How do management accountants help managers make business decisions?
A. Management accountants prepare local, state, and federal income
tax returns.
B. Management accountants make sure accounts are paid on time.

C. Management accountants provide accurate financial data and
analyze the data to make predictions.

D. Management accountants ensure that everyone pays their taxes.


Answer 1


C. Management accountants provide accurate financial data and

analyze the data to make predictions.


Management accounting is an accounting arm that focuses on the accurate organization, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of a company's financial data for use by the management.  The information generated by management accounting is for internal use. It aids the top management team in its decision-making process.

Management accountants analyze and make recommendations on the business's operational aspects, such as costs of products and services purchased, product pricing, budget variances, margin analysis, market trends, and forecast.  

Related Questions

What ia Marginal benefit



Marginal benefit is the incremental increase in the benefit to a consumer caused by the consumption of one additional unit of a good or service.

For example, a consumer is willing to pay $5 for an ice cream, so the marginal benefit of consuming the ice cream is $5.

hope this help!


In economics, utility is the satisfaction or benefit derived by consuming a product; thus the marginal utility of a good or service is the change in the utility from an increase in the consumption of that good or service.


Which type of data does your company collect from customers or potential customers?
Positioning data
Market share data
Primary data
Secondary dat


I’m going with C primary data

Your company has sent you an email telling you your department must increase the daily output goal of 120 widgets per hour, to 126 widgets per hour. Everyone on your team recognizes more efficient production will lead to more profit for the company, and a higher chance for a raise for each of them. As usual, you will hold a brief meeting explaining the new directive and provide the deadline as to when this new daily production goal must be met with regularity. The meeting ends after a couple of clarifying questions and answers, and you and your employees get back to work on meeting the deadline for the new goal. What management theory best describes the management style of this company? What leadership style will you employ to get the required increase in production of widgets your company requested? Why is this leadership style the best fit for this scenario?



Participative Leadership style.


Participative leadership, also known as democratic leadership, is one in which the leader has the central focus of employee engagement and participation in important company decisions. In this style of leadership, the manager has a crucial role of being the main motivator and advisor of the team, being solicitous to guide, coordinate and assist his subordinates in all their work demands, so that the goals and organizational goals are achieved.

This style of participatory leadership would be more appropriate for this scenario as there are deadlines for completing tasks, which requires a motivated and productive team, which is essential in participatory leadership.

The motivation of employees is achieved due to clear and guiding communication from the leader, which creates the perception of inclusion and appreciation of the employee, who feels an essential and important part of the organization.



Auto Loan - installment, secured, fixed

Credit Cards - installment, unsecured, CBE

Mortgage - installment, secured, variable

Payday loan - CBE, secured, and CBE

Personal loan - installment, unsecured, CBE

Small businesses - CBE, unsecured, CBE

Student loan - installment, unsecured, CBE

I believe that’s right. I’m so sorry if it isn’t.

which of these is an unacceptable hiring criterion according to the equal employment opportunity commission?

a. females only

b. two years of experienced preferred

c. must speak Spanish

d. Bachelor's degree required


C because everybody don’t speak Spanish so that wouldn’t be fair to others

Among all the given statements, the one that is an unacceptable hiring criterion according to the equal employment opportunity commission is that they must speak Spanish. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of employment opportunity?

Opportunities for Employment include hiring, transferring, promoting, training, and non-disciplinary retention, as well as any reorganisation or layoffs.

Employment opportunities do not imply the formation of a job or the development of specialised training that is not already available to other employees.

An employee is compensated by their employer when they are working. As a result, they have money to spend on things like entertainment, food, clothing, and other other things. Demand rises in direct proportion to consumer spending.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about employment opportunity from here:


What happens when sellers compete with other sellers to meet consumer's demands, and consumers compete with other consumers to find the goods with the lowest cost and the highest quality? Multiple select question. Markets are efficient. Markets are competitive. Markets are regulated.



Markets are competitive.


In the competitive market, the number of sellers competed with each other in terms of prices, quality, maximize the market share.

In the given situation, various sellers are competed with each other for meeting out the consumer demands also at the same time it offers the goods at lowest cost and highest quality so that it capture the whole market

Therefore the second option is correct

From each paycheck of your afterschool job, you’re able to save $45 toward the coat. You get paid twice a month. How many months will it take you to save enough money to buy your North Face jacket.



