
Answer 1


I believe the answer would be 4 to the power of x?

Step-by-step explanation:

Sorry if I'm wrong but if the person is sending the selfie to four people and those four people and sending others four more pictures to other people then then you will continuously multiply 4.

Related Questions

6. The speed of the last 10 pitches thrown by a pitcher: {90, 92, 85, 88, 94, 86, 93, 90, 88, 95}
Best Center:


The best center of the speed of the last 10 pitches thrown by a pitcher is the mean

Calculating the best center

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

{90, 92, 85, 88, 94, 86, 93, 90, 88, 95}

The possible measure of centers are


In this case, we use the mean

This is because the data values do not have any outlier present in them

Hence, the center is the mean

Read mroe about measure of center at



Question in picture!!

Note: The graph above represents both functions “f” and “g” but is intentionally left unlabeled



f(x) is the blue graph, g(x) is the red graph.

x^2 - 3x + 17 - (2x^2 - 3x + 1) = 16 - x^2

16 - x^2 = 0 when x = -4, 4

So the area between these two graphs is (using the TI-83 graphing calculator):

fnInt (16 - x^2, x, -4, 4) = 85 1/3

If the annual interest rate was 8%,
How would you calculate the monthly interest rate?


The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by 12

Calculating the monthly interest rate?

To calculate the monthly interest rate, we need to divide the annual interest rate by 12 (since there are 12 months in a year).

So if the annual interest rate is 8%, the monthly interest rate can be calculated as:

Monthly interest rate = Annual interest rate / 12

Monthly interest rate = 8% / 12

Monthly interest rate = 0.6667%

Therefore, the monthly interest rate would be 0.6667%.

Read more about interest at



1. The area of a rectangle can be represented by a
quadratic function. You are given a rectangle with a length
that is 3 inches more than four times the width, w. Choose
all the answers that give the area as a function of the
a) A(w)=w(4+3w)
b) A(w)=w(3+4w)
c) A(w)=4w+3w²
d) A(w)=4w²+3w


The expression that gives the area as a function of the width is 4w²+3w.( option B)

What is area of a rectangle?

The area of a shape is the space occupied by the boundary of a plane figures like circles, rectangles, and triangles.

The area of a rectangle is expressed as ;

A = l×w, where l is the length and w is the width.

Since the length is 3 inches more than four times the width, then;

l = 3+4w

Representing 3+w for l in the area formula, then we have;

A = (3+4w)(w)

A = 4w²+3w

therefore the expression that represents the area is 4w²+3w

learn more about area of rectangle from



if we run a regression with a sample of 30 observations using a dependent variable, 3 independent variables, and a constant how many degrees of freedom does the model have?


The model have 4 degrees of freedom if a regression model has a sample of 30 observations using a dependent variable, 3 independent variables, and a constant.

In a linear regression model, the degrees of freedom for the model are calculated as the number of independent variables plus one (for the constant or intercept term). Therefore, in this case, since the model has 3 independent variables and a constant, the degrees of freedom for the model would be 3 + 1 = 4.

The degrees of freedom for the model represent the number of parameters estimated from the data to build the model. These parameters are the coefficients or weights of the independent variables and the constant term.

The degrees of freedom for the model are used to calculate the F-statistic, which is a measure of the overall significance of the regression model. The F-statistic is calculated as the ratio of the explained variance to the unexplained variance of the model, and it is compared to the F-distribution with degrees of freedom (k, n-k-1), where k is the number of independent variables and n is the sample size.

To know more about regression model here



You are deciding between two cars with different engines and want the bigger
of the two. One engine displaces 350 cubic inches. The other displaces 5,500
cubic centimeters. Check all of the reasonable approaches to solving this


The bigger engine is larger than the smaller one by 235.4724 cubic centimeters.

How is the bigger engine larger than other?

