How is fast fashion changing?
A Companies are creating clothing that will stay in fashion
B Companies are creating clothing that will break down quickly and safely
Companies are encouraging customers to keep their clothes longer
D Companies are becoming environmentally conscious


Answer 1

The answer is D. Fast fashion is changing as companies are becoming more environmentally conscious.

How is fast fashion changing?

In the past, fast fashion was characterized by companies producing large volumes of clothing quickly and cheaply, often at the expense of the environment and workers' rights.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards sustainable and ethical fashion. Companies are implementing more eco-friendly production methods, using recycled materials, reducing waste, and ensuring fair labor practices.

Additionally, some companies are encouraging customers to keep their clothes longer by offering repair and recycling services. Overall, the fast fashion industry is beginning to shift towards more environmentally and socially responsible practices.

Learn more about fashion at


Related Questions

those ________ know tatiana should sign the card.


Those who know tatiana should sign the card.

Use of who, that and either:

In this case, the relative pronouns who and that are being used to connect the object of the sentence—that is, the entity being acted upon by the subject—to the subject of the phrase, or the noun that the sentence is about. These relative pronouns serve as a way of bringing up someone or something that was discussed in the past.

"Who" is a common term to refer to individuals.When referring to inanimate objects, such as that computer or piece of paper, the word "that" is always used."That" can also refer to a group or particular kind of individual, such as "that" team.

When describing a decision between two possibilities, the word "either" is employed. For instance: "Either you work hard, or you fail."

Learn more about relative pronouns:


Unpopular opinion: BO3 has the best zombies



BO3 does have the best zombies


What’s the question

Health includes the proactive steps you can rake to reduce your risk of develping a disease and promote your health and well being


Make sure to participate in regular physical activity, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, practice stress management techniques, and visit a healthcare provider for preventive check-ups.

1. Maintain a balanced, healthful diet. Consuming a healthy amount of fresh produce, whole grains, and avoiding processed meals and saturated fats can help lower your chance of developing a number of ailments.

2. Regular exercise. Aim for 75 minutes of intense exercise or 150 minutes of aerobic activity at a moderate to high level each week. Additionally, at least two days a week should be dedicated to weight training.

3. Keep an appropriate weight. Your risk of contracting a number of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, increases if you are overweight.

4. Quit smoking. Smoking greatly raises your risk of contracting a number of illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

5. Attend routine checkups. Visit your doctor for routine exams and any suggested screenings for conditions like diabetes and cancer.

6. Put stress-reduction strategies into action. It's critical to learn how to manage stress because it can negatively affect both your physical and emotional health. Think about relaxing exercises like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

7. Consume alcohol in moderation. Drinking too much alcohol can make you more likely to get some ailments. One drink per day is recommended for women, and two for males.

To learn more about physical activity link is here


The complete question is:

What proactive steps can I take to reduce my risk of developing a disease and promote my health and well-being?

Rhetorical devices are special kinds of language that are used to persuade an audience.
Satire often relies on ____________________ , a ____________________ or inconsistency between what is ____________________ and what is ____________________ .
____________________ is a description of something as being ____________________ or less than it really is.
A false ____________________ is an ____________________ assumption that forms the basis of an argument.
(contradiction, said, smaller, premise, meant, understatement, verbal irony, incorrect)


Rhetorical devices are special kinds of language that are used to persuade an audience.

Satire often relies on verbal irony, a contradiction or inconsistency between what is said and what is meant.

Understatement is a description of something as being smaller or less than it really is.

A false premise is an incorrect assumption that forms the basis of an argument.

27.All of Paulo and Geneva's children have moved out, started families, and are working ontheir careers. According to the text, Paulo and Geneva's home is now a(n) _____.A)haven of quietB)empty nestC)lonely cavernD)house of mirrors


The text suggests that Paulo and Geneva's home is now an "empty nest," as all of their children have moved out, started families, and are pursuing their careers. Thus option B is correct.

All of Paulo and Geneva's children appear to have left home, established families, and begun jobs, according to the text. As a result, their house is now an "empty nest," as their kids are no longer living there. While for some parents this may be a huge shift, it can also provide a sense of tranquilly, sometimes referred to as a "haven of quiet."