Explanation:The total in 4 months would equal 360

4 months will it take you to save enough money to buy your North Face jacket.

Saving per month based problem;

What information do we have?

Amount save per paycheck = $45

Amount of jacket = 350 (Missing data)

Amount save per month = 2 × Amount save per paycheck

Amount save per month = 2 × 45

Amount save per month = $90

Number of months need = 350 / 90

Number of months need = 3.88

Number of months need = 4 months

Find out more information about 'Paycheck'

If you saw a coworker take something from the clinic what would you do?



Um I would either tell them that he took it or i would just not worry about


Join him.......

I own a candy store in my country. I am free to choose the products I sell and I am able to complete against other stories using innovative ideas. After a white selection of candies are various prices what type of economic system does my country most likely utilize



The country most likely utilizes a free market economy.


A free market economy is characterized by the price system: in this system, prices signal economic activity in order to coordinate the forces of supply and demand in order to reach a market equilibrium.

In a free market economy, competition is stiff because firms can freely enter and exit the markets, and this also influences the price of goods and services.

Firms try to out-compete other firms by improving production processes, innovating, and lowering costs.

As would-be Entrepreneur, you are tasked to identify your dreamed business,
one that involves your interests. Indicate who are your potential market, target
market, available market and/or penetrated market. Write your answer in the space



My dream business is organic poultry farming.


It is my hobby to have different types of hen breeds. So I would like to invest in my hobby. I would like to have breeds of organic hens that will lay more eggs. I will also invest in fancy chickens which are widely used as pet in backyards.

It has great potential for growth, as people are nowadays moving towards organic foods. The organic poultry market has grown from $7.5 billions to $7.7 billions from 2019 to 2020. The growth recorded is almost 2% despite the breakout of virus. People would like to buy fancy chickens as pets because they lay eggs and look cute in the backyards.

The return on fancy chicken breed is much higher than an ordinary chicken breed that only lays egg. I will start from 1500 baby chickens and will around 50 chicken tractors in a large 8 kanal area. This chicken tractors will help me to keep the death rate of the chickens low and are helpful in lowering the spread of diseases. Furthermore, it is moveable which means my chickens will have fresh grass to eat.

I will buy a small van that will be helpful in managing the delivery of food requirement and egg supply to my customers. To lower the cost of organic feed I will grow many types of plants, herbs, grass, etc in the 8 kanal area that will meet the protien requirements of the chickens. I will also water the land daily so that the waste of the chickens are accessed very quickly to plants.

Their many other tactics that could be used like leasing the land for 2 years because it will lower the investment required, plantation of plants that will grow its value over time, use of thick sheets that will protect chickens from and use of thin sheet that will protect them from mosquitos, etc.

Note: I wasn't able to access complete questions so I think the above explanation of business idea will be very helpful for you to construct a business plan.

If you find the answer very helpful then don't forget to rate it. Thanks

A business model is a document that describes all the phases necessary for the effective operation of a business and the achievement of objectives, such as the business line, value proposition, potential market, etc.

Assuming that your dream business is creating a cafeteria near a college, we can identify the components of the venture:

Potential market:

Part of the market you hope to attract in the future.

Young people and adults aged 15 to 35 years old from neighboring cities.

Target market:

The segment of individuals most likely to become your consumer.

Young students at XX College, aged between 17 and 27 years old.

Available market:

It is the metric used to define the number of people able to buy your products.

Penetration market:

Evaluates the use of its products and services by its customers in relation to the products and services of its competitor

Therefore, when starting a business, you must analyze the viability of the business through a business model and plan that seeks to offer value to your potential market.

It is necessary to segment your market according to the consumer profile to develop a marketing plan that attracts, retains and delivers value to the consumer, in order to become well positioned and competitive in the market.

Learn more here:

Are savings account and deposit account the same thing?


