how is the setting and action in this seen an example of the anti-western genre? what is the emotional effect of the scene on the viewer and why is this important?


Answer 1

The setting and action in the scene subvert Western expectations, conveying a sense of disorientation and unease, forcing viewers to question their assumptions.

The anti-Western genre challenges audiences to reevaluate their presumptions about culture, morality, and power by subverting conventional Western expectations and standards in the setting and action. Instead of presenting non-Western civilizations as one-dimensional caricatures, this genre frequently depicts them as multifaceted and multidimensional.

As the environment and action do not follow Western assumptions, the emotional impact of this scenario on the viewer is confusion and anxiety. This unease is crucial because it compels viewers to interact with the scenario critically, challenging their preconceptions and exposing the limitations of Western viewpoints.

Learn more about disorientation:


Related Questions

according to the gibb categories, communication focuses on the speaker’s thoughts and feelings instead of judging the listener. true or false


According to the gibb categories, communication focuses on the speaker’s thoughts and feelings instead of judging the listener is True because it falls under the category of description.

The Gibb categories, also known as the "communication competence dimensions," were developed by communication theorist Jack Gibb to describe the various ways in which people communicate with each other.

The categories consist of six dimensions: evaluation, description, certainty, provisionalism, strategy, and spontaneity.Of these categories, evaluation n is perhaps the most important when it comes to understanding the focus of communication.

According to Gibb, evaluation refers to the degree to which a speaker expresses judgments or opinions about the listener rather than simply describing their own thoughts or feelings.

By contrast, communication that focuses on the speaker's thoughts and feelings instead of judging the listener falls under the category of description.

This type of communication involves describing the speaker's own experiences, thoughts, and feelings in a way that is clear and specific, without making assumptions or judgments about the listener.

Description is a key component of effective communication, as it allows the listener to understand the speaker's perspective without feeling attacked or judged.

By focusing on their own experiences and feelings rather than making assumptions about the listener's thoughts or motivations, speakers can create a more open and honest dialogue.

In summary, the Gibb categories suggest that effective communication is characterized by a focus on the speaker's thoughts and feelings, rather than on judging or evaluating the listener.

By adopting this approach, speakers can create a more positive and productive dialogue, leading to greater understanding and connection between individuals.

For more question on "Gibb Categories" :


T/F the final song in schubert’s lovely maid of the mill is "the brook’s lullaby," which ends the cycle on a happy and upbeat note, as the miller goes to sleep after all of his hard work.


The final song in Franz Schubert's song cycle "Die schöne Müllerin" (Lovely Maid of the Mill) is actually titled "Des Baches Wiegenlied" or "The Brook's Lullaby," but it does not end the cycle on a happy and upbeat note.

In "Die schöne Müllerin," Schubert sets to music a series of poems by Wilhelm Müller that tell the story of a young miller who falls in love with a miller's daughter but ultimately faces rejection and heartbreak. The final song, "The Brook's Lullaby," is a poignant and melancholic piece that reflects the miller's emotional state as he comes to terms with his unrequited love and finds solace in the peaceful flow of the brook.

The text of "The Brook's Lullaby" speaks of the brook's soothing lullaby as it sings the miller to sleep, but the music and lyrics convey a sense of resignation and sadness rather than a happy and upbeat tone. The Miller's journey throughout the song cycle is one of emotional turmoil and loss, and the final song serves as a poignant conclusion to the story, expressing the Miller's bittersweet acceptance of his fate.

To learn more about The Brook Lullaby, visit here


what accounts for hossam ramzy's significance - and controversial status - as a representative of egyptian musical traditions?


Hossam Ramzy's significance lies in his ability to fuse traditional Egyptian music with modern styles and introduce it to a global audience.

Hossam Ramzy was an Egyptian percussionist and composer who gained international recognition for his contributions to world music, particularly in the area of Egyptian and Middle Eastern music. Ramzy's significance stems from his ability to bridge the gap between traditional Egyptian music and contemporary music, which has allowed him to attract a diverse audience from around the world.

Ramzy's controversial status as a representative of Egyptian musical traditions is due in part to his willingness to experiment with new sounds and styles. Some traditionalists in Egypt have criticized Ramzy for deviating too far from the classical Egyptian musical traditions, while others have praised him for bringing Egyptian music to a wider audience.

