“I also ask this Congress for authority and for funds sufficient... to be turned over to
those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations. Our most useful and
immediate role is to act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves. They do not
need manpower, but they do need billions of dollars' worth of the weapons of

-President Franklin Roosevelt, 1941
Which U.S. policy was a direct result of this speech?

O The New Deal
O The Lend-Lease Act
O The Marshall Plan
O The Selective Service Act


Answer 1

Option (b),  This speech directly led to the Lend-Lease Act, which now serves as U.S. policy.

The Lend-Lease Act's impetus was what?

The project was backed by President Roosevelt, who was in favor of American participation in WWII and regarded it as a way to indirectly aid the Allies without involving the nation in a fight that did not yet enjoy broad public support.

What advantages did the Lend-Lease Act have for the US economy?

The United States provided thirty-eight countries with access to about $50 billion worth of military equipment, supplies, and other commodities between 1941 and 1945 under the Lend-Lease program. The Soviet Union, China, and France received the majority of the sums that were left over. 30 billion or so of the total were given to Britain.

Learn more about the Lend-Lease Act: https://brainly.com/question/1126649


Related Questions

how did cheif josphs leadership affect nez perce


Chief Joseph's leadership had a significant impact on the Nez Perce tribe. His strong and compassionate leadership style helped unite the tribe during times of conflict and struggle, such as the Nez Perce War of 1877.

Despite facing overwhelming odds, Chief Joseph's tactical skills and diplomacy allowed the Nez Perce to resist forced relocation and fight for their rights, ultimately earning him the title of a respected leader among both Native Americans and non-Native Americans. Chief Joseph's leadership had a profound impact on the Nez Perce tribe. He was a skilled and strategic leader who was able to unite his people and navigate complex political situations. Under his leadership, the Nez Perce were able to maintain their independence and traditional way of life for many years.

However, they eventually faced pressure from white settlers and were forced to relocate to a reservation. Despite this setback, Chief Joseph continued to lead his people with dignity and grace, advocating for their rights and working to preserve their culture. His legacy continues to inspire and motivate members of the Nez Perce tribe and beyond.

Learn more about Nez Perce War here: brainly.com/question/22390981


largest group and made the least money


The largest group that seem to make the least money were the C. Unskilled workers.

Why was this the case ?

Unskilled workers typically earn lower wages than skilled workers, who have more training, experience, and specialized skills.

While there is no one-size-fits-all definition of an unskilled worker, they generally have fewer opportunities for advancement and earn lower wages than skilled workers. Many unskilled workers may also experience job insecurity, as their jobs may be more susceptible to automation or outsourcing.

Find out more on unskilled workers at https://brainly.com/question/29305641


The full question is:

Which was the largest group and made the least money?

A. Skilled workers

B. Managers

C. Unskilled workers

D. Owners

what did insurgents opposed to powerful colonizing nations in the americas, india, china, africa, and the middle east have in common?


Insurgents opposed to powerful colonizing nations in various parts of the world, including the Americas, India, China, Africa, and the Middle East, had in common their desire to resist and overthrow colonial powers and their efforts to assert their own independence and sovereignty.

They often faced similar challenges, including repression, violence, and exploitation by colonial authorities, and had to navigate complex political, social, and cultural dynamics in order to achieve their goals. Many also drew on similar strategies and tactics, such as guerrilla warfare, political organizing, and appeals to broader popular movements and international solidarity, in their struggles against colonialism and imperialism.

Resistance to foreign domination: All the insurgent groups opposed foreign domination and sought to establish self-rule and independence.

1.Nationalistic aspirations: The insurgent groups sought to assert their nationalistic aspirations and restore their cultural identity and traditions.

2.Economic exploitation: The colonizing nations exploited the resources of the colonized countries and exploited the labor of the local population. The insurgents sought to end this exploitation.

Learn more about Insurgents here:



7. President George Washington gave the advice below in his Farewell Address
of 1796.
The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our
commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.
So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect
good faith. Here let us stop.
Which later event most closely followed President Washington's advice?
A. The United States annexed the Philippines in 1898.
B. Congress supplied ships to Britain for cash in 1940.
C. Americans attempted to remain neutral at first during both World
Wars I and II.
D. Americans sent troops to Korea and Vietnam in order to prevent the
spread of communism in Asia.


