How is the federal legislature formed? Mention in according to the constitutional provision. State the reasons maintaining the provision of legislatives in three levels of the government​


Answer 1

In U.S, both the House and Senate have the power to propose and pass legislation, although certain types of bills, such as revenue bills, must originate in the House.

The Constitution also provides for a complex system of checks and balances between the two chambers and between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.

How is the U.S. federal legislature formed and its structure?

The federal legislature, also known as the United States Congress, is formed by the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Section 1. The Constitution establishes a bicameral legislature consisting of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives is composed of 435 members who are elected every two years by popular vote in each of the 435 congressional districts. The number of representatives for each state is determined by its population as determined by the decennial census.

The Senate, on the other hand, consists of 100 members, with each state electing two senators for six-year terms. Senators were originally elected by state legislatures, but this was changed by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution, which provides for the direct election of senators by the people.

Read more about legislature


Related Questions

What are the conditions in the
low latitudes.



The low latitudes, also known as the tropics, are typically characterized by warm to hot temperatures year-round, high humidity, and abundant rainfall, particularly during the summer months. These regions are also known for having distinct wet and dry seasons. Tropical areas are also characterized by a high level of biodiversity, with many different species of plants and animals adapted to the warm and humid conditions. The low latitudes also experience a lot of solar radiation, which can lead to the formation of tropical storms and hurricanes.

When discussing personal growth and behaviors, which factor individuals control and what factors individuals cannot control​


When it comes to personal growth and behavior, there are certain factors that individuals can control, and others that they cannot. Here are some examples:

Factors individuals can control:

1. Their mindset and attitude towards themselves and the world around them.

2. The decisions they make and the actions they take.

3. The effort they put in towards their personal growth and development.

4. Their habits and routines.

5. Health issues and physical limitations.

Factors individuals cannot control:

1. Their genetic makeup and inherited traits.

2. Their past experiences and upbringing.

3. The behavior and actions of other people.

4. Health issues and physical limitations.

To know more about human behavior -

Need some help with this for social studies


Answer is b county boards

Mary tells Nicole that she intends to open another branch off her beauty salon and wants Nicole to be her partner. She takes Nicole to a shopping center and points to a shop which she says she has rented already. Nicole sees some men inside the shop doing renovations. She wants to take a look, but Mary tells her not to worry as they can come back another day. She also tells Nicole that she can see the rental agreement whenever she wants. Nicole gives Mary $2,500 to assist her with her opening. Six months have gone by and Mary has not opened the new branch. Nicole then discovers that Mary has never rented the shop.
With reference to at least ONE decided case, advise Nicole whether she can recover her money.


Yes, Nicole can recover her money. According to the Court of Appeal of Singapore in the case of Tan Geok Tin v Chuang Keng Hong [1989] 2 SLR(R) 521, if the tenant misrepresented that they had a right to the lease when they did not, then the contract would be void and the tenant cannot recover the deposit they paid.

Nicole can recover her money from Mary since Mary's action of deceiving Nicole amounts to the fraudulent misrepresentation of fact. This fraudulent act is not only capable of misinforming Nicole about the deal they had but also capable of making her lose trust in Mary's ability to keep her word.

Therefore, Nicole can recover the $2,500 she paid to Mary as Mary had misrepresented that she had a right to rent the shop when she had not entered into a valid rental agreement.

To know more about contract , refer here


Please help or I will fail I’m already failing



here you go i hope that you dont fail and have a good day :)

How do people get more sovereignty in democracy?​



In a democracy, people get more sovereignty through their right to vote and participate in the decision-making process. This means that citizens have the power to choose their leaders and representatives, and can hold them accountable for their actions. Additionally, democratic institutions such as the judiciary, the press, and civil society organizations can also help to ensure that the government acts in the best interests of the people and respects their rights and freedoms. Finally, the rule of law and a strong system of checks and balances can also help to prevent abuses of power and ensure that democratic principles are upheld.


