How does the song Vietnam by Jimmy Cliff make you feel? What feeling do you think the musician was trying to express? What kind of mood does the song convey? What about the song contributes to his mood?


Answer 1

We can see the song "Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff is a powerful anti-war anthem that conveys a sense of anger, frustration, and sadness about the human toll of war.

The lyrics express a sense of solidarity with soldiers and marginalized communities who have been disproportionately impacted by war and oppression.

What is Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War was a prolonged conflict that took place from 1955 to 1975 between the communist government of North Vietnam and the non-communist government of South Vietnam, which was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies.

The mood of the song is somber and reflective, with a sense of urgency and defiance. The music is characterized by a slow, steady beat and mournful instrumentation, which contributes to the melancholy and reflective tone of the song.

The lyrics are also poetic and emotive, using metaphor and symbolism to convey the deep emotional impact of war.

Learn more about Vietnam War on


Related Questions

Read this excerpt from a speech by President Harry S. Truman:
If they were to succeed, the United States would be
numbered among their principal victims. It must be clear
to everyone that the United States cannot - and will not -
sit idly by and await foreign conquest. The only question is:
What is the best time to meet the threat and how is the
best way to meet it?

Which phrase is most clearly meant to evoke fear in the listener?

A. sit idly by
B. only question is
C. meet the threat
D. foreign conquest


D because they don't know what the foreign conquest is

The phrase "foreign conquest" clearly meant to evoke fear in the listener. The correct option is D.

What is phrase?

A phrase is a short group of words that people frequently use to express themselves. The meaning of a phrase is not always obvious from the meaning of the individual words that comprise it.

While all of the phrases in the excerpt may elicit some emotional response from the listener, "foreign conquest" is the phrase that most clearly evokes fear, as it implies the possibility of a foreign power invading and occupying the United States.

This phrase implies a direct threat to the country's safety and security, and thus is likely to elicit a strong emotional response from the listener.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding phrase, visit:


what is the ant character as shown in the poem the Ant explorer​


The little sugar ant's brave journey far away from home teaches your toddler about courage and independence. Sugar travels down a gloomy gully, up a mighty mountain, through a fearful forest and across a dreadful desert. But as he gets further from home, he grows weary and dreams of being tucked up tight in bed.

What is unique about teenage fitness? Explain


Teenage fitness is unique because during this time the body is undergoing rapid growth and development, hormonal changes occur, peer pressure can have an impact, time constraints are a challenge, and it's a critical time for developing healthy habits and a positive mindset.

Select the correct text in the passage. The excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical?


"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical.

The quote above is from a speech by Patrick Henry and it highlights the importance of freedom and liberty. He is advocating for freedom and liberty, even if it means sacrificing one's own life.

He is stating that he would rather die than be a slave and accept the chains and slavery of oppression. The words "give me liberty or give me death" are an iconic phrase that has been used to express the importance of liberty and freedom and the willingness to fight for it.

To learn more about Patrick Henry link is here





I lost my wallet two weeks ago. hope it helps


mark brainliest please

In "He—y, Come on Ou—t!," how do the villagers come to discover the hole?
A. A landslide has swept away a shrine that had covered it.

B. A typhoon has destroyed a building that had covered it.

C. A child from the village falls into it by accident.

D. A construction worker notices it while clearing debris. ​


In "He—y, Come on Ou—t!,"  the villagers comes to discover the hole when A child from the village falls into it by accident. The correct answer is option C.

This is revealed in the story when a child falls into the hole while playing in the village. The villagers then investigate and find the hole, which leads them to the underground cavern.

Shinichi Hoshi's "Hey-y come on out-t" is a fictitious narrative. A landslide swallows a shrine and replaces it with a deep pit in a tiny community hit by a storm. Reporters and experts alike arrive on the site to study the seemingly unfathomable void.

For more such questions on " He—y, Come on Ou—t!,", click on:


question as a lawyer i dedicated my life to defeating jim crow. i believed that the way to do it was to fight for the correct interpretation of the words of the constitution. which person does this paragraph describe? responses earl warren earl warren marshal harlan marshal harlan charles houston charles houston linda brown linda brown thurgood marshall


The paragraph describes Charles Houston as the person who dedicated his life to defeating Jim Crow by fighting for the correct interpretation of the words of the Constitution. The correct answer is option c.