We know that 1 inch=2.54 centimeters

Then 1 cubic inches-(2.54)^3 cubic centimeters

We have that:

⇒ 1 cubic inches=(2.54)3 = 16.3870 cubic centimeters

⇒350 cubic inches= 350 x 16.3870 = 5735.4724 cubic centimeters

Since, the other displaces 5,500 cubic centimeters  and 5735.4724< 5500. The difference between them is:

= 5735.4724 - 5500

= 235.4724

Hence, the bigger engine larger than the smaller one by 235.4724 cubic centimeters.

Read more about Engine size



Can someone help me asap? It’s due tomorrow. I will give brainiest if it’s correct.

A. 23

B. 61

C. 37

D. 14


Answer:  the answer is A. 14.

Step-by-step explanation: In each trial of the reenactment, Scott chooses one card from the stack and records its digit. Based on the given data, a digit of or 1 speaks to a objective scored, and a digit of 2 through 9 speaks to a missed endeavor.

Out of the 5 endeavors per amusement, on the off chance that Scott scores precisely 2 objectives, it implies he missed 3 endeavors. Subsequently, the likelihood of this occasion can be calculated as:

P(exactly 2 objectives) = (0.2)²(0.8)³ = 0.008192

This likelihood can be utilized to discover the anticipated number of diversions in which Scott scores precisely 2 objectives, by duplicating it by the overall number of diversions reenacted:

Anticipated number of recreations = P(exactly 2 objectives) × Add up to number of recreations = 0.008192 × 84 ≈ 0.68

Adjusting to the closest entire number, we get that Scott is anticipated to score precisely 2 objectives in 1 diversion out of the 84 recreated diversions.

the department of health plans to test the lead level in a city park. since a high lead level is harmful to children, the park will be closed if the lead level exceeds the allowed limit. the department randomly selects locations in the park, gets soil samples from those locations, and tests the samples for their lead levels. which of the decisions would result from the type i error? (h0: lead levels are ok; ha: lead levels exceed limit) a closing the park when the lead levels are in excess of the allowed limit. b keeping the park open when the lead levels are within the allowed limit. c closing the park when the lead levels are within the allowed limit. d keeping the park open when the lead levels are in excess of the allowed limit. e closing the park because of the increased noise level in the neighborhood.



The decision that would result from a Type I error is:

Closing the park when the lead levels are within the allowed limit. C

In this scenario, the null hypothesis is that the lead levels are okay, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is that lead levels exceed the limit.

The decisions that would result from the Type I error are:

Closing the park when the lead levels are in excess of the allowed limit.

This decision would be a false positive, as the park would be closed even though the lead levels are actually within the allowed limit.

This is a Type I error.

Closing the park when the lead levels are within the allowed limit.

This decision would be a correct decision as the park should be closed if the lead levels are not within the allowed limit.

This is not a Type I error.

Keeping the park open when the lead levels are in excess of the allowed limit.

This decision would be a false negative, as the park would remain open even though the lead levels are actually above the allowed limit.

This is a Type II error.

Closing the park because of the increased noise level in the neighborhood.

This decision is not related to the hypothesis testing for lead levels in the park, and therefore, it is not a Type I error.

For similar questions on Error



compute the residuals. (round your answers to two decimal places.) xi yi residuals 6 6 11 7 15 12 18 20 20 30 (c) develop a plot of the residuals against the independent variable x. do the assumptions about the error terms seem to be satisfied?


The estimated regression equation for the given data is y = -30.7 + 3.409x

To develop an estimated regression equation for the given data, we need to use the method of least squares.

The formula for the slope of the regression line is given by:

b = ∑(xi - x)(yi - y) / ∑(xi - x)²

where xi and yi are the individual values of the two variables, x and y are their respective means.

The formula for the intercept of the regression line is given by:

a = y - b × x

where a is the intercept and b is the slope.