Ramzy's collaborations with Western musicians, including Peter Gabriel and Robert Plant, have also been a source of controversy, as some critics have accused him of diluting the authenticity of Egyptian music in order to appeal to a Western audience. However, Ramzy himself has always maintained that his goal is to introduce the beauty and complexity of Egyptian music to as many people as possible, while still maintaining the integrity of the music.

Learn more about Egyptian here:


Technological advances in the Song period included all of the following except. A) the horse collar. B) the abacus. C) moveable type. D) carbonized steel.


The technological advances during the Song period in China were significant and contributed to the flourishing of arts, sciences, and commerce.

The correct answer is D i.e. carbonized steel. Among the notable inventions and innovations of the time, three are commonly attributed to the Song Dynasty: the horse collar, the abacus, and the movable type. However, carbonized steel is not typically considered one of the technological advances during the Song period.

The horse collar, which allowed horses to be harnessed more effectively for pulling heavy loads, was an important advancement in agricultural technology. It replaced the older throat-and-girth harness, which was less efficient and caused discomfort to the horses, limiting their pulling capacity.

The abacus, a simple counting device, was widely used for calculations in commerce and trade during the Song period. It allowed for faster and more accurate calculations, which facilitated economic activities and trade transactions.

To learn more about technological advances, visit here


Technological advances in the Song period included all of the following except D) carbonized steel.

The Song Dynasty (960-1279) was a period of significant technological advancement in ancient China. During this era, the Chinese made numerous technological advancements that helped revolutionize agriculture, warfare, transportation, and printing.

Some of the remarkable technological innovations that the Song dynasty contributed to include the development of the horse collar, the abacus, movable type printing, and carbonized steel.

Carbonized steel is a type of steel that is heat-treated to increase its durability and strength. Although carbonized steel was used in ancient China, it was not invented during the Song Dynasty.

The Chinese had been using iron for thousands of years, but it was not until the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) that they began to experiment with steel. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Chinese metallurgists developed the technique of using wrought iron and cast iron to produce steel. However, carbonized steel was not developed until much later.

On the other hand, the Song Dynasty was known for its innovative inventions, including the horse collar, the abacus, and movable type printing.The horse collar was a revolutionary invention that allowed horses to pull heavy loads with less strain, which increased agricultural productivity.

The abacus, a device for making arithmetic calculations, was also widely used during this time. Movable type printing, developed during the Song Dynasty, was a significant technological advancement that revolutionized the printing industry.

However, among these technological advancements, the one that was not invented during the Song Dynasty was carbonized steel. Therefore, option D is the right choice.

Nonetheless, the innovations during this period had a profound impact on the advancement of civilization, and they continue to be a source of inspiration to many technological developments today.

For more question on "Song Dynasty" :


the director's work with the designers is generally suggestive and corrective, rather than overtly controlling. true false


True. The director typically collaborates with the designers to suggest and offer feedback, rather than exerting full control over their work.

This allows for a more collaborative and creative process in which each team member can contribute their expertise and ideas. Hence, it is correct that the director's work with the designers is generally suggestive and corrective. This means that the director collaborates with the designers, providing guidance and feedback to help shape the overall vision, instead of overtly controlling every detail. This approach allows the designers to contribute their expertise and creativity to the production.

Learn more about production here:


pollock is among the artists whose work may be described as action painting.


Pollock, also known as Jackson Pollock, is indeed considered an action painter.

Action painting is a subcategory of Abstract Expressionism, where artists emphasize the process of creating art through spontaneous, expressive gestures and movements.

Pollock's signature "drip" technique is a prime example of action painting, as it showcases the physical act of painting itself.

Pollock's signature "drip" technique is a prime example of action painting. He would lay his canvas on the floor and apply paint by dripping, pouring, and splattering it onto the canvas from above, while moving around it in a rhythmic and gestural manner.

This process allowed Pollock to create dynamic and spontaneous compositions that captured the physicality of the act of painting itself. The resulting works are characterized by an abstract and chaotic quality, with intricate patterns of drips, splatters, and lines that create a sense of movement and energy.

Pollock's innovative approach to painting and his exploration of the physicality of the artistic process had a significant impact on the art world and helped establish him as a leading figure in the Abstract Expressionist movement.

His work is often seen as a prime example of action painting, a subcategory of Abstract Expressionism that emphasizes the physical act of creating art through spontaneous and gestural movements, and continues to be influential in contemporary art today.

To learn more about canvas, refer below:


although it is not as durable, what is the advantage of painting with the fresco secco medium?


One advantage of painting with fresco secco medium is that it allows for more flexibility and spontaneity compared to the traditional fresco technique.

