how does the presidential nominating process illustrate the process of constitutional change?


Answer 1


The presidential nominating process illustrates the process of constitutional change by showing how the political parties have evolved over time, adapting to changing circumstances and adapting to new technologies, and changing the way they select their nominee for president.

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Clean is a corporation licensed in Maryland. Clean plans to hire George Tacy as an agent for recruitment and hiring computer/IT employees and seeks your advice. You all recognize the importance of having a clearly defined agency agreement, and there are different types of agents.

1. Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of Clean or an independent contractor? Explain why.


When it comes to determining the employment status of an individual, such as George Tacy, it's crucial to consider the level of control and autonomy that Clean, the corporation, holds over Tacy's work.

If Clean plans to control Tacy's work by providing him with a set schedule, training, supervision, and dictating the methods used to perform the work, it's recommended to classify Tacy as an employee. This classification would give Clean the ability to ensure that Tacy is performing his work in accordance with company policies and procedures, and Clean would also be responsible for withholding taxes and providing benefits.

What is agency agreement?

On the other hand, if Clean plans to provide Tacy with a significant amount of autonomy, such as setting his own schedule and determining his own methods for recruitment and hiring computer/IT employees, it would be more appropriate to classify Tacy as an independent contractor. This classification would give Clean less control over Tacy's work, but would also shift the responsibility for taxes and benefits to Tacy.

In summary, Clean should carefully evaluate the level of control they want to have over Tacy's work and based on that, classify Tacy as an employee or an independent contractor. This will ensure a clearly defined agency agreement, which will be beneficial for both parties.

Learn more about agency agreement from


List and then discuss the reasons Chambliss gives for why vagrancy laws became increasingly punitive overtime?


In the past, it was against the law for someone to stray from one location to another without obvious support for why vagrancy laws became increasingly punitive overtime.

What are vagrancy laws?

The state of being homeless without a regular source of money or job is known as vagrancy. Typically, vagrants depend on begging, scavenging, small thievery, temporary employment, or social security to make ends meet.

Vagrancy was formerly punished by the state with forced work, military service, incarceration, or confinement to special labor houses and was linked to minor crime, begging, and lawlessness.

The Latin word vagari, which means "to roam," is the ultimate source of the words vagrant and vagabond. Latin vagabundus is where the word "vagabond" comes from.

A vagabond was originally someone without a place to live or a job in Middle English. Many world religions contain references to or practices involving vagrants, both historically and currently.

Learn more about vagrancy laws, here


those who disagree with the views in the majority opinion in schenck v. united states would likely celebrate the shaping of the constitution in which free-speech ruling? responses new york times co v. united states new york times co v. united states tinker v. des moines tinker v. des moines united states v. lopez united states v. lopez engel v. vitale


Those who disagree with the views in the majority opinion in schenck v. united states would likely celebrate the shaping of the constitution in the free-speech ruling held in the case of New York Times Company v. United States.

In 1971, the Nixon administration made an effort to prevent the publishing of a top-secret history of US military involvement in Vietnam under the pretext that doing so would jeopardise national security.

The case of New York Times Company v. United States was very instrumental in deciding on the question as to whether such an act of prohibiting the publish of material was constitutional valid or not.

The US government had not fulfilled "the onerous burden of proving grounds for the enforcement," the Court said in a 6-3 judgement. The court ruled that the publication bans must stop right away.

Even in circumstances concerning national security, the Court created a "strong presumption against prior restraint" in this decision. This indicates that instances of governmental censorship are quite likely to be deemed unconstitutional by the Court.

To know more about New York Times Company v. United States, click here:


Historians have argued that race and gender were important in Roosevelt's and other's justifications for imperialism because these imperialists
a. claimed American society had lost touch with manly virtues.
b. saw the nation as becoming soft and feminine since the frontier closed.
c. perceived other nations as at the bottom of a strict racial hierarchy.
d. regarded blacks as primitive and Anglo-Saxons as civilized.
e. All of these


Historians have argued that race and gender played important roles in Roosevelt's and other's justifications for imperialism.

They claim that American imperialists saw the nation as becoming soft and feminine due to the closing of the frontier, and that they regarded other nations as being at the bottom of a strict racial hierarchy. They also believed that blacks were primitive and Anglo-Saxons were civilized. All of these factors contributed to the justification of imperialism. Other's justifications for imperialism were because these imperialists saw the nation as becoming soft and feminine since the frontier closed. They viewed other nations as at the bottom of a strict racial hierarchy, with blacks being perceived as primitive and Anglo-Saxons as civilized. These perceptions led to a belief that American society had lost touch with manly virtues, which was used to justify imperialist policies.

