I will give you BRAINLIEST POINT.Support your explanation of your reaction and interpretation with specific evidence from the story .


Answer 1


umm there's no story


Related Questions

Which historical detail can best help clarify a reader’s understanding of the information in the excerpt?



the answer is A :  Immigrant factory workers who spoke the same language were separated from each other at work.


workers who spoke the same language were sperated while they worked everday  i hope i helped !!




Just took the test

Read this passage from "The Rainy Day":
“Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;

Thy fate is the common fate of all,

Into each life some rain must fall,

Some days must be dark and dreary.”

The second line is an example of foreshadowing (hinting at what might come next). What effect does this line have on the poem’s mood?

A.The foreshadowing suggests that the sun will be too strong when it comes out, making the poem’s mood more anxious.

B.By foreshadowing sad times to come, the line adds to the poem’s dreary mood.

C.By foreshadowing happier times to come, the line helps lighten the mood and lift the reader's spirit.

D.The foreshadowing suggests that the clouds will remain in the future, making the mood of the poem even more bleak.



the answer is B


Select the correct answer.

How does a general internet search help in the research process?


It helps you choose sources that have been published more recently.


It helps you select articles that only credible authors have written.


It helps you revise your research focus as you uncover more information.


It helps you search for information that can’t be found at libraries



D. It helps you search for information that can’t be found at libraries


When you are going to do a search, it is important that you look for a variety of books and magazines that address the topic for which you are researching and that can make your search very rich and very relevant. However, many times the library does not have enough works for you to research everything you need, for this reason, it is very advantageous that you have access to the internet, because the internet can show you information that you cannot find in the library.

15 points!

Which sentence uses a word incorrectly?

I enjoy camping, but I also enjoy getting back to civilization!

Writers don't tell you the theme of a story directly—you have to analyze the text to find it.

The speakers have blown out on my stereotype—time for a new one.

Many English words have Greek or Latin roots.



either.....I enjoy camping, but I also enjoy getting back to civilization!


The speakers have blown out on my stereotype—time for a new one

i think its The speakers have blown out on my stereotype—time for a new one


i may be wrong UwU

hey! Can anyone write a narrative essay on the topic 'A funny story that happened to you.' please! the first one anwering is the branliest.​


When I threw a rock at someones forehead and got an out school suspension. So I was banned from the end of year school trip. But my mom had already paid.... they wouldn’t refund the money so my mom had to threaten the school and tell them about my depression... she said she was going to tell the school board. The teacher inc Hargrove the trip tried so hard to prevent me from going. But due to my moms thereatening The teacher burst out crying so me and my sister burst out laughing because we didn’t feel bad .

"Which is the bliss of solitude" what figurative language is this?


Paradox! This is because bliss contradicts solitude, since bliss cannot be solidarity

Which of the following should you avoid
when writing under pressure?



To avoid feeling overwhelmed by a writing task, consider adopting these eight (admittedly not-so-simple) strategies. Slow down. Define your task. Divide your task. Budget and monitor your time. Relax. Get it down. Review. Edit.


Use the highlighting tool to identify the words and phrases that most powerfully reveal the author’s purpose. Arms, as the last resource, decide this contest; the appeal was the choice of the king, and the continent hath accepted the challenge. —Thomas Paine, Common Sense



The correct answer is:

Arms, as the last resource, decide this contest; the appeal was the choice of the king, and the continent hath accepted the challenge.


The author's purpose in choosing these words is to persuade his audience to do or think something. All writers use different techniques to get their audience's attention, and some of these tools can be tone and voice.

Paine was a person who defended natural rights and was against a single government for the people.

Answer:in pink  as the last resource, decide this

in yellow the appeal was the choice of the king

Explanation: just on edg

Sometimes it’s hard to do this when you are involved in the situation. A introspection B spectacle C circumspect D speculate



A. introspection


the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.

What does the following paragraph mainly reveal about the character of Antonio?
The evening before the big fight, Tony made his way to the roof of his tenement. In the quiet early dark, he peered over the ledge. Six stories
below the lights of the city blinked and the sounds of cars mingled with the curses and the laughter of children in the street. He tried not to think
of Felix, feeling he had succeeded in psyching his mind. But only in the ring would he really knor. To spare Felix hurt, he would have to knock
him out, early and quick



A. Tony worries about how to fight Felix without hurting him.





Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) A lot of people can't afford______(eat) in a restaurant every day.
2) I'm considering______(become) a volonteer.
3) When are you coming back? I really need______(see) you.
4) In the winter I always miss______(swim) in the sea.
5) Most of my friends prefer______(wear) jeans to sweatpants.
6) I would prefer______(stay) at home tonight if you don't mind.
7) Rob really hates______(tidy) his room.
8) Amy works for a charity - she loves______(help) people in need.
9) We mananged______(finish) our project on time.
10) Peter likes______(work) in a team.


