How did the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II (a Hapsburg) pay his army?


Answer 1


He would allow them to steal and to plunder across the territories of the Holy Roman, where he ruled.


Ferdinand II was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years War. He was engaged in one of the greatest wars that spread across his country and wasn't able to always collect as many troops as needed. That is why quite often mercenaries were a part of his army. The ruthless methods that were used to pay his army were one of the problems that he had with his subjects.

Related Questions




This year initiates the commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War.  This is an occasion for serious reflection on a war that killed some 600,000 of our citizens and left many hundreds of thousands emotionally and physically scarred.  Translated into today’s terms – our country is ten times more populous than it was then -- the dead would number some 6 million, with tens of millions more wounded, maimed, and psychologically damaged.  The price was indeed catastrophic.

As a Southerner with ancestors who fought for the Confederacy, I have been intrigued with the question of why my ancestors felt compelled to leave the United States and set up their own country.  What brought the American experiment to that extreme juncture?

The short answer, of course, is Abraham Lincoln’s election as president of the United States.  What concerned Southerners most about Lincoln’s election was his opposition to the expansion of slavery into the territories; Southern politicians were clear about that.  If new states could not be slave states, went the argument, then it was only a matter of time before the South’s clout in Congress would fade, abolitionists would be ascendant, and the South’s “peculiar institution” – the right to own human beings as property – would be in peril.

It is easy to understand why slave owners would be concerned about the threat, real or imagined, that Lincoln posed to slavery.  But what about those Southerners who did not own slaves?  Why would they risk their livelihoods by leaving the United States and pledging allegiance to a new nation grounded in the proposition that all men are not created equal, a nation established to preserve a type of property that they did not own?

In order to find an answer to this question, please travel back with me to the South of 1860.  Let’s put ourselves into the skin of Southerners who lived there then.  That’s what being an historian is about: putting yourself into the minds of people who lived in another time to understand things from their perspective, from their point of view.  Let’s set aside what people said and wrote later, after the dust had settled. Let’s wipe the historic slate clean and visit the South of 150 years ago through the documents that survive from that time.  What were Southerners saying to other Southerners about why they had to secede?

There is, of course, a historical backdrop that formed the foundation of experience for Southerners in 1860.  More than 4 million enslaved human beings lived in the south, and they touched every aspect of the region’s social, political, and economic life.  Slaves did not just work on plantations.  In cities such as Charleston, they cleaned the streets, toiled as bricklayers, carpenters, blacksmiths, bakers, and laborers.  They worked as dockhands and stevedores, grew and sold produce, purchased goods and carted them back to their masters’ homes where they cooked the meals, cleaned, raised the children, and tended to the daily chores.  “Charleston looks more like a Negro country than a country settled by white people,” a visitor remarked.

Fear of a slave rebellion was palpable.  The establishment of a black republic in Haiti and the insurrections, threatened and real, of Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner stoked the fires.  John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry sent shock waves through the south.  Throughout the decades leading up to 1860, slavery was a burning national issue, and political battles raged over the admission of new states as slave or free.  Compromises were struck – the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850 – but the controversy could not be laid to rest.

The South felt increasingly beleaguered as the North increased its criticism of slavery.  Abolitionist societies sprang up, Northern publications demanded the immediate end of slavery, politicians waxed shrill about the immorality of human bondage, and overseas, the British parliament terminated slavery in the British West Indies.  A prominent historian accurately noted that “by the late 1850’s most white Southerners viewed themselves as prisoners in their own country, condemned by what they saw as a hysterical abolition movement.”

As Southerners became increasingly isolated, they reacted by becoming more strident in defending slavery.  The institution was not just a necessary evil: it was a positive good, a practical and moral necessity.  Controlling the slave population was a matter of concern for all Whites, whether they owned slaves or not.  Curfews governed the movement of slaves at night, and vigilante committees patrolled the roads, dispensing summary justice to wayward slaves and whites suspected of harboring abolitionist views.  Laws were passed against the dissemination of abolitionist literature, and the South increasingly resembled a police state.  A prominent Charleston lawyer described the city’s citizens as living under a “reign of terror.”



When Europeans first colonized the North American continent, the land was vast, the work was harsh, and there was a severe shortage of labor. White bond servants, paying their passage across the ocean from Europe through indentured labor, eased but did not solve the problem. Tensions between settlers and former indentured servants increased the pressure to find a new labor source.  Early in the seventeenth century, a Dutch ship loaded with African slaves introduced a solution—and yet paradoxically a new problem—to the New World. Slaves proved to be economical on large farms where labor-intensive cash crops, such as tobacco, sugar and rice, could be grown.

