How does the Scrum Master help the Product Owner? Select the three most appropriate answers.
Understanding product planning in an empirical environment
Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management
Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed
Introducing cutting edge development practices


Answer 1

The three most appropriate answers to the question "How does the Scrum Master help the Product Owner" are first 3 options.

1. Understanding product planning in an empirical environment: The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner by providing guidance on how to plan and prioritize the product backlog items in an empirical environment. This includes understanding the needs of the stakeholders, incorporating feedback, and making informed decisions based on data.
2. Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management: The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner by finding effective techniques for managing the product backlog. This includes refining the backlog items, breaking them down into smaller pieces, and ensuring that they are prioritized based on business value.
3. Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed: The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner by facilitating Scrum events such as Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. The Scrum Master ensures that these events are effective and efficient, and that the Product Owner has the support they need to make informed decisions based on the team's progress.

Learn more about Scrum Master-


Related Questions

Suppose you want to buy a $1,000 par value bond that pays $27 interest each quarter and with a maturity of 7 years from now. If you require 10% rate of return with quarterly compounding, how much should you be willing to pay for this bond? (Round your answer to two decimal point)


You should be willing to pay $1,124.25 for this bond.

To calculate the present value of the $1,000 par value bond that pays $27 interest each quarter and matures in 7 years, with a required 10% rate of return compounded quarterly, follow these steps:

1. Determine the total number of periods (quarters) until the bond matures: 7 years × 4 quarters = 28 quarters
2. Calculate the required quarterly rate of return: 10% annual rate / 4 quarters = 2.5% per quarter or 0.025 in decimal form
3. Calculate the present value of the bond's interest payments (also known as the annuity portion): PV(Annuity) = $27 × (1 - (1 + 0.025)⁻²⁸)) / 0.025 ≈ $551.63
4. Calculate the present value of the bond's par value at maturity: PV(Par Value) = $1,000 × (1 + 0.025)⁻²⁸ ≈ $572.62
5. Add the present values of the annuity and par value portions to determine the total present value of the bond: $551.63 + $572.62 ≈ $1,124.25

You can learn more about the rate of return at:


Freddie bought a stock for $25 last year. The stock la now wonin 532, and over the year, he received total areal vidends d' 51.40 persone. What is the dicend you this holding period a. 43.8%
b. 33.6%
c. None of the seed toms is correct d. 5.6%
e. 28%


The correct answer is not listed in the options provided. The closest answer is e. 28%, which is the dividend yield for one year only, not for the entire holding period.

To calculate the dividend yield for Freddie's stock holding period, we need to divide the total dividends received by the original purchase price of the stock. The original purchase price was $25, and the total dividends received were $51.40. Therefore, the dividend yield for the holding period is:

$51.40 / $25 = 2.056

To convert this to a percentage, we need to multiply by 100. So the dividend yield for the holding period is:

2.056 x 100 = 205.6%

However, the answer choices provided are in percentages, so we need to subtract 100 to get the actual dividend yield percentage for the holding period:

205.6% - 100% = 105.6%

To know more about dividend yield refer here:


Rocket corp has 100 bonds outstanding. The bonds are annual coupon bonds with a face value of $1000, a coupon rate of 6.5%, and 11 years until the bond matures. If the YTM of the bonds is 7.5%, what is the total market value of the bonds for Rocket corp?


The total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp is approximately $94,734.

To find the total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp, we first need to calculate the market value of one bond. Given that the bonds have a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 6.5%, 11 years until maturity, and a YTM of 7.5%, we can use the bond pricing formula:Bond Price = (C * (1 - (1 + YTM)^(-n)) / YTM) + (FV / (1 + YTM)^n)Where:C = annual coupon payment (Face value * coupon rate) = 1000 * 0.065 = $65YTM = yield to maturity = 0.075n = number of years to maturity = 11FV = face value = $1,000.

Using the formula, we get:Bond Price = (65 * (1 - (1 + 0.075)^(-11)) / 0.075) + (1000 / (1 + 0.075)^11)Bond Price ≈ $947.34Now, we can calculate the total market value of the 100 bonds:Total Market Value = 100 bonds * $947.34 per bond ≈ $94,734So, the total market value of the 100 annual coupon bonds for Rocket Corp is approximately $94,734.

Learn more about  annual coupon bonds here:


which marketing function takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity?


The marketing function that takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity is the function of "distribution" or "logistics."

Distribution or logistics is the marketing function that involves the planning, implementation, and control of the physical flow of products from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

In the case of seasonal fruits and vegetables with a short shelf life, it is crucial to have a well-planned and efficient distribution network that ensures the timely delivery of the products to the consumers.

The distribution function must take into account factors such as transportation, storage, packaging, and handling to ensure that the products reach the market in optimal condition. It is also essential to have a network of intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors who can help in the efficient distribution of the products.

Effective logistics and distribution can help in reducing wastage and ensuring that the products reach the consumers when they are still fresh, which can result in increased sales and profits. Therefore, the distribution function takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity.

For more questions like Marketing click the link below:


according to the matrix provided here, there is a dominant strategy in this game, which shows what each firm should do regardless of what the other firm is doing.


The computer system made it possible for the two airlines to communicate with one another, which allowed them to collaborate and coordinate their strategies.That player has an advantage over the opposition in the game, all other things being equal.

