How should the issue of immigration be handled?


Answer 1
Boost Legal Migration
Reduce Disease Fears
Recognize Migrants' Vulnerability

Related Questions

Perform online research to find a variety of screenplays for movies that have already been produced (including screenplays of acclaimed movies, if possible).

Read excerpts from a few of these screenplays. Analyze them for their quality.


We cover some of the most instructive screenplay examples from some of the industry's best writers and filmmakers in each genre.

What exactly is script analysis?

It consists of the actors, either alone or in groups, reviewing the script for the first time with the director. When the script is first analyzed, the actors frequently make small, general notes here and there to help them later on.

What exactly is scriptwriting technique?

The process of writing stories in the screenplay medium is known as script writing (or screenwriting). Script writing is the process of writing down the movement, actions, expressions, and dialogue of the characters in screenplay format. Writing a novel, a poem, or an essay is a completely different process than writing a script.

To know more about screenplays visit:-


"I'm too proud to call for help, though, so i grit my teeth and wait." What does "I'm too
proud..." mean? -



It means that they are very happy with what they do and they a very prideful in their work.


Answer: This means that they are scared to call for help.


how did yellow fever change things?


Yellow fever, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, has had significant impacts on human history and the societies it has affected. Here are a few ways in which yellow fever has changed things:

1. Impacted the outcome of wars: Yellow fever played a significant role in several wars, particularly in the Americas during the 18th and 19th centuries. The disease had a devastating impact on European armies, which were not immune to the disease, and helped to turn the tide in favor of local forces in several conflicts.

2. Shaped urban planning and development: In areas where yellow fever was prevalent, efforts were made to control mosquito populations and reduce the risk of infection. This led to changes in urban planning and design, such as the creation of drainage systems and the use of screened windows to keep mosquitoes out of buildings.

3. Contributed to the growth of the medical profession: Yellow fever was one of the first diseases to be studied in a systematic way by medical professionals. The study of yellow fever contributed to the development of epidemiology and helped to establish the field of public health.

4. Had a significant impact on the slave trade: Yellow fever was one of several diseases that affected the transatlantic slave trade. The disease was particularly deadly for Europeans, and outbreaks of yellow fever in the Americas made it difficult for slave traders to find willing buyers for their human cargo.

Overall, yellow fever has had a significant impact on history, shaping the outcomes of wars, influencing urban planning and development, contributing to the growth of the medical profession, and affecting the slave trade.

What chapter from the text do you think best embodies the theme of the novel? Explain your reasoning.
All American boys


Chapter 10 from the text best embodies the theme of the novel.

Chapter 10

Rashad, one of the main characters, reflects on his experiences with racism and police brutality in Chapter 10. He discusses how he came to fear the police and how he has been treated unfairly because of the colour of his skin. Rashad's feelings and thoughts in this chapter are representative of many young black men in America who have been victims of racial profiling and police violence.The chapter also discusses how these experiences affected Rashad's mental and emotional well-being. He is filled with rage, fear, and helplessness, and he wonders if things will ever change. Rashad's emotional depth and vulnerability make him a relatable and sympathetic character, adding weight to the novel's message about the importance of education.

To know more about Education,click on the link :


The Complete question is : Which chapter of the text do you believe best embodies the novel's theme of all American boys?

The space race is over which of following best expresses the author’s main purpose in this text


As a result of President Kennedy's proclamation, the Space Race was focused on one specific objective: beating the Soviet Union to the Moon. The Moon Race replaced the Space Race.

What did the Space Race do for the US today?

Relevant examples include air purifiers, shock absorbers, air filtration systems, solar panels, firefighting gear, weather-resistant airplanes, infrared thermometers, artificial limbs, medical imaging techniques, durable healthcare equipment, and numerous other essential technologies.

How did the Space Race affect society?

The Space Race saw the first launches of man-made satellites, robotic spacecraft to Venus, Mars, and the Moon, as well as human spaceflight in low Earth orbit and finally to the Moon.

To know more about space race visit:-




We can see here that:

1. Quotation: "roof against the rain"

Figurative Language: alliteration

Mood: It creates rhythmic mood.