Answer: D




what factors helped the soviet army and citizens resist the germans amidst the horrific circumstances at leningrad?


The factors that helped the Soviet army and citizens resist the Germans amidst the horrific circumstances at Leningrad include strong leadership, patriotism, determination, effective resource management, and the harsh winter conditions. These factors collectively contributed to the resilience of the Soviet people and the ultimate defense of Leningrad during World War II.

There were several factors that helped the Soviet army and citizens resist the Germans amidst the horrific circumstances at Leningrad. Firstly, the city's strategic location on the Neva River made it a crucial center of communication and transportation for the Soviet Union. Secondly, the city's strong cultural and historical significance as the birthplace of the October Revolution of 1917 also made it a symbol of national pride and identity for the Soviet people. Additionally, the Soviet government and military leaders implemented a number of effective defensive strategies, including the construction of elaborate fortifications and the organization of a sophisticated air defense system. The citizens of Leningrad also played a vital role in the resistance effort, with many volunteering for the front lines or taking on civilian defense roles such as air raid wardens or medical personnel. Despite the tremendous suffering and loss of life endured during the siege, the resilience and determination of the Soviet people ultimately proved instrumental in their victory over the German invaders.

 Learn more about Soviet Army here:



The resilience and determination of the Soviet people, combined with strategic military decisions and environmental factors, helped the Soviet army and citizens resist the Germans amidst the horrific circumstances at Leningrad.

The factors that helped the Soviet army and citizens resist the Germans amidst the horrific circumstances at Leningrad can be attributed to several elements.

First, the strong determination and unity of the Soviet people played a crucial role in their resistance. They were committed to defending their homeland, even in the face of extreme adversity.

Second, the harsh winter conditions in Leningrad helped to slow down the German advance, as they were unprepared for the extreme cold and the challenges it posed to their equipment and troops. The Soviet army was more accustomed to the harsh weather and used it to their advantage.

Third, the Soviet military employed effective defensive strategies, including the establishment of the Leningrad Front, which consisted of well-fortified defensive lines. This made it difficult for the Germans to penetrate the city's defenses.

Fourth, the Soviets were able to maintain supply lines across Lake Ladoga, which provided the city with much-needed resources and reinforcements. This lifeline, known as the "Road of Life," was vital in sustaining the city during the siege.

Lastly, the eventual counteroffensive launched by the Soviet forces in January 1943 put additional pressure on the German forces, leading to their eventual withdrawal and the lifting of the siege in January 1944.

In summary, the resilience and determination of the Soviet people, combined with strategic military decisions and environmental factors, contributed to their ability to resist the Germans during the horrific circumstances at Leningrad.

To know more about the military refer here:



Which of these statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc? Check all that apply.

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He died at the end of World War II.

He became a math and physics teacher.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

If your not at least 80% sure don’t answer I already failed the first test


The following statements are facts about Jefferson DeBlanc:

He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot.

He was shot down over the Solomon Islands.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

During World War II, Jefferson DeBlanc served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps. For his actions during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, he received the Medal of Honor. As a member of a Marine squadron, DeBlanc piloted a Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber that attacked and destroyed a Japanese aircraft carrier. DeBlanc managed to fly on despite suffering serious injuries and losing his gunner, returning his damaged plane to base.

DeBlanc was shot down over the Solomon Islands later in the conflict and saved by a U.S. Navy submarine. He kept on flying combat missions until he suffered another injury, at which point he left to train new pilots in the United States. DeBlanc worked as a nurse following the war.

To know more Marine Corps here



what was Knox's main goal for creating treaties


Answer: overseeing conflicts  


according to peter r. brown, author of the world of late antiquity, ad 150 to 750, what was the impact of the abbasids moving the capital to baghdad?