Let's discuss Jim Crow, Constitution, and the person who worked on this issue.

Jim Crow

Jim Crow was a set of laws, customs, and practices used by White Americans to segregate and discriminate against African Americans in the United States. These practices were named after the fictional character Jim Crow, a Blackface performer who popularized racial stereotypes against Black people.


he Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, establishing the government, outlining the fundamental principles of the country, and safeguarding the civil rights and liberties of the citizens. The Constitution is interpreted by judges, lawyers, and policymakers to ensure that it is upheld and enforced.

Charles Houston

Charles Hamilton Houston was a prominent civil rights attorney who dedicated his life to defeating Jim Crow by advocating for the correct interpretation of the Constitution.

He is considered to be one of the most important legal figures of the 20th century and is credited with laying the foundation for the legal strategy that Thurgood Marshall used to win the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case.

The correct answer is option c.

To know more about Charles Houston refer to-

Complete Question

content loaded

question as a lawyer i dedicated my life to defeating jim crow. i believed that the way to do it was to fight for the correct interpretation of the words of the constitution. which person does this paragraph describe? responses

a. earl warren

b. marshal harlan

c. charles houston

d.  linda brown

e. thurgood marshall

Answer: i think its charles houston.


What page is the quote ''the money we'd make wouldn't do no good. All we got is the family unbroken. Like a bunch a cows, when the lobos are ranging, stick all together. I ain't scared while we're all here, all that's alive, but i ain't gonna see us bust up. ' on in the grapes of wrath


John Steinbeck argues in Chapter 16 of the novel "grapes of wrath" about the money we'd make wouldn't do no good. All we got is the family unbroken. Like a bunch a cows, when the lobos are ranging, stick all together. I ain't scared while we're all here, all that's alive, but i ain't gonna see us bust up.

Summary of Chapter 16: Unity and togetherness :

Once more, the Wilsons' vehicle breaks down. Ma declines their offer to continue without them despite Tom and Casy's offer to remain behind and fix it. Instead, everyone waits while Al and Tom visit a nearby car lot to locate parts.

On the level of family and friendship as well as on a larger scale of class, unity and togetherness are major themes in "The Grapes of Wrath"; there are frequently mentioned talks about the migrants organizing against the landowners. The main quotes about these topics are examined in this lesson.

To Know more about novel Grapes of wrath, click here:


Richard Wright’s Black Boy | Analytical Paragraph

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to write an analytical paragraph that explores Black Boy as a whole.

Individual vs. Society: As Wright grows up, he questions and comes into conflict with societal structures that impact his life: racism, poverty, inequality, religion, formalized education, authority figures, etc. Choose ONE of the societal structures and answer the following question: What argument does Wright make through his conflict with one of these societal structures?
Your quote selections should demonstrate a cohesive understanding of Black Boy thus far and should therefore not be contained within one section of the book.

Part 2, Thesis Statement:
Thesis Statement
(What is your argument?)
The claim should be a message/sentence that is arguable
(What are the 2 TOPICS that show HOW you are going to prove your CLAIM?)

The topics/how’s in a thesis should be idea-based – they should not be the names of characters and/or plot events
Thesis Statement
Part 3, Outline:
Body Paragraph #1
What is the CLAIM from your thesis?
What is this paragraph’s topic/how? (choose only ONE of the two topics you wrote above)
Put them together and write your first topic sentence here:
Quote #1 (include citation)
Quote #2 (include citation)
Concluding Sentence
(Reword your topic sentence to give closure to your paragraph)

Part 4, Paragraph: Show a close reading of the text by developing an paragraph that examines the work as a whole



An analytical paragraph is a type of descriptive writing that is based on a chart, graph, table, data, sketch, or other piece of information.

What constitutes an analytical paragraph's structure?

An analysis paragraph is composed of three primary parts. The first sentence has a topic sentence. The body of evidence is the second. The final sentence makes up the third element.

How do you begin a paragraph of analysis?