Using the given data, we can calculate the values of x, y, b, and a as follows

x = (6 + 11 + 15 + 18 + 20) / 5 = 14

y = (7 + 9 + 12 + 21 + 30) / 5 = 15.8

∑(xi - x)(yi - y) = (6 - 14)(7 - 15.8) + (11 - 14)(9 - 15.8) + (15 - 14)(12 - 15.8) + (18 - 14)(21 - 15.8) + (20 - 14)(30 - 15.8) = 306.8

∑(xi - x)² = (6 - 14)² + (11 - 14)² + (15 - 14)² + (18 - 14)² + (20 - 14)² = 90

b = ∑(xi - x)(yi - y) / ∑(xi - x)² = 306.8 / 90 = 3.409

a = y - b × x = 15.8 - 3.409 × 14 = -30.7

Learn more about regression equation here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Given are data for two variables, x and y. Develop an estimated regression equation for these data.

(2x+3)(3x + 5) what is thisss ??



6x² + 19x + 15

Step-by-step explanation:

(2x+3)(3x + 5)

= 6x² + 10x + 9x + 15

= 6x² + 19x + 15

So, the answer is 6x² + 19x + 15

This is a polynomial expression that represents the multiplication of two binomials: (2x+3)(3x + 5). To multiply these binomials, you can use the FOIL method, which stands for "First, Outer, Inner, Last."

- First: Multiply the first term of each binomial: 2x * 3x = 6x^2
- Outer: Multiply the outer terms of each binomial: 2x * 5 = 10x
- Inner: Multiply the inner terms of each binomial: 3 * 3x = 9x
- Last: Multiply the last term of each binomial: 3 * 5 = 15

Then, combine the like terms:

(2x+3)(3x + 5) = 6x^2 + 10x + 9x + 15

Simplifying the expression by combining the like terms:

(2x+3)(3x + 5) = 6x^2 + 19x + 15

The price of grapes, g, is $2. 19 per pound. The price of bananas, b, is $0. 59 per pound. The price of pears, p, is $1. 49 per pound. Part A
Write an expression to represent the total price of g pounds of grapes, b pounds of bananas, and p pounds of pears. Drag numbers to complete the expression. 1. 49 added to
2. 19
g +
0. 59
b +
1. 49


The expression that represents the total price of buying g pounds of grapes, b pounds of bananas, and p pounds of pears is Total cost = $2.19g + $0.59b + $1.49p

In this case, we need to use the given prices per pound of each fruit to calculate the total cost of purchasing a certain amount of each fruit. We can do this by multiplying the price per pound by the number of pounds of each fruit we want to buy, and then adding up these values.

So, to create the expression, we can start by using the given prices to calculate the cost of each fruit:

Grapes: $2.19/pound

Bananas: $0.59/pound

Pears: $1.49/pound

Next, we can use the variables g, b, and p to represent the number of pounds of each fruit we want to buy. We then multiply each price by its respective variable to get the cost of each type of fruit:

Cost of grapes: $2.19/g x g = $2.19g

Cost of bananas: $0.59/b x b = $0.59b

Cost of pears: $1.49/p x p = $1.49p

Finally, we can add up the costs of all three types of fruit to get the total cost:

Total cost = $2.19g + $0.59b + $1.49p

To know more about expression here



how many non-empty subsets s of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} are there such that the product of the elements of s is at most 200?


The total number of non-empty subsets s of[tex]{1, 2, 3, . . . , 8}[/tex] such that the product of the elements of s is at most 200 is:
[tex]255 - (127 + 63 + 31) + 2 = 36.[/tex]
So, there are 36 such subsets.

Number of non-empty subsets s of[tex]{1, 2, 3, . . . , 8}[/tex] such that the product of the elements of s is at most 200, we can use a method called inclusion-exclusion principle.
First, we need to count the total number of non-empty subsets of the given set.

Since each element can either be included or excluded, there are [tex]2^8 - 1 = 255[/tex] non-empty subsets.
Next, we need to count the number of subsets whose product is greater than 200.

We can start by considering the subsets that contain 8, since 8 is the largest element in the set.

There are only two such subsets: {8} and {1, 8}.