Explain the comparative advantage concept in the case of
2 countries of your choice. Tips: Introduction and conclusion are
not needed but you select two countries with important trade


Comparative advantage is an important concept in international trade. It helps countries specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a competitive edge over other countries, leading to greater efficiency and productivity.

Comparative advantage is the ability of a country to produce a certain good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. It is a cornerstone of international trade and has helped shape the modern world economy.

For example, let's say that Country A can produce 100 cars per hour and 100 boxes of oranges per hour, and Country B can produce 80 cars per hour and 120 boxes of oranges per hour. Country B has an absolute advantage over Country A in the production of oranges, but Country A has a comparative advantage over Country B in the production of cars. This means that Country A should specialize in the production of cars and trade for the oranges from Country B.

To illustrate this concept, let's look at two of the world's largest trading partners: the United States and China. The United States has a comparative advantage in the production of high-tech products like airplanes and computer hardware, while China has a comparative advantage in the production of low-cost consumer goods like clothing and electronics. This allows both countries to specialize in what they are best at, creating more efficient and productive economies.

Know more about comparative advantage here:


Could Nepal achieve millennium goal or not. Mention a problem.
Answer in long.​


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were established in 2000 with the aim of eradicating extreme poverty, hunger, and disease, while promoting gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability by 2015. Nepal, like other developing countries, committed to achieving these goals. However, due to various challenges, Nepal was not able to achieve all of the MDGs by the deadline.

One of the MDGs that Nepal struggled to achieve was to reduce child mortality. The country's under-five mortality rate decreased from 121 per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 39 per 1,000 live births in 2015, which is a remarkable achievement. However, Nepal still lags behind the MDG target of reducing under-five mortality by two-thirds. Furthermore, there are significant disparities in under-five mortality rates across different regions of Nepal.

One of the significant problems that hinder Nepal's progress towards achieving the MDGs is its weak health infrastructure. Nepal's healthcare system is heavily dependent on foreign aid, and the country lacks adequate health facilities, skilled healthcare workers, and medical supplies. These deficiencies have resulted in poor health outcomes for Nepali citizens, especially in rural areas.

Another significant challenge that Nepal faced in achieving the MDGs was poverty. Poverty is widespread in Nepal, with more than one-third of the population living below the poverty line. Poverty is a significant barrier to achieving the MDGs, as it limits access to education, healthcare, and basic services. Additionally, poverty has led to a high prevalence of malnutrition, which contributes to Nepal's struggle to reduce child mortality.

In conclusion, while Nepal has made significant progress towards achieving the MDGs, several challenges have hindered its progress. The country's weak health infrastructure and widespread poverty have contributed to Nepal's struggle to reduce child mortality and achieve other MDGs. Despite these challenges, Nepal's commitment to the MDGs has led to notable progress in various areas, and the country continues to work towards achieving the goals.

Can someone answer this really quick
What is a shaman?


A) a ritual sorcerer-priest able to deal with supernatural forces on behalf of humansa ritual sorcerer-priest able to deal with supernatural forces on behalf of humans

B) someone who belongs to a minor branch of a royal familysomeone who belongs to a minor branch of a royal family

C) a trader who also transports goods over long distances a trader who also transports goods over long distances

D) a state official who administers tests to potential candidates for public office


Answer: A sounds most reliable. Forgive me if I'm wrong


what are the three unequal gender tendencies within relationships



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It is important to note that gender tendencies within relationships can vary greatly depending on individual experiences and circumstances, and that these tendencies are not necessarily universal or applicable to all relationships. That being said, some potential examples of unequal gender tendencies within relationships may include:

Gendered division of labor: This refers to the way that household and caregiving responsibilities are often divided along gender lines, with women being expected to take on a greater share of domestic work and emotional labor, such as cooking, cleaning, child-rearing, and managing social relationships. This division of labor can create an unequal power dynamic in relationships, with women often having less time and energy for personal pursuits and professional development.

