifice made by those who died in battle and the need to honor their memory by rededicating ourselves to the cause of freedom. The phrase "a new birth of freedom" suggests a fresh start and renewed commitment to the values of democracy and self-government. The reference to "government of the people, by the people, for the people" reinforces the idea that the power of the government comes from the people, not from any one individual or group.

Together, these two appeals help to convince listeners that the struggle for freedom and human rights is both an emotional and rational cause. By appealing to the heart and the mind, Roosevelt and Lincoln make a powerful case for the importance of individual contributions to the greater good and the need to work together to achieve a common goal. They inspire listeners to take action, to believe in the power of unity and purpose, and to never forget the sacrifices made by those who came before us.

Is Cecil Gaines from the movie "The Butler" Static or Dynamic? explain

English 9



Cecil Gaines, the main character of the movie" The Butler," can be considered a dynamic character because he undergoes significant particular growth and metamorphosis throughout the story.

On the morning of the movie, Cecil is a butler who's devoted to his job and committed to serving his white employers. He's largely apolitical and abnegated to the fact that racism is a fact of life in the United States. still, as he observes the civil rights movement and the struggles of African Americans to achieve equivalency, Cecil begins to question his values and beliefs.

Throughout the movie, Cecil becomes decreasingly involved in the civil rights movement and begins to endorse social and political change. He's ultimately fired from his job as a butler after his son is arrested during a kick, but he remains married to the cause and becomes a leader in the fight for ethical justice.


Cecil Gaines, the main character in the movie "The Butler," can be considered a dynamic character.

At the beginning of the movie, Cecil is portrayed as a man who is focused on his job as a butler and is content with his life, even though he faces discrimination and racism. He is hesitant to engage in political activism and prefers to remain neutral.

However, as the movie progresses, Cecil undergoes a transformation. He witnesses and experiences the injustices of racism and discrimination firsthand, which pushes him to become more politically active and to take a stand against these injustices.

He becomes a witness to many pivotal moments in the civil rights movement, which inspires him to become more involved and to fight for change.

In the end, Cecil becomes an advocate for change, and his experiences and growth lead him to encourage his son to become politically active and to join the civil rights movement.

To know more about    Cecil Gaines    here


Which detail about Hadria is most clearly related to the setting


Answer: A

Explanation: because in the end Hadria did it without knowing there could of been something better

Brainliest would be appreciated


Read the excerpt from Roosevelt’s "Four Freedoms” speech.

Our strength is our unity of purpose.

Roosevelt’s appeal to emotion in this section of the speech makes listeners feel that they are

a nation with only one cause.
a part of the same team.
a nation that sees no division.
a part of something grand.



Nation that sees no division.

According to Hamlet, how does he think Claudius will react to his "changes" in the play?
O He will ignore it
He will appear guilty
O He will laugh
O He won't notice



Hamlet thinks that Claudius will appear guilty when he sees the changes in the play.


According to Hamlet, he thinks Claudius will appear guilty when he sees the changes in the play. In Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," Hamlet reveals his plan to stage a play called "The Mousetrap," which has a storyline that closely resembles the murder of King Hamlet by Claudius. Hamlet believes that if Claudius is guilty, he will react in a way that shows his guilt when he sees the play. Hamlet says, "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king... I'll observe his looks, if he do blench, I know my course" (Act 2, Scene 2). The word "blench" means to flinch or show fear. Hamlet is confident that Claudius will not be able to hide his guilt when he sees the play, and this will confirm Hamlet's suspicions. Therefore, Hamlet thinks that Claudius will appear guilty when he sees the changes in the play.

Poetry "Tattoo" by Gregg Shapiro
Questions and Answers

1. What is imagery?

D. Words that trigger the imagination to remember by appealing to the five senses

2. Read the line below from the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro and answer the question that follows.

"his bone-crushing hugs"

Which poetic technique does Shapiro use in this line?

B. Imagery

3. The poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro takes a fictional look at which real-world issue?

C. The effect of the Holocaust on the children of survivors

4. What is figurative language?

A. Writing or speech that is not intended to carry literal meaning.

5. The speaker’s father in the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro frustrates the speaker with his __?__?__?__ regarding the past.

D. Silence

6. What is a conceit?

B. A lengthy or extended metaphor

7. Read the line below from the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro and answer the question that follows.

"I wear him like a cloak, sweat under the weight"

What is the bold part of the line an example of?

D. Simile

8. Which of the following is a possible effect of being a child of a Holocaust survivor experienced by the speaker in the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro?

A. Survivor’s guilt

9. Which excerpt from the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro is a symbol for the Holocaust experience?

A. “blue as blood on his left forearm”

10. Read the line below from the poem “Tattoo” by Gregg Shapiro and answer the question that follows.

"the nervous blue flash in his eyes"

Which poetic technique does Shapiro use in this line?

A. Imagery



Explanation:trust me




"We do, therefore, respectfully protest against the proposed Amendment to establish 'woman suffrage' in our State. We believe that political equality will deprive us of special privileges hitherto afforded to us by law."

Which word best describes the tone of the passage?
A. Sarcastic
B. Assertive
C. Secretive
D. offended



The tone of the passage is best described as "offended." The use of the words "respectfully protest" suggests a formal tone, but the substance of the passage suggests that the writer is offended by the proposed amendment to establish woman suffrage. The writer believes that granting women the right to vote would deprive them of special privileges that have been afforded to them by law. The tone of the passage is not sarcastic, assertive, or secretive, but rather defensive and resistant to change.

which character from american born Chinese is an example of a protagonist.


Answer: Jin Wang/ Danny


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