Fresco secco is a painting technique where pigments are mixed with a water-soluble binder and applied onto a dry plaster surface, as opposed to the traditional fresco technique where pigments are applied onto wet plaster. The main advantage of fresco secco is that it allows for more time to work on the painting compared to the traditional fresco, which requires the quick application of pigments on wet plaster before it dries. With fresco secco, the artist has more time to blend and manipulate the pigments on the dry plaster surface, allowing for greater control over the details and nuances of the painting.

Another advantage of fresco secco is that it allows for more vibrant and varied colors. Wet plaster in traditional fresco tends to absorb pigments and may result in muted or dull colors, whereas the dry plaster surface in fresco secco allows for more vibrant and saturated colors to be achieved. This can give the artist more creative freedom in choosing and applying colors in their painting.

To learn more about fresco secco, visit here


Although fresco secco is not as durable as other painting mediums, its advantage lies in the ability to make corrections and adjustments easily, as well as the possibility to work with a wider range of pigments and colors that may not be suitable for traditional fresco techniques

The advantage of painting with the fresco secco medium is that it allows for more precise and detailed work compared to fresco painting. Fresco secco involves painting onto a dry plaster surface, rather than wet plaster as in true fresco, which means that the artist can make corrections and adjustments as they go along. This method also allows for a wider range of colors and tones to be used. Although it may not be as durable as true fresco painting, fresco secco allows for greater artistic expression and versatility.

Know more about fresco secco here:


with film depth, when the cinematographer places significant information or subjects in all of the planes (foreground, mid-ground, and background) of the frame, this is:


With film depth, when the cinematographer places significant information or subjects in all of the planes (foreground, mid-ground, and background) of the frame, this is deep focus.

When an object or topic is in crisp detail and contrasts with its surrounds, it is said to be in deep focus. This produces an image with a great level of depth and clarity. It can also be used to describe the technique of deep-focus cinematography, which employs long focal length lenses to produce images in which both nearby and far-off objects are finely focused simultaneously.

This method, which was invented during World War II, enables filmmakers to capture scenes without constantly cutting from one image to another, resulting in more seamless continuity between frames but occasionally at the expense of close-up detail.

Know more about cinematography here


pakistan architecture was devided into


different time periods including the Indus civilization, the Gandhara style of Buddhist architecture, pre-Islamic settlements, Islamic architecture, colonial architecture, and post-colonial architecture [3]. The Mughal era brought Indo-Islamic architecture to Pakistan, while British colonization introduced Victorian and neoclassical designs [2]. Post-partition, national monuments were erected to reinforce the new Pakistani national identity [1]. Modern Pakistani architecture reflects a blend of Western and traditional elements, creating style hybrids with functional elements [2]. The Multani style of architecture, which began in the 14th century, is known for its large brick structures and funerary monuments [1].


[1] Pakistani architecture

[2] Top 5 Reasons Why Pakistan's Architectural Heritage Is ...

[3] Architecture of Pakistan | HiSoUR - Hi So You Are


with brush and ink drawing, other than pressure, how is line variation created?


Line variation in brush and ink drawing can be achieved through several techniques other than pressure, such as speed, direction, and ink density.

By varying the speed of the brush stroke, the artist can create a range of line widths, from thin and delicate to bold and expressive. Changing the direction of the stroke can also create different effects, such as crosshatching, stippling, or contouring.

Ink density can also be manipulated to create line variation. Diluted ink can produce a lighter, more translucent line, while concentrated ink can result in a thicker, more opaque line.

Te use of different types of brushes can further enhance line variation, with softer brushes producing more fluid and expressive lines, and stiffer brushes creating more controlled and precise lines.

Line variation is an essential element of brush and ink drawing, allowing artists to create dynamic and visually interesting compositions.

Learn more about density here:


In brush and ink drawing, line variation can be created by altering the angle of the brush, the speed of the stroke, and the type of brush used. Different brushes and techniques can produce diverse line qualities, adding depth and interest to the artwork.

Line variation in brush and ink drawing can also be created through the angle and direction of the brush strokes. By holding the brush at different angles and moving it in different directions, you can create thinner or thicker lines, as well as lines with more or less texture. Additionally, the amount of ink on the brush can also affect line variation - using a drier brush will create thinner and more delicate lines, while a wetter brush will produce bolder and more dramatic lines.

Know more about brush and ink drawing here:


what child solo artist was able to negotiate his contract with motown later in life to remain with the label yet maintain creative control (as well as a majority of royalties)?


