how do you write step in suffix


Answer 1

The suffix "-step" is typically added to a word to indicate a familial relationship, specifically a child that is not biologically related but has been legally adopted or brought into a family through marriage or a partnership.

What is the use of suffix?

For example:

Stepmother: A woman who is married to one's parent but is not one's biological mother.Stepbrother: A male sibling who is not related by blood but is part of the same family due to a parent's remarriage or adoption.Stepsister: A female sibling who is not related by blood but is part of the same family due to a parent's remarriage or adoption.

Therefore, To use the suffix "-step" in writing, simply add it to the appropriate word to create the new term, such as "stepfather," "stepson," or "stepdaughter."

Read more about suffix here:


Related Questions


Write a literary analysis on the poem “Once by the Pacific” by Robert Frost.

LITERACY DEVICES YOU CAN CHOOSE TO ANALYZE: Alliteration, repetition, rhyme, assonance, metaphor, personification, imagery.

· Introduce the poem and the author
· “Once by the Pacific” by Robert Frost is a poem about…
· Author name uses (insert poetic devices) to develop the theme that (insert theme)
· Explain each poetic device, providing a quote of where it is used
· Explain how that poetic device contribute to the theme or how it represents something related to the theme
· Explain each poetic device, providing a quote of where it is used
· Explain how that poetic device contribute to the theme or how it represents something related to the theme
Concluding sentence


The shattered water made a misty din.
Great waves looked over others coming in,
And thought of doing something to the shore
That water never did to land before.
The clouds were low and hairy in the skies,
Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.
You could not tell, and yet it looked as if
The shore was lucky in being backed by cliff,
The cliff in being backed by continent;
It looked as if a night of dark intent
Was coming, and not only a night, an age.
Someone had better be prepared for rage.
There would be more than ocean-water broken
Before God’s last Put out the light was spoken.


Answer: click thanks if you like my answer, have a good day


Robert Frost's poem, "Once by the Pacific," portrays the speaker's encounter with the powerful Pacific Ocean, and how it fills him with a sense of foreboding. The poem is written in free verse, with no rhyme scheme, and makes use of a variety of literary devices.


Robert Frost uses imagery, personification, and metaphor to develop the theme that nature is unpredictable and powerful, and that humans are insignificant in the face of its might.


The first line of the poem, "The shattered water made a misty din," uses alliteration to create a vivid image of the waves crashing against the shore. The use of "shattered" personifies the water, making it seem as though it has a destructive force.

The metaphorical language in "Great waves looked over others coming in, / And thought of doing something to the shore / That water never did to land before," suggests that the waves are planning something new, and that nature is unpredictable and ever-changing.

The clouds are described as "low and hairy in the skies, / Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes," which uses simile to create a vivid image of the clouds, and emphasizes their weight and density. The clouds seem to be gathering, preparing for a storm.


The use of imagery and personification throughout the poem helps to create a sense of the ocean's power, as well as its unpredictability. The metaphorical language used to describe the waves and clouds reinforces the idea that nature is constantly changing, and that humans have no control over it.

The metaphor of the "night of dark intent" suggests that something terrible is about to happen, and the reference to "God's last Put out the light" implies that this event will be catastrophic, and may signal the end of the world. This reinforces the idea that humans are insignificant in the face of nature's power, and that they are at its mercy.


In "Once by the Pacific," Robert Frost uses literary devices such as imagery, personification, and metaphor to create a powerful depiction of the ocean's power and unpredictability. The poem suggests that humans are small and insignificant in the face of nature's might, and that they must be prepared for whatever it may bring.


hope its help <:

is a skill that's learned with
face-to-face communication.

A. Telecommuting

B. Reading many words per minute

C. The ability to ignore distractions like
advertisements and hyperlinks

D. Reading body language


Answer: D. Reading body language


D. Reading body language


This can be noticed by facial expressions or movement of hands or way of standing

The Prince of Verona is currently rethinking his position on
banning Romeo...Write a letter to persuade the Prince!

1 1/2 pages long.



See below.


Dear Prince of Verona,

I am writing to you today to urge you to reconsider your position on the banishment of Romeo. While I understand that the events leading up to his exile were tumultuous and tragic, I believe that Romeo has already suffered enough and deserves a chance to return home.

Firstly, Romeo's banishment has caused immense pain and suffering for both himself and his family. He has been separated from his loved ones and forced to live in exile, a fate that is undoubtedly worse than death for many. Allowing him to return home would provide him with a chance to make amends and seek forgiveness, both from those he has wronged and from himself.