By the end of the American Revolution, slavery became largely unprofitable in the North and was slowly dying out. Even in the South the institution was becoming less useful to farmers as tobacco prices fluctuated and began to drop. Due to the decline of the tobacco market in the 1760s and 1770s many farmers switched from producing tobacco to wheat, which required less labor leading to surplus of slaves. However, in 1793 northerner Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin; this device made it possible for textile mills to use the type of cotton most easily grown in the lower South. The invention of the cotton gin brought about a robust internal slave trade. As the lower South became more established in cotton production the region required more slave labor, which they received from upper South slaveowners looking to offload their surplus of slaves. In 1808, the United States banned the international slave trade (the importation of slaves),  which only increased the demand for domestically traded slaves. In the upper South the most profitable cash crop was not was not an agricultural product but the sale of human lives.  Although some southerners owned no slaves at all, by 1860 the South’s “peculiar institution” was inextricably tied to the region’s economy and society.

Anti-slavery proponents organized the Underground Railroad to help slaves escape north to freedom. Although fictionalized, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 immensely popular novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin opened northerner’s eyes to some of the horrors of slavery and refuted the southern myth that blacks were happy as slaves. In reality, treatment of slaves ranged from mild and paternalistic to cruel and sadistic. Husbands, wives, and children were frequently sold away from one another and punishment by whipping was not unusual. In 1857 the United States Supreme Court in the decision Dred Scott v. Sandford ruled that all blacks, whether free or enslaved, lacked the rights to citizenship and thus could not sue in federal court. The Supreme Court took their decision a step further by deeming that Congress had in fact exceeded its authority in the earlier Missouri Compromise because it had no power to forbid or abolish slavery in the territories. The Supreme Court also ruled that popular sovereignty, where new territories could vote on entering the union as a free or slave state, lacked constitutional legitimacy. Thus, slaves had no legal means of protesting their treatment. Due to the Dred Scott decision, John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, and other earlier slave uprisings, Southerners feared servile insurrection above all else but this was rare. Instead as a form of resistance slaves would pretend illness, organize slowdowns, sabotage farm machinery, and sometimes commit arson or murder. Running away for short periods of time was common.The outbreak of the Civil War forever changed the future of the American nation and perhaps most notably the future of Americans held in bondage. The war began as a struggle to preserve the Union, not a struggle to free the slaves but as the war dragged on it became increasingly clear to President Abraham Lincoln the best way to force the seceded states into submission was to undermine their labor supply and economic engine which was sustaining the south—slavery. Many slaves escaped to the North in the early years of the war, and several Union generals established contraband policies in the southern land that they conquered.  Congress passed laws permitting the seizure of slaves from rebellious southerners as the rules of war allow for the seizure of property and the United States considered slaves property. On September 22, 1862, following the strategic Union victory at Antietam, President Abraham Lincoln presented the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.


hope this helped =)

Which of the following is NOT true about Galileo?


Is there a picture of maybe a multiple choice ?


If there is a picture, You can take a photo and post it by pressing the paper clip icon.


What are three phrases that show America’s ability to fight Britain?



Because of their inability to control the countryside, the British found it difficult to ... Britain was unable to concentrate its military forces in the American colonies. ... The worthlessness of Continental currency inspired the phrase, "not worth a ...

Explanation: The British Army had 50,000 soldiers, reinforced by 30,000 Hessian ... Why did the Declaration of Independence increase Americans' motivation to fight and win the ... Because they have more experienced players, the Red team is almost able to steal the Blue ...


What was two things to United States did to get out of the war in 1812


Answer: The Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America is signed by British and American representatives at Ghent, Belgium, ending the War of 1812. By terms of the treaty, all conquered territory was to be returned, and commissions were planned to settle the boundary of the United States and Canada.

In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British support of hostile Indian tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. A faction of Congress, made up mostly of western and southern congressmen, had been advocating the declaration of war for several years. These “War Hawks,” as they were known, hoped that war with Britain, which was preoccupied with its struggle against Napoleonic France, would result in U.S. territorial gains in Canada and British-protected Florida.

In the months following the U.S. declaration of war, American forces launched a three-point invasion of Canada, all of which were repulsed. At sea, however, the United States was more successful, and the USS Constitution and other American frigates won a series of victories over British warships. In 1813, American forces won several key victories in the Great Lakes region, but Britain regained control of the sea and blockaded the eastern seaboard.

