How did Asoka improve life and advance society in South Asia?


Answer 1

Ashoka supported non-violence. Instead of focusing on empire expansion, he focused on public works and building up the empire while governing it with peace and tolerance.

Between 268 and 232 BCE, Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great, ruled as the third emperor of the Maurya Empire in the Indian subcontinent. The Indian monarch Ashoka, who was upset by his bloody conquests that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, adopted Buddhism and showed compassion to his subjects.

The Mauyran Dynasty was transformed by Emperor Ashoka from a war machine to a society based on tolerance and non-violence. The Mauryan Empire was stringent on tax collection, but it also supported a lot of public works initiatives to raise output. Numerous roads, streams, canals, rest areas, hospitals, and other infrastructure projects were funded by Ashoka.

Learn more about Ashoka here:

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Which statement is NOT true about the Silk Road? A. Part of the Great Wall of China helped protect tradesmen on the Silk Road B. All tradesmen on the Silk Road made the entire 4000 mile journey each way C. Tradesmen traveled in caravans with guards for protection from bandits D. The Silk Road connected major civilizations during ancient times




cuz it makes

briefly explain how one historical development from 1890 to 1920 resulted from the point of view expressed in the image


The fifteenth amendment of the constitution gave African-Americans the right to vote.

What effect did the passage of the 15th Amendment have?The 15th amendment, which was adopted by Congress on February 26, 1869, and ratified on February 3, 1870, guaranteed voting rights to African American men."The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or restricted by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude," the amendment states. Male African Americans have a right to vote according to the 15th Amendment.The fifteenth amendment  voting rights of the constitution gave African-Americans the right to vote. The fifteenth amendment allows all black males to conduct the responsibility as U.S citizens to elect people to office. As a result, black men achieved their suffrage as citizens of their country.              

To learn more about fifteenth amendment refer to:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
n 1994, a civil war broke out between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes in
In the war, Hutus deliberately sought out and murdered
Tutsis This action was known as


In 1994, a civil war broke out between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Rwanda.

In the war, Hutus deliberately sought out and murdered Tutsis. This action was known as Genocide.

What was the Rwandan genocide ?

One of the most well-known modern genocides was the Rwandan Genocide, which began in 1994 and lasted just 100 days. Nearly a million moderate Hutus and ethnic Tutsis were massacred during this 100-day span between April and July 1994, all while the international community and UN forces looked on.

On April 6, 1994, the Hutu president of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana, was on a plane when it was shot down. Extremist Hutu groups started their preparations to exterminate all civilian Tutsi populations while the nation was at war.

Find out more on the Rwandan genocide at


english explorer whose men mutinied while searching for the northwest passage.


Henry Hudson is an english explorer whose men mutinied while searching for the northwest passage.

About Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was a English explorer who tried to find a short route from Europe to Asia via the Arctic Sea.

The name Henry Hudson is immortalized as the name of a river, strait and bay in North America.

British navigator had three expeditions with English and once with the Netherlands.

Hendry Hudson disappeared in Hudson Bay after the crew mutinied and chased him away.


Henry Hudson was born in England around 1565.

His life before becoming ship captain is unknown.

He is believed to have learned about the world of shipping directly from fishermen or sailors.

Having been able to become a ship commander in his 20s, he is thought to have had a talent for navigation beforehand.

Prior to 1607 and in command of one of his own ships, Hudson may have worked on another ship.

Reports indicated that he married a woman named Katherina and had three sons.

Learn more about Henry Hudson at


What was Jacksonian Democracy AND why were public servants widely perceived as being unqualified during this time?

please help me im making a 50


Jacksonian democracy was a 19th-century political philosophy in the U.S. that expanded suffrage to most white men over the age of 21 and restructured several federal institutions and public servants were widely perceived to be unqualified because the president rewarded political supporters with appointments to desirable positions.

What is the main idea of Jacksonian democracy?

Jacksonian democracy was a 19th-century political philosophy in the United States that expanded suffrage to most white men over the age of 21 and restructured a number of federal institutions. Originating with the seventh U.S. president, Andrew Jackson and his supporters, it became the nation's dominant political worldview for a generation. .