According to Peter R. Brown, author of "The World of Late Antiquity, AD 150 to 750," the impact of the Abbasids moving the capital to Baghdad was significant. This move led to a shift in political power and cultural influence, centralizing these aspects in the newly-established capital. As a result, Baghdad became an important center for intellectual and scientific advancements during the Islamic Golden Age.

The move brought about a major shift in the political and cultural landscape of the Islamic world, as Baghdad became the new center of power and a hub of intellectual and artistic activity. The city grew rapidly, attracting scholars, artists, and merchants from across the region and beyond. The Abbasid caliphs invested heavily in the city's infrastructure, building palaces, mosques, and other public buildings, as well as developing a sophisticated system of administration and governance. The city's strategic location on the Tigris River also made it a key center of trade and commerce, further fueling its growth and influence. Overall, the move to Baghdad marked a major turning point in Islamic history, and helped to shape the cultural and political landscape of the Middle East for centuries to come.

Learn more about Baghdad here:



According to peter r. brown, author of the world of late antiquity, ad 150 to 750, the impact of the abbasids moving the capital to baghdad was significant.

According to Peter R. Brown, author of "The

World of Late Antiquity, AD 150 to 750," the

impact of the Abbasids moving the capital

to Baghdad was significant. This move led

to a shift in political power and cultural

influence, centralizing these aspects in

the newly-established capital. As a result,

Baghdad became an important center for

intellectual and scientific advancements

during the lslamic Golden Age.

The move brought about a major shift in

the political and cultural landscape of the

Islamic world, as Baghdad became the new

center of power and a hub of intelectual

and artistic activity. The city grew rapidly.

attracting scholars, artists, and merchants

from across the region and beyond. The

Abbasid caliphs invested heavily in the

city's infrastructure, building palaces,

mosques, and other public buildings, as well

as developing a sophisticated system of

administration and governance. The city's

strategic location on the Tigris River also

made it a key center of trade and commerce,

further fueling its growth and influence.

Overall, the move to Baghdad marked a

major turning point in Islamic history, and

helped to shape the cultural and political

landscape of the Middle East for centuries to


To know more about Baghdad visit:



In a totalitarian government, ___. (3 answers)

A) the government uses secret police and state terrorism

B) the government uses propaganda

C) a dictator is in charge

D) there are many political parties

E) individuals are given more freedoms

F) religion became more important


A. B. C. Are the answers

The United States was successfully able to contain communism in the Korean War.
O True
O False


Answer: True

Explanation: Although the war ended where it began, the United States and its allies did succeed in preventing communism from overtaking South Korea.


The United States and its allies did succeed in stopping communism from taking over South Korea, even though the war came to an end where it started.



taverns encouraged women to participate in card games and other gambling activities.


While taverns were certainly gathering places for men and women alike in early America, they were not always welcoming spaces for women's participation in card games and gambling activities.

In fact, many taverns and other public spaces were considered inappropriate for women to visit without male escorts, and women who were seen participating in such activities were often subject to social stigma and ostracism.

That being said, there were certainly exceptions to this general trend, and some taverns and other public spaces did encourage women's participation in card games and other forms of gambling. In particular, there were a number of female-run gaming establishments in urban areas, such as New Orleans and Philadelphia, where women could participate in card games and other forms of gambling without fear of social ostracism.

Overall, the role of women in gambling and card-playing activities in early America was complex and varied, with some women actively participating in such activities while others were discouraged or prevented from doing so.

Learn more about gambling  here:.



Which statement accurately describes a similarity between early river valley civilizations and the civilizations of ancient Native Americans?


Both early river valley civilizations and ancient Native American civilizations relied heavily on agriculture for sustenance and development.

What are the civilizations?

One similarity between early river valley civilizations and the civilizations of ancient Native Americans is that they both relied heavily on agriculture. In both cases, people developed sophisticated farming techniques and irrigation systems to cultivate crops and sustain their communities. In the river valley civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley, people grew crops such as wheat, barley, and rice. Similarly, Native American civilizations, such as those in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and the Eastern Woodlands, cultivated crops such as maize, beans, and squash. Agriculture allowed both groups to settle in one place, establish complex societies, and develop other aspects of culture, such as art, religion, and government.