Learn more about Roosevelt here


the last-minute judicial appointments by adams were called


the midnight judges
After the Senate confirmed these appointments on March 3, Adams signed the official commissions, not finishing until late into the night of his last day in office (hence the group came to be known as the midnight judges).

Answer:The midnight judges I hope this helps


After the Senate confirmed these appointments on March 3, Adams signed the official commissions, not finishing until late into the night of his last day in office (hence the group came to be known as the midnight judges).The new judges were known as the Midnight Judges because Adams was said to be signing their appointments at midnight prior to President Thomas Jefferson's inauguration. The famous Supreme Court case of Marbury v.

the act of giving government jobs to political supporters is called


The act of giving government jobs to political supporters is called Political patronage.

Patronage refers to the assistance that a group, person, or organization gives to another, including financial support. Arts patronage, which has been used to describe various forms of financial assistance to artists including musicians, painters, and sculptors by kings, popes, and the affluent, is a term used in the history of art. Other examples include the authority to grant offices or ecclesiastical benefices, the patronage of saints, and the business given to a firm by a dependable customer. Latin patronus ("patron"), meaning "one who benefits his clientele," is where the word "patron" originates (see Patronage in ancient Rome). In some nations, the phrase is used to denote political patronage or patronal politics, which is the practice of using public funds to reward people for their election support.

Learn more about Political patronage here


are the laws in the cities and counties, and they are lower than the state constitution and statutes in the hierarchy of the sources of law at the state level


The Rule of Law are the laws in the cities and counties, and they are lower than the state constitution and statutes in the hierarchy of the sources of law at the state level that regulates the affairs of a nation's constitution.

The source of all laws in the american legal system is state Constitution in the United States. It establishes that the federal law or federal constitution and take precedence over state laws and even state constitutions. It is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause.

Constitutional law is considered the highest and should not be supplanted by either of the other two sources law and it is the most preeminent source of law and protections the federal supremacy. A principle of moral law or divine that is considered to be superior to constitutions and enacted legislation.

Learn more about state constitution click on the link here:


A representative democracy is a form of government in which. public decisions are made by leaders elected by the citizens to vote according to their interests. Which kind of government did the American colonists create when they formed the United States of America?


The American colonists create when they formed the United States of America is constitutional democracy.

The majority's power is constrained under a CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY by institutional and legal safeguards that uphold the rights of individuals and minorities. In Germany, Israel, Japan, the United States, and other nations, this kind of democracy is practised.  The term "constitutional" describes the fact that the Constitution, which serves as the ultimate law of the United States, serves as the foundation for the country's governance. Examples of constitutional governments include the United States, the First French Republic, the Weimar Republic, and (usually) England.

Learn more about constitutional democracy here


Which kind of government did the American colonists create when they formed the United States of America?

What is the conclusion regarding the Griffin v. State case?


The pages purportedly printed from Barber's My Space profile were admitted as evidence by the trial judge, but the appellate court ruled that this was an abuse of discretion because they had not been verified in accordance with Maryland Rule 5-901.

What is an appellate court?

Any court of law that has the authority to hear an appeal from a trial court or other lower tribunal is referred to as a court of appeals, also known as a court of appeal, appellate court, appeal court, court of second instance, or second instance court.

In many parts of the world, there are typically at least three levels of court: the trial court, which first hears cases and considers testimony and evidence to ascertain the facts of the case.

At least one intermediate appellate court; and a supreme court, which primarily reviews the decisions of the intermediate courts, frequently on an as-needed basis.

The supreme court of a given legal system is that system's highest appellate court. Appellate courts all around the country may follow different procedures.

Learn more about appellate court, here


injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere speech


We are woven together in an unbreakable web of reciprocity and bound by our shared fate. Anything that directly impacts one also indirectly impacts everyone.

In social psychology, reciprocity is the social custom of rewarding good deeds by performing good deeds in return. Reciprocity is a social construct that states that, contrary to what the self-interest model would suggest, individuals are usually considerably kinder and more cooperative in reaction to friendly activities. Conversely, in response to hostile actions, people are frequently much more nasty and even violent. Building lasting connections and exchanges is made possible by reciprocity.