The home is not likely to be described as a "lonely cavern" or "house of mirrors," as these expressions do not adequately convey an empty nest.

Learn more about families:


How has climate change affected the Arctic?
This research question is
because it is



Climate change has had significant impacts on the Arctic region, resulting in various environmental, social, and economic changes. Some of the major effects of climate change on the Arctic include:

Melting sea ice: Arctic sea ice, which serves as a critical habitat for species such as polar bears, walruses, and seals, is declining rapidly due to climate change. Reduced sea ice cover also has impacts on shipping routes, resource extraction, and local economies, as it opens up new opportunities for commercial activities in the region.

Impacts on indigenous communities: Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, who have traditional knowledge and cultural ties to the land, are facing significant impacts from climate change. These include changes in hunting, fishing, and gathering practices, loss of traditional livelihoods, and challenges to cultural heritage and identity.

Geopolitical implications: Climate change in the Arctic has also led to increased geopolitical interest in the region, as countries and stakeholders vie for access to newly accessible resources, shipping routes, and strategic advantages. This has raised concerns about potential conflicts and tensions in the region.

Overall, climate change is having profound effects on the Arctic, with wide-ranging impacts on its physical environment, ecosystems, wildlife, indigenous communities, and geopolitical dynamics. These changes highlight the urgent need for mitigation and adaptation measures to address the impacts of climate change and protect the unique and fragile Arctic ecosystem.


which sentence best states the conflict revealed in this passage from helen keller the story of my life? hellen is sad


The best response is D based on the passage. Helen is frustrated by the challenges associated with learning to communicate.

What is Helen Keller experiencing at this point in the narrative?

What is Helen Keller feeling at this point in the story, based on the passage's details? She understands that learning will enhance her life and broaden her perspective.

What is a brief summary of Helen Keller's novella The Story of My Life?

Helen Keller, a young woman who become blind and deaf at a young age, is profiled in The Story of My Life, published in 1903. The book examines the difficulties she had as a disabled child growing up and introduces the incredible people who supported her.

To know more about hellen visit:


The complete question is:

Which sentence best states the conflict revealed in this passage from Helen

Keller's The Story of My Life?

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed

as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great

ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore

with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with

beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship

before my education began, only I was without compass or

sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the

harbour was. "Light! give me light!" was the wordless cry of

my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very


O A. Helen is angry that her mother and teacher aren't helping her to


O B. Helen is sad that her teacher is leaving and will be unable to

communicate with her.

OC. Helen is scared that she will never be able to communicate with

her family again

O D. Helen is frustrated by the challenges associated with learning to


a play in which events are connected to each other in strict, chronological order, with a cause-effect logic, and in which dramatic experience attempts to convey a lifelike progression of experience through time, is classified as continuous in structure and nonlinear in chronology. discontinuous in structure and linear in chronology. not being an imaginative piece of art. continuous in structure and linear in chronology.


A play that follows a strict, cause-effect logic with events occurring in chronological order is considered to have a continuous structure.

However, if the events are linearly arranged, it is classified as having a linear chronology. Therefore, a play that attempts to convey a lifelike progression of experience through time with a strict cause-effect logic is classified as continuous in structure and linear in chronology.

                             This type of play provides a realistic and immersive dramatic experience for the audience, allowing them to connect with the story and characters on a deeper level. A play is categorised as discontinuous in structure and linear in chronology if the events are connected to one another in a precise, chronological, cause-and-effect continuity and if the dramatic experience seeks to depict a genuine progression of experience across time.

To know more about chronological refer :


Mike said im going to see a movie this week


The indirect speech of the sentence is "Mike said he was going to see a movie that week."

Direct speech is when someone directly quotes what someone else said, word for word. It is written or spoken in quotation marks (“ ”).

Indirect speech is when someone reports what someone else said, without quoting them directly. It does not use quotation marks, and often includes reporting verbs such as 'say', 'tell', 'explain', etc. In indirect speech, the reporting subject may also change the original tense or pronoun of the direct speech.

As we know that first person is change according the subject of reported speech so we changed 'I' as 'He' and tense from present to past.

