Bill Gates used his skills and brains to build a business. In conclusion, Bill Gates was very successful with his industry thanks to free enterprise. He, along with his employees and friends, created and almost perfected the software known as Microsoft. The free enterprise system provides the right to private enterprise, which allowed him to choose his own business and to run it without governmental influence. Because he could create his own business and design his own products, Gates was able to specialize in technology.
Find the quotient. 2.5 ÷ 5
you just divide 2.5 by 5
2.5 divided by 5 = 0.5
How do we store value in a variable? Give an example
How do we use the value in variable? Give an example
im not smart
Why Artificial intelligence is a risk to a human being ?
please answer fast
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence or logical reasoning exhibited by artificial devices, as opposed to natural intelligence exhibited by humans and animals.
The main threat that artificial intelligence poses to humans is not, as many fantasize, the possibility of a future apocalyptic scenario; but the very limitation that artificial intelligence makes to human intelligence: each time the human atrophies his capacities more, since he relies on artificial intelligence processes instead of using his own. A clear example is the GPS, where the human no longer has to exercise his memory to know a path, but simply depends on what the map tells him in his car.
In your opinion which of the following is the most convenient way to create a bootable USB flash drive? Why?
Plug the USB drive into your computer’s USB port.
Search for the “cmd” application in the Windows start menu, right-click on the item, and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu. This opens a small window with white text on a black background.
Type the command “diskpart” and confirm your input with the enter key (you’ll also do this after every other entered command). This starts the storage device manager.
Enter the command “list disk” to display all available storage devices.
You can recognize your USB by its storage capacity, and it’s usually listed as “disk 1”. In the system partition, “disk 0” is usually your PC, so a hard drive or solid state drive in your computer.
Based on the assumption that your USB has the label “disk 1”, enter the command “sel disk 1” to select it (or the corresponding “disk 2”, etc.).
Enter then command “clean” to delete all files from the USB.
Enter the command “create partition primary” to create a main partition.
Enter the command “list par” and select the newly created main partition with “sel par 1”.
Activate the partition with the command “active”.
Format the USB with the command “format fs=FAT32 label=“WINDOWSUSB” quick override” (in place of “WINDOWS USB” you can also choose another label, so long as it doesn’t contain any spaces or special characters. The drive will later be displayed under this name if you plug into a running Windows computer). Formatting may take a while. You can track its progress in the percentage bar.
As soon as the process is finished, enter the command “assign” to automatically assign a drive letter (for example “G:”) to your USB.
Enter “exit” to close DiskPart, and then “exit” again to close the command prompt
Which set of symbols encloses an if-then code block? Choose the best answer.
straight brackets []
curly brackets {}
backslashes \\
vertical bars ||
Here's some code that might help, assuming that you are using JavaScript.
e = "Hello"
if(e === "Hello"){
I think that the answer is curly brackets.