The finest openers begin with a hook, such as a rhetorical question or a strong statement, and then give background information while establishing the main issues that your research will address. A strong thesis statement comes at the end of the introduction.

To know more about analytical paragraph visit:


The kangaroo said to the duck "This needs a little reflection "Explain


The kangaroo's statement suggests that the duck needs to take some time to think before making any decisions.

The kangaroo is teaching us the importance of pausing and weighing our options before deciding on a course of action by asking the duck to stop and think about all of the potential outcomes.

In order to make judgments that are in our best interests, reflection enables us to get clarity and insight into the circumstance.

Also, it offers us the chance to consider our options and ensure that we are choosing the best course of action for both ourselves and the people around us.

We may create decisions that we can be confident in by taking the time to think things through.

To know more about confident,


What is the point of John Muir's Diary



John Muir wrote in his journals about the beauty he saw in nature. He also drew sketches detailing information about plants, animals, mountains, and landscapes. He used his journals to compose letters to friends, articles, and books to share his love of nature and to enlist people's support to preserve wilderness. Muir's journals gave him a wealth of recorded experience from which ten books and over two hundred articles were published. We continue to gain insight into Nature's beauty and importance in our lives from Muir's writings. Your own Nature Journal provides an opportunity to study the natural world, to grow a deeper relationship with the Earth, to develop a greater awareness and caring for the Earth. A Nature Journal is an opportunity for personal growth and to study the evolving natural world."

John Muir wrote in his journals about the beauty he saw in nature. He also drew sketches detailing information about plants, animals, mountains, and landscapes. He used his journals to compose letters to friends, articles, and books to share his love of nature and to enlist people's support to preserve wilderness. Muir's journals gave him a wealth of recorded experience from which ten books and over two hundred articles were published. We continue to gain insight into Nature's beauty and importance in our lives from Muir's writings. Your own Nature Journal provides an opportunity to study the natural world, to grow a deeper relationship with the Earth, to develop a greater awareness and caring for the Earth. A Nature Journal is an opportunity for personal growth and to study the evolving natural world."- Dr. Bonnie Gisel.

John Muir wrote in his journals about the beauty he saw in nature. He also drew sketches detailing information about plants, animals, mountains, and landscapes. He used his journals to compose letters to friends, articles, and books to share his love of nature and to enlist people's support to preserve wilderness. Muir's journals gave him a wealth of recorded experience from which ten books and over two hundred articles were published. We continue to gain insight into Nature's beauty and importance in our lives from Muir's writings. Your own Nature Journal provides an opportunity to study the natural world, to grow a deeper relationship with the Earth, to develop a greater awareness and caring for the Earth. A Nature Journal is an opportunity for personal growth and to study the evolving natural world."- Dr. Bonnie Gisel.


CHAPTER 1: Thrill Cruise
By Edmond Hamilton

Lance Kenniston felt the cold realization of failure as he came out of the building into the sharp chill of the Martian night. He stood for a moment, his lean, drawn face haggard in the light of the two hurtling moons.

He looked hopelessly across the dark spaceport. It was a large one, for this ancient town of Syrtis was the main port of Mars. The forked light of the flying moons showed many ships docked on the tarmac—a big liner, several freighters, a small, shining cruiser and other small craft. And for lack of one of those ships, his hopes were ruined!

A squat, brawny figure in shapeless space-jacket came to Kenniston's side. It was Holk Or, the Jovian who had been waiting for him.

"What luck?" asked the Jovian in a rumbling whisper.

"It's hopeless," Kenniston answered heavily. "There isn't a small cruiser to be had at any price. The meteor-miners buy up all small ships here."

"The devil!" muttered Holk Or, dismayed. "What are we going to do? Go on to Earth and get a cruiser there?"

"We can't do that," Kenniston answered. "You know we've got to get back to that asteroid within two weeks. We've got to get a ship here."

Desperation made Kenniston's voice taut. His lean, hard face was bleak with knowledge of disastrous failure.

The big Jovian scratched his head. In the shifting moonlight his battered green face expressed ignorant perplexity as he stared across the busy spaceport.