Stevie Wonder was able to negotiate his contract with motown later in life to remain with the label yet maintain creative control (as well as a majority of royalties).

Stevie Wonder, a child prodigy who became one of the most inventive musical figures of the late 20th century, is an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He was raised in Detroit's inner city and was born blind; by the time he was eight, he was a talented guitarist.

Wonder, who is still only in his mid-20s, seemed to have mastered almost all of the idioms used in African-American popular music and had combined them into his own language. He was a pioneer and an inspiration to rock musicians because of his mastery of the new generation of electronic keyboard instruments.

Know more about Stevie Wonder here


who is considered the original artist of the song blueberry hill (hint: he recorded the song in 1941)?



I hope that may help you


This  music was composed by  (Vincent Rose) ,.

Who first achieved popularity as bandleader of his ( Montmartre Orchestra) in the 1920 s . The lyrics were written by Larry Scott and Al Lewis.

So the original version of the song was performed by actor and country star ( Gene Autry ) in the film The Singing Hill .

How many people survived in the maze runner



12 people survive


They all stayed after Thomas escapes the Maze with Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, Jeff, Jack, Tim, Billy, Mike, and Peter. They are later left behind by Gally, who also escaped the Maze.

Television's dramas and comedy shows are good vehicles for promoting a company's products and services. What is another platform for product exposure on television?
Talk shows
Magazine shows
Game shows
Talent executive shows


Television's dramas and comedy shows are indeed effective platforms for promoting a company's products and services.

By incorporating product placements or sponsorships within the plotline, these shows can expose their audience to a brand or product in an engaging and memorable way.

However, another platform for product exposure on television is talent executive shows.

Talent executive shows, such as reality competition shows, offer a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their products in front of a large audience.

For instance, a makeup brand could sponsor a beauty competition show and provide their products as part of the prize package for the winner. This exposure could lead to increased brand recognition and sales.

Furthermore, talent executive shows often have dedicated fan bases who are passionate about the contestants and their journey on the show.

This provides a great opportunity for companies to tap into this audience and potentially gain new customers.

By sponsoring or partnering with a talent executive show, a company can create a positive association with the show's values and the contestants' success, leading to increased brand loyalty.

In conclusion, while dramas and comedy shows are effective platforms for product exposure on television, talent executive shows offer a unique opportunity to reach a passionate fan base and create a positive association with a brand.

To know more about talent executive shows here


1. Which one of the following words best describes the process of design? (1 point)


Answer: B; creating.
Explanation: The process of design can be described as “creating” since you are artistically making something. “Beautifying” would be incorrect since you are not enhancing the art to be more attractive. “Planning” would also not be accurate since you are in the process of designing, not planning. “Predicting” would not make sense because you are not predicting anything at all, but making something. Thus, “creating” would be the best option for this question. Hope that helped!

In this scene from A Trip to the Moon, how did Melies make the space aliens disappear


In the scene from A Trip to the Moon, Georges Melies used a special effect known as a "dissolve" to make the space aliens disappear.

This effect was achieved by having two identical sets of the aliens and then overlapping the two sets of images, gradually fading one out while the other fades in.

This causes one image to appear to dissolve into the other. Melies also used a double-exposure technique to make the aliens disappear. This involved exposing two separate images onto the same frame of film, allowing the first image to be partially visible beneath the second image.

In the scene, this was done to make it look like the aliens were dissolving into the stars. As neither technique was widely used at the time, this was a groundbreaking effect that helped to make A Trip to the Moon a groundbreaking film.

Know more about aliens here


from which older genre did the symphony develop? a. the italian oratorio b. the italian opera overture c. the french opera overture d. the english oratorio


The symphony developed from the Italian opera overture (option b). This genre typically featured a three-part structure with a fast-slow-fast tempo scheme, which later evolved into the classical symphony.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Italian opera overtures often consisted of three sections: a fast, lively opening section, a slower and more expressive middle section, and a return to the fast tempo in the final section. Composers began to expand on this three-part structure and add more sections, eventually leading to the development of the symphony. However, the symphony also drew influences from other musical forms such as the concerto grosso and the sonata.

Learn more about concerto here:


"in the late 1920s, a ____ film featured a complete sound track, including dialogue."
a) silent b) black and white c) color d) talking


In the late 1920s, a talking film featured a complete sound track, including dialogue. The correct option is D

In the late 1920s, the film industry saw a revolutionary change with the introduction of sound in films. This marked the beginning of the talking film era, also known as the "talkies." The first feature-length film to include synchronized dialogue was The Jazz Singer, released in 1927.