What is an irrigation system ?

An irrigation system is a method of providing water to plants, crops, or agricultural lands to help them grow and thrive. It involves the controlled application of water to crops or plants through a network of pipes, channels, valves, and sprinklers or other types of emitters.

Irrigation systems can be designed for various types of landscapes, from small gardens to large farms. They can be powered by gravity, pumps, or other means to deliver water to the plants or crops in the desired quantities and at the appropriate times.

To know more about civilizations, visit:



Complete question is: Heavily on agriculture for sustenance and development, accurately describes a similarity between early river valley civilizations and the civilizations of ancient Native Americans.

what name was given to the hub of the music printing industry in the late 1800s, named for the constant sound of new compositions being hammered out on many pianos all at the same time? responses tin pan alley tin pan alley broadway broadway vaudeville vaudeville new york city


The name of the hub of the music printing industry in the late 1800s was Tin Pan Alley. It was named for the constant sound of new compositions being hammered out of numerous pianos all at the same time.

The use of this name was to describe a specific allocated area where musicians, songwriters, and publishers in New York would arrive to make an excursion of talent. The hub was considered a very popular place in the eyes of the millennials, as a birthplace for so many young artists.

It reached its peak in popularity in the 1800s to the early 1900s, some of the famous songwriters from Tin Pan Alley are

George GershwinIrving Berlin Scott JoplinCole Porter

To learn more about Tin Pan Alley,



can someone please give me answers to a couple of these? you don’t have to answer all just a couple write the number and the answer!!


The correct matching for the historical characters and their accomplishments are:

8. AB. William Smith9. D. Leonardo da Vinci10. B. Niels Stensen11. C. Cuvier and Brongniart12. A. Herodotus13. D. Leonardo da Vinci14. B. Niels Stensen15. E. Antoine Lavoisier16. E. Antoine Lavoisier17. A. Herodotus18. E. Antoine Lavoisier19. B. Niels Stensen

What was known of some historical figures ?

The list provided is a set of historical figures who made contributions to the field of geology. Some of them made significant discoveries or observations that helped shape our understanding of geology and the Earth's history.

For example, William Smith is known for his work in identifying sedimentary layers based on their fossil content, while Cuvier and Brongniart contributed to the study of stratigraphy and the correlation of rock layers across different regions.

Find out more on Herodotus at https://brainly.com/question/6131134


What word was used to describe Vanderbilt's attempt to horizontally integrate his industry?




Activity In this activity, you'll learn about a popular art form known as socialist realism and analyze how it conveyed a com message during the Cold War. Socialist realism developed during the 1930s. It took its name from socialism, a political and economic system tha key similarities with communism. Socialist realism honored socialist and communist values and became popular Soviet Union and other communist countries. Examine the following poster, which is similar in style to socialist re and answer the questions that follow.

Part A Who is being idealized, or honored, in this poster? How do you know?​


In this poster, the subject being idealized is a working-class man.

We know this because of the way he is depicted, with a strong and muscular physique, a determined look on his face, and his clothing, which is indicative of a manual laborer. Additionally, the title of the poster, “The Worker and the Collective Farm Girl”, further emphasizes his importance.

The woman in the poster is likely meant to represent the collective farm, to which the worker is connected. This image is a perfect example of the idealized form of socialist realism, which glorified the labor of working-class people and celebrated the collective spirit of socialist and communist countries.

To know more about communist , click here:



in what way did the united kingdom france and the soviet union deal with germany similarly in the years before world war 11?
help me pls?


The united kingdom France and the soviet union deal with Germany similarly in the years before world war 11 They tried to avoid war with Germany by agreeing to some of its demands.

What were the differences between Soviet and US policy toward Germany at the end of World War Two?

Stalin, however, wished to undermine the German economy in order to prevent Germany from ever regaining its former glory. The Western Allies, on the other hand, desired that Germany be powerful enough to contribute to international trade.

Which region of Germany did the US, UK, and France dominate following World War II?

Berlin was divided into occupation zones as well; the Soviets were in charge of the eastern part, while the US, UK, and France were in charge of the western part.