2. Quotation: "Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink"

Figurative Language: metaphor

Mood: It creates a logical mood

Quotation: "making friends with death"

Figurative Language: personification

Mood: It creates a horrifying mood.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language is language that uses words and expressions in a non-literal way to create a deeper or more imaginative understanding of a concept or idea.

It includes various literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism, among others.

Figurative language is often used in poetry, literature, and other forms of creative writing, but can also be used in everyday language to make communication more engaging and expressive.

Learn more about figurative language on


Describe the object in 20 words. Cannot use the following words: red, yellow, green, brown, black, dark, light, round, small, big, little.


Grey, old, rusty, round, silver,

Which adjective is the most precise for describing a character?



Sullen is the adjective which most precise for describing a character in “Broken Chain”. The Option B is correct.

What is the meaning and use of Sullen?

The word "sullen" is an adjective that describes someone who is bad-tempered, sulky, and uncommunicative. It is typically used to describe someone who is in a sour or gloomy mood and who is not willing to engage with others or participate in social activities.

A sullen person might seem distant or detached, avoiding eye contact and responding to questions or conversation with monosyllabic answers or grunts. Sullenness can be caused by a variety of factors, including anger, frustration, disappointment, or simply a lack of interest or enthusiasm for what is going on around them. In literature, sullen characters are often portrayed as brooding, moody, and introspective, often struggling with internal conflicts or emotional turmoil.

Read more about Sullen


Make a three to five minute creative presentation about your chosen factual recount


To create a creative presentation about a factual recount, it's important first to choose a topic you are passionate about and are interested in. This will help you engage with the material and convey enthusiasm to your audience.

Once you have chosen a topic, it's important to research and gathers relevant information. This can be done through reading books, articles, and other reliable sources of information. It's important to take notes and organize the information logically and coherently. Once you have gathered the necessary information, it's time to create your presentation. Here are some tips on how to make a creative presentation:

Choose a format that suits your topic - The format of your presentation should be tailored to the topic you are presenting. For example, a timeline format might be appropriate if you are presenting a historical event. If you are presenting scientific data, a graph or chart format might be more suitable.

Use visuals - Visuals can be a great way to convey information and engage your audience. You can use images, videos, graphs, charts, and other visual aids to help illustrate your points.

Tell a story - Factual recounts can be dry and boring if presented in a straightforward manner. Try to tell a story with your presentation by highlighting interesting facts, adding personal anecdotes, or weaving a narrative throughout.

Engage your audience - Engage your audience by asking questions, using humor, and encouraging participation. This can help to keep your audience interested and invested in your presentation.

Practice, practice, practice - Practice your presentation until you are confident and comfortable with the material. This will help to ensure that you deliver a polished and professional presentation.

A creative presentation about a factual recount should be engaging, informative, and tailored to your audience. With the right research, planning, and presentation skills, you can deliver a presentation that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

To learn more about factual recount, visit here


Which effect does each stanza add to the poem?(1 point)ResponsesThe poem opens with how people in the world feel, shows what they do, and closes with Dr. King’s speech. The poem opens with how people in the world feel, shows what they do, and closes with Dr. King’s speech. The poem opens by focusing on Dr. King, explains what a protest is, and then closes with a speech. The poem opens by focusing on Dr. King, explains what a protest is, and then closes with a speech. The poem opens by explaining who Dr. King is, shows him at a protest, and closes with a speech. The poem opens by explaining who Dr. King is, shows him at a protest, and closes with a speech. The poem opens as people gather, shows the effect of the march, and then closes by focusing on Dr. King. The poem opens as people gather, shows the effect of the march, and then closes by focusing on Dr. King


The way in which the poem is structured and the content of each stanza contributes to the overall effect of the poem. In the first option, the poem follows a chronological order, starting with how people feel and behave, and ending with Dr. King's speech.

This structure highlights the power of Dr. King's words to inspire and motivate people to action. The second option opens with a focus on Dr. King, emphasizing his leadership and influence, and then explains the concept of protest before concluding with a speech. This structure reinforces the importance of Dr. King's role in the civil rights movement. The third option also emphasizes Dr. King's importance, but starts by introducing him before showing him in action and concluding with a speech.