"That shiny little cruiser there would be just the thing," Holk Or muttered, looking at the gleaming, torpedo-shaped craft nearby. "It would hold all the stuff we've got to take; and with robot controls we two could run it."

"We haven't a chance to get that craft," Kenniston told him. "I found out that it's under charter to a bunch of rich Earth youngsters who came out here in it for a pleasure cruise. A girl named Loring, heiress to Loring Radium, is the head of the party."

The Jovian swore. "Just the ship we need, and a lot of spoiled kids are using it for thrill-hunting!"

Kenniston had an idea. "It might be," he said slowly, "that they're tired of the cruise by this time and would sell us the craft. I think I'll go up to the Terra Hotel and see this Loring girl."

"Sure, let's try it anyway," Holk Or agreed.

With the Jovian clumping along beside him, Kenniston made his way from the spaceport across the ancient Martian city.

Read the following line from the text:

"We can't do that," Kenniston answered. "You know we've got to get back to that asteroid within two weeks. We've got to get a ship here."

What can be inferred about Kenniston from this line? (3 points)

He can look in many other places for a ship.

He does not have time to look elsewhere for a ship.

The ships are everywhere, but they are too expensive.

He is afraid that they will not be able to fly the available ships.



It can be inferred that Kenniston does not have time to look elsewhere for a ship. He states that they have to get a ship in Mars because they need to get back to the asteroid within two weeks, indicating that time is of the essence and they cannot afford to search for a ship in other locations.


From this line, it can be inferred that:

He does not have time to look elsewhere for a ship.

Please answer all. Thank you


We can provide evidence of the following characteristics of a tragic hero after reading the play and analyzing Creon's character, as seen below:

Noble stature: Creon is a king and a respected leader in his society. His noble status is emphasized through his position of power and authority.Good person, act of injustice: Creon believes that his edict, which prohibits the burial of Polyneices, is just and necessary for the greater good of the state. However, his rigid adherence to this edict leads to the tragic deaths of his own family members, which ultimately brings him down.Has a weakness, a tragic flaw: Creon's tragic flaw is his excessive pride and stubbornness. He refuses to listen to the counsel of others and insists on his own way, even when it goes against the wishes of the gods.Downfall is his own fault: Creon's downfall is largely the result of his own choices and actions. He has the opportunity to change his course of action but chooses not to do so, leading to his tragic end.Experiences misfortune While Creon's actions contribute to his downfall, his misfortunes are not entirely deserved. His family members suffer tragic deaths as a result of his decisions, and he is left to live with the guilt and regret of his actions.Gains self-knowledge before his downfall: At the end of the play, Creon realizes the error of his ways and experiences a moment of self-knowledge and understanding. He recognizes the tragic consequences of his actions and accepts responsibility for his mistakes. Although it is too late to undo the harm he has caused, this realization allows him to experience a degree of redemption and personal growth.

Who is Creon?

Creon is the king of Thebes in the Greek tragedy "Antigone" by Sophocles. He is a powerful leader who issues a decree forbidding the burial of Polyneices, Antigone's brother, who rebelled against Thebes. This sets in motion a tragic chain of events that ultimately leads to his downfall.

As seen above, Creon has the characteristics typical of a tragic hero. His flaws and weaknesses, as well as the actions of those who surround him, all tend to lead to his downfall.

Learn more about Creon here:


what is the idea that explains the main idea of the text PROPAGANDA: BATTLE FOR MIND


The valuable concept for PROPAGANDA: BATTLING FOR THE MIND is that political information among people is communicated with the assistance of emerging modern day technologies.

Ok so i wont be having a senoir photo so my picture will not be there can you give me clever ideas for a senoir quote


i think a good senior year quote would be

3. "They asked me to write something. So here it is: Something." — Unknown

4. "High school, its been real." — Unknown

5. "I thought these four years were going to teach me how to be Beyoncé." — Unknown

6. "I woke


"its hard being a single mother, especially when you have no kids and are a teenage male"

write 2 paragraphs about Ella Gaillard, inventor.


The world of medicine benefited greatly from the inventions of Ella Gaillard. She was born in Louisiana in 1922, and she grew up in an eight-child home.

What element of a great invention matters most?

