How was Phoenicians writing different from cuneiform?


Answer 1


The Phoenician alphabet was an actual alphabet, consisting of less than two dozen letters, where each letter represented a single sound. Cuneiform consists of around 800 symbols, most of which represent either an entire word or a single syllable.

This, for example, is an inscription left by the Sumerian king Ur-Nammu (or Ur-Namma) at the dedication of a temple to the god Nanna (as reproduced in A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts by John L. Hayes).


Related Questions

Because there are so many people in the United States, each state is divided into smaller sections, called districts. Each district elects a representative to voice the people’s opinions in Congress. This is a more efficient way for people to voice their opinions.

Which principle of government is reflected by the statement above?
a federalism

b republicanism

c separation of powers

d limited government



b. republicanism


Republican form of government usually considered as the most efficient method to run a country with large population (such as united states). In this principle of government,  the people can't directly make the legislations that is passed by the government. But in exchange, they can select representatives that will fight within the government body on their behalf.

American concept of Republicanism was first introduced by the founding fathers after getting our independence from the Britain.

They found that the Monarchy system (which is the most popular at that time), gave the people with no influence within the government. They have to always trust their fate to the leaders of government even when they're doing a bad job.

Republicanism help addressed this issue. By giving the people with the power to vote for representatives, people can voted out the government leaders who disappointed them during their period in the office.

Which of the following was the home to early American Indians living in Georgia at the time of European contact?
mounds near Bartow
Flint River Basin
Florida mainland
Okefenokee Swamp


It’s b !!! Ok the river basin one

Plz help this is important



no clue this is smarter than me


Margaret pls answer this lol



my hands are so dry and crusty it's not even funny


which among the choices is not a career opportunities of entrepreneurship​


what or where are the choices?

what does freedom mean to you?



freedom is not being held back no rules being able to chooosing any path in the world I can take

For this, Galileo was arrested and threatened with torture and death, but he refused to deny what he knew to be true. "I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use," he said


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

or this, Galileo was arrested and threatened with torture and death, but he refused to deny what he knew to be true. "I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use," he said.

Why does the author include this selection in the article?


The author includes the quote to show how great thinkers like Galileo were committed and dedicated to humanism and the sciences they believed in.


As you may already know, many great thinkers and scientists have been persecuted and punished for their thoughts and research. Today, we know that these thinkers were correct, but at the time that they lived, people did not take well the ideas and discoveries that they obtained, causing them to suffer strong reprisals from the church and the government. The most notable example of this was the persecution suffered by Galileo, but even with so much persecution he did not give up what he knew was correct.

When the author quoted Galileo in his article, it means that he seeks to emphasize the dedication and responsibility of these authors to what they studied.

Read the prompt.

Your state representative has asked you to serve on a committee on teen driver safety. You need to create a policy recommendation for teen driving requirements. At what age should teens be able to drive? What restrictions should they have?

Use research to support your opinions.

Which would be effective research questions for this prompt? Check all that apply.

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers?

Which states have the youngest and oldest teen drivers?

When should teenagers be able to drive?

How many teens are driving?

Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age?

What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal


Answer and Explanation:

Teenagers should be allowed to drive from 18 years of age. This is because driving is an act of extreme responsibility, where the driver must be agile and must know how to make correct decisions in a serious and rational way. It is very difficult for young people under the age of 18 to have this degree of maturity, and it is favorable for them to avoid driving during this period. However, driving permits for 18-year-olds must have restrictions, such as having a high cognitive and psychological quality, not presenting criminal passages and strictly following traffic laws.

Regarding the most effective research questions for this prompt, those that are most appropriate are:

Which laws are already in place that have restrictions for teenage drivers? Why are some people for or against raising the minimum driving age? What do the data on accidents related to teen drivers reveal?


The correct answers are A, E, and F.


I got it right on Edg :)

How is someone death the sead of a nation



I think you mean "seed" It's two times


Why did Paul travel as a missionary?


In the narrative of Acts, Paul was traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus on a mission to "arrest them and bring them back to Jerusalem" when the ascended Jesus appeared to him in a great bright light.






if you help me you will get 40 points Write a journal entry as if you were a settler headed for the Oregon Territory in the 1840s. Do some research and describe why you are headed west, what problems you have faced, and a few specific instances along your journey.



March 13th, 1840

we've begun heading west, getting all of our food and essential resources together in the wagon. its a good thing my brother is a doctor, snake bites and broken limbs have been reported from travelers before us.

our religion isn't practiced here, as Mormons we need to be in a new area in the west as others have said.