This structure reinforces the idea that Dr. King's actions and words were integral to the success of the civil rights movement. Finally, the fourth option begins with people gathering, showing the collective power of the movement, and then ends by focusing on Dr. King's speech. This structure emphasizes the impact of the march on Washington and the importance of Dr. King's message. Overall, the structure and content of each stanza serve to reinforce the central theme of the poem: the power of Dr. King's leadership and the impact of the civil rights movement.

To learn more about poem here:


Many nations in the southern hemisphere are experiencing population growth due to advancements in medicine and increases in standards of living. Why are these advances problematic for these countries?

They have been trying to encourage population decline.

They do not yet have social structures in place to support a large population.

They will have to put measures in place to minimize available resources.

They do not take censuses regularly, so they are not accurately tracking growth.



A,B and D are correct

it is multiple choice


b. they do not yet have social structures in place to support a large population


just took the test

true or false: those who are articulate who have mastered the ability to create meaningful sentences




Explanation: Articulate meaning to express ideas clearly  and effectivily while writing. Therefore, it is quit possible to be able to right meaningful sentences.

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2, of Julius Caesar.
BRUTUS. Be patient till the last.
Romans, countrymen, and lovers! Hear me for my
cause, and be silent, that you may hear. Believe me
for mine honour, and have respect to mine honour, that
you may believe. Censure me in your wisdom, and
awake your senses, that you may the better judge.
If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of
Caesar’s, to him I say that Brutus’ love to Caesar
was no less than his. If then that friend demand
why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer:
not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved
Rome more.

ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me
your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest—
For Brutus is an honourable man,
So are they all, all honourable men—
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me.
How does Brutus’s reason for giving his monologue compare to Antony’s reason for giving his?
Both Brutus and Antony explain that they are there to discuss why Caesar’s death is the best thing for all of Rome.
Brutus explains that he wants to talk about the consipirators’ faults, while Antony says that he wants to talk about Caesar’s faults.
Both Brutus and Antony say that they feel compelled to speak about Caesar because they both loved him dearly and regret that he is dead.
Brutus announces that he wants to explain that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome, while Antony says that he has come to bury Caesar.



Brutus’s reason for giving his monologue differs from Antony’s reason for giving his in that Brutus announces that he wants to explain that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome, while Antony says that he has come to bury Caesar.

Write a line imitating the meter of the example (anapestic tetrameter).

and the beard / on his chin / was as white / as the Snow


On my skin/drops of rain/on my mind/just one name would be a sentence that imitating the meter of the example.

Create a line using the example's meter (anapestic tetrameter)?

There are four anapestic metric feet in an anapestic tetrameter. Two unstressed syllables are sandwiched between two stressed ones to make up an anapestic foot. In some ways, this kind of foot resembles a dactyl that has been turned around.

The question asks us to develop a similar foot of our own, and the line provided in the attachment uses this kind of foot. The following is one option. The syllable in bold is the one that is stressed:

Raindrops, raindrops, drops of my mind, and only one name on my skin

To know more about imitating visit:-


Bece English questions and answers 2022


From the alternatives lettered A to D, the words that most suitably complete each sentence are:

Worse (Option C); and Ago (Option C)

What are the complete and correct sentences?

Thus the completed sentences are:

"She sings worse more than anyone else in the choir.""Eric left home a week ago."

In the first sentence, "worse" is the correct word to use because it is the comparative form of the adjective "bad." The sentence is saying that the person's singing is not as good as the other members of the choir.

In the second sentence, "ago" is the correct word to use because it indicates a past time. The sentence is saying that Eric left his home one week before the present time.

Learn more about sentences at:


Full Questions;

From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence

She sings ____ more than anyone else in the choir.


Eric left home a week


what is the relevant of the ideas presented in these picture todays world situation?explain in one paragrap

The first relevant in this situation is poverty there are 75% of people without shelter even food,however they gonna eat trash food and sometimes they gonna robbery at the place there so many people etc.​


Helping requires an understanding of poverty. The impoverished endure anarchy, inadequate nutrition, and inadequate education.

What are the causes of poverty?