Both of these subsets have a product greater than 200. Similarly, we can consider subsets that contain 7, and so on. We find that there are[tex]2^7 - 1 = 127[/tex] subsets that contain 7, and each of these subsets has a product greater than 200. Similarly, there are [tex]2^6 - 1 = 63[/tex] subsets that contain 6, and each of these subsets has a product greater than 200.
Double-counted the subsets that contain both 6 and 7, as well as those that contain both 6 and 8, and those that contain both 7 and 8.

Subtract the number of subsets that contain both 6 and 7, both 6 and 8, and both 7 and 8.

There are [tex]2^5 - 1 = 31[/tex] subsets that contain both 6 and 7, and each of these subsets has a product greater than 200.

Similarly, there are[tex]2^5 - 1 = 31[/tex] subsets that contain both 6 and 8, and each of these subsets has a product greater than 200.

Finally, there are [tex]2^5 - 1 = 31[/tex] subsets that contain both 7 and 8, and each of these subsets has a product greater than 200.
However, we have subtracted too much, since we have now excluded subsets that contain all three of 6, 7, and 8. There are only two such subsets: {6, 7, 8} and {1, 6, 7, 8}. Both of these subsets have a product greater than 200.

For similar questions on subsets



Final answer:

To find the number of non-empty subsets s of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} such that the product of the elements of s is at most 200, we can use the concept of power set and combinatorics. By analyzing the pattern, we can determine that there are a total of 120 subsets whose product is at most 200.


To find the number of non-empty subsets s of the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} such that the product of the elements of s is at most 200, we can use the concept of power set and combinatorics. The power set of a set is the set of all its subsets. We know that the number of elements in the power set of a set with n elements is 2n. In this case, we have 8 elements in the set, so the power set will have 28 = 256 subsets. However, we need to find the number of subsets with a product at most 200.

We can analyze the products of all subsets to determine the count.

Start by considering the empty set, which has a product of 1. Then, consider subsets with only one element. There are 8 of these subsets, and their products range from 1 to 8. Next, consider subsets with two elements. There are 28 of these subsets, and their products range from 1 to 64. Continue this process for subsets with three elements, four elements, and so on.

By analyzing the pattern, we can determine that there are a total of 120 subsets whose product is at most 200. This can be calculated by summing the total number of subsets for each number of elements (1-element subsets + 2-element subsets + 3-element subsets + ... + 8-element subsets).

Learn more about Finding the number of subsets with a certain property here:



The table shows the weekly income of 20 randomly selected full-time students. If the student did not work, a zero was entered (a) Check the data set for outliers (b) Draw a histogram of the data (c) Provide an explanation for any outliers


a) Any value outside of Q1 - 1.5(IQR) and Q3 + 1.5(IQR) can be considered a potential outlier.

b) This will give us a visual representation of the distribution of income among the full-time students.

c) It is important to analyze outliers carefully to ensure that they are not artificially skewing the results of our analysis.

(a) To check for outliers in the data set, we can use the box-and-whisker plot or the z-score method. However, since we do not have the exact data, we cannot use these methods. One way to identify potential outliers is to calculate the quartiles (Q1, Q2, and Q3) and the interquartile range (IQR).

(b) To draw a histogram of the data, we can use the frequency distribution table given in the question. The x-axis should represent the income ranges (e.g. $0-$100, $100-$200, etc.) and the y-axis should represent the frequency (i.e. the number of students who earned income within each range).

(c) If there are any outliers in the data set, we need to investigate them further to determine the reason for their unusual values. Possible reasons for outliers could be data entry errors, extreme values due to high- or low-income jobs, or unique situations such as unexpected windfalls or emergencies.

To learn more about frequency distribution visit;



Evaluate the expression when x = 7 (4x + 9) - 4(x - 1) + x


Answer:x= -67 over 24

Step-by-step explanation:

can someone please help me with these 3 there due tomorrow!!



4. Mean: 89

5. Median: 90

6. Mode: None.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the mean, add all of the numbers, then divide by the total.

There are 7 numbers in this set.

First, add all of the numbers. Then, divide the sum by 7.