In game theory, a situation where one player possesses better tactics regardless of how their opponent may play is referred to as the dominating strategy. No matter what tactics other players use, a player's dominant strategy is the one that gives them the best results. Since admitting would reduce the average amount of time spent in prison, defecting (i.e., confessing) is the preferred choice in this situation.

To know more about strategies, click here:


According to the matrix provided below, there is a dominant strategy in this game which shows what each firm should do regardless of what the other firm is doing.

However, in the real world, both airlines posted their planned fare cuts on a computer system that allowed each of them to see what their rival was doing. They each saw the price war starting, backed down, and escaped the prisoner's dilemma.

Which of the following is the best explanation for why the actual outcome is different from the outcome we predicted using game theory?

Based on the matrix provided, a dominant strategy refers to a strategy that is the best option for a player regardless of the other player's strategy choice. In this case, if there is a dominant strategy in the game, it means that one firm has an option that is always better than any other option regardless of what the other firm does.

Identifying a dominant strategy can help firms make better decisions in their business operations and improve their chances of success.Unfortunately, you did not provide the matrix itself. However, I can explain how to identify a dominant strategy in a game using a matrix.
1. Create a matrix (also known as a payoff matrix) that represents the possible strategies for both firms. The rows typically represent one firm's strategies, while the columns represent the other firm's strategies.
2. Examine each row and column to identify the dominant strategy for each firm. A dominant strategy is a strategy that yields a higher payoff for a firm, regardless of what the other firm chooses.
3. To find the dominant strategy for Firm A (assuming Firm A is represented by rows), compare the payoffs in each row. If one row has higher payoffs for Firm A than the other row(s), regardless of the column, that is Firm A's dominant strategy.
4. Similarly, to find the dominant strategy for Firm B (assuming Firm B is represented by columns), compare the payoffs in each column. If one column has higher payoffs for Firm B than the other column(s), regardless of the row, that is Firm B's dominant strategy.
Once you identify the dominant strategy for each firm, it shows what each firm should do regardless of what the other firm is doing. Please provide the specific matrix if you need help determining the dominant strategy for your particular game.

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chadwick is a developer considering purchasing a large piece of unimproved land for a subdivision development. what should he do before committing to the project?


Before committing to a subdivision development project, Chadwick should conduct a feasibility study that evaluates the zoning regulations, availability of utilities, potential demand, surrounding area, and financial feasibility. This study will help him make an informed decision and reduce potential risks and costs associated with the project.

Before committing to a subdivision development project, Chadwick should conduct a thorough feasibility study. This study should include researching the zoning regulations and restrictions on the land, determining the availability of utilities such as water, sewage, and electricity, and assessing the potential demand for the proposed development. Chadwick should also evaluate the surrounding area to determine the market trends, competition, and potential risks such as natural disasters or environmental hazards. Additionally, Chadwick should consider the financial feasibility of the project. This would involve estimating the total cost of the land purchase, infrastructure development, and construction expenses. He should also evaluate the potential revenue from home sales or rental income and determine if the project is financially viable.

To know more about financial feasibility refer to


Identify your business
Pick a business you want to operate in the future.
Determine the initial cost, and whether you want to start a loan.
Determine the maintaining and operation cost (e.g. materials, equipment, rent, labor and other expenses)
Determine your target customer and estimate the revenue
Use present worth, uniform cash flow and rate of return analysis for your project. You do not need to consider tax at this point. Come up with at leas two options for your business.
Please give the details of your reasonable estimate cost and benefits.
Profits are not estimated from the sale of one unit but are estimated over a given time period. The level of production should be estimated where the volume generates sufficient gross income to cover fixed costs plus variable costs.
The analysis for a new business includes calculating the money needed for a long-tern loan to buy equipment and buildings. Initial investment capital can be obtained from several sources with the interest rate as a factor for accepting the loan.
In your report, please show the REASONABLE details of
Fix cost
Variable cost
Labor cost
Shipping cost (if applicable)
Price per unit
Units sold per period
Unit production per year
Unit storage
Estimate 1-10 years MARR
Predict current and future economic environment impact (e.g. Covid-19)


Identify your business

Pick a business you want to operate in the future.

Determine the initial cost, and whether you want to start a loan.

Determine the maintaining and operation cost (e.g. materials, equipment, rent, labor and other expenses)

Determine your target customer and estimate the revenue

Use present worth, uniform cash flow and rate of return analysis for your project. You do not need to consider tax at this point. Come up with at leas two options for your business.

Please give the details of your reasonable estimate cost and benefits.

Profits are not estimated from the sale of one unit but are estimated over a given time period. The level of production should be estimated where the volume generates sufficient gross income to cover fixed costs plus variable costs.

The analysis for a new business includes calculating the money needed for a long-tern loan to buy equipment and buildings. Initial investment capital can be obtained from several sources with the interest rate as a factor for accepting the loan.

In your report, please show the REASONABLE details of


Fix cost

Variable cost

Labor cost

Shipping cost (if applicable)

Price per unit

Units sold per period

Unit production per year

Unit storage

Estimate 1-10 years MARR

Predict current and future economic environment impact (e.g. Covid-19)

For more questions like Cost click the link below:


On 5 February 20XX, the quoted price of the June 20XX 90-day bank bill futures contract was 98.18, and the yield on 90-day bank accepted bills was 1.77 per cent per annum. On 12 February 20XX, the quoted price of the June 20XX 90-day bill futures contract was 98.19, and the yield on 90-day bank accepted bills was 1.78 per cent per annum. The basis on 12 February was: a) -$613.91 b)$1350.40 c) -$1231.36 d) -$726.49 e) None of the above answers is correct.


