How does the graph change between point A and point B?

On a coordinate plane, a graph increases from (0, 0) to point A and then continues to increase through B.
The graph increases.
The graph decreases.
The graph remains constant.
The graph increases, then decreases.


Answer 1


Explanation:on a coordinate plane,a graph increases from (0, 0) to point a

Related Questions

what is purpose of the video, "America's New Paths in Space" and the article, "Your Future in Space"


While "Your Future in Space" presents NASA's function more objectively, America's New Path in Space is intended to highlight the importance of the agency.

What are NASA's four upcoming objectives?

The four themes of Research, Experiment, Create, and Progress are the focal points of NASA's Strategic Plan, which guides our priorities and endeavors. These four themes' tactical targets and goals are made to go in harmony with NASA's vision and mission.

What three goals does space exploration hope to achieve?

Among the common justifications for space exploration are the advancement of science, national prestige, unification of various nations, assuring the survival of humanity in the long run, and the creation of strategic and military advantages over rival nations.

To know more about Space Exploration, visit:


Which set of words in this description
Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens,
died. Everywhere was the shadow of death.
evil, sickened died, death
spell community, shadow
settled, mysterious everywhere
swept flocks, chickens, cattle, sheep


We can see here that the words in this description from Silent Spring that has the greatest negative connotations are: A. evil, sickened, died, death.

What is connotation?

Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations and implications that a word or phrase carries beyond its literal or denotative meaning. It is the emotional or cultural meaning that a word or phrase carries. For example, the word "home" has a positive connotation, evoking feelings of warmth, safety, and comfort, while the word "house" has a neutral connotation, simply referring to a physical structure.

We see here that option A above is actually thye one that has the greatest negative connotation.

The complete question is seen below:

Which set of words in this description from Silent Spring has the greatest negative connotations?

Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens, the cattle and sheep sickened and died. Everywhere was the shadow of death.

A. evil, sickened, died, death

B. spell, community, shadow

C. settled, mysterious, everywhere

D. swept, flocks, chickens, cattle, sheep

Learn more about connotation on


waldo is having trouble taking good notes in his classes so he thinks he'll try changing his seating location, hoping that it will improve the quality of his note-taking and course grades. which one of the following classroom seating locations should waldo assume if he intends to improve the quality of his note-taking?


Waldo should sit at front or center of the classroom if he intends to improve the quality of his note-taking.

Making notes involves gathering information from several platforms and sources. The main goals of taking notes are to promote active learning and create study materials for tests. You should be able to organize knowledge into an understandable format with the help of note-taking techniques to aid in your learning process.

There are numerous approaches to taking notes. One of the easiest and most logical ways to take notes is using an outline. The outline approach, as the name implies, organizes notes into a hierarchy of information, allowing for a logical flow of information on the page. You can take notes by hand or electronically while using the outline method.

To learn more about note-taking:


SB 3.4: Comparing & Contrasting Morrison's and Adkinson's Essays
can someone answer #2 and #3 for me?
here r the questions
As groups share their diagrams with the class, use the following Venn diagram to record notes from the whole-group discussion.
Reread “The Work You Do, the Person You Are,” by Toni Morrison, and “Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home,” by Danial Adkison. As you read the essays, use the following charts to record notes about language you may want to quote directly or paraphrase in your response.


The charts allow me to record quotes and paraphrases from the essays that I may want to use in my response.

The Work You Do, the Person You Are and Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home

The Work You Do, the Person You Are


The value of hard work The importance of self-identityThe power of ambition


“The work we do is an essential part of our identity” “Hard work has the power to transform us into the person we want to be” “Ambition is a powerful force that can lead to success”

Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home


The significance of home The importance of family The power of memories


“The memories of home give us a sense of comfort and security” “Through the dishes, I uncovered a sense of belonging”The Venn diagram shows two intersecting circles that represent the two essays by Toni Morrison and Danial Adkison. The circle on the left labeled "The Work You Do, the Person You Are" includes aspects of Morrison's essay such as the importance of meaningful work and how it contributes to one's identity.The circle on the right labeled "Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home" includes aspects of Adkison's essay such as his experience of feeling overwhelmed by the mundane tasks of everyday life and how he was able to still find joy in them. The intersection of the two circles represents the common themes between the essays, such as the idea that whatever we do can have a positive impact on our identity and that even the mundane tasks of everyday life can lead to joy and happiness.

