I like details that you find in the problem. What is the problem?


Answer 1

The problem is not specified. However, when it comes to details, it is important to make sure that all relevant information is included and that the facts are accurate.

Additionally, it is important to consider any possible solutions and to think about the best way to approach the problem. Reading reports, checking up on earlier research, and speaking with others who work in the industry or organisation in question can all help you find an issue if you are conducting practical research. You could search for: problems with an organization's effectiveness or performance. Institutional processes that could be enhanced. A research challenge is a particular issue or knowledge gap that you want to fill with your research. You can decide whether to look for theoretical difficulties that will advance knowledge or practical ones that will promote change. 

To know more about knowledge refer :



Related Questions

Choose at least three quality sources what did you learn about the condition you chose from these sources ? After answering this question list the sources you consulted


From these sources, I learned that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the central nervous system.

When conducting research on the condition of depression, it is important to ensure that the sources consulted are reliable and from credible sources. Looking for evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals is a good starting point.

Multiple Sclerosis can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including extreme fatigue, vision problems, muscle weakness, difficulty with coordination and balance, and problems with memory and concentration. Treatment for MS usually involves a combination of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.


1. Multiple Sclerosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment. (2020). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/multiple-sclerosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20350269

2. Multiple Sclerosis (MS). (2020). National Multiple Sclerosis Society. https://www.nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS

3. Multiple Sclerosis. (2020). MedlinePlus. https://medlineplus.gov/multiplesclerosis.html

To learn more about Multiple Sclerosis link is here



The complete question is:

Engage in research to better understand the condition you selected. Consult these resources about conducting effective research:

Starting Research

Evaluating Sources

Evaluating as You Read

Choose at least three quality sources. What did you learn about the condition you chose from these sources? After answering this question, list the sources you consulted.

How effective is the song Vietnam by Jimmy Cliff as a social protest?


Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff is a timeless classic that effectively serves as a social protest song against war. The song's lyrics offer a poignant commentary on the Vietnam War and its impact on both soldiers and civilians.

With its haunting melody and powerful lyrics, "Vietnam" has become a rallying cry for those who seek to challenge the status quo and question the morality of war. It calls on people to think critically about the decisions made by those in power and to demand accountability from those who wage war in the name of patriotism or national security.

What makes the song so effective as a social protest anthem is its universality. Even though it was written about a specific war, its message is timeless and relevant to any conflict where innocent lives are lost and families are torn apart. The song's raw emotion and powerful message continue to inspire and galvanize people around the world to stand up against injustice and to fight for peace and human dignity.

To know more about ‘Vietnam’ song by Jimmy Cliff,


What is the plot of the wedding date book by Jasmine Guillory?




The wedding of her younger sister (Amy Adams) is fast approaching, and Kat Ellis (Debra Messing) faces the undesirable prospect of traveling alone to London for the ceremony. While this is bad enough, Jeffrey (Jeremy Sheffield), the man who left her as they moved closer to marriage, happens to be the groom's best man. Determined to show everyone -- most of all Jeffrey -- that her romantic life is as full and thrilling as ever, Kat hires a charming male escort (Dermot Mulroney) as her date.

One of the words Rosalie uses in sentence 10 is inappropriate. What

is the BEST change for her to make in this sentence?


Answer: Change "playing" to "recording"

Explanation: It fits the situation much better .

A valid generalization can be supported by facts where as a faulty generalization cannot. True or False


True  - A valid generalization can be supported by facts whereas a faulty generalization cannot.

A valid generalization is an inference based on facts and evidence and is used to make a general statement about a group or category of people, things, or events.

It is backed up by a selection of gathered, examined, and evaluated facts. A true generalization can serve to explain why certain tendencies exist in the world and can lead to the formation of ideas and hypotheses.

A faculty generalization, on the other hand, is one that is not backed up by facts and evidence. It is predicated on false beliefs or preconceptions.

False stereotypes and beliefs can be sustained as a result of flawed generalizations, which can also lead to wrong conclusions.

In order to ensure that sound conclusions are drawn, it is crucial to understand the difference between a legitimate generalization and one that is flawed.

To know more about generalization,



Read the quotation from "A Hymn to the Evening".
"So may our breasts with ev'ry virtue glow,
The living temples of our God below!"
How does the couplet form support the meaning of the lines?
O by completing the speaker's thought
O by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and God
O by describing how God's actions created temples of worship
O by expressing the speaker's sarcasm


By completing the speaker’s thought

The couplet form in this case supports the meaning of the lines by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and God. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is  a couplet?