This film paved the way for other talking films to follow, and soon, silent films were replaced by films with sound. The introduction of sound in films not only added a new dimension to storytelling but also provided a new platform for actors to showcase their talents.

It was a significant advancement in the film industry, and it changed the way films were made forever. Today, sound is an integral part of films, and we cannot imagine watching a film without sound.

To know more about talking film refer here:


in the film industry, movie groupings with similar types of characters, settings and themes - such as comedy, horror, drama, science-fiction and westerns


In the film industry, movie groupings with similar types of characters, settings, and themes are known as genres. Genres, such as comedy, horror, drama, science-fiction, and westerns, help categorize and classify films, making it easier for audiences to find content that aligns with their interests and preferences.

Movie groupings with similar types of characters, settings, and themes are commonly known as genres in the film industry. Genres are used to classify and organize content loaded in the film industry based on common themes, plot structures, and character archetypes. Some of the most popular genres include comedy, horror, drama, science-fiction, and westerns. These genres are recognized by audiences worldwide, and they often dictate the types of movies that are produced, marketed, and distributed by studios. While many movies may cross multiple genres, each genre typically has its own distinct characteristics that help audiences understand what kind of movie they are about to watch.

Know more about genres here:


In the film industry, movies are often grouped based on similar types of characters, settings, and themes. This is done to help audiences identify the type of movie they are interested in watching. Some common movie genres include comedy, horror, drama, science-fiction, and Westerns.

Comedy films are known for their humorous and lighthearted approach, often featuring funny situations and witty dialogue.

Horror films, on the other hand, are designed to scare and thrill audiences with their supernatural or gory elements.

Drama films focus on the emotional and serious subject matter, such as family issues or social injustice.

Science-fiction films often explore futuristic or otherworldly settings and concepts, while Westerns focus on the American frontier and the classic "cowboy" genre.

By categorizing movies into these groups, it helps both filmmakers and audiences to understand the specific expectations of a particular movie.

This classification system allows for targeted marketing and helps to ensure that moviegoers have an enjoyable and satisfying experience.

to know more about film industry refer here:


Terrance is at a point in his 3D model where he cannot see the image plane because part of the model is in the way. Which of the following display modes would make every object, including the image plane, translucent so he could see the image plane through the object and continue working?
This is a 3D modeling question, using Blender.


You're perceiving the scene via perspective rather than orthographic, which is the correct explanation in this case. In perspective view, Blender doesn't display the backdrop reference picture. By tapping Numpad 5, return to Orthographic mode.

Why can't you see image in blender?

Both choosing a file type that accepts an alpha channel and choosing "RGBA" under the color choice for the output settings are required. An image with a translucent backdrop will now be produced when producing a picture.

In Blender, materials may be made translucent so that light can travel through any things made with them. The "alpha" channel, which assigns each pixel a value between 0 and 1, in addition to its RGB color values, is used to manage transparency.

Change the object's color to white by selecting it. You may locate transparency by scrolling down. It will be set to 0 by default; increase it to 1, and reduce the roughness value to 0. It is apparent now if you render in cycles.

Learn more about 3D model:


A visual metaphor is effective because


Visual metaphor is effective because it conveys emotions or ideas in a memorable way.

What are visual metaphors?

A visual metaphor is used to convey complex ideas or emotions in a simple and memorable way.

By using a familiar image to represent an abstract concept, it allows the viewer to make connections and draw conclusions in a way that words alone may not be able to achieve.

Visual metaphors can be powerful tools for communication, as they engage both the cognitive and emotional parts of the brain.

They can also create a shared understanding among people, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers, and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Read more about visual metaphor at:


on what interval do the chords of this harmonic progression from coltrane’s giant steps relate?


The chords in Coltrane's "Giant Steps" relate primarily through major third intervals. This progression is known for its rapid modulation between three key centers.

The chords of the harmonic progression from Coltrane's Giant Steps relate on major thirds intervals. This means that each chord is a major third higher than the previous one. This unique harmonic progression has become a hallmark of Coltrane's style and has been used in many jazz compositions since its introduction.

Know more about Giant Steps here:


In Coltrane's Giant Steps, the chords follow a harmonic progression based on the cycle of major thirds. The intervals between the chords are all major thirds apart, which creates a sense of tension and resolution as the harmony moves through different keys.

