how do craters differ from calderas? how do craters differ from calderas? calderas are always composed of mafic material, whereas craters are always composed of felsic material. calderas form as a result of the summits of volcanoes collapsing, whereas craters only form in the tops of explosive volcanoes. calderas, which have diameters of 1 km or more, are much larger than craters. they result when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are much smaller than craters, which have diameters of 1 km or more. craters form when the summit of the volcano collapses into the magma chamber. calderas are always composed of felsic material, whereas craters are always composed of mafic material.


Answer 1

Craters and calderas are both geological features related to volcanic activity, but they differ in several ways. Calderas are generally larger, with diameters of 1 km or more, while craters are smaller. Calderas form as a result of the summit of a volcano collapsing into the magma chamber, whereas craters typically form on the tops of explosive volcanoes

Craters and calderas are geological features that are formed by volcanic activity. Craters are bowl-shaped depressions that form at the summit of a volcano when it erupts and blasts out a vent or a crater lake. Calderas are larger and more complex features that form when the summit of a volcano collapses following a massive eruption or when magma is withdrawn from beneath the surface. Calderas can be several kilometers wide and may contain a central depression, known as a resurgent dome, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Both craters and calderas can have significant effects on the surrounding environment, including releasing volcanic gases, ash, and lava flows.

Learn more about Craters and calderas here:


Related Questions

The rubbing of the North American Plate against the Pacific Plate causes ____________________ along the Pacific Coast of North America.
The Rocky Mountians
Melted Glaciers


The rubbing of the North American Plate against the Pacific Plate causes earthquakes along the Pacific Coast of North America.

The North American Plate and the Pacific Plate are two tectonic plates that meet at a boundary called the Pacific Plate Boundary. This boundary extends along the western coast of North America, from Alaska down to California. The two plates are moving in different directions, with the Pacific Plate moving northwest and the North American Plate moving southwest. As a result, the North American Plate is being pushed against the Pacific Plate, causing a buildup of stress and tension at the boundary. Eventually, this stress is released in the form of earthquakes, as the plates suddenly slip past each other. The Pacific Coast of North America is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes because it lies along this plate boundary, and the region has experienced some of the most significant earthquakes in history, such as the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1964 Alaska earthquake. Earthquakes along the Pacific Coast can be very destructive, causing damage to buildings and infrastructure, and posing a significant threat to human safety.

Learn more about tectonic plates:


The rubbing of the North American Plate against the Pacific Plate causes Earthquakes along the Pacific Coast of North America.

The rubbing of the North American Plate against the Pacific Plate is a result of plate tectonics, and it is responsible for causing a number of geologic events along the Pacific Coast of North America. The most notable of these events are earthquakes, which are the result of the two plates grinding against each other.

This movement also causes the melting of glaciers, as the friction creates heat which melts the ice. The strain of the plates pushing against each other is also responsible for the formation of the Rocky Mountains, which are caused by the uplift of the plates. This same force can also cause volcanoes to form, as molten rock is forced up from the mantle. In all, the rubbing of the two plates has had a major effect on the geology of the region, and it continues to shape the landscape even today.

Know more about Plate tectonics here


when ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a: question 9 options: darker color. decreased density. higher salinity. higher temperature. lower temperature.


When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a higher salinity. So, the correct answer is higher salinity. This is because as the ice forms, it excludes the salt ions, leaving behind a more concentrated solution of seawater.

The process of freezing seawater actually causes the salt ions to become more concentrated in the remaining liquid, which means that the salinity of the seawater will increase. This process is known as "brine rejection." In addition to the increased salinity, the temperature of the remaining seawater may also decrease. This is because the process of freezing requires energy, and that energy is taken from the surrounding seawater. As a result, the seawater in the immediate vicinity of the ice may become slightly cooler.

However, this temperature change is typically only temporary and localized, as the ocean is a large body of water with a high heat capacity. It's worth noting that the color of the seawater is unlikely to change significantly as a result of ice formation. However, in areas where the ice cover is thick enough to block sunlight from penetrating the water, the seawater beneath the ice may appear darker due to reduced light levels. Overall, the primary impact of ice formation on seawater is an increase in salinity. So, the correct answer is higher salinity.