April 2nd, 1840

today was the first wound besides thrist and hunger we've encountered. my young niece fell out of the wagon on one of our stops, breaking her arm we'd assume. her father is helping her but we need to get going before it gets too hot.

April 14th, 1840

we've come across a little townie settlement, Fort Laramie. we've restocked our resources and we'll be on our way again soon. my wife is going tk have another baby soon and we don't know what we'll do if the baby is ready to come whe we are in an area we can't stop at.

may 6th, 1840

my pregnant wife and young niece have been bitten by a snake with unknown origins. we don't know how this will effect their health or the baby.

may 8th, 1840

two members of our wagon group have passed away, my wife and my young niece. my brother who is a doctor couldn't help them anymore, leaving only me, him, his wife, and my son.

June 17th, 1840

today we are planning to cross a river by cocking and boarding the wagon, but I am scared to go because we don't have a lot of food to spare, and if any is lost we'll starve.

June 18th, 1840

we lost our entire wagon in the river, and my doctor brother drowned to death. we've been walking for about an hour but since his wife is newly pregnant, its hard for her to walk.

June 23rd, 1840

after a few days of walking we've paid money to ride in a wagon with a few other people, a mother and father with a baby and a daughter.

The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. The trail was arduous and snaked through Missouri and present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and finally into Oregon. Without the Oregon Trail and the passing of the Oregon Donation Land Act in 1850, which encouraged settlement in the Oregon Territory, I would have been slower to settle the American West in the 19th century.

Example cited in the excerpt? The Grimms found stories that express real-life situations. The Grimms embellished stories with more details in their final editions. The Grimms wanted to stick to oral reports of folk tales. The Grimms changed stories to be less dark in the final edition.


This question is incomplete. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

Read the excerpt from "How the Grimm Brothers Saved the Fairy Tale." In contrast to the final 1857 edition, most of the tales in the first edition are shorter and sparser. They have a rawness that was later to be refined. For example, "Rapunzel” is embellished a great deal in the final edition:

First Edition

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who had been wishing for a child for many years, but it had all been in vain. Finally, the woman became pregnant.

Now, in the back of their house the couple had a small window that overlooked a fairy’s garden filled with all kinds of flowers and herbs. But nobody ever dared to enter it.

Seventh Edition

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife who for quite some time had been wishing in vain for a child. Finally, the dear Lord gave the wife a sign of hope that their wish would be fulfilled. Now, in the back of their house the couple had a small window that overlooked a splendid garden filled with the most beautiful flowers and herbs. The garden, however, was surrounded by a high wall, and nobody dared enter it because it belonged to a sorceress, who was very powerful and feared by all.

Which idea does the author develop with the text example cited in the excerpt?

A. The Grimms found stories that express real-life situations.

B. The Grimms embellished stories with more details in their final editions.

C. The Grimms wanted to stick to oral reports of folk tales.

D. The Grimms changed stories to be less dark in the final edition


The idea the author develops with the text example cited in the excerpt is:

B. The Grimms embellished stories with more details in their final editions.


The author of the excerpt we are analyzing here states that the Grimm brothers embellished their stories as they revised them in further editions. That is what he uses the example for: to serve as evidence for that claim. The example allows readers to compared a passage of the first and the seventh editions of "Rapunzel", by the Grimms. It can be easily seen that the seventh edition version is written in a different, less raw or direct style.


B, The Grimms embellished stories with more details in their final editions.


should the government be responsible for financial safety nets such as social security payments to the retired and insuran



yes because they are the gov. and they have all the money







Im in Ap History that should be enough

The original 13 colonies were controlled by which European power



Great Britain


How does geography, government, disease, discovery, and reform influence/impact a society?
Helpp asap!!!



Geography, government, disease, discovery, and reform influence/impact a society is explained below in details.


Geography, government, and health are intrinsically connected. Where we are born, reside, read and operate directly impacts our health activities: the oxygen we inhale, the meals we eat, the diseases we are disclosed to, and the health assistance we can reach. The common, built and natural surroundings influence our health and happiness in ways that are straight relevant to the health system.

What is special about the North Star



The North Star or Pole Star – aka Polaris – is famous for holding nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it. That's because it's located nearly at the north celestial pole, the point around which the entire northern sky turns. Polaris marks the way due north.


Hope this helps:)

Answer: it led the people who were looking for jesus to jesus i think or it was guiding star for sailors please clarrify with yor teacher on that one


Can cause severe mental disabilities if ingested in small quantities? Name the element that was commonly used in paints.