Furthermore, I believe that Romeo has already learned his lesson and is unlikely to repeat his past mistakes. He has suffered greatly as a result of his actions, and I believe that he has grown and matured during his time away. Allowing him to return home would not only give him a chance to make things right, but it would also demonstrate that the Prince of Verona is a fair and just ruler who is willing to forgive those who have erred.

In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider your position on Romeo's banishment. I believe that he has suffered enough and deserves a chance to return home. By doing so, you would not only provide him with a chance to make things right but would also demonstrate your compassion and wisdom as a leader. Thank you for considering my plea.



If a media outlet’s owner also owns a race track and the media outlet runs on that race track, the story would have a _______ level of objectivity and a _______ level of dependability.

medium, high, low

Please answer it correctly and fast


The story would have a low level of objectivity and a low level of dependability. The media outlet's owner has a potential conflict of interest due to their financial stake in the race track, which may lead to biased reporting that undermines the dependability of the media outlet.

More about the answer:

This is due to the inherent conflict of interest that arises when a media outlet is owned by an individual or entity that has a financial stake in the subject matter being covered.

In this case, the media outlet's owner has a vested interest in promoting the success of their race track, which could lead to biased reporting that presents events in a way that is favorable to their business interests. This undermines the objectivity of the reporting and makes it difficult for readers to trust the information presented.

As a result, readers may perceive the media outlet as less reliable and less trustworthy, which could harm its reputation and credibility. To maintain journalistic integrity and provide reliable reporting, media outlets must avoid conflicts of interest and strive for impartiality in their coverage.

To know more about passages, visit:


how does the author motivate herself to write in bird by bird


In her book "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," author Anne Lamott motivates herself to write by using several different techniques.

What are the techniques used while writing bird by bird?

Anne Lamott motivates herself to write "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," by using the following techniques.

Writing in small pieces: Lamott suggests breaking down the writing process into small, manageable chunks. She encourages writers to focus on writing just one small piece at a time, such as a single paragraph or a few sentences. By taking the process one step at a time, she makes it less daunting and easier to get started.Embracing the "shabby first draft": Lamott advocates for writing a rough, imperfect first draft without worrying about getting it perfect the first time. This approach can help writers get their ideas down on paper without feeling self-conscious or worrying about making mistakes.Finding a writing buddy: Lamott recommends finding a writing partner or group to help keep you accountable and motivated. Having someone to share your work with can provide feedback and support, which can be invaluable for staying on track.Letting go of perfectionism: Lamott acknowledges that writing can be a messy and imperfect process. She encourages writers to let go of the need to get everything just right and to embrace the flaws and imperfections in their work.

Overall, Lamott's approach to writing is grounded in the idea that writing is a process, and that it takes time, patience, and persistence to produce good work. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, embracing imperfection, and finding support from others, she motivates herself to keep writing, even when it's difficult.

To learn more about Anne Lamott, visit:


richard florida sees the problems and potential of cities how far would you agree with his observations, relating your arguments to your own experiences and that of your society


Answer: Florida's theory asserts that metropolitan regions with high concentrations of technology workers, artists, musicians, lesbians and gay men, and a group he describes as "high bohemians", exhibit a higher level of economic development.


What does Eva give Mammy that upsets Marie?
(Uncle Toms cabin)



Marie thinks this is terrible – Eva has given her gold, diamond-studded vinaigrette, to Mammy? She demands that Eva go take it back, but St. Clare intervenes.


Marie says she doesn’t know why she keeps them, especially since slaves are such a hassle and so selfish. She uses Mammy as an example: Mammy knows that Marie suffers at night and needs attention every single hour, but Mammy falls asleep and is difficult to wake up. Which clearly means that Mammy is selfish – not a human being in need of rest herself.

Help me pls ima give 80

Think about the meaning of the phrase "Controlling Idea." Define this phrase in your own words. How might you use a controlling idea when completing a writing response?


The controlling idea is any main idea for example if you’re a writer you’ll develop in a composition. The meaning about controlling idea mostly expresses a definite opinion or attitude to you’re idea

Scout asks Calpurnia why she speaks differently with people depending on whether they are white or black. What does Calpurnia say by way of
explanation? Support your answer with evidence from the text.



