How many white stripes were on the American Flag when the Star
Spangled Banner was written?


Answer 1

Answer: 6

Explanation: The first Flag Act, adopted on June 14, 1777, created the original United States flag of thirteen stars and six stripes. The Star-Spangled Banner has fifteen stars and fifteen stripes as provided for in the second Flag Act approved by Congress on January 13, 1794.

Related Questions

applying Peruvian guano," Charles Bartlett, 1860
The view expressed in Source 1 shows what feature of economic
imperialism by the United States?
support of foreign leaders who show favoritism to the United States' economic interests
the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the
domestic market
creating tariffs to discourage foreign commodities and promote domestic producers
the structuring of trade policy in order to gain advantage for American companies



The quote "Applying Peruvian guano" by Charles Bartlett in 1860 reflects a feature of economic imperialism by the United States, namely the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the domestic market. Peruvian guano was a highly valued fertilizer in the 19th century, and the United States sought to secure a steady supply of it to support its rapidly expanding agricultural sector. The United States became the largest importer of Peruvian guano, and the demand for this fertilizer was so high that Peru became heavily dependent on its export.

The United States sought to secure its access to Peruvian guano by pursuing policies of economic imperialism. This involved expanding its territorial possessions in the Pacific and Latin America, and using military force and diplomacy to influence foreign leaders to support American economic interests. The U.S. government also offered financial and political support to American companies operating in foreign markets.

Overall, the pursuit of economic imperialism by the United States reflected its desire to secure access to key resources for its domestic market, and to promote the interests of American businesses operating in foreign markets. This had a profound impact on the development of the global economy, and shaped the political and economic relationships between countries around the world.

What is one success and one failure of governmental organizations in recent times?


One success of governmental organizations in recent times is the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, governments around the world have worked tirelessly to secure vaccines and get them to as many people as possible. This has involved coordinating with pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, as well as setting up vaccination sites and implementing public education campaigns to encourage people to get vaccinated.

One failure of governmental organizations in recent times is the handling of the refugee crisis in several parts of the world. Governments in countries such as Syria, Myanmar, and Venezuela have been criticized for failing to protect the rights and well-being of refugees and for not doing enough to address the root causes of displacement. There have been reports of inadequate living conditions, lack of access to basic services, and widespread human rights violations in refugee camps and other places where refugees have sought shelter. This has led to a humanitarian crisis that has affected millions of people and has put a strain on the resources of many countries.

Wealthy South Americans would be unlikely to live in pueblos jovenes true or false?


The given statement "Wealthy Sοuth Americans wοuld be unlikely tο live in pueblοs jοvenes" is false.

What is pueblοs Jοvenes?

Pueblοs Jοvenes is a regiοn lοcated sοuth οf Lima, Peru, which has a high rate οf pοverty and a high cοncentratiοn οf migrants. Life in this area is marked by viοlence, drugs and precariοusness. The Peruvian gοvernment has carried οut plans tο imprοve the services and infrastructure οf Pueblοs Jοvenes, in οrder tο imprοve the quality οf life οf its inhabitants.

Variables investigated included family incοme, maternal dispοsable incοme, hοusehοld cοmpοsitiοn, maternal migratiοn histοry, children's dietary habits, and hοusing cοnditiοns. Children's nutritiοnal status was assessed by means οf anthrοpοmetric and dietary measures. As a result, chrοnic malnutritiοn was fοund tο be prevalent. Breastfeeding was cοmmοn, but baby fοοd was scarce and lοw in calοries. The family diet relied heavily οn sοups and starchy fοοds, and children were cοmpletely οn the family diet by the age οf twο.

To know more about pueblos Jovenes -


briefly explain one specific historical development in the period from 1865 to 1900 that showed this cartoon’s effectiveness


After taking a close look at the cartoon given above, it can be stated that the cartoon portrays the historical event of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Chinese Exclusion Act showed this cartoon’s effectiveness.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was signed and brought into an enforcement in the American society in the year 1882. By the virtue of this act, the immigrants in the American society that came from China were not allowed to be a part of the American society.