Learn more about reciprocity here


the green party (gpus) advocates environmentalism, social justice, and anti-war/anti-racism agendas. which of the following statements accurately describes a barrier to the green party winning congressional seats or the presidency? choose 1 answer:


The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a United States federation of Green state political parties. Green politics, specifically environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice.

The GPUS was formed in 2001 when the Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA) split from the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP). The GPUS quickly surpassed the G/GPUSA, which was formed in 1991 out of the Green Committees of Correspondence (CoC), a collection of local green groups active since 1984, as the primary national green organization in the country.

The ASGP, which was founded in 1996,  had grown increasingly distant from In the late 1990s, the G/GPUSA.  The Green Party was founded by John Rensenbrink and Howie Hawkins participatory democracy, grassroots democracy, anti-war, anti-racism, libertarian socialism, and eco-socialism, are promoted by the party. The party is considered left-wing on the political spectrum.

During the 2000 presidential election, the Green Party received widespread public attention when the ticket of Ralph Nader and Winona LA Duke received 2.7% of the popular vote. Democrats accused Nader of sabotaging Al Gore's election.  Nader insists that he did not act as a spoiler in the 2000 election. It is the fourth-largest political party in the United States by voter registration as of 2022, trailing only the Libertarian Party. 

Learn more about Green Party  from here;


Laws enacted by legislative bodies at any level of government, such as the statutes passed by Congress or by state legislatures, make up the body of law generally referred to as Statutory Law.



Yes, that is correct. Statutory law refers to the laws enacted by legislative bodies at any level of government, such as the statutes passed by Congress or by state legislatures. These laws are written and given by elected representatives and are intended to govern the behavior of individuals and organizations within the jurisdiction of the legislative body.


Which of these statements is true?

a. Citizens who are governed by the absolute decisions of the ruler are always happy.

b. As long as the nation is prospering and the people are safe, it is totally possible for the citizens to
accept the rule of a fearful and authoritarian ruler and be happy.

c. Oftentimes people may not accept their leader because they are tired of being governed.

d. According to Machiavelli, it is better for a leader of a government to be loved than feared.


The answer is C. So sorry if I’m to late!

unions were originally formed group of answer choices to seek protection against unfair treatment. to uphold the state and federal laws under which businesses operate. to seek worker corporate voting rights, the same as stockholders. to make certain that there were an equal number of nonmanagement and management-level employees within the company.


Labor unions date back to the eighteenth century and Europe's industrial revolution. During this time, there was a significant influx of new workers into the workplace who required representation.

From the Industrial Revolution to the Present:

Labor unions date back to the eighteenth century and Europe's industrial revolution. During this time, there was a significant influx of new workers into the workplace who required representation.

Early workers and trade unions played an important role in the role for independence in the history of unions in the United States. Although their physical efforts for independence were futile, the ideas they introduced, such as worker protection, became part of our American culture.

The Most Well-Known Labor Union in History

The most famous trade and labor union in American history is the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. At its The AFL had approximately 1.4 million members at its peak. The American Federation of Labor is credited with successfully negotiating wage increases for its members and improving workplace safety for all workers.

During World War II, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) led by John L. Lewis and the larger AFL federation expanded dramatically. The AFL-CIO union was formed in 1955.

Around 1970, union membership and power peaked. Union membership in the private sector began a steady decline at that time, which continues to this day. However, membership in public sector unions is steadily increasing.

According to the Department of Labor, the 2015 union membership rate was 11.1%, with 14.8 million workers belonging to unions.

Learn more about  Labor Union  from here;


which amendment laid the foundation for the process of extending the protections within the bill of rights to the states?


After the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, the Supreme Court determined through a series of cases that the Due Process provision of the Fourteenth amendment included extending certain Bill of Rights protections to States.

No State may pass or enforce any laws that limit the privileges or rights of US citizens, and no State may take away anyone's life, liberty, or property without due process. No State should refuse anybody living under its authority the equal protection of the law without first ensuring they receive a fair trial. Anyone who was born in the United States or who later became a citizen of the nation was given citizenship as well as equal civil and legal rights under the United States Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment. Slaves who had been set free after the American Civil War and African Americans were also included in this.

Learn more about Fourteenth Amendment here


what are three truths about the nature of justice that are taught through the creation accounts in scripture?


First truth: Since God made us "in divine image," he has shared a portion of his divine life with us. Second, people are religious beings. Third truth: God made people to be in intimate, loving relationship with one another.