Gendered communication styles: Men and women may also be socialized to communicate differently, with men often being encouraged to be more assertive, direct, and competitive, while women may be socialized to be more nurturing, accommodating, and relationship-focused. These communication styles can sometimes create power imbalances in relationships, with men being more likely to dominate conversations and decision-making, and women being more likely to defer to their partners.

Gendered expectations for sexual behavior: Women may also be subject to greater social pressure to conform to certain sexual norms and expectations, such as being sexually available and responsive to their partners, while men may be encouraged to be more sexually aggressive and dominant. These gendered expectations can sometimes lead to coercion, abuse, and a lack of consent in sexual relationships, which can be deeply harmful to women and can create lasting psychological and emotional trauma.

Name given to an organism that is no capable of making its own food



Organisms that can not synthesise their own food are called heterotrophs. Heterotrophs depend directly or indirectly on autotrophs for their food. They do not have photosynthetic organelles as autotrophs.


In class we discussed that a definitive component of any budget process is the importance of volume indicators when developing an institutional budget. What are the key steps and processes in developing the statistical (volume indicator) component of an institutions budget.


Developing the statistical component of an institutional budget involves identifying and analyzing relevant volume indicators to determine their budget impact, developing budget scenarios, and refining the budget.

Developing the statistical (volume indicator) component of an institution's budget involves several key steps and processes. Below are some of the key steps involved:

Identify the relevant volume indicators: The first step in developing the statistical component of an institutional budget is to identify the relevant volume indicators. These indicators may include metrics such as the number of students enrolled, the number of courses offered, the number of research projects undertaken, and the number of staff employed.Gather data: Once the relevant volume indicators have been identified, the next step is to gather data on these indicators. This data may be obtained from various sources, including institutional records, surveys, and external databases.Analyze the data: After the data has been gathered, it is important to analyze it to identify trends and patterns. This analysis can help identify areas where resources are being over- or underutilized and can inform decisions about where to allocate resources in the budget.Determine the budget impact: Once the data has been analyzed, it is important to determine the budget impact of the volume indicators. This involves estimating the cost of each indicator and projecting how changes in these indicators will impact the overall budget.Develop budget scenarios: Based on the analysis of the data and the estimated budget impact, it is then possible to develop different budget scenarios that take into account different assumptions and contingencies.Evaluate and refine the budget: Finally, the different budget scenarios should be evaluated and refined to arrive at a final budget that reflects the institution's priorities and goals.

In summary, developing the statistical component of an institutional budget involves identifying relevant volume indicators, gathering data, analyzing the data, determining the budget impact, developing budget scenarios, and evaluating and refining the budget.

To learn more about budget visit:


Discuss three new legal responsibilities that grade 12 learners could have to honour I order to effectively navigate through life after they have turned eighteen for meaningful contribution to society



Voting: Once a person turns 18, they have the right to vote in local, state, and federal elections. Voting is an essential part of democracy and allows individuals to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives and communities. As responsible citizens, grade 12 learners should educate themselves about the issues and candidates and make informed decisions when they exercise their right to vote.

Jury duty: Another legal responsibility that grade 12 learners may have to honor is serving on a jury. Jury duty is an essential part of the justice system, and it allows citizens to participate in the legal process and ensure that justice is served. While it may be an inconvenience, serving on a jury is an important duty that grade 12 learners should take seriously.

Military service: While not mandatory in all countries, military service is a legal responsibility that grade 12 learners may have to honor in some places. Military service allows individuals to serve their country and protect their fellow citizens. It also provides opportunities for personal growth and development, such as leadership training and discipline. Grade 12 learners who are considering military service should research their options and make an informed decision based on their personal values and goals.

Overall, as grade 12 learners transition into adulthood, they will have new legal responsibilities to honor. By fulfilling these responsibilities, they can effectively navigate through life and make meaningful contributions to society.


What is the best explanation for how diffusion can cause culture to lose its uniqueness? a. culture can become valueless. b. culture can become generic. c. culture can become irrelevant. d. culture can become boring.



Culture can become generic.


