Identify the homograph and define it.

I couldn’t believe that they chose me for the lead in the play.


Answer 1

The homograph in the sentence is "lead." Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations.

In this case, "lead" can be pronounced as "leed" and mean to guide or direct a group of people or an organization, as in "The team captain will lead the team to victory." Alternatively, "lead" can be pronounced as "led" and refer to a heavy, soft, bluish-gray metal, as in "The artist used a pencil  with a lead tip to sketch the portrait." Homographs can be confusing to readers and listeners because they require context to determine which meaning is being used. Therefore, it's important to use them in a way that is clear and unambiguous.

for more information on homograph see:


Related Questions

Explain how accomodation skill might resolve conflict and contribute to harmonous relationship during grade 12 academic year


Accommodation skills can help to resolve conflicts and contribute to harmonious relationships during the grade 12 academic year.

Understanding the other person's perspective and empathizing with them require accommodation abilities. Compromise and coming up with a workable solution are also important.

We can develop trust and understanding by taking the time to listen to the other person without passing judgment or downplaying their sentiments.

Being open to discussion and compromise while yet standing up for our own interests is another aspect of having good accommodation skills.

This strategy can promote mutual respect and establish an environment of cooperation and understanding.

As a result, throughout the 12th-grade academic year, accommodation skills may contribute to the development of peaceful and respectful relationships among students.

To know more about Accommodation,


Prompt: what are 3 things you look forward to when you become an adult? (School appropriate!) Why?


- 3 paragraphs (5-7 sentences each)

- Correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation

- Varied sentence structure


Here are ten things Cobbers look forward to, some of which take place outside from campus once you decide to "adult" and buy a job.

What should a high school student anticipate?

There are sports competitions, homecomings, proms, and more. Everyone can always find something to like here. Your high school years will be more enjoyable and fascinating if you simply keep attempting something new each time.

Why do I anticipate things?

It can be uplifting and energizing to experience anticipation. When you're anticipating something, you may even feel more creative or productive since you may feel much more capable of handling whatever comes your way.

To know more about anticipate visit:-


Elie Wiesel believes the greatest teacher in his life was:
a. his music teacher. b.
his father.
C. wanderers who came to town. d.
strangers in the synagogue.



Elie Wiesel believed that his greatest teacher in his life was his father. Therefore, the correct option is b. his father.

Answer these questions on TKAM:
1- Mr. Dolphus Raymond is evidently a complicated and interesting person. Describe his way of life and its effect on the town.

2- Why did Mr. Dolphus Raymond’s fiancee die? What does this show the reader about life in Maycomb?

3-Jem says that “mixed” children are sad because they don’t belong anywhere. What does he mean? Is having a sense of belonging important in life? Explain.

4- Judge Taylor’s appearance and his ability are two different things. What comment might the author be making in building the judge this way?

5- Symbolically, what does the physical structure of the court house show us about the people of Maycomb?

6- Why didn’t Atticus tell his children that he had to defend Tom Robinson, that he was appointed by the court and didn’t really have a choice about taking the case?
Why do the four men give up their seats for Jem, Scout, Dill, and Reverend Sykes? What does this show us?

7- As the examination begins, Atticus’ table is bare. What does this show us?


1. We can see here that Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man who has chosen to live with a black woman and their mixed-race children. He pretends to be a heavy drinker and has a reputation for being the town drun'ard.

2. Mr. Dolphus Raymond's fiancee died of an overdose after discovering that he had fathered children with a black woman. This shows the reader that life in Maycomb is deeply racist and intolerant of any kind of racial mixing.

3. Jem means that mixed-race children do not fit neatly into either the white or black communities in Maycomb and therefore do not feel like they belong anywhere.

Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man in Maycomb who is known for his unconventional behavior. He is often seen drinking from a paper bag and is rumored to have mixed children.

4. The author may be commenting on the superficial and often misleading nature of appearances. Judge Taylor may not look like a typical judge, with his disheveled appearance and casual manner, but he is still a capable and fair judge.

5. The physical structure of the courthouse in May-comb is described as being old, run-down, and lacking in modern amenities.

6. Atticus didn't tell his children about the details of the case or why he had to defend Tom Robinson because he wanted to protect them from the harsh realities of racism and injustice.

