I need an answer as soon as possible, please ^^"
Describe the historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2

Analyze Document 2 and explain how audience, purpose, bias, or point of view affects this document’s use as a reliable source of evidence

I Need An Answer As Soon As Possible, Please ^^"Describe The Historical Context Surrounding Documents
I Need An Answer As Soon As Possible, Please ^^"Describe The Historical Context Surrounding Documents


Answer 1

The historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2 is the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the United States in the 19th century, also known as the Indian Removal Era. Document 1, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Andrew Jackson.

This law authorized the president to negotiate treaties with Native American tribes in the southeastern United States to exchange their lands for territory west of the Mississippi River. Document 2 is an excerpt from a speech by Major Ridge, a Cherokee leader, given to his fellow Cherokees in support of the 1835 Treaty of New Echota. This treaty, which was negotiated by Major Ridge and his son John, would have ceded traditional Cherokee lands in the Southeast to the U.S. Government and resulted in the forced removal of the Cherokee people.

Document 2 is a primary source and is valuable in understanding the perspective of the Cherokees during this period of history. However, the document is also subject to bias and point of view. Major Ridge was a leader among the Cherokees, but his perspective and opinions did not necessarily reflect those of the entire tribe. He and his son John negotiated the Treaty of New Echota without the support of most of the Cherokee people, so the document can be seen as representing a minority point of view.

What is the Document 2 about?

The document reflects the pressure and coercion that the Cherokee people were facing from the U.S. Government at the time. The document also reveals that Major Ridge was aware of the difficult situation that the Cherokees were in, and the audience of the speech were his fellow Cherokees, and the purpose of the speech was to convince them to sign the treaty.

In conclusion, Document 2 is a valuable primary source for understanding the perspective of a minority of the Cherokee people during the Indian Removal Era. However, it is important to consider the bias and point of view of the author and the context in which it was written when evaluating its reliability as a source of evidence.

Learn more about  exchange of lands from


See transcribed text below

Document 1

An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished [ended], as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other....

Source: Excerpt from the Indian Removal Act of 1830, passed by

Congress and signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28.


Document 2

This excerpt is from a speech by Major Ridge to his fellow Cherokees in support of the 1835 Treaty of New Echota. Major Ridge and his son John were Cherokee leaders who negotiated the Treaty of New Echota with the U.S. Government to leave traditional Cherokee lands in the Southeast without the support of most Cherokee people.

I am one of the native sons of these wild woods. I have hunted the deer and turkey here, more than fifty years. I have fought your battles, have defended your truth and honesty, and fair trading. The Georgians have shown a grasping spirit lately; they have extended their laws, to which we are unaccustomed, which harass our braves and make the children suffer and cry. I know the Indians have an older title than theirs. We obtained the land from the living God above. They got their title from the British. Yet they are strong and we are weak. We are few, they are many. We cannot remain here in safety and comfort. I know we love the graves of our fathers. We can never forget these homes, but an unbending, iron necessity tells us we must leave them. I would willingly die to preserve them, but any forcible effort to keep them will cost us our lands, our lives and the lives of our children. There is but one path of safety, one road to future existence as a

Nation. That path is open before you. Make a treaty of cession. Give up these lands and go over beyond the great Father of Waters.

Source: Quoted in John Ehle, Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, (New York: Doubleday, 1988).

Describe the historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2

Analyze Document 2 and explain how audience, purpose, bias, or point of view affects this document’s use as a reliable source of evidence

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Learn more about World War II here:



Answer: The screenshot below



Which one? Ignore the one i picked :)


One thing that Tecumesh wanted for the Native Americans was B. To unify all Native Americans and force the United States to negotiate with all Native American tribes over land and treaty issues.

What goal did Tecumseh have for Native American unity ?

Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief and warrior, established a confederacy of Native Americans in an endeavor to establish an independent Indian state and halt the immigration of white people in the Northwest Territory (modern-day Great Lakes region).

Tecumseh sought to unite the Native Americans and compel the United States to engage in treaty and land-related negotiations with all Native American tribes.

Tecumseh sought to compel the Americans to deal with each tribe separately. The individual tribes did not have a lot of influence on their own. Tecumseh believed that by working together, they would significantly hinder white expansion.

Find out more on Tecumseh at https://brainly.com/question/14509741


Which reason was NOT one used to argue
for the ratification of the new Constitution?
a. It solved existing problems under the
B.A president would become a king.
C.Congress addressed the needs both
large and small states.
D.Congress needed the power to tax.