Calpurnia says that she talks differently to the people at her church because it would be out of place to speak the way she does when she's around Jem, Scout and Atticus. Calpurnia says "...folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em...when they don't want to learn, there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language" (Lee, 127). Remember that Calpurnia speaks better English than those at her church, so matching their speech is important for communication.

Reference for this can be found on Line 13 of Page 127

make correct sentence


The correct sentence is:

Describe what you see that would be captured by a video camera. But stick to what is relevant and do with objective, descriptive language.

How do you write a correct statement?

To be grammatically correct, a phrase's subject and verb must both be singular or plural, hence the tenses of the subject and the verb must match. The verb should be in the plural if the subject is, and vice versa if the subject is not. The main subject and verb in the phrase should be identified, and you should next check to determine if they are both singular or plural to confirm that the subject and verb agree.

People's inability to construct entire, grammatically accurate phrases, however,  is mostly caused by four issues. The run-on sentence, the sentence fragment, the absence of subject-verb and pronoun-reference agreement, and the absence of parallel structure are some of these issues.

To learn more about sentence fragment, visit:


I will give the brainliest


This prompt is about Building Blogs. See the sample response below.

Title of Blog Entry

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Reduction

Mindfulness meditation has become increasingly popular as a method to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that practicing mindfulness meditation on a regular basis can lead to a decrease in symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as lower levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress.

While some may argue that mindfulness meditation is too time-consuming or difficult to practice, research suggests that even short periods of meditation can be beneficial. Additionally, mindfulness meditation can be practiced anywhere and at any time, making it an accessible tool for stress reduction.

To maximize the benefits of mindfulness meditation, individuals can incorporate it into their daily routine and seek out resources such as guided meditations or mindfulness-based therapy. By taking the time to prioritize self-care and incorporating mindfulness into daily life, individuals can reap the benefits of reduced stress and improved overall well-being.

Poll question

What are your thoughts on the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the author's claim? Have you experienced a similar situation or have a different perspective? Let's start a conversation and share our ideas.

Question: Have you ever personally experienced a violation of your First Amendment rights?

Survey options:

Yes, I have experienced a violation of my freedom of speech.

Yes, I have experienced a violation of my right to public assembly.

No, I have never experienced a violation of my First Amendment rights.

I am not sure if I have ever experienced a violation of my First Amendment rights.

Learn more about Blogging at:


Detailed note on concord in English grammar


Concord is a key element of English grammar that relates to the grammatical agreement between a sentence's subject and verb. Simply expressed, the verb in a sentence must agree in terms of number and person with the subject.

What exactly is concord?

Concord, or subject-verb agreement, is a grammar rule in English that refers to the subject and verb in a sentence agreeing on the number and person of the verb. To put it another way, it refers to a sentence's subject and verb having the same grammatical position. A sentence's verb must be in number and personal agreement with the subject.

The verb should match the subject's singularity if the subject is singular. Similarly to this, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. To the person, the same principle applies. If the subject is in the first person, the verb must be in the same tense. Grammar accuracy and communication clarity are ensured by adequate concord.

Learn more about concord with the help of the given link:


3. Rewrite the sentence adding a nonrestrictive element using dashes.
Rosie read the ingredients while June added them to the bowl.


We can see here that rewriting the sentence and adding a nonrestrictive element using dashes, we have: "Rosie read the ingredients - which she found in the recipe book - while June added them to the bowl."

What is a nonrestrictive element?

A nonrestrictive element is a word or phrase that is not essential to the meaning of a sentence but provides additional information or clarifies a particular aspect of the sentence. It is sometimes called a nonessential element or non-defining element.

Nonrestrictive elements are typically set off by commas, dashes, or parentheses to indicate that they are separate from the main sentence and can be removed without changing the overall meaning.

Learn more about nonrestrictive element on


1. PART A: Which of the following identifies the
central idea of the text?


Answer: The theme is the main topic or focus of the text


and are a pair of eye rhymes.Divefive
O True
O False


Answer: False


Vikash promised.... Us a share ... The profit



Vikash promised us a share of the profit.

Note: There should not be a space before ellipses (...) and there should be a space after each ellipsis. Also, "Us" should be capitalized as "us" is not a proper noun.


Farquhar is being hanged by Union troops. Farquhar seemingly breaks free from the noose.


Peyton Farquhar, the major personality in Bierce's short story, is slated to be hung no longer for  some different violent crime, but for trying to ruin a railroad bridge. A civilian, Farquhar hoped to defend Confederate troopers from attack by tampering with the railroad line.