For more such questions on seawater


When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a higher salinity.When seawater freezes, the salt and other dissolved minerals in the water are excluded from the forming ice crystals,

resulting in a higher concentration of salt in the remaining seawater. As a result, the remaining seawater becomes denser, with a higher salinity and a lower temperature.This process is important for the ocean's thermohaline circulation, which is driven by differences in temperature and salinity. The denser, saltier water sinks and flows towards the poles, while the less dense, fresher water moves towards the equator. This movement helps to redistribute heat around the globe, playing a key role in regulating the Earth's climate.In terms of color, the remaining seawater may appear darker due to the absence of ice, which reflects sunlight and makes the surface appear brighter. The remaining seawater may also have a slightly lower temperature due to the loss of heat during the freezing process, but this will depend on various factors such as the initial temperature of the seawater and the ambient air temperature.

learn more about salt  here:


if you examine the information in the pop-up window for each of these cities, what is different about the cities that could explain difference in average temperature?


The information in the pop-up window for each of these cities may reveal various factors that could explain the difference in average temperature.

For instance, factors such as latitude, altitude, proximity to water bodies, prevailing winds, urbanization, and vegetation cover can all impact the temperature of a city. Therefore, it is essential to examine these variables to understand why some cities may be hotter or cooler than others. By analyzing the information, we may find that cities located near the equator tend to be hotter due to their proximity to the sun's rays, while cities situated at higher altitudes experience cooler temperatures due to the decrease in air pressure. Similarly, cities situated near large water bodies may experience milder temperatures due to the moderating effect of the water, while cities with extensive urbanization and little vegetation cover may experience the urban heat island effect, resulting in higher temperatures.

Learn more about water bodies here


(q003) porosity decreases group of answer choices as sedimentary rock weathers. with decreasing compaction of sediments or rock. when rocks develop joints or faults. with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater.


Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. This process reduces the spaces between sediment particles, leading to lower porosity in the sedimentary rock.

Porosity is a measure of how much empty space there is within a rock or sediment. As sedimentary rock weathers, its porosity typically decreases. This can happen for several reasons. One reason is the decreasing compaction of sediments or rock. Over time, the weight of overlying sediment or rock can compress the sediments beneath it, reducing the amount of empty space within the rock. Another reason is when rocks develop joints or faults. These cracks in the rock can allow water to flow through and carry away small particles, reducing the porosity. Finally, porosity can decrease with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As mineral grains precipitate out of the groundwater, they fill in the empty spaces between sediment particles, reducing porosity.

Learn more about rock here:


Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As the minerals cement the sediment particles together, the spaces between the particles are reduced, leading to a decrease in porosity. This process is known as cementation and is a common process in the formation of sedimentary rocks.

Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. This process reduces the spaces between sediment particles, resulting in a decrease in porosity.The porosity of sedimentary rock refers to the volume of open spaces or voids within the rock that can hold fluids such as water, oil, or gas. As sedimentary rock weathers, its porosity can decrease due to a number of factors. One of the main reasons for decreased porosity is the compaction of sediments or rock over time, which reduces the amount of open space between grains. This can occur through natural processes such as the weight of overlying sediment or from tectonic forces. Another reason for decreased porosity is the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As water flows through sedimentary rock, it can deposit minerals such as quartz, calcite, or iron oxide that bind sediment grains together and reduce the volume of open space. Additionally, when rocks develop joints or faults, they can undergo physical deformation that decreases the porosity by reducing the volume of open space.Overall, the decrease in porosity of sedimentary rock can have important implications for the movement of fluids through rock, including groundwater, oil, and gas. Understanding the factors that affect porosity is therefore essential for many fields, including geology, hydrology, and resource exploration.

To learn more about cementing  click on the link below:


which water source may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system? select one: a. ground reservoirs b. private water storage tanks c. cisterns d. swimming pools


The water source that may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system is: c. cisterns.