The term itself was in active use by the 1830s.

Learn more about democracy, here:


5. ap comparison (p. 363): compare the north american, french, haitian, and spanish american revolutions. what are the most significant similarities and differences?


Every revolution started as a result of widespread civil discontent. aimed to defend the revolution with educated argumentation.

They want a society that was more democratic and fair. The US realised that freedom was their first priority whereas the French wanted to create an ideal government. France, like the United States, thought that because of its huge population, a republic was not acceptable. The United States desired a republic. As a consequence, this provided more distinctiveness. Napoleon's invasion of Spain and Portugal led to the overthrow of Latin American rulers. The same progressive ideals that had previously spurred uprisings also served as the catalyst for revolutions in Latin America.

The bloody revolutions in France and Haiti taught Latin American elites that political change was dangerous and open to misuse. aimed to persuade the peasants by using the strength of the crowd. organisations were established in an effort to unify and organise the cause. They based their own revolution on the tenets of prior revolutions. For instance, the American revolution has occasionally been attempted to be copied by the French.

Learn more about north America at


in 1933, two days after he took office, president franklin roosevelt select one: a. took the country off the gold standard. b. ended prohibition. c. sent the national industrial recovery act to congress. d. presented to congress a relief plan for the unemployed. e. closed all banks for a short period


In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt closed all banks for a short period. So the correct option is E.

The Additional Deal featured measures to re-inflate the economy after prices had fallen precipitously as well as new restrictions and safeguards for the financial sector. During Franklin D.

Roosevelt's first term as president, the New Deal programmes included both legislation approved by Congress and executive orders.

The initiatives were centred on what historians regard to as the "3 R's": assistance for the poor and jobless, restoration of the economy to pre-recession levels, and banking sector reform to avoid another depression.

To know more about economy, click here:


an ancient greek philosopher and student of plato. he established a school in athens in 335 bce, and wrote many of his works there.


Aristotle was an ancient greek philosopher and student of plato. he established a school in athens in 335 bce, and wrote many of his works there.

He lived much of his life in Greece, where he attended Plato's Academy in Athens to study with the philosopher, after which he founded the Lyceum, a school of his own. More than 150 treatises on a variety of topics, including politics, ethics, natural philosophy, including physics and biology, have been written by Aristotle. Only about a third of Aristotle's original production has survived, and none of the exquisite treatises and dialogues he composed with the intention of publishing. Aristotle offered a sophisticated synthesis of the numerous pre-Aristotelian ideas. The West inherited its intellectual terminology, as well as issues and research methodologies, primarily from his teachings.

To know more about Aristotle:


What can you Infer about Daniel Shays from the rebellion

named after him?

A:He supported a strong national government

B:He worked in a factory

C:He fought for Britain in the Revolution

D:He was not a wealthy landowner


We can infer about Daniel Shays from the rebellion named after him that he was not a wealthy landowner.

Daniel Shays, a veteran of the American Revolution, organised an armed uprising in August 1786 in Springfield, Massachusetts, in opposition to what he believed to be the unfair economic policies and political corruption of the Massachusetts state assembly. Shays's Rebellion showed the limitations of the Articles of Confederation governance.

And it prompted calls for strengthening the federal authority to quell upcoming disturbances from many, including George Washington. The insurrection influenced the discussion about the general framework and authority of the US government, which ultimately led to the drafting of the US Constitution. It also rekindled the vocabulary of the American revolution.

The correct answer is option D.

Know more about Daniel Shays here


Daniel Shays was an American Revolutionary War captain and leader of an fortified rebellion against the Massachusetts state government in 1786 and 1787 and he supported a strong national government so Option A is correct.

The rebellion was named after him, and he's flashed back  for his  part in challenging the authority of the state government and  championing for the rights of the common people. He wasn't a  fat squatter, but rather was a  planter from  pastoral Massachusetts who had served with distinction in the Revolutionary War.

