How much energy is needed to melt 5 g of ice? The specific latent heat of melting for water is 334000 J/k


Answer 1


The amount of energy needed to melt the ice is 1670 J

hope it helpss!!!

Related Questions

passenger plane is flying above the ground. Describe the two components of its mechanical energy.


The plane is using engines to fly and the wheels help it land and take off

400 N of load can be overcome by an effort of 50 N by using a lever. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the lever.



load (l)=400N


mechanical advantage (MA)= load ÷Effort




I copy pasted from the answer from the same question. Remember to first check if ur question is there

True or False. A loud noise gives off less energy than a quiet noise.​





A loud noise cancels out

A loud noise gives off less energy than a quiet noise : False

Meaning of loudness

Loudness is the intensity of sound heard in a given period. it is dependent on the amplitude of the sound waves.

The loudness of a sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave, meaning that the larger the amplitude of wave, the more the intensity and the more the sound.

Since waves carry energy along, it means a wave with a large amplitude transfers more energy and therefore loud sound.

In conclusion, the louder the sound the more energy it gives off and the quieter the sound the less energy it gives off.

learn more about properties of sound waves :


Why is it so important to train your core muscles?



It helps prevents falls and supports your body. So having a strong core is beneficial to everyone because it allows your body to function properly. Improved Balance and Stability. Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work together.

Please answer the question 1 ii) please!!! Will mark Brainliest! !



I think it's 10 minutes per km


1.4 meters per second (5.0 km/h, 3.1 mph, 4.6ft/s

What was Marie's speed from point A to point B, in miles/minute?






the person is not able to see the far lying object clearly. which type of lens will the doctor prescribe him give reason?



correction of farsightedness uses a converging lenses that compensates for the under convergence by the eye. the converging lens produces an image farther from the eye than the object so that farsighted can see it clearly.

A satellite was in two separate crashes. In both crashes, the satellite had the same mass. Engineers want to know about the speed and direction of the satellite after the crashes. Why would the crash affect the motion of the satellite, and which crash caused a greater change in motion for the satellite?


Answer & Explanation:

Crashing into the asteroid would cause the satellite to slow down, stop, or reverse direction, because it is a force in the opposite direction to the satellite's motion. Whichever crash was a stronger force would cause it to change motion more. It takes a stronger force to change the velocity of a more massive object.


1. A stone is thrown horizontally from a cliff 30m high with an initial speed of 20m/s. How far from the cliff does the stone strike the ground?

2. A ball rolls off the edge of a table 1.44m above the floor and strikes the floor at a point 2m horizontally from the edge of the table.

A) What is the time the ball was in the air?

B) What is the initial velocity of the ball?

3. A golfer hits a ball and gives it an initial velocity of 40 m/s, at an angle of 30º above the horizontal.

A) How long does the ball stay in the air?

B) How far horizontally (the range) does the ball travel before hitting the ground?



1. The stone will strike the ground 49.46 m from the base of the cliff

2. A) Approximately 0.542 seconds

B)  Approximately 3.69 m/s

3. A) The time the ball spends in the air is approximately 4.0775 s

B) The horizontal range is approximately  141.25 m.


1. The time it takes the stone to land is given by the equation, t = √(h/(1/2 × g)

∴ t = √(30/(1/2 × 9.81)) ≈ 2.473 seconds

The horizontal distance covered by the stone in that time = 20 × 2.473 ≈ 49.46 m

The stone will strike the ground 49.46 m from the base of the cliff

2. A) The time the ball spends in the air = t = √(h/(1/2 × g)

∴ t = √(1.44/(1/2 × 9.81)) ≈ 0.542 seconds

B) The initial horizontal velocity, u = Horizontal distance/(Time) = 2/0.542 ≈ 3.69 m/s

The initial horizontal velocity ≈ 3.69 m/s

3. A) The time the ball spends in the air is given by the following equation;

t = 2 × u × sin(θ)/g = 2 × 40 × sin(30)/9.81 ≈ 4.0775 s

t ≈ 4.0775 s

B) The horizontal range, R, of the  ball is given by the equation for the range of a projectile as follows;

[tex]Range, R = \dfrac{u^2 \times sin (2 \cdot \theta) }{g}[/tex]

Substituting the known values, gives;

[tex]Range, R = \dfrac{40^2 \times sin (2 \times 30^{\circ}) }{9.81} \approx 141.25 \ m[/tex]

The horizontal range ≈ 141.25 m.