To learn more about direct and indirect speech link is here


The complete question is:

Mike said "I'm going to see a movie this week." Write the indirect speech.

favourite line of your book?​


Answer: in the book everland based off Peter Pan but steampunk

Explanation: my favorite line is”to die would be an awfully great adventure”

“No matter what happens from here on out, I will always love you”

Pls help me fill out his chart due tomorrow at 3:30pm


Lincoln tried to prevent the nation from further fracturing and to promote confidence that the Union can overcome the Confederacy because it has the "higher ground" morally and is the exigence of the address. For the region that would become Soldier's National Cemetery, Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg served as a fidelity.

What does the Gettysburg Address aim to convey in particular?

The most important lesson to be learned from the Gettysburg Address  is however that ideals are worth dying for and that it is up to the living to carry on the work of those who gave their lives to maintain those beliefs. The major point of the Gettysburg Address is that principles are worth dying for and that it is duty to the surviving to continue the work of those who gave their lives to defend ideals. The fundamental principles that support the US as a country are freedom and equality.

The Civil War is positioned within the historical context or backdrop of the American struggle for freedom in Lincoln's succinct but impactful Gettysburg Address. In some ways, the war, according to Lincoln, is a continuation of the American Revolution and a test of the ideas that the colonists fought for in 1776. The Gettysburg Address' immediate purpose was to support the dedication of the Gettysburg Cemetery.

Representatives of the committee for the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, politicians, journalists, throngs of soldiers and citizens, totaling about 15,000 persons, made up the live audience for the speech.

The Gettysburg Address' major objective or purpose at the time it was delivered was to honor a brand-new national cemetery in Gettysburg. The elimination of slavery and the reunification of the Union served as Lincoln's motivation for fighting on to win the Civil War.

To learn more about Gettysburg Address, visit:


How does the author BEST develop the theme that “not everything or everyone is as it seems” in part one of too kill a mocking bird



The most important theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is the book’s exploration of the moral nature of human beings—that is, whether people are essentially good or essentially evil. The novel approaches this question by dramatizing Scout and Jem’s transition from a perspective of childhood innocence, in which they assume that people are good because they have never seen evil, to a more adult perspective, in which they have confronted evil and must incorporate it into their understanding of the world. As a result of this portrayal of the transition from innocence to experience, one of the book’s important subthemes involves the threat that hatred, prejudice, and ignorance pose to the innocent: people such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, and, as a result, they are destroyed. Even Jem is victimized to an extent by his discovery of the evil of racism during and after the trial. Whereas Scout is able to maintain her basic faith in human nature despite Tom’s conviction, Jem’s faith in justice and in humanity is badly damaged, and he retreats into a state of disillusionment.The moral voice of To Kill a Mockingbird is embodied by Atticus Finch, who is virtually unique in the novel in that he has experienced and understood evil without losing his faith in the human capacity for goodness. Atticus understands that, rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil, most people have both good and bad qualities. The important thing is to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities by treating others with sympathy and trying to see life from their perspective. He tries to teach this ultimate moral lesson to Jem and Scout to show them that it is possible to live with conscience without losing hope or becoming cynical. In this way, Atticus is able to admire Mrs. Dubose’s courage even while deploring her racism. Scout’s progress as a character in the novel is defined by her gradual development toward understanding Atticus’s lessons, culminating when, in the final chapters, Scout at last sees Boo Radley as a human being. Her newfound ability to view the world from his perspective ensures that she will not become jaded as she loses her innocence.


Independent Read: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl


i would love to help you but i don’t get what your asking for

Adjectives used in writing should be _____.

descriptive and general

inappropriate and general

necessary and numerous

necessary and specific


descriptive and general

Which of the following best matches a central idea from the text with a detail that
supports it?
A Central idea: Many important discoveries are made during experiments.
Supporting detail: Doctors began using X-rays to examine injured patients.
Central idea: Some important discoveries are not well understood at first.
Supporting detail: Artificial sweetener was based on a kind of coal tar.
Central idea: Some scientists make accidental discoveries that help people.
Supporting detail: Penicillin is still used in modern times to save lives.
Central idea: Dedicated scientists may accidentally become great inventors.
Supporting detail: Fleming used plates called petri dishes to grow bacteria.


"Doctors soon discovered that they could examine broken bones using X-ray images."  the one that most effectively pairs a text's main concept with a supplementary detail.