In addition to reducing income equality and perpetuating the cycle of poverty, poverty can also restrict access to work and educational possibilities. Those with lower wages tend to have worse health outcomes due to unmet social needs, environmental factors, and barriers to getting healthcare.

Whose fault is poverty?

The Social Policy and Development Division of the United Nations cites a number of factors, including "inequalities in income distribution and access to productive resources, basic social services, opportunities," as contributing to poverty. The most at risk are racial and religious minorities, women, and women of color.

To know more about poverty visit:


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence states the author's thesis?
Rosie the Riveter
With her iconic blue shirt, flexed arm muscle, red bandanna, and "We Can Do ir slogan emblazoned above her head, Rosie the Riveter has been a
symbol of women's rights for delades Originally created during World War II, the fictional character of Rosie the Riveter was based on several real-life
women who worked in industrial jobs around the country. The idea behind creating Rosie the Riveter was to encourage women to work in factory jobs
while men fought in World War II. After World War II, the image of Rosie has gone on to mean much more.


The sentence that states the author's thesis is: "With her iconic blue shirt, flexed arm muscle, red bandanna, and "We Can Do ir slogan emblazoned above her head, Rosie the Riveter has been a symbol of women's rights for decades."

Who is Rosie?

Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon that symbolizes American women's contribution to the war effort during World War II. The character represents the women who worked in factories and shipyards during the war, doing jobs traditionally held by men who were off fighting in the war. The image of Rosie is typically depicted wearing overalls and a red bandanna, with a muscle flexed and the phrase "We Can Do It!"

The question asks to identify the sentence that states the author's thesis, which is the main argument or point that the author is trying to make in the passage. In this case, the sentence that states the author's thesis is not provided as options, so it cannot be answered. The passage provides information about the historical significance of Rosie the Riveter, a cultural icon that symbolizes women's empowerment during World War II and beyond.

Learn more about Rosie from given link


Think about how each of the major theoretical perspectives of sociology would examine the Information Revolution and the relationships in the scenario.

Identify two groups that would be in conflict in the Information Revolution scenario according to conflict theory and explain what that conflict could be about.
The symbolic interactionism perspective is centered on the notion that communication- how people make sense of their social worlds. Give an example of how online relationships are unique or affected by the way people communicate online.
Respond in 1-2 complete sentences.
You can start your response with:

While examining the scenario on the Information Revolution and the relationships . . .


In capitalist countries, the working class is exploited, and Marx used this conflict  theory to explain it. According to him, there are two classes: the bourgeoisie in power and the oppressed proletariat (aka working class).

What is a real-world instance of conflict theory?

They comprise: inequality and power under global capitalism. Wage disparities by gender and race. the 2008 financial crisis, during which government bailouts were provided to big businesses and banks.

Which of the two conflict kinds are they?

Internal conflict is the battle a character experiences inside that influences their state of mind and emotions. The term "external conflict" describes conflict between the main character and any outside entity, such as a bad guy, the government, or the elements.

To know more about conflict theory visit:-


What happen when the woodcutter cutting the wood


it would be cutting the wood

Juans parents and brothers rallied around and tried to find quiet things juan could do in bed


Because children tend to copy what their elders do and say, according to studies on observational learning, Jason may be more likely to smoke than the average person. Bandura contends that learning can take place by observing others and then imitating their actions or speech. An observational learning strategy is this.

For learning to be successful, there are specific steps that must be taken during the modeling process. Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation are some of these steps. A baby develops the ability to express and comprehend facial expressions. The younger child stops taking cookies without permission after seeing an older sibling get in trouble for taking one without asking.

To learn more about observational, click here.


The que is incomplete complete que is given below:

Jason's parents and older friends all smoke, but they advise him not to. Juan's parents and friends don't smoke, but they say nothing to deter him from doing so. Will Jason or Juan be more likely to start smoking?

Shane is writing a research paper about renewable energy is this is argues that even renewable sources of energy harm the environment he intends to show a specific types of renewable energy damage the environment read the sources that Shane is found about alternative energy sources what source or sources contain the most useful information for Shane to use in his research paper


writing a research paper written in APA format will normally include a Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and References sections.

Is research paper writing simple?

