How does Clarissa feel about Richard having been invited to lunch with Lady Bruton?


Answer 1


nice very nice she feel good

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What do Hamlet's words indicate in this soliloquy from Hamlet, act III, scene I?

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?


He has resolved to avenge his father's death.


He is considering leaving Denmark for ever.


He is confused about what action to take.


He blames fate for his inaction.



ummm what can may i ask what are you tying to say



He is confused about what action to take


The following questions refer to “Nobel Prize Banquet Speech” by Bob Dylan (p. 359). Throughout the passage, "literature" is used to mean






Write a story titled 'The Encounter'



a story titled 'The Encounter'


You told me to write that.

What does it mean for a source to be reliable?(1 point)

It is published on the internet.

It is trustworthy.

It took a long time to write.

It cites at least one source.

When researching the topic of "performance enhancement equipment in competitive sports," which source is most likely to be trustworthy?(1 point)

a survey of fifteen physical education teachers

the opinions of five baseball coaches

a survey of eight professional athletic organizations

the opinions of ten basketball players

Vivian is researching the topic of listening to music while studying. Vivian finds that Text 1 is more trustworthy than Text 2. Which piece of information is likely to be found in Text 2?(1 point)

the results of a study published in a scientific journal about the effects of music on concentration

the results of a survey of 1,000 college students about their grades and study habits

a story about a teenager who improved his grades by listening to classical music while he studied

an interview with a doctor who specializes in memory and works with teenagers

What is a sign that the source you are reading might be unreliable?(1 point)

It is trying to sell a product.

It includes facts verified by outside sources.

It uses neutral language.

It is created by a professional journalist.




1) It is trustworthy

If a source is reliable, it means that it does not contain false information, and that if there are opinions in the piece, they are clearly indicated to be opinions rather than disguising opinions as facts.

2) A survey of eight professional athletic organizations

When it comes to an opinion versus a survey, a survey typically collects more diverse and therefore more reliable info. Basketball players and baseball coaches are surely great at their respective sports, but they are not professional, and neither are the physed teachers.

3) A story about a teenager (...)

All of the other choices are studies, surveys, and interviews with professionals, so this single answer choice not including any research is a red flag.

4) It is trying to sell a product

Let's say a snack company is trying to sell their very sugary cookies. They might create an article claiming that these unhealthy snacks are 'good for athletes' and help their performance. These supposed facts cannot be backed up by anyone, nor are they even true! Therefore, any article with a goal to sell a product should not be trusted as unbiased.

How does the author's word choice in Macbeth help develop the tone and convey the theme the author intended? Be sure you have mentioned the theme and supported it with evidence.


In Macbeth, strong words covey all of these thoughts to the reader. The tone for Macbeth's speech is immediately set after hearing of the death of Lady Macbeth. Having lost his queen, and seeing his hopes turn to ashes, the bitter Macbeth now comments on life in caustic words. this type of tone helps bring tension in the play, the strong words show power like the theme and the figurative language adds to this all. with all this dded up the tone comes out as storng and supports the story line.

(mark me as the brainliest if this helped u out)

what can you do if you just got lied to give me some advice before my head explodes



Ask the person why they felt the need to lie to you if you guys are close, but make sure you calm down before you say anything so you’re in the right headspace.

'the cover my new book ai as soft as velvet'
metaphor or simile?
what 2 things are compared?​



This is a simile the book cover is being compared to velvet


A simile uses like or as

Have a great day/night!


Let us walk in the white snow  : Let us walk in this pure, innocent world of ours.

In a soundless space  : The poet is saying that the world is free of imperfections such as pollution, both noise and waste.


Blues music is an enduring tribute to the collective strength of spirit required to turn such suffering into art. Without changing the meaning of the sentence, which word can be used to replace the underlined word? A. changing B. interesting C. lasting D. surprising


if the underlined word is enduring then the answer would be C. lasting

Does tone have an effect on how we speak to each other everyday.



yes if affect a lot mark above answer BRainlist




It doesn't show the whole chart....


I will give you brainliest if you give an actual answer Please help I have a headache and cant work anymore This is the rest of my points so please actually try!! The poem is going to be about animals and art instead.



it’s talking about the characteristics of a willow giving it human like features.