Answer: B. Culture can become generic.


recent developments in the field of psychology suggest that mental disorders are best understood and treated as: primarily biological. primarily psychological. primarily sociocultural. a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.


Recent developments in the field of psychology suggest that mental disorders are best understood and treated as: a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. It is concerned with the functioning of the mind and how that relates to behavior, cognition, emotions, motivation, and other aspects of human experience. In the last few decades, the field of psychology has made significant progress in understanding the causes of mental disorders. Recent developments in the field suggest that mental disorders are best understood and treated as a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. The biological factors that contribute to mental disorders include genetics, brain chemistry, and hormones.

Psychological factors that contribute to mental disorders include personality traits, cognitive processes, and emotional regulation. Sociocultural factors that contribute to mental disorders include poverty, social inequality, discrimination, and cultural norms. Therefore, mental disorders are not only a product of biology or psychology or culture but are best understood as the result of the complex interaction of these factors. This means that treatment for mental disorders should also take into account these different factors to be effective. This approach is known as the biopsychosocial model of mental health.

To know more about Psychological:


FOUR soçial and cultural norms which affect relationships how they are formed​


The answer is Four social and cultural norms which affect relationships are miscommunication, religion , How you express yourself and food.

They are formed through-

1. Miscommunication- especially if he/she are second language speakers, this can cause a lot of problems.

2. Religion-  Just imagine a Christian dating a Muslim. If they are both religious, a lot of fights could arise from this.

3. How you express yourself-  In your culture, something might be more acceptable.

4. Food- The food you eat vs the food that is eaten in a different culture, that you might not approve of at all.

What are the 4 different kinds of relationships?

There are many very kinds of connections. Family connections, friendships, acquaintanceships, and romantic relationships are the four relationship kinds that are there of this section.

What does the psychological concept of relationships mean?

an ongoing, frequently committed relationship between two or more people, such as a family, friendship, marriage, partnership, or other interpersonal connection where the members have some degree of control over each other's ideas, feelings, and behaviors.

To know more about Relationships visit:


In what way might dependency theory be biased?


One way wherein dependency theory can be biased is with the aid of oversimplifying the complex monetary, political, and social relationships between countries.

It is able to also fail to account for the corporation and selection-making power of growing nations, which may engage in trade and funding relationships for their own gain.

Moreover, dependency concept may not fully renowned the function of internal elements, together with corruption and mismanagement, in perpetuating underdevelopment. those biases can restrict the usefulness of the principle and make it much less effective in addressing global financial inequalities.

Another way wherein dependency principle may be biased is that it assumes that advanced countries always gain from their relationships with developing nations. this can create a narrow and one-sided view of the relationship between developed and developing international locations, ignoring the ways in which developed international locations will also be negatively impacted through worldwide monetary relationships.

Learn more about dependency theory:-


Explain in detail the five options for businesses to satisfy new
domestic and global markets, with at least one example for each


There are several options that companies can use to meet the new national and global markets.

Five options are explained below, with at least one example for each:

Export: This option implies the sale of products or services abroad without establishing a physical presence in that market. An example of this is the electronics company Apple, which exports its products to different countries around the world.Franchise: The franchise involves the sale of a license to a company in another country so that it can use the brand and business model of the franchising company. An example of this is the McDonald's fast food chain, which has franchises in different countries around the world.Joint Venture: A joint venture is an association between two or more companies to carry out a joint project in a foreign market. An example of this is the alliance between the Chinese technology company Huawei and the German Siemens, which established a joint venture in 2012 to develop next-generation mobile network technologies.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Foreign direct investment involves creating a physical presence in a foreign market through investing in a foreign company or creating a new company in that market. An example of this is the Japanese automobile company Toyota, which established a production plant in the United States to build cars for the American market.Strategic Alliance: A strategic alliance involves collaboration between two or more companies to achieve a specific goal in a foreign market. An example of this is the alliance between the American technology company IBM and the Chinese company Lenovo, which partnered to manufacture personal computers in China.