A student is given an investigation of the human body. The student is to predict how new cells are created. According to cell theory, which prediction is correct?

A.Cells grow and develop, but are never replaced.

B. New cells are created from pre-existing cells in the human body.

C. New cells are created but quickly die during cell growth.

D. Humans are born with all the cells they will ever need.



B. New cells are created from pre-existing cells in the human body.


According to the cell theory, the correct assumption from the student's investigation is that "new cells are created from pre-existing cells in the human body".

One of the postulates of the cell theory is that all cells originated from pre-existing cells. Also, a cell is the fundamental unit of life.

So, the student is correct to say that new cells are created from pre-existing cells in the human body.

A man is pulling on a rope with a force of 72 N
directed at an angle of 36◦
to the horizontal.
What is the x-component of this force?
Answer in units of N.





To find the component  of a force on the x-axis we can simply do:

F * cos(36) = 72N * 0.8 = 57,6N

What is the role of the neutral wire



The neutral wire is often confused with ground wire, but in reality, they serve two distinct purposes. Neutral wires carry currents back to power source to better control and regulate voltage. Its overall purpose is to serve as a path to return energy.

Is a dinosaur a biotic factor? Why?


yes bc dinosaurs are living things. Biotic means living

Answer: yes it is

Explanation: A biotic factor is something that is living. this also apply to plants animals and people. A dinosaur was once a living being so it would be classified as a biotic factors. An abiotic factor is something that is not living .so that would be tables chairs and clothes.

1. In your own words explain what happens at a subduction zone. 2. In your own words explain what happens at a mid-ocean ridge. 3. At a subduction zone what causes magma to rise?



1. The subduction zone serves as the meeting point for two tectonic plates.

2. At the Mid- Ocean ridge, decompression melting occurs.

3 What causes the magma to rise is the increase in pressure caused by collection of gases by the magma.


Subduction zone is define as a zone where tectonic plates ( an oceanic plate slides beneath a continental plate) meets and contributes to the rise of magma to the surface in geological sciences.

At the Mid - Oceanic ridge, decompression melting occurs. As mantle ascends beneath the mid-ocean ridge, less and less rock lies above it, so large pressure changes occur, which leads to melting. The melt is less dense than the solid, and rises to the surface to form the oceanic crust.

At the subduction zone the magma that is formed is usually made up of silica rich lava. Thick silica rich magma does not release the gasses very easily so they build up inside the magma chamber. As the gasses collect in the chamber, the pressure rises. It is possible for the pressure to rise so much that the chamber cannot contain the magma and it erupts explosively.

You push against a wall and the wall pushes back on you.
O Newton's 1st Law of Motion
O Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
Newton's 3rd Law of Motion



Its the third law of motion.


Newton's third law of motion states that every action has equal and opposite reaction.

Find the average net force.




mass= 3.5 kg

distance covered= 0.4m

inital speed = 1.5 m/sec

final speed = 0 m/sec

To find

net force


formula for force :

[tex] \fbox{f = m.a}[/tex]

In order to find the force we need to find the acceleration.

According to third equation of Kinematics-

[tex] \bold{ {v}^{2} = {u}^{2} + 2as}[/tex]


v= final velocity

u=inital Velocity


s=Distance covered

put the value in the above equation

0= (1.5)²+ 2a x 0.4

-2.25= 0.8a

a = -2.25/0.8

a= - 2.8125 m/sec²

now put the value 0f accleration in formula of force

F = m.a

F = 3.5 x - 2.8125

F= -9.84375 N

The acronym used when referring to the Big Five Factors is OCEAN. True False




Because I did the test


The right answer is True

Why is there an attraction between the two ions in this chemical bond?



One atom will give electrons to another atom to fill its shell, this is an ionic bond. The atom giving away electrons becomes positive and the one recieving electrons becomes negative.


Answer: One atom will give electrons to another atom to fill its shell, this is an ionic bond. The atom giving away electrons becomes positive, and the one receiving electron becomes negative.


I did the Gizmo.

True or False: In a parallel circuit, if one path is broken, electrons continue to flow to the
other paths





this is what google said

No because the path the electricity needs to follow is broken. In a parallel circuit, electricity has more than one path to follow. Electrons can follow different paths as they flow from the negative side of the battery to the positive side.