Tolearn more about The Work You Do, the Person You Are and Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home refer to:


Explain the following lines from paragraph 13, as well as how they contribute to the passage's overall meaning: "Where there is no common power, there is no law; where no law; no injustice. Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues. Justice and Injustice are none of the faculties neither of the body nor mind. If they were, they might be in a man that were alone in the world, as well as his senses and passions." Answer in at least 5 Sentences.



I think Hobb's is stating that there is unity in government. It is Contractarianism: the school of thought that used a hypothetical social contract that people agreed to in order to escape the state of nature. This contract established a form of society and government, although the exact form of government differs depending on the theorist. Other prominent contractarians include John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Rawls

Persuasive writing aims to

1. to share information in the context of a story with characters and setting.

2. convince the reader that your opinion is right.

3. explain a subject or inform about a particular topic area.

4. to depict imagery to create a clear picture in the mind of the reader.


Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader that your opinion is right.

What is the difference between persuasive and argumentative writing?

Though the aim of persuasive and argumentative writing are similar as both of them try to show their side or opinion to be true or valid, the method of writing  is entirely different. Persuasive writing tries to win the readers to their side through  a blend of facts and opinions while the later uses data and facts while also giving facts and charts about the opposing point of view to demonstrate their position. Persuasive writing has an audience in mind and tries to convert their readers aggressively using emotional as well as logical tactics while argumentative writing must strive to be reasonable and logical and must be more objective and this means that argumentative essays need not have readers in mind while writing it.

to learn more about argumentative writing visit:


Answer the following short constructed response: What is one claim you can make about humans' involvement in the
python problem? Cite textual evidence from at least two of the sources (ACECE format). Review the ACE strategy
presentation for the correct format.


Pythons are indiscriminate feeders even if they aren't known to assault people. They have been observed to consume a variety of animals, including little songbirds, adult deer, and even alligators up to six feet long.

What kind of harm has the Burmese python done?

Because of the Burmese Python, many natural species that live in the Everglades have started to disappear in recent years. Burmese Pythons are also displacing other organisms due to competition for food, habitat, and space (Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health).

Famous Burmese pythons that have invaded the Florida Everglades have been known to kill alligators and wildlife. However, according to scientists, pythons rarely attack people without being provoked and snakes rarely pose a threat to humans.

To know more about Burmese python, refer to:


The vertices and foci of a hyperbola are always collinear: Select one True False


It is true that the vertices and foci of a hyperbola are always collinear.

The vertex of a hyperbola is the point at which the hyperbola intersects the axis of the hyperbola. Because the hyperbola intersects the axis at two unique locations, it has two vertices.

The center, the two foci, and the two vertices of a hyperbola are all collinear. In other words, the vertex's midway is the center of the hyperbola, and the vertex of hyperbola and the foci of hyperbola are collinear.

The vertex of a hyperbola is the point at which the hyperbola has the greatest turn. The vertex of a hyperbola is the place where the hyperbola's axis intersects it. The hyperbola intersects the axis at two separate places, which are the hyperbola's vertices. The vertex and foci of the hyperbola are collinear and lie on the hyperbola's axis.

Learn more about vertex of a hyperbola here


There are many different reasons why people use social networks. Study the list below. Can you think of any examples of websites which specialize in each of these areas?

1. Getting in touch with old classmates.
2. Friendship and dating.
3. Professional networking, job hunting and headhunting.
4. Learning foreign languages.
5. Photo sharing and commenting.
6. Organising and sharing things on an online pinboard.
7. Connecting with travellers and local communities.


The examples of websites that specialize in each of these areas are:

   Getting in touch with old classmates - Face book    Friendship - Bum ble    Professional networking, job hunting and headhunting - Linked In, Glass door    Learning foreign languages - Duolingo, Rosetta Stone    Photo sharing and commenting - Fli ckr    Organizing and sharing things on an online pinboard - P interest    Connecting with travelers and local communities - Couchsurfing, Meet up

What is the social networks about?

Social networks are online platforms that allow users to create and share content, as well as connect with other users. They can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as staying in touch with friends and family, sharing photos and videos, discussing common interests, and connecting with like-minded people.

Face book, for example, is one of the most widely used social networks in the world. It allows users to create a personal profile, connect with friends and family, share photos and videos,  etc.

Learn more about social networks from


Match each logical fallacy to its definition.