How x-rays function ?

Ionizing radiation is passed through the body in very small doses. This used to be recorded onto a sheet of unique film. Nowadays, x-ray exams are more likely to employ a tool that will record transmitted x-rays and produce an electronic image. Healthy bones appear white or grey because the calcium in bones prevents radiation from passing through. On the other hand, radiation is easily absorbed by air, which is why healthy lungs appear black.

To know more about X-rays visit:


Write an expository essay about the benefits of space exploration.
Your expository essay must be based on this prompt and topic, and it must
incorporate ideas and information found in the sources provided.
Use your best writing to complete an essay that


I'm afraid we can't write an essay, but we can give you some kick-up on your topic of the "benefits of space exploration."

Benefits of Space Exploration:

Improves health careProtects our planet and its environmentOffers scientific and technical jobsImproves our everyday livesEnhances our safety on EarthMaking scientific discoveriesSparking youth's interest in scienceHelps to cooperate with countries around the world

Check out this website for more information on these kick-ups:

Make sure you don't depend on this website, use other websites. Make sure they are credible and trustworthy. If you want to know how to find a credible and trustworthy site, I'll teach you. Just send a comment.

Add more research. Search up the following keywords to help search: How does space exploration ______________?

Fill in the blank.

ex. How does space exploration improve health care?

How does space exploration protect our planet and its environment?


Cite sources and add a bibliography, which is a section at the end of an article or writing that lists the sources used for the text, along with a quote from a famous scientist. If you can, add photos with captions, and don't forget to cite the image source. Remember to use paragraphs and indent at the beginning of each one. To indent, use the "tab" button on your keyboard.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

The following passage from Heart of Darkness (paragraph 2) is written in the_ tense, from a
. point of view.


Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness in the first person. Marlow, the primary character, tells his own story from his own perspective.

What is Heart of Darkness's synopsis?

The journey of Marlow, an introspective sailor, to see Kurtz—a man who is reportedly a brilliant idealist—up the Congo River is the focus of Heart of Darkness. Marlow is a riverboat captain for the Company, a Belgian company established to conduct commerce in the Congo.

What serves as Heart of Darkness' central theme?

Heart of Darkness delves deeply into the problems of imperialism. Marlow sees instances of torture, brutality, and other atrocities as he makes his way from the Outer Station to the Central Station and then up the river to the Inner Station.

To know more about Heart of Darkness visit:-


Summary of catcher in the rye chapters 1-5


The novel, " The catcher in the rye", involves the main character and narrator, Holden, who is introduced in the opening chapter by Salinger.

In the first chapter, the reader and the psychologist to whom he is speaking are equally engaged by the first- and second-person narration. The second chapter is primarily devoted to Holden's encounter with Mr. Spencer.

He portrays him as an old, frail teacher who was often hunched over in class. In chapter three, Holden continues to despise authority as he discusses Mr. Ossenburger, the man for whom his dorm is named. Holden views Ossenburger as just another con artist. The majority of Salinger's fourth chapter takes place in the dorm's men's room, or "the can," as Holden so beautifully refers to it.

Holden characterizes Stradlater as a fake fool who can't hold a meaningful conversation while having a good-looking physique and a beautiful build. The fifth chapter expands on Holden's habits and convictions introduced in the earlier chapters.

To know more about the characters, refer:


true or false. in the context of first-class levers, the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.


A First-class lever switch allows militant and negative muscle groups to contract contemporaneously on either side of a common axis. It's true.

First Class Regulators- The fulcrum is the center of trouble and stress. This type of switch is in the neck when watching football.

The neck muscles give trouble, the neck is the fulcrum, and the weight of the head is the weight.

A switch is a rigid body that can pivot on itself about a point. Depending on the position of the fulcrum, the cargo, and the force, the switch is divided into three types.

To know more about First-class levers,


True. In the context of first-class levers, the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.

First-class levers are a type of lever system where the load and the effort are on opposite sides of the fulcrum. Agonist and antagonist muscles are two muscle groups that work together to move a joint. The agonist muscle group contracts to produce the desired movement, while the antagonist muscle group contracts to oppose that movement. In a first-class lever system, both the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of the joint axis in order to produce the desired movement. This allows for a more efficient movement as both muscle groups can work together to move the joint more quickly and with more force.