How does the initial vertical velocity (right after it starts moving) of a horizontally launched projectile compare with it's final vertical velocity (right before it hits the ground)?

They are equal

The initial velocity is greater

The final velocity is greater



The final vertical velocity is greater than the initial vertical velocity


Horizontal Motion

When an object is thrown horizontally with a speed vox from a height h, it describes a curved path ruled by gravity.

The resultant motion is the composition of the vertical motion and the horizontal motion.

The speed in the horizontal direction is always constant:


The speed in the vertical direction starts from zero and gradually increases in time:


When the object was just launched, t=0, and its vertical velocity is 0

After some time has passed, the object is about to hit the ground, and its vertical velocity is greater than zero, thus:

The final vertical velocity is greater than the initial vertical velocity

The different odds of survival between a preterm and a full-term newborn involve: cephalic development.
the maturation of the skeletal system.
the maturation of the neurological, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems.
proximo-distal development.


Answer: B


Which of the following best describes applying a force over a period of time?


it’s the only one that makes sense energy is just light and power almost the same thing

w h a t
Please help :(



y = 1


We need to see the equation given

y = 10/x

So we need to replace the value of x = 10 into the equation.

y = 10/10

y = 1

someone please help​


[tex]w = F * S[/tex]

[tex]F = 20\\S = 10\\F * S = 20 * 10 = 200[/tex] Joules <- 1st answer

[tex]w = F * S[/tex]

[tex]1234 = F * 100[/tex]

[tex]F = \frac{1234}{100}[/tex]

[tex]F = 12.34 N[/tex]  <- 2nd answer

what is the most embaresing thing thats happened to u

dont mind spelling



I once yelled out in zoom "I WANNA KISS A ANIME BOY" Cause of a silly dare


Everyone laughed and I was kicked


my brother was pushing the cart at target and the front like got my ankles and I fell in front of everyone and he was just laughing.

URGENT!! An astronaut on the International Space Station is doing a spacewalk to fix a solar panel that has malfunctioned. While he is completing his task, a piece of space junk flies past and cuts the line that has him tethered to the space station. He begins to float away and must think quickly in order to get himself back to safety. All the astronaut has with him on his suit are some small tools and a can of compressed air.
What would be the most effective way for the astronaut to get himself back to safety?
A. use a swimming motion to move himself back to the space station
b. toss his tools in the direction of the space station
c. shoot gas from his compressed air canister towards the space station
d. shoot gas from his compressed air canister away from the space station


C because the air will push him closer to the space station


D. Shoot gas from his compressed air canister away from the space station


Isacc Newton's 3rd law states "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.

How much time does it take an object to fall 4.9 meter?
A) less than 1 second
B) 1 second
C) more than 1 second



C more than 1 second


it will take time since its 4.9 meters and how hard you throw it down

Jen had an average speed of 2.5 m/s when hopping on one foot. If she hopped for 5.0 seconds, for what distance was she hopping?




speed =_________


distance = speed × time

= 2.5 × 5.0

distance = 12.5 m

If a ball of mass 40 g moving with a speed of 200 m/s is brought to
rest in 0.02 s, calculate the average stopping force.


Answer:-400 n


Ashley is flying a plane that has to reach a gradient of 360m/km in order to take off and not crash. Her goal is to travel from sea level to an elevation of 1000m at a distance of 2.8km. Calculate the gradient of Ashley’s flight and determine if she will crash!



She is likely to crash because her flight gradient is lesser than the flight gradient required gradient to avoid crashing


The given parameters are;

The required gradient of the plane Ashley is flying needs to reach in order to take off and not crash = 360 m/km

The initial elevation of the plane Ashley is flying = Sea level = 0 m

The goal Ashley intends to make = Elevation of 1000 m at 2.8 km. distance

∴ Ashley's goal = Traveling from sea level to 1000 m at 2.8 km horizontal distance

We have;

The gradient  = Rate of change of elevation/(Horizontal distance)


The gradient of Ashley's flight = (1000 - 0)/(2.8 - 0) = 357.143 m/km

The gradient of Ashley's flight ≈ 357.143 m/km which is lesser than the required 360 m/km in order to take off and not crash, therefore, she will crash.

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