How can "The Transplant" in refugees by vetthanh Nguyen be read as a satire on America's obsession with labels, status, and financial wealth? And what consequences does the story seem to suggest these obsessions have on both the individual and American society as a whole?


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

"The Refugees" can be read as a satire on America's obsession with labels, status and financial wealth. That's because "The Refugees" tells the story of several families of immigrants who see America as the ideal place to escape their problems related to their home country. This is due to the stereotype created by the Americans themselves that America is the land of prosperity, ignoring the difficulties that a person can go through to prosper.

This stereotype can cause disappointment in foreigners, or even the loss of cultural identity, making them not feel a sense of belonging to something, since they cannot belong to a specific culture. Society can also be affected, as it ends up being composed of individuals who are dissatisfied, but are unable to change.

Related Questions

evidence for a claim should include



something to back it up or help convince someone that ur claim is correct or incorrect. hope this helps if it did please give a brainlist have a good day



some numbers, and facts.


for example:

here is a claim I wrote earlier:

Answer: I would expect the caterpillars with eyespots  to be  more common in a population.

my evidence is: By using the graph over 3 days I can see more caterpillars dying without eye spots then caterpillars with eyespots. At the end of 80 hours from both caterpillars the numbers were proven to be with eyespots 8 and the number without eyespots 6.  

I used numbers and facts from the graph although I don't have the graph with me.

Which gives the correct values for points A, B, C, and D?

A number line going from negative 2 to positive 2 in increments of 1. There are 4 equal spaces between each number. Point A is at negative 2. Point B is 1 mark to the right of negative 2. Point C is 1 mark to the left negative 1. Point D is 1 mark to the left of 0.

A = negative 2, B = negative 1 and three-fourths, C = negative 1 and one-fourth, D = negative one-fourth

A = negative one-fourth, B = negative 1 and three-fourths, C = negative 1 and one-fourth, D = negative 2

A = negative 2, B = negative three-fourths, C = negative one-fourth, D = one-fourth

A = negative one-fourth, B = negative 1 and one-fourth, C = negative 1 and three-fourths, D = negative 2



A = negative 2, B = negative 1 and three-fourths, C = negative 1 and one-fourth, D = negative one-fourth


A = - 2

B = - 1 3/4

C = - 1 1/4

D = - 1 / 4

4 points in between each number :

This means each point between the numbers is 1/4 or 0.25

Kindly find illustrative picture of the number line in the attachment below.


first one


What’s the answer please?
I chose D but idk!

( I added a picture )


Yes your answer was correct :) nice

List and describe the four "traps" that Rainsford uses to elude General Zaroff (don’t forget the mental trap in which Rainsford makes Zaroff thinks he killed himself by jumping off the cliff.)
Book: "The Most Dangerous Game"


Answer and explanation:

First, he makes a winding path through the jungle, so to make Zaroff think that he went deeply into the woods ( Zaroff finds him right away). Next one - he makes what is called Malay mancatcher - he runs into a fallen tree which lies on a smaller non-cut tree, he makes a trigger, so whoever touches the trigger, it pulls him down and larger, a dead tree falls onto him (Zaroff just hurt his shoulder in this one). The third one is called the Burmese tiger pit. As Rainsford gets caught up in quicksand, he gets the idea of making this one. He digs a hole near quicksand and on the bottom of it, he puts sharp sticks and then covers it with branches and grass to hide it, so if Zaroff steps onto it, he will fall down and get stabbed (Zaroff`s hunting hound gets killed in this one). The fourth one was a trick that he learned in Uganda, in this one he uses his knife which he ties to a sprout, he points the knife to a path, and then with a grapevine he manages to connect the sprout with the trigger, so if Zaroff reaches the trigger, it will pull the knife and stab him and in this case that was the servant Ivan. The fifth one is the one mentioned in the question where Rainsford tricks Zaroff that he is dead by jumping to the sea. The final one is in Zaroff`s bedroom. He thinks that Rainsford is dead, but he is hidden in the curtains and when Zaroff comes to the bedroom, he surprises him and eventually kills him. So, there are four traps mentioned in the question that Rainsford uses to elude Zaroff, but it seems that only two served Rainsford to get away, and four were intended to hurt or kill Zaroff.