What used to be does Farquhar strive to suppose about as he wait to be hanged?

Answer and Explanation: In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," Farquhar visualizes his break out moments earlier than he is hanged. He thinks that he should free his hands, dispose of the noose and drop into the wate

Unbeknownst to Farquhar, Union troops captured the bridge and surrounding territory, and upon shooting Farquhar, select to cling him on fees of being a Confederate secret agent and sympathizer. As he is being hanged, however, Farquhar is capable to get away his destiny through falling into the river below.

Why is Peyton Farquhar being hanged by the Union Army?

Learn more about Peyton Farquhar here:

in "Top of the Food
2. Both "Witness to the Tragedy" and "Hope Survives in Search for Katrina's Missing"
focus on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. However, each looks at a different time
period. Describe what time period each piece of journalism focuses on. Then, discuss how the authors choice of time period influences the overall message of the piece.


Witness to the Tragedy" focuses on the events immediately following Hurricane Katrina.

"Witness to the Tragedy"

"Witness to the Tragedy" focuses on the events immediately following Hurricane Katrina. It reflects on the devastation that occurred, noting that it caused more ongoing damage than any other national disaster that the author had ever reported on. According to the photos in the article, after the hurricane, people suffered from exhaustion, dehydration, and displacement. For a long time, the buildings were flooded and damaged."Hope Survives in the Search for Katrina's Missing" focuses on the aftermath of Katrina. People were still looking for their loved ones months after the hurricane. This story captures the joy of those who were able to locate loved ones who they believed had died months before. Despite the fact that many lives were lost in the hurricane, the story highlights the number of survivors.

To know more about Tragedy, click on the link :


Directions: Write down the mood of the passage and explain your answer.
5. Katie used the blow-dryer to add volume to her hair. Then she curled it. She used eyeliner and makeup. She
chose the perfect outfit, and then threw it on the floor and chose another perfect outfit. Then she put on the other
perfect outfit that she had thrown on the floor. She looked at the time on her phone. Jacob would be here any
minute. Her pulse quickened. Her stomach felt uneasy. She was about to change her outfit again when the
doorbell rang.
What is the mood of this paragraph?
Why do you believe this? Explain your answer by referring to the text.


The mood of this paragraph is anxious anticipation.The use of descriptive language such as "Her pulse quickened" and "Her stomach felt uneasy" creates a sense of nervousness and unease. Additionally, the repetition of changing outfits and the use of the word "perfect" suggests that Katie is striving for a certain level of perfection, which can add to the pressure and anxiety she is feeling. The sentence "Jacob would be here any minute" also adds to the sense of anticipation and nervousness. Finally, the abrupt interruption of the doorbell ringing suggests a sudden shift in the situation and further adds to the overall mood of anxious anticipation.


Katie was trying to get ready but she felt uneasy so I think the passage is the Katie was shy and/or Katie feels sick. Or Katie is feeling anxious.

What does Mr. St. Clare say about Eva’s condition?
· What is Marie St. Clare’s response when Eva says that the slaves should be taught to read?
(Uncle toms cabin)


Mr. St. Clare is concerned about Eva's health and worries she might not live long. Marie St. Clare dismisses Eva's idea that slaves should be taught to read, calling it "perfectly ridiculous" and saying it would only make them unhappy.

More about the answer:

Mr. St. Clare expresses concern about his daughter Eva's health, noting that she looks pale and weak. He is shocked when Eva tells him that she believes she is dying and is ready to go to heaven. Despite his worry, Mr. St. Clare reassures Eva of his love and support for her. Later in the novel, he becomes more vocal about his opposition to slavery, but is initially hesitant when Eva suggests that the slaves should be taught to read. He worries that this might cause discontent and unrest on the plantation.

Marie St. Clare, on the other hand, dismisses Eva's suggestion outright, calling it "perfectly ridiculous." She insists that it would only make the slaves unhappy and that they should be content with their lot in life. Marie is a product of her time and upbringing, and she does not see the injustice of slavery or the value of education for all. Her response highlights the contrast between her views and those of her husband and daughter, who are more sympathetic to the plight of the slaves.

To know more about novels, visit:


Compute the domestic spending of
a nation given: total exports =
$6,500 million, total imports =
$8,500 million, and gross domestic
product (GDP) = $12,500 million.