He'd a strong belief in the need for a strong  public government and was an advocate for the rights of the people, particularly the economically  underprivileged. He was seen as a leader of the movement and his  conduct were an important part of the American Revolution. He was  unprofitable in his rebellion, but his  conduct were an important part of the development of a strong American republic.

To know more about Revolutionary War visit:


How did the mongols deal with the customs and traditions of conquered peoples?


It is difficult to assess the overall impact of Mongol dominance over China. A kind of intellectual eremitism developed as a result of the suspension of literary examinations, the exclusion of Chinese from higher positions, and the dissatisfaction of the former ruling class of scholar-officials.

A class that was forbidden from participating in political matters continued to practice traditional Chinese literature and art. The fields of ritual and historiography were the only ones of the civil service in which the cooperation of educated Chinese was absolutely necessary. The majority of surviving inscriptions from the Mongol period are bilingual, and the Mongol language never completely replaced Chinese as the medium for historiography and official documents. Perhaps because the ruling minority was indifferent to or even unable to read what their subjects wrote in Chinese, Chinese literary life remained remarkably free. After 1280, Chinese writers expressed their nationalist, loyalist, and anti-Mongol sentiments quite openly, which is surprising. In terms of literature, the Mongol rule of China is also marked by a significant amount of popular novels and drama written in the vernacular. However, because it's hard to imagine a Mongol audience in front of a Chinese stage, this phenomenon has nothing to do with Mongol rule. It's possible that the merchant class's growing influence and prominence played a role. One of the few segments of the population that actually benefited from Mongol rule was the tradespeople and merchants.

To know more about Mongol visit


How did Napoleon's invasions affect Germany?​



He annexed lands along the Rhine River for France and dissolved the Holy Roman Empire by forcing the emperor of Austria to agree to the lesser title of king. He also organized a number of German states into the Rhine Confederation.


8. how did the great depression and its impact on women, african americans and other minority groups?


The  great depression impaced women, african americans and other minority groups because there was  hours and jobs cut, and they experienced the highest unemployment.

What effects did the Great Depression have on minorities, including African Americans?

African Americans suffered the most during the Great Depression, despite the fact that no group was exempt from its economic destruction. African Americans were the first to have their hours and jobs reduced, according to the adage "last hired, first fired," and they had the highest unemployment rate in the 1930s.

When they applied for jobs or aid at relief centers, they were occasionally intimidated. Some charity turned away hungry minorities, especially blacks in the South. As whites battled with minorities for employment that had historically been occupied by them, violence against minorities grew during the Great Depression.

Learn more about great depression at:


which trade kingdom stood out from the rest by practicing christianity


christian also u can look it up

William Shakespeare’s plays contributed to Renaissance culture by





William Shakespeare's plays contributed to Renaissance culture by creating complex characters

which day is celebrated as martin luther king jr. day?


We commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day every year on the third Monday in January and take time to consider the work that remains to be accomplished for racial equality.

Labor unions pushed the idea of Martin Luther King Jr. Day to be a holiday. Following King's passing, U.S. Representative John Conyers with U.S. Senator Edward Brooke sponsored legislation in Congress to declare King's birthday a public holiday. The bill was originally subjected to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1979, but it failed to receive the necessary five votes to pass. The inaugural New Year's Day celebration took place on January 20, 1986. Instead of being celebrated on Luther King Jr.'s actual birthday, it falls on the third Monday in January.

To know more about Martin Luther King Jr.:


Read the selections below from the sections "Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE)" and "Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)."
The organization developed and participated in various national campaigns of the civil rights movement, such as the March on Washington and the Freedom Rides.

The SCLC sponsored various programs, campaigns and marches. Among them were the Albany Movement in Georgia, the Selma Voting Rights March and the Birmingham Campaign in Alabama, and the citizenship schools established by Septima Clark.

Which option BEST describes how the sentences help develop a central idea of the article?