In 1814, with the downfall of Napoleon, the British were able to allocate more military resources to the American war, and Washington, D.C., fell to the British in August. In Washington, British troops burned the White House, the Capitol, and other buildings in retaliation for the earlier burning of government buildings in Canada by U.S. soldiers. The British soon retreated, however, and Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor withstood a massive British bombardment and inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

On September 11, 1814, the tide of the war turned when Thomas Macdonough’s American naval force won a decisive victory at the Battle of Plattsburg Bay on Lake Champlain. A large British army under Sir George Prevost was thus forced to abandon its invasion of the U.S. northeast and retreat to Canada. The American victory on Lake Champlain led to the conclusion of U.S.-British peace negotiations in Belgium, and on December 24, 1814, the Treaty of Ghent was signed, ending the war. Although the treaty said nothing about two of the key issues that started the war–the rights of neutral U.S. vessels and the impressment of U.S. sailors–it did open up the Great Lakes region to American expansion and was hailed as a diplomatic victory in the United States.

News of the treaty took almost two months to cross the Atlantic, and British forces were not informed of the end of hostilities in time to end their drive against the mouth of the Mississippi River. On January 8, 1815, a large British army attacked New Orleans and was decimated by an inferior American force under General Andrew Jackson in the most spectacular U.S. victory of the war. The American public heard of the Battle of New Orleans and the Treaty of Ghent at approximately the same time, fostering a greater sentiment of self-confidence and shared identity throughout the young republic.

Explanation: hope this helps u

Part 1 and 2 will give 30 points

1. Which characteristic of rule of law requires government actions to be open to the public?

Consistent application
Enforcement of the law
Accountability to the law
Transparency of institutions

2. Which characteristic of rule of law requires all people to be treated the same by the government and legal system?

Consistent application
Fair procedures
Accountability to the law
Transparency of institutions


Answer 1:

D. Transparency of institutions

Explanation 1:

The idea of "transparency" is vital when talking about the rule of law. For law to be applied fairly, and the government to fulfill its duties, the people need to be informed about the way in which institutions operate. This is called transparency, and it is essential in order to ensure that institutions operate in the way they are intended to and the government responds appropriately to the citizens' needs.

Answer 2:

A. Consistent application

Explanation 2:

With the application of consistency they would be required to treat everyone the same.

Please mark me the brainliest answer if this helped (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


1. Transparency of institutions

2. Consistent application


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Plan called for a unicameral legislature.
Plan suggested a bicameral
legislature with population determining the number of members per state in both houses of government. In the end,
the delegates adopted
Plan. Then they revised it further.



1. The New Jersey

2. The Virginia

3. The Virginia


Hope this helps! :)


the answer is in the picture


Do fires affect the BIOTIC factors in an ecosystem? Give an example.

Do fires affect the ABIOTIC factors in an ecosystem? Give an example.

In what ways are fires helpful to an ecosystem?




Yes it affects animals and plants

Yes it affects the air which is abiotic and the soil.

It helps room for cultivation and little to no irrigation.


When is it necessary to react quickly versus stop to think through a situation


Answer: When there are fists being thrown, a fire happening, saving someones life, something that needs to be solved right then and there. Times when you need to think through a situation is when someone, or even you, are held at gun point, when you are dealing with chemicals, etc.

What divided the federalist and hurt John Adams chance for reelection



The Treaty Of France


Quizlet (website)

StudyShack (website)


One reason on why John Adams reputation was hurt was due to making an alliance with an old enemy France. France has caused a war to the USA, however France and John Adams wanted to negotiate terms in the Treaty of France.


the treaty of france



What document makes sure that the government protects the right for people to
express themselves?



The highest law in our land is the U.S. Constitution, which has some amendments, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees that the government can never deprive people in the U.S. of certain fundamental rights including the right to freedom of religion and to free speech and the due process of law.


what is the type of trial system that we have here in the United States


Answer: The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system.



the first one of my opinion is the one I got a lot more people will be able than I am and they dont me


ccx has been a major asset for many times in a long term and 5 year 5AM and is 5AM 5AM in a way to feed him and to

What does a national identity include? Check all that apply.

a shared history and heritage
a sense of belonging to the global community
commonly held customs and traditions
a sense of pride in one’s neighborhood
a respect for certain ideals and practices
a dominant language spoken by most people


Answer: a sense of pride in one’s neighborhood



A)a shared history and heritage

C)commonly held customs and traditions

E)a respect for certain ideals and practices

F)a dominant language spoken by most people

Explanation: I hope this helps :)

I’ll give brainlist also c is wrong

A prominent Georgian who came up with the term "New South” was

Henry Grady.
John Gordon.
Booker T. Washington.
John Pemberton.



I believe it's Henry Grady but not certain

i agree with Henry Grady

Which of the following explains the difference between the information
presented in "Berlin Hosts the Olympics of 1936" and "The Politics of the 1936
Summer Olympics"?



Differences are given below.