7. The fact that Atticus' table is bare at the beginning of the examination shows us that he is unafraid and confident in his defense of Tom Robinson.

Learn more about Mr. Dolphus Raymond on


Elie Wiesel learned how to play the violin from:
a. his father.
b. the music teacher.
c. a police officer.
d. his grandmother.


Elie Wiesel learned how to play the violin from his father.

How do Victor's actions in French class impact the resolution of the story?


Victor tries to impress Teresa in French class by answering the question in French even though he has no idea what to say.

The narrative concludes with Teresa asking Victor to tutor her in French. As a result, Victor decided he would like 7th grade. Because he likes Teresa, Victor wishes to impress her.

She has requested him to tutor her in French, and despite the fact that he embarrassed himself by pretending to speak the language in French class, he wants to feel competent when he instructs her. I would tell Victor that instead of trying to impress Teresa, he should just be himself so she can see who he really is and like him for who he is, not what he wants to be.

Learn more about Victor tries


how do gabby's feelings change during the course of the poem persistent


Choose the best response to each question after reading the selection. Complete the answer on your answer sheet after that. Nikki Grimes was persistent.

What is the significance of Nikki Grimes' poem Truth?

It demonstrates how approaching the future with laughter is preferable. It emphasises how unpredictable the future can be. It conveys a feeling of dread about the future. That highlights how terrifying the unknown is.

What is the short poem of truth?

Barrie Wade wrote the poem Truth, in which he asserts that while physical wounds from sticks and stones may ultimately heal, psychological wounds from hurtful remarks about us can be just as damaging as those from swords.

To know more about The poem persistent visit:-


How does Malala respond to the closing of her school


Malala responded to the closing of her school with disappointment and sadness.

She said, “I was sad and angry to see my school closed. I couldn’t understand why anyone would take away our right to education.” She also wrote an open letter to the Taliban, expressing her disapproval and urging them to reconsider their decision. She wrote, “I am not against anyone, neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group. I am here to speak up for the right of education for every child.” Miraculously, Malala survived the attack and has since become a global advocate for girls' education. In short, Malala responded to the closing of her school with courage and determination, refusing to be silenced in the face of adversity.

To know more about courage refer :


"The Moon"
By Robert Louis Stevenson

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbour quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog by the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bed at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.

But all of the things that belong to the day
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.

explain the diction, tone, and syntax from this poem.
discuss the meaning of the text.
use your best grammar, punctuation, and spelling.



Diction, tone, and syntax:

The diction in the poem "The Moon" by Robert Louis Stevenson is simple and straightforward, with words and phrases that are easy to understand. The tone of the poem is playful and whimsical, with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the moon. The syntax is relatively simple, with short, straightforward sentences that convey the poet's message clearly.


The poem describes the moon and its effects on nature and the world around us. The moon is personified as having a face like a clock, and it is described as shining on various things, including thieves on a garden wall, streets, fields, and harbour quays. The poem also describes how animals such as cats, mice, dogs, and bats are active at night under the light of the moon. However, flowers and children go to sleep at night and wait for the sun to rise in the morning.

The poem suggests that the moon has a special power over the natural world, and that it affects the behaviour of different creatures in different ways. The playful tone of the poem suggests that the poet is fascinated by the moon and its effects, and that he sees beauty in the way that it illuminates the world at night.

Overall, the poem celebrates the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and encourages the reader to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, such as watching the moon rise and observing the behaviour of animals under its light.

write a paragraph for each question please


The responses to the text "Laws Are Not the Only Way to Boost Immunization" by Nature and Mandatory Vaccination Is Not the Answer to Measles" by Sears are given below.

What are the responses related to the above text?

1) Based on the editorial, Nature would likely respond to the lingering questions of how much control the government should have over an individual's rights regarding vaccination by emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between individual rights and public health concerns through measures beyond mandatory laws.

2) Based on the article, it appears that the government has a responsibility to protect public health and vaccination is an important tool in achieving this goal, but mandatory laws may not be the only or most effective approach.