I hope this will help.

imagine that you are a fruit that has been used to make a juice. Write a story about yourself.
Describe where you grew, who looked after you and how you were plucked. Write how you were turned into juice and how people enjoyed drinking it.


"Hey i'm the orange, i hate being the orange because well we all die. I was born and raised in flordia. It was amazing until i got picked and almost made for orange juice."I said "Tell us a little more about you almost getting picked" the director said. "Ok, yeah of course anyways i was almost pushed down when they saw a brighter better orange so they used that orange instead." I said. " Did you know the orange?" said the director. "I did that orange was so rude, and was queen bee, so i was happy when she got her guts out." I said. "Thank you, for that it was amazing. You may leave now." said the director. "I got up and left but, then i relized there was a human making orange juice and needed oranges!!!!

As my last minutes approach me, I hope it was all worth it in the end.

It all started on the farm. On our mother tree, who grew us and rationed the nutrients the farmer gave to her. We all loved him, he was very good to the mother trees, like a grandfather. Until one day, it all changed. Us little apples were all picked, by the hundreds, until no one was left. The ones that fell before it happened were trampled, squashed, into mush as their brethren were torn from their mother trees. My source of nutrition, gone in an instant.
We were carted away, to what can only be described as hell on Earth. First, We were put in some horrible liquid. I am unable to describe the agony that I felt as my outer skin softened up, no longer able to protect me from whatever horrors lay ahead.
Now, I am in a machine, watching my brethren get the life sucked out of them. Pressed until nothing is left of their insides. I watch as this horrible contraption gets closer and closer to me. As it begins to crush my once crisp and wonderful form, I wonder why this is happening to me. What did we ever do to deserve this insuf-...

“Wow! This is some of the best apple juice I’ve had!”

“I know right! I’m so glad we came straight to the farm and got it right off the press!”

Read the excerpt from The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko, To introduce the topic, Janeczko includes O relevant historical facts. O quotations from military sources statistics from code breakers. surprising personal anecdotes. As a result of the cut cables, Germany lost its most secure long-distance communications system. The Germans now had to rely on radio transmissions from their powerful wireless station at Nauen, a few miles from Berlin. Which was exactly what the British military knew they would have to do. And once the Germans began sending wireless messages, MI8, the British code breakers, began plucking them from the air. Of course, all German correspondence was sent in a complicated cipher system, so that was when the hard work began for the code breakers of M18.​



A). Relevant historical facts.


In the given excerpt, the author introduces the topic using 'relevant historical facts' which not only reveals the key idea or subject to the readers but also assists in capturing the readers' attention and establish the credibility of the author's argument. It is outlining the main points that are going to be dealt with and offers a precise summary of the text. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


A). Relevant historical facts.

Read the directions for making a toy parachute.
1. Cut thick string or twine into four pieces that are 9
inches long
2. Cut a 12x5-inch rectangle out of a plastic garbage
3. Using a hole punch, poke a hole into each comer of
the rectangle
4. Slide the end of each piece of string through a hole
in the rectangle
5. Tie a knot to the end of each string so that they are
attached to the corners of the plastic rectangle,
6. Either tape or tie the loose ends of the string to a
small object, such as an action figure or toy car
What would happen if someone skipped step 6?
The object would cause the parachute to collapse
The object would not be heavy enough for the
The object would become tangled with the
The object would not be attached to the parachute



the answer is C-The string would not attach to the plastic.


got this correct:)

The correct response is - the answer is C-The string would not attach to the plastic. Therefore option C is the correct response.

What is plastic?

Polymers are the primary component of a broad variety of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials known as plastics. Plastics may be molded, extruded, or pressed into solid objects of diverse forms because to their plasticity.

Polymers are the primary component of a broad variety of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials known as plastics. Plastics may be molded, extruded, or pressed into solid objects of diverse forms because of their plasticity.

When garbage is improperly managed and dangerous chemicals end up in the air, water, and soils as a result of the use of plastic items represents a major risk to both humans and the environment.