The yield on 90-day bank accepted bills was 1.78 per cent per annum. The basis on 12 February was: None of the above answers is correct.


Quoted Price of 99.19 implies a simple per annum yield of 0.0081 or 0.81% per annum.

Basis = Spot - Futures = $1,000,000/(1+0.0086*(90/365)) - $1,000,000(1+0.081*(90/365)) = $997,883.94 - $998,006.72 = -$122.78

What does "% annually" mean?

Per annum denotes annually. It is frequently applied to interest rates.

What in business is a year?

Per annum denotes annually or yearly. It is a phrasing that is frequently used to explain interest rates.

Which expense ratio is ideal for a business?

A practical method for determining whether the management fees associated with an investment fund are worthwhile is to look at the total expense ratio (TER). The TER should, on average, range between 1% to 1.25%.

To Know more about investment fund


Firms with high_ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly. A. turnover O B. leverage O C. liquidity OD. P/E


Firms with high liquidity ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly: A liquidity ratio. The correct option is C.

A liquidity ratio measures a company's ability to pay off its short-term liabilities using its short-term assets. Higher liquidity ratios indicate that a company can more easily cover its obligations, making it better prepared for unexpected expenses.

A. Turnover ratio measures how efficiently a company is utilizing its assets, such as inventory or accounts receivable. It is not directly related to paying off unexpected expenses.

B. Leverage ratio measures the proportion of a company's debt to its equity. A higher leverage ratio may indicate a higher risk, as the company relies more on borrowed funds. This is not directly related to covering unexpected expenses.

C. Liquidity ratio, as explained earlier, measures a company's ability to meet its short-term liabilities using its short-term assets.

D. P/E (price-to-earnings) ratio measures the valuation of a company by comparing its current market price to its earnings per share. This is more relevant for investors evaluating the value of a company's stock, not its ability to pay off unexpected expenses.

In summary, firms with high liquidity ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly because they have the necessary short-term assets to cover their short-term liabilities.

To know more about expenses, refer here:


Complete question:

Firms with high____ratios are well positioned to pay off unexpected expenses quickly.

A. turnover

B. leverage  

C. liquidity

D. P/E

high-income people are willing to pay more than lower-income people to avoid the risk of death.for example, they are more likely to pay for safety features on cars. do you think cost-benefit analysts should take this fact into account when evaluating public projects? consider, for instance, a rich town and a poor town, both of which are considering the installation of a traffic light. should the rich town use a higher dollar value for a human life in making this decision? why or why not?


Yes, cost-benefit analysts should take into account fact that high-income people are willing to pay more than lower-income people to avoid risk of death. This is because value of human life is not same for everyone and can vary based on their financial circumstances and priorities.  

In the example of the rich town and the poor town both considering the installation of a traffic light, the cost-benefit analysts should take into account the different income levels and willingness to pay for safety. However, this does not necessarily mean that the rich town should use a higher dollar value for a human life in making the decision.

Instead, the cost-benefit analysis should consider the overall benefits and costs of installing the traffic light in each town, including the potential reduction in accidents and injuries, the impact on traffic flow, and the costs of installation and maintenance. The analysis should also consider any disparities in safety and access to transportation between the two towns, and whether the installation of a traffic light would help to address these disparities.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to install the traffic light should be based on a comprehensive analysis that takes into account the needs and preferences of both the rich and poor communities, rather than solely on the basis of income level.

Know more about  cost-benefit analysis here:


​_____________________________ are the three alternative ways an international​ division's operating units can be organized.
A. Export​ departments, sales​ departments, or marketing departments
B. Local product​ groups, regional product​ groups, or world product groups
C. Geographical​ organizations, regional​ organizations, or global organizations
D. Local​ offices, foreign​ offices, or global offices
E. Geographical​ organizations, world product​ groups, or international subsidiaries


C. Geographical corporations, regional organizations, or international businesses are the 3 alternative methods an worldwide department's running units can be organized.

Geographical businesses involve dividing the international division via geographic areas, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas. every region operates independently and is answerable for adapting the corporation's products and advertising techniques to fulfill the precise wishes of the vicinity.

Regional organizations group countries within a place that proportion comparable traits, such as language, lifestyle, or economic conditions. This technique lets in for more performance in operations and advertising.

International organizations integrate operations across all international locations and regions, with a centralized control shape. This approach allows for extra coordination and consistency in operations and advertising, but may not be as flexible in responding to local marketplace conditions.

Learn more about Geographical corporations:-

Regional organizations, or international businesses


C. Geographical corporations, regional organizations, or international businesses are the 3 alternative methods an worldwide department's running units can be organized.

Geographical businesses involve dividing the international division via geographic areas, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas. every region operates independently and is answerable for adapting the corporation's products and advertising techniques to fulfill the precise wishes of the vicinity. Regional organizations group countries within a place that proportion comparable traits, such as language, lifestyle, or economic conditions. This technique lets in for more performance in operations and advertising.