"Cartoon" signify in its purest form?

As a result, the word "cartoon" originally described the substance used to create a drawing in Italian before becoming the name of the actual drawing. Later, it came to refer to a funny artwork, a collection of drawings, or an animation.

Is it and animated films the same thing?

When a video is exhibited one by one , the practice of capturing consecutive positions of models to simulate movement is said to as animation. Cartoons can refer to a drawing, a television show or movie that uses animation techniques, or both.

To know more about Cartoon visit:


How was education different for Aztec boys and girls?



Aztec boys and girls received different educations, depending on their social class. Boys from the nobility attended calmecacs, which were religious schools that taught them about the gods, history, and government. They also learned how to fight and use weapons. Girls from the nobility attended telpochcallis, which were schools that taught them how to cook, clean, and weave. They also learned about the gods and history.

Boys and girls from the commoner class attended telpochcallis. Here they learned how to farm, fish, and hunt. They also learned about the gods and history.

All Aztec children were taught to be loyal to the gods and to their country. They were also taught to be brave and to fight for their people.


John Brown’s Address
To the Virginia Court, when about to receive the sentence of
death for his heroic attempt at Harper’s Ferry, to give
deliverance to the captives, and to let the oppressed go free.
[Mr. Brown, upon inquiry whether he had anything to say why
sentence should not be pronounced upon him, in a clear, distinct
voice replied:]
I have, may it please the Court, a few words to say.
In the first place, I deny everything but what I have already
admitted, of a design on my part to free slaves. I intended,
certainly, to have made a clean thing of that matter, as I did last
winter when I went into Missouri, and there took Slaves without
the snapping of a gun on either side, moving them through the
country, and finally leaving them in Canada. I designed to have
done the same thing again on a larger scale. That was all I
intended. I never did intend murder, or treason, or the
destruction of property, or to excite or incite Slaves to rebellion,
or to make insurrection.
I have another objection, and that is that it is unjust that I
should suffer such a penalty. Had I interfered in the manner,
and which I admit has been fairly proved, -- for I admire the
truthfulness and candor of the greater portion of the witnesses
who have testified in this case -- had I so interfered in behalf of
the Rich, the Powerful, the Intelligent, the so- called Great, or in
behalf of any of their friends, either father, mother, brother,
sister, wife, or children, or any of that class, and suffered and
sacrificed what I have in this interference, it would have been
all right. Every man in this Court would have deemed it an act
worthy a reward rather than a punishment.
This Court acknowledges too, as I suppose, the validity of the
LAW OF GOD. I see a book kissed, which I suppose to be the
BIBLE, or at least the NEW TESTAMENT, which teaches me that,
“All things whatsoever I would that men should do to me, I
should do even so to them.” It teaches me further to,
“Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them.” I
endeavored to act up to that instruction. I say I am yet too
young to understand that GOD is any respecter of persons. I
believe that to have interfered as I have done, as I have always
freely admitted I have done in behalf of this despised poor, is
no wrong, but RIGHT.
Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for
the furtherance of the ends of justice, and MINGLE MY BLOOD
blood of millions in this Slave country whose rights are
disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, -- I say
Let me say one word further: I feel entirely satisfied with the
treatment I have received on my trial. Considering all the
circumstances, it has been more generous than I expected; but I
feel no consciousness of guilt. I have stated from the first what
was my intention and what was not. I never had any design
against the liberty of any person, nor any disposition to commit
treason or excite Slaves to rebel or make any general
insurrection. I never encouraged any man to do so, but always
discouraged any idea of that kind.
Let me say also in regard to the statements made by some of
those who were connected with me; I hear that it has been
stated by some of them, that I have induced them to join me;
but the contrary is true. I do not say this to injure them, but as
regretting their weakness. Not one but joined me of his own
accord, and the greater part at their own expense. A number of
them I never saw, and never had a word of conversation with,
till the day they came to me, and that was for the purpose I
have stated. Now, I am done.