The water source that may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system is C. Cisterns. Cisterns are containers designed for storing water, which can be placed underground or above ground, and are commonly used to collect rainwater for later use. In some jurisdictions, cisterns may be placed in strategic locations as a backup water supply system, especially in areas prone to droughts or water shortages. Ground reservoirs, private water storage tanks, and swimming pools may also be used for storing water, but they are typically not used as backup water supply systems in suburban or urban areas.

Learn more about  reservoirs here:


which type of city model contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from center city along the main boulevard?


The type of city model that contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from the center city along the main boulevard is the Sector Model, also known as the Hoyt Model.

The type of city model that contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from center city along the main boulevard is known as the "spine and node" model. This model is characterized by a central business district or "node" at the center of the city, with residential areas radiating outward along major transportation corridors, typically along a main boulevard or "spine." This type of model is often found in cities that have experienced rapid growth and urbanization, and is designed to accommodate large numbers of residents while maintaining efficient transportation and infrastructure.

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The type of city model that contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from center city along the main boulevard is known as the "spine and loop" model. This model typically features a central business district surrounded by a loop highway, with a residential spine branching out from the loop along the main boulevard. The spine is characterized by residential development, while commercial and industrial activities are typically located within the loop.

The type of city model that contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from the center city along the main boulevard is known as the "spine-and-loop" model. This model is also referred to as the "radial-circumferential" model and is commonly observed in many American cities developed during the early 20th century.The spine-and-loop model features a central business district at the heart of the city, surrounded by a radial network of main boulevards or avenues. Along each of these major thoroughfares, a residential spine develops, with rows of residential buildings extending outwards from the center city. The residential spines are then connected by looped streets, which provide access to the neighborhoods between the spines.The spine-and-loop model has several advantages, including a high level of accessibility, as well as the potential for commercial and residential growth along the main thoroughfares. Additionally, the model allows for easy navigation and efficient transportation, as well as a sense of community within each neighborhood. However, the model can also be criticized for promoting urban sprawl and car-dependent lifestyles, as well as limiting pedestrian and bicycle access.Overall, the spine-and-loop model remains a significant example of urban planning and design, and it continues to influence the development of cities around the world. The type of city model that contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from the center city along the main boulevard is the Sector Model, also known as the Hoyt Model.

To learn more about  residential click on the link below:


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The answers are given as follows:

Environmental Concerns tends to decrease demand for coalAgricultural Output  tends to increase demand for coal

What is the explanation for the above response?

Environmental concerns can decrease demand for coal because there is a growing awareness of the negative impact of burning fossil fuels on the environment.

As a result, industries and individuals are seeking alternative sources of energy that are more sustainable and eco-friendly.

On the other hand, agricultural output tends to increase demand for coal as it is often used to power machinery and equipment for farming and harvesting crops. The demand for coal as a power source in agriculture can increase as the need for food production grows, especially in developing countries where agriculture is a vital industry.

Learn more about coal at:


Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because a. the Moon is heavily cratered. b. all the craters on the Moon are old. c. the smooth part of the Moon is nearly as old as the heavily cratered part. d. all the craters on the Moon are young.


Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because the Moon is heavily cratered.

A is the correct answer.

Failed planets and smaller asteroids crashed into larger worlds between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago, leaving scars on their surfaces. Impacts in the solar system may have increased near the end of the conflict, during a time known as the Late Heavy Bombardment.

The large planets were responsible for the Late Heavy Bombardment because as they moved about, circling closer and further from the sun, they pushed many asteroids and other smaller solar system objects with them.

Strong evidence for a period of intense bombardment can be found in the age distribution of meteors observed on Earth, major impacts on the terrestrial planets and our Moon, clues to shock impacts in the asteroid belt, and other factors.

To know more about bombardment visit:


Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because the Moon is heavily cratered. So, the correct option is A. the Moon is heavily cratered.

The Moon has a lot of impact craters that indicate it has been hit by a lot of objects in the past. The craters on the Moon are not all the same age. Some are older than others. However, they all indicate that there was a time when the Moon was bombarded by a lot of objects. The smooth part of the Moon is nearly as old as the heavily cratered part, which suggests that the bombardment occurred early in the Moon's history.