In conclusion, there are several options that companies can use to meet the new national and global markets. Choosing the right option will depend on several factors, such as the company culture, the level of investment required, and the company's ability to adapt to a new market.

Lear More About National and global markets


define democratic culture with examples​


Western academics frequently refer to Athens as the birthplace of democracy, and it continues to be a crucial point of reference for democracy.

What is a democracy?Democracy is a system of government in which the people have the power to decide on legislation or to elect the authorities who will make those decisions. Democracy can be understood as "power of the people": a form of government that is based on popular will. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words "demos," which means people, and "kratos," which means power.Although frequently referred to as a democracy, the United States is actually better described as a constitutional federal republic. The term "constitutional" alludes to the fact that the United States' government is based on the Constitution, which is the country's supreme law.

To learn more about democracy, refer to:

For the linear demand curve in Technical Problem 12 (on the next page): a. Write the equation for the demand curve. b. Write the equation for the inverse demand curve. c. Write the equation for the total revenue curve. d. Write the equation for the marginal revenue curve. e. Check your answers for Technical Problem 12 using the equations for demand, inverse demand, and marginal revenue, and total revenue. Price and marginal revenue (dollars)


For the linear demand curve, Technical Problem 12 states the following :
Price                    Quantity Demanded
$5                                           5
4                                             10
3                                             15
2                                            20
1                                             25

a) Equation for the demand curve:
The equation of the demand curve is P = 6 - Q/5.

b) Equation for the inverse demand curve:
The inverse demand curve is expressed as Q = 30 - 5P.

c) Equation for the total revenue curve:
The total revenue (TR) curve can be calculated by multiplying price and quantity. Therefore, the equation is TR = P x Q.

d) Equation for the marginal revenue curve:
Marginal Revenue (MR) is the additional revenue earned from selling an additional unit of output. It can be calculated as the first derivative of the TR with respect to Q. Therefore, the equation is MR = d(TR)/d(Q) = P - Q/5.

e) Checking for technical problem 12:
The table below shows the prices and marginal revenue for each quantity demanded in Technical Problem 12.

Price                     Marginal Revenue
$5                                     -1
4                                       -2
3                                       -3
2                                       -4
1                                        -5

Now, let's calculate the values using the demand, inverse demand, and marginal revenue equations.

- The demand equation is P = 6 - Q/5.
- The inverse demand equation is Q = 30 - 5P.
- The marginal revenue equation is MR = P - Q/5.

Comparing the table and the equations, we can see that the values match perfectly.

To know more about demand, refer here


ssume that the economy can experience four possible states: high growth, normal growth, recession, or depression. For each of those states, you expect the following stock market returns for the coming year:State of the Economy Probability ReturnHigh Growth 0.2 35%Normal Growth 0.6 15%Recession 0.15 -10%Depression 0.05 -15%In dollar terms, what is the value at risk (over a one-year horizon at a 5 percent probability) associated with a $1,000 investment?The value at risk: $____


The value at risk associated with a $1,000 investment with the given information is $87.50.

This is calculated using the formula: VAR = σ × Z  where σ is the standard deviation of returns, and Z is the normal distribution percentile.

Calculating standard deviation of returns:
σ = √((0.2 × (0.35-0.15)2) + (0.6 × (0.15-0.15)2) + (0.15 × (-0.10-0.15)2) + (0.05 × (-0.15-0.15)2))
σ = √(0.00625)
σ = 0.07925

Now that we have the standard deviation, we calculate the value at risk as follows:
VAR = 0.07925 × 1.645
VAR = $87.50

To know more about Standard deviation click here:


Animism influences many traditional religious practices in Africa. What is one characteristic of animism?


the belief that there is only one god


the belief that humans are reincarnated

the belief that all living things possess souls


the belief that karma determines life after death


Animism influences many traditional religious practices in Africa. One of the  characteristic of animism is the belief that all living things possess souls. So, option C is correct.