The sentences illustrate that civil rights organizations implemented multiple strategies to achieve their goals.
The sentences show that civil rights organizations started out with a national focus and then became more local in their focus.
The sentences show that civil rights organizations preferred to involve people in the civil rights movement through marches.
The sentences illustrate that the civil rights organizations were divided in terms of the interests of their members.


The option that  describes how the sentences help develop a central idea of the article is:  A. The sentences illustrate that civil rights organizations implemented multiple strategies to achieve their goals.

What are civil rights organizations?

The U.S. Constitution and federal legislation passed by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, provide and safeguard civil rights, which are individual freedoms. Legal discrimination is protected by civil rights.

In the context of programs to prevent or end discriminatory housing practices, the term "civil rights organizations" refers to non-profit organizations, institutions, and/or private entities with a history and primary mission of securing Federal civil rights protection for groups and individuals protected under the Act or substantially equivalent State or local laws.

Read more on civil rights here:


Look at the reference image. Do you think the cartoonist felt that things had improved for Black Americans after the Civil War? Cite two pieces of evidence from the cartoon in your answer.


Answer:In the title,things became worse for Black Americans because there was another group that hated Black people because of their skin which they were known as the Ku Klux Klan


Road to World War II
1. Why were both the U.S. government and the American people
against getting involved with World War 11? (See pg. 2 of WW II



isolationists believed that ww2 was a dispute between foreign national

In the early years of World War II, the U.S. government and a significant portion of the American public were initially against getting involved in the conflict.

Why were they against joining the war?

This was largely due to the strong isolationist sentiment that existed in the country after the First World War and the belief that the U.S. should avoid entangling alliances and stay out of foreign conflicts.

Additionally, many Americans saw the war as a European conflict and believed that it was not in the national interest to become involved.

However, as the war continued and the threat posed by the Axis powers became clearer, public opinion began to shift, and the U.S. eventually entered the conflict in 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Read more about WWII here:


Each U.S. president appoints his/her cabinet members, who are then
confirmed by the U.S. Senate.


Each U.S. president appoints his/her cabinet members, who are then

confirmed by the U.S. Senate.


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence about government institutions.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the _____ of many products.

The Presidential Youth Fitness Program is a government _____ program.

One government institution involved in promoting culture is _____.

_____ conserves resources for future generations.


safety, educational, the Smithsonian, The National Park Service.

how did martin Luther's (protestant reformation) childhood or education impact his views​


Reading the Bible was the foundation of the Reformation's educational program, which was designed to enlighten and bolster the faith of believers. All believers should serve as priests, according to its main tenet. Each Christian should spread the gospel in his unique style, and he should only consult the Bible for guidance.

Luther ranked the calling of the school teacher as being equal to that of the ministry of the priest. The pastor's labor is the only one that, in Luther's opinion, is more beautiful or meaningful than his, therefore if God decided to keep me from pastoral duties, I would happily take up the position of a school teacher.

The Reformers believed that the family should come first when it came to compulsory schooling. It was the parents' duty to raise their kids to be well-read Christians.

Schooling finished domestic education. Luther emphasized to the congregation in his sermons the importance of school attendance for children.

Learn more about Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation at

Mary and lerato in the same netball team in one season Lerato scored six more goals than Mary use ratios to compare the number of goals scored by Mary and lerato in each of the following situations lerato scored 42 goals Mary scored 18 goals​


Mary and lerato in the same netball team in one season Lerato scored six more goals than Mary use ratios . Mary scored 36 goals and Lerato scored 24 goals .

A. It can be seen from the title that the ratio of the number of goals scored  by Mary and Lerato is n/ n+6

= =   = n = 36

So Mary scored 36 goals.

B.  =  = 18/24

So Lerato scored 24 goals

The Ratio Formula: What Is It?

The ratio is the relationship that exists between the quantities of two or more things, showing how much of one thing is in the other. The ratio formula can be used to represent a ratio as a fraction. For any two quantities, such as a and b, the ratio formula is as follows: a: b = a/b.

Why is ratio so significant?

The relationship between two or more financial statement components is measured by ratios. When results from different periods are compared, they work best. You can track your company's performance over time and find warning signs with this.