U can use the same account but deposit is for giving money and saving is for saving so like yeah

According to the video, which activities are Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants likely to do? Check all that apply. Supervise office staff, prepare presentations, conduct research, create a budget, file paperwork, greet visitors


Answer: supervise office staff

Prepare presentations

Conduct research



Answer: supervise office staff

Prepare presentations

Conduct research


Which of the following is the basis of all slides in a presentation?
O Placeholders
O Slide Masters
O Theme
O Variant




The Placeholders is the basis of all slides in a presentation.

The Placeholder is a feature on the presentation interface which is a pre-formatted content for text, graphics, video, clip arts etc

The Placeholder allows the user to format their slides easily and consistently.

Therefore, the Option A is correct because the Placeholders is the basis of all slides in a presentation.

Learn more about this here

You observe two locations, both restaurants you own. Location A has 450 passersby between 11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. and 9.1% enter your restaurant as customers. Location B has 600 passersby between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 6.5% enter. Which location has the higher number entering your restaurant?


9.1% of 450 is 40.95, 6.5% of 600 is 39. Therefore, Location A has the higher number entering your restaurant.

Melissa is very good at her Revenue job. Which skills does Melissa most likely have?
performing specialized work to support an embassy
analyzing information from discussions or applications
public speaking and debating
reviewing and analyzing tax forms!



reviewing and analyzing tax forms!


Revenue is the total value of goods and services sold by a business in a financial period. However, the revenue department or a revenue officer refers to civil servants who collect taxes and other revenues on behalf of the government.

Melisa could probably be working in a government agency tasked with collecting revenue, such as the US's IRS.  If she is very good at her job, it means she is an expert in reviewing and analyzing tax forms.


reviewing and analyzing tax forms


I copied the other dude

A federal tax is paid to:

A. the state government only.
B. the federal government only.
C. both the federal and state government.
D. international government organizations.



I think it's B. and C. but I really think it's B. the federal government only.

A federal tax is paid to the federal government only. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What is the federal tax?

Federal taxes are levied by the federal government rather than the state or local governments. The most typical sorts of federal taxes we will encounter are personal income tax and payroll tax. If the government does not use federal tax income properly, it will have a negative impact on the economy.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) levies a federal income tax on the annual profits of individuals, businesses, trusts, and other legal entities in the United States. Wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, tips, investment income, and certain types of unearned income are all subject to federal income taxes as part of a taxpayer's taxable income.

Therefore, the federal government is responsible for collecting the federal tax.

To learn more on federal tax, click here:


The purpose of an electric spreadsheet is to and data in an concise manner



A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed as computerized analogs of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table.

please help me in this question
If you find the answer of this question then i will give you 50marks or points. ​





You purchased one hundred shares of AT&T stock. The company pays 20 cents per share to each shareholder (That's you!) at the end of this quarter. This money is called:



I believe its the dividend


A dividend payment is the distribution of a company's profits to its shareholders. Dividends are usually paid in cash, but sometimes in company stock, and companies often use them to return profits they don't need for their operations back to investors.




Discuss two accounting principles that are, in
your opinion, the most important and form the
foundation of modern-day accounting. Explain
the reasons for your choices.



Revenue Principle and Cost Principle


Revenue principle  defines a point in time when bookkeepers may record a transaction as revenue on the books. This principle states that revenue for the business is earned and recorded at the point of sale.

Cost Principle states that you should use the historical cost of an item in the books, not the resell cost.


Matching principle because it is an accounting principle for recording revenues and expenses. It requires that a business records expenses alongside revenues earned.

Disclosure principle because increased transparency in the corporations' operations and management makes it easier for investors to make informed decisions. It also cuts down on the possibility of manipulation or misuse of investors' funds.

Soft skills 2 sentences that will help



Include the terms most closely related to the job in your resume, especially in the description of your work history. Highlight Skills in Your Cover Letter: You can incorporate soft skills into your cover letter. Include one or two of the skills mentioned here, and give specific examples of instances when you demonstrated these traits at work


next, state the topic you selected, why you selected it, and how you narrowed the topic to a specific issue after conducting research


Hey guys, there were too many words to fit in here but I provided a link to the answers :).


I recently completed this activity and was asking the same question!

I got help from the another brainly user ( rcurrin2005 )that answered this question (thank you so much, btw!!) and created a PDF with his answers and I thought I would too!

Now remember, do not plagiarise! I hope it helps! Have a great day and good luck!