What is a religion?

Sermons, rituals, prayer, meditation, holy sites, symbols, trances, and feasts are just a few of the many practices that go under the umbrella term "religion." It frequently involves social mores, philosophical perspectives, literary works, prophecies, divine revelations, and morality that are spiritually significant to followers of the particular faith. Even though this is a straightforward definition, there are many different ways to look at religion. Sigmund Freud, a well-known psychoanalyst, thought of religion as a technique to satisfy one's desires. Modern psychology has come to realize that religion may have a tremendous impact on a person's experiences and life, and it can even improve a person's health and well-being. In fact, research has demonstrated that religion can support the formation of positive behaviors, behavior control, and emotional understanding.

To learn more about religion, visit:


How does the structure and operations of Congress reflect the republican ideal of limited government via elected representatives?


The structure and operations of Congress are designed to reflect the republican ideal of limited government via elected representatives. This means that the legislative branch is responsible for creating laws that govern the nation, while the executive branch is responsible for carrying out those laws. The judiciary is responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring that it is applied fairly and evenly.

Congress is made up of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state has a certain number of representatives based on its population, while each senator represents an entire state. Representatives are elected to two-year terms, while senators are elected to six-year terms. This staggered election cycle ensures that one chamber is always up for reelection, providing voters with a constant opportunity to hold their representatives accountable.The Constitution grants Congress a number of specific powers, including the power to tax, borrow money, declare war, and regulate interstate commerce. In addition, Congress has the power to pass any law necessary and proper for carrying out its other constitutional powers. This expansive view of congressional authority was affirmed by the Supreme Court in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), which held that Congress has implied powers in addition to its express powers. The structure of Congress thus reflects the republican ideal of limited government via elected representatives. The separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches ensures that no one branch becomes too powerful, while the staggered election cycles provide voters with a way to hold their representatives accountable.

Learn more about Congress here


a defendant was charged with possession of cocaine. at the defendant's trial, the prosecution established that, when approached by police on a suburban residential street corner, the defendant dropped a plastic bag and ran, and that when the police returned to the corner a few minutes later after catching the defendant, they found a plastic bag containing white powder. the defendant objects to introduction of this bag (the contents of which would later be established to be cocaine), citing lack of adequate identification.


The person(s) being charged with a crime or violation of a law is/are the defendant. The person(s) who have claimed that they have been the victim of wrongdoing in a civil case is known as the plaintiff. The entity or person accused of committing wrongdoing is known as the Defendant.

In a broad sense, a legal case is an argument between rival parties that may be settled by the court system or another comparable legal procedure. Typically, civil law or criminal law forms the foundation of a legal case. There are often one or more accusers and one or more defendants in judicial disputes.

The Constitution only grants original jurisdiction in matters involving conflicts between states or between ambassadors and other senior ministers. Having appellate jurisdiction gives the Court the power to examine rulings from subordinate courts.

Learn more about The Constitution here


a defendant was charged with possession of cocaine. at the defendant's trial, the prosecution established that, when approached by police on a suburban residential street corner, the defendant dropped a plastic bag and ran, and that when the police returned to the corner a few minutes later after catching the defendant, they found a plastic bag containing white powder. the defendant objects to introduction of this bag (the contents of which would later be established to be cocaine), citing lack of adequate identification?

a public policy reason for why courts and legislators have supported imposing strict product liability is that consumers should be protected against unsafe products.


The given statement, "A public policy is the reason for why courts and legislators have supported imposing strict product liability which is consumers should be protected against unsafe products." is true because of product liability.

Courts and legislators have supported imposing strict product liability as a public policy reason because consumers should be protected against unsafe products. Product liability is a legal term that refers to the responsibility of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to ensure that their products are safe for consumers to use.

Product liability claims can arise when a consumer is injured or experiences a loss due to a defect in the product, or when a product does not perform as advertised. In these cases, the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer may be held liable for any damages or losses suffered by the consumer.

----------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"A public policy is the reason for why courts and legislators have supported imposing strict product liability which is consumers should be protected against unsafe products. (True or False)."--------

To know more about public policy, click here.


if a congressman introduces a bill and it does not pass before the end of the congressional session, is that the old dead


In a typical congressional session, 10,000 legislations are introduced, and about 85% of those bills are killed in committee.