A couplet is a pair of lines of poetry that usually rhyme and share a similar rhythm. They often contain a complete thought or idea. Couplets can be used in many different poetic forms, such as sonnets, ballads, and epics. They can also be used on their own as a simple form of poetry.

In many cases, couplets are used to create a sense of closure or resolution in a poem. Because couplets are often used to express concise and complete ideas, they are a common feature of memorable quotes and aphorisms.

The couplet uses parallel structure to equate "our breasts" with "the living temples of our God below," suggesting that the speaker sees their own body as a sacred space where God resides. The couplet also uses rhyming to reinforce this connection and add a sense of harmony to the lines.

Learn more about couplet, here:



How do different characters react to The call of the Wild's harsh setting?


"The Call of the Wild" by Jack London is a novel that features a diverse set of characters with varying reactions to the harsh setting of the Klondike during the Gold Rush.

Here are some of the characters and their reactions to the setting:

Buck - Buck is the protagonist of the novel, and he is a domesticated dog who is forced to adapt to the wild setting. At first, Buck is hesitant and confused, but he quickly learns to survive and thrive in the wild.John Thornton - John Thornton is Buck's final owner in the novel, and he is a seasoned outdoorsman who is comfortable in the harsh setting. He has a deep respect for the wilderness and the animals that live in it.Spitz - Spitz is Buck's arch-rival in the novel, and he is a cunning and ruthless sledge dog. Spitz is well adapted to the harsh setting and uses his skills to dominate the other dogs.Hal, Charles, and Mercedes - Hal, Charles, and Mercedes are inexperienced and ill-equipped city folk who attempt to travel to the goldfields with their sledge dogs. They are completely unprepared for the harsh setting and struggle to survive.

Overall, the different characters in "The Call of the Wild" react to the harsh setting in different ways depending on their backgrounds, experiences, and personalities. While some characters thrive in the wilderness, others struggle to adapt and survive.

To learn more about The Call of the Wild, refer:-



Read the following excerpt from a procedural document: Hi Mike, I saw this website on biking a century - 100 miles in one day! I know it sounds hard, but ever since we ran that marathon, I've been wanting to tackle another challenge. Want to try it with me? Julia Who is most likely the audience of the document? OA. A friend of the writer OB. A teenager OC. A middle-aged adult D. An experienced bicyclist​


The most likely audience of the procedural document is a friend of the writer. Therefore, the correct option is A.

An excerpt from a procedural document is a small part of a larger document that explains or provides guidelines for a process or procedure. A procedural document's primary objective is to provide clear, concise, and easy-to-follow instructions on how to complete a task or procedure in a systematic manner.

The text above is most likely not part of a procedural document because it doesn't explain a process or procedure or provide instructions for completing a task. Instead, it appears to be a casual message from Julia to her friend Mike, inviting him to join her in a challenge of biking a century (100 miles in one day) after running a marathon.

Therefore, the most likely audience of the document is a friend of the writer. Hence, correct answer is A.

Learn more about Audience:



Hamlet searches continuously for the answer to the question of whether or not he should avenge his

father's death. His concern with right and wrong in religious, moral, and political terms causes him much inner



The title character in William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" must make the tough choice of whether or not to exact revenge on his father.

Throughout the play, Hamlet experiences intense inner turmoil as a result of his in-depth reflection on what is right and wrong from a religious and moral stance as well as from a political standpoint. Hamlet struggles with the moral propriety of taking retribution while still wanting to uphold his father's memory and seek justice for his passing. He struggles with issues like the legitimacy of governmental power, the afterlife, and the place of the divine in human affairs. He frequently uses soliloquies to convey his ideas and emotions to the audience, sharing his deepest uncertainties and anxieties.

Hamlet's mental state deteriorates and he eventually goes insane as he wrestles with these serious challenges. His inability to decide what to do clearly has disastrous results for both him and everyone around him.

Learn more about Hamlet



What are the flaws in the characters of Romeo and Juliet up to this point in the play? How have those flaws contributed to their decisions and relationships throughout the play?


The two central figures in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" are Romeo and Juliet. Many character defects in both characters have influenced their choices and interactions throughout the play.

Romeo and Juliet's flaws are what drive the play's tragic events. Their impulsive behavior, stubbornness, inexperience, and blind love contribute to their decisions and relationships throughout the play, leading to their tragic fate.