Love and the green door

love is big

love is rich

but without love none is rich

with love the poor is wealthy, the poor is not weak

without love the rich are poor and weak.

pits better to be wealthy than someone who doesnt sow what they reap

Read the passage from chapter 7 of Animal Farm.

As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of the human race. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak, as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech. Instead—she did not know why—they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes.

Which details best support the idea that the farm is a symbol for Russia under the rule of the Communist Party? Select two options.

A. “as Clover looked down the hillside”
B. “these scenes of terror and slaughter”
C. “if she herself had had any picture of the future”
D. “had protected the lost brood of ducklings”
E. “come to a time when no one dared speak his mind”



These scenes of terror and horror

Come to a time when no one dared speak his mind


ed 2020

The details that best support the idea that the farm is a symbol for Russia under the rule of the Communist Party are “these scenes of terror and slaughter” and “come to a time when no one dared speak his mind”.

What is the theme of animal farm?

"The grand theme of Animal Farm has to do with the capacity for ordinary individuals to continue to believe in a revolution that has been utterly betrayed."

The details that best support the idea that the farm is a symbol for Russia under the rule of the Communist Party are “these scenes of terror and slaughter” and “come to a time when no one dared speak his mind” because the Animal Farm satires the communist party of Russia that people severely suffered and betrayed the people who believed in the revolution.

To learn more about Animal Farm here


Who functions as a mentor to Telemachus in books 1&2?



I think it’s D Odysseus I did this late year

Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex Sentence?

“The exam was difficult, but most students did well.”

“After the sun rose, birds gathered at the empty feeder.”

“Unless you have a better idea, Please ask for some help.”

“Someone ate the cake, now we have no desert”



1. compound

2. complex

3. I believe this one is complex if not then it's simple

4. complex

Is process an abstract or concrete noun





Concrete which can be seen or touched but the abstract which cannot be seen or touched.

Yes concrete can be seen and or touched

At the time of this speech in 2005, Jobs said that his cancer was in remission and he believed he had beaten the disease. Later, the cancer returned and Jobs died on Oct. 5, 2011, from complications connected to his pancreatic cancer. How does knowing that Jobs would ultimately lose his battle against cancer change the meaning/impact of his words for today’s audience?



they would have changed the meaning drastically because the audience thought of his words of courage. Job had claimed that he had beaten the battle against his cancer but since he passed away due to difficulties connected to his pancreatic cancer, it means that in reality he never did win that hard battle.



Saying that he had won the battle of cancer but later died due to the same cancer. This can mean that even though he had thought he won, he still lost. From this, we can infer that the impact or meaning of his statement can mean to live to your live. Live it like it's your last because it just might me.


in the yellow wallpaper What does Jennie notice that makes her concerned about the narrator?





the lack of the narrator focusing and being uneasy.

Mrs. Gottweiler was nominated as national teacher of the year, one of the most
awards that a teacher can win in his or her career.



Thats so cool!  congrats to her!


Stay safe, god bless and happy studying!

Have a nice day!

What is the goal of the line of succession


Answer: The United States presidential line of succession is the order in which officials of the United States federal government assume the powers and duties of the office of president of the United States if the incumbent president becomes incapacitated, dies, resigns, or is removed from office.



A line of succession refers to an established order of people who will fill a pivotal role if necessary.

Which of these lines is an example of 'Personification'?. Single choice.Immersive Reader (1 Point) A. My computer ate my homework B. I would guess it was a virus C. I suppose I might have pressed Escape D. And it landed in the trash



A. My computer ate my homework

On a bit of a time crunch so some help would be liked. Ill mark you!

The primary purpose of a short story is to entertain its readers. However, short stories can do much more than simply entertain: they can teach you valuable lessons and introduce you to new, exciting ideas.

Think of a short story that you’ve read that has meant something to you. It can be one of the short stories from this unit or one that you’ve read on your own. Think about why you like the story you have chosen. Then, compare and contrast the short story to other stories you’ve read. Explain what makes the story you chose stand out more than other stories. Did the point of view make the story particularly appealing to you? Did the characters or the setting draw you in? Was the writing style inviting and approachable? What was it about the story’s message and ideas that interested you?



comapare and contrast


i might be a little confused but i hope this helps ;0

The context of a word is
A the definition of the word.
B the circumstances in which the word is used.
C the language the word comes from.
D the reader’s prior knowledge about the word.