To Know more about  international trade.



the government body responsible for interpreting the constitution is the what


Answer: The Supreme Court


It is the highest tribunal of the United States for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring equal justice under law and functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

How was the Gl Bill unfair?
2. Explain why you think Truman's Fair deal act did not pass? How
may its failure to pass affected society? (positives and
3. What made Suburbanization possible?


1-The G.I. Bill was racially discriminatory, as it was intended to accommodate Jim Crow laws. Due to the discrimination by local and state governments, as well as by private actors in housing and education, the G.I. Bill failed to benefit African Americans as it did with white Americans.

2-Truman did not send proposed legislation to Congress; he expected Congress to draft the bills. Many of these proposed reforms, however, were never realized due to the opposition of the conservative majority in Congress, further solidified after the Republicans took control of both houses in the 1946 midterm elections.
-positive: The Truman Doctrine effectively reoriented U.S. foreign policy, away from its usual stance of withdrawal from regional conflicts not directly involving the United States, to one of possible intervention in far away conflicts.
- negative: it rejected the idea of national health care, avoided passing any new civil rights legislation and failed to aggressively tackle concerns over fair labor practices.

3-Key Points. In the mid-twentieth century United States, suburbanization was caused by federal governmental incentives to encourage suburban growth and a phenomenon dubbed ” white flight ” where white residents sought to distance themselves from racial minorities in urban areas.

Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 Select one: True False.


True. The leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 was called the Sandinistas, named after Augusto César Sandino, a revolutionary who fought against the US occupation of Nicaragua in the 1920s and 1930s.

After taking power, the Sandinistas attempted to install a socialist economy and establish close ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union, which led to the United States financing armed opposition by the Contras, a right-wing paramilitary group. The Contras were accused of human rights violations and were widely criticized by the international community. In 1990, the Sandinistas lost national elections to a coalition of opposition parties, and they subsequently accepted the outcome of the election and peacefully handed over power.

To learn more about coalition visit;



The given statement is "Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Sandinistas lost national elections in 1990 is True (because the Sandinistas, a leftist coalition led by Daniel Ortega, overthrew the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy in Nicaragua).

However, their efforts were met with opposition from the United States, who financed armed opposition by the Contras. The Contras carried out a campaign of violence and destabilization in Nicaragua throughout the 1980s, with the support of the US government.

Despite this opposition, the Sandinistas were able to maintain power until they lost national elections in 1990 to a coalition of right-wing parties. The Sandinistas have since returned to power in Nicaragua, with Ortega serving as president since 2007. The legacy of the Sandinista revolution and the Contra war continues to shape political and social dynamics in Nicaragua today.

For more question on socialist economy



which political party's 1892 platform called for direct election of united states senators and a graduated income tax:


The political party that called for the direct election of United States senators and a graduated income tax in their 1892 platform was the People's Party, also known as the Populist Party.

The People's Party, or Populist Party, was a political party in the United States that emerged in the late 19th century, largely as a response to the economic hardships faced by farmers and workers. The party's 1892 platform called for a number of reforms, including the direct election of senators by the people (rather than by state legislatures) and a graduated income tax (in which higher earners pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes). These proposals were seen as a way to increase democracy and reduce the influence of wealthy individuals and corporations on the political process. While the Populist Party was not successful in winning the presidency or a majority in Congress, their ideas and proposals had a significant impact on American politics in the years that followed.

Learn more about populist party here:



What physical phenomena keeps the Deccan Plateau so arid?


The Deccan Plateau is one of the most arid regions in India. The dry climate of the region is mainly caused by its location in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats.

The Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of India, block the southwest monsoon, a seasonal wind that brings heavy rains to the western and southern parts of India. The dry, warm winds that originate from the Thar Desert in Rajasthan blow across the Deccan Plateau, further reducing the amount of rainfall.

This process, known as the rain shadow effect, is the main physical phenomenon that keeps the Deccan Plateau so arid. Moreover, the Deccan Plateau is located in the interior of the subcontinent, and is surrounded by the Eastern and Western Ghats, which further reduce the moisture content of the air and contribute to the dry climate of the region.