What are the three main themes in Romeo and Juliet?

All three themes are interlinked. Whereas, Shakespeare wanted to elaborate on how love, conflict, and family connected with each other.

What is the message of Romeo and Juliet

It is an allegory about the dangers of making big-big decisions based on emotions alone.

Learn more about conflict here:



the prince of cumberland! that is a step on which i must fall down, or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies. stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. the eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done to see


The Prince of Cumberland is a reference to Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare.

In Act I Scene IV, Hamlet is struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to take revenge against his uncle, Claudius, for killing his father and marrying his mother.

He muses that "The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/ On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap..." In this line, he is referring to his choice between inaction and revenge, neither of which can be accomplished without some cost or risk.

He continues that the stars should "hide their fires," meaning he wishes to hide his desires for revenge, as he is afraid of the consequences of his actions. He then says "the eye wink at the hand," suggesting he does not want to acknowledge the evil of his own deeds.

Finally, he concludes with "Yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see," showing his acceptance of the consequences of his choice.

To know more about William Shakespeare click on below link:



Which choice defines the speaker of a poem?
A. The author that writes the poem
B. The voice that narrates the poem
C. The subject that the poem is about
D. The emotion that the poem expresses






Which choice defines the speaker of a poem?

A. The author that writes the poem

B. The voice that narrates the poem

C. The subject that the poem is about

D. The emotion that the poem expresses

I believe it's that one, but tell me if I'm wrong.


You're welcome.

A dialogue between car and motorcycle in english for grade 8​


Car: Hello, Motorcycle! How are you today?

Motorcycle: Hi, Car! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you?

Car: I'm doing well too. I wanted to ask you something. Do you have any tips for staying safe on the road?

Motorcycle: Of course, safety is always our top priority. Here are some tips that I follow: always wear a helmet, wear protective gear like gloves and boots, and always be aware of your surroundings.

Car: Those are great tips. I also try to stay alert when driving and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

Motorcycle: Yes, that's important too. We have to remember that we share the road with other drivers, so it's important to stay visible and signal our intentions when turning or changing lanes.

Car: Absolutely, communication is key. We should also be respectful and courteous to other drivers on the road.

Motorcycle: Yes, it's important to remember that we are all in this together. By being safe and responsible drivers, we can make the roads a safer place for everyone.

Car: I completely agree. Thanks for the tips, Motorcycle. Let's both stay safe out there on the road.

Motorcycle: Sounds good to me, Car. Safe travels!

1. Summarize the reason Wes Moore wrote this book.
2. What elements of a Memoir do you expect to see? Be specific.
3. How might this book help answer one of the essential questions?
4. What does the author mean when he says "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his."?
5. Read the poem below and explain the thematic connection between the introduction and the poem.
Use text evidence to support your answer.


The above prompt is a literary analysis of Wes Moore's book. See the response below.

What is the explanation for the above response?

1. Wes Moore wrote this book to explore the factors and decisions that led to two men with similar backgrounds and circumstances taking different paths in life. He also wrote the book to examine the impact of community, family, education, and opportunity on an individual's choices and outcomes.

2. In a memoir, readers expect to see the author's personal experiences and reflections, as well as their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to events. The memoir should also contain a clear narrative structure and pacing, as well as a central theme or message that the author is trying to convey.

3. This book might help answer the essential question of how different factors, such as family, community, education, and opportunity, impact an individual's life choices and outcomes. It also explores the theme of personal responsibility and how individuals can take control of their lives despite their circumstances.

4. When the author says "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his," he is expressing the idea that the differences in their lives were not predetermined by their circumstances, but rather the result of choices they made. He recognizes that the same circumstances that led one of them to success could have led to the other's downfall, and vice versa. This statement emphasizes the idea that individuals have agency and can make choices that shape their lives.

Learn more about literary analysis at:



Consider how poe uses fiction to bring the powerful emotion of fear to life. According to Poe, is stress more harmful or beneficial?


Edgar Allan Poe created a new literary genre when he wrote “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.” Although mysteries had been no longer a new literary form, Poe used to be the first to introduce a personality that solved the mystery with the aid of analyzing the data of the case.

How did Poe have an effect on science fiction?

Image result

Despite his ambivalence toward science, Poe's experimentation with the themes of man's relationship to the universe actually mounted him as one of the earliest science fiction writers. Later, well-known science fiction writers such as Jules Verne, Arthur C. Clarke, and Isaac Asimov explored these identical themes.