Specifically, the chords in the progression relate to each other on an interval of three whole steps or six half steps. This creates a unique and complex harmonic structure that is characteristic of Coltrane's music.

The harmonic progression of Giant Steps has become a standard exercise for jazz musicians to practice, due to its challenging and innovative nature. Understanding the relationship between the chords in this progression can help musicians to improvise and compose in a more sophisticated and expressive way.

Overall, the interval between the chords in Coltrane's Giant Steps is three whole steps or six half steps, creating a distinct and memorable harmonic progression.

to know more about Coltrane's Giant Steps refer here:


many new hollywood filmmakers learned techniques for making films cheaply and quickly from what b-movie director and producer?


Roger Corman. He is known for producing low-budget films quickly, launching the careers of many successful filmmakers and actors.

One of the most significant B-movie producers and filmmakers in Hollywood history is Roger Corman. He had a reputation for producing low-budget movies swiftly and effectively, frequently reusing the same actors, scenery, and other cast members. Many ambitious filmmakers got their start working with Corman, where they picked up his methods for producing movies fast and affordably.

Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, and Ron Howard are notable Corman protégés. Corman is regarded as a pioneer of low-budget filmmaking, and his influence continues to inspire indie filmmakers today.

Learn more about Roger Corman:


style wars and jean-michel basquiat: the radiant child both demonstrate how pricey early education in the arts is critical to creating meaningful artistic expression. group of answer choices true false


False. While both "Style Wars" and "Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child" highlight the importance of early exposure to the arts and support from mentors, they do not necessarily suggest that a pricey early education in the arts is critical to creating meaningful artistic expression.

In fact, many successful artists have come from disadvantaged backgrounds and may not have had access to expensive art schools or classes. Ultimately, talent, dedication, and hard work are more important factors in creating meaningful artistic expression than the cost of one's early education."Style Wars" is a documentary film that explores the world of graffiti and hip-hop culture in New York City during the 1980s. While it does showcase the talent and creativity of graffiti artists, it does not suggest that expensive early education in the arts is critical to creating meaningful artistic expression.

Similarly, "Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child" is a documentary about the life and work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an influential artist who emerged from the graffiti and street art scene in New York City during the 1980s. The film does not suggest that expensive early education in the arts is necessary for creating meaningful artistic expression.

Learn more about critical here:


in this episode with its whispering figures vivaldi is attempting to depict a. thunder and lightning. b. a peasant dance. c. murmuring water. d. singing birds.


In this episode with its whispering figures, Vivaldi is attempting to depict option C: murmuring water.

It is certainly possible that Vivaldi's music in this episode could be interpreted as an attempt to depict murmuring water through the use of musical techniques such as dynamics, articulation, and rhythm. Many composers have used musical devices to suggest the sounds of nature, and Vivaldi was known for his programmatic approach to music, which often sought to convey specific images or scenes. Ultimately, the interpretation of the music is up to the listener, and they may hear different things based on their own experiences and associations.

Learn more about nature here:


who is a contemporary american composer whose works are inspired by peruvian folklore?


One contemporary American composer whose works are inspired by Peruvian folklore is Gabriela Lena Frank.

Born in Berkeley, California, Frank has Peruvian and Lithuanian ancestry and draws upon her multicultural heritage to create music that blends Western classical traditions with indigenous South American influences. In particular, her compositions often incorporate elements of Peruvian Andean folk music, including traditional instruments such as the charango and panpipes.

Frank's music has been performed by prominent orchestras and ensembles around the world, and she has received numerous awards and commissions for her work. Through her compositions, Frank aims to celebrate the diversity and richness of Latin American cultures while also pushing the boundaries of contemporary classical music. Her unique and innovative approach has earned her a reputation as one of the most important voices in contemporary classical music today.

For more about Gabriela:


the group of instruments accompanying the singer in this excerpt is known collectively as the __________. drone bass recitative a cappella basso continuo


The group of instruments accompanying the singer in this excerpt is known collectively as the basso continuo.

In music, basso continuo (often shortened to continuo) refers to the group of instruments that provide a continuous bass line and harmonic framework for a piece of music.

It typically consists of two instruments - a keyboard instrument (such as a harpsichord or organ) and a low-pitched instrument (such as a cello or bassoon) - although it can also include other instruments such as lutes, guitars, or bass instruments.

The term "continuo" comes from the Latin word "continuus," which means continuous. Basso continuo was a standard part of Baroque music, and was used in both instrumental and vocal music. It allowed for flexibility and improvisation within a piece of music, as the musicians playing the bass line could vary the harmonies and rhythms within certain guidelines.