Research papers truly aren't as challenging as they sound if you know the methodology. Yes, there is a lot to accomplish, but try not to be discouraged. Just take things slowly and carefully, and give yourself lots of time. Always remember to acknowledge your sources, take regular pauses, and maintain organization.

How is a research structured?

The pattern consists of an introduction, a description of the procedures used, the results, a discussion, and any recommendations. Typically, the arrangement of research papers moves from the general to the specific and then back to the general.

To know more about writing a research paper visit :-


(I am Malala - Part 3)
How has the Taliban affected Malala's life and experiences?



Malala's life and experiences have been significantly influenced by the Taliban, particularly through their 2012 attack on her. The Taliban targeted Malala because they perceived her support for girls' education in Pakistan as a challenge to their power and ideology.

Malala had life-threatening injuries, including a head wound from a gunshot, and was taken to a hospital in the United Kingdom for treatment. The tragedy brought international attention to Malala's cause and made her a symbol of perseverance and bravery in the face of adversity.

Malala's life and the lives of many others in Pakistan continue to be impacted by the Taliban's influence. The Taliban and other extremist groups continue to pose a danger to girls' education and women's rights in the region, despite continued attempts to improve education and promote gender equality. Malala has continued to speak out against these concerns and campaign for change, although she continues to live under armed guards due to the constant danger to her life.


CBS News. (2021, March 11). Activist Malala Yousafzai: Women erased from public life under Taliban's education ban. CBS News.Yousafzai, M. (2021, August 17). Opinion | Malala Yousafzai: The Taliban Only Show Their True Colors. The New York Times.Britannica. (n.d.). Malala Yousafzai. In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 4, 2023

Evaluate the effectiveness of the narrative point of view in the novel. How does having Mr. Utterson narrate the novella help build suspense in the novella? How does the author allow the reader to ultimately see the points of view of characters other than Utterson? Paying particular attention to Stevenson’s descriptions of the city at night, discuss how Stevenson uses descriptive passages to evoke a mood a dread.


His narration is supplemented by some different people's points of view which makes the story even more interesting and mysterious as each of them knows only a small part of it and any of them can explain everything in full.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Summary

Mr. Utterson is a wealthy, well-respected London lawyer, a reserved and perhaps even boring man who elicits an odd fondness from those who know him. Despite his impeccable reputation, he never abandons a friend whose reputation has been tainted or ruined.Mr. Enfield, a distant relative and a respectable London gentleman, is a close friend of Utterson's. They appear to have little in common, and when they go for their weekly walk together, they frequently walk for quite a distance without saying anything to one another; nonetheless, they look forward to these strolls as one of the highlights of the week.The story begins with Utterson and Enfield taking their usual Sunday stroll down a particularly prosperous-looking street.

To know more about Hyde, click on the link :


1 Write the following in the passive voice:
Reality TV tends to favour good-looking, slender women​


The sentence in passive voice is Good-looking, slender women are tended to be favored by reality TV.

This voice conveys interest in the element that is experiencing considerable change rather than an interest in the element that is changing. The passive voice is employed when the focus is totally on the entity or individual who is impacted by the activity Typically, it gets the verb action and utilises the term ed. It is also known as reporting speech as it reports the words/terms of others.

In the end, this means that the verb's action is actively carried out by the subject and that the active voice allows the verb to take a direct object. Moreover, the active voice is always constructed in the following manner: Subject\sVerb\sObject. Therefore, the correct sentence is - Good-looking, slender women are tended to be favored by reality TV.

Read more about passive voice on:


Please I need urgent help

How does explication (close reading) create opportunities to learn about others?

What are the benefits of reading about characters who are different from you?

How is mindfulness, in general, a helpful tool in understanding a line of poetry?


To improve a child's reading comprehension of the world around them as well as the books they read, close reading is a crucial technique.

How is close reading beneficial?

Careful reading makes sure that students may derive detailed and thorough knowledge from even the most challenging books. Second, close reading is the tool that enables students to read text that is beyond their level of comprehension, which is one of the key aspects of going to college (or preparing for it).

What are close reading's benefits and drawbacks?

