I only need 12 & 15, please help!!! ASAP!!!

I Only Need 12 & 15, Please Help!!! ASAP!!!


Answer 1


12- maman s'est lavé.......


15-nous sommes allé



Pour le passé composé il y a l'auxiliaire '' être ''(be) et '' avois''(have) puis le verbe qui finir toujours par é

Related Questions

bonjour pouvait m'aider svp​
1. Qui est l'auteur de ce recit? Qui en est le narrateur?
2. Quel espisode de son enfance le narrateur raconte-t-il?
3. Pourquoi en a t il gardé le souvenir selon vous?
4. Ce recit vous a t il emue? amuses? Pourquo?
5.a. comment la mere propose t elle d'aider son enfant?
b. Accepte t il son aide? Pourquoi?
7. Dans les lignes 4-6 relevez la phrase dans lequelle le narrateur devenu adulte fait un portrait ironique de l'enfant qu'il etait.
8.a. A quelle particularite physique le narrateur attribue t il le rejet qu il subit
b. Montrez a l'aide d'exemples qu il evoque cette particularite avec humour (l.14-32)

SVP aider moi c'est noté svp



1. L'auteur est Jean Paul Sartre.

Le narrateur aussi.

2. Lorsqu'il avait 8 ans, et qu'il vit sur les terrasses du Luxembourg des enfants jouer.

3. Car il en a souffert, il a souffert d'être différent des autres.

4. Ce récit est émouvant car de nos jours ça arrive encore.

7. La phrase est :..je perdais mon intelligence prodigieuse--------------mon adresse spadassine.

Il manque une partie du texte.

Sur Internet monuments importants de paris



On the Internet important monuments of Paris (I think)

Arc de Triomphe
Eiffel Tower
Notre Dame Cathedral
Palace of Versailles

Mon ami est comedein que j'ai vu
le mieux
le moins bien
le meilleur
le plus bien


it would be

mon ami est le meilleur (the best) comedien que j’ai vu.

conplico o situacion problema que el protagonista debe resolver​



complicated or problem situation that the protagonist must solve


Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.
Ils se sont lavés.
O Correct
O Incorrect


This sentence is correct

The following sentence is grammatically correct  -"Ils se sont lavés."

Why is it correct?

The sentence is in French, and it means "They washed themselves."

In this sentence, "Ils" means "They," "se" is a reflexive pronoun that indicates the action was done to themselves, "sont" is the auxiliary verb for the past tense, and "lavés" is the past participle of the verb "laver" (to wash) agreeing with the subject "Ils."

Thus it is correct to conclude that the sentence "Ils se sont lavés." is grammatically correct.

Learn more about sentences at:



Pour compter le nombre exact de pieds dans les vers suivants, dois-tu tenir compte de «E»
souligné ? Réponds par OUI OU NON.
1Les mères qui s'tapent tout le bordel

2Les livreurs de caisses de bière.

3Le monde qui brasse des affaires

4Tous ceux qui ont la parole modeste.

5Et pis qui parlent par leurs gestes.



Here is the translation: ur doing the rest


To count the exact number of feet in the following verses, do you have to take into account "E"

highlighted ? Answer YES OR NO.


1The mothers who scew up all the mess

2The ber crate deliverers.

3The business world

4All who speak modestly.

5And worse who speak through their gestures.

To form the near future tense, use the correct form of the verb aller (to go) + the infinitive to describe what each subject is going to do in the
near future.

Replace the blank with the correct form of the verb aller



1. Je vais camper à la montagne.

2. Il va pleuvoir ce week-end ?

3. Tu vas porter un bonnet aujourd'hui ?

4. Vous allez partir en vacances cet été ?

5. Elles vont faire du ski en février.

Please help me, I’ll give brainliest if you give me a real answer!!!




Mrs.Ubles." These buildings have a long way to go


and a few little Inconvenients.

time another has the residence" 'Good Rest'

e" Paris. It's six o'clock in the morning.

Everything is quiet . . . All of a sudden" ...


.. Drin . . . A "revell" rings" at Mr. Levelle's. Mr. Drin. . Drin. . . . Mr

Levelle turns out in a sursout." . . . Then he gets up, puts on so dressing gown" and

in the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror, brushes his teeth, then,

I branch" his electric razor and begins to pink. Zzz.. . Zzz...


The sound of Mr. Leveille's electric razor awakens Madame Dumoulin.

She opens one oel, puts the other, and waits two or three minutes. Finally

has in the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. It plugs

his new mill" electric. Grr.. . Grr...


Madame Dumoulin's coffee mill is a dream of Mademoiselle Lasouplesse.

She gets up, puts on shorts and a T-shirt, puts on a videotape of

gymnastics and begins her exercises. One, two. . . . one, two. . . .

one, two ...


When he hears Miss Lasouplesse doing her gymnastics, sir

Tremolo wakes up. He goes into the bathroom and takes a shower. When.

mr. Tremolo loves to sing his favourite opera tunes: -Toreador,

toreador . . . *

net's Carmen


Mr. Tremolo's beautiful volx awakens Madame Bellamy. She's getting up.

takes a bath, and washes his hair. Then she dresses, combs and


e make-up . . .

hult hours and a half, all the tenants' of the residence -Good Rest-

cont gone for their daytime occupations. . . . All but" one

This is Mr. Morphee, the tenant of the first stage. He works as a

night in a large hotel. In Theure or other tenants

"At their job, lul, he goes home lul. LA, he undresses and takes

. What a chance to h

ter in a residence so quiet

is, he goes to his room, puts s

deep sleep.

e like the others has just begun.

Explanation: (I took French) -Raymond :3

Qu’est-ce qu’on met?


Answer: What do we put on?

Explanation: Fluent in French and spanish and english



Answer: ethics and globalization


a qui mowgli demande assistance lors de son enlèvement par les Bandar - log​



mowgli est aidé par baloo et baguera qui demandent assistance à kaa

-Présente toi en cinq phrases
- Écrivez deux phrases ayant un complément d’objets direct



i dont understand what your saying


type 2 good paragraphs in english that summarize how the french celebrate carnival (mardi gras)



In France, Mardi Gras is celebrated by a large parade; with masquerades, delicious foods to eat, and dances in the streets. Although France didn’t create Mardi Gras, their lively parties were coined and practiced in many places like New Orleans, Belgium, and Spain.  

In the earlier days in France, the high courts celebrated the occasion with lavish parties, feasts, dancing, and festivals. While those in poverty still celebrated with dances and small festivals, they were made to look in longingly at the remarkable parties of the nobles. During that time, the peasants would hold a courir de Mardi Gras when a group of peasants would walk from an estate to an estate searching for extra food. As these traditions blossomed into actual parades, people began to wear masks to conceal their identity and other elaborate costumes. These old customs soon became a tradition and are still practiced today.

Hope this helps you, friend! :)



oui oui................

I am glad that you have decided to complete part of your music credit with the WV Virtual School. If you took the time to read my bio attached to this page, you will remember that I am a retired teacher with 31 years of experience. I have previously taught three levels in music education: elementary, middle school, and high school. I spent approximately 10 years in each level. Academic excellence is something I have always expected from all of my students. I expect the same academic excellence from the students in the WV Virtual School. I expect you to write complete sensible sentences that contain correct punctuation and capitalization, and good grammar. Therefore, before submitting assignments please re-read, proofread, and have your parent or guardian read them. If you do the previously stated things you will do well in this course. If you choose not to do the previously listed things for your assignments, you will not receive a passing grade for assignments and you will be given the chance to revise them. Save yourself the time and frustration of having to do an assignment more than once. My goal is for you to pass this class with the highest grade possible. But you must submit excellent work to receive the highest grade. I hope this will encourage you to work to your best potential. I love teaching and seeing students stretch themselves beyond where they feel they are capable. Work hard and I assure you it will pay off in the end.


Umm where is the question at i

PLEASE HELP! I will translate this at the end!

Pensez-vous que la citation, Seuls les plus forts survivent, a eu un impact sur votre vie?
(Do you think that the quote, "Only the strongest survive" has impacted your life?) I AM

GIVING BRAINLIEST PLEASE! Give me your opinion.


answer: yes I do think that the quote has an impact on your life because people may take words to heart and think that they have to be the strongest to strive and get through life in this world

Decide if the following French sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.

Est-ce que le prof vous a parlé?



the sentence is correct :))



I have no idea but I need points so.




Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the passé composé:

Hier, Sophie ________ à sept heures du matin.


est partie
a parti
est parti
a partie



est partie


becaui it hs te good relatin

[tex]5 \times 84[/tex]


The answer is going to be 420.

I hope this helps.

Select the correct answer.
Which verb best completes the sentence?
Il faut
les factures avant la date limite.
OA dépenser
OD. déposer

Someone help quickly



Il faut "payer" les factures avant la date limite.

B. payer

Complete the sentence.
Je viens France.
O de
O de l'
O des
O du





Hope it well help you to

Answer = de.

This is because France is feminine and singular.

I hope this helps.

I need help ASAP it’s for French 3 I need help with the answers


1. Il y en a quatre.
2. Il y en a deux millions.
3. Il y en a soixante-cinq.
4. Il y en a seize.
5. Il y en a environ soixante.
6. Il y en a un.



1. Il y en a quatre.

2. Il y en a deux millions.

3. Il y en a soixante-cinq.

4. Il y en a seize.

5. Il y en a environ soixante.

6. Il y en a un.

complétez les participes passés

1-Ils les ont faits...passer par la fenêtre.​


Answer: can you tell me what’s this says?


une personne achete 12 assiettes plates, 6 assiettes creuses et 6 assiettes a desert. Une assiette creuse coûte 2dh de moins qu'une assiette plate.
Une assiette a desert coûte 5dh demoins qu 'uns assiette plate.
Elle depense en tout 540dh?
Quel est le prix de chaque sorte d' assiette ?



- x le prix d'une assiette plate,

- x - 2 le prix d'une assiette creuse,

-  x - 5 le prix d'une assiette à dessert,

24x + 12 (x - 2) + 12 (x - 5) = 540

24x + 12x - 24 + 12x - 60 = 540

48x = 540 + 60 + 24

48x = 624

x = 624/48

x = 13

Une assiette plate coûte 13 €

x - 2 = 13 - 2 = 11

Une assiette creuse coûte 11 €

x - 5 = 13 - 5 = 8

Une assiette à dessert coûte 8 €

Travail d'écriture
Vous traiterez au choix l'un des deux sujets suivants. Votre texte aura une longueur
minimale de deux pages.
Sujet de réflexion
Pensez-vous qu'on apprend mieux seul, sans professeur pour encadrer et sans ses camarades ?
Vous répondrez à cette question en comparant les avantages et les inconvénients des deux
systèmes. Vous présenterez plusieurs arguments, en prenant soin d'organiser votre pensée de
façon logique. Vous illustrerez chaque argument par des exemples précis et concrets.



You will choose one of the following two subjects. Your text will have a length

minimum of two pages.

Subject of reflection

Do you think that we learn better alone, without a teacher to supervise and without his classmates?

You will answer this question by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two

systems. You will present several arguments, taking care to organize your thinking

logical way. You will illustrate each argument with specific and concrete examples.

Relis les phrases avec les pronoms relatifs simples : (3 Marks)

a- C’était mon ami. Il est venu me voir.

b- C’est un film . Ils ils ont vu ce film.

c- Je vais passer par Paris. Je suis né à Paris​




a- C’était mon ami. Il est venu me voir.

C'était mon ami qui est venu me voir.

b- C’est un film . Ils ont vu ce film.

C'est un film qu'ils ont vu.

c- Je vais passer par Paris. Je suis né à Paris.

Je vais passer par Paris où je suis né.​

Answer the following questions (in French) using the vocabulary given in the table.

Vocabulary Bank
Je suis d’accord. - Je ne veux pas. - Pas question. - D’accord. – Oui, nous voulons bien. – Oui, je veux bien. – Bien sûr. – Non, pas du tout. – Nous ne devons pas.
a. Veux-tu aller au cinéma?
b. Devons-nous arriver tôt au cinéma?
c. Est-ce que quelqu’un veut manger une glace?
d. Veux-tu manger italien?
e. Aimes-tu le film?
f. Veux-tu plus de café?





Oui, je veux bien


Oui, nous voulons bien


Bien sûr.


Je ne veux pas.


Pas question


Non, pas du tout

Easy! Please help! Reordering the words.

1. elle / rentrée / est / chez elle
2. ils / sortis / avec nous / sont
3. pour Genève / parties / sont / Jacqueline et Sylvie


The answer is c or 3 hope this helps

6. What direct object pronoun in French would replace "Pauline et toi"



nous means us, if it said pauline et moi then it would be nous
je means i
les is typically used for everything except ppl
Other Questions
The points (-16, 12) and (-29, 10) form a line segment.Write down the midpoint of the line segment. URGENT: Create a linear system whose ONLY SOLUTION is (3,13) . I just need the equations for f(x)=? , G(x)=? To get (3,13). ASAP!!!!! PLZZZ What if the earth does not have any gravitational force? Whats the answer please? PLEASE HELP !! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST *EXTRA POINTS*.. IM GIVING 40 POINTS !! DONT SKIP :((. Poru1. It is a relationship that compares two or more quantitiesA. quantityB ratioC. fractionD. colon Writing about something with the purpose of proving or disproving, clarifying, reviewing, or judging its merits is writing intended to___.A. Entertain B. Evaluate C. InformD. Persuade The process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adaptedorganisms do. A. Artificial SelectionB.Evolution.Natural SelectionD.Adaptation A total of 560 tickets were soldThey were either adult or Studenttickets.The number of Student ticketsSold was 3 times the number ofadult tickets. How many adulttickets sold What key element is found in Gothic literature? The flight path of a plane is a straight line from city J to city K. The roads from city J to city K run 9.4 miles south and then 15.1 miles east. How many degrees east of south is the plane's flight path, to the nearest tenth? 5. Seleccione la respuesta correcta1. Durante el siglo XVII, un mdico fabric un microscopio con el cual descubri en muestras de agua algunosseres vivos que fueron llamados animales unicelulares. Con el desarrollo de microscopios ms potentes en elsiglo XX, se logr caracterizar estos seres vivos y se cambi su ubicacin a la de un reino independiente, reinaprotista. Segn esta informacin, se puede afirmar que What are 5 elements to civil society? please help T+Tkatagian and pagkakilanlan DO you like Anne with an E? -10p - (1 - 2p)(Distributive property[Expand] And combine like terms The peak at transfer camera is 10 8.7 he travels 7.5 metre in car and took a break how much more he has to travel to reach the top of the mountain Calculate the values of angles A and C of triangle ABC, where b =17.23cm,c=10.86cm and B=10 1 degree 15 PLEASE HELPPPPP PLEASREER Solve and check the equation.x/9=x/10-4