To know more about Deccan Plateau, click here:



APUSH: Chapter 25 Review QuestionsWhat was the most important factor that drew rural people off the farms and into the big cities during the period 1865 - 1900?


The most important factor that drew rural people off the farms and into the big cities during the period 1865-1900 was the availability of industrial jobs and economic opportunities. The growth of factories and industries in urban areas offered better wages and improved living standards, attracting rural populations seeking a higher quality of life.

The most important factor that drew rural people off the farms and into the big cities during the period 1865-1900 was the availability of industrial jobs in the cities. With the growth of industrialization, there was an increased demand for labor in urban areas, and many rural farmers were attracted to the prospect of higher wages and better living conditions. This shift from rural to urban living had a profound impact on American society and economy, as it transformed the nature of work and the way people lived their lives.

Learn more about wages here:



the confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the civil war was to:


The Confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the Civil War was to issue paper money, collect taxes, and implement tariffs on imported goods.

The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States. It was fought between the Union and the Confederacy ("the South"), the latter formed by states that had seceded. The central cause of the war was the dispute over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the western territories, leading to more slave states, or be prevented from doing so, which was widely believed would place slavery on a course of ultimate extinction. Decades of political controversy over slavery were brought to a head by the victory in the 1860 U.S. presidential election of Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery's expansion into the western territories. An initial seven southern slave states responded to Lincoln's victory by seceding from the United States and, in February 1861, forming the Confederacy. The Confederacy seized U.S. forts and other federal assets within their borders. Led by Confederate President Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy asserted control over about a third of the U.S. population in eleven of the 34 U.S. states that then existed. Four years of intense combat, mostly in the South, ensued.

Learn more about Civil War here:



The Confederacy's primary mechanism for generating revenue during the Civil War was to rely heavily on taxation and borrowing.

The Confederate government imposed various taxes on the people, including a tax on land, slaves, and various goods such as tobacco and alcohol. They also issued war bonds to borrow money from their citizens and foreign investors, promising to repay them with interest after the war.

However, these measures were not enough to cover the costs of the war, and the Confederacy resorted to printing paper money, which led to inflation and a decline in the value of their currency. They also attempted to seize property from Union sympathizers and use it for their own purposes, but this was not a significant source of revenue.

Ultimately, the Confederacy's efforts to generate revenue were inadequate and contributed to their eventual defeat in the Civil War.

For more question on Civil War



Time capsule found on the dead planet what does this suggest about what happened to humans in the fifth age


The book "Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet" warns readers about the risks posed by climate change and the effects it will eventually have on the planet and humanity.

What's in the time capsule discovered on the planet's death?

The short story "Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet" (2009) by Margaret Atwood serves as a cautionary tale on the effects of greed and climate change on society. The campaign, launched by The Guardian newspaper in Britain to support efforts to combat climate change, was part of which Atwood contributed a short tale.

What mood is the time capsule that was uncovered on the planet's death?

Our assumptions of the anachronistic "snapshot" provided by a collection of items are challenged by the time capsule discovered on this planet. rather than casting light on a specific time period.

To know more about Time Capsule visit :-



What was a major problem for people and animals in the Plains because of the large amounts of
dirt they were breathing in.



Those who remained in the drought regions were forced to endure severe dust storms and their health effects, diminished incomes, animal infestations, and the physical and emotional stress over their uncertain futures.


The Dust Bowl was the name given to the drought-stricken southern plains region of the United States, which suffered severe dust storms during a drought in the 1930s. As high winds and choking dust swept the region from Texas to Nebraska, people and livestock were killed and crops failed across the entire region


dust pneumonia

following the american civil war, northern cities saw an increase in population thanks in part to responses a the migration of former confederate soldiers.the migration of former confederate soldiers. b the movement of formerly enslaved people out of the south.the movement of formerly enslaved people out of the south. c soldiers returning home from europe.soldiers returning home from europe. d an increase in asian immigration.


Northern urban communities during the American Civil War saw a development in populace to some degree on the grounds that to responses. the departure of already slaves from the South. Along these lines, decision (B) is correct.