It enables the spectator to analyze and focus on specific phrases, dissect scenes, and find hidden meanings. Close reading's drawback is that it is more difficult than it seems to do.

To know more about Close reading visit:-



Katherine broke social norms and barriers for women and, specifically, Black women. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion?

A “In 1958, Katherine met a man named Jim Johnson. Jim respected Katherine’s work

and enjoyed spending time with her daughters. They married in 1959.”

B“She played cards and talked about aviation magazines with her white male colleagues during breaks. She even successfully demanded that she be allowed to attend high-level briefings.”

C“She and Jimmie soon had three daughters, born in 1940, 1943, and 1944. And by 1947, Katherine returned to teaching with Jimmie. In 1951, Katherine and Jimmie moved their family to Virginia.”

D“Two years later, astronaut John Glenn was preparing to be the first American to orbit the planet. NASA used a series of mechanical computers to calculate his path. But these new computers were not always reliable



B“She played cards and talked about aviation magazines with her white male colleagues during breaks. She even successfully demanded that she be allowed to attend high-level briefings.”


pls tell e if wrong have a good night/day

Choose two lines from your favorite poem, lullaby, or ballad. Describe the figurative language used. Explain how word choice creates an emotion in the poem. Include your chosen lines along with your answer. Answers should be 3-5 sentences.



One of my favorite poems is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. The poem uses a range of figurative language to convey a sense of disillusionment and anxiety. Two lines that stand out to me are:

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons" "I should have been a pair of ragged claws / Scuttling across the floors of silent seas"

In the first line, the speaker uses a metaphor to suggest that his life has been measured out in small, mundane moments. The image of coffee spoons emphasizes the routine and monotony of his existence. In the second line, the speaker uses a simile to compare himself to "a pair of ragged claws." The image of claws scuttling across the sea floor creates a sense of unease and instability. The word "ragged" suggests a sense of decay or deterioration. Together, these lines contribute to the overall mood of the poem, which is one of alienation and disillusionment.

1. What does Juliet ask of

A)She asks that he
visit her regularly.
B)She asks that he
counsel her.
C)She asks that he
bring her roses.
D)She asks that he
change his name.


The correct answer is A.

7. He is a chicken and cannot face a difficulty. In this sentence 'chicken' refers to person. O An innocent A cowardly OA harmless You must A foolish​



A harmless is the answer

In this sentence, "chicken" refers to a cowardly person who cannot face a difficulty. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What is Sentence?

A sentence is a collection of words which express a complete notion or idea. It usually ends with a punctuation mark, such as a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!), and consists of a subject and a predicate.

A sentence can be simple, compound, complex or compound-complex depending on how it is put together and how the clauses or phrases are related to each other. Effective oral and written communication depends on the proper use of sentences. In the given sentence, "chicken" refers to a cowardly person who cannot face a difficulty.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Sentence here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

He is a chicken and cannot face a difficulty. In this sentence 'chicken' refers to person.

An innocent A cowardly A harmless You must A foolish​

In the second folk tale, why do the children name the woman Aunty Misery? Explain whether the name is appropriate for her.'



In the second folk tale, the children name the woman Aunty Misery because she is always frowning and complaining about her troubles, even when she is doing well. The woman is depicted as a very negative and unhappy person, who never seems to find joy in anything. The children, who are young and innocent, do not understand why she is always so unhappy and cannot see any reason for her to be so miserable.

In terms of whether the name is appropriate for her, it is understandable why the children would give her that name given her behavior. However, it is also possible that the woman's negative outlook on life is a result of her own past experiences or hardships, which the children are not aware of. Therefore, while the name may be fitting based on her behavior, it may not necessarily be an accurate reflection of her true character or situation. It is important to be empathetic and try to understand someone's situation before passing judgment or making assumptions about them.