[tex]85+95+88+93+94+78+90= 623\\623/7 =89[/tex]

The mean of this data set is 89!


Now, let's find the median.

The median is the "middle number" of the data set.

First, put all of the numbers in order from least to greatest.

85, 95, 88, 93, 94, 78, 90

78, 85, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95,

The number in the middle of the data set is 90!

Therefore, the median is 90.


Now, let's find the mode.

The mode is the number that appears most frequently.

85, 95, 88, 93, 94, 78, 90

Since each number appears once, then there is no mode.

Let me know if you have any questions.

a bank took a sample of 100 of its delinquent credit card accounts and found that the mean owed on these accounts was $2,130. it is known that the standard deviation for all delinquent credit card accounts at this bank is $578. (hint: first write out the values for n, , and ) 1. what is the margin of error for the sample mean at a 95% confidence level? hint: look at the notes given above to see how the margin of error is computed. 2. will the margin of error increase/decrease if 200 delinquent credit cards were sampled instead of 100? why? hint: look at the notes given above to see how the margin of error is computed and how the sample size n impacts its value.


Sampled 200 delinquent credit card accounts instead of 100, the margin of error would decrease.

Sampled 200 delinquent credit card accounts, the margin of error for the sample mean at a 95% confidence level would be $80.164.

Smaller than the margin of error we found earlier for a sample size of 100.

The margin of error for the sample means at a 95% confidence level, we need to use the formula:
[tex]Margin of error = z\times (standard deviation / square root of sample size)[/tex]
[tex]z\times[/tex] is the z-score for the 95% confidence level, which is 1.96.
So, plugging in the given values, we get:
[tex]Margin of error = 1.96 \times  (578 / \sqrt 100)[/tex]
[tex]Margin of error = 1.96 \times 57.8[/tex]
Margin of error = 113.008
Therefore, the margin of error for the sample mean at a 95% confidence level is $113.008.
Repeated samples of 100 delinquent credit card accounts and computed the sample mean each time, we would expect the true population mean to be within $113.008 of our sample mean about 95% of the time.
The margin of error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size. So, as the sample size increases, the margin of error decreases.
To see this, let's plug in the new sample size into the margin of error formula:
[tex]Margin of error = 1.96 \times (578 / \sqrt 200)[/tex]
[tex]Margin of error = 1.96 \times 40.9[/tex]
Margin of error = 80.164

For similar questions on Margin



What are the amplitude, period, and phase shift of the given function ft=-1/2(4t-2pi)



The amplitude is 1/2, the period is 2π/4 = π/2, and the phase shift is π/2.

Step-by-step explanation:

The given function is:

f(t) = -1/2(4t - 2π)

We can rewrite this function in the form:

f(t) = A cos(B(t - C)) + D

where A is the amplitude, B is the period, C is the phase shift, and D is the vertical shift.

Comparing this with the given function, we can see that:

A = 1/2

B = 4

C = π/2

D = 0

Therefore, the amplitude is 1/2, the period is 2π/4 = π/2, and the phase shift is π/2.

Note that the negative sign in front of the function does not affect the amplitude, period, or phase shift. It simply reflects the function across the x-axis.

I’ve been trying to solve this for a long time now and I just keep getting it wrong, if anyone could assists me that would be appreciated! :)


The distance between the two points can be found to be, and the number that goes beneath the radical symbol is 80.

How to find the distance ?

To find the distance between two points in a plane, you can use the distance formula derived from the Pythagorean theorem. The distance formula is:

d = √[(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²]

where (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) are the coordinates of the two points.

In this case, the coordinates of the two points are (-4, 1) and (4, 5). So, x₁ = -4, y₁ = 1, x₂ = 4, and y₂ = 5.

Now, apply the distance formula:

d = √[(4 - (-4))² + (5 - 1)²]

d = √[(8)² + (4)²]

d = √(64 + 16)

d = √80

Find out more on distance at https://brainly.com/question/7243416


select the correct answer. the probability of event a is x, and the probability of event b is y. if the two events are independent, which condition must be true?