To compute the domestic spending of a nation, we can use the equation:

GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports

where Net Exports = Exports - Imports

Rearranging the equation, we have:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = GDP - Net Exports

Now, substituting the given values, we get:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = $12,500 million - ($6,500 million - $8,500 million)

Simplifying the right-hand side, we get:

Consumption + Investment + Government Spending = $14,500 million

Therefore, the domestic spending of the nation is $14,500 million.

what the object summary for “My sister, The soldier”. NEED A 2 to 3 PARAGRAPH RESPONSE


The main theme of "My sister, the Soldier" is to depict what it's like to have a family member enlist in the military. The narrative focuses on the difficulties and sacrifices Margie has made while serving her nation, including missing out on family gatherings and putting her life in danger.

Explain briefly the summary of "My sister, the Soldier".

In the short story "My Sister, The Soldier," Lupe, a small child, idolizes Margie, her older sister, who is in the military and stationed abroad. Margie is a role model for Lupe.  Besides missing her sister, Lupe worries about her safety when she is gone on the job.

The significance of honoring individuals who serve in the military and the effects their duty has on both themselves and their families is so emphasized in the object summary. The narrative also serves to remind readers of the difficulties and dangers that come with serving as a soldier as well as the fortitude and resiliency needed to overcome those difficulties. It also highlights the link between sisters and the strength of love and support in getting through challenging circumstances.

To learn more about object summary, visit:


Part A What is a central idea in the Newsela article "Washed-Up Plastics Become Art with a Vital Message"?​


Art can be designed and presented in many unusual ways, including art that makes music. Art that is attractive can be used to make people aware of a tragic problem in the world.



Art can be used to send a message about environmental awareness.

Why do you think Dante was still hesitant to continue his journey from error to
the light of God, even though he had spiritual guides to protect him?


Once more, Dante tries to make the point that his God is a loving God even if He made an underworld where sinners will suffer. The writing on the gates emphasises that God created hell out of a sense of justice.

What lesson can be drawn from Dante's Inferno?

The root causes of evil, the psychology of evil, or the negative effects of ill behaviour on the planet are not examined in Dante's investigation of evil. The purpose of Inferno is not to advance philosophical ideas; rather, it is to educate and reaffirm the pertinent Christian teachings. In the course of the narrative, Dante is forced to learn how to balance his compassion for suffering with the severe violence of God's punishment.

To know more about Dante's Inferno visit:


how i improve my communication



10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Listen, listen, and listen.Who you are talking to matters.Body language matters.Check your message before you hit send.Be brief, yet specific.Write things down.Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone.Think before you speak.Treat everyone equally. Maintain a positive attitude and smile

can you give me brainliest!))

Practice in mind before saying the actual line then maintain a good eye contact

3. Apple products are ............. other companies’ products.

a) much more expensive, then
b) much expensive, as
c) more expensive, than
d) so much more expensive, as


It’s more expensive than
c) more expensive, as ,, Hope this helps!

In a paragraph of 250 words critically analyse the content of michell obama and discuss if the text is an example of a good review or not . Cite specific examples from EW review to justify your answer


She thinks that one develops into oneself over time and that the self is constantly evolving.

Becoming Me Summary

Michelle's life starts in a South Shore home in late 1960s Chicago. Marian's aunt Robbie and uncle Terry, who reside downstairs, rent a small upstairs apartment to Marian's parents, Fraser and Marian Robinson. Terry, a retired railway porter, always wears a nice outfit and is quiet most of the time. Robbie has a strict, rigorous teaching method when she teaches piano in her house. When Michelle is about four years old, she decides she wants to take lessons like her elder brother Craig does. On Michelle's mother's side of the family, there are many music enthusiasts, including Grandfather Shields, Robbie's younger brother, who enjoys listening to CDs on his complex stereo system. As he relocated into the area close to Michelle's relatives, he earned the moniker "Southside." Later, he would purchase Stevie Wonder's Talking Book, Michelle's debut record.

To know more about Music,click on the link :


............. was a strong wind yesterday. Many people ............. and cannot go home.


There ,are standed. The sentences will be finished because yesterday there was a lot of wind. Many people are stranded and unable to return home.

What should I remember to include in a sentence?

