How does common use make this from monopoly


Answer 1

If a product or service becomes widely used and popular among consumers, it can attract competition from other companies, which can result in the market becoming more competitive and reducing the dominant position of any one company.

What is Monopoly?

A monopoly is a situation where a single company or entity has exclusive control over the production or sale of a particular product or service. Monopolies can be harmful to consumers because they often result in higher prices, lower quality products or services, and less innovation.

Additionally, government regulation and antitrust laws can also prevent monopolies from forming and promote competition in the marketplace.

Read more about monopoly here:


Related Questions

How do trade organizations (and supranational organizations) relate to economies of scale?


Trade organizations and supranational organizations can have a significant impact on economies of scale.

What is the trade?

Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that arise when the production of goods or services is increased. As production volume increases, the average cost per unit decreases, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency.

Trade organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) or regional trade organizations like the European Union (EU), can facilitate economies of scale by promoting and regulating trade among member countries. By eliminating or reducing trade barriers, such as tariffs or quotas, trade organizations can facilitate increased trade volume among member countries. This increased trade volume can lead to economies of scale as producers can access larger markets and achieve higher production volumes, leading to lower costs per unit.

So, Supranational organizations, such as the EU, can also facilitate economies of scale by harmonizing regulations and standards among member countries.

Learn more about trade  from


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