Match Term Definition
Ad hominem A) The use of name calling, finger pointing, and personal attacks
Bandwagon B) The use of popularity or mass appeal to make an audience believe something
Slippery slope C) Making it seem like if something is allowed, multiple bad things will follow
Strawman D) Creating or distorting an argument to take the audience's attention away from the original



See Below


A) The use of name calling, finger pointing, and personal attacks = Ad hominem

B) The use of popularity or mass appeal to make an audience believe something = Bandwagon

C) Making it seem like if something is allowed, multiple bad things will follow = Slippery slope

D) Creating or distorting an argument to take the audience's attention away from the original = Strawman

How mainly does the author illustrate the way different cultural groups in her area interacted


The author can illustrate the way different cultural groups in her area interacted to show common characteristics among these groups, common celebrations, and even conflicts between them.

What are cultural groups?They are a group of people who share the same cultural characteristics.They are groups formed by ancestry.They are groups that share the same customs.

It is common that in the same area, there are different cultural groups that must interact with each other due to geographical proximity. This interaction is often peaceful and friendly, especially when the two groups have similar characteristics.

However, this interaction can also be caused by conflicts, where one group tries to prevail over the other.

Your question is incomplete. I can't find the full version of it, so it's not possible to provide an exact answer, but I hope this answer can help you.

Learn more about cultural groups:


A. The invitation was for high school students, although the speaker said she would correspond with whoever wanted to participate in the cause.B. The invitation was for high school students, although the speaker said she would correspond with whomever wanted to participate in the cause.C. The invitation was for high-school students, although the speaker said she would correspond with whoever wanted to participate in the cause.D. The invitation was for high-school students, although the speaker said she would correspond with whomever wanted to participate in the cause.


The correct response is C. The invitation was for high school students, although the speaker said she would correspond with whoever wanted to participate in the cause.

High school kids were invited, but the speaker promised to connect with anyone who wished to support the cause. We cannot utilise our ear to assist us with this rule because we do not speak in this manner. This is a wonderful moment to talk about how spoken language and written language differ, especially when it comes to official papers and tests. While we converse casually, writing must be more official. I'll be completely honest if I answer the door and someone asks, "Who is it?" I'm afraid the person on the other side of the door will think I'm strange and never open up if I say, "It is I."

To learn more about high-school students Please click on the given link:


need help pls:)) can someone help me to make a poem pls



stop greenhouse gases

stop polluting our planet

stop dirtying our rivers

stop polluting the air

stop global warming

stop hunting endangered animals

stop endangering our planet

stop destroying the ozone layer

Read this excerpt from "A Modest Proposal":
Those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times
require) may flea the carcass; the skin of which, artificially
dressed, will make admirable gloves for ladies, and
summer boots for fine gentlemen.
Based on this satirical excerpt, what is most likely to be true about the
A. He does not believe gentlemen should wear boots during the
B. He believes England is facing difficult economic times.
C. He believes children's skin will make nice gloves for ladies.
D. He does not believe people should be thrifty during hard economic


The most likely truth about the author in this satirical excerpt is this:

B. He believes England is facing difficult economic times.

What is the truth about the author?

The author's words in this text show that he believed England was facing harsh economic realities at the time. His statement, given the word in the bracket, is that the times they were living in required that they be thrifty.

So, this author was not condemning the men and women who decided to become thrifty. He rather praised them because they were taking a wise step given the situation.

Learn more about A modest proposal here:


The slogan, “Red Bull gives you wings,” means which of the following?


It means the product gives people energy (“wings”) to do whatever they want and have the energy to do so.

parallel structure!! see photo for question



yes laptop and keyboard

Summarize in a paragraph of at least FIVE sentences what you learned about Dr. King and the March on Washington. Make sure to explain why the March on Washington
was taking place and what Dr. King's role in it was. Include information on why Dr. King may be a credible speaker based on what you learned about him.



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader who was heavily involved in the organizing of the March on Washington in 1963. The march was a demonstration to urge the federal government to pass legislation that would improve civil rights, such as the Civil Rights Bill. Dr. King's role in the march was to deliver the iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, which emphasized the vision of racial harmony he had for the future of America. Dr. King was a credible speaker due to his background in non-violent civil rights activism, his PhD in theology, and his widely respected reputation. He was able to galvanize millions of people all over the country to support the cause of civil rights. His speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the march, which was watched by millions of people, became an iconic moment in the history of the civil rights movement.