Learn more about Geographical corporations here:-


You are going to rent a venue for a fashion
show. The venue will you have in mind is an old
theatre that lends itself well to the event with
excellent sight lines for the audience. However, the
décor and lighting plan by your artistic director for
your fashion show may compromise safety.
Here is the issue:
Drapes over the ceiling area will obscure the normal
lighting and will prevent the fire sensors and
sprinklers from working correctly. Also, there are a
number of props that may hinder access into and out
of the venue. On the other hand, the audience
expected is quite small. Answer the following
a) What are some of the safety risks associated with
this event?
b) In your opinion, who is responsible for the safety
of the venue and the audience?
c) How could the risk be reduced?
) What should the evacuation plan include?


a) Some safety risks associated with this event may include:

The potential for fire hazards due to obstructed fire sensors and sprinklers caused by the décor and drapes.

Restricted access to exits and entrances due to the presence of props or other set pieces, which could impede evacuation in case of an emergency.

b) The responsibility for the safety of the venue and the audience falls on both the event organizer and the venue management. As the organizer, you are responsible for ensuring that the event complies with safety regulations and guidelines.

The venue management is responsible for ensuring that the venue is up to code and safe for use.

c) The risk can be reduced by taking the following measures:

Reviewing and following safety regulations and guidelines.

Ensuring that the venue is up to code and safe for use.

Removing any props or set pieces that obstruct access to exits and entrances.

Installing additional safety measures, such as additional fire detectors, sprinklers, or safety barriers.

d) The evacuation plan should include the following:

Clearly marked exit signs and routes.

Regular safety drills and rehearsals.

Assigning designated safety personnel to monitor the event and assist with evacuation.

Communication systems, such as loudspeakers or walkie-talkies, to relay important safety messages to attendees.

Identifying and designating safe zones for attendees to gather in case of emergency.

A designated meeting spot outside the venue for attendees to gather after evacuation.

to know more about fire hazards refer here


ou borrow $36,500 from a bank at 14% interest compounded monthly and can afford $500 monthly payments. How many months will it take for you to pay back the loan in full (rounded)? a. 164.5. months b. 189.3 months c. 127.5 months
d. 88.9 months
e. 97.2 months


It will take approximately 189 months (rounded) to pay back the loan in full with monthly payments of $500 at a 14% interest rate compounded monthly. The correct option is b.

To answer this question, we need to use the formula for the monthly payment of a loan, which is P = (r(PV))/(1-(1+r)^(-n)), where P is the monthly payment, r is the monthly interest rate (14%/12), PV is the present value of the loan ($36,500), and n is the number of months.

Plugging in the given values, we get P = ($500), r = (14%/12), PV = ($36,500), and solving for n, we get n = 189.3 months.

It is important to note that this calculation assumes that the monthly payments are made on time and in full each month. Any missed or late payments could affect the total length of the loan repayment period.

To know more about monthly payments refer here:


if the reserve ratio is equal to 10% then what is the value of the money multiplier? enter a number rounded to two decimal places.


The value of the money multiplier when the reserve ratio is 10% is 10.00.

To calculate the money multiplier when the reserve ratio is equal to 10%
Money Multiplier = 1 / Reserve Ratio
First, convert the 10% reserve ratio to a decimal by dividing by 100:
Reserve Ratio = 10% / 100 = 0.1
Next, plug the reserve ratio into the formula:
Money Multiplier = 1 / 0.1 = 10

Learn more about Money multiplier-


Summit group bangladesh management issues


One of the biggest conglomerates in Bangladesh is called Summit Group. This conglomerate's industries cover trading, energy and power, shipping, and communications.

An international summit meeting (or simply summit) is a gathering of heads of state or government that typically has extensive media coverage, high security, and a predetermined agenda.

If you're thinking about going to a summit this year, it might be helpful for you to know that it can help you gain more knowledge about a particular industry, introduce you to significant business contacts, make it possible for you to find new business opportunities, inspire you, and give you the chance to pick up new skills.

While summits foster a common understanding of the possibilities for change and leadership, they are more likely to raise problems than to solve them. New ideas and numerous next steps are produced at a successful summit. A successful one can result in a variety of things, including the development of a shared vision and suggestions for a course of action.

Learn more about international summit meeting at:


You are considering making a movie. The movie is expected to cost $10.6 million up front and take a year to produce. After​that, it is expected to make $4.9 million in the year it is released and $1.7 million for the following four years.
What is the payback period of this​ investment? If you require a payback period of two​ years, will you make the​ movie?
Does the movie have positive NPV if the cost of capital is 10.5%​?


The payback period of the movie investment is 3.17 years and the NPV of the movie investment is negative (-$1.41 million)

The payback period is the amount of time it takes for an investment to generate enough cash flows to recover the initial investment. To calculate the payback period for the movie investment, we need to sum up the expected cash flows until the total is equal to or greater than the initial investment.

The expected cash flows for the movie investment are as follows:

Up-front cost: -$10.6 million (negative because it is an expense)

Year 1: $4.9 million

Year 2: $1.7 million

Year 3: $1.7 million

Year 4: $1.7 million

Year 5: $1.7 million

To calculate the payback period, we sum up the expected cash flows starting from the up-front cost until we reach a total that is equal to or greater than $10.6 million:

Payback period = Year of initial investment + (Remaining cash flow to reach $10.6 million / Cash flow in the following year)

Payback period = 1 + ($10.6 million / $4.9 million) = 3.17 years (rounded to two decimal places)

Since the payback period of the movie investment is 3.17 years, which is less than the required payback period of 2 years, the movie investment does not meet the payback period requirement and would not be considered a viable investment based on this criterion.