A good idea fixes a single issue; a great innovation fixes several. Consider the snuggie as a good invention that addresses the problem of being unable to move your hands freely while being enveloped in a blanket.

Why does an invention succeed?

Inventions frequently entail the improvement of pre-existing goods or the application of a novel perspective to an existing procedure.

To know more about innovation visit:-


My fair lady.
The old Cockney woman gives Alfred the news that Eliza has been gone for how long?


Mrs. Higgins sends word upstairs to Eliza to remain in her room until she sends for her. Higgins enters, loudly proclaiming Eliza's disappearance later found at his mother’s shelter.

What is My Fair Lady about?

My Fair Lady is a musical based on George Bernard Shaw's 1913 play Pygmalion with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Lowe.

The story is about Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle taking her language lessons from phonetic professor Henry Higgins and passing as a woman.

My Fair Lady was released in 1956 and tells the story of Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle who takes speech lessons from professor Henry Higgins to become an educated woman.

When the first act begins, it's raining in London and the opera crowd are waiting for taxis in Covent Garden. Higgins invites an elderly gentleman, a linguist named Colonel Pickering, to stay at his house.

The next morning, Alfred P. Doolittle, Eliza's father, received money from her daughter to buy her a drink.

A little later, Higgins and Pickering were talking at Higgins' house when the housekeeper said there was a woman with a bad accent at the door.

Eliza has come to take a speaking class to get a job at a flower shop. When Higgins first brings Eliza into the public eye, they go to Ascot Racecourse.

Henry's mother helps Eliza amuse herself, following his suggestion to keep her topics in health and weather. When the embassy ball arrives, Eliza impresses everyone in attendance.

One of the guests at the ball is Zoltan Karpathy, a former Higgins student and then rival. Eliza realizes that she no longer fits in her garden at Covent and she leaves with Freddie.

When Higgins wakes up the next morning, he is puzzled by the absence of Eliza. He cannot understand why she left after her success at the ball, and concludes that men are better than women.  

To know more about My Fair Lady, visit:-


Her report on ways to reduce waste in the cafeteria was

chosen as Article of the Year. Is it a Passive Voice or a Action


The passive voice is used in the statement "Her report on measures to decrease waste in the cafeteria was picked as Article of the Year".

The statement "Her report on measures to decrease waste in the cafeteria was picked as Article of the Year" is an example of the passive voice. The activity being done to the topic ("her report") rather than the subject itself is the main point of emphasis in this phrase.

When the activity being performed is being highlighted rather than the person or thing executing the action, the passive voice is frequently utilised. In this instance, the statement places more emphasis on the fact that the report was selected as the Article of the Year than on who or how that decision was made.

learn more about passive voice here:


The Giver
Write your own question about what we've read so far chapter 18-19, It can be something about the
community, Jonas, or other characters.


Why does the community in The Giver value "Sameness" is my query on the book.

In The Giver's Chapters 18 and 19, what happened?

When Jonas inquires about being released, the Giver replies that there are moments when he wishes he could make such a request. The Giver then clarified the reason behind the restriction prohibiting the Reciever of Memories from making a release request.

What insight is revealed by The Giver in chapter 18?

The Giver assures him that memories endure eternally and promises to give the group all of Jonas's memories. He asserts that Jonas has a great deal more memories than Rosemary did, and that it would be disastrous if the community were to learn about them.

To know more about The Giver visit:


Write an informative essay explaining how to determine when to make a compromise, the value in making compromises, and examples of the kinds of compromises people make. what is the topic of the essay? what is the purpose of the essay?


The informative essay based on the given prompt is given below:

The Informative Essay

Topic: The Importance of Making Compromises in Decision-Making

Purpose: To inform readers about the significance of making compromises, how to determine when to make them, and examples of common compromises people make.


Compromising is an essential aspect of decision-making that often plays a crucial role in achieving common goals. Knowing when to make a compromise is essential in avoiding conflicts, fostering cooperation, and making progress towards mutual objectives. A compromise is needed when both parties have conflicting views and cannot agree on a particular issue. The value of making a compromise lies in its ability to bring people together and create a sense of harmony. It can also lead to more creative solutions that satisfy both parties.

To determine when to make a compromise, it's essential to identify the key issues at hand and weigh the importance of each. Analyzing the potential benefits and drawbacks of a compromise is also crucial. If the compromise will lead to mutual benefits, it's worth considering.

However, if the compromise will result in significant losses for one party, it might not be a good option.

Compromises are common in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, politics, business, and social situations. In personal relationships, couples may compromise on significant decisions such as career choices, financial decisions, and parenting styles.

In conclusion, making compromises is essential for achieving mutual goals, avoiding conflicts, and fostering cooperation. Determining when to make a compromise requires careful consideration of the key issues at hand and weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks of the decision.

Examples of common compromises include those made in personal relationships, politics, and business.

Read more about informative essays here:


Summarize the conversation that Starr has with her father in the car. After

reading this exchange, what is one of the themes of the book?


Starr and her father have a conversation about police brutality and the death of her friend, Khalil.

Her father tries to reassure her that justice will prevail, but Starr is worried that her testimony will not be enough. He then tells her that she needs to stand up and fight for what is right. One of the themes of the book is standing up for what is right and speaking out against injustice.

He encourages Starr to use her voice to fight for justice and be a part of the solution. He reminds her that she has a powerful story to tell and it can help create change. He also tells her that she must continue to stay strong and be brave even in the face of adversity.

To learn more about Starr and her father link is here


I think saving money is hard. It’s important to sometimes buy something personal. Do you agree?


Yes, I agree. I usually have difficulties to save money, which I dislike that. I want to save money for a game, but the problem is that I always want something else as well. So, I spend money on the other thing, but realized I have to start saving money again for the game.

I really don't know how to explain well, so my apologies for that.


Saving money is a critical aspect of personal finance, and it can be a hard or easy, depending on one's income sources, total income, and expenses. It is prudent for every individual to prioritize saving money as none of us can predict the future, and unexpected events such as natural disasters, financial crises, and war situations can occur at any time.

According to the author of 'The Psychology of Money', Americans, on average, spend more money on lottery tickets than any other form of entertainment combined. Interestingly, those who purchase lottery tickets most frequently are those with lower incomes. Despite their financial situation, they spend more than $400 on lottery tickets, whereas they cannot afford such an amount in an emergency.

I agree with that saving money is essential, as life can be unpredictable, and having saved funds can prove to be beneficial in challenging situations. It is wiser to use our savings during emergencies rather than taking out loans and paying interest later on.

[tex]\sf \small \pink{Thanks }\: \green{for} \: \blue{joining} \: \orange{brainly } \: \red{community}![/tex]

Part 3: Perspective Paragraph – Using your selected short story or novel, write a paragraph that includes the following:
Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois
 Start with a topic sentence that provides the title of your text, the author of your text, and a brief description of the plot so far.

 Write a sentence that identifies and describes the main conflict.

 Write two sentences that explain the protagonist’s perspective about the main conflict.

 Include a quote and page number from your selected text that supports the protagonist’s perspective.

 Write two sentences that explain the antagonist’s perspective about the main conflict.

 Include a quote and page number from your selected text that supports the antagonist’s perspective.

 Write a concluding sentence that sums up the opinions of the protagonist and antagonist. Do not include your personal opinion.

this is about Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois


When research has been done but the results are preliminary or not very significant, authors Perspective Paragraph think about producing a viewpoint or opinion piece.

How should I format a paragraph from a perspective?

Consider beginning your planning for a Perspective paper (for any journal) with a straightforward strategy, such as a bulleted outline, that includes the following information: I the problem; (ii) the usual technique; (iii) the new perspective; (iv) the essential evidence; and (v) the major conclusion. or weak enough to miss the point being made by the author.

How can perspective be demonstrated?

an approach to thinking about something: She approaches the situation from a novel viewpoint. A Marxist viewpoint informs his writing. Germany views the situation in Russia significantly differently than Washington does as a result of its geographic location.

To know more about authors Perspective Paragraph visit :-


Explain what type of conformity the subjects in Muzafer Sherif's moving light experiment were most likely experiencing, using textual evidence from the text "Conformity" by Charlotte Harrison to justify your answer. Use the PEEL method.


Muzafer Sherif's chose to research how individuals were affected by other people's ideas after realizing that an experience that is entirely "in people's heads" may be easily impacted by suggestion.

The most extreme kind of compliance is internalization, why?

Due to internal motivation, Kelman thought internalization to be the most profound type of conformity. One who adopts the behavior of a group as their own might fit this description.

The study by Dr. Sherif reveals what kind of compliance.

The degree to which they adhered to established standards of conduct or group norms has increased. Through interpersonal interaction and the taming of radical viewpoints, Sherif's experiment demonstrated how group norms are developed.

To know more about Muzafer Sherif's visit :-


Instructions. Given below are short descriptions of abnormal behaviors. For each case you should think about (a) what the root of the problem seems to be, (b) an opinion about the disorder (drawing on your knowledge of material from Chapter 13 & 14), (c) a prognosis for the duration or the severity of the disturbance if it is left untreated, and (d) the type of therapy you would recommend. Be specific: Rather than recommending “a behavioral approach” state whether you would use systematic desensitization, aversive conditioning, a token economy, and so on.

Madge” was found wandering the streets of New Jersey. She was brought to the attention of a licensed clinical social worker because she would routinely stand in automobile traffic and scream obscenities at the top of her lungs to no one in particular. During one of “Madge’s” rare lucid moments, she told the social worker that she lived in a garbage dumpster and that she obeyed voices who commanded her to do the things she did. A search by police and news agencies for friends or relatives proved futile; no one seemed to know who “Madge” was, she seemed to have nowhere to go, and her disordered thinking was becoming more and more bizarre.


"Madge's" problems appear to be caused by a serious mental illness that has not been treated, like schizophrenia or another psychotic condition of a similar nature.

A significant mental health issue may be the cause of her auditory hallucinations, delusions, and confused thinking. "Madge" appears to be experiencing symptoms of psychosis, most likely schizophrenia, based on the information provided. Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that lasts for a long time and is characterized by mental, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysfunctions. Possible symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disordered speech or behavior, and negative symptoms like a lack of emotion or motivation.

What might occur assuming it could be left untreated?

"Madge's" symptoms will probably get worse over time if she doesn't take care of them, which could make it hard for her to function and live a good life. She might become more distant from reality and lonely if she doesn't get the help she needs, which could make her more likely to hurt herself or others.

What kind of treatment would you recommend for it?

The level of severity of "Madge's" symptoms would determine the recommended treatment plan, but medication and psychotherapy are typically required to manage her symptoms and improve her functioning. Antipsychotic medication can make her hallucinations and delusions appear less intense, but psychotherapy can help her develop coping mechanisms, improve her social functioning, and control her symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be helpful in recognizing and confronting her incorrect thought patterns, whereas family therapy or group therapy may be beneficial for enhancing her social support system.

Learn more  about behavioral disorders:


Explain two ways the author uses conflicts and characterization in Dancer by sears to demonstrate the theme of he power of love. In an Expository paragraph form labeling the lead, argument(topic sentence)-(introduce author and text), first point, first proof (Evidence)-(quote-must introduce , with author's last name and page number),first comment(explain how your proof prove your point), transition( second point), second proof(evidence)-(quote-must introduce, with author's last name and page number), second comment (explain how your proof prove your point), concluding sentence(Reword topic sentence-argument), accordingly, In four paragraphs. With work cited MlA


In "Dancer," Molly Graybull portrays the traditional elder role model, through whom the theme of the power of love for dancing is communicated.

Describe the characters in Vicki Sears' 'Dancer'.

When Clarissa first meets Graybull in Vicki Sears' "Dancers," she begins to act abnormally, leading to the conflict of the short story. "Never, ever, ever have dreams. Not the yelling kind, at least. (Sears) According to this remark, the night Clarissa encounters Graybull, he already has an effect on her mental health. This statement also makes a suggestion about how much of an effect Molly would have on Clarissa later on in the story.

It seems like Clarissa is picking up more than just Molly's dance moves from her now. She proclaims loudly and plainly, "I'm an Assiniboin," one evening during supper. This shows that, like a typical elder would teach a young child, Molly is also teaching Clarissa how to value herself and be proud of her past. Here is an example of how Molly Graybull assisted Clarissa in building strong self-esteem.