1.) eating 2.) becoming 3.) to see 4.) swimming 5.) wearing 6.) staying 7.) tidying 8.) helping 9.) finishing 10.) working

Lamb to the Slaughter
By Roald Dahl


Answer: C

Explanation: APEX


The perfect murder


According to the guidelines of good journalism, which of the following sentences is correct:
O A. 9-year-old John Messer broke his wrist when he fell off a skateboard
B. John Messer, 9, broke his wrist when he fell off a skateboard.
OC. John Messer, nine, broke his wrist when he fell off a skateboard.
D. John Messer, a nine-year-old, broke his wrist when he fell off a skateboard.


Answer: I think its A


An index will probably have ___ a dictionary.

A. The same number of entries as

B. More entries than

C. Fewer entries than

D. The exact same entries as





Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, but it is still 36 million miles away. Mercury orbits the sun for 88 days. Because Mercury travels around the sun faster than the other planets, it was named after the quick messenger of the Roman gods.





Read the short passage from Jane Austen's novel Persuasion. The passage is too short to show definitely which point of view Austen is using, but readers can eliminate some points of view even in this short excerpt. Which points of view could be used in Persuasion based on this short passage? Select all that apply.

"Vanity was the beginning and the end of Sir Walter Elliot's character; vanity of person and of situation. He had been remarkably handsome in his youth; and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man. Few women could think more of their personal appearance than he did, nor could the valet of any new made lord be more delighted with the place he held in society. He considered the blessing of beauty as inferior only to the blessing of a baronetcy; and the Sir Walter Elliot, who united these gifts, was the constant object of his warmest respect and devotion."

a) limited omniscient point of view
b) omniscient point of view
c) second-person point of view
d) first person point of view


Answer: The answer is B                        

Don't give wrong answers or else you will be warned. Write a story starting with the following lines. ( no romance included)
The hospital is stuffy and the air has an undertone of bleach. the walls are magnolia and are scraped in places from the hundreds of trolleys. that have bumped into them. The picture in the wall are cheap benign prints of uplifting scenes and above the double doors are large blue plastic signs with the areas of hospital lie ahead.


No one really goes in that direction Eleanor the hospital’s janitor it’s really the only one we see go on that side of the hospital now that I think about it no one really goes in and out of that side at all except for Eleanor I Wonder what’s over there maybe she’s hiding something. Yes that keeping record of every time she goes in the front of the hospital maybe I shouldn’t but if I should maybe I can find something. It’s been a week Eleanor calls on that side of the hospital at the same time every day now I’m curious somethings up! When you walk down the hallway once you open those double doors it is so cold So Windy of course there’s no windows it’s a closed hallway, of course but, all the doors to the rooms are closed. where is the wind coming from there’s no vents in the hallway I go back to the old doors where I entered and, they’re locked!


A, B, and C


edge assignment 2021

How can point of you change how you think about a story? (Idk the answer)



It can change the way you see in your mind about the story and how you spectate the story



It changes what information you get from the narrator or diffferent characters


In third person point of view the narrator tells you things that are going on. there is also third person limited and third person omminicent. 3rd person limited is when the narrator knows the thoughts and actions of only one character. 3rd person ominisent is when the narrator knows the thought and actions of all of the characters. This is a huge difference and you can get more information form the narrator or certain characters in the book.

Why is it so important to Wiesel’s story that he talks about his view of God and how it changed as he experienced life in the camps?
(Night by Elie Wiesel)



His beliefs changed.


When he was in the camp, they prayed a lot and he started to think that it was a waste of time to pray to someone that wasn't helping them at all.


It is important because in the story he said does god not care that his children are being treated this way and are being killed and as he goes on in the camp he tells his father he does not  beleive in god and that he lost faith.


What inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers based on what she says to Mrs. Henderson? Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel. Mrs. Flowers is not impressed by Mrs. Henderson’s work. Mrs. Flowers is interested in learning how to sew. Mrs. Flowers is jealous when other people are proud.


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Read the passage, and highlight the words spoken by Mrs. Flowers. "I don't need to see the inside, Mrs. Henderson, I can tell . . ." But the dress was over my head and my arms were stuck in the sleeves. Momma said, "That'll do. See here, Sister Flowers, I French-seams around the armholes." Through the cloth film, I saw the shadow approach. "That makes it last longer. Children these days would bust out of sheet-metal clothes. They so rough." "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite." —I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou What inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers based on what she says to Mrs. Henderson? Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel. Mrs. Flowers is not impressed by Mrs. Henderson’s work. Mrs. Flowers is interested in learning how to sew. Mrs. Flowers is jealous when other people are proud.


Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel.


By reading the text shown in the question above, we can see that Mrs. Flowers has a wit and sensitivity towards the feelings and emotions of the people around her. She is aware of how people feel, even if they don't say it, and she does it through observation and reasoning. This is very evident in the line "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite."


Mrs. Flowers is aware of how other people feel.


Identify the following statement.
mississippi has four i's in it, but doesn't see!





Mississippi has four i's(eyes) but it doesn't see.

Riddle hope that help

How does the author use setting and description to create suspense in personal best


Answer:Four factors are necessary for suspense—reader empathy, reader concern, impending danger and escalating tension. We create reader empathy by giving the character a desire, wound or internal struggle that readers can identify with. The more they empathize, the closer their connection with the story will be.



they create reader empathy by giving the character a desire, wound or internal struggle that readers can identify with


Please help!! I put a picture of what i need help with!


could you please provide the question?

Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.​



Eight Dollars is the price of a movie these days.


"Is" is the verb of this sentence.  Though a subject of a clause is typically in front of the verb, this is an "inverted sentence," meaning that the subject comes after the verb.  If this sentence weren't to be inverted it would read, "The price of a movie (is,are) eight dollars these days."  The verb is describing the word "price" and because "price" is singular, it must have a singular verb meaning the correct verb usage is "is."

Read these sentences from Mandela’s “Inaugural Address.”

We would also like to pay tribute to our security forces, in all their ranks, for the distinguished role they have played in securing our first democratic elections and the transition to democracy, from blood-thirsty forces which still refuse to see the light.

The time for the healing of the wounds has come.

The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come.

The time to build is upon us.

How do Mandela’s language choices reinforce his purpose here?

He repeats short sentences to highlight the critical nature of the moment.
He repeats his beliefs to ensure that the people will forget the past.
He repeats complicated concepts to establish his credibility.
He uses short sentences to make an appeal to simpler times.



A.  He repeats short sentences to highlight the critical nature of the moment.


Nelson Mandela was the first Black president of South Africa, elected after his time in prison for anti-apartheid activity. The given excerpt is from his Inaugural Address as President of South Africa from 1994.

Here he uses short, clear sentences to highlight the critical nature of the moment. He doesn't use complicated phrases as he wants people to understand him and his beliefs. He doesn't want anyone to forget the past or the people who fought for justice, because they are the reason a change was made.

Answer: Plato users the correct answer is

He repeats short sentences to highlight the critical nature of the moment.

Explanation: I just took the test and this is correct.

Read this excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Hobbit, where Bilbo recalls Gandalf as a wizard he remembers from childhood.

...the Gandalf who was responsible for so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures. Anything from climbing trees to visiting Elves....Bless me, life used to be quite inter - I mean, you used to upset things badly in these parts once upon a time.'"
What does Bilbo's description of Gandalf reveal about Bilbo?

a)Bilbo has no interest in seeing Gandalf again.

b)As a child, Bilbo was afraid of Gandalf.

c)Bilbo values comfort over adventure.

d)It shows the two sides of Bilbo's personality.
I need an answer quickly



It shows the two sides of Bilbo's personality.100% Just took the test.

Bilbo's description of Gandalf reveals the two sides of Bilbo's personality. Therefore option D is the correct response.

What is the Hobbit?

J. R. R. Tolkien is an English novelist best known for his children's fantasy book The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. It was released in 1937 to a plethora of positive reviews, garnering nominations for the Carnegie Medal and the New York Herald Tribune's award for best young adult literature.

The Hobbit is set in Tolkien's imaginative world and centers on the home-loving hobbit Bilbo Baggins' quest to obtain a piece of the treasure that is being protected by the dragon Smaug. During his quest, Bilbo leaves his jovial, pastoral setting and enters a more menacing region.

The Hobbit encourages us to take chances. Getting out of your comfort zone and discovering your true potential is what life is all about. Bilbo comes to the realization that being a typical Hobbit dwelling in The Shire is not all there is to life or the world.

On September 21, 1937, the first edition of The Hobbit: or, There and Back Again was released. C.S. Lewis is credited with calling the novel a "marvelous" classic-in-the-making, while the New York Times praised it for being "freshly unique and charmingly imaginative."

To read more about The Hobbit, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/28306676


The running back deftly evaded the opposing team on the football field. Would he be surprised if the coach called him clumsy? Why or why not?​



No, he would not be called clumsy


The word "deft" means he is precise, skillful, and quick in movement; "evaded" means to escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery.

He is surprised if the coach called him clumsy no, because of the work that he has done.

Who is a coach?

Head coaches lead, instruct, inspire, and manage their teams. They can work with kids, seniors, and amateur or commercial players, relying on their expertise, credentials, and interest. Sports managers instruct players, decide on strategies and lineups, and motivate them.

The adjectives "deft" and "evaded" describe someone who is accurate, skilled, and quick on their feet, respectively. They were always treated as people who are smart and the goal is important in this passage. This will be termed an important aspect of the passage.

The planning, organizing, and delivery of a suitable selection of sporting events and programs for both people and teams are within the purview of coaches. Educating pertinent talents, strategies, and tactics is a typical responsibility.

Learn more about coach, here:



Who influences our thoughts



people around us


Answer: Our thoughts are influenced by what we see, hear, feel, touch, and taste as well as by blogs, books, music, movies, and memes. Our thoughts create our beliefs, which form our values, and dictates our behavior.

Which option is an example of expository writing


Expository writing is used to convey factual information (as opposed to creative writing, such as fiction). It is the language of learning and understanding the world around us. If you've ever read an encyclopedia entry, a how-to article on a website, or a chapter in a textbook, then you've encountered examples of expository writing

So a or d but i'm leaning toward d


The correct answer is D


It is trying to talk more about Africanized honeybee.

1. The voting booths on the other side of the room. how do i fix it?



get some wood and fix it and some tool the i can help

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