The federal government's failure to quell Shay's Rebellion revealed the weaknesses of the Article's of Confederation. The Constitution set up a stronger system that would address these problems, such as the governments inability to tax which had proved problematic. It also addressed the needs of both large and small states through the Great Compromise, which set up a bicameral legislature that gave equal representation in one house and representation based on population size in the other. After dealing with the king of Great Britain, the Founding Fathers were very much against having another king, for fear of a similar tyrannical situation.

How was the National Park System (National Conservation) formed?



Specifically, the Act declares that the National Park Service has a dual mission, both to conserve park resources and provide for their use and enjoyment


It was established in 1916 by an act of the U.S. Congress that was signed into law by U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson. The law stipulated that the new service was to “conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and… leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”

I hope this helps and have a wonderful day!

How did Radical Republicans respond to Black Codes passed by Southern
state legislatures after the Civil War?
A. By blocking those states from rejoining the Union
B. By making significant changes to their Reconstruction plan
OC. By revoking compensation granted to slaveholders
D. By sending more Union troops to those states


Radical Republicans respond to Black Codes passed by Southern

state legislatures after the Civil War By making significant changes to their Reconstruction plan.

What is Black Codes?

Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states in the United States after the Civil War to restrict the civil rights and labor rights of African Americans. These laws imposed severe restrictions on African Americans, including restrictions on their right to vote, own land, or enter certain types of jobs. They also put in place a system of racial segregation, which was enforced by both the legal system and by terror tactics like lynching.

The Radical Republicans were strongly opposed to the Black Codes, which limited the rights of freed African Americans and restricted their ability to work and travel freely. In response, they amended their Reconstruction plan to include more stringent requirements for states wishing to rejoin the Union, including fair treatment of African Americans.

Therefore, By making significant changes to their Reconstruction plan is the correct answer.

To learn more about Black Codes from the link



Answer:Its A


Illinois counties not enforcing assault weapons ban. True or False ?


The given statement, "Illinois counties not enforcing assault weapons ban." is true because a county judge granted a temporary restraining order on the ban.

In Illinois, many counties are not currently enforcing the assault weapons ban after a county judge granted a temporary restraining order on the ban. This has been a controversial decision, as the ban was enacted in response to the overwhelming amount of gun violence and was intended to make the state safer.

The restraining order is just a temporary measure, however, and the ban is expected to be fully enforced again once the court case is decided. In the meantime, it's important that we all do our part to help reduce gun violence and keep our communities safe.

To know more about about weapons, click here.



A colonist from Rhode Island most likely identified as an?A) New Englander B) Rhode Inlander C) American citizen D) Dutch subject


Based on the tenets of complete religious tolerance, the separation of church and state, and political democracy, Williams established the colony of Rhode Island (values that the U.S. would later be founded upon). People who were persecuted for their religious convictions found refuge there.

In addition to a few smaller, short-lived colonies, the New England Colonies of British America included the Connecticut Colony, the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth Colony, and the Province of New Hampshire.

With only 48 miles in length and 37 miles in width, Rhode Island was regarded as the smallest state in the United States. Roger Williams' purchase of property from the Rhode Indians in 1636 resulted in the founding of the first permanent European colony. Roger Williams oversaw the province of Rhode Island, and his steadfast support for religious tolerance, freedom, and liberty served as a model for the American constitution writers.

To learn more about Rhode Island, click here:



How did the role of the U. S. Government change during the Great Depression? A. The government handed over many powers to the states. B. The government cut many programs in order to balance the federal budget. C. Excessive borrowing to buy stocks leading to the stock market crash of 1929 D. The government expanded as new domestic programs were created


Excessive borrowing to purchase equities during the Great Depression changed the U.S. government, causing the 1929 stock market crash.

The Federal Reserve increased interest rates in 1928 and 1929 in an effort to moderate the sharp increase in stock values. Due to the lower demand for interest-sensitive spending in industries like construction and auto sales, production fell as a result of the higher interest rates.

According to some academics, a housing construction boom in the mid-1920s resulted in an oversupply of housing and a sharp decline in development in 1928 and 1929.

Investors lost faith as a result, and the stock market bubble burst in October 1929 as a result of a number of unimportant occurrences that gradually caused price reductions.

To know more about  stock:



what does mount vernon tell us about life in the 18th century? cite evidence from the tour in your answer.


Is H is 19 centuries because I said what does Mountainburg tell us about the lab in the 18 century city seven from the tour in your answer is 19

spanish explorer who discovered the mississippi river.____


Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto was the first European explorer to discover the Mississippi River in 1541.