To know more about simultaneously refer :


What would be Tammy Duckworth super strengths and quality if she was a superhero?


Answer: Freedom and rights

Explanation: Senator Duckworth believes one of America's greatest strengths is our system of democratic values and constitutionally-protected freedoms and rights.

3. Read "Tipping Point. " In 3–4 sentences, identify a tipping point in your life and explain how it

was similar to or different from the one Josh describes in the poem. Use specific details from

your life and text evidence from the novel to support your answer.


My tipping point was when I decided to leave my job and pursue a career in writing.

When I made the decision to quit my job and pursue a writing career, that was my tipping moment. Because it was a turning point in his life where he realized who he was and took charge of it, it was comparable to Josh's tipping point.

It was different because, in contrast to Josh, I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and had a strategy in place. I had previously done my homework and had a plan in place, whereas Josh's tipping point was more of an impulse choice.

According to Josh, "I chose my fate, my destiny, and I made my own fortune" (Line 28). My experience was comparable to this in that I decided to pursue a career that I was passionate about and invested a lot of effort in making it happen.

To learn more about pursue a career link is here


Demonstrate how well you understand The Alchemist so far by completing this assignment: Write two paragraphs in response to the prompt below.

Sheep play an important role in Part One of The Alchemist—the novel opens with the shepherd Santiago thinking about his sheep. What does Santiago observe about their existence? How might the sheep symbolize the way some people live their lives?


In Part One of The Alchemist, Santiago is a shepherd who spends his days tending to his flock of sheep. As he watches the sheep graze, he observes that they live a very simple existence, following the same routine day after day. Santiago realizes that the sheep are content with their lives, as they have everything they need to survive, but they do not have any aspirations or dreams beyond their basic needs. This realization causes Santiago to question his own life and whether he too is content with his current existence.

The sheep in The Alchemist symbolize the way some people live their lives, following a routine and settling for a comfortable, but unfulfilling existence. They represent those who are content with the status quo and do not aspire to achieve their dreams or pursue their passions. Santiago's realization that he does not want to live his life like the sheep is a turning point in the story, as it sets him on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The sheep serve as a reminder to Santiago that life is more than just survival and that true happiness and fulfillment come from following one's dreams and passions.

“Pi,” “radius,” “square,” and “diameter” are examples of


Pi,” “radius,” “square,” and “diameter” are examples of mathematical terms related to geometry and shapes, specifically those related to circles and squares.

What is Geometry?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that is concerned with the study of the physical properties of shapes, sizes, positions, and orientations of objects in space. It involves the study of various geometric shapes, such as points, lines, curves, surfaces, and solids, and the relationships between them. These relationships can be expressed through various measurements, such as length, area, volume, and angle, which help us understand and describe the properties of these shapes.

Geometry is a foundational field in mathematics, and its concepts and principles are used in many areas of science, engineering, and technology. For instance, geometry is applied in architecture, where designers use geometric principles to create plans for buildings and structures. In engineering, geometry is used to design and manufacture machines and devices, such as engines and turbines. In computer graphics, geometry is used to create virtual 3D models and animations. Furthermore, geometry plays an important role in many fields of science, including astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Overall, geometry is a crucial branch of mathematics that enables us to better understand and describe the physical world around us and apply mathematical principles to solve practical problems in various fields.

To learn more about “Pi,” visit:


the motive of artificial speech and behavior is found throughout much ado about nothing amazon motive evident in the opening scene of the play


The opening scene of "Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare is marked by the motive of artificial speech and behavior, which is a central theme throughout the play.

The characters engage in witty banter, characterized by clever wordplay and biting insults, that is highly stylized and performative. This sets the tone for the rest of the play, which is marked by a series of deceptions and mistaken identities that arise from the characters' tendency to adopt false identities and conceal their true feelings behind a façade of artificial speech and behavior.

Ultimately, the motive of artificial speech and behavior highlights the tension between appearance and reality and the power of language to mask one's true intentions and feelings.

Learn more about artificial speech


Write a debate for the motion Boys and Girls should be given equal responsibilities at home


Answer: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we are here to debate the motion, "Boys and Girls should be given equal responsibilities at home." As we all know, traditional gender roles have assigned specific tasks to boys and girls. But we believe that it is time to break away from these gender stereotypes and allow boys and girls to share household responsibilities equally.