Did you figure out why?

Why could the invention of new technology lead to new business ideas?



Why could the invention of new technology lead to new business ideas?


HELP I NEED ANSER QUICK!! Choose a type of company you would like to work for or start-up yourself and then answer the questions below. a. Describe the type of company and the product it would sell. TIP: This can be the same or different from the company you described in Assignment 1R. (1-3 sentences. 1.0 points) b. Describe at least two categories you could group the company's target customers into if the company was using channel management. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points) c. Describe at least two ways that the company might decide to treat those two categories of customers differently and explain why it might do that. (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points) d. Would the type of channel management described in questions 2b and 2c above be likely to lead to unfair treatment of some groups? Why or why not? How could you make sure that didn't happen? (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points)



    a. Describe the type of company and the product it would sell. TIP: This can be the same or different from the company you described in Assignment 1R. (1-3 sentences. 1.0 points)

The company would be a large company that has multiple locations. It would sell clothes.

    b. Describe at least two categories you could group the company's target customers into, if the company were using channel management. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points)

The company’s target customers would be for adults and people who like to dress fancy.  

    c. Describe at least two ways that the company might decide to treat those two categories of customers differently, and explain why it might do that. (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points)

 The company might offer regular adults a rewards card or something. It might offer the people who dress fancy special discounts for things like their birthdays or holidays. I think it might do that  because people who dress fancy are generally richer so they would want to keep that customer by offering exclusive discounts. The company would offer the regular adults a rewards card because it is more ordinary.

d. Would the type of channel management described in questions 2b and 2c above be likely to lead to unfair treatment of some groups? Why or why not? How could you make sure that didn't happen? (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points)

Yes it would lead to unfair treatment of some groups because it would mean that the groups with more money will get more discounts but the groups with less money will not get those benefits, so these groups would be jealous of the group that’s getting the discounts.


sorry i know its a lil late but for the people who need it in the future here you go...

a. The company would be a large company that has multiple locations. It would sell clothes.

b. The company’s target customers would be for adults and people who like to dress fancy.  

Who are target customers?

The type of person that a company wants to sell its products or services to is called the target customer.  We need the right product to satisfy the needs of target customers.

c.The company could provide regular adults with a rewards card or something. It may offer people who dress up special discounts for occasions such as their birthdays or holidays. I believe it will do so because people who dress up are generally wealthier, and they will want to keep that customer by offering exclusive discounts. Because regular adults are more common, the company would provide them with a rewards card.

d. Yes, it would result in unfair treatment of some groups because it would mean that groups with more money would receive more discounts while groups with less money would not receive those benefits, causing these groups to be envious of the group receiving the

Therefore, all the questions are answered above.

To learn more about target customer, click here:


An online clothing boutique decides to install a web or Internet cookie in the browser of each user who visits its site. The purpose of the cookie is to remember information about the user and help monitor-browsing patterns on their site and others. This enables the boutique's website to suggest products to the customer that match their browsing history. This is:



a practice that may have longer term implications on the ethics of personal privacy


Cookies are a tool that is used on websites to identify user browser history.

The information on a user's browsing habits is then used by businesses to tailor display information relevant to what they are usually interested in.

Usually they are a safe way to improve browsing experience, but they can be used by criminals to spy on people and gain unwanted access to their data.

Cookies save information about a user session by storing data like usernames.

There is a long term danger of having one's browsing history tracked without their consent

Fifty (50) years ago, scientists used computers that filled up an entire room.
O True
O False​





The correct answer is true

PLEASE HELP I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIGURE THIS OUT FOREVER Select the correct answer. According to TARP, on average, what percentage of unhappy customers leave without complaining?
A. 10 percent
B. 25 percent
c. 95 percent
d.50 percent​


The answer is 95%.

The percentage is 95%, it is actually 96% but 95 is the closest answer.


c.) 95 percent


took on edmentum is correct

What is the difference between irregulars and seconds?


Answer: Have minor flaws that are not noticeable. Seconds: Have noticeable flaws, such as holes


Definitely what the person above me said

If an owner gives personal tools to the business, how is the transaction recorded?


As an additional investment by the owner recorded on the basis of fair market value.

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