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You could either play by yourself and get the pleasure of honing your game, or you could play with others for money where the betting action, and winnings, increase with the number of games played.Games of DartsPleasure playing alonePleasure playing with othersMarginal Pleasure playing aloneMarginal Pleasure playing with others1$10.00$14.002$18.50$27.003$25.50$39.004$31.00$50.005$35.00$60.006$37.50$69.007$38.50$77.008$38.00$84.009$36.00$90.0010$32.50$95.001. What happens to your pleasure from playing additional games of darts by yourself? What happens to your pleasure from additional games if you can play against others?2. Fill in the table above with the marginal value of playing additional games of darts alone and with company. What happens to the number of games played at every price? How many games will you play alone if the hall charges $7 per game? How many would you play at a price of $7 if you have company?3. Graph the demand for darts with and without friends. In which case does demand decline faster? Why? Four ways in which participantion in exercise programmes that promoto fitness could help learners overcome the negative emotional effects of discrimination Market for bananasa) Find the supply curve equationb) Find the demand curve equationc) What is the equilibrium price and quantity of the market? It takes 80 pounds of force tostretch a particular spring 2inches. How much work is donein stretching it from its relaxedstate a total of 4 inches?[?] inch - pounds This is part of a bus timetable between Birmingham and Coventry,Birmingham 07 02 07 30 08 05 | 08 35 09 02 09 31 a) How many minutesshould the 07 02 busYardley07 21 07 4908 2408 5409 21 09 50take to go fromSolihull 07 43 08 11 08 4609 16 09 43 10 12 Birmingham toCoventry?Meriden 07 59 08 27|09 0209 32 09 5910 2892minutes (1)Coventry 08 34 09 02 09 3710 07 10 34 | 11 03b) Steve goes from Birmingham to Coventry by bus,He takes 9 minutes to walk from his house to the bus stop in Birmingham,He takes 12 minutes to walk from the bus stop in Coventry to work,Steve has to get to work by 10 am,What is the latest time Steve shouldleave his house to get to work on time?(3)Total marks: 4 A country produces output using a production function:Y = F (K, L) = AK0.5L0.5,Where L is labour, K is capital and A is total factor productivity. Answer the following questions: a) Prove that this function exhibits constant returns to scale. b) Assume that A = 3 and its growth rate is zero. The country has a population growth of 1.5% per year (0.015) and capital depreciates at a rate of 10% (0.10) per year. If the country saves 30% (0.3) of national income, find the steady state levels of capital per worker, as well as consumption and income per worker in the Solow growth model corresponding to this country. What would be the rate of growth of GDP per capita in steady state? c) Calculate the "Golden Rule" level of capital stock in steady state. Is this economy dynamically efficient? Please, use percentages as per units as given in parentheses. l.e, population growth is 0.015, depreciation 0.10, etc. The endpoints of PQ on the real number line are 14 and 2 . What is the coordinate of the midpoint of PQ ? F. 8 G. 6 H. 2 J. 0 K. 8 The industrialization of a country's economy often has which of the following large-scale effects on a country's demographic patterns Find the present value of $80,000 due in 4 years at the given rate of interest. (Use a 365-day year. Round your answer to the nearest cent.)4%/year compounded quarterly DIRECTIONSUse complete sentences to respond to each question about your novel or short story.Title of short story or novel: Ungifted Author:Gordon Korman Rising ActionThink about the protagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.Protagonists Action #1Result of Protagonists Action #1 Protagonists Action #2Result of Protagonists Action #2Think about the antagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.Antagonists Action #1Result of Antagonists Action #1Antagonists Action #2Result of Antagonists Action #2ClimaxThink about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes to change the course of the conflict. Falling ActionThink about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action that directly follows your protagonists choice.(I need this done really soon. I struggle with sitting down and reading and I'm barley done with the book. I just started it) A population of ground-dwelling animals is able to survive on food that is available on the forest floor but receives the best nutrition from fruit found in the canopy of trees. What adaptations will most likely become more common in the population if the availability of the food on the forest floor decreases? What processes would allow these adaptations to take place? 349 10 to the 5th power = Part 1 How did the Truman Doctrine propose to stop the spread of communism into Greece and Turkey? which of the statements below best describes the result set returned by this select statement? select vendorid, sum(invoicetotal - paymenttotal - credittotal) as column2 from invoices where invoicetotal - paymenttotal - credittotal > 0 group by vendorid; There are various types of organization, i.e. bureaucratic, flexible, matrix, divisional, and hybrid. Based on your observation, what type/types of organization structures is/are appropriate in the competitive business environment.