For events A and B to be independent, the condition that must be true is:
P(A ∩ B) = x * y

The correct condition that must be true if events A and B are independent is:

P(A ∩ B) = P(A) x P(B).

where P(A) is the probability of event A, P(B) is the probability of event B, and P(A ∩ B) is the probability of both events A and B occurring together.

In other words, if events A and B are independent, then the probability of both events occurring together is equal to the product of their individual probabilities.

When two events A and B are independent, the following condition must be true:
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B)
In your case, the probability of event A is x, and the probability of event B is y.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

P(A ∩ B) = x*y

For similar question on condition.



for a circle of radius 8 feet, find the length created by a central angle of 18’. Write your answer as a decimal rounded to the hundredths


The length created by a central angle is 0.04 feet.

What is radius of circle?

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circle's edge. It is typically denoted by the letter "r" and is one of the fundamental measurements used to describe the geometry of a circle.

First, we need to convert the central angle from degrees to radians. Since there are 60 minutes in a degree, we can divide 18 by 60 to get the angle in degrees as a decimal,

18/60 = 0.3 degrees

Next, we convert this to radians by multiplying by π/180,

0.3 × π/180 ≈ 0.00524 radians

To find the length of the arc created by this central angle, we use the formula,

arc length = radius × central angle

So, for a circle of radius 8 feet and a central angle of 0.00524 radians, the arc length is arc length = 8 × 0.00524 ≈ 0.04192 feet

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the length of the arc is approximately 0.04 feet.

Learn more about radius of the circle here,



From the top of a 120-foot-high tower, an air traffic controller observes an airplane on the runway at an angle of depression of 19°. How far from the base of the tower is the airplane? Round to the nearest tenth.

1. 126.9 ft
2. 368.6 ft
3. 41.3 ft
4. 348.5 ft


The distance of the base of the tower and the airplane is 348.5 ft,  and the right option is 4. 348.5 ft.

What is distance?

Distance is the length between two points.

To calculate the distance of the base of the tower and the airplane, we use the formula below.


Tan∅ = Opposite(O)/Adjacent(A)


∅ = Angle of depression of the airplane

From the diagram,


Opposite = 120 ft∅ = 19°

SUbstitute these values into equation 1 and solve for A

tan19° = 120/AA = 120/tan19°A = 348.5 ft

Hence, the right option is 4. 348.5 ft.

Learn more about Distance here: https://brainly.com/question/26046491


Devon invested $9500 in three different mutual funds. A fund containing large cap stocks made a 4.7% return in 1 yr. A real estate fund lost 12.2% in 1 yr, and a bond fund made 5.4% in 1 yr. The amount invested in the large cap stock fund was twice the amount invested in the real estate fund. If Devon had a net return of $133 across all investments, how much did he invest in each fund?


These investments do indeed produce a net return of $133.

What is algebra?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical operations and symbols used to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas.

Let's call the amount Devon invested in the real estate fund "x". Then, we know that the amount invested in the large cap stock fund is twice that, or "2x". The total amount invested is $9500, so we can write:

x + 2x + y = 9500

where "y" is the amount invested in the bond fund.

We also know the returns of each fund, so we can calculate the total return on the investments:

0.047(2x) - 0.122x + 0.054y = 133

Simplifying this equation, we get:

0.998x + 0.054y = 133

We have two equations and two unknowns (x and y), so we can solve for them. Let's start by solving the first equation for y:

y = 9500 - 3x

Now we can substitute this expression for y into the second equation:

0.998x + 0.054(9500 - 3x) = 133

Simplifying and solving for x, we get:

0.888x = 459.8

x = 517.57

So Devon invested $517.57 in the real estate fund. The amount invested in the large cap stock fund is twice that, or $1035.14. The amount invested in the bond fund is:

y = 9500 - 3x = 8464.29

To check that these investments produce a net return of $133, we can calculate the total return on each investment and add them up:

0.047(2x) - 0.122x + 0.054y = 0.047(2517.57) - 0.122517.57 + 0.054*8464.29 = 133.00

So these investments do indeed produce a net return of $133.