A belief system known as Animism holds that all natural phenomena and objects, such as plants, animals, rocks, and even inanimate objects, have a spiritual essence or soul. These spirits or souls can communicate with people and with one another, and they have the ability to affect human life and events, according to animistic beliefs.

Although there are components of animistic ideas in many other religious or spiritual traditions, animism is frequently connected with traditional or indigenous civilizations around the world. In animistic communities, rituals and activities are frequently carried out to interact with the natural world's spirits and ask for their help or favor.

To know more about soul


According to the article,it was fairly easy for women to enlist as men in the Union and Confederate armies.
Which selection from article best supports this idea?
(a)Honestly,the lore is that the physical exams were not rigorous at all. If you had enough teeth in your head and could hold a musket,you were fine.
(b)At the time,I believe the union had an official cutoff age of 18 for soldiers,but that was often flouted and people often lied.
(c)They also kind of kept to themselves. The evidence that survived often describes them as aloof.
(d)Even in the cases where these women were found out as soldiers,there does not actually seem to be much uproar. More or less,they were just sent home. ​


The selection from the article that best supports the idea that it was fairly easy for women to enlist as men in the Union and Confederate armies is, "Honesty, the lore is that the physical exams were not rigorous at all. a is correct.

If you had enough teeth in your head and could hold a musket, you were fine."

This statement suggests that the physical exams to become a soldier were not very strict, and as long as a person could hold a musket and had enough teeth, they could enlist. This would have made it easier for women to disguise themselves as men and enlist in the army.

For such more question on Honesty


meaning of abusive relationship​


Abuse means treating someone with violence, disrespect, cruelty, harm, or force. When someone treats their partner in any of these ways, it’s called an abusive relationship. Abuse in a relationship can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Or it could be all of these.

An abusive partner might use mean words, threats, or shaming. They might act with jealousy or controlling behavior. Or with physical or sexual violence. These things can start small and build over time.

what is veto power?.​


The power to say no or to stop an official action is called the Veto power.

The following table lists the marginal cost and marginal private benefit of the electric car market: Quantity Marginal Cost Marginal Private Benefit 20000 10000 40000 25000 15000 35000 30000 20000 30000 35000 25000 25000 40000 30000 20000 45000 35000 15000 In addition, it is estimated that the marginal external benefit from the consumption of electric cars is $10000 What quantity of cars would maximize social benefit?


The quantity of cars that would maximize social benefit is 20,000.

The quantity of cars that would maximize social benefit can be determined by calculating the marginal social benefit (MSB) and the marginal social cost (MSC).

The MSB is equal to the marginal private benefit (MPB) plus the marginal external benefit (MEB), or in this case, $10000.

The MSC is equal to the marginal cost (MC). Therefore, when the MSB is equal to the MSC, this is the quantity of cars that will maximize social benefit.

Using the data from the table, the MSB for 20,000 cars is $20,000 and the MSC for 20,000 cars is $10,000. This means that the quantity of cars that would maximize social benefit is 20,000.

To know more about social benefit refer here:


Need help replying to post. Increased prices for goods and services reduce many consumers' ability to purchase certain goods. In addition, inflation decreases the value of personal savings. The more expensive goods get, the less flexibility consumers have to get and save what they want. On a global scale, inflation increases the cost for materials, labor, and transportation making it more costly to manufacture and ship goods. Overall, consumers have less disposable income and the demand for goods is much higher when prices of goods rise at a high rate. On another note, reducing hyperinflation is not a simple task. I would recommend reestablishing the credibility of the country’s currency because it helps raise money from taxation. Also, implementing contractionary monetary policy, a method that aims to reduce the money supply and increase interest rates could help the country earn more money. If I were a resident of Zimbabwe during this time, I would try my best to not depend on one source. I would aim to diversify my income so I am not solely spending on one or two things. In terms of gas, I think that alternative sources would have to be on my mind (bike, run, etc.). As the prices of gas increase, it wouldn’t make sense to continue to buy it if the job I worked for didn't pay more than the cost of gas itself. I would also look for any source of money and probably work long hours, even into the night if need be. I wouldn’t quit looking for alternative jobs and sources of income. Investing in certain items that I know will increase in price may not be such a bad idea either.