In the context of the given excerpt, the term "basso continuo" is likely used to refer to the group of instruments playing the continuous bass line that supports the singer's melody.

To know more about basso continuo, refer here:

Write a paragraph that contains a topic sentence, a summary sentence, and three supporting sentences. Will give 20 please.


To write a paragraph that contains a topic sentence, a summary sentence, and three supporting sentences, you have to do more research on the topic of your choice, structure your ideas, and organize them logically.

How to write an effective text?

Subjects addressed throughout the text must be consistent and supported by reliable facts and information. Assuming that your text is about the impact of art on society, your text can have an introduction such as:

"Art has always had a significant impact on society throughout history. It is a powerful tool for expressing ideas, emotions, and opinions and has been used to bring about social change, challenge social norms, and provoke critical thinking (...)"

Therefore, be creative and write your text consistently and in line with the reader, leading him to reflection by providing information on the topic.

Find out more about artwork at:


this audio clip is a good example of a free jazz melody presented using a swing era big band arranging style known as:


This audio clip is a good example of a free jazz melody presented using a swing-era big band arranging style known as Sectional arranging.

What is a free jazz melody?

In contrast to previously written melodies and harmonies, free jazz melody places more emphasis on creativity and improvisation. A defined melody or harmonic framework is frequently absent from free jazz performances.

Music for a particular section or instrumental group within a performance is arranged using a technique called sectional arranging. In the sectional arrangement, the song is broken up into smaller "voices" or sections.

Two separate methods of music creation and arrangement are sectional arranging and free jazz melody. While sectional arrangement requires breaking up the music, free jazz melody places an emphasis on improvisation.

Learn more about jazz melody, here:


in many ways, the relief sculpure of the procession on either side of the ara pacis recalls the frieze on the parthenon, harking back to the golden age of greece. however, it differs in which respect?


The Ara Pacis relief sculpture is set within a more complex architectural context than the Parthenon frieze, with the figures arranged around an elaborate altar and surrounded by a lush garden setting, emphasizing the importance of the political and religious themes being celebrated.

This distinction highlights a shift in emphasis from the mythological to the historical and political in Roman art.While the relief sculpture of the procession on either side of the Ara Pacis and the frieze on the Parthenon both draw inspiration from the Golden Age of Greece, they differ in their subject matter. The frieze on the Parthenon depicts scenes from Greek mythology and the Panathenaic procession, while the relief sculpture on the Ara Pacis portrays a Roman civic ceremony and the propaganda of Augustus' reign. Additionally, the styles of the two works differ, with the Parthenon frieze having a more dynamic and fluid composition, while the relief sculpture on the Ara Pacis is more static and organized.