De Soto and his expedition traveled through what is now the southeastern United States, and his discovery of the river was an important milestone in the exploration of the region.

In addition to discovering the Mississippi, de Soto also played an important role in the establishment of Spanish colonies in the Americas, particularly in present-day Florida, Georgia, and Alabama.

De Soto's exploration of the southeastern United States was a major factor in the eventual colonization of the region by Europeans. He was also instrumental in spreading the Christian faith to the Native Americans, establishing missions and converting many to Christianity. His lasting legacy in the area can still be seen today, with many places and landmarks named after him.

Learn more about Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto:



Nationalism refers to: ?



Nationalism refers to a political ideology that emphasizes the interests and culture of a particular nation or national group. It is characterized by the promotion of the interests and culture of a particular nation or national group, and the belief that the nation or national group is superior to others. Nationalism can take many forms, and it can be based on various factors such as ethnicity, religion, language, history, and culture. Nationalism can also be expressed through a variety of political movements, such as the promotion of national unity, the protection of national borders, and the promotion of national culture. Nationalism can be a powerful force that unifies people and creates a sense of identity and pride, but it can also lead to conflict and division when it is used to justify discrimination or aggression against other groups.

Nationalism is a extremist ideology that has prejudice against all other countries that are not the subject of honor. We can look at many examples of nationalism. For example, in the United States, the Govt and civil rights organisations recognizes groups such as KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc. There is also infamous nationalist groups in Europe, among other continents

The US Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws. What is this an example of?

• B.
separation of powers
implied powers
• D.
forbidden powers



This is an example of separation of powers.

explain one key idea about the kind of government the colonist wanted in the declaration of independence

(no sites, no plagiarism, make it in your own words, ill give 70 points.)




The colonies want to be free from all english rule and law. The colonies would rule themselves and make their own laws, declare war, trade freely, and make alliances with foreign countries.

john scopes, the defendant in the 1925 scopes trial, was _____


John scopes, the defendant in the 1925 scopes trial, was an American legal case, also known as Scopes Monkey trial.

The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case that took place from July 10 to July 21, 1925. John T. Scopes, a high school teacher, was accused of breaking the Butler Act of Tennessee, which made it unlawful for educators to teach about human evolution in any state-funded school.

The trial was purposefully set up to generate notoriety for the little Tennessee town of Dayton, where it was held. Even though Scopes wasn't convinced he had ever taught evolution, he purposefully implicated himself so the prosecution would have a defendant.

To know more about Evolution, click here:



What are the two main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today?
A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is
B. whether the U.S. needs a constitution at all
C. whether the Constitution should be discarded completely and a new one created
D.whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution


A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is

D. whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution.

Explaining the arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today

Argument A : Whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it is, is one of the main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today. Some argue that the Constitution is a living document that should be amended to reflect the changing times and societal values. They argue that the Constitution https://brainly.com/question/4098544should be interpreted in a way that adapts to modern society, and that it should be amended to address current issues, such as civil rights and social justice.

Argument D : Whether or not the U.S. should adopt a constitution more similar to another country's constitution, is another main argument about how the Constitution should be viewed today. Some argue that the United States should adopt certain elements from other countries' constitutions that have been successful in protecting individual rights and promoting democracy, such as the constitutional courts, the separation of powers, or the bill of rights. They argue that this would provide better protection for citizens and a more effective government.

Both arguments are important as they reflect the ongoing debate about the role of the Constitution in contemporary society, and the extent to which it should be updated and adapted to modern realities.

Learn more on the Constitution here;https://brainly.com/question/4098544


The two main arguments about how the Constitution should be viewed today are:

A. whether the Constitution should be changed or left as it isC. whether the Constitution should be discarded completely and a new one created.

How is the US Constitution viewed by most today?

The United States Constitution is viewed today as the supreme law of the land and the foundation of the American political system. It is widely considered to be a document that has stood the test of time, providing a framework for the government that has enabled the country to thrive for over 200 years.

Also, the Constitution is also viewed as a living document, one that can be interpreted and adapted to meet the changing needs of society. Many people consider the Constitution to be one of the most important and influential documents in world history and see it as a model for other countries to follow.

Read more about US Constitution



in the late 1700's the number of newspapers in the united states increased greatly. what are the functions and responsibility of a free press in a democracy



The functions and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy are to report objectively and present both sides of political views, social issues, and other issues to the public

A) endorsements
B) opinion polls
C) issues
D) contributors
E) nonpartisan

Vocabulary, select the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. During a debate, candidates discuss their views on various _____.
2. One way to see how other people plan on voting is to check out the most
recent _______.
3. Fundraising dinners try to raise money from ______ candidates' campaigns.
4. The League of Women Voters is an example of a _______ one that does not support one political party over another.
5. Candidates seek _________from large organizations, celebrities and other big name companies.