To read more about plastic, refer to -



Type the correct answer in the box

An archive contains a manuscript by a Chinese prince who was very interested in the dynasties that came before his own. He made it his business to find out as much accurate information as he could from the historians in his kingdom. He wrote many descriptions of the kings that came before him. His book has proved to be a great source of historical information.

Based on this description, the prince’s work is a _____(blank)_____ source.


Based on this description, the prince’s work is a  primary source.

A primary source is a firsthand account or original material that provides direct evidence or information about a particular topic or event. It is created by individuals who have directly witnessed or participated in the events or topics they document.

In this case, the manuscript written by the Chinese prince represents his personal observations, research, and descriptions of the kings and dynasties that came before him. He actively sought information from historians in his kingdom and compiled it into his own book.

As the prince was interested in the dynasties that preceded his own, his manuscript serves as an original record of his findings. It provides valuable insights into the historical context, rulers, and traditions of those earlier periods.

Primary sources are highly regarded in historical research as they offer a direct connection to the past, providing authentic and immediate information from the time period being studied.

They provide a unique perspective and contribute to our understanding of historical events and people. In this case, the prince's manuscript is a primary source that offers a valuable glimpse into the past and serves as a significant resource for studying Chinese history and the dynasties that preceded his own.

For more such questions on description visit:


Write a sentence using the word diction; include one adjective in your sentence.



His speech and diction were plain, terse, forcible.


His diction is pure, his style correct, his versification smooth though monotonous


The root word “cred” means “believe.” Use this definition to complete the following sentence.

The word “credible” means



able to be believed; convincing.


Please help me with these following English Terms: Phrases, Clauses, and Conjunctions. Thanks. Please when you respond, respond with detail!!



A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute. Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below.

1 : a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex (see complex entry 2 sense 1b(2)) or compound (see compound entry 2 sense 3b) sentence The sentence "When it rained they went inside" consists of two clauses: "when it rained" and "they went inside."

Conjunction is a word that connects or joins clauses, words, phrases together in a sentence. Conjunctions are used to coordinate words in a sentence. “but”, “although”, “while” are some common conjunctions. Three types of conjunctions are Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions.


You might want to reword some of the answers :)


. A subordinating conjunction is simply the word/words that is used to join a subordinating clause to another clause or sentence.

example sentence:

"He was annoyed, the train had stopped."

"He was annoyed because the train had stopped."

By adding 'because' we are linking the subordinating clause "the train had stopped" with the main clause "He was annoyed".

Some examples of such subordinating conjunctions are once, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after.

A phrase is a related group of words. The words work together as a "unit," but they do not have a subject and a verb. A clause is a group of words that does have both a subject and a verb. Some clauses are independent, meaning that they express a complete thought.

Examples of Phrases and Clauses:

Examples of Phrases :

1. the boy on the bus (noun phrase)

2. will be running (verb phrase)

3. in the kitchen (prepositional phrase)

4. very quickly (adverb phrase)

5. Martha and Jan (noun phrase)

Examples of Clauses

1. When I get home (dependent or subordinate clause)

2. The lights are not on. (independent clause)

3. When you wake up (dependent or subordinate clause)

4. Put it on the shelf. (independent clause-understood subject "you)

5. Since it fell on the floor (dependent or subordinate clause)

hope it helps I am very sorry if you don't understand if have any other questions please ask me.



we should start changing ourselves if we want to change others?give reasons​



The truth is, it is possible to change the world. But to change the world, you have to change yourself first. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions. It's not easy changing yourself, but it's necessary if you want to make a massive impact. Why you should change yourself?

Internal Change Will Help you Focus

Change enables you to become the person you want to be. Practicing and enacting change yourself is one of the most rewarding processes you will ever experience. It also displays a very valuable life skill.


Identify who said the quote. Paraphrase what it means. Analyze the quote, relate the quote to the big picture, or a deeper issue.



Jem from to kill a mocking bird, no clue what it means I've never read the book

Read the attached poem, choose 3 lines. What is being compared and personified in each line
the stars winked at me
the book read itself to me
the tree whispered in the wind
this pencil wrote words perfectly
the computer has a mind of its own
my car is screaming to be washed
those cookies are calling my name
the car danced on the wet road



the stars winked at me

Stars are thing that is being personified because they aren't human, they can't wink.

the book read itself to me

Books can't read or talk, so that's what's being personified in that line.

the tree whispered in the wind

Come on! Trees can't talk! The trees are what's being personified in this line.