In committee or subcommittee, where they may be categorized, overlooked, or never debated, about 85% of proposals are killed. If a measure is approved, committee members will have the chance to hear from a range of experts, politicians, or lobbyists. The Conference Committee has a representation from each of the legislative bodies. One person from each of the two major political parties is sent to each chamber. The four members make an effort to settle disagreements among the chambers. The bill expires if no agreement is reached. Between 2017 and 2019, the 115th Congress passed 443 of more than 10,000 bills. And as a result, only 4.5% of the proposed laws at that time were really passed.

Learn more about The Conference Committee here:


suppose jack signs a contract to purchase a home from jill, but jill later refuses to transfer title to the home to jack. jack could force jill to transfer title to the home by asking a court for an order of____


Assume Jack signs a contract to buy a house from Jill, but Jill later refuses to transfer title to Jack. By requesting a court order, Jack could compel Jill to transfer title to the house specific Performance.

Specific performance is also a form of equitable relief. The plaintiff seeking this remedy must first satisfy the court that the standard remedy of damages is insufficient, with the presumption being that damages will not be adequate in cases of contracts for the transfer of immovable property.

Specific performance is the enforcement of a contractual remedy between two parties, a claimant and a defendant.

Contract performance releases a person from further obligations under the contract. Complete Performance, Substantial Performance, and Breach are the three levels of performance.

Learn more about plaintiff  from here;


Under this act, how many days do you have to dispute a charge on your credit card?


Consumers have 60 days to challenge a charge with a card issuer after receiving their credit card statement. Calculation errors must be present for charges to be subject to challenge if they exceed $50.

Consumers are individuals or groups who do not actively engage in commercial or entrepreneurial activities but who plan to order or utilize acquired goods, services, or experiences primarily for their own social, familial, or household purposes. The expression is most usually used to refer to someone who makes purchases for their own use. Consumption is the act of consuming an item or service. Consumer and client are commonly used interchangeably. This is just partly accurate. A customer is a person or company who makes purchases of goods or services. They were either edible or not.

Learn more about Consumers here


____: services designed by federal law whose purpose is to assist a student with exceptionalities in deriving benefits from a special education.


Special education services are designed by federal law to help students with exceptionalities in obtaining the most out of their educational opportunities.

These services provide a range of support and resources to ensure that students are able to access and benefit from their educational experiences, as well as to accommodate their individual needs and abilities. By providing such services, students with exceptionalities can access the same educational opportunities as their peers, thus allowing them to reach their full potential. Special education services are a crucial part of the educational system, providing support to those with learning disabilities or other special needs. These services focus on helping those with special needs to reach their maximum potential by creating individualized programs and providing necessary accommodations. Special education services are available for children from birth to 21 years of age, and encompass a wide range of areas such as speech-language pathology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral intervention. Furthermore, teachers and support staff work together to create an environment in which students with special needs can experience success both academically and socially. Overall, special education services strive to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Learn more about Special education services here


The Department of Financial Services has the authority to perform all of the following duties, except:
A Determine solvency of an insurer
B Conduct an investigation regarding alleged improper conduct of a person regulated by the Department
C Supervise agent licensing
D Require a licensing applicant's fingerprints to be checked by local and federal law enforcement agencies


The Department of Financial Services (DFS) has the authority to perform several duties related to the regulation of financial institutions and individuals within the industry. These include:

A Determine solvency of an insurer: DFS has the authority to evaluate the financial stability of insurance companies to ensure they have enough assets to pay claims.

B Conduct an investigation regarding alleged improper conduct of a person regulated by the Department: DFS can investigate any alleged violations of laws and regulations by individuals or entities regulated by the department.

C Supervise agent licensing: DFS is responsible for issuing, renewing and supervising licenses for agents and other individuals working in the insurance industry.

However, the Department of Financial Services does not have the authority to "Require a licensing applicant's fingerprints to be checked by local and federal law enforcement agencies" as this is typically the responsibility of the law enforcement agencies rather than the financial regulatory body. This is the correct answer among the given options.

Find more about  Department of Financial Services


Question:-What is the exception among the duties of the Department of Financial Services?

which of the following are grounds for relief from judgment for which a motion must be made within a reasonable time not to exceed one


The court may relieve a party or his legal representative from a final judgement, order, or proceeding on motion and on just terms for the following reasons: (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect; (2) newly discovered evidence that could not have been discovered in time to move for a new trial under Rule 59; (b),

According to the second paragraph of the 1973 Reporter's Notes to Rule 60, "...[B]because a Rule 60(b) motion does not affect the finality of the judgement, it does not toll the time for taking an appeal." However, in 2013, an amendment to Rule 4(a) of the Massachusetts Rules of Appellate Procedure provided that a Rule 60 motion filed within ten days of the entry of judgement tolled the time period for filing an appeal.