Which of these is a possessive case personal pronoun?
A. I
B. me
C. you
D. their


Answer: Their


Possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and their. A possessive pronoun shows that something or someone belongs someone or something.

(Ex.; That cat is mine.)

D. Their because it is a possessive pronoun.

You and your friends were asked to leave the cinema after a member of staff accused you of throwing popcorn around. It was actually some young children sitting a few rows in front of you.​


The context clues show that if this situation occurs, it would be best to calmly explain to the staff member that you and your friends were not throwing popcorn and that it was actually some young children sitting a few rows in front of you.

What should be done?

From the information, you and your friends were asked to leave the cinema after a member of staff accused you of throwing popcorn around. It was actually some young children sitting a few rows in front of you.

If possible, you could ask any witnesses or other moviegoers in the vicinity to confirm your innocence. If the staff member is not willing to listen, you can contact the manager or customer service to report the incident and request a refund.

Learn more about context clues on:


Read the passage.

Isaac glared at the clock on his desk as he waited for the phone call that would change his life—he wasn’t sure if the change would be for the better or the worse, but he knew that his life was going to change. It was an old clock that had belonged to his grandmother. Usually the quiet, dependable sound of the seconds ticking by comforted him, if he noticed them at all. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Today, it occurred to him that the clock was mocking him. Tick-tock. Tock-tick. Tock-tock. "I wonder if Jenny wants this clock. . . .” His thought was interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing.

Which statement best describes the author’s use of a stylistic element in this excerpt?

A. The em dash indicates a shift in Isaac’s mood.
B. The change in the second description of the clock’s sounds emphasizes Isaac’s unease.
C. The ellipsis suggests that Isaac cannot concentrate.
D. The quotation marks indicating Isaac’s thoughts emphasize his uncertainty about the future.





because issac clearly cannot concentrate

Mexico and Utah?
They were going to be admitted as slave
They were going to be admitted as free
The people living there would vote to become
either a free state or a slave state.


Answer: smth


C. Theirs going to vote if they should be a free state or a slave state

The Greek root nostos means "return home," and the root algos means
"pain." Use these word roots along with context clues to determine the
meaning of the word nostalgia as it is used in Only Daughter. Write your
definition of "nostalgia" here and tell how you found it.


Nostalgia is the yearning for a time in the past when things seemed to be better, simpler, and more enjoyable.

Is nostalgia an emotion or a feeling?

Nostalgia is a complicated emotion that comprises past-focused cognition and a mixed affective signature, according to Hepper, Ritchie, Sedikides, and Wildschut. The emotion is frequently brought on by talking, feeling lonely, or coming across a familiar smell, sound, or treasure.

Waxing nostalgia refers to remembering, considering, reflecting on, or staying focused on a memory from one's past—typically a happy, personally significant event like one's childhood or a close relationship. One frequently has a romanticized perspective of the recollection, misses the person or the period, longs for them, and perhaps even yearns to go back in time.

Learn more about nostalgia with the help of the given link:


my self and my vision composition ​


The phrase "Self-Vision," or "the Vision of the Self," refers to your individual life goals, inside visions of your successes as you move closer to your objectives, and inner views of your successes once your mission has been completed.

What does one's self-view entail?The phrase "Self-Vision," or "the Vision of the Self," refers to your individual life goals, inside visions of your successes as you move closer to your objectives, and inner views of your successes once your mission has been completed.Your life's vision outlines your aspirations for identity, reputation, experiences, and a list of successes. The framework your vision provides for evaluating those goals aids in their definition. Your why transforms into your vision.The phrase "Self-Vision," or "the Vision of the Self," refers to your individual life goals, inside visions of your successes as you move closer to your objectives, and inner views of your successes once your mission has been completed.                  

To learn more about Self-Vision refer to:


Read the excerpt from "Fern” in Cane.

She sprang up. Rushed some distance from me. Fell to her knees, and began swaying, swaying. Her body was tortured with something it could not let out. Like boiling sap it flooded arms and fingers till she shook them as if they burned her. It found her throat, and spattered inarticulately in plaintive, convulsing sounds, mingled with calls to Christ Jesus.

Which statement best describes Toomer’s use of figurative language in this excerpt?

A. Alliteration in “convulsing,” “calls,” and “Christ” mimics the sounds Fern made.
B. A simile compares Fern’s feelings to “boiling sap.”
C. A metaphor describes how Fern’s body is burned.
D. Hyperbole is used to describe how Fern moves after falling on her knees.


The best statement of Toomer’s use of figurative language is a Hyperbole is used to describe how Fern moves after falling on her knees. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by the figurative language?

Figurative language, which deviates from the usual order and meaning of words in order to convey a complex meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. It refers to something without actually declaring it by using a regular sentence.

The figurative language types are:

A metaphorical.A simile.Personification.Exaggeration.Allusions.

Therefore, the best statement of Toomer’s use of figurative language is a Hyperbole is used to describe how Fern moves after falling on her knees

To know more about the figurative language, visit:


let . fill out the following table. based on this table, does it appear to be the case that is continuous at ?


The range of values for each class is determined by dividing the total range of values into equally sized intervals, also known as class intervals.

What is a Continuous class interval?

Continuous class intervals in a table refer to a method of grouping data in a histogram or frequency table, where the range of values for each class is continuous and does not have any gaps

The size of the class intervals determines the resolution of the histogram or frequency table and can be adjusted to provide a clearer picture of the distribution of the data.

In a continuous class interval table, the upper boundary of one interval is the same as the lower boundary of the next interval, creating a smooth and continuous distribution of the data

This is a general overview to help you understand how to solve for the continuous class interval table and have a better understanding of the topic in general.

Read more about continuous class intervals here:


Which of the following roles does the government play in the type of capitalism practiced in the United States? The government decides what to produce in the economy, The government promotes economic stability and growth. The government modifies the distribution of income The government provides certain goods and services that otherwise would be under produced or not produced at all. The government provides the rules for economic activity


Answer: The government provides economic stability and growth

The Government provides certain goods and services that otherwise would be under produced or not produced at all
The government provides the rules for economic activity


social media technologies are most useful for teaching which of the following skills and competences? group of answer choices online communication and networking problem solving and inquiry learning student self-assessment of learning performance accessing and assessing online materials


Social media technologies can be useful for teaching a variety of skills and competencies, but they are particularly well-suited for teaching online communication and networking skills.

What are social media technologies?

With social media platforms, students can interact with each other and with instructors, collaborate on group projects, and engage in discussions about course material. They can also use social media to build their personal and professional networks and to connect with experts in their fields of interest.

Therefore, In addition to online communication and networking, social media can also be used to teach problem solving and inquiry learning. By engaging with real-world issues and challenges through social media, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Learn more about social media on:


Determine where commas are needed in the following sentence.
In Jack's bedroom closet there is a black shirt that I wear when painting.


Answer: there's none needed


nonessential commas = not essential or necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

What might be the poets purpose in the poem The little boy lost. Was it to warn, explain, interpret


The poet's purpose in the poem The little boy lost. Was it to warn, The aim of this poem is to frighten because it conveys the same feeling through the words of the young boy who is lost and has no idea where his father is.

What is a poem?

A grouping of words, whether spoken or written: Traditionally a rhythmical writing with occasional rhymes that expresses feelings, thoughts, or experiences in a way that is more focused, creative, and potent than regular speech or prose: Some poems use the meter, while others use free verse.

Because this poem accurately captures the young boy's thoughts and words, it lacks any didactic justification for its inability to forewarn, explain, or understand.

Therefore, By the poem, The little boy. The young boy's thoughts and words are is there.

Learn more about the poem here:


The options are as follows.

A) to warn

B)to explain

C) to interpret

D) to frighten

Write an essay on the topic my Golden days.​


The most enjoyable and memorable period of anyone's life is their childhood. The absolute golden days of anyone's life where the toughest decision to make was which game to play today.

It's the beginning of life, which we can enjoy anyway we like. In addition, this is the period that determines the future. Both the parents and the kids show their kids the same love and care. Additionally, this is the most ideal time in life to teach youngsters everything.

"Mama, I'm not going to school!" Each and every one of us, I'm sure, would have said it in elementary school. After four years of liberty and carefree life, we felt as though we were being imprisoned. The hardest thing for our parents to do was to get us up every morning and get us ready for school.

We used to sob ferociously and turn our classroom into a puddle of tears when we first saw the instructor because she frightened us. The instructor would reassure us and make an effort to make us feel at ease. We started acclimating to this new way of life gradually.

Childhood recollections eventually turn into enduring ones that make us smile constantly. The true significance of childhood is something that only adults comprehend because youngsters do not.

Learn more about essay writing at

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