"Berlin Hosts the Olympics of 1936": Nazi Germany used the 1936 Olympic Games for purpose of propaganda. The Nazi's presented an image of a new, strong, and united Germany but this image is not true, this games should be held to masking the regime which targets the Jews and Roma as well as Germany's growing militarism.

"The Politics of the 1936  Summer Olympics": The 1936 Olympics were held in a tense atmosphere because he Nazi Party had risen to power in the year 1933, after two years, Berlin was awarded the Games, and because of its racist policies led to international debate about a boycott of the Olympic Games.

Which of the following types of government is most likely to have a written constitution that can be amended? A. democracy B.monarchy C.dictatorship D. socialist republic



A. democracy


Pls help fast.pls pls pls pls pls



first amendment


The first , c is correct

What functions did Egypt's bureacracy perform for the pharaoh? PLS FAST​


He controlled and coordinated Egypt's internal administration such as law and order. He could not create new laws but he had the power to enforce them upon the people in the region. The vizier directed and administrated the country.

Which branch of tho US, government has the power to review the laws and explain what they
o legislativo



i think u mean mean not moan but



it should be judical

How did Burr act towards Hamilton immediately following the duel?



he didn't


he killed hamilton

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
The Confederate Constitution made it illegal to free a slave in the South.
Texas joined the Confederate States of America and seceded from the Union.
Elected officials in Texas were required to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy after Texas seceded.
After Lincoln was elected President, new territories that originally wanted to join the Union joined the Confederacy instead.

I know the answer and since I can't answer my own question I'm writing it up here.

The answer is - D



Dude they already said it was D not a don’t pick a its wrong





Which of the following statements summarizes the
argument made in Antifederalist Paper 67?



The constitution creates an executive with too much power


What regions of the United States did the American System help?*
North and West



So I want to say that is Noth and West


Southern cotton planters opposed the high tariffs of the American System. They claimed that the tariff unfairly favored the interests of northern manufacturers. Clay's counterargument was that the South should support the North's growth because the North provided a market for their cotton

Which phrase best completes this diagram on the effect of a Supreme Court
ruling under John Marshall?
Marbury v. Madison
i’m taking the test rn lol





"The U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. The unanimous opinion was written by Chief Justice John Marshall."- (Library of Congress)


Explanation: D took test!

After the Civil War, many Freedmen worked as farmers by leasing land from white plantation owners, then paying for the land and use of tools with most of the crops they raised. In other words, the Freedmen became _________________________. (fill in the blank) share croppers share croppers slaves again slaves again powerful powerful rich



Share croppers


After the Civil War, many Freedmen worked as farmers by leasing land from white plantation owners, then paying for the land and use of tools with most of the crops they raised. In other words, the Freedmen became Sharecroppers .

Sharecroppers were also made to obey rules which prevented them from selling their produce to other people and encouraged the sale mainly to their landlords.

Did the fall of Rome happen in the 500’s?



No rome fell in 395 A.D





Rome did not fall in the 500s

Which of the following affected the distribution of Jews
throughout the world? (4 points)
Russian Revolution

O Great Migration

O Partition of India

O Independence of German Republic

O Holocaust


The Holocaust, because they moved throughout the world to escape from the Nazis.


The Holocaust


why did many germans go along with the extreme measures?

A; they were not government officials

B; they didn't care

C; they provided order and ecurity



I think (b) they don't care


because their aim is only to claim

..They don’t care

Who settled the American West?
American Indians
Fur Traders



Pioneers settled the American West


I hope it helps ❣❣❣❣❣❣

The American West was settled primarily by pioneers, who were early European-American settlers and migrants from various parts of the United States. Thus, Option (A) is correct.

The pioneers embarked on westward migrations from various parts of the United States, seeking new opportunities, land, and resources. They played a crucial role in the westward expansion and development of the Western frontier, establishing towns, farms, and industries in previously unsettled territories.

The lure of free land through government policies like the Homestead Act, the discovery of valuable resources like gold and silver, and the prospect of better economic opportunities drove many pioneers to venture westward. Their settlements paved the way for the growth and transformation of the American West.

Thus, Option (A) i.e. Pioneers were the primary group of people who settled in the American West during the 19th century.

Learn more about the Pioneers here:


Who settled the American West?


B)American Indians

C)Fur Traders

what impact did the silk road have on society under the tang dynasty?
A) wealthy landowners began to amass large estates
B) Greek and Roman languages became dominant in southwest Asia
C) it allowed for the exchange of technological and religious ideas in Asia
D) The number of monarchies decreased and democracies is increased



I'm pretty sure the answer is C.

What is a detailed definition of Treaty of Versailles?



Treaty of Versailles, peace document signed at the end of World War I by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, France, on June 28, 1919; it took force on January 10, 1920.



The Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I, codified peace terms between the victorious Allies and Germany.


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