What type of brief fiction did Poe create?

In addition to his reputation as a poet, his originality in his literary criticisms, and the perfection he performed in creating gothic tales of terror and science fiction, he is also mentioned as the originator of detective fiction.

Learn more about fiction here;



The siblings felt uncomfortable while recalling how their parents had grim grotto

This is from grim grotto pls helpppppp!!!!!


The siblings felt uncomfortable while recalling their parents had Grim Grotto because they were struggling for survival and keep each other safe in the tale.

The Baudelaire's objectives are to live, to protect one another, to learn the truth about VFD, to thwart Count Olaf, and to be honorable. As their goal to be noble clashes with other desires, the Baudelaire become increasingly complicated. One of the most difficult choices they face is when their desire to avoid death and protect one another clashes with their ambition to stop Count Olaf.

The Grim Grotto, the eleventh book in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. The narrative centers on the Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire siblings as they look for the elusive sugar bowl but instead come across a lethal poisonous mushroom.

The Baudelaire's team up with the Queequeg to locate the Sugar Bowl before Count Olaf does, and they eventually pinpoint its location as the Gorgonian Grotto, an underwater cavern that is home to a deadly parasitic species of fungus.

To know more about the tale, refer:



Dwight Schrute's CD is played by me whenever I have friends over.


Answer: Yes!


Yes, I can understand why you would want to play Dwight Schrute's CD when you have friends over. It is a great way to show your appreciation for the character and to have some fun with your friends. Dwight's CD contains some of his most memorable quotes and phrases, which can certainly add a unique and humorous element to your gathering. It's also a great way to learn more about Dwight and the show, as you can listen to his different songs and get an insight into some of his thoughts and ideas.

What is the authors main claim in the text ''someone might be watching'' by shelby ostergaard


In the text "Someone Might Be Watching" by Shelby Ostergaard, the author's main claim is that our constant use of technology and social media platforms has created a sense of paranoia in people.

Due to the potential for being constantly monitored and tracked. Ostergaard argues that people have become more aware of the dangers of cyberstalking and online privacy invasion, but still struggle to find a balance between their reliance on technology and their desire for privacy. She suggests that individuals should take measures to protect their personal information and be mindful of the ways in which technology can be used to monitor their activities, but also acknowledges that complete privacy in the digital age may be impossible.

For such more question on Shelby Ostergaard



Use an eating or drinking verb in a sentence which express anger about a parking ticket. Do not use the verb to literally express eating or drinking. Instead, express your anger through the verb. Use Brown’s sentence as a model


answer-Is this man mad I've been swallowing people all day and now this happens! Great lord!  

What are the two steps we can improve our thinking in an organized and systematic way by following what steps?


The two steps to improve our thinking in an organized and systematic way are:

Breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable partsApplying logical and critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate each part

These steps help us to understand complex ideas better and make better decisions based on sound reasoning. By breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable parts, we can identify and analyze the key elements of the idea. This can help us to see how the different parts are interconnected and how they contribute to the overall idea.

By applying logical and critical thinking skills, we can evaluate each part and determine whether it is accurate, relevant, and useful. This helps us to form a clear and coherent understanding of the complex idea and make informed decisions based on sound reasoning.

Overall, breaking down complex ideas and applying logical and critical thinking skills are essential for improving our thinking in an organized and systematic way. These steps can help us to understand complex ideas better, make better decisions, and solve problems more effectively.

To know more about the Systematic way, here




How do the details from the Wilbur and Orville Look to the Skies section develop a main idea of the text?


A: They show that Orville Wright is the engineer in the family and Wilbur is the pilot.

B: The details explain why Milton Wright oversees the flight tests that his sons perform.

C: They describe how the Wrights copy the work of other scientists to make their plane work.

D: The details state that the Wrights are the first to achieve flight in a powered airplane.

Part B

Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?


A: “By the fourth flight, Wilbur managed to keep the Wright Flyer in the air for 59 seconds and made a trip of 852 feet. This had never been done before!”

B: “They read everything they could find to learn from others who were doing the same kind of work.”

C: “The brothers had been sending telegrams to their father detailing their progress.”

D: “Wilbur was the test pilot of the Wright Flyer, which only stayed in the air for 3½ seconds before it crashed. This didn’t stop them!”


The first true motor-powered aircraft is created by the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers and five neighborhood seamen collaborate to test the aircraft.