1. By whom was this document written or spoken?

2. When and where was it written? Or, when and where did the
testimony take place? Do you think this was written during or a
few days after the raid?



I'm doing all of this for 5 points...

1.  This document was spoken by John Brown, an American abolitionist, in a court in Virginia just before receiving his sentence of death on November 2, 1859.

2.  The testimony took place in a Virginia court in 1859, shortly after the raid on Harpers Ferry. The document is a transcript of Brown's final statement to the court, which he made just before receiving his sentence. It is likely that the document was recorded and transcribed shortly after the testimony was given.

My brain had an aneurysm after doing all of that, please consider marking me brainiest or a thanks if this is correct.

which type of evidence mostly likely include a testimonial


Answer: Testimonial evidence is a statement made under oath.


An example would be a witness pointing to someone in the courtroom and saying, “That's the guy I saw robbing the grocery store.” This is also called direct evidence or prima facie evidence.

What act created "homelands" for black South Africans? Prevention of Organized Crime Act Magistrates' Courts Act Bantu Authorities Act​




about onla dose

Answer: The Bantu Authorities Act created "homelands" for black South Africans.


A New Kind of Library - Comprehension Ques
5. What is this passage mostly about?
A. how technology and computers changed the New York Public Library
B. how public libraries in cities across the United States function
C. how the New York Public Library has changed the way people use computers
D. how crowdsourcing can help many people become involved in a project

I need this today :(


The passage titled "A New Kind of Library" is mostly about how the New York Public Library (NYPL) has adapted to changes in technology and community needs.

What does the author notes ?

The author notes that while books and physical resources are still important, the NYPL has also become a hub for digital resources and technology training. The library's new initiatives include circulating Wi-Fi hotspots, offering coding classes, and creating a digital collection of maps and historical documents.

The passage also discusses the NYPL's use of crowdsourcing to improve access to its resources. Through its "What's on the Menu?" project, the library has asked the public to help transcribe thousands of historical menus. This project has not only made these resources more accessible but also engaged the public in the library's mission.

Overall, the passage demonstrates how public libraries like the NYPL are evolving to meet the changing needs of their communities. It highlights the importance of adapting to new technologies and engaging the public to create a more inclusive and accessible library experience.

to know more about historical documents, visit :


The citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is what type government?


In a place where citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is a type of government known as dictatorship.

What does dictatorship means?

Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group has absolute power with no effective constitutional constraints. The term dictatorship derives from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic denoted a temporary magistrate given extraordinary powers to deal with state crises.

Modern dictators, on the other hand, are more akin to ancient tyrants than ancient dictators. The descriptions of ancient philosophers of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go a long way toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators typically use force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they then maintain through intimidation, terror, and the suppression of fundamental civil liberties. In order to maintain public support, they may also use mass propaganda techniques.

Read more about dictatorship


State whether total revenue rises or falls in each of the following situations: A. Demand is elastic and price increases. B. Demand is inelastic and price decreases. C. Demand is elastic and price decreases. D. Demand is inelastic and price increases.


Total revenue is the total amount of money a seller can earn from offering clients goods or services. Hence, in the given situation: (A) Revenue decreases. (B) Revenue increases. (C) Revenue increases. (D) Revenue decreases.

What is revenue?

The whole amount of money a seller can make by providing goods or services to customers is known as total revenue.

The formula for this is P * Q, or the purchase price times the quantity of the products sold.

An indefinitely elastic demand curve is presented to a corporation that is perfectly competitive.

In other words, the market price is the only price at which it may be sold.

At any lower price, it could sell the same quantity at the going rate and yet make more money, whereas, at any higher price, nobody would purchase any quantity.

The market price multiplied by the amount that the business decides to manufacture and sell equals total revenue.

So, in the given situation:

(A) Revenue decreases.

(B) Revenue increases.

(C) Revenue increases.

(D) Revenue decreases.

Therefore, total revenue is the total amount of money a seller can earn from offering clients goods or services. Hence, in the given situation: (A) Revenue decreases. (B) Revenue increases. (C) Revenue increases. (D) Revenue decreases.