To learn more about Dancers, visit:


PLS HELP!! Refer to your Expeditions in Reading book for a complete version of this text.

Part A

Which response most accurately describes Coleman in “The Challenge: Bessie Coleman’s Story”?


A: She has always dreamed of being famous.

B: Coleman is fearless and never gives up.

C: She is most known as a public speaker.

D: Coleman plans to have a career as a stylist.

Part B

Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?


A: She trains to be a pilot even though it is risky and continues to fly even after she is injured in a crash.

B: She trains at a beauty school and works at a barber shop for five years before moving to France.

C: Coleman gives lectures when she is not flying and encourages other people to train to be pilots.

D: Coleman becomes a celebrity as more people come to her shows and see her skills as a pilot.


Coleman has problems deciding on a profession. reveals Coleman in "The Challenge: Bessie Coleman's Story" in the best possible way.

What is the narrative?

In the days of kings and queens, storage was kept in a castle when it was under siege. Weapons and other supplies, including food, would be kept on each floor. "Stories" was the term used to describe the floors.

inadequate experience If you don't have much job experience, it could be challenging for you to choose your career path. Sometimes talking to professionals in the field you're interested in isn't enough. You can overcome this challenge by possibly engaging in additional training.

To know more about Coleman visit:-


The Dirty Thirties and the Filthy Fifties The southern Great Plains, an area of the U.S. known for its wheat production, was struck by a severe drought in the early 1930s. Farmers were unable to coax wheat from the parched earth. Huge swaths of plowed land, unanchored by native grasses, were left exposed to the region's strong winds, resulting in years of dust storms that earned the decade the title the Dirty Thirties. Facing poverty and dust inhalation, four hundred thousand people fled the region. Years later, a resurgence of dust storms occurred during another drought. However, the extent of the damage during the Filthy Fifties (as the decade came to be called) offered a contrast to the Dirty Thirties. Not only was the drought shorter, but the land was less vulnerable. In the intervening years, the federal government had restored prairie grasses, while farmers had also applied techniques to prevent soil erosion.
What is the main idea of the passage?



The main idea of the passage is that the southern Great Plains of the United States experienced severe droughts and dust storms in the 1930s and again in the 1950s, but the extent of the damage was less in the latter decade due to efforts to restore prairie grasses and prevent soil erosion. The passage also mentions the impact of the dust storms on farmers and the population in the affected region, including poverty and health problems.


Identify the underlined word as a participle, an infinitive, or a gerund. If the underlined word is not a verbal, select "Not a verbal. "

To excite his young students, Mr. Perry used rap music to teach a unit on lyrical poetry.


The underlined word in the sentence is a participle that modifies the noun "Mr. Perry."

In this sentence, the underlined word is a participle. The participle "excite" is derived from the verb "excite" and is used in its past tense form "excited" to modify the noun "Mr. Perry." The phrase "to excite his young students" is an infinitive phrase that functions as an adverb modifying the verb "used." The sentence describes how Mr. Perry used rap music to teach a unit on lyrical poetry, and how he did so in a way that would excite his young students.

Participle, infinitives, and gerunds are all types of verbals, or verb forms that function as other parts of speech in a sentence. Participles act as adjectives and modify nouns or pronouns, while infinitives and gerunds function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Identifying verbals is important for understanding sentence structure and meaning, as they often add additional details and information to a sentence.

To know more about Participle, click on


Choose the sentence that best reveals the idealistic nature of the
narrator's mother.
At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell
his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own.
She had, I presume, read of how Garfield, Lincoln, and other Americans
rose from poverty to fame and greatness and as I lay beside her-in the
days of her lying-in-she may have dreamed that I would some day rule
men and cities.
The American passion for getting up in the world took possession of
For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.



She had, I presume, read of how Garfield, Lincoln, and other Americans rose from poverty to fame and greatness and as I lay beside her-in the days of her lying-in-she may have dreamed that I would some day rule men and cities.


Answer: At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell

his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of prostituting his body all on his own.


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