What ultimately enabled Orville and Wilbur to build a successful plane?

In an effort to develop wings that could support flight, Wilbur and Orville got to work. They studied how birds angled their wings for stability and control and attempted to imitate this, creating the idea of "wing warping."

What inspired the Wright Brothers to create the airplane?

Since early boyhood, the brothers had intermittently experimented with the idea of flight. They were young men with a mechanical bent who took motivation from others' endeavors. Father of the Wright brothers, Milton, brought home a rubber band-powered toy helicopter in 1878.

To know more about Wright visit:-



If Grandpa
(not know)
whats the rusult from it?


If Grandpa does not know, it indicates that he does not know enough about a particular subject or circumstance. This may result in confusion, uncertainty, or the requirement to seek out additional information in order to make informed decisions or judgments, depending on the context.

What is meant by Judgments?

Judgments are opinions or evaluations formed after careful consideration and analysis of a situation, person, or thing. They are based on individual or collective values, beliefs, and experiences and can be positive, negative, or neutral. Judgments can be influenced by various factors such as personal biases, cultural norms, and social context. They can be helpful in making decisions and navigating the world around us, but they can also be harmful if based on unfair or discriminatory practices.

To know more about Judgments, visit:



Write a fictional text in which a person is exposed to rumor spreading in social media.

450+ words



Emma had always enjoyed scrolling through her social media feeds, checking out what her friends were up to, and staying up to date with the latest news and trends. However, one day, she stumbled upon a post that caught her attention. It was a rumor about one of her classmates, Sara, who was rumored to have cheated on her final exams.

Emma felt a knot form in her stomach as she read through the comments, each one more vicious and cruel than the last. Some people were even sharing screenshots of Sara's supposed "confession," which had apparently been circulating on social media for days.

Emma knew Sara well, and she couldn't believe that she would cheat on her exams. She wanted to speak up and defend her friend, but she was afraid of becoming a target of the rumors herself.

The more Emma scrolled through her feed, the more she realized how quickly and easily rumors could spread on social media. It seemed like everyone was sharing and commenting on the post, and no one was bothering to fact-check or verify the information.

Emma couldn't stop thinking about Sara and the unfair treatment she was receiving. She knew she had to do something to help, but she didn't know where to start. She decided to reach out to Sara privately and offer her support.

To Emma's relief, Sara appreciated her kindness and explained that the rumors were completely untrue. She had been struggling with some personal issues, and someone had taken advantage of that vulnerability to spread lies about her.

Together, Emma and Sara decided to take action. They contacted the school administration and reported the rumor, providing evidence that it was false. The administration took the matter seriously and launched an investigation, which eventually cleared Sara's name.

Emma learned a valuable lesson about the power of social media and the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it's difficult. She realized that rumors can cause real harm and that it's up to each of us to be responsible users of social media and to fight against false information.


What is the error in this question
To be honest, thats super wierd


The word "strange" has been spelled incorrectly in the question. The term should be spelled "strange," not "wierd," as it is incorrectly spelled.

The term "to be honest" is frequently used to signal that the speaker is ready to share their true views or opinions regarding a subject. It is frequently employed to convey an air of openness and honesty before making a comment that could be delicate or contentious.

Using the word "super odd" to characterize anything strange, unusual, or surprising. When something doesn't match up with one's expectations or prior experiences, it can be used to indicate surprise or uncertainty. In order to underline the degree of oddity being portrayed, the word "super" is employed here as an intensifier.

Learn more about  "strange,"



At the beginning of the story, the SETTING of the story is:
a) Vietnam in the 1960s
b) The United States in the 1980s
c) Vietnam in 1998
d) The United States in present day



write three compound sentences using the conjunctions and but so

One should not entertain a fool essay



"One should not entertain a fool" is a proverb that has been around for centuries, and its meaning is still relevant today. Essentially, it means that one should not engage with someone who is foolish, as it is a waste of time and can even be detrimental.

Fools are people who lack wisdom, judgement, and common sense. They often make irrational decisions and say things that are foolish or even harmful. Engaging with a fool can be frustrating and can lead to unnecessary arguments and conflict. It can also be exhausting and can take up valuable time and energy.

One of the reasons why we should not entertain a fool is that doing so can be counterproductive. A fool is unlikely to listen to reason or be open to new ideas. Instead, they are more likely to cling to their own flawed beliefs and opinions, no matter how irrational they may be. Engaging with a fool can thus be a futile exercise, as it is unlikely to lead to any productive outcome.