Inflation is an economic term that refers to an overall increase in the price of goods and services.

When prices of goods rise at a high rate, it decreases the amount of disposable income that consumers have, making it difficult for them to purchase certain goods.

Reestablishing the credibility of the country’s currency and implementing contractionary monetary policy can help reduce hyperinflation, as well as diversifying income sources and investing in items that will increase in price.

For Zimbabwean residents during this time, it would be important to find alternative transportation methods and search for additional jobs or sources of income.

To know more about inflation, refer here:


The "true" costs of inflation to an economy include all of the following except
Group of answer choices
a.shoe-leather costs.
b.unexpected redistribution of wealth.
c.higher relative prices.
d.noise in the price system.


All of the following, with the exception of price system noise, are considered the "real" costs of inflation to an economy.

What are three inflation costs?

American families are being harmed by rapidly rising prices, which are devaluing their salaries and making it more expensive to buy necessities like groceries and gas. Also, as a result of inflation, Americans are finding it more challenging to accumulate money.

What are the inflationary costs?

Inflation in this system can only have two genuine costs: the need for more frequent price changes and the less efficient way transactions are set up as a result of keeping lower cash balances (the so-called menu costs).

To know more about economy visit:-


The site that you named in question 1. 5 can be classified as a primary attraction. By refering to the distance table in Annexure B,describe Two other activities that are also available for tourists as secondary attractions


Without knowing the specific site referred to in question 1.5 and the distance table provided in Annexure B, I am unable to provide specific examples of secondary attractions available in the area.

However, in general, secondary attractions are typically activities or sites that are in the surrounding area and may be visited in conjunction with the primary attraction. These secondary attractions can help to enhance the overall tourist experience by providing additional options for sightseeing or leisure activities. Examples of secondary attractions may include museums, parks, historical landmarks, recreational activities like hiking or boating, local markets, or cultural events. Depending on the location and interests of the tourist, there may be a wide variety of secondary attractions available to choose from.

For such more question on attractions


5. Explain the relationship between a firm’s marginal costs and
average variable costs of production.


The relationship between a firm’s marginal costs and average variable costs of production is that both the average variable costs and the marginal costs are directly related.

The relationship between a firm’s marginal costs and average variable costs of production

For any given level of output, if the marginal cost is less than the average variable cost, then the average variable cost will decrease.

For any given level of output, if the marginal cost is greater than the average variable cost, then the average variable cost will increase.For any given level of output, if the marginal cost is equal to the average variable cost, then the average variable cost will remain constant.