The sentence completed with correct vocabulary are  During a debate, candidates discuss their views on various issues.

2. One way to see how other people plan on voting is to check out the most recent opinion polls.

3. Fundraising dinners try to raise money from contributors candidates' campaigns.

4. The League of Women Voters is an example of a  nonpartisan one that does not support one political party over another.

5. Candidates seek endorsements from large organizations, celebrities and other big name companies.

An illustration of an endorsement for a recommendation:

For instance, when an employer issues a payroll check, they are approving the transfer of funds from the company account to the employee's account. The act of signing the check is considered an endorsement because it is evidence that the payer intends to transfer funds to the payee.

How else would you describe endorsement?

Some popular alternatives to "endorse" are "accredit," "approve," "certify," and "sanction." "to have or express a favorable view on" is the meaning of each of these verbs, but "endorse" implies a specific declaration of support. public support for her bid for the Senate.

Learn more about Endorsements :



how old was martin luther king when he graduated high school


Answer:Martin Luther King  was 15 years old when he graduated  high school


Which of the following BEST reflects how public officials are held responsible to the will of the people in a representative democracy?

Question options:

Voters cast ballots in elections to express their approval or disapproval of the officials' actions.

The people come together to take over public policy by meeting in a central place to pass new laws.

The Legislative Branch can use its power to remove any elected official from office at any time.

A committee of judges fires any official who fails to accurately represent the will of a majority of voters.



Voters cast ballots in elections to express their approval or disapproval of the officials' actions


. .

What decisions did the first continental congress make




The First Continental Congress, which was held in Philadelphia in 1774, was a meeting of representatives from the 13 colonies to discuss a unified response to the British government's increasing control over colonial affairs. The congress made several important decisions during its meeting. Some of the notable decisions made by the congress are:

1.The Declaration of Rights and Grievances: The congress adopted a statement of the colonies' rights and grievances against the British government, which included complaints about the Quartering Acts, the Coercive Acts, and other measures that they deemed unconstitutional.

2.The Association: The congress agreed to a plan of non-importation, non-exportation, and non-consumption of British goods, which would be enforced by local committees.

3.The Olive Branch Petition: The congress sent a petition to King George III asking for the repeal of the Coercive Acts, but the king refused to receive the petition.

4.The formation of the Continental Army: The congress established a continental army and appointed George Washington as its commander-in-chief.

5.The formation of the Continental Navy: The congress also formed a navy to protect American ships from British attacks.

6.The formation of a postal service: The congress established a postal service for the colonies.

7.The formation of the Continental Association: It was an agreement to stop trade with Britain until the Coercive Acts were repealed, it was a strong step towards the independence.

These decisions made by the First Continental Congress laid the foundation for the unified resistance of the colonies against British rule, and ultimately, the American Revolution.

what were the economic institutions of ancient china?


Agriculture served as the foundation of ancient China's economy, as it did for all economies at the period. The majority of Chinese families resided in modest farming communities with 12 or fewer families.

Since the implementation of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms, China has had what economists refer to as a socialist market economy—one in which market capitalism and private ownership coexist alongside a significant state-owned businesses sector.

China's economic history spans millennia, and the country has experienced alternating cycles of prosperity and decline. For the past two millennia, China's economy has been among the biggest and most developed in the world.

Economic historians typically split China's history into three time periods: pre-imperial, before the establishment of the Qin; early imperial, from the Qin to the rise of the Song (221 BCE to 960 CE); and late imperial, from the Song to the collapse of the Qing.

To know more about economy, click here:



Which has MORE educational opportunities: Feudal Europe or Roman Empire? Explain
how you know.



Roman Empire


Public speaking was of highest importance in education, and education was a pushed heavily. Yet while education was pushed heavily, it was not free. Most parents or siblings were those who taught, yet even slaves were educated to a certain extent. Being a tutor was a large career in the Roman Empire for reading and writing. Feudal Europe had education, yet it was only made for wealthy males, and most schools were run by the church.

What role does the media play in how people perceive the world around them? Use 3 examples from the Dont look up film to support your answer.


Representation is how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. Media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge and understanding about these important topics. This makes them very powerful in terms of influencing ideas and attitudes.

Can you think of any fashion ideas in modern society that societies 1000 years from now might view as unique or strange?