Abraham Lincoln's success in the 1860 U.S. official political decision, who went against the spread of bondage into the American Civil War , brought many years of political struggle about servitude to a pinnacle.

Following Lincoln's victory, the Alliance was laid out in February 1861 by the first seven slave states in the South that had withdrawn from the development Association.

Strongholds and other government property inside the Alliance's boundaries were taken. Under the bearing of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, the Alliance laid out power north of 11 of the then-existing 34 U.S. states and over 33% of the nation's populace.

Learn more about  American Civil War, from :



Explain the various causes and consequences of mass atrocities in the period from 1900 to the present.


Various causes and consequences of mass atrocities from 1900 to the present include factors such as political ideologies, economic disparities, and social tensions. These causes often lead to consequences like loss of life, forced migration, and long-lasting psychological impacts on survivors.

Political ideologies like fascism, communism, and nationalism have contributed to mass atrocities, including the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Rwandan Genocide. Economic disparities can also fuel mass atrocities, as competition for resources and wealth exacerbates tensions between different social or ethnic groups. Examples include the Cambodian Genocide under the Khmer Rouge and the Nigerian Civil War. Social tensions, such as religious or ethnic differences, can escalate into mass atrocities when discrimination and marginalization lead to violence. Instances of this include the Bosnian Genocide and the ongoing Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. Consequences of mass atrocities are widespread and long-lasting. They often result in significant loss of life, traumatizing survivors and destroying communities.

Learn more about atrocities here:



Analyze the political cartoon in a 4-5 sentence paragraph


The political cartoon shows a man standing on a pile of books and using a magnifying glass to burn them. The man is labeled as "censorship," and the books are labeled with the titles of famous works such as "Democracy," "History," and "Truth." The cartoon is a commentary on the dangers of censorship and the suppression of knowledge and information. By burning books, the man is attempting to control what people are allowed to know and think, which can lead to a loss of freedom and an inability to make informed decisions. The cartoon serves as a warning against censorship and the importance of preserving freedom of speech and access to information.

how did eisenhowers leadership compare with that of other general presidents? washington, jackson and grant


Eisenhower's leadership style was unique in comparison to the other general presidents like Washington, Jackson, and Grant.

While all four were successful military leaders, Eisenhower's leadership was characterized by his ability to bring people together and effectively communicate his vision. He was known for his strong organizational skills, strategic thinking, and ability to delegate tasks to others. Additionally, Eisenhower was highly regarded for his ability to maintain a calm and steady demeanor in the face of adversity. While Washington, Jackson, and Grant were also respected leaders, their leadership styles were more authoritarian and focused on personal authority rather than consensus-building. Overall, Eisenhower's approach to leadership set him apart as one of the most successful and effective presidents in US history.

To know more about Presidents refer :