"Context," is the circumstances in which the word is used. To remember this, you may think of the term "context clues." This is when you use the words around a word or term to figure out it's meaning.




Took in edge

PLZ HELP ASAP Why is it important to pick a narrator carefully when planning to write a narrative? (5 points) a The narrator tells the story, but it is the reader who controls how events are imagined. b The narrator's point of view determines the sequence of events. c The narrator must know what all characters think at all times. d The narrative will change depending on the narrator's tone and point of view.


Answer: If its not B it's A



It is A The narrator tells the story, but it is the reader aho controlls how events are imagined.

13) Why does the author MOST LIKELY use the word stretches in the first
sentence of the second paragraph of the passage?
to emphasize the vast size of the desert
to compare it to the desert in Antarctica
to reveal that the desert is increasing in size
to show that the desert is in the northern part of


b because usually when the word is used in the context thats what it means


hi its tionna bellinger


what is loyalty to those with whom one shares a common history, culture, and belief system.



Relation or connection







Yh.... ✌❤✌♥️

5. The cousins gathered at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.
What is the direct and indirect object



Indirect object-cousins direct object-the hotel


The indirect object comes first which is the cousins that acted upon the direct object, which received the action of gathering.    

Which ship did not respond to the Titanic's distress call "CQD"?

Question 3 options:




Mt. Temple





Who was the Rhode Islander that would gift turkeys to American presidents?



Horace Vose, a turkey farmer from Rhode Island.


The tradition of pardoning a turkey by the President of the United States has been a long-standing and ongoing tradition. This Thanksgiving tradition is when a turkey is 'pardoned' by the President and let go.

Rhode Island turkey farmer Horace Vose began sending well-fed turkeys to the White House in 1873, continuing the tradition every year. Then it only stopped when he died in December 1913, bringing an end to the 'annual Thanksgiving Gift' from Rhode Island.

A social scientist presents evidence to support his claim about how social media shapes political perceptions among voters.



Social Media can negatively affect a person's way in which they feel about themselves - much less, someone or something else.  Some people believe everything they read and they believe if it is on the internet then it must be true.  Sometimes we try to compare ourselves to what we are reading about.  We wonder if we look like this - we wonder if we should vote like this or that, based on what our friends and family say.  There is so much propaganda and fake news out there, but people really believe it.  Social Media can make you feel dissatisfied with yourself - or make you think that you have to be like others and think like others to be successful.  


People should not always trust the press.  Do not believe everything you read about politics and the world - they are saying what they think they want you to hear.  They are trying to sway you with pretty pictures and good news.  There are a lot of "falsehoods" about the politicians out there on the internet.  I will admit that FB has attempted to get rid of some of the fake news, but in reality, who can you trust.  You cannot trust FB.  They are also going to give to you and your accounts what they want you to see and to think.  Quit being a zombie and think for yourself.  Use empirical evidence.  This evidence - can be verified.  

Provable :)

Read “A Book,” by Emily Dickinson.

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

Which words best indicate that the speaker believes that books offer traveling adventures?
page, poetry, and soul
frigate, traverse, and toll
prancing, poorest, and frugal
oppress, bears, and human



B: frigate, traverse, and toll



The frigate, traverse, and toll are the words that books offer traveling adventures represent. Thus, option B is correct.

Who is Emily Dickinson?

Emily Dickinson was a very famous poet who has a very original in-depth writer with a huge fan following of her writing.  some of her poems are:

Hope is the thing with feathersI felt a funeral, in my brainBecause I could not stop for deathI heard a fly buzz — when I diedTell all the truth, but tell it slant

To tell us about the book that offers traveling adventures, she has used words like a frigate, which means a light weighted boat that is used for traveling in the sea.

The word traverse is used to depict that she is traveling back and forth from one book to another.

Also about the chariot which is frugal, which means to travel with the low amount or on a budget. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Emily Dickinson, here:


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