Personification is describing an object that is not human by giving it human qualities.

Comparing is describing two object by using the words "like" or "as".

None of these lines consist of the words "like" or "as", so there is nothing being compared in this poem.

I really hope this helps you out!


what do you think is Ruth Bader Ginsburg's most impactful legacy ​


She fought for women’s rights up until she passed away


She fought for women rights

Help please!!!! I only need 17 18 and 19!



17. Angela's

18. shirt's

19. seahorse's


The apostrophes are needed in order to show possession

How do lines 50-57 develop a central idea of the passage?
What do the details presented in the excerpt of the newspaper article in lines 36-39 reveal about Jason’s point of view?
The text is Jason's Gold



Jason's determination to find gold and make it big in life.


The lines 50-57 talk about a young man called Machigan who made it big and became rich after he left his small farm to find gold in Alaska. In this way, Jason also directs his ambition towards the same path as Machigan. After all, the central idea of the passage is all about Jason's determination to find gold and make it big in life.

The details presented in the excerpt of the newspaper article in lines 36-39 reveal that Jason was determined about his point of view. He knew that working at a factory like his brothers was not for him. He was adventurous and was determined that he would find gold someday.

What emotional encounter does Odysseus have while at the Land of the Dead. Why is this an emotional experience for him?



Odysseus meets his mother there and it is emotional because he finds out his mother is dead.


What do I do for this?



A recent article in Era magazine suggested ways to reduce inflation. The article suggested that the president reduce the federal budget; __________________________, it suggested that the government reduce federal, state and local taxes. *



for example


Bro please help me i have quiz, when i finish i will try to help you... I appreciate it

Two students answered the question "Why do you use a citation and
formatting style in your research paper?" Which answer do you think is more
A. We use a citation and formatting style because it's a way to organize and
help our readers quickly locate the outside sources we reference.
B. We use a citation and formatting style because it helps us fully flesh out
our topic ideas, and present them in the most scholarly way to our



A. We use a citation and formatting style because it's a way to organize and help our readers quickly locate the outside sources we reference.


When you quote, in an academic text, you are referring to another text that served as a research source where you extracted relevant and important information for the work you are writing. This is very important to enrich your work and give credibility.

However, you must quote in a specific format, which is necessary for readers of your work to know that the text has citations and to be able to quickly locate the external sources to which you refer.

What was Johnny's favorite part of Gone with the Wind?-The Outsiders



the happienss anf just the way the book was wroten and he loved the litachure

What is the meaning of this excerpt?
Reread this excerpt from The Call of the Wild.
An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club
upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain, heralded the
breaking forth of pandemonium. The camp was
suddenly discovered to be alive with skulking furry
forms,-starving huskies, four or five score of them,
who had scented the camp from some Indian village.
They had crept in while Buck and Spitz were fighting,
and when the two men sprang among them with stout
clubs they showed their teeth and fought back. They
were crazed by the smell of the food. Perrault found one
with head buried in the grub-box.
O Perrault is fighting stray dogs that have invaded the
campsite looking for food.
O Perrault is punishing members of his dogsled team
for their aggressive acts.
Perrault is reprimanding his dogsled team for stealing
scraps of food.
O Perrault is feeding wild dogs and training them for
work on his team.



The meaning of this excerpt is:

A. Perrault is fighting stray dogs that have invaded the  campsite looking for food.


This is an excerpt from "The Call of the Wild", by author Jack London.

There are some clues in the passage that help us find the correct answer. Let's highlight them:

An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain, heralded the breaking forth of pandemonium. The camp was suddenly discovered to be alive with skulking furry forms,—starving huskies, four or five score of them, who had scented the camp from some Indian village. They had crept in while Buck and Spitz were fighting, and when the two men sprang among them with stout clubs they showed their teeth and fought back. They were crazed by the smell of the food. Perrault found one with head buried in the grub-box.