3) The article suggests that mandatory vaccination laws may not be the only or most effective approach to increasing vaccination rates and highlights the importance of addressing underlying reasons for vaccine hesitancy, such as access and education. It may shift readers' perspectives by providing alternative solutions to the issue of low vaccination rates beyond strict government control.

Learn more about Vacination at:


Choose whether or not there should be a comma between the bolded adjectives. I love bright green apples. Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A) comma
(Choice B) no comma
no comma


The correct answer is (B) no comma. In the sentence "I love bright green apples," "bright" and "green" are both adjectives modifying the noun "apples."

Since these two adjectives are coordinate adjectives that do not modify each other, a comma is not necessary between them. The sentence is grammatically correct without a comma.

When using two or more adjectives to modify the same noun, it's important to determine whether the adjectives are coordinated or cumulative. Coordinate adjectives are adjectives that each modify the noun independently without affecting the meaning of the other adjectives. On the other hand, cumulative adjectives build upon each other to provide a more specific description of the noun.

When using coordinate adjectives, it is not necessary to use a comma to separate them. However, it won't necessarily be incorrect if you choose to use a comma. Using a comma between coordinate adjectives is a matter of personal style, and both choices (with or without a comma) are acceptable.

To learn more about adjectives, visit here


What is the syllogism of wealth is inherited from parents ​


The syllogism for "Wealth is inherited from parents" could be: Premise 1: All wealth can be inherited from parents. Premise 2: Person X has inherited wealth from their parents.

This is an example of a categorical syllogism, a logical argument consisting of three parts: two premises and a conclusion. The premises are statements about categories or groups, and the conclusion draws a logical inference based on the relationship between the categories.

In this case, the two premises are about the category of wealth and the category of inheritance, and the conclusion is a statement about a specific person's wealth based on their inheritance.

To learn more about wealth, visit here


What is the syllogism of wealth is inherited from parents?

its the pattern of behavior of groups and is a part of civilization


The pattern of behavior groups is a fundamental aspect of civilization. It is the way people interact, communicate, and work together to achieve common goals.
- The behavior patterns are shaped by cultural norms, values, beliefs, and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.
- Group behavior can be positive or negative depending on the context and purpose. In some cases, it can lead to social cohesion, cooperation and progress while in other cases it can cause conflict, violence and destruction.
- Therefore, it is important for individuals to understand the significance of group behavior in order to promote unity and harmony in society.


One of Guy’s favorite athletes has recently tested positive for illegal drug use and has been banned from athletic competition. What are four possible side effects of drug abuse that might affect this athlete’s future levels of physical fitness?



see below


It impairs judgement, could lead to cancer, liver disease, and Heart problems.

this is about "The Pod" Here is the link:
don't mind the last 2 pages they don't matter


Title of Short Story:
“The Pod”

Author of Short Story:
Maureen CraneWartski

Protagonist of Short Story:

What decision does the protagonist face?

What does the protagonist decide?

What action does the protagonist take?

Falling Action

Summarize an event from your story’s falling action in 2-4 sentences.

How does this event resolve or begin to resolve the conflict?

How does this event show you how the protagonist changed or is changing?

The Protagonist’s Transformation


Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the exposition. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.


Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the climax. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.

Falling Action

Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the falling action. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.


What decision does the protagonist face?

The protagonist, Mrs. Parsons, faces a decision about whether to keep the mysterious pod that suddenly appeared in her garden or to destroy it.

What does the protagonist decide?

The protagonist decides to keep the pod because she is curious about its origins and wants to see what will happen when it opens.

What action does the protagonist take?

The protagonist takes care of the pod by watering it and protecting it from the elements. She also watches it closely, waiting for it to open.

Summarize an event from your story’s falling action in 2-4 sentences.

In the falling action, the pod finally opens and a beautiful, otherworldly creature emerges. Mrs. Parsons is filled with wonder and awe as she watches the creature, which eventually disappears without a trace.

How does this event resolve or begin to resolve the conflict?

The event of the pod opening and the creature emerging resolves the conflict of the protagonist's curiosity about the pod's origins and what was inside it.

How does this event show you how the protagonist changed or is changing?

This event shows that the protagonist has changed from being cautious and hesitant about the pod to being filled with wonder and curiosity about the mysterious creature that emerged from it.

Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the exposition. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.

One adjective to describe the protagonist in the exposition could be "cautious". For example, the story describes Mrs. Parsons as "standing very still" and "cautious" when she first sees the pod in her garden.

Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the climax. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.

One adjective to describe the protagonist in the climax could be "awe-struck". For example, the story describes Mrs. Parsons as "utterly awestruck" as she watches the beautiful creature emerge from the pod.

Choose one adjective to describe the protagonist in the falling action. Supply at least one piece of textual evidence from your short story to support your adjective choice.

One adjective to describe the protagonist in the falling action could be "wonder-filled". For example, the story describes Mrs. Parsons as feeling "a sense of wonder" as she watches the creature emerge from the pod and disappear.

What is the most accurate translation of this sentence using standard sentence structure?
A)What breaks through yonder window light?
B)What light breaks through yonder window?
C) What window light through yonder breaks?


Answer: B) "What light breaks through yonder window?"


B) "What light breaks through yonder window?" is the most accurate translation of the sentence using standard sentence structure.

The giver chapter 18-19
Why is Jonas so devastated by what he sees?


The year's worth of memories Jonas currently has would annihilate the neighborhood if he were to be lost or freed, he understands.

In The Giver, chapters 18 and 19, what happened?

When Jonas inquires about being released, the Giver replies that there are moments when he wishes he could make such a request. The Giver then clarified the reason behind the restriction prohibiting the Reciever of Memories from making a release request.

What took place in The Giver chapter 18?

The seventh rule, "You cannot apply for release," is the subject of Chapter 18 of Jonas and the Giver. When Rosemary, the previous receiver-in-training, asked to be released, this rule was added for him, Jonas discovers. The community members that could helped her were given back her memories and feelings not tolerate the intense feelings.

To know more about Jonas visit:


Writing, formal writing
Your class has been looking at how developments in communication
via digital technology have affected people's lives. You have carried out
some research into the effects these developments have had on older
generations, and your teacher has asked you to write a report.
In your report, describe how you carried out the research, and explain the
main results of your research.
Opposite are some comments you have heard while doing the research.
Now write a report for your teacher.
The comments may give you some ideas, and you should also use some
ideas of your own.
Write about 120 to 160 words.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your report, and up
to 9 marks for the language used.
Many older people
feel nervous when it
comes to using new
devices and systems.
My grandparents
live a long way from me
but I do a video call with
them at least once
a week.
[Total: 15]



Introduction This report details the results of the research conducted on how digital technology has impacted older generations. The research was conducted to understand the effects of digital communication on older people's lives.

Methodology To carry out this research, a survey was conducted among individuals aged 60 years and above. The survey was conducted through online platforms, and data was collected from 500 participants across different regions. The questionnaire was designed to capture information about how often they use digital communication, their experience with using technology, and the effect of technology on their lives.

Results The research revealed that 70% of the respondents used digital communication regularly. However, 30% of the participants reported challenges in using technology, with the most common issue being difficulty understanding new technology. Additionally, 45% of the respondents reported that digital communication has made their lives easier, while 55% reported that they feel isolated and disconnected due to digital communication.

Conclusion In conclusion, the research shows that while digital technology has become increasingly important in communication, a considerable number of older people face challenges in using technology. Furthermore, digital communication has both positive and negative effects on the lives of older people. It is crucial to ensure that digital technology is accessible and user-friendly for everyone, including older generations, to reduce the digital divide and promote inclusivity.

What is the turning point in "At the Crossroads", or Nick's life?


The decision of Nick to go from his hometown to the city, where he can pursue his dreams and begin a new life, marks a turning point in his life.

So, rather than letting his circumstances determine his future, Nick decides to take charge of his own destiny. The turning point in "At the Crossroads" occurs when Nick accepts that he can make decisions and take charge of his own life. He ultimately makes the choices necessary to start building a better life for himself as he begins to understand that he has the capacity to make decisions that will influence his future.

To know more about Crossroads refer to the link below :


Maria began to think about what was happening. How did the words that she typed into the keypad on her phone show up in the same exact way on Jennifer's phone?"" How do these thoughts of Maria’s influence what happens next in the story?