To learn more about algebra from the given link:



which of the following is a correct statement regarding the null hypothesis? the null hypothesis is sometimes called the alternative hypothesis. the null hypothesis is the one the researcher cares the most about. the null hypothesis claims the opposite of what the researcher believes. the null hypothesis is usually more accurate than the research hypothesis.


The correct statement regarding the null hypothesis is: the null hypothesis claims the opposite of what the researcher believes.

The null hypothesis is the claim that no relationship exists between two sets of data or variables being analyzed. The

null hypothesis is that any experimentally observed difference is due to chance alone, and an underlying causative

relationship does not exist, hence the term "null".

In research, the null hypothesis is a statement of no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative

hypothesis represents the effect or relationship the researcher is interested in demonstrating.

The purpose of statistical testing is to determine whether there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in

favor of the alternative hypothesis.

for such more question on null hypothesis



i don’t understand how to do this helpppp


The total area of the figure with of the semicircle and triangle is 12.27 sq. ft.

What is semicircle?

Half of a circle is known as a semicircle, and the diameter of the circle is equal to the length of the semicircle's straight edge. A sector of a circle is a section of a circle that is bounded by an arc, two radii, and both. A semicircle is always half of a circle and has a constant central angle of 180 degrees, but a sector can be any part of a circle and has a central angle that can vary from 0 to 360 degrees. This is the major distinction between the two.

Given, the diameter of the semicircle is 3 ft, so its radius is 1.5 ft.

Now, area of the semicircle is given as:

A = 1/2 * pi * (1.5)² = 1.77 sq ft

The area of the triangle is:

A = 1/2 * 3 ft * 7 ft = 10.5 sq ft

Adding the areas we have the total area of the figure:

1.77 sq ft + 10.5 sq ft = 12.27 sq ft

Hence, the total area of the figure is 12.27 sq. ft.

Learn more about area of semicircle here:



the percentage of the original area of wetlands currently left in the united states is approximately: question 44 options: 10%. 25%. 50%. 65%. 75%.


The percentage of the original area of wetlands currently left in the United States is approximately 50%. So, the correct

option is 50% (option 3).

Percentages are a way of expressing a proportion or a fraction as a part of 100. It is denoted by the symbol "%".

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it is estimated that about 50% of the original

wetlands in the contiguous United States have been lost since the 1600s due to human activities such as agriculture,

development, and urbanization. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is 50%.

for such more questions on percentages



The percentage of the original area of wetlands currently left in the United States is approximately 50%.

Wetlands are regions of land where the soil is continually or intermittently soaked with water. Wetlands have a particular hydrology, soil, and vegetation mix that results in specialised ecosystems that offer a variety of ecological functions.

There are many different types of habitats where wetlands can be found, such as coastal locations, interior regions, and high-altitude mountain regions. They come in a variety of shapes, such as marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, and estuaries, and can be freshwater, brackish, or saline.

Wetlands are significant for several reasons. For species, such as migrating birds, amphibians, and fish, they offer crucial habitats. They also aid in removing contaminants from water, lessen the effects of flooding, and give people access to recreational activities. Wetlands are crucial for carbon sequestration as well.
Based on the information provided, the question is asking for the approximate percentage of the original area of wetlands currently left in the United States. The answer is approximately 50%.

Learn more about wetlands here:



Which ratio is proportional to 80:60?





Pls answer quickly



To determine which ratio is proportional to 80:60, we need to simplify the ratio by dividing both terms by their greatest common factor. In this case, the greatest common factor of 80 and 60 is 20, so:

80/20 = 4

60/20 = 3

Therefore, the simplified ratio is 4:3.

Now we can compare this ratio to the given options to see which one is proportional to 4:3:

16:15 is not proportional

16:12 is proportional (since 16/4 = 4 and 12/3 = 4)

18:15 is not proportional

18:12 is proportional (since 18/3 = 6 and 12/2 = 6)

Therefore, the ratio that is proportional to 80:60 is 16:12.