Learn more about marginal cost at


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Lin needs to mix a specific shade of orange paint for the set of the school play. The color uses 3 parts yellow for every 2 parts red. Complete the table to show different combinations of red and yellow paint that will make the shade of orange Lin needs Please help solve this. Something seems a bit off from the first post. ThanksJonathan owns and operates 5 car window tinting shops in the Rio Grande Valley area. Each tint shops has 4 car stalls. Jonathan only operate 3 stalls at a time, leaving the other stall vacant. Based on his latest revenue reports, he is averaging 2 customers at a time receiving tint while the 3rd stall is empty. Each tint shop is open 12 hours per day. Each car or truck requires 2 hours of workwhat is Jonathan daily design capacity?what is Jonathan daily effective capcity?what is Jonathan actual out per daywhat is Jonathan utilization ratewhat is Jonathan effective utilization rate if you borrow $2,500 when you open up account the loan was for 2 years and the amount of the loan interest was $155 what were you charge when you open up the account for the loan what is the answer to this if n square- 1 over m is equal to 4Express n in terms of mfind n when m is 12 (12 points ) Find the area of an equilateral triangle with side length 2cm. Show all necessary calculations. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. Two balanced and fair dice are rolled. One is six-sided and the other is eight-sided. What is the probability of rolling a sum greater than 12 or a sum that is an odd number? Submit the answer as a simplified fraction. Use the forward slash (/) to separate the numerator from the denominator without spaces before or after. For example, three-fourths should be submitted as Find the area of this composite shape. 10 cm, 5 cm, 8 cm, and 4 cm. Refer to exercise 3. 67. What is the expected number of applicants who need to be interviewed in order to find the first one with advanced training? There is an equal amount of yellow, blue, green, and red marbles in a bag of 32 marbles. If Ed draws 4 marbles out of the bag with replacement, predict how many of the 4 marbles drawn should be blue.14832 true/false. a company created its own social media space called the lounge, which included an interactive website with contests and forums for customers to talk about their own experiences with the company's products. barkley (2006) proposed that the primary deficit in individuals with adhd is not really attention; rather, it is self-regulation problems related neurological factors, or: what does Jones describe witnessing when he returned to Iwo six days after the initial invasion? Me podran ayudar no entiendo cmo hacerlo 2) your bank has just presented a plan: a 5% rate annually until you retire in 40 years. however, you think that interest rates will increase over the next year, and one year from today, you will have an opportunity to invest at 5.6% annually. if you plan to invest $16,000 either this year or next year, how much more will you have when you retire if you wait one year to make your investment? Solve using the Zero Product Property. Give your answer as a decimal, if necessary. A group of friends tries to keep a small bean bag from touching the ground by kicking it. On one kick, the beanbags height can be modeled by the equation h = (2t 3) 8t(2t 3), where h is the height of the beanbag in feet and t is the time in seconds. Find the time it takes the beanbag to reach the ground. The time it takes for the beanbag to reach the ground is ___ second(s) Traits acquired during an organisms lifetime can be passed down to its offspring true or false Directions: Answer each of the following questions below.1. The war with England in 1812 had two basic causes. Explain these two causes. Be specific.~ Lack of freedom of the seas~ The Indians of the Northwest#2-8: Choose the correct answer for each question.2. During the war of 1812, the Americans were fighting for(a) self-government(b) freedom of the seas(c) freedom from England3. The Americans were most successful on(a) the sea(b) Lake Champlain and Lake Erie(c) on land4. The English were most successful on(a) land(b) the sea(c) Lake Champlain and Lake Erie5. The Americans won a victory at(a) Detroit(b) the Thames(c) Quebec6. The English were able to land an army and capture the city of(a) Washington(b) Baltimore(c) New York7. The Star Spangled Banner was written during the bombardment of(a) Baltimore(b) Philadelphia(c) Washington8. After the Treaty of Ghent had been signed, the Americans won a victory(a) on Lake Erie(b) on the Atlantic Ocean(c) at New Orleans#9-15: Place the following names in the correct blanks.Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Oliver H. Perry, John C. Calhoun, Francis Scott Key, James Madison9. _______________________ was a young War Hawk from Kentucky.10. ______________________ came to Congress from South Carolina.11. ______________________ was a young Congressman from New Hampshire.12. ______________________ commanded the American fleet on Lake Erie.13. ______________________ won fame in the Battle of New Orleans.14. ______________________ wrote The Star Spangled Banner.15. ______________________ was President of the United States in 1812.#16-23: Answer each of the questions.16. What name did the people give to the ship Constitution?17. England's practice of forcing our sailors to serve in her navy was called what?18. Who was the American General who followed the British into Canada and defeated them in The Battle of the Thames?19. What Indian chieftain was killed in The Battle of the Thames?20. What important building did the British burn when they captured Washington?21. After capturing Washington, the British attacked what city, which they failed to capture?22. What land did The United States gain from The War of 1812?23. The famous Battle of New Orleans was unnecessary. Why? Question 1 of 20Complete the sentence with the best word: "Ms. Stephanowski is known forher__________ manners."A. impeccableB. querulousC. destituteD. palpable 1.2 Mention THREE benefits of being able to effectively communicate with your teachers (3)