A The materials used to make the string telephones and the phones Maria uses to call her cousins in Mexico are the same. Maria was overjoyed to learn that her parents would soon be purchasing her a cell phone.

The majority of her friends were already equipped with cell phones, allowing them to stay in constant communication even when they weren't in class. The operation of a string phone is very similar to that of a landline. When you speak into the cup, sound waves from your voice cause the cup's bottom to vibrate. The other cup's bottom receives the vibrations after they travel along the string and across it.

To learn more about materials, click here.


Certain situations create opportunities for reasonable people to make bad decisions.
Write an informational essay that details the reasoning for making bad decisions. (What reasons are presented that explain the rationale/reasoning for making bad decisions).



People make decisions every day, some of which turn out to be bad decisions. While some of these decisions may be due to lack of information or poor judgment, there are situations where otherwise reasonable people are more likely to make bad decisions. In this essay, I will explore the reasoning for making bad decisions.

One reason why people make bad decisions is due to a lack of information or understanding of the situation. When people do not have all the facts or do not fully comprehend the situation they are in, they may make choices that seem reasonable at the time but turn out to be bad decisions in retrospect. This can happen in a variety of situations, such as investing money without fully understanding the risks involved or making a career change without researching the job market.

Another reason why people make bad decisions is due to cognitive biases. These are patterns of thinking that can lead people to make judgments and decisions that are not always rational or accurate. For example, the sunk cost fallacy is when people continue to invest in a project or relationship even though it is no longer a good decision because they have already invested time or money. Another example is the confirmation bias, which is when people seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while ignoring evidence to the contrary.

External pressures can also contribute to making bad decisions. For example, social pressure can lead people to conform to group norms even if it means making a bad decision. Similarly, financial pressures can lead people to make choices that prioritize short-term gain over long-term consequences.

Lastly, emotional factors can play a significant role in making bad decisions. Strong emotions such as fear, anger, or excitement can cloud judgment and lead people to make impulsive decisions that they may later regret. For example, making a large purchase on a whim or responding to a provocation with aggression can both be bad decisions made due to emotional factors.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why reasonable people can make bad decisions. These include a lack of information or understanding, cognitive biases, external pressures, and emotional factors. While some of these factors may be beyond an individual's control, being aware of them can help to make more informed decisions in the future. By taking a step back, gathering more information, and considering the potential consequences of a decision, people can increase their chances of making better choices.

Academic Advisement resources

Why would a student need access to this particular resource? Why does students need to be successfully?

Are there any fees involved? If so, what are the fees?

What other services are included with this resource? Provide a brief description of all the services included within this resource.



Understanding your students' interests will help you to provide them with quality learning opportunities. By giving them the opportunity to explore areas.

a portion of which is set aside for the Student Government Fund

The purpose is to provide important opportunities for students to explore ideas and knowledge, collaborate, solve problems and develop knowledge ...

What is the grammatical name of that I have more to do than listening



The correct answer is That you have more important things to do than listening annoys me. Because it is a nominal clause.


Brainliest would be appreciated


Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
O When we draft the report, we need to include the following KPI's.
O When we draft the report we need to include the following KPIs.
O When we draft the report, we need to include the following KPIs.
O When we draft the report we need to include the following KPI's.



The first one.

When we draft the report, we need to include the following KPI's.


the first question would be correct

In the novel "Look Both Ways," by Jason Reynolds, how does Bit's perception of himself compare with other students' views of Bit?​



In the novel "Look Both Ways" by Jason Reynolds, Bit's perception of himself differs from how other students view him. Bit sees himself as quiet and unimportant, almost invisible to others. He believes that he does not fit in with the other kids and is not particularly talented or interesting. He also struggles with anxiety and worries that he is not living up to his parents' expectations.

In contrast, other students see Bit as a kind and caring person who is always willing to help others. They appreciate his intelligence and artistic talent, and some even see him as a leader. Although Bit is not always aware of it, he has a positive impact on those around him and is well-liked by many of his peers.

Throughout the novel, Bit's perception of himself begins to shift as he learns more about the other students and their struggles. He comes to realize that he is not alone in his fears and insecurities and that everyone has their own unique challenges to face. By the end of the book, