I need the answer for my first question

I Need The Answer For My First Question


Answer 1

4.28 x 10^24 molecules of CH₄ at STP occupy a volume of 159.8 liters.

What is ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law is a fundamental equation in thermodynamics that relates the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas in a closed system. It is usually written as:

PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature.

At STP (standard temperature and pressure), the pressure is 1 atm and the temperature is 273 K.

We can start by finding the number of moles of CH₄ using Avogadro's number:

n = N/N_A

where N is the number of molecules and N_A is Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1).

n = 4.28 x 10^24 / 6.022 x 10^23

n = 7.12 mol

Next, we can use the ideal gas law to find the volume of the gas:

V = nRT/P

V = (7.12 mol) x (0.0821 L·atm·mol^-1·K^-1) x (273 K) / (1 atm)

V = 159.8 L

Therefore, 4.28 x 10^24 molecules of CH₄  at STP occupy a volume of 159.8 liters.

Learn more about volume here:



Related Questions

A student performing this experiment forgot to add phenolphthalein solution to the vinegar solution before beginning the titration. After adding 27 mL of NaOH solution, he realized his error and added the indicator. The solution turned bright pink. Suggest a procedure the student could follow to salvage the titration


1. Record the current volume of NaOH in the burette.2. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein to the vinegar solution.

What is solution ?

A solution is a method or process of resolving a problem or difficulty. It is typically a result of problem-solving, which is the process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution. Solutions are found through various methods including trial and error, research, and reasoning. When a solution is found, it is often a combination of various ideas, techniques, and strategies.

3. Titrate the solution until the endpoint is reached .4. Record the final volume of NaOH in the burette.5. Calculate the amount of NaOH consumed in the titration by subtracting the initial volume from the final volume.

To learn more about solution



5. An empty tank contains 11.0L of air at 21°C and latm= (1.013x10⁴ Pa). When the tank is filled with hot air from a compressor, the temperature is 42°C and the gauge pressure is 2.11 x 10⁷ Pa. What mass of air was added?​


The mass of air that was added = -12.5 g

We can use the ideal gas law to solve this problem:

PV = nRT

where P is the absolute pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature.

First, let's convert the initial conditions to absolute temperature:

T1 = 21°C + 273.15 = 294.15 K

Next, let's find the number of moles of air in the tank:

n1 = PV1/(RT1) = (1.013x10⁴ Pa)(11.0 L)/(8.31 J/(mol K) x 294.15 K) = 0.454 mol

Now, let's find the final volume of air in the tank. We can use the combined gas law:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

where P1, V1, and T1 are the initial conditions and P2 and T2 are the final conditions. Solving for V2, we get:

V2 = (P1V1T2)/(P2T1)= (1.013x10⁴ Pa)(11.0 L)(315.15 K)/((2.11x10⁷ Pa)(294.15 K)) = 0.0121 L

Now we can find the number of moles of air in the tank after the compressor is turned on:

n2 = P2V2/(RT2) = (2.11x10⁷ Pa)(0.0121 L)/(8.31 J/(mol K) x 315.15 K) = 0.0100 mol

The mass of air added is simply the difference between the final and initial number of moles, multiplied by the molar mass of air (approximately 28.97 g/mol):

m = (n2 - n1) x 28.97 g/mol = (0.0100 mol - 0.454 mol) x 28.97 g/mol = -12.5 g

Learn more about gauge pressure


50 points +brainlist (there's going to be 3 more added on my profile with the same points(
which type of process is this?


nuclear type of process is this

Is the reaction physical or chemical?

The content of a physical reaction differs from that of a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction changes the makeup of the substances in question; a physical change changes the look, smell, or plain presentation of a sample of matter without changing its content.

Nuclear reactions are not the same as chemical reactions. Atoms become more stable in chemical processes by engaging in electron transfers or by sharing electrons with other atoms.

learn more about Nuclear reactions



Consider the reaction described by the chemical equation shown.
C2H4(g)+H2O(l)⟶C2H5OH(l)Δ∘rxn=−44.2 kJ

Use the data from the table of thermodynamic properties to calculate the value of Δ∘rxn
at 25.0 ∘C.

ΔS∘rxn= ? J⋅K−1

Calculate Δ∘rxn.

ΔG∘rxn= ? kJ

In which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C
and standard pressure?



To calculate Δ∘rxn, we can use the following formula:

ΔG∘rxn = ΔH∘rxn - TΔS∘rxn

where ΔH∘rxn is the enthalpy change of the reaction, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and ΔS∘rxn is the entropy change of the reaction.

We know that ΔH∘rxn = -44.2 kJ and we want to find ΔS∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C (298 K). We can use the following formula to calculate ΔS∘rxn:

ΔG∘rxn = -RTlnK

where R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), T is the temperature in Kelvin, and K is the equilibrium constant.

We can find K using the following formula:

ΔG∘rxn = -RTlnK K = e^(-ΔG∘rxn/RT)

We know that ΔG∘rxn = -44.2 kJ/mol and R = 8.314 J/mol K, so we can calculate K:

K = e^(-(-44.2 kJ/mol)/(8.314 J/mol K * 298 K)) K = 1.9 x 10^7

Now we can use K to calculate ΔS∘rxn:

ΔG∘rxn = -RTlnK ΔS∘rxn = -(ΔH∘rxn - ΔG∘rxn)/T ΔS∘rxn = -((-44.2 kJ/mol) - (-8.314 J/mol K * 298 K * ln(1.9 x 10^7)))/(298 K) ΔS∘rxn = -0.143 kJ/K

Therefore, ΔS∘rxn is -0.143 kJ/K.

To determine whether the reaction is spontaneous at 25 ∘C and standard pressure, we can use Gibbs free energy (ΔG). If ΔG < 0, then the reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction; if ΔG > 0, then it is spontaneous in the reverse direction; if ΔG = 0, then it is at equilibrium.

We know that ΔG∘rxn = -44.2 kJ/mol and T = 25 ∘C (298 K). We can use the following formula to calculate ΔG:

ΔG = ΔG∘ + RTlnQ

where Q is the reaction quotient.

At equilibrium, Q = K (the equilibrium constant). Since we calculated K earlier to be 1.9 x 10^7, we can use this value for Q.

ΔG = ΔG∘ + RTlnQ ΔG = (-44.2 kJ/mol) + (8.314 J/mol K * 298 K * ln(1.9 x 10^7)) ΔG = -43.6 kJ/mol

Since ΔG < 0, the reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction at 25 ∘C and standard pressure.

A steel cylinder holds 1.50 g of ethanol, C2H5OH. What is the pressure of the ethanol vapor if the cylinder has a volume of 200 cm3 and the temperature is 250°C? (Assume all the ethanol is in the vapor phase at this temperature.)


To calculate the pressure of the ethanol vapor, we'll need to use the ideal gas law, which relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and amount (in moles) of a gas:

PV = nRT

where P is the pressure in atmospheres (atm), V is the volume in liters (L), n is the number of moles of the gas, R is the gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K)), and T is the temperature in Kelvin (K).

First, we need to find the number of moles of ethanol in the cylinder. We can do this using the molar mass of ethanol, which is 46.07 g/mol:

n = m/M = 1.50 g / 46.07 g/mol = 0.0326 mol

Next, we need to convert the volume of the cylinder from cm³ to L:

V = 200 cm³ / 1000 cm³/L = 0.2 L

Now we can plug in the values we have into the ideal gas law and solve for P:

P = nRT/V = (0.0326 mol)(0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K))(523 K) / 0.2 L ≈ 1.07 atm

Therefore, the pressure of the ethanol vapor in the cylinder is approximately 1.07 atm (or 1.09 × 10⁵ Pa or 16 psi).

Why would the calculations of hydrogen peroxide be lower them the actual number in the bottle?


Measurement errors, degradation, evaporation and even dilution

Write a balanced equation for the reaction which occurs with the CaCI2 solution and the soap (a fatty acid salt). **Use “(fatty acid-CO2)-Na+” as the structure for the soap instead of drawing out the entire fatty acid structure


[tex]CaCO_{3}[/tex]and HCl reaction chemical equation with physical states balanced [tex]CaCl_{2}[/tex] (q) + Carbon 2 (g) + H atoms Of oxygen = [tex]CaCO_{3}[/tex](s) - 2HCl (aq) (l) Water cannot dissolve calcium carbonate.

How should a chemical equation be written?

Chemical expressions and other characters are used to denote the initial substances, or reactants, which are customarily represented upon that left column of the equation and the final substances, or products, that are traditionally written on the right. From the source to the products, an arrow leads.

How is a chemical equation balanced?

"Inspection," often known as trial and error, is the quickest and most widely applicable technique for balancing chemical equations. This method can be used to effectively balance a chemical equation, as shown below.

To know more about chemical equation visit:



8) At 15 °C, a certain reaction is able to produce 0.80 moles of product per minute? At what rate might
the product be produced at 5 °C?
a. 1.6 moles per minute
b. 0.80 moles per minute
c. 0.40 moles per minute
d. 1.20 moles per minute


At 15 °C, a certain reaction is able to produce 0.80 moles of product per minute.At 0.40 moles per minute the product be produced at 5 °C.

What is moles ?

Moles are small burrowing mammals found in many parts of the world. They are typically brown or black in color and can be identified by their distinctive hairy snouts and short tails. Moles have a unique way of moving through soil and other material. They use their long claws to dig tunnels that serve as their home and pathways for foraging for food. Moles feed on a variety of insects and plant material, such as earthworms, grubs, and roots. They also help to aerate soil and improve water drainage. Moles are solitary animals and are rarely seen.

To learn more about moles



What does X represent for this transmutation? 9 4Be + 4₂He X+ ¹on ?​


The result of the transformation, denoted by the symbol X, is 12 6C.

What does the radioactive decay symbol X stand for?

The chemical symbol for the unstable nucleus, X, is represented by the nuclear equation, where the letter a stands for the particle's mass number and the letter b for the number of protons.

What is atom transmutation?

the process of changing one chemical element into another. Since a transmutation involves a change to the atomic nuclei's structure, it can either be produced via a nuclear reaction (q.v. ), like neutron capture, or it can happen naturally due to radioactive decay, like alpha and beta decay (qq. v.).

To know more about nucleus visit:



2. When dinitrogen pentoxide is heated, it decomposes to
nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. How many moles of nitrogen
dioxide can be formed from the decomposition of 1.25 g of
dinitrogen pentoxide?


0.02314 moles of  NO₂ can be formed from the decomposition of 1.25 g of dinitrogen pentoxide.

The balanced equation for the decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide is:

2 N₂O₅ → 4 NO₂ + O₂

The molar mass of N₂O₅  is 108.01 g/mol.

To determine the number of moles of N₂O₅  present in 1.25 g, we use the following calculation:

moles N₂O₅  = mass / molar mass

moles N₂O₅ = 1.25 g / 108.01 g/mol

moles N₂O₅ = 0.01157 mol

From the balanced equation, we can see that 2 moles of N₂O₅  decompose to form 4 moles of NO2. Therefore, the number of moles of NO2 produced can be calculated as:

moles  NO₂ = (0.01157 mol N2O5) × (4 mol NO2 / 2 mol N2O5)

moles  NO₂ = 0.02314 mol

Therefore, 0.02314 moles of  NO₂ can be formed from the decomposition of 1.25 g of dinitrogen pentoxide.

learn more about moles here



Your conclusion will include a summary of the lab results and an interpretation of the results.
Please answer all questions in complete sentences using your own words.
1. Identify the independent variable?
2. Identify the dependent variable?
3. Why do you believe knowing how elements and compounds react together is essential in
everyday matters?
4. Choose one of the compounds from the table and explain how you know the number of
atoms in your formula.
5. Is it possible for two different compounds to be made from the same two elements? Why
or why not?
6. With a limited number of elements (less than 120 are known), does this mean we also
have a small number of compounds? Or do we have many compounds in this world?


The independent and dependent variables are compounds and elements, respectively.

Why do you believe knowing how elements and compounds react together is essential in everyday matters?

Elements and compounds make up everything in our surroundings. Knowing how things operate can aid in our ability to comprehend our surroundings.

Explain how you determined the number of atoms in your formula for one of the compounds in the table.

Water is one of the chemicals listed in the table (H2O). This molecule has 3 atoms, which can be broken down into 2 hydrogen (H) atoms and 1 oxygen atom (O).

Can the same two elements be combined to form two distinct compounds? If not, why not?

Several compounds can be created by mixing the same two elements' atoms in different ratios.

Does having a minimal number of known elements (less than 120) imply that there aren't many compounds as well? Or does this universe contain a lot of compounds?

Because these elements mix in various ways and in various quantities to create unique compounds, we have a huge variety of compounds in this universe.

To learn more about chemical compounds visit:



Which of the following is true for a volatic cell constructed in the first part of the experiment?


B, Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode is true for a voltaic cell constructed in the first part of the experiment.

What is a voltaic cell?

A voltaic cell, also known as a galvanic cell, is an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It consists of two half-cells, each with an electrode and an electrolyte solution. The two half-cells are connected by a wire and a salt bridge.

During operation, the electrons flow from the anode (the electrode where oxidation occurs) to the cathode (the electrode where reduction occurs) through the wire, while ions flow through the salt bridge to balance the charges in the two half-cells. This generates an electric current that can be used to power electrical devices.

Find out more on voltaic cell here: https://brainly.com/question/16037195


Complete question:

Which of the following is true for a voltaic cell constructed in the first part of the experiment?

Electrons flow from higher potential energy to lower potential energy.

Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode.

Electrons flow from the more negatively charged electrode to the more positively charged electrode.

All of the above

2. In order to prepare a 0.523 m aqueous solution of potassium iodide, how many grams of potassium iodide must be added to 2.00 kg of water?


Therefore, we need to add 173.49 grams of potassium iodide to 2.00 kg of water to prepare a 0.523 m aqueous solution.

How is 1% potassium iodide solution made?

Potassium iodide solution is made by dissolving 1 litre of water in 1 gramme of potassium iodide and 1 gramme of hydroxyammonium chloride. Solution of potassium iodide, about 0.2 M: 33 grammes of potassium iodide should be dissolved in 1 litre of water.

We must apply the following formula to get the mass of potassium iodide required to create a 0.523 m aqueous solution:

molarity=moles of solute/liters of solution

First, we must determine the solution's litre volume:

1 kg of water=1000 mL of water

2.00 kg of water = 2000 mL of water

Volume of solution = 2000 mL = 2.00 L

Next, we need to rearrange the formula to solve for the moles of solute:

moles of solute=molarity x liters of solution

moles of solute = 0.523 mol/L x 2.00 L = 1.046 mol

Finally, we can use the molar mass of potassium iodide (166.0028 g/mol) to convert the moles of solute to grams:

mass of potassium iodide = moles of solute x molar mass

mass of potassium iodide = 1.046 mol x 166.0028 g/mol = 173.49 g

To know more about potassium iodide visit:-



Solve the ideal gas equation for moles
PV = nRT​


We must isolate the n variable:
The equation for moles is n=PV/RT

50 points + brianlist there's others on my profile
Which type of process is this.
Chemical Process
Physical Process
Nuclear Process​


The process for given the figure is chemical process.

What is meant by chemical process?

Series of chemical reactions or physical changes that occurs in order to transform one or more chemical substances into another substances is called chemical process. In the chemical process, reactants undergo a chemical reaction to form the products. Chemical processes can be represented using chemical equations that show reactants and products, and the stoichiometry and energetics of the reaction.

Chemical processes are an important part of many industrial and natural processes. Examples of chemical processes are : combustion, fermentation, photosynthesis, and electrolysis. Chemical processes are also important in environmental science, as they can help in explaining natural processes like carbon cycle and formation of ozone.

To know more about chemical process, refer



Which statement about the reaction between calcium oxide and water is correct?
a) 65.2 kJ of heat are released for every mole of CaO that reacts.
b) 130 kJ of heat are released for every mole of H2O that reacts.
c) 130 kJ of heat are absorbed for every mole of CaO that reacts.
d) 65.2 kJ of heat are absorbed for every mole of H2O that reacts.


The heat that is released is 1600 J

65.2 kJ of heat are released for every mole of CaO that reacts.

What is the heat released?

For every mole of CaO that combines with water, 65.2 kJ of heat are generated, according to thermodynamic statistics. As a result, a considerable amount of heat is emitted throughout the reaction, making it highly exothermic.

We know that;

H = mcdT

H = heat absorbed or evolved

m = mass of the substance

c = Heat capacity of the substance

dT = temperature change.

H = 60 * 1 * (43 - 70)

H = -1600 J

Learn more about enthalpy:https://brainly.com/question/16720480


whats the answer and why?


I would say C

Since the nitro group (NO2) contains a positively charged nitrogen atom, it tends to attract electron from the aromatic ring and, therefore, the other group/atom. In the first case, I think piridine (II) makes a stronger bond with water since the nitrogen in the aromatic ring needs its electrons in order to be have a slight negative charge that can interact with the slightly positive charged hydrogen atom in water. If the nitro group is present, it will attract to some extent the electrons of the nitrogen atom in the ring, thus making the H-bond less stronger.

In the second case the hydrogen, which is slightly positive, of the OH group interacts with the oxygen, which is slightly negative, of water. If the nitro group is present, it will attract the electrons of oxygen of the hydroxyl group, therefore making the bond between the oxygen and the hydrogen more polar (which basically means that the bonding electron of hydrogen is even more attracted by the oxygen atom) making the hydrogen atom more positive, which means that the H-bond will be stronger

Please help!!!
25 points!! I’ll give brainliest!
Task is in the picture.



Van't Hoff factor: 3.99

Degree of electrolytic dissociation: 1.995


ΔT = iKfm

Calculate the molality of the K2SO4 solution.

Since the solution is 20% K2SO4, we can assume that we have 20 grams of K2SO4 in 100 grams of solution.

The molar mass of K2SO4 is 174

So, 20 grams of K2SO4 is equal to:

20/ 174 = 0.115 moles of K2SO4

The mass of water in 100 grams of solution is:

100 g - 20 g = 80 g

The density of water is 1 g/mL, so 80 g of water is equal to 0.080 kg of water.

Therefore, the molality of the solution is:

m = 0.115 mol / 0.080 kg = 1.4375 mol/kg

Now, we need to determine the freezing point depression constant of water (Kf). The value of Kf for water is 1.86 °C/m.

ΔT = T°f - T°i = -10 °C - 0 °C = -10 °C

Substituting the given values in the formula for ΔT, we get:

-10 °C = i * 1.86 °C/m * 1.4375 mol/kg

Solving for i, we get:

i = -10 °C / (1.86 °C/m * 1.4375 mol/kg) = 3.99

Finally, we can calculate the degree of electrolytic dissociation (α) using the formula:

α = (i - 1) / (n - 1)

where n is the number of ions produced per formula unit of the solute.

For K2SO4, n = 3, since it dissociates into three ions.

Substituting the values, we get:

α = (3.99 - 1) / (3 - 1) = 1.995

Hence, it is 3.99 and 1.995

Hope this helps and be sure to mark this as brainliest! :)

For the K₂SO₄ solution, the Van't Hoff factor (i) is approximately 5. For the 20% K₂SO₄ solution, the degree of electrolytic dissociation (α) is approximately 0.833, or 83.3%.

How to calculate Van't Hoff factor and the degree of electrolytic dissociation?

To calculate the Van't Hoff factor and the degree of electrolytic dissociation, use the freezing point depression equation:

ΔT = Kf · m · i

where ΔT is the change in freezing point, Kf is the freezing point depression constant for the solvent (water), m is the molality of the solution, and i is the Van't Hoff factor.

First, calculate the molality of the solution:

molality (m) = moles of solute / mass of solvent (in kg)

Assuming there is 1 kg of solvent, the mass of solute (K₂SO₄) in 20% solution would be:

mass of solute = 0.2 × 1000 g = 200 g

The molar mass of K₂SO₄ is 174.26 g/mol, so the number of moles of K₂SO₄ in 200 g is:

moles of K2SO4 = 200 g / 174.26 g/mol = 1.148 mol

Therefore, the molality of the solution is:

m = 1.148 mol / 1 kg = 1.148 mol/kg

Next, calculate the change in freezing point (ΔT). Since we know that the solution freezes at -10°C instead of 0°C (the freezing point of pure water):

ΔT = 0°C - (-10°C) = 10°C

The freezing point depression constant (Kf) for water is 1.86 °C/m. Substituting the values into the equation:

10°C = 1.86 °C/m · 1.148 mol/kg · i

Solving for i:

i = ΔT / (Kf · m) = 10°C / (1.86 °C/m · 1.148 mol/kg) = 4.99

Therefore, the Van't Hoff factor (i) for the K2SO4 solution is approximately 5.

The degree of electrolytic dissociation (α) can be calculated using the formula:

α = i / (1 + i)

Substituting the value of i:

α = 5 / (1 + 5) = 0.833

Therefore, the degree of electrolytic dissociation (α) for the 20% K₂SO₄ solution is approximately 0.833 or 83.3%.

Find out more on Van't Hoff factor here: https://brainly.com/question/22047232


When a hydrogen atom is added to a polyatomic ion, the amount of negative charge . Following this pattern, we can see that hydrogen carbonate has a charge of and hydrogen sulfate has a charge of .


If we add one or two hydrogen ions to a polyatomic ion that has a 3-charge, as the phosphate ion (PO₄3-), it will still be a polyatomic ion. (Three H+ would entirely cancel out the 3-charge, turning it into a neutral molecule and removing it from the category of polyatomic ions.

Why does carbonate have a negative 2 charge?

As a result, the carbonate ion has 2 more electrons than protons due to its negative charge. The doubly bonded oxygen in the carbonate ion is neutral, whereas each single bonded oxygen has a negative charge. This is the cause of the total charge of "-2," then.

An essential component of the atmosphere of stars like the Sun is the hydrogen anion.

learn more about carbonate ion



A 8.81 g sample of Methanol was combusted in a bomb (constant volume) calorimeter. The temperature of the calorimeter increased by 11.13°C. If the molar mass of methanol is 32.04 g/mol, and heat capacity of calorimeter is 5,277 J/°C, what's the molar DeltaE in the reaction in units of kJ/mol?​


The molar DeltaE in the reaction is 213.8 kJ/mol. A bomb thermometer is a device that is mostly used to measure combustion temperatures

How can you figure out a bomb calorimeter's calorimeter constant?

With this method, a sample is burned in a bomb calorimeter at a constant volume. Equation q = -CΔT, where C is the calorimeter's heat capacity and ΔT is the temperature change, can be used to determine how much heat is released during the reaction.

We have to calculate the energy transferred,

q = CΔT

q = energy transferred

C = heat capacity of the calorimeter

ΔT is the temperature increase

q = 5,277 J/°C × 11.13°C = 58,765 J


Energy per mole of methanol = Energy transferred / Number of moles of methanol

Number of moles of methanol = Mass of methanol / Molar mass of methanol

Number of moles of methanol = 8.81 g / 32.04 g/mol = 0.2748 mol

Energy per mole of methanol = 58,765 J / 0.2748 mol = 213,772.8 J/mol

Now, we have to convert the energy per mole of methanol to kJ/mol:

Energy per mole of methanol = 213,772.8 J/mol / 1000 J/kJ = 213.8 kJ/mol

To know more about bomb calorimeters the visit:



Select all the elementary substances.
silver bromide (AgBr)
silicon dioxide (SiO₂)
hydrogen sulfide (H₂S)
xenon (Xe)



silicon dioxide,xenon


If the volume of a gas at -40.0°C is doubled to 80.0 L, calculate the final temperature in degrees Celsius.


The final temperature of the gas after doubling its volume to 80.0 L at -40.0°C is also -40.0°C.

What is the final temperature?

To calculate the final temperature of the gas after doubling its volume from 40.0 L to 80.0 L at -40.0°C, we can use the combined gas law, which relates the initial and final states of a gas undergoing a change in temperature, pressure, and volume.

The combined gas law is given by:

(P1 * V1) / T1 = (P2 * V2) / T2


P1 = Initial pressure of the gasV1 = Initial volume of the gasT1 = Initial temperature of the gasP2 = Final pressure of the gasV2 = Final volume of the gasT2 = Final temperature of the gas (which we need to calculate)

Since the problem statement only provides information about the volumes of the gas and the initial temperature, we can assume that the pressure remains constant, and we can rearrange the equation to solve for T2:

T2 = (P2 * V2 * T1) / (P1 * V1)

Since the pressure and initial volume are not given, we can assume that they remain constant, and we can set P1 * V1 = P2 * V2.

Therefore, we can simplify the equation to:

T2 = (V2 * T1) / V1

Plugging in the given values:

V1 = 40.0 L (initial volume)

V2 = 80.0 L (final volume)

T1 = -40.0°C (initial temperature)

T2 = (80.0 L * -40.0°C) / 40.0 L

T2 = -40.0°C

Learn more about final temperature here: https://brainly.com/question/22338034


how many grams of iron are present in 9.24x10^22 atoms of Fe?


The mass of iron present in 9.24 x [tex]10^{22}[/tex] atoms of Fe is approximately 0.852 grams.

What is Molar Mass?

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance, expressed in grams per mole. It is calculated by summing the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule or formula unit.

The molar mass of iron (Fe) is approximately 55.85 g/mol. We can use this to convert the number of atoms of Fe to the mass of Fe.

First, we can calculate the number of moles of Fe in 9.24x[tex]10^{22}[/tex] atoms:

Mass of Fe = 9.24 x [tex]10^{22}[/tex] atoms x 55.845 g/mol / 6.022 x [tex]10^{-23}[/tex]atoms/mol

Mass of Fe = 0.852 g

So, the mass of iron present in 9.24 x [tex]10^{22}[/tex] atoms of Fe is approximately 0.852 grams.

Learn more about Molar Mass from the given link



Calcium nitrate reacts with ammonium fluoride to make calcium fluoride and ammonium nitrate. When (4.479x10^1) mL of (4.61x10^-1) M calcium nitrate was added to (7.332x10^1) mL of (1.5835x10^0) M ammonium fluoride, 0.731 grams of calcium fluoride were isolated. How many moles of ammonium fluoride were initially added in this experiment (not necessarily reacted)?


The moles of ammonium fluoride initially added in this experiment was 0.0216 moles.

What is mole?

Mole is a unit of measurement that is used in chemistry to measure the amount of a substance. It is a very important unit of measurement because it allows chemists to accurately measure the amount of a substance that is being used in a reaction. The mole is defined as the amount of a substance that contains the same number of particles as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12..

First, we need to calculate the moles of calcium nitrate in the solution. We can do this by using the molarity and volume of the solution:
(4.61x10⁻¹ M)*(4.479x10¹ mL) = 0.0216 moles of calcium nitrate
(0.731 g)*(1 mol/55.847 g) = 0.0131 moles of calcium fluoride
(0.0216 moles)*(1 mol/1 mol)
= 0.0216 moles of ammonium fluoride
Therefore, the moles of ammonium fluoride initially added in this experiment was 0.0216 moles.

To learn more about mole

2AI + 6HCI=2AlCl3 + 3H₂
3. Aluminum reacts with HCI to produce aluminum chloride (AICI3) and hydrogen gas (H₂).
Calculate the number of moles of HCI required to react with 0.62 moles of Al.


According to the question 2.46 moles of HCl are required to react with 0.62 moles of Al.

What is moles?

Moles are small mammals that are known for their burrowing habits and dark brown or black fur. They are members of the family Talpidae and are found in most parts of the world. Moles have cylindrical bodies, long pointed snouts, and short, velvety fur.

The equation for the reaction of aluminum and hydrochloric acid is:

2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl₃ + 3H₂
Therefore, the number of moles of HCl required to react with 0.62 moles of Al can be calculated using the following equation:
Moles HCl = (0.62 moles Al x 6 moles HCl)/2 moles Al
Moles HCl = 2.46 moles HCl
Therefore, 2.46 moles of HCl are required to react with 0.62 moles of Al.

To learn more about moles

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What amount of heat, in kJ, is required to convert 2.90 g of water at 67.0 °C to 2.90 g of steam at 100.0 °C? (specific heat capacity of water = 4.184 J/g • °C; ∆Hvap = 40.7 kJ/mol)


Answer:The heat required to convert a given mass of a substance from one phase to another can be calculated using the following formula:

q = m × ΔH


q = heat (in joules or kilojoules)

m = mass of the substance (in grams or kilograms)

ΔH = enthalpy change (in J/g or kJ/mol) associated with the phase transition

In this case, we need to calculate the heat required to convert 2.90 g of water at 67.0 °C to steam at 100.0 °C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g • °C, and the enthalpy of vaporization (ΔHvap) of water is 40.7 kJ/mol.

First, we need to calculate the heat required to raise the temperature of the water from 67.0 °C to its boiling point of 100.0 °C:

q1 = m × c × ΔT1

q1 = 2.90 g × 4.184 J/g • °C × (100.0 °C - 67.0 °C)

q1 = 2.90 g × 4.184 J/g • °C × 33.0 °C

q1 = 4591.632 J

Next, we need to calculate the heat required to vaporize the water at its boiling point:

q2 = n × ΔHvap

q2 = (m/M) × ΔHvap

q2 = (2.90 g / 18.015 g/mol) × 40.7 kJ/mol

q2 = 0.1619 kJ

Finally, we can add the two heat values to obtain the total heat required:

q = q1 + q2

q = 4591.632 J + 0.1619 kJ

q = 4.7521 kJ

So, the amount of heat required to convert 2.90 g of water at 67.0 °C to 2.90 g of steam at 100.0 °C is approximately 4.7521 kJ.


8. Balance the following equation:
NH3(g) + F2(g) → N₂F4(g) + HF(g)
a. How many moles of each reactant are needed to produce 4.00 moles of HF?
b. How many grams of F2 are required to react with 1.50 moles of NH3?
c. How many grams of N₂F4 can be produced when 3.40 grams of NH3 reacts?



2NH₃(g) + 5F₂(g) → N₂F₄(g) + 6HF(g)

(a) mol of NH₃ required = 1.333 mol; mol of F₂ required = 3.333 mol

(b) mass of F₂ required = 142.5 g

(c) N₂F₄ produced = 10.38 g


2NH₃(g) + 5F₂(g) → N₂F₄(g) + 6HF(g)

What is Stoichiometry?

In chemical equations, unless stated otherwise, the reactants and products will theoretically always remain in stoichiometric ratios.

The stoichiometry of a reaction is the relationship between the relative quantities of products and reactants, typically a ratio of whole integers.

Consider the following chemical reaction: aA + bB ⇒ cC + dD.

The stoichiometry of reactants to products in this reaction is the ratio of the coefficients of each species: a : b : c : d.

Converting between moles and mass:

To convert from mass to moles, divide the mass present by the molar mass, resulting in the number of moles.