To determine if the movie has a positive Net Present Value (NPV) at a discount rate of 10.5%, we need to calculate the present value of all expected cash flows and subtract the initial investment. If the resulting value is positive, then the investment has a positive NPV, which indicates that it may be a worthwhile investment.

The present value of expected cash flows can be calculated using the formula:

PV = CF / (1 + r)^t


PV = Present Value

CF = Cash Flow

r = Discount rate

t = Time period

Using this formula, we can calculate the present value of all expected cash flows for the movie investment:

Year 1: $4.9 million / (1 + 0.105)^1 = $4.43 million

Year 2: $1.7 million / (1 + 0.105)^2 = $1.38 million

Year 3: $1.7 million / (1 + 0.105)^3 = $1.24 million

Year 4: $1.7 million / (1 + 0.105)^4 = $1.12 million

Year 5: $1.7 million / (1 + 0.105)^5 = $1.02 million

Sum of Present Values = $4.43 million + $1.38 million + $1.24 million + $1.12 million + $1.02 million = $9.19 million

Now, we subtract the initial investment of $10.6 million from the sum of present values to get the Net Present Value:

NPV = Sum of Present Values - Initial Investment

NPV = $9.19 million - $10.6 million = -$1.41 million (negative because it is a loss)

Since the NPV of the movie investment is negative (-$1.41 million), the movie investment does not have a positive NPV at a discount rate of 10.5%. Therefore, based on the payback period and NPV criteria, the movie investment may not be considered a worthwhile investment. Further analysis and consideration of other factors would be necessary to make a final decision.

For information about net present value click


If a company were to sell an asset and it resulted in a capital gains, the company would owe tax on the amount the financial gain. True False


If a company were to sell an asset and the sale resulted in a capital gain, the company would owe tax on the amount of the financial gain. The given statement is true.

Capital gains tax is a tax on the profits earned from the sale of a non-inventory asset, such as property or investments, that have been held for more than a year. The amount of tax owed on the capital gain is typically calculated based on the net gain from the sale, which is the difference between the selling price and the asset's cost basis.

However, there may be certain exemptions or deductions available to the company that can reduce the amount of tax owed.

For more such questions on tax, click on:


5. Yield to maturity and future price
A bond has a $1,000 par value, 10 years to maturity, and a 8% annual coupon and sells for $980.
a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places.
__ %
b. Assume that the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years. What will the price be 2 years from today? Round your answer to the nearest cent.


Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. If the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years, the price be 2 years from today will be approximately $1,720.34.

(a) Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. In this case, the bond has a $1,000 par value, 10 years to maturity, and an 8% annual coupon rate. The bond is currently selling for $980, which means it is priced at a discount.

To calculate the yield to maturity, we need to find the interest rate that makes the present value of the bond's cash flows equal to the current market price. Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can calculate that the YTM is approximately 8.26%. This means that if the bond is held until maturity, the total return will be 8.26% per year.

(b) If the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years, we can use the present value formula to calculate the future price of the bond. We know that the bond has a 10-year maturity, so there will be 8 years remaining in 2 years' time. The coupon payments will remain the same at 8% of the par value, or $80 per year.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can calculate that the future value of the coupon payments over the remaining 8 years is approximately $634.47. We also need to calculate the future value of the $1,000 par value, which is $1,085.87.

Adding these two values together, we get a future price of approximately $1,720.34. This assumes that the yield to maturity remains constant over the next 2 years.

To know more Yield to maturity about refer here:


Companies raised capital through several different sources: A. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Debt (5 marks) B. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Common Share (5 marks) C. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Preferred Shares (5 marks)


Debt allows companies to raise capital without giving up ownership or control, but it increases financial risk and requires regular interest payments.

Common shares give investors ownership and potential for dividends and capital gains, but dilutes control and can be affected by market fluctuations.

A. Debt:


Interest on debt is tax-deductible, which lowers the overall cost of borrowing.


The interest and principal payments must be made regardless of the company's financial performance, which can create a cash flow burden.

If the company defaults on its debt obligations, it can lead to bankruptcy or other legal issues.

B. Common Shares:


Common shares do not have a fixed maturity date, so the company does not have to repay the investment unless it decides to buy back the shares.


The company's profits are shared among a larger number of shareholders, reducing the earnings per share for existing shareholders.

C. Preferred Shares:


Preferred shares provide a fixed dividend rate, which can be attractive to investors seeking a stable income stream


Preferred shares can be less liquid than common shares, as they may not be traded as frequently on public stock exchanges.

for more such questions on Debt


a)The following balance sheet relates to XYZ ltd for the period ended 31ST December 2018
Sh. ‘000’ Sh. ‘000’
Non-Current Assets 32,500
Current Assets 42,875 75,375
Financed by:
Liability and owner’s Equity 12,500
18% Debentures (Shs. 1000 par) 16,000
10% Preference Shares 6,250
Ordinary Shares (Sh. 10 par) 12,500
Retained Earnings 28,125 75,375
Additional Information;
The debentures are now selling at Sh. 950 in the market and they will be redeemed 10 years from now
By the end of the last financial period, the company had declared unpaid sh. 5 per share dividends. Dividends are expected to grow at an annual rate of 10% in the foreseeable future. Currently, the company’s shares sell at sh. 38 per share in the stock exchange
Preference shares were issued in 2015 and their prices have remained the same over the years and corporate Tax rate is 30% p.a.
Compute the company’s WACC (10 Marks)
b)Highlight 4 reasons in support of cross boarder listing (4 Marks)
c)Explain 3 managerial functions of a finance manager (6 Marks)
d) Describe 3 types of partners in a partnership (6 Marks)
e)Agency costs refer to costs incurred by shareholders in trying to control management behavior and actions and therefore minimize agency conflicts. Outline 4 of those costs (4 Marks)


a) The company's WACC is 11.3%.

WACC = (E/V x Re) + ((D/V x Rd) x (1 - Tc)), where

E = market value of equity

D = market value of debt

V = total market value of the company (E + D)

Re = cost of equity

Rd = cost of debt

Tc = corporate tax rate

Using the given information, the cost of equity (Re) is 16%, the cost of debt (Rd) is 9.5% (since the debentures are selling at a discount of 5%), and the market value of equity (E) is 12,500, with a market value of debt (D) of 16,000. Substituting these values into the formula yields a WACC of 11.3%.

b) Four reasons to support cross-border listing are:

Increased visibility and access to a larger investor base

Increased liquidity and potential for better pricing of shares

Improved corporate governance and transparency

Ability to raise capital in multiple markets

Cross-border listing can provide many benefits to a company, including increased exposure to a larger pool of potential investors, improved liquidity and pricing of shares, enhanced corporate governance and transparency, and access to capital in multiple markets. Additionally, it can help diversify a company's shareholder base and reduce its reliance on a single market.

c) Three managerial functions of a finance manager are:

Financial Planning and Analysis

Investment and Capital Budgeting

Risk Management

A finance manager is responsible for overseeing a company's financial operations and making strategic financial decisions. Some of the key managerial functions of a finance manager include financial planning and analysis, investment and capital budgeting, and risk management.

These functions involve forecasting future financial performance, identifying investment opportunities and evaluating potential risks, and developing strategies to manage financial risk.

d) The three types of partners in a partnership are:

General partners - have management control and unlimited liability for the partnership's debts

Limited partners - have no management control and limited liability for the partnership's debts

Silent partners - provide capital but have no management or decision-making authority

Partnerships can have various types of partners, including general partners who have management control and unlimited liability for the partnership's debts, limited partners who have no management control and limited liability for the partnership's debts, and silent partners who provide capital but have no management or decision-making authority.

e) Four types of agency costs include:

Monitoring costs - incurred by shareholders to monitor management actions

Bonding costs - incurred by managers to signal their commitment to act in the best interest of shareholders

Residual loss - the loss that occurs when the manager's incentives are not aligned with the shareholders' interests

Opportunistic behavior - actions taken by managers to pursue their own self-interest at the expense of shareholders.

Agency costs are incurred by shareholders in their effort to monitor management behavior and actions to minimize agency conflicts. Four types of agency costs include monitoring costs, bonding costs, residual loss, and opportunistic behavior. These costs can be significant and can affect a company's financial performance and shareholder value.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:


Treasury bomds do not have default risk.


The statement "Treasury bonds do not have default risk." is true.

Treasury bonds are issued by the government and are considered to be among the safest investments due to the government's ability to raise taxes and print money to meet its financial obligations. Default risk refers to the potential inability of a bond issuer to make interest payments or repay the principal upon maturity.

Since Treasury bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, the risk of default is virtually nonexistent. This low risk profile results in lower interest rates compared to other types of bonds with higher default risks, such as corporate bonds.

However, it is essential to note that Treasury bonds are still subject to interest rate risk, which can cause the bond's value to fluctuate in the secondary market. Overall, Treasury bonds are an attractive investment option for those seeking low-risk, predictable income streams.

To know more about Treasury bonds click on below link:


1. The preferred stock of Rail​ Lines, Inc., pays an annual dividend of​ $7.50 and sells for ​$50.15 a share. What is the required rate on this​ security?
A. 16.95 percent
B. 10.97 percent
C. 18.94 percent
D. 14.96 percent
E. 12.96 percent


The required rate of return on a preferred stock is the return that an investor expects to receive in order to compensate for the risk of investing in that stock.

To calculate the required rate on the preferred stock of Rail Lines, Inc., we need to use the dividend discount model formula, which states that the required rate of return equals the dividend divided by the price of the stock plus the growth rate of the dividend.

In this case, the annual dividend is $7.50 and the price of the stock is $50.15 a share. We don't have information about the growth rate of the dividend, so we'll assume that it's zero, which means that the dividend will remain constant over time.

Using the formula, we get:

Required rate of return = $7.50 / $50.15 + 0 = 0.1494 = 14.94%

Therefore, the answer is D. 14.96 percent.

This means that an investor who purchases this preferred stock expects to earn a return of 14.96% per year in order to compensate for the risk of investing in this stock. This return is higher than the return on a risk-free investment, such as a U.S. Treasury bond, because the preferred stock carries a higher risk of default.