Firstly, it is important to understand that household chores are not just a woman's responsibility. We live in a modern world where both men and women work outside the home. So, it is only fair that both genders share the household responsibilities. By giving equal responsibilities to boys and girls, we are teaching them important life skills that will benefit them in the future. They will learn how to manage their time, organize their work, and take care of their own needs.

Secondly, sharing household responsibilities will lead to a more harmonious family life. When everyone in the family works together, there will be less stress and tension in the home. It will also help in building strong family bonds. Children who grow up with a sense of responsibility and teamwork will be better equipped to handle the challenges of adult life.

Furthermore, it is important to note that gender equality is not just about women's empowerment. It is about creating a society where everyone has equal opportunities and equal rights. By giving equal responsibilities to boys and girls, we are promoting gender equality and breaking down gender barriers. This will lead to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Opponents of this motion may argue that traditional gender roles have worked for generations and that there is no need to change them. However, we cannot deny that society has evolved, and so have the roles of men and women. We need to adapt to these changes and move forward with a more inclusive and progressive mindset.

In conclusion, it is time to break away from traditional gender roles and give equal responsibilities to boys and girls at home. This will promote gender equality, teach important life skills, and lead to a more harmonious family life. Let us embrace change and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Thank you.


Question 6 of 14
Read this sentence from Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper"
I think sometimes that if I were only well enough to write
a little it would relieve the press of ideas and rest me.
Which theme does this sentence best support?
A. Even when a husband and wife disagree, both can be happy.
B. A person who is not allowed to be creative can become
C. Women played subordinate roles in marriage during the
nineteenth century.
D. Doctors in the nineteenth century listened to their patients


I never read the book but I think it’s B

8 unit 5
Cassidy is giving a speech to a group of conference attendees, most of whom are strangers. What language register should Cassidy use?

The register used at home.

The register the majority of the audience would use.

A very formal register in case anyone important is in the room.

The register used with friends.


I believe the answer is C, if her boss showed up it is important to be formal and prepared for her meeting.

Imagine that you were in the audience for Martin luther King's speech, and write a one-page first-person account of your experience.

-Be sure to include specific details that convey the atmosphere in the Mall.

Use the conventions of standard written English


I felt amazement and anticipation as soon as I stepped into the National Mall. The energy was palpable, and I sensed an undercurrent of love, courage, and hope.

People of various ages, colors, and socioeconomic status were joined together in unity everywhere I turned. I felt incredibly honored to be present as everyone else was to see history being made. The audience cheered and applauded when Martin Luther King Jr. finally entered the room.

He had a tremendous, energizing presence. We were all equal citizens and he made it very obvious in his passionate speech that we all deserved to be treated with respect and dignity. I could sense the emotion in the room after his remarks struck a chord with the crowd.

He finished his remarks to deafening ovation from the entire audience. All of us had just witnessed something genuinely extraordinary: a leader who had been able to unify us in our pursuit of justice and equality.

To learn more about Martin Luther King link is here


Which of these is a secondary
"character" (not part of the
main conflict) in "The Invalid's
A. The Invalid, the man traveling with the
B. Thompson, the expressman
C. The man who loaded the box of guns into
the express car


The answer is A

Which of these is a secondary
"character" (not part of the
main conflict) in "The Invalid's
A. The Invalid, the man traveling with the
B. Thompson, the expressman
C. The man who loaded the box of guns into
the express car


Consider the Chinese proverb "when the wind of change blows some build walls while other build windmills. "Which does the family in this poem do ? Explore your ideas in a written argument -MAGIC ISLAND - Please just explain it more to me


The family in Mark Bussing's poem "Magic Island" must contend with a wind of change that could upend the tranquilly of their island home.

Instead of erecting barriers to keep the change out, they embrace it by constructing windmills that harness its energy and provide the island with power. This choice exemplifies the wisdom of the Chinese saying, which holds that people who embrace change rather than fighting it will discover ways to benefit from it.