The current trend of "normcore," in which individuals purposefully dress in a way that is unfashionable or uninteresting, is an excellent illustration of a fashion trend that is prevalent in contemporary society and may be regarded as singular or peculiar by societies that have evolved one thousand years from now.

What is normcore?

Generally, One example of a fashion trend in modern society that may be viewed as unique or strange by societies 1000 years from now is the current trend of "normcore," which involves wearing intentionally plain or unfashionable clothing.

Another example might be the use of technology in clothing and accessories, such as smartwatches or LED-embedded clothing.

Additionally, the trend of using sustainable and eco-friendly materials in fashion may be seen as a unique aspect of modern fashion.

Read more about normcore



on the map above what is theist diverse issue in 1618 for the territory of central europe between the french, the swiss, and austrians?

A. language
B. absolutism vs constitutionalism
C. religion
D. capitalism


The theist diverse issue in 1618 for the territory of Central Europe between the French, the Swiss, and Austrians was based on religion. Thus, option C is correct.

What was Thirty years war?

The thirty years war was the battle led in the 17th century from 1618 to 1648 where religious conflict took place in the Central Europe.

Thirty years is still one of the longest and most cruel conflicts in human history, with over 8 million dead through military combat as well as starvation and illness brought on by the struggle.

The theist different dispute of 1618 between the French, Swiss, and Austrians over the area of Central Europe was based on religion. As a result, option C is correct.

Learn more about Thirty years war here;



History! Help Me!! Please
What does President Mckinley mean when he says “the United States has not been an indifferent spectator”


President McKinley pushed the Spanish government to work toward peace with the Cuban insurgents in an effort to prevent war. When the American public demanded involvement, it was too late for the Spanish government to comply.

What actions did President McKinley take to protect Americans residing in Cuba, and what resulted from those actions?

To protect American citizens and property as well as to demonstrate that the United States still valued Spain's friendship, McKinley, however, did order the U.S. battleship Maine to Havana harbor ever since pro-Spanish protesters rioted there and in January 1898 in opposition to Spain's more accommodating policies.

Why would the United States be interested in Cuba?

The United States began to be interested in purchasing Cuba well before 1898. American sugar firms bought a lot of land in Cuba following the Ten Years War. The United States' sugar tariff was altered in 1895 to favor American beet sugar, which aided in the return of revolutionary sentiment.

Learn more about President McKinley: https://brainly.com/question/13597731


This fullback for the Cleveland Browns averaged an NFL record 5. 22 yards

per carry during his football career. He would later become a prominent

civil rights activist. Who is he?


Jim Brown is the fullback for the Cleveland Browns averaged an NFL record 5. 22 yards per carry during his football career. He would later become a prominent civil rights activist.  

He became a well-known civil rights activist and a supporter of social justice after his football career. He has also taken part in a variety of humanitarian and philanthropic activities. He is regarded as one of the all-time great football players and among the most significant people in American culture.

To learn more about civil rights, click here: -


The causes and effects of 19th century latin American and caribbean independence movements led by people including bolivar, de san martin and L ouverture


L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar and San Martin all led the Latin American and Caribbean independence movements.

A free-black general named Toussaint L'Ouverture played a role in sparking a revolution. He gave the colony its independence and cleansed it of British and Spanish influence. Napoleon attempted to stop this, but in the end Haiti prevailed and gained independence in 1801. Just before the Spanish-American War, in 1807, Simon Bolivar returned to Colombia.

He took part, rose to prominence as a great military leader, proclaimed the colony's independence, and established the foundation for the creation of the state of Great Colombia. Fighting against royalists in Latin America brought San Martin prominence. He soon started a new military career in Argentina and moved on to amass a record of wins over the royalists before being appointed Protector of Peru when he proclaimed the nation's independence in 1821.

Know more about L'Ouverture here



Gave jobs to millions of unemployed people to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads.


The American New Deal organization known as the Works Progress Administration(WPA) recruited millions of job seekers (mainly men without formal education) to complete public works projects, such as the building of public structures and roadways.

The first allocation for the WPA in 1935 was $4.9 billion, or around $15 per person in the United States and 6.7 percent of the GDP in that year. The WPA, led by Harry Hopkins, provided paid employment to the jobless in the US during the Great Depression while enhancing the nation's public infrastructure, including parks, schools, and highways.

The majority of the jobs were in construction, which included building more than 10,000 bridges, more than 620,000 miles (1,000,000 km) of roads, several airports, and a substantial amount of housing.

It provided paid employment for three million unemployed men and women at its height in 1938, as well as for young people in a separate division.

To know more about WPA:



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