The answer is the element lead

Select a research essay that you have written in the past or use the essay you have been working on in the "Research Paper" lessons throughout this unit. Carefully examine the conclusion of your essay. Is it the best conclusion it can be? Does it properly summarize the main subtopics of your essay? Does it state in one or two sentences the “so what” of your topic. If your topic was Abraham Lincoln, your essay shouldn’t be just about Abraham Lincoln. It should answer, “So what about Abraham Lincoln?” Take five or ten minutes, and looking only at that single paragraph, revise your conclusion.



I'm working on the same question and I was able to find this conclusion;

The main reason why Abraham Lincoln helped the union win the war was because he went from limited to total warfare. Meaning he did everything in his power to help win while being practical at the same time. Thinking about what people cared about opposed to what was best. Also he valued each state and doesn't want them losing their support towards the union and by thinking politically and militarily he was able to do so in a smart way.

what are some similarities between Sparta and Athens



One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government. Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office.



they were both city-statesthey were both a part of Greecethey both considered women were not citizensthey are both in the European-Asian area

Hope this helps you!

Around the world, gender is the primary division between people. Is this statement
true or false?


Answer:i believe it is false


but wat r u thinking




not too sure tho, but pretty confident because if u look it up it will say that

Explain what the South African Government is doing to promote equal
access to basic services.



South African government is carrying out various initiatives for redistribution and equal access to basic facilities. Basic services like electricity and resources, water and sanitation, waste management, and waste treatment are important services for improving people's lives.


Which idea is found in both "Early Summer Morning" and "How to Release Ladybugs

Into the Garden"?

O Pesticides are dangerous to ladybugs.

O It is difficult to get ladybugs to eat aphids.

O Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.

O It is challenging to capture ladybugs in gardens.



Ladybugs encounter a variety of dangers.


The two articles highlight the importance of ladybugs to our ecosystem and show how important and useful they are to maintain not only the ecological balance, but for agriculture as well. However, ladybugs face many dangers during their lives, not only for natural reasons, but also for the manipulation of human beings in the ecosystem. This reinforces the concept of preserving the environment and respecting all forms of life.

The harappan civilization was known for



The Harappan civilization developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm.


What is the reason behind increasing status of earthworms?​


It is because of the healthy soils that they lived in. Earthworms can help our Mother Earth because they will fertilized and packed with viral nutrients.


✮Earthworms are one of the most important organisms in soils.

✮ Earthworms mix together different layers of soil and incorporate carbon in the form of organic matter into the soil.

✮ It’s within this process of mixing that disperses the organic matter throughout the soil and makes the nutrients held in it available to plants.

✮In addition earthworms propagate microorganisms in their gut adding to the biological population in the soil.

✭Earthworms when present improve the soil physical, chemical and biological properties and acts as soil conditioner.

➥ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ❤

Which empire's invasion did Chandragupta Maurya help to defeat? the Turkish empire the Greek empire the Chinese empire the Egyptian empire​



The Greek


He defeated Alexander

Greek empire's invasion did Chandragupta Maurya help to defeat. Thus, option B is the correct option.

Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Maurya Empire, played a pivotal role in repelling the Greek invasion led by Alexander the Great. As Alexander's empire extended its reach into the northwest regions of the Indian subcontinent, Chandragupta Maurya emerged as a formidable opponent.

With strategic prowess and a well-organized army, he successfully resisted Alexander's forces and managed to defeat the Greek empire's invasion. This momentous victory not only secured the independence of the Indian territories but also laid the foundation for the powerful Maurya Empire, which would subsequently flourish and become one of the largest and most significant empires in ancient history.

Thus, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about Chandragupta Maurya here:


Based on the excerpt from Columbus diary what was Columbus motivation for exploration?explain what evidence from the text show this motivation list words or phrases from the text?





Christopher Columbus, in 1492, discovered the New World. The purpose of this voyage was to find a new route through westward to reach Asia. The evidence of trade mentioned in the lines - "They came swimming to boat bringing......."  List of words like a bartered, exchange, hawk's bell, glass beads, Parrots, javelin, balls of cotton threads.

The introduction of Columbian Exchange the 1400s led to the beginning of trade in America. The exchanging of plants, animals, and goods (manufactured) from New World to Old and vice versa is called Columbian Exchange.