The 2013 amendment to Mass. R. A. P. 4(a) was intended to address the ambiguity that occasionally occurred when a post-judgment motion, known as a motion for "reconsideration," was served within ten days of the entry of judgement.

Because the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure do not mention motions for summary judgement, "...[B]ecause a Rule 60(b) motion does not affect the finality of the judgement, it does not toll the time for taking an appeal," according to the second paragraph of the 1973 Reporter's Notes to Rule 60.

However, an amendment to Rule 4(a) of the Massachusetts Rules of Appellate Procedure in 2013 provided that a Rule 60 motion filed within ten days of the entry of judgement tolled the time limit for filing an appeal.

The 2013 amendment to Mass. R. A. P. 4(a) was intended to address ambiguity that sometimes occurred when a post-judgment motion, known as a motion for "reconsideration," was served within ten days of the entry of judgement. Because summary judgement motions are not mentioned in the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure,

Learn more about post-judgment from here ;


Complete Question:

Which of the following are grounds for relief from judgment for which a motion must be made within a reasonable time not to exceed one

(1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect;

(2) newly discovered evidence that, with reasonable diligence, could not have been discovered in time to move for a new trial under Rule 59(b);

(3) fraud (whether previously called intrinsic or extrinsic), misrepresentation, or misconduct by an opposing party.

(4) the judgment is void.

Which of John Locke’s three natural rights is NOT explicitly named as one of the “inalienable rights” outlined in one of the Declaration of Independence?

A. Life
B. Liberty
C. Health
D. Property


One of John Locke's natural rights which is NOT explicitly named as one of the "inalienable rights" outlined in one of the Declaration of Independence is health. The correct option is c.

Who is John Locke?

John Locke was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "father of liberalism". Considered one of the first British empiricists, following the tradition of Francis Bacon, Locke is equally important to social contract theory. His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American Revolutionaries.

Locke's contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence.

Learn more about John, here:


according to contemporary functionalists, which of the following is not one of the four main functions of government? group of answer choices planning and directing society handling international relations, including warfare ensuring positive interactions between political cliques maintaining law and order


According to contemporary functionalists, ensuring positive interactions between political cliques is not one of the four main functions of government.

Thus the correct answer is option C.

The four important functions of the government as per the contemporary functionalists are planning and directing society handling international relations, including warfare. maintaining law and order and meeting social needs.

Politics and the government are seen as tools by functionalists for enforcing rules and controlling conflict.

Active social change, is seen negatively by functionalists since it drives change and may have unfavourable side effects that may need to be made up for.

Functionalists favour social harmony and order. Societal challenges brought on by dysfunction encourage social reform.

For instance, functionalists would view financial contributions to political campaigns as a tool to keep citizens engaged with the democratic process.

To know more about functionalists click here:


Energy Corporation regularly expresses opinions on political issues. Under the First Amendment, corporate political speech is given.
A. little protection
B. no protection
C. significant protection
D. total protection


Energy Corporation regularly expresses opinions on political issues, and though under the First Amendment corporate political speech is given a little protection, it is certainly not given no protection, significant protection, or total protection.

Energy Corporation is an international energy company that provides a wide range of energy solutions, from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, to traditional sources such as oil, gas and coal. The company works closely with governments, private sector organizations and NGOs to develop, finance and implement energy projects that create economic and social benefits for communities worldwide. Moreover, Energy Corporation is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting environmentally-friendly practices, while also ensuring a reliable and secure supply of energy to its customers. As a result, Energy Corporation is an essential player in the global energy market, and is poised to make a positive contribution to the planet and its people.

Learn more about Energy Corporation here


a court will grant a motion for judgment on the pleadings in favor of the moving party if the following three conditions are met: .


It is vital that any relief provided in a civil lawsuit be done so exclusively in light of the pleadings' requests.

Order 6 Rule 17 of the Code of Civil Procedure contains a provision for amending pleadings. The court will only permit revision, though, if it is necessary to resolve the dispute between the parties. This clause does not aim to subvert the law; rather, it advances objectives of justice.