The bolded parts highlight the clues we need. Stray dogs, four or five of them, could smell the food that was kept in the camp. They crept in and, upon being discovered, were attacked by Perrault with a club.




An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain, heralded the breaking forth of pandemonium. The camp was suddenly discovered to be alive with skulking furry forms,—starving huskies, four or five score of them, who had scented the camp from some Indian village. They had crept in while Buck and Spitz were fighting, and when the two men sprang among them with stout clubs they showed their teeth and fought back. They were crazed by the smell of the food. Perrault found one with head buried in the grub-box.

it is A because a says

Perrault is fighting stray dogs that have invaded the campsite looking for food.

The bold words on the top have exactly what it says . Also all the other answers dont make sense, Hope this helped!

In the 1800s, the United States was still a very young nation, trying to solidify its identity. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, a fast development of society following the introduction of machines. The United States was slower than Great Britain to fully embrace the changes. Yet key technological developments caused a rapid growth in American urban areas. Better farming methods and tools in the 1800s increased food production. Americans were able to grow enough food for their families as well as to sell. The abundance caused food prices to fall. The expansion of cotton and the growth of textile factories in northern states helped produce the first wave of American industry. More people turned to work in northern factories as a way to support their families. Thousands of immigrants to the United States also settled in or near port cities, looking for work. Even today, the need for work is a common reason people move to urban areas. As a result, cities grew in numbers of people and physical space. As more people and businesses moved in, they needed buildings for living and working. They needed ways to move around the city. We call this process urbanization. In 1820, the United States had only a few cities of 10,000 residents or more. About seven percent of U.S. residents lived in urban areas. The number of cities with more than 10,000 people grew quickly over the next 40 years, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. By 1860, about 20 percent lived in cities. Philadelphia and New York City were the most populated cities in 1860 and would soon reach one million residents. The urbanization of the United States quickened due to technology improvements. Without innovations in food production, the factories could not have grown so quickly. The trend quickened after 1860 and continued throughout the 21st century as well. By 2007, more Americans lived in or near cities than they did in rural areas. Select a sentence from the body of this article that can be removed without affecting the author's explanation. Place the sentence in quotes and explain why it is an unnecessary detail.



Will mark Brainliest

Review the article "If Anne Frank Only Knew."

What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

to explain how The Diary of Anne Frank is opening the eyes of students to the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps

to show how Kim Jung Il, the leader of North Korea, is inciting hatred against America

to persuade readers that a war between America and North Korea is imminent

to show how the North Koreans are misleading their students by misinterpreting Anne's words in her diary



Answer is A


People were killed in concentration camps which was ordered by Adolf Hitler

Amy's lecture
O enraged Laurie
inspired Laurie
embarrassed Laurie
O praised Lauries


Answer: I think it inspired Laurie


inspired i think

I WILL GIVE 10 points

The sentence below is incorrectly capitalized; choose the best way to correct it.

My brother took out the garbage on tuesday, and mother was very happy.

My brother took out the Garbage on Tuesday, and mother was very happy.
My brother took out the garbage on Tuesday, and mother was VERY happy.
My brother took out the garbage on tuesday, and Mother was very happy.
My brother took out the garbage on Tuesday, and Mother was very happy.



My brother took out the garbage on Tuesday, and Mother was very happy.


In the Harry Potter novels, we see Harry starting out as a scared orphan who develops into a powerful hero who seeks to fight evil by the last novel. This is an example of *

emotional appeal





Johnny's taffy was a sticky, gooey, mess that his mother refused to clean up because he did not listen to her when she told him to be careful. Which part of this sentence modifies a noun? *

be careful
she told him
sticky, gooey, mess
refused to clean up



Sticky, gooey, mess


Select the three adjectives. Don't select any articles (a, an, or the).
Thunderous applause filled the dark arena as the band took a final bow and walked



thunderous, dark, final


Identify some reasons why more states and cities are celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day.


Christopher Columbus was far from a good man. He bridged the old world and the new world. But he committed mass genocide. Enslaving and Murdering countless of Indigenous Peoples’, who were merely used as pawns. they deserved more respect.
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