The poem portrays the family's optimistic response to the winds of change. Instead than striving to ignore or dismiss the need to adapt to the changing world around them, they come up with an innovative way to use it. The windmills stand for their readiness to adapt to change and their resolve to make the most of the circumstances. They can continue to live in peace and keep their connection to nature thanks to this mentality and their way of life on their island.

The family in "Magic Island" demonstrates that, rather than erecting barriers to keep change out, it is possible to embrace it and exploit it to one's benefit. By doing this, they put into practice the Chinese saying that says that while some people build walls in response to change, others create windmills.

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on january 1 of year 1, congo express airways issued $4,000,000 of 5% bonds that pay interest semiannually on january 1 and july 1. the bond issue price is $3,610,000 and the market rate of interest for similar bonds is 6%. the bond premium or discount is being amortized at a rate of $13,000 every six months. the amount of interest expense recognized by congo express airways on the bond issue in year 1 would be: ocean currents traveling from the equator toward the polar zones carry blank water, which helps to blank air masses at the poes A nursing student is teaching a 72-year-old patient about the importance of the pneumonia vaccination. Which teaching requires intervention by the nurse? (Select all that apply.) A. You will only need one vaccine called Pneumovax.B. If you have had the Prevnar vaccine, then you will not need the Pneumovax vaccine.C. Since you are over 64 years old, only the flu vaccine is suggested.D. You will need two vaccines to prevent pneumonia A person weighs 540 N on Earth. What is the person's mass? The "ideal" acid test ratio is deemed to be a. 3:1 O b. 2:1 O C. 1:1 O d. None of the options Blake identifies as a woman, but she demonstrates both masculine, feminine, and androgynous styles in terms of clothes and interests. These demonstrations are an example of:Gender expressionGender Roles Gender Stereotypes Gender Schema Find the value of A that makes the following equation true for all values of x0. 9^60x = A^x Explain four psychological experienced by adolescents at puberty You move out into the country and you notice every Spring there are more and more Deer Fawns that appear. You decide to try and predict how many Fawns there will be for the up coming Spring. You collect data to, to help estimate Fawn Count for the upcoming Spring season. You collect data on over the past 10 years. x1 = Adult Deer Countx2 = Annual Rain in Inchesx3 = Winter SeverityWhere Winter Severity Index:1 = Warm2 = Mild3 = Cold4 = Freeze5 = SevereRequired:Interpret the slope(s) of the significant predictors for Fawn Count (if there are any) the last two columns generally found on the right side of the worksheet are the income statement columns. question content area bottom part 1 true false he most common group of rock forming minerals is . group of answer choices the halides carbonate the sulfates the silicates 50 Points! Multiple choice algebra question. The related graph of a quadratic equation is shown at the right. Use the graph to determine the solutions of the equation. Photo attached. Thank you! A farmer bought a total of 100 sheep and ostriches at an auction. If there were 342 legs in total, how many ostriches did he buy? Commercial Pet Food Label Study Guide/review1. The principal display panel contains what information?2. What information is required on the information panel?3. What are the requirements for the following terms on a label? (Write the % and what ismeans.)a. Name of a food or ingredient is main part of product name:b. Descriptive (Modifiers) words such as dinner, entre, formula, etc:C."With":d. "Flavor":4. How long can a "burst" or "flag" be on a label?6 Monts of Production5. What information is required to be on a guaranteed analysis?6. How must ingredients be listed on a label?7. What are two things that must be within the "Statement of Nutritional Adequacy?"8. List two ways to show compliance on an AAFCO statement.9. What are the minimum requirements for feeding directions?10. What are the feeding directions for a therapeutic diet? Please help due 4/17 using the chart in your text, which method of transportation would you use to move a small load of automobile parts from the manufacturer in north carolina to an assembly plant in tennessee that uses just-in-time inventory control? Take another look at the individual components of the IncomeStatement. Which of these do youbelieve you can influence and why? Be specific. For example, ifGross Profit is too low, what can bedone krypton is named after the greek word that means secret which explains why krypton was most likely given this name Guess my ruleCan someone help me with the x+1 you are a linux forensic investigator. you are running a series of advanced shell commands on what you believe is a compromised server. which command do you use to list the contents of deleted disk blocks? Question 5 1 pts In the presence of a positive externality, a Pigouvian subsidy is required (instead of a tax), to restore the socially optimal level. O True. O False.