Know more about revenue here:


5) Which of the following is NOT true of Botticelli?
A. He grew up in Rome, Italy.
B. He was a ward of the Medici family and religious pictures.
C. He painted many portraits of the Medici family.
He is most famous for his paintings on the Sistine Chapel at the


He is well known for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, therefore Option D is entirely accurate.

What is one of Botticelli's most well-known works of art?

The Venus Birth'

The most famous piece of art by Botticelli does not depict a Christian narrative. Instead, it depicts a scene from The Birth of Venus, a famous myth. Classical stories like this one gained popularity throughout the Renaissance among the educated classes. The painting shows Venus emerging from the water on a shell and being led to the shore by soaring wind gods. It was probably commissioned by a wealthy member of the Florence Medici family.

To know about  Botticelli’s visit:


northwest ordinance explanation that rhymes


Below is short rhyme to help you remember the Northwest Ordinance:

What is the northwest ordinance about?

In 1787, it was decreed,

Northwest lands should be freed,

From British rule and Native strife,

To form new states and a new life.

The ordinance set out the way,

To make states from territories, come what may,

And in these states, it did decree,

Freedom of religion and slavery-free.

So if you want to remember this fact,

Just sing this rhyme and don't look back,

The Northwest Ordinance was key,

To the growth of our democracy.

Read more about northwest ordinance here:


Does afghanistan have a good base for democracy to be successful? why or why not


The answer is debatable, but many experts would argue that Afghanistan does not have a good base for democracy to be successful.

Afghanistan has a history of political instability, conflict, and weak institutions that have undermined its attempts at building a democratic system.The country's ongoing state of war and internal conflict has made it difficult to establish a stable and legitimate government that represents the interests of the Afghan people.Afghanistan's geography and ethnic diversity have posed challenges to the development of a unified and inclusive democratic system.The country is characterized by rugged terrain and a patchwork of ethnic and tribal groups, many of whom have their own distinct languages, cultures, and political affiliations.Afghanistan has struggled with issues such as corruption, nepotism, and the influence of powerful warlords, all of which have undermined the legitimacy of the government and eroded public trust in democratic institutions.

Overall, while the idea of democracy may have some appeal in Afghanistan, the country's political, social, and cultural context presents significant challenges to the development of a successful democratic system.

Some plants can grow from both a

A. seed and spore
B. cutting and seed
C. spore and cutting


Some plants have ability to reproduce through spores, which are tiny reproductive cells that can develop into new plants under the favorable conditions.

What is development?

Development refers to the process of social, economic, and cultural progress and improvement. It encompasses the changes and advancements in various aspects of life, such as technology, infrastructure, education, health, and standard of living. Development can occur at different levels, ranging from individual to community, society, or country. It aims to enhance the well-being of people, reduce poverty, and achieve sustainable growth. Development requires effective policies, strategies, and investments in areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social services. It also involves promoting equity, gender equality, and human rights. Development is a continuous process that requires collaboration and participation from individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations to achieve shared goals and aspirations.

To learn more about development, visit:


Why is longanimity a frequent team appearing throughout the speech?


Longanimity refers to the virtue of long-suffering, longanimity is the virtue of waiting for God and the unfolding of His grace. It is probably appearing throughout the text to establish repetition in order to achieve emphasis of the idea expressed.

What is longanimity?

Longanimity is a term that refers to the quality of being patient, enduring hardships or suffering without complaint, and having a steadfastness of purpose. It is often associated with the virtue of patience and the ability to persevere in the face of challenges or obstacles.

Longanimity is a trait that can be valuable in a variety of settings, including personal relationships, work environments, and other areas of life where persistence and determination are necessary.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. It could then be concluded that it appears throughout the speech to lay emphasis on endurance and its benefits.

learn more about repetition:


What other laws have been made in history that compare to Nuremberg Laws

(think human rights in other time periods)



The Nuremberg Laws which was in Nazi Germany could be compared to Jim Crows Laws which was in the United States.