A petition cannot be submitted before to the election for the returned candidate, but it may be submitted by any candidate who ran in the election, by any elector within 45 days of the election for the returned .

Learn more about pleadings.


the u.s. constitution does which of the following? (choose 3 answer choices)it lists the first ten statutes of the federal creates three branches of provides for the fundamental rights of divides ruling authority between a state and the federal system.


The three tasks that the US Constitution does are that it creates three branches of government, it provides for the fundamental rights of citizens and it divides ruling authority between a state and the federal system.

The U.S. Federal Government is divided into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial.

This arrangement promotes the separation of powers. Each arm of government has its own authority and duties, including cooperating with other branches, to guarantee the efficiency of the government and the protection of citizens' rights.

The freedoms of speech, religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to assemble, and the right to petition are all protected by the Bill of Rights.

Additionally, it forbids compelled self-incrimination, harsh and unusual punishment, and arbitrary search and seizure.

The Constitution gives the federal government broad authority, but is limited by the 10th Amendment by the words: “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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58 2/3 as a fraction in simplest form Metal- magnesiumAppearance of metal-?Reactant- hot waterObservation of reaction-? Helppppp!!!! Question: Jimmys friend Tom also wants to save money to buy concert tickets. He draws up the following savings plan. Each week Tom will raise $4 to the number of weeks he has been working and add that amount to his savings during the first 3 weeks of his new job. Use summation notation to write the sum and find the total amount Tom will save in three weeks. FILL IN THE BLANK In a CPMT, a(n) ____ leads the project to make sure a sound project planning process is used, a complete and useful project plan is developed, and project resources are prudently managed. on farm tractor how do you determin whether you have a fautlty aitrnator or voltage regulator in your farm tractor Pt.2 Can someone review my answers please? Thank you! Choose one of organic compound that we always found in our daily life. State the source of the chosen compound and give its three benefits to ourselves. Specialization in production was the starting point for:A. The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith.B. The General Theory, by John Maynard Keynes.C. Das Kapital, by Karl Marx.D. Free to Choose, by Milton Friedman. Which of the following is not an example of primary succession?A. Lava cooling and hardening to form new rocks B. Formation of sand dunesC. Glaciers exposing bare rocks after melting or recedingD. Devastation of a forest after a fire b. according to e.f. codd, who theorized the concept of the relational model, the actual value for the combination of attribute name and type must be atomic. what metric unit would be best to measure the amount of spices put into a batch of cookies? responses are two types of reactions in metabolic pathways: anabolic and catabolic. a. which reactions release energy? b. which reactions consume energy? c. which reactions build up larger molecules? d. which reactions break down molecules? How did the geographic location of the Byzantine Empire help it to flourish? Select all that apply.A.The Byzantine Empire's distance from most parts of Europe protected it from invaders from the west.B.Its location on the Mediterranean Sea allowed for the movement of goods and people throughout the empire.C.Constantinople's location on a peninsula helped defend it from surprise invaders.D.Constantinople's location at the crossroads of trade routes between Asia and Europe brought people to the city. a physical education teacher uses a pedometer to record the number of steps that a student completes in a 40-minute physical education class. what is the test? what is the measurement? what is the evaluation reflected in this activity? Which of the following is NOT a political or economic cause of the American Revolution?*1 pointa. The Intolerable Actsb. No representation for the colonies in the British Parliamentc. British land grantsd. Higher Taxes Housing prices in a small town are normally distributed with a mean of$157,000 and a standard deviation of $8,000. Use the empirical rule tocomplete the following statement.Approximately 99.7% of housing prices are between a low price of$ and a high price of $ Find Y if the slope between (8, y) and (14, -13) is -2/3 Basic food safety guidelines remain important when meal prepping. Cooked fish should be consumed no later than how many days following preparation?Two to three days after preparation A sales executive at Universal containers wants to be notified whenever high-value opportunities are created for hot accounts. How should an administrator meet this requirement?Create the workflow rule on opportunity object.Create an escalation rule based on the opportunity amount.Create an auto-response rule on the opportunity amount.Create a validation rule that evaluates the account rating Choose the accurate statement(s) about how communication by the nervous and endocrine systems differ. Check all that apply.- the nervous system releases neurotransmitters at synapses at specific target cells.- the endocrine system reacts more slowly to stimuli, often taking seconds to days.- the endocrine system communicates by means of hormones.