Working hard and learning some type of trade or going to college could lead to a person having a higher __________ ___ _______ which is one’s level of comfort.












ikr I just want to help and that's my answer sorry if you think it's wrong

What are some society’s use of slavery?



plantation work mostly.


Mostly labor


In most societies most slaves were at the very bottom of society.

And they were used for labor, picking cotton, tobacco, crops.

You had indoor slaves that cooked and cleaned.

Some slaves would take care of the masters children.

Other Questions
Because there are so many people in the United States, each state is divided into smaller sections, called districts. Each district elects a representative to voice the peoples opinions in Congress. This is a more efficient way for people to voice their opinions.Which principle of government is reflected by the statement above?a federalismb republicanismc separation of powersd limited government Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy. "May I ask why? Or is this something else that wasn't intended to embarrass the new minister?" "Because I wanted to know if it was true." "If what was true?" "If Lizzie was lying to me. If all she wanted to do was to get me on her side so she wouldn't have to leave the island." Reverend Buckminster sighed. "It doesn't matter if it's true. It matters what people think. It matters that my congregation can tell me what to think when my son goes out to visit a Negro girl on Malaga Island. It doesn't matter at all how she got you out there." "It matters to me," Turner whispered. "Speak up!" Based on the dialogue between Turner and his father, what conclusion can be drawn about Reverend Buckminster? He believes that his son cannot be trusted. He cares greatly about the opinions of others. He feels that Lizzie will be a bad influence. He dislikes everyone living on Malaga Island. PLEASEEE HELP IM IN 6TH GRADE when we observe an organism or environment what are we observing A. changes B. similarities C. colors Carlos or Jane usually (know , knows) The answers to most of the questions on the radio music quiz show Consider the following scenario:Cold Goose Metal Works Inc.s income statement reports data for its first year of operation. The firms CEO would like sales to increase by 25% next year.1. Cold Goose is able to achieve this level of increased sales, but its interest costs increase from 10% to 15% of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).2. The companys operating costs (excluding depreciation and amortization) remain at 70.00% of net sales, and its depreciation and amortization expenses remain constant from year to year.3. The companys tax rate remains constant at 40% of its pre-tax income or earnings before taxes (EBT).4. In Year 2, Cold Goose expects to pay $300,000 and $2,306,475 of preferred and common stock dividends, respectively.Complete the Year 2 income statement data for Cold Goose, then answer the questions that follow. Round each dollar value to the nearest whole dollar.Cold Goose Metal Works Inc. Income Statement for Year Ending December 31 Year 1 $30,000,000 21,000,000 1,200,000 $7,800,000$ Year 2 (Forecasted) Net sales Less: Operating costs, except depreciation and amortization Less: Depreciation and amortization expenses Operating income (or EBIT) Less: Interest expense Pre-tax income (or EBT) Less: Taxes (40%) Earnings after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available to common shareholders Less: Common stock dividends Contribution to retained earnings 1,200,000 780,000 $7,020,000 2,808,000 $4,212,000s 300,000 $3,912,000 1,895,400 $1,605,525 $2,519,025 Given the results of the previous income statement calculations, complete the following statements: In Year 2, if Cold Goose has 25,000 shares of preferred stock issued and outstanding, then each preferred share should expect to receive____________ in annual dividends If Cold Goose has 200,000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding, then the firm's earnings per share (EPS) is expected to change from __________ in Year 1 to in ________ Year 2 Cold Goose's before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) value changed from _______ in Year 1 to in ______ Year 2 It is __________ to say that Cold Goose's net inflows and outflows of cash at the end of Years 1 and 2 are equal to the company's annual contribution to retained earnings, $1,605,525 and $2,519,025, respectively. 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Del Gato Clinic's cash account shows a $11,589 debit balance and its bank statement shows $10,555 on deposit at the close of business on June 30. Outstanding checks as of June 30 total $1,829. The June 30 bank statement lists a $16 bank service charge. Check No. 919, listed with the canceled checks, was correctly drawn for $467 in payment of a utility bill on June 15. Del Gato Clinic mistakenly recorded it with a debit to Utilities Expense and a credit to Cash in the amount of $476. The June 30 cash receipts of $2,856 were placed in the bank's night depository after banking hours and were not recorded on the June 30 bank statement.Prepare its bank reconciliation using the above information. DEL GATO CLINIC Bank Reconciliation June 30 Book balance Add: Bank statement balance Add: Deduct: Deduct: Adjusted bank balance Adjusted book balance Unlike passive transport, active transport requires what A middle-aged woman goes to the marketplace to buy her family food for supper. 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