Hope it helped! :)

How did some justify the actions of the Indian Removal act?

Question 3 options:

That is was necessary for the survival of the United States of America.

Rationalized that it would save Natives from harassment from whites and they could live in an area where they could govern themselves.

Natives did not need to land so they could live anywhere.


The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was widely controversial at the time, as it forced the relocation of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. Despite this, some Americans justified the act in several ways.

One of the most common justifications was that the removal of Native Americans was necessary for the survival of the United States of America. Supporters of this view argued that the expansion of white settlers into Native American lands was inevitable and that the only way to prevent conflict was to remove the tribes to a designated area. They believed that the relocation would allow for the continued growth of the United States and its economy. This justification was supported by some of the most powerful politicians of the day, including President Andrew Jackson, who famously said in his first State of the Union address, "The waves of population and civilization are rolling to the westward, and we now propose to acquire the countries occupied by the red men of the South and West by a fair exchange, and, at the expense of the United States, to send them to land where their existence may be prolonged and perhaps made perpetual."

Another justification for the Indian Removal Act was the belief that it would save Native Americans from harassment from whites and allow them to live in an area where they could govern themselves. Proponents of this view argued that Native Americans were being mistreated and displaced by white settlers and that relocation to Indian Territory would protect them from further harm. They believed that the arrangement would allow Native Americans to maintain their cultural traditions and govern themselves without interference from white authorities. This view was also supported by some Native American leaders, who saw the relocation as a way to avoid further conflict with white settlers.

However, there were also those who believed that Native Americans did not need land and that they could live anywhere. This view was based on the idea that land was a commodity that could be bought and sold, and that Native Americans did not have a legitimate claim to the land they inhabited. Supporters of this argument believed that Native Americans could live in any area that was not already claimed by white settlers, and that the Indian Removal Act was therefore justified. This view was often used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, as it suggested that they had no real rights to the land and that they could be moved at the will of the government.

In conclusion, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was justified by some Americans on the grounds that it was necessary for the survival of the United States, would protect Native Americans from white harassment, and that Native Americans did not have a legitimate claim to land. Despite these justifications, the act remains a controversial and tragic chapter in American history. The forced relocation of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands caused immense suffering and loss of life, and it is a reminder of the dark side of American expansionism and the treatment of indigenous peoples.

How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton influence the women's suffrage movement?
O She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights.
O She served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
OShe created the National Women's Party.
O She started a feminist newspaper.



See below.


a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights in 1848, which is considered to be the birthplace of the women's suffrage movement.

b. Stanton served as the president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) from 1890 to 1892 and played a vital role in the organization's efforts to secure voting rights for women.

c. While Stanton did not create the National Women's Party, she was an early supporter of the organization and played an instrumental role in advancing its agenda of equal rights for women.

d. Stanton started a feminist newspaper called The Revolution in 1868, which advocated for women's rights and social reform. The newspaper played a crucial role in shaping public opinion and rallying support for the women's suffrage movement.


She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights

Explanation: I took the test.

Why do you think anthropologists photograph remote tribes from helicopters rather than interacting with them directly?


Anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

What are Anthropologists?

The study of anthropology focuses on what makes humans human.

Holism is the approach that anthropologists use to explore all the varied facets of the human experience.

They look to the past through archaeology to understand how and what mattered to human groups hundreds or thousands of years ago.

A person who studies anthropology is known as an anthropologist.

The study of human characteristics within existing and past communities is known as anthropology.

Societal norms and values are investigated by social, cultural, and philosophical anthropologists.

Economic anthropology examines how people behave economically, while linguistic anthropology examines how language influences social life.

Therefore, anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

Know more about Anthropology here:


1. Explaining Why is Marbury v. Madison a landmark


Marbury v. Madison is a landmark case in the history of American law because it established the principle of judicial review, which is the power of the courts to review and strike down laws that are unconstitutional.

The case arose in 1801 when President John Adams appointed William Marbury as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. However, his appointment was not delivered before the end of Adams's term, and when Thomas Jefferson became president, his Secretary of State, James Madison, refused to deliver the appointment.