A. While writing anything, we must use only whole sentences.

B. If we don't do this, the reader of the sentences won't understand the meaning of the phrases.

C. The first word in the sentence, "there," is an adverb that describes the location or circumstance of an event.

D. The second word, "are stranded," is a verb that is employed in the present tense.

E. This is so because the second statement that was given to us was in the present tense.

To know more about completing the sentences visit:


what happens when we take risks ?


When we take risk we learn what could have been

HELPPPP will give brainliest!!!
(do not change the wording)

Correct any run-on sentences or comma splices by making the sentences compound or complex. If a sentence is neither a run-on or a comma splice, label it “C” for “correct”. (HINT: only one of the sentences is correct.) You can only use a semicolon ONCE to combine two independent clauses, and you can only separate the independent clauses into separate sentences using a period and capitalizing the next letter ONCE in this exercise.

1) School can be stressful, I like to relax.

2) One of my hobbies is baking cookies they are fun to make and delicious to eat!

3) I don’t want to gain a lot of weight, I have to be careful not to eat them all.

4) My pets try to help they like to eat any leftover dough.

5) A lot of the ingredients are not healthy for them I have to be sure to clean up after myself.

6) Instead, I make and bake separate batches of doggie biscuits for my pampered pets!

7) It takes a lot of time and effort to make the homemade biscuits, I believe my pets like them best!

8) I enjoy making freshly baked snacks for my family and my pets they enjoy eating them.


Option (a), School can be stressful, I like to relax is the appropriate phrase.

When should you use a semicolon instead of a comma?

A semicolon should be used in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction to divide two connected independent sentences (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). When using a semicolon, be sure the two distinct phrases can be understood without the need of a coordinating conjunction.

In some sentences with main clauses, a semicolon is not required. They work with long lists as well. Commas are typically used to divide list elements. However, semicolons are used to divide the elements if the elements themselves contain commas.

Learn more about conjunction:


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Let f(x)=3x^2 4x^2+4 and g(x)= 5x-2x+2 then find the following a, fog(3) b, fog(4) Identify tips that would help Diane listen more effectively to her team. a. Hold her fireb. Capitalize on lag timec. Establish a receptive mind-setd. Control her surroundingse. Raise her hand question which condition does exercising regularly reduce the risk of developing? responses multiple sclerosis multiple sclerosis osteoporosis osteoporosis type i diabetes type i diabetes leukemia leukemia Help asap will give brainiest Use the image to determine the line of reflection.43210?Ty5-6-7-8-9-1012BAA3','4E5E6Reflection across x = 6D'Reflection across the x-axisReflection across y = -3CReflection across the y-axis Would a line through these two points A and B be a good fit for the data? Why or why not?(Please dont mind the other words! TvT all of ernest's basic physiological and safety needs have been met, and he feels a solid sense of belonging and of being loved. according to abraham maslow, this suggests that he will next seek to satisfy his need for: please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. free association. self-esteem. unconditional positive regard. self-actualization. kathy believes that life-span development cannot be studied without considering biological, social, and cognitive aspects. kathy believes that development is . the immigration and nationality acts amendments, beginning in 1965, had what kind of impact on california's immigration? what is the best approach for the team to keep the stakeholders continuously updated on the work status? Write the linear equation in standard form y=19/14x+13 doctor bradley left a voicemail for his patient to go over the test results of his recent blood work. he asked his patient to promptly call him back. the patient receiving the voicemail interprets the message as urgent and his interpretation of the message is an example of as planet mercury formed, temperatures in this region were around 1400k. thus mercury formed out of... the nurse is assisting with a papanicolaou (pap) smear. what action should the nurse take to prepare the patient for this test? write a linear equation with a slope of -7 a process has a yield of 50 percent. how many units are needed as inflow to create an outflow of 40 units per day? under which emergency severity index (esi) level would the nurse triage the client who incurred multiple traumas after a bus crash and whose vital function is th reatened? Assertion : Like Germany, Italy too had a long history of political fragmentation. Reason : During the middle of the nineteenth century, Italy was divided into seven States. a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct Explanation of A b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct Explanation of A. c)A is True but R is False. d) A is False but R is True.Don't spam ty! which side effect would the nurse monitor a patient for after administering albuterol via inhalation frank is building a playhouse for his daughter. the playhouse is a composite figure with a floor and no windows. what is the surface area of the playhouse? the playhouse is a rectangular prism and triangular prism. A mixture of 2 gases has a total pressure 4. 85 atm. The partial pressure of gas A is 2. 36 atm. What is the partial pressure of gas B