The early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System is thought to have happened about 4 billion years ago. During this time, the inner Solar System was full of debris left over from the formation of the planets. This debris included asteroids, comets, and other objects. These objects collided with the Moon and other planets in the inner Solar System, causing a lot of damage. The heavy bombardment period was not limited to the Moon.

Other objects in the inner Solar System also show evidence of being hit by a lot of objects during this time. The early period of heavy bombardment was a key event in the history of the Solar System. It is thought to have played a role in shaping the planets and their moons, and may have even played a role in the origin of life on Earth. So, the correct option is A. the Moon is heavily cratered.

For more such questions on Solar System


profile across kessler mountainif the distance between a and a is 1.5 miles, then what is the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile that you constricted above?


The vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile is Y/(5,280*X).

To calculate the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile, we need to know the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale.

This ratio is equal to the vertical exaggeration of the profile.Let's first convert the distance between points A and A on the profile to inches, since the scales are given in terms of inches.

If the distance between A and A on the profile is 1.5 miles, and the horizontal scale is X miles per inch, then the distance between A and A on the profile in inches is:

1.5 miles * (1/X miles per inch) = 1.5/X inches

Now, we need to find the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale, which will give us the vertical exaggeration.

If the vertical scale is Y feet per inch, then the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale is:

Y feet per inch / X miles per inch

To simplify this ratio, we need to convert the vertical scale from feet to miles. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, so:

Y feet per inch = (Y feet per inch) * (1 mile per 5,280 feet) = Y/5,280 miles per inch

Now, we can substitute this into the ratio:

(Y/5,280 miles per inch) / (X miles per inch) = Y/(5,280*X)

-----------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Assuming a horizontal scale of X miles per inch and a vertical scale of Y feet per inch, what is the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile constructed across Kessler Mountain, if the distance between point A and point A on the profile is 1.5 miles?"-----------

To know more about topographic, click here.


the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized in the stars temperatures. true or false


True, the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized at the high temperatures found in these stars.

The hottest stars, also known as O-type stars, show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized at the high temperatures found in these stars. O-type stars have surface temperatures of around 30,000 kelvin, which is hot enough to ionize hydrogen atoms and strip them of their electrons. As a result, the spectral lines that are normally associated with neutral hydrogen atoms, such as the Balmer series, are very weak or even absent in the spectra of O-type stars. Instead, these stars show strong spectral lines associated with ionized elements, such as helium, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon, which are produced by the high temperatures and intense radiation fields found in these stars.

Learn more about O-type stars :


The correct answers for the statement ''the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized in the stars temperatures'' is True.

The hottest stars have such high temperatures that the majority of the hydrogen atoms in their atmospheres are ionized, meaning they have lost their electrons. When this happens, the hydrogen atoms no longer absorb or emit light at the same wavelengths as neutral hydrogen atoms.

As a result, there is little evidence of hydrogen in the spectra of these stars. Instead, other elements that are present in the stars, such as helium and carbon, produce the dominant spectral lines. This is why the spectra of hot stars look very different from those of cooler stars, which have more neutral hydrogen in their atmospheres.

To know more hydrogen,refer to the link:


the yellowstone supervolcano would produce massive amounts of ash. why would ash fall be such a problem?


 Ash fall from the Yellowstone supervolcano would be a major problem for several reasons. First, the sheer volume of ash could cause widespread respiratory issues and reduced visibility. Second, the ash could contaminate water sources, affecting agriculture and wildlife.

Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in the western United States, largely in the northwest corner of Wyoming and extending into Montana and Idaho. It was established by the 42nd U.S. Congress with the Yellowstone National Park Protection Act and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially the Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular. While it represents many types of biomes, the subalpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. While Native Americans have lived in the Yellowstone region for at least 11,000 years, aside from visits by mountain men during the early-to-mid-19th century, organized exploration did not begin until the late 1860s.

Learn more about Yellowstone here:


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