Another reason why we should not entertain a fool is that doing so can be harmful. Fools can be dangerous, especially if they are in positions of power or influence. Engaging with a fool can give them a platform to spread their foolish ideas, which can have serious consequences. By not entertaining a fool, we are not giving them the attention or validation they crave, and we are not giving them a platform to spread their harmful ideas.

In conclusion, the proverb "one should not entertain a fool" is a reminder that we should not waste our time and energy engaging with people who lack wisdom, judgement, and common sense. By not entertaining fools, we can avoid unnecessary conflict and frustration, and we can prevent them from spreading their foolish ideas. It is a lesson that is as relevant today as it was centuries ago.


what do you think woud have happened if griffin was caught by jappers and the latter hadnt become unconsious



he probably would get killed

Newton Minow's Speech to National Association of
speech by Newton Minow
1 Newton Minow (1926-) was appointed by President John Kennedy as
chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, the agency
responsible for regulating the use of the public airwaves. On May 9, 1961, he
spoke to 2,000 members of the National Association of Broadcasters and told
them that the daily fare on television was "a vast wasteland." Minow's
indictment of commercial television launched a national debate about the
quality of programming. After Minow's speech, the television critic for The
New York Times wrote: "Tonight some broadcasters were trying to find dark
explanations for Mr. Minow's attitude. In this matter the viewer possibly can
be a little helpful; Mr. Minow has been watching television."
2 Ours has been called the jet age, the atomic age, the space age. It is also, I
ubmit the balay
na And just as history will decide whether the laadare
Which statement offers the BEST counter-argument to the experiment
described in sections 5-67
4x A
4x B
4x D
The quality of programming on TV a controlled by the
viewers: programmers put on shows that draw the largest
You have not specified which channels the person trying
this is supposed to watch,
It is unrealistic to expect someone to watch television
programming all day long.
There are good and bad shows just as there are good and
bad books: it is up to the viewer to turn off bad shows.


On May 9, 1961, Minow attended the National Association of Broadcasters meeting. It was Minow's first significant address following his appointment as FCC chairman by then-President John F. Kennedy.

Newton N. Minow, who is he?

Newton American attorney and former Head of the Federal Communications Commission Norman Minow was born on January 17, 1926. He is noted for his speech referring to television as a "vast wasteland".

Before Newton, who made physics?

Galileo Galilei is credited with creating modern physics. We would need to take a huge leap of faith to suspend our knowledge of even the most basic physics concepts in order to evaluate such a claim.

To know more about National Association visit:-



Read paragraphs 6 and 7. [6] In one year, a mature live tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide. [7] So, whether the tree is still growing or used to make a wood product, carbon is sequestered until the tree or wood experiences another physical event-like fire or decomposition that releases its carbon. What is the meaning of the word sequestered as it is used in the excerpt? ○ A. disguised O B. captured O c. abandoned O D. withdrawn​


The meaning of the word "sequestered" as used in the excerpt is "captured".

What is the meaning of the word?

The sentence is describing how trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass, preventing it from being released into the air.

The word "sequestered" means to remove or separate something and keep it in a safe or isolated place. In this case, the carbon dioxide is being captured and stored by the tree, which is sequestering it.

Learn more about meaning on




B. Captured

Hope this helps!


What does the narrator first think of the yellow wallpaper?

A. It is extremely ugly.

B. It livens up the room.

C. It is the worst thing that has ever happened to her.

D. It is hauntingly beautiful



What does the narrator first think of the yellow wallpaper?

A. It is extremely ugly.

B. It livens up the room.

C. It is the worst thing that has ever happened to her.

D. It is hauntingly beautiful


You're welcome.