Thence, the formula for moles: n = m/M, where n = number of moles, m = mass present, and M = molar mass. This formula can be easily rearranged to find mass present from molar mass and moles, or molar mass from mass and moles.

a. How many moles of each reactant are needed to produce 4.00 moles of HF?

In the given chemical equation, the stoichiometry of the reaction is

2 : 5 : 1 : 6. Therefore, for every 2 moles of NH₃, we require 5 moles of F₂, which will produce 1 mole of N₂F₄ and 6 moles of HF.

mol of NH₃ required = 1/3 × mol of HF = 1.333 mol

mol of F₂ required = 5/6 × mol of HF = 3.333 mol

b. How many grams of F₂ are required to react with 1.50 moles of NH₃?

Using stoichiometry again: mol of F₂ required = 5/2 × mol of NH₃

∴ F₂ required = 3.75 mol.

Then we can convert this to mass: m = nM = (3.75)(2×19.00) = 142.5 g

c. How many grams of N₂F₄ can be produced when 3.40 grams of NH₃ reacts?

Converting mass to moles: n = m/M = 3.40/(14.01+1.008×3) = 0.1996 mol

Using stoichiometry again: mol of N₂F₄ produced = 1/2 × mol of NH₃

∴ N₂F₄ produced = 0.0998 mol

converting moles to mass: m = nM = (0.0998)(14.01×2+19.00×4)

∴ N₂F₄ produced = 10.38 g

Is a sample of oxygen gas at 70 degrees celsius
twice as hot as a sample of oxygen gas at 35 degrees celsius


A sample of oxygen gas at 70 degrees Celsius is not twice as hot as a sample of oxygen gas at 35 degrees Celsius.

What is Temperature?

Temperature is a physical property that describes the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance, typically measured with a thermometer in units such as Celsius or Fahrenheit. It is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a substance, with higher temperatures indicating greater kinetic energy and lower temperatures indicating less kinetic energy.

The temperature difference between the two samples is 35 degrees Celsius, not 70 degrees Celsius. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, and it is on an absolute scale (Kelvin).

As we can see, the temperature in Kelvin of oxygen gas at 70 degrees Celsius (343.15 K) is not twice the temperature of oxygen gas at 35 degrees Celsius (308.15 K). Therefore, a sample of oxygen gas at 70 degrees Celsius is not twice as hot as a sample of oxygen gas at 35 degrees Celsius.

Learn more about Temperature from the given link



5. An unknown metal has a mass of 4.67 g. It is heated to 95.1°C and then placed in a
calorimeter that contains 24.3 g of water at 21.7°C. The metal and water both reach
a final temperature of 24.6°C. What is the specific heat of this metal? What is the
unknown metal?


The unknown metal with C(metal) of 0.90J/gC and mass of 4.67g is aluminum.


The metal's specific heat is calculated using the heat equation. It is important to note that the total heat (Q), which is the sum of the two heats (Qwater and Qmetal), is equal to zero at equilibrium.

Now, Q(total)=Q(water)+Q(metal)


The specific heat of water, C(water), is equal to 4.18 J/g, while the other two components are water and metal.

The temperature of a metal is known as C(metal).

With the given values all substituted, we obtain 0=m(water) C(water)T(water) +m(metal).

CmetalΔTmetal=(24.3g)(4.184J/g°C) (24.6°C−21.7°C)+(4.67g) (Cmetal)(24.6°C−95.1°C)

The metal's specific heat is given by the equation C(metal)=0.90J/gC, which is simplified by placing C(metal) on one side of the equation.

Part (b):As a result, aluminum is the metal.

For more information on calorimeter kindly visit to



When dinitrogen pentoxide is heated, it decomposes to
nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. How many moles of nitrogen
dioxide can be formed from the decomposition of 1.25 g of
dinitrogen pentoxide?


The process decomposes dinitrogen pentoxide into nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. The reaction has a rate constant of 5.8103/s (5.8 10 3 / s).

Does the breakdown of N₂O₅and N₂O follow first order kinetics?

According to the process described below, the thermal breakdown of N₂O₅ follows first order kinetics: N₂O₅→2NO₂+12O₂. Find the rate constant of the reaction if the starting pressure of N₂O₅   is 100 mm and the pressure created after 10 minutes is 130 mm.

The breakdown of N₂O₅  according to the equation: 2N₂O₅ (g)4NO₂(g)+O₂(g) is a first-order reaction. After 30 minutes of decomposition in a closed vessel, the total pressure created is 284.5 mm of Hg, and after full decomposition, the total pressure is 584.5 mm of Hg.

Learn more about dinitrogen pentoxide



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