Marbury sued Madison, asking the Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus ordering Madison to deliver the appointment. In its decision, the Court held that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which Marbury relied on for his claim, was unconstitutional, as it gave the Supreme Court the power to issue writs of mandamus, which was not granted by the Constitution. In doing so, the Court established the principle of judicial review, stating that it was the duty of the courts to interpret the Constitution and to strike down laws that were inconsistent with it.

The principle of judicial review established in Marbury v. Madison has had a profound impact on American law and politics, as it has served as a check on the power of the other branches of government and has helped to protect individual rights and liberties. Judicial review has allowed the courts to strike down laws that violate the Constitution, even when those laws are passed by elected representatives or popularly supported, thereby ensuring that the Constitution remains the supreme law of the land. As such, Marbury v. Madison is considered one of the most significant cases in the history of the Supreme Court and has become a cornerstone of American constitutional law.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison:

Which of the following regions in Europe did Britain give away as part of the policy of appeasement?

The Sudetenland
The Rhineland



The Sudetenland

According to Oakes, why was Frederick Douglass not able to support Abraham
a) Douglass had been inspired by John Brown's radical abolitionism.
b) Douglass had contempt for Lincoln's support for gradual emancipation.
c) Douglass predicted that Lincoln and the Republican Party would compromise
with the South on the issue of slavery
d) All of the above


Answer: c) Douglass predicted that Lincoln and the Republican Party would compromise


California's early settlers came from

A- Europe

B- the eastern states

C- Asia

D- all of these




Explanation: the answer is c because all of those above are true

How might seeing a woman on the coin affect users over time? In a few sentences, write a reflection about this change. Be sure to use complete sentences.


The representation of women on currency can have a significant impact on people's perceptions and attitudes over time. By featuring women on coins, it can help to increase their visibility and recognition in society. It can also serve as a powerful symbol of gender equality and can challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

What is a coin?

A coin is a small, round piece of metal or plastic used as a medium of exchange in financial transactions. It typically features a design or image on one or both sides and has a denomination indicating its value.

Over time, this can help to normalize the presence and contribution of women in all areas of society, including politics, economics, and social life. Seeing a woman on a coin can also inspire young girls and women to strive for leadership positions and pursue their dreams, knowing that they too can leave a lasting impact on history.

Learn more about coin on


how did Hoovervilles lead to the passing of the Social Security Act


There was a lack of social safety netting and with no job, no savings thousand of Americans were losing their homes

What were some rulers duties In ancient China


Answer: Officially, he performed the most important religious rituals in the calendar which included sacrifices at sacred mountain and river sites. The emperor was also responsible for the regular sacrifices which honoured his imperial ancestors and for the ceremonial first ploughing each agricultural year. “The emperor's duty was to insure that society expressed its natural order, which was but an aspect of the cosmic order of humanity (society), heaven, and earth ...The words of an emperor were considered sacred and were to be obeyed immediately.


Use the graph below to answer the following question:

A line graph of the Weimar Republic depicting the value of one gold mark per paper mark in the years 1918 to 1923. Between 1918 and 1922, values fluctuate between approximately 3 gold marks in paper marks to 10,000. By 1923, it reaches its peak at 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark.
Public Domain

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The high reparations against Germany
The Dawes Plan investing American dollars into Germany
Germany printing more and more money
The Germans losing a trade partner when Russia became the Soviet Union


The value of the German paper mark in terms of gold marks from 1918 to 1923 is shown in the graph above.

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The hyperinflation brought on by Germany printing ever-increasing amounts of money to pay its war debts and reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles is what caused the sharp rise in value beginning in 1922 and peaking in 1923, reaching a ratio of 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark. As a result, the graph's best explanation is that Germany continued to print more money, which decreased the paper mark's value relative to gold marks. The Dawes Plan, high reparations against Germany, and the loss of a trading partner were some of the other options that may have  some impact on the German economy, but they do not directly explain the drastic increase in inflation depicted in the graph.

To Know more about Hyperinflation Visit:


Answer: Germany printing more and more money


What was one the goals of the new deal?



Compare the Assyrian lands with Babylonia.


Assyria was a mountainous region with a militaristic culture, while Babylonia was a fertile region with a rich cultural heritage and a focus on agriculture, with different political structures and geographical features.

What is the Comparison between the Assyrian lands with Babylonia?

Assyria and Babylonia were both ancient Mesopotamian civilizations located in what is now modern-day Iraq, but they had distinct differences in their geography, culture, and political structures.

Assyria was a mountainous region to the north, with a militaristic culture and an empire that frequently engaged in warfare to expand its territory. Babylonia, on the other hand, was a more fertile region to the south, with a focus on agriculture and a rich cultural heritage, including the development of early writing systems and legal codes.

Babylonia was also ruled by a series of dynasties, while Assyria was more centralized under a series of powerful kings.

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which response by a client with a platelet count of 50,000 cells per microliter indicates to the nurse that additional teaching is required? what is the process by which solutes are transferred to the tubular fluid from the peritubular soace As shown below, Ghana makes a triangular decoration out of clay.When she fires it in the kiln, it shrinks proportionally. If the base of thefinished decoration is only 9 inches after firing, what is the height, in inches,of the finished decoration?ABD45610 in.815 in.TIPS AND FCheck your answemakes sense. Sincehalf of 15, the answmore than half of 10 if the unknown antigen contained bovine and swine serum albumin, what would you expect to happen in the ouchterlony test, and why? your assistant gives you the following diagram as the efficient frontier of the group of stocks you asked him to analyze. the diagram looks a bit odd, but your assistant insists he double-checked his analysis. would you trust him? is it possible to get such a diagram? a collection of five positive integers has mean $4.4$, unique mode $3$ and median $4$. if an $8$ is added to the collection, what is the new median? express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth. a future cost that is not the same between any two alternatives is known as a(n) , incremental, or avoidable cost. The energy used in water erosion initially comes from the ____. what was the message you used to get with call waiting dialup drops hayes modem message carrier lost eduardo recently moved into a new apartment building. according to the principle of proximity, who is eduardo most likely to befriend? courtessy corp., a leading law firm, has appointed a counselor to help junior lawyers with time management. the counselor would help them schedule their court appearances, set the time required to work on each case, and supervise the lawyers. this firm aims to reduce the stress that lawyers face in managing their time. in the given scenario, courtessy corp. has most likely adopted a(n) . group of answer choices institutional program career counseling program collateral stress program employee-fitness program a nurse is caring for a client who has been diagnosed with psoriasis. the nurse is creating an education plan for the client. what information should be included in this plan? which portion of dna conveys the genetic code? please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices phosphates sugars hydrogen bonding nucleotides ryan was excited to be flying down from boston to speak at a conference of guidance counselors in atlanta. but many members of the audience had difficulty understanding his hard a sounds and dropped rs. which term best reflects the cause of this communication problem in the speech? the nurse is preparing a child suspected of having a thyroid disorder for a thyroid scan. what information regarding the child should the nurse alert the doctor or nuclear medicine department about? Do you think that sustainable or mass tourism is better? Why? (4-5 lines) berta, the manager of an automobile showroom, announces a new scheme wherein the company offers an all-expenses paid trip to the salesperson who sells the most number of cars in the next quarter. this inspires berta's subordinates to work harder and improve their performance. in this scenario, berta uses a(n) . group of answer choices countertransference technique intrinsic motivation technique counterconditioning technique positive reinforcement technique a nurse is assessing a postpartum client and notes an elevated temperature. which temperature protocol should the nurse prioritize? the nurse says to the licensed practical nurse (lpn), 'l know that you can accomplish the task with dedication. report to me the expected outcomes and approach me for further assistance if needed.' which relationship is the nurse maintaining with the lpn? if a wavelength is 635 nm, what is the frequency? please show all the steps and all of your work when you upload your final answer.