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In goats, the development of the beard is due to a recessive gene. The following cross, shown below, involving true-breeding goats was made and carried to the F_2 generation. Identify a model of inheritance of the beard development in goats. P: bearded female x beardless maleF: all bearded males and beardless femalesf1 x f1 -> 1/8 beardless males3/8 beardedmales3/8 beardless females1/8 bearded femalesa. a recessive lethal allele b. codominancec. sex influenced inheritanced. sex-limited inheritance e. a dominant lethal allele f. multiple alleles A person with a severe case of asthma (constriction of the airways) would be helped with a sympatholytic drug. TrueO False a 73.16 g sample of an interesting barium silicide compound was reported to have superconducting properties. the compound was found to contain 33.63 g barium and the remainder silicon. calculate the percent composition of the compound. A nurse is caring for a client who expresses a desire to lose weight. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? which social development most directly influenced the current use of feminist theory as a critical approach to literature? question attached A. 5B. 16C. function is not defined for this valueD. 9 who are the individuals depicted in this relief carving from the top of a babylonian stela created in the eighteenth century bce? Your Group is the SAME group you had for the Biz Caf simulation. Your assignment will consist of two items: 1. A ppt Presentation: Create an 8-10 slide presentation (not including your cover and reference slide) outlining your business experience and upload to Schoology 2. A Report: Write a 4-5-page report, double spaced, of how the course material helped you run your Biz Cafe business. Discuss your management approach and the lessons you learned. Include your decision-making reasoning regarding marketing, operations, human resources, and control strategies. Include: . .Your company business name/logo and how you came up with it. Financials: Income statement and Balance Sheet Weekly decisions and special decisions. How did you decide? What were the outcomes. Positive/negative, explain results. What were the mistakes? Explain what is important for a business to be successful. Be creative and include photos, charts, animation, etc. Reference all work correctly. IMPORTANT: "Upload your presentation and report to Schoology by the due date. dylan, anastasia, cameron, and sylvester work at a technology company. together, they form a team that is responsible for developing all the company's new applications. their boss gave them the authority to make and implement all decisions related to these programs, so they have the flexibility to change rapidly to meet the competition and respond to customer needs. what kind of team does this scenario describe? Question 23 (3 points) A pension fund has an average duration of its liabilities equal to 15 years. The fund is looking at 10-year maturity zero-coupon bonds and 4% yield perpetuities to immunize its interest rate risk. How much of its portfolio should it allocate to the zero-coupon bonds to immunize if there are no other assets funding the plan? 58% 69% 55% 61% 50 Points! Multiple choice algebra question. Shen is simplifying the expression (3x^4+4x^2) (x^3-2x^2-1). Which of the following shows the correct product. Photo attached. Thank you! 6. from the lab on solutions, what is the criterion for determining whether or not a solution is a conductor of electricity? 1. A bank has a $1 million market value position in a 6-year, zero coupon bond. The bond is yielding 8%. The mean change in the daily yields of the 6-year, zero coupon bond has been 2 basis points over the past year with a standard deviation of 10 basis points. Using these data and assuming the yield changes are normally distributed:(a) What is the highest yield change expected if a 99 percent confidence level is required?(b) What is the daily earnings at risk ( DEAR ) using a 99 percent confidence level?(c) Please interpret in words the meaning of the DEAR you calculated in part (b). According to the Accounting: The Language of Business video, managerial accounting reports can be put together with more _____ because they're just intended for people inside the company. Stages of change theory is not effective in helping people quit cigarette smoking or helping diabetics lower their blood glucose and blood pressure. true or false what is the numeric priority of a windows thread in the normal priority class with highest relative priority? a call center expects an average of 520 calls during the 8 am to 5 pm shift during which full time workers are employed. the average service time is 6 minutes per call. what is the minimum number of workers to achieve a capacity buffer not less than 10%. 7 8 more than 8 less than 7 Initial Cost (includes installation): $6,000 Useful Life: 6 years Residual value: $500 Annual rent for space $1,0000 Annual repairs and maintenance $300 Annual revenue: $4,000. This rate will increase 2.5% per year. Annual electricity cost: $ 500. This rate will increase 1% per year. A $1,300 overhaul/upgrade is expected at the end of year 3. This cost is depreciated over the remaining 3 years. Charging companies have a pretax cost of capital of 10% due to their high risk. After 6 years the charging equipment can be sold for its residual value. The tax rate is currently 20% and straight-line depreciation can be used for tax purposes. 1. Calculate the NPV/payback and annualized ROI* of an average EV charging station under the current conditions. What is the PV of the income taxes/payments collected/paid by the government for the 100,000 planned charging stations? The Government's cost of capital is 2%..governments don't pay taxes. Assume that the charging companies have other income, so they are eligible for tax credits (refunds/reductions). For example, at the 40% tax rate, an annual loss of $10,000 will generate an offsetting $4,000 cash inflow due to the reduction of taxes (net cash flow -$6,000). 2. Analyze the following INDEPENDENT policy ideas to encourage investment in EV charging stations. Show the incremental effect on NPV of an average charging station and the effect on total income taxes/payments collected/paid by the Government. A. Reducing the corporate tax rate on new charging station profits to 30%. B. Charging no income taxes on new charging stations for the first 3 years. C. Allowing charging station companies to fully depreciate their initial investment in the first year for tax purposes. D. Providing free rent for charging stations at federal buildings. E. Federally guarantee loans to charging station companies thereby lowering their pre-tax cost of debt to 2%. A stock has an expected return of 11.85 percent, its beta is 1.08, and the risk-free rate is 3.9 percent. What must the expected return on the market be? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) Market expected return _________ % A stock has an expected return of 10.45 percent, its beta is .85, and the expected return on the market is 11.8 percent. What must the risk-free rate be? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) Risk-free rate _______ % Given the following possible corporate objectives, provide a rational argument explaining which of them should be the main goal of the financial manager (a) profit maximization (b) sales maximization (c) maximization of benefit to employees and the local community (d) maximization of shareholder wealthBriefly explain the role of the following: a) The money markets b) The bond markets c) The foreign exchange markets d) The share markets e) The derivatives market 21 Hou do 10 30. Firm A has a s