To know more about risk-free investment refer here


after the creation of a free trade area involving five nations, higher cost external fabric producers were replaced by lower-cost external fabric producers within the free trade area. this is known as


Higher-cost external fabric producers were replaced by lower-cost external fabric producers inside the free trade area following the establishment of a free trade zone including five nations. Trade diversion is what this is known as.

Is trade created in a free trade area when lower cost external suppliers are replaced by more expensive providers?

When higher-cost suppliers from the free trade area take the place of lower-cost external suppliers, commerce is diverted. Only if the quantity of trade it generates outweighs the amount it diverts would a regional free trade agreement be advantageous to the entire world.

Which of the following describes a free trade area's member nations?

What distinguishes a free trade area from other regions? Each member nation is permitted to choose its own own trade policies with regard to nonmembers. Member nations are required to have a central political apparatus that coordinates economic, social, and foreign policy

To know more about trade visit :-


what is the term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact used to promote a product? multiple choice question. customer relationship management cash cow program marketing plan integrated marketing communications


The term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact for promoting a product is D. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is an approach that aims to coordinate various promotional methods and channels to deliver a consistent message across all touchpoints. It involves the integration of advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, and social media to ensure that a brand's messaging is uniform and reaches its target audience effectively. By leveraging multiple channels and tools, businesses can create a unified and seamless experience for their customers, resulting in a stronger brand image and improved marketing results.

Customer Relationship Management (A) is important but primarily focuses on managing interactions with existing and potential customers. Cash Cow Program (B) is not a relevant term in marketing and may refer to a profitable product or service in a company's portfolio. Marketing Plan (C) is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's marketing objectives and strategies, but it doesn't specifically address the integration of communication disciplines.

In summary, Integrated Marketing Communications is the most appropriate term that encompasses the variety of communication disciplines used for promoting a product with clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact. Therefore, the correct option is D.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

what is the term that describes a variety of communication disciplines used to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact used to promote a product? multiple choice question.

A. customer relationship management

B. cash cow program

C. marketing plan

D. integrated marketing communications

Know more about Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) here:


An insurance company collects 100 claims on a class of insurance business. Let x; to be the individual claim, where i = 1,2, ..., 100. We have 2191 xi = 907,000 and 199x} = 18,498,312,500 5100 The insurer applies a Lognormal(u,02) distribution to model the claims (per €,000). a) Show that û = 1.8 and ô = 0.9 using the Method of Moments. (8) Assume that claims (per €,000) follows a Lognormal(1.8,0.92) distribution. The insurer expects to sell 100 policies (to identical risks in any one year) and will charge a premium of €956 per policy. The probability of a claim on any policy is 0.05. An Excess of Loss Treaty exists with a retention of €26,000 for a price of €100 per policy. b) Find the percentage reduction in expected net profit to the insurer on the portfolio under this XOL Treaty. (17)


The main answer is a reduction of approximately 24.15% in expected net profit to the insurer on the portfolio under this XOL Treaty.

To calculate the expected net profit, we need to multiply the probability of a claim (0.05) by the expected claim amount (which can be calculated using the Lognormal distribution with mean u = 1.8 and variance o^2 = 0.9^2). The expected claim amount is approximately €6,788. Then, we subtract the total expected claims (100 policies x €26,000 retention x 0.05 probability = €130,000) and the cost of the XOL Treaty (100 policies x €100 = €10,000) from the total premiums collected (100 policies x €956 = €95,600).

Without the XOL Treaty, the expected net profit would be €41,400. With the XOL Treaty, the expected net profit is approximately €31,400, resulting in a reduction of approximately 24.15%.

For more questions like Net profit, click the link below:


The quantity X tfollows an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift 3 and volatility 2. Suppose X0 = 100. What is the probability that X1 is at least 100? Recall that for an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift μ and volatility σ, the change in time interval τ is normally distributed with mean μτ and variance σ2τ.'


Arithmetic Brownian motion is a stochastic process that models the behavior of a variable that changes continuously over time.

It is characterized by a drift term and a volatility term, which determine the expected trend and the level of randomness in the process, respectively. In this context, the quantity X follows an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift 3 and volatility 2, which means that X is expected to increase by 3 units per time unit on average, and the magnitude of this change is likely to be within 2 units with a certain level of uncertainty.

Given that X0 = 100, the question asks for the probability that X1 is at least 100. This can be interpreted as the likelihood that X increases or stays the same over the time interval from 0 to 1. To compute this probability, we need to use the properties of normal distribution, which is the distribution of the change in X over a time interval τ. Specifically, we can use the mean and variance of X1 - X0, which are μτ and σ^2τ, respectively, to calculate the probability that X1 is greater than or equal to 100. This involves standardizing the normal distribution using the z-score formula and finding the corresponding probability from a standard normal table or calculator.

Overall, the probability that X1 is at least 100 depends on the specific values of μ, σ, and τ, as well as the initial value X0. In this case, we can use the given parameters to compute the probability using the method described above.

For more about Brownian motion:


2. Implications of IRP.
Assume that interest rate parity exists. You expect that the one year nominal interest rate in the United States is 7 percent, while the one year nominal interest rate in Australia dollar is 11 percent. The spot rate of Australian dollars is $.60. You will need 10 million Australian dollars in one year. Today, you purchase a one year forward contract in Australian dollars. How many U.S. dollars will you need in one year to fulfill you forward contract?