Learn more about ratio:


Thus the complete question is :

Mary and Lerato are in the same netball team. in one season Lerato scored 6 goals than Mary.use ratios to compare the number of goals scored by Mary and Lerato in each following situations

a)Lerato scored 42 goals

b) Mary scored 18 goals.

What did slave owners not want slaves to
A. law
B. Bible


Answer: consitution


hope it helped! (Brainlyiest maybe??

Explain how each of the
following factors helped to
bring about opposition to
British rule by 1857.
A. Political
B. Religious and Social
C. Economic
D. Military


The British policy of territorial annexation resulted in the displacement of many rulers and chiefs.

What factors contributed to the growing opposition to British rule?

Class conflicts, low wages for factory workers, high pay taxes, discrimination, and a lack of job opportunities for Indians all contributed to growing opposition to British rule.

Political, because the British never gave Indians the opportunity to represent themselves in political life or activities.Religious as well as social. was a source of contention because Britishers never valued Indian cultural people.They always used to exploit Indian materials, which means they never used to give proper product exchange.They also forced people to join the military (slavery) without pay or benefits.

Therefore, Britishers never gave chance to Indians to represent themselves in political life or activities.

Learn more about British rule from the given link.


Which epics were written by Homer?

The Odyssey



The lliad and The Odyssey


i know he wrote those two. Aeneid is a poem by Virgil. Metamorphosis is a poem by Ovid. Theology is the study of religion.

Many Americans in the 1920’s began playing the stock market. Some getting rich over a very short period of time. This increased other individuals to play and invest. Many investors began playing the stock market with the option of borrowing on margin. Explain what it is?


When an investor purchases an asset on margin, they borrow the remaining amount from a bank or broker.

What is buying on margin?

The first payment made to the broker for the asset—for instance, 10% down and 90% financed—is referred to as buying on margin. The marginable securities in the investor's broker account serve as collateral.

When buying stocks on margin, you borrow money from a broker. With a margin account, investors can enhance their financial leverage by using other people's money to increase their purchasing power. Compared to traditional trading, margin trading has a higher potential for profit but also higher potential hazards.

Learn more about buying on margin here:

what tone does roosevelt take in his address to the nation, and why do you think he has taken this tone?


President Roosevelt’s primary tone in his Pearl Harbor Address is a straightforward one, although it does shift to a more solemn tone as the speech progresses.

Roosevelt establishes this direct tone almost immediately and carries this overarching tone for a large portion of his speech.

In the opening sentence, “the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan,”


ROOSEVELTFranklin D. Roosevelt was the cousin of the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.

While Theodore encouraged young people to contribute to the public, Franklin D. Roosevelt was interested in getting involved in politics. Coincidentally, in 1910, Roosevelt received an offer from the leader of the Democratic Party of Dutchess, New York, to register as Senator of New York.

Roosevelt was confused, because Theodore came from the Republican Party, his opponent was the Democratic Party. However, Theodore didn't mind that, and encouraged Roosevelt to try registering. Finally, Roosevelt signed up to become a New York Senator and passed.

At the age of 39, Roosevelt contracted polio. He vacuumed from politics and focused on recovery.

Roosevelt was hopeless to do politics again. However, his wife and those around him always encouraged Roosevelt to remain active in politics. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the people around and efforts to recover, Roosevelt was finally able to stand up again and appeared to the public in 1924.

Learn more about President Roosevelt at


when was the kansas nebraska act published?


Answer: the Kansas Nebraska act was published on May 30,1854


Which of the reasons to network is most important for recent culinary program graduates?
A. Developing friendships that may lead to business referrals

B. Learning best practices from experienced professionals

C. Recommending extensive contacts that can help others

D. Sharing their favorite recipes and stories from their program


The answer is C love

the washington conference of 1921 select one: a. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. b. saw the harding administration refuse to participate in it. c. sought to expand the global markets of the united states. d. ended as a diplomatic failure for the united states. e. attempted to create a world court.



 a. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.


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