Solving systems by eliminations; finding the coeficients
please write all the problems down, 10 points for each problem, and Brainliest


Therefore, the solution is equation (x, y) = (52/7, -10/7).

To solve the system of equations by elimination, we need to eliminate one of the variables. We can do this by multiplying one or both equations by a constant to create opposite coefficients for one of the variables. Then, we can add or subtract the equations to eliminate that variable and solve for the other variable. Here's how to solve the given system of equations:

Multiply the first equation by 3 and the second equation by 2 to create opposite coefficients for y:

[tex]3(x - 2y = 12) - > 3x - 6y = 36[/tex]

[tex]2(-5x + 3y = -44) - > -10x + 6y = -88[/tex]

Add the equations to eliminate y:

[tex]3x - 6y + (-10x + 6y) = 36 + (-88)[/tex]

[tex]-7x = -52[/tex]

Solve for x by dividing both sides by -7:

[tex]x = 52/7[/tex]

Substitute x = 52/7 into either equation to solve for y. Using the first equation:

[tex]52/7 - 2y = 12[/tex]

[tex]-2y = 12 - 52/7[/tex]

[tex]-2y = 72/7 - 52/7[/tex]

[tex]-2y = 20/7[/tex]

[tex]y = -(10/7)[/tex]

Check the solution by substituting the values of x and y into both equations:

[tex]x - 2y = 12 - > 52/7 - 2(-10/7) = 12 (true)[/tex]

[tex]-5x + 3y = -44 - > -5(52/7) + 3(-10/7) = -44 (true)[/tex]

Therefore, the solution is (x, y) = (52/7, -10/7).

To know more about equation visit:



A $2 coin with a diameter of 25. 75 mm. How many turns does such a piece make if you roll it on the edge for 1. 34 m?


The coin makes approximately 16.53 turns when rolled on its edge for 1.34 m.

How to find the number of turns the coin makes?

The circumference of the coin can be calculated as follows to determine the number of turns it makes:

C = πd

where C is the circumference, d is the diameter, and π is the mathematical constant pi (approximately equal to 3.14159).

So, for the given $2 coin with a diameter of 25.75 mm, the circumference is:

C = πd = 3.14159 x 25.75 mm ≈ 80.926 mm

Divide the distance traveled by the coin's circumference to determine the number of turns it makes when rolled on its edge for 1.34 meter:

Number of turns = distance traveled / circumference of the coin

Number of turns = 1.34 m / 0.080926 m

Number of turns ≈ 16.53

Therefore, the coin makes approximately 16.53 turns when rolled on its edge for 1.34 m.

know more about circumference visit :



true or false? the rule of thumb for estimating the time of completion is 1.5 times what you originally think it will be.


Given statement: The rule of thumb for estimating the time of completion is 1.5 times what you originally think it will be.

Given statement is True.

The reason for this rule of thumb is that tasks often take longer than initially estimated due to unforeseen challenges, dependencies, and other factors that can cause delays.

By estimating the time of completion as 1.5 times the original estimate, you are accounting for these potential delays and allowing for a more realistic timeline.

This rule of thumb is not a hard and fast rule, and there will be cases where tasks take less or more time than 1.5 times the original estimate. However, it can be a helpful guideline for project planning and resource allocation, as it helps to ensure that sufficient time and resources are allocated to complete tasks within a realistic timeframe.

For similar question on estimating.



Homework 18.1.-trigonometric ratios

Find the 3 trigonometric ratios. If needed, reduce fractions.


Step-by-step explanation:

rotate the triangle in your mind (or as actual picture on your phone or computer), so that the right angle is the bottom right or bottom left, and C being the opposite bottom angle.

then we see

28 = cos(C) × 35

21 = sin(C) × 35

and so,

sin(C) = 21/35 = 3/5

cos(C) = 28/35 = 4/5

tan(C) = sin(C)/cos(C) = 3/5 / 4/5 = 3/4

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