In one year, you will need 4.218 million US dollars to fulfill your forward contract.

If interest rate parity exists, the forward exchange rate should reflect the interest rate differential between the two currencies. Using the formula for interest rate parity, we can calculate the expected forward rate: (1 + 0.07) / (1 + 0.11) x 0.60 = 0.4218

Therefore, the expected one year forward rate of AUD/USD is 0.4218. To fulfill the forward contract for 10 million Australian dollars, you will need: 10 million AUD x 0.4218 USD/AUD = 4.218 million USD

So, in one year, you will need 4.218 million US dollars to fulfill your forward contract.

To know more about exchange rate, refer here:


When do the effects of warranty obligations affect the statement of cash flows? Multiple Choice eBook Print When the sale of merchandise is made When the worranty obligation is recognized When there is a settlement of a warranty claim made by a customer None of these answer choices are correct


The effects of warranty obligations affect the statement of cash flows when there is a settlement of a warranty claim made by a customer (option c).

When a customer's warranty claim is settled, the effects of warranty obligations have an impact on the cash flow statement. This is because a warranty claim settlement involves a cash outflow to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the defective product, which is classified as an operating activity in the statement of cash flows.

Recognition of warranty obligations and sales of merchandise do not directly impact cash flows and are therefore not included in the statement of cash flows. It is important for companies to properly account for warranty obligations and their impact on cash flows to accurately reflect their financial position and performance.

For more such questions on cash flows, click on:


stocks A and B have the following returns: (Click on the following icon in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet.) AWN 1 2 3 4 5 Stock A 0.11 0.04 0.13 -0.04 0.08 Stock B 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.01 -0.01 a. What are the expected returns of the two stocks? b. What are the standard deviations of the returns of the two stocks? c. If their correlation is 0.42, what is the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio of 51% stock A and 49% stock B?


Expected returns refer to the anticipated profits or gains that an investor can expect to receive from an investment, taking into account the probability of different possible outcomes.

a. To find the expected return of each stock, we need to calculate the average of their returns:

Stock A: (0.11 + 0.04 + 0.13 - 0.04 + 0.08)/5 = 0.064 or 6.4%

Stock B: (0.05 + 0.03 + 0.05 + 0.01 - 0.01)/5 = 0.026 or 2.6%

Therefore, the expected return of Stock A is 6.4% and the expected return of Stock B is 2.6%.

b. To find the standard deviation of each stock, we can use the following formula:

s = sqrt[ Σ(xi - x)^2 / (n - 1) ]

where s is the standard deviation, xi is each return value, x is the mean of the returns, and n is the total number of returns.

For Stock A:

s = sqrt[ ((0.11 - 0.064)^2 + (0.04 - 0.064)^2 + (0.13 - 0.064)^2 + (-0.04 - 0.064)^2 + (0.08 - 0.064)^2) / (5 - 1) ]

s = sqrt[ 0.003616 ] = 0.06 or 6%

For Stock B:

s = sqrt[ ((0.05 - 0.026)^2 + (0.03 - 0.026)^2 + (0.05 - 0.026)^2 + (0.01 - 0.026)^2 + (-0.01 - 0.026)^2) / (5 - 1) ]

s = sqrt[ 0.000634 ] = 0.025 or 2.5%

Therefore, the standard deviation of Stock A is 6% and the standard deviation of Stock B is 2.5%.

c. To find the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio consisting of 51% Stock A and 49% Stock B, we can use the following formulas:

Expected return of the portfolio = wA * RA + wB * RB

where wA and wB are the weights of Stock A and Stock B in the portfolio, and RA and RB are the expected returns of Stock A and Stock B.

Standard deviation of the portfolio = sqrt[ wA^2 * sA^2 + wB^2 * sB^2 + 2wAwB*ρ(A,B)sAsB ]

where sA and sB are the standard deviations of Stock A and Stock B, and ρ(A,B) is the correlation coefficient between Stock A and Stock B.

Plugging in the values, we get:

Expected return of the portfolio = 0.51 * 0.064 + 0.49 * 0.026 = 0.046 or 4.6%

Standard deviation of the portfolio = sqrt[ (0.51^2 * 0.06^2) + (0.49^2 * 0.025^2) + (2 * 0.51 * 0.49 * 0.42 * 0.06 * 0.025) ] = 0.037 or 3.7%

Therefore, the expected return of the portfolio is 4.6% and the standard deviation of the portfolio is 3.7%.

To know more about expected return visit:


purina sells a selection of dog and cat foods. purina is available to purchase through retail stores like petsmart, target, and amazon. these retailers take ownership of the product and resell it to the consumer. this is an example of:


This is an example of indirect distribution or channel of distribution, where the manufacturer (Purina) sells its products to intermediaries (PetSmart, Target, Amazon) who then sell the products to the final consumers.

Indirect distribution involves the use of intermediaries or middlemen to sell products to customers. In this case, Purina sells its dog and cat food products to retailers like PetSmart, Target, and Amazon, who then take ownership of the products and resell them to consumers. Indirect distribution can be beneficial for companies like Purina as it allows them to reach a wider audience without having to invest in their own distribution channels. It also allows them to focus on manufacturing and production while leaving the sales and distribution to the retailers.

You can learn more about indirect distribution at


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