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HELP!! THIS IS WORTH A 100 POINTSWhat religious group does this man belong to?ResponsesShintoismHinduismChristianityBuddhism Find the surface area of the figure How many times do the graphs of the equations y = 2x + 4 and y = x + 4 intersect? You may have seen ambulances on the street with the letters of the word AMBULANCE written on the front of them, in such a way as to appear correctly when viewed in your car's rear-view mirror. (See the figure.) How do the letters appear when you look directly at the ambulance (not through the mirror)? i'm about to dive in a freshwater lake. in using exactly the same equipment If you believe some circumstances call for stretching the truth or being deceptive because of the circumstances, you likely adhere to a(n) _____ ethical standard. With the attack on Pearl Harbor, a seriousconflictarose between the U.S. government and theJapanese Americans living in California.Government officials felt they had to weigh thecountry's wartime security against the civil andconstitutional rights of Japanese Americans inCalifornia. Louise's letter to Miss Breed showsher response to this conflict. What does Louise'sresponse say about the kind of person she is?Use specific details from the text to support yourresponse. a drug abuser was found unconscious after shooting up heroin 2 days prior. because of the pressure placed on the hip and arm, the client has developed rhabdomyolysis. the nurse knows this can: How can the wrong amino acid be added during translation? 28 g of nacl is dissolved in water to generate a 0.479 m solution. what is the volume of the solution, in liters? of all the people arriving in the new world from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, the africans were by far the most numerous, probably outnumbering europeans two to one. true or false if a faculty member becomes aware that their student is in an emotionally abusive relationship, who must they report this information to? Even if a harmful product cannot be traced back to a particular manufacturer, a plaintiff may still be able to recover in a products liability action under the market share theory.TRUE OR FALSE powell from pauls perspective, why is the gift of prophecy more important than speaking in tongues? Do you agree that the Cold War accelerated the civil rights movement in the United States? Please explain. please help meill give brainliest A Family That Plays Togetherby Tirzah TylerOn Friday morning, Sergio flung his backpack over his shoulder and sighed."It's just for fwo nights," he told his father"Mijo, we're a mariachi band. If you abandon us, we'll only have one guitar,"Mr. Rosales said with a frown and a gleam in his eye that made him look like aheartbroken puppySergio had never seen his father cry, but he wondered if maybe he wasabout to witness that phenomenon. Telling him about working at a shoe storeover the weekend with a friend was not going well "Dad, I'm going to makemore money than I would performing with the family." Sergio explained."But we always play togetherl And then we all split the profits Mr. Rosalesexclaimed. Now he looked like the Paricutin volcano about to erupt in a Mexicancomfield"Dad, it's going to be OK" Sergio said. "Ana knows the guitar parts to all thesongs just as well as I do if she just plays her guitar louder than usual, I thinkthe family will sound just fine"Mr. Rosales sighed and said calmly, "I can't make you perform with us." Thenhe added, "When you started spending so much time with Jeremy, I thoughtmaybe you just needed a friend. Now I'm beginning to think that you just don'twant us in your life anymore""Dad, I love you all," Sergio said. "I'm not trying to leave the family I'll just boaway for four hours tonight and six hours tomorrow night. The more I earn now,the less I need to earn later Comprendes, Papi?"Mr. Rosales gently stroked his chin in thought. He nodded and replied, "SI,Mijo, claro que si to say that he understood what Sergio was sayingAfter school, Sergio rode the city bus with his friend Jeremy to SpeedawayAthletic Shoes. Their plan was to do inventory, they were going to make a list ofthe store's supplies After the boys arrived at the store, Sergio unzipped hisbackpack and took out his calculator and pencil Jeremy turned on the TV in thestore's break room and tuned in to his favorite showit's OK if we goof off," Jeremy said. "Speedaway will pay us for four hours ofwork, but our job will only take us about two hours. We can do whatever wewant while we're here. The manager told me soSergio groaned at the thought of being dishonest. He thought about hisfamily playing his favorite mariachi songs without him Then he decided thatearning less money with his family was better than earning more money with afriendAs politely as he could, Sergio said goodbye to Jeremy and caught the nextbus home. After he arrived, he threw his backpack onto his bed, changed intohis uniform, and fished his guitar out of his closet. Then he half-walked, half-ranthe eight blocks to the restaurant where his family was performing8 of 10 Answered9Which word best describes Sergio's character?OA. keOB. greedyOC. confusedOD. honorableSession Timer: 14:06ResetSubmitSession Score: 63% (5/8) a group of people who dance, sing, and comment on the actions of the play 8. In cocker spaniels, the following genotypes and phenotypes are found:AABB = white, A_bb = red, aabb = lemon, AaB_ = black, aaB_ = liver, AABb = greya. A red female is mated with a liver-colored male, and one of the pups produced is lemon-colored.What are the genotypes of the parents?b. What proportion of these offspring would be expected to be black?c. A black male is mated with a liver-colored female, and they produce the following pups:3/8 black1/8 red3/8 liver-colored1/8 lemon-coloredWhat are the genotypes of the two parents?d. If two cocker spaniels of the genotypes AaBb x AABb are mated, and eight pups are born, what is themost likely distribution of coat colors in that litter? (T/F) The minimum efficient scale is the lowest scale of output at which long-run average total cost is as low as possible.