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work out the help of the f/f data of company balabce sheet.inventary turnover -6,capitalturnover 9costof good sold)-2,fixed assets turnover (cost of good sold)-4,gross profit-20%,recievables collection period-2 month,account payble payement period-73 days, gross profit 60000 ,the closing stock was 5000 inexcess of the opening stock What is the story in the opera, "La Forza del Destino" about?A. A storm at seaB. Grief and revengeC. A love affair I need help this question is so confusing! Evaluate the role of cultural,technical and aesthetic influences on utilitarian objects Please help super confused Study question on my natural selection study! A woman wants to measure the height of a nearby tower. She places a 7 ft pole in the shadow of the tower so that the shadow of the pole is exactly covered bythe shadow of the tower. The total length of the tower's shadow is 188 ft, and the pole casts a shadow that is 3.75 ft long. How tall is the tower? Round youranswer to the nearest foot. (The figure is not drawn to scale.)SunTowerPoleShadow of pole"Shadow of towerftX Write a decimal and a fraction for the shaded part of the diagram. In a box of 7 different banknotes 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars. You pick at random 2 notes from this box. Let X is the larger number in these two notes, and Y be the smaller one.(a) Find the distributions of X, Y and their joint distribution.(b) Find the distribution of Z=X-Y.(c) Compute E(X), Var(X), E(Z) and Var(Z). Which algebraic expression is equivalent to -2(4x - 5y - 5x)? Describe one specific change you would suggest for the Wells Fargo pay plan in one paragraph. E.x. add a different performance outcome or get more specific on how one of their new performance outcomes could be enacted or consider how to improve internal whistleblowing. Also explain how your change will help assure the performance outcome actually desired in another paragraph. 6. The payback period The payback method helps firms establish and identify a maximum acceptable payback period that helps in their capital budgeting decisions. Consider the case of Cold Goose Metal Works Inc.: Cold Goose Metal Works Inc. is a small firm, and several of its managers are worried about how soon the firm will be able to recover its initial investment from Project Beta's expected future cash flows. To answer this question, Cold Goose's CFO has asked that you compute the project's payback period using the following expected net cash flows and assuming that the cash flows are received evenly throughout each year. Complete the following table and compute the project's conventional payback period. For full credit, complete the entire table. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0 Expected cash flow $1,600,000 $3,400,000 $1,400,000 000,000 Cumulative cash flow Conventional payback period find the lateral surface area of a square 14 mm 13mm 6 mm The following system of equations are given: 3x+z+y=85y-x=-73z+2x-2y=154x+5y-2z=-3a. Is it possible to solve for any of the variables using only Equation #1 and Equation #2? Explain your answer. If possible, solve for the variables using only equations #1 and #2.b. Is it possible to solve for any of the variables using only Equation #1, Equation #2, and Equation #3? Explain your answer. If possible, solve for the variables using only equations #1, #2, and #3.c. If you found solutions in part b, do these solutions also hold for Equation #4? A companys employees are 40% male and 60% female. Of the male employees, 15% of them have advanced degrees and 20% of the female employees have advanced degrees. Part ALet c represent the total number of employees in the company. Which expression represents the number of employees in the company who have advanced degrees?Responses0.15c+0.20c 0 point 1 5 c plus 0 point 2 0 c0.40c(0.15)+0.60c(0.20) 0 point 4 0 c 0 point 1 5 plus 0 point 6 0 c 0 point 2 0(0.40c0.15)+(0.60c0.20) open paren 0 point 4 0 c minus 0 point 1 5 close paren plus open paren 0 point 6 0 c minus 0 point 2 0 close paren(0.40+0.15)c+(0.60+0.20)c open paren 0 point 4 0 plus 0 point 1 5 close paren times c plus open paren 0 point 6 0 plus 0 point 2 0 close paren times cQuestion 2Part BWhat percent of the company has advanced degrees? can you help me?3 2/5+ _____= 4? Drug with similar effect to longmasterol? Classify weathering by lichens growing on rocks.mechanicalchemicalmechanical biologicalchemical biological ileostomy in the first two months? a. eat a low residue diet, with additional water b. avoid foods that produce gas, odor or diarrhea c. eat a low protein, high carbohydrate diet and. eat a high fiber, high protein, low salt diet Clarifying Big Ideas: Continuity and ChangeQuestion8 of 23To see what continuity and change mean in your own life, make a personal timeline. First, show 5-6 specific eventsin your life that represent a big change, such as first day of school, first bicycle, first job, birthdays, etc. Arrangeevents on your timeline like this:2009 First day of school2010 First bicycle& Save & ExtNow, think about whether there were any events or situations that happened during some or all of these events atthe same time. These events or situations should show some continuity in your life. Show these concurrent eventson your timeline like this:2009 First day of school2010 First bicycle2008 Moved to Chicago2014 Moved to Los AngelesThis second set of events continued through and beyond the ones on the top line, and therefore show continuity. Space used (includes formatting: 0/15000ReflectNow you have a continuity and change timeline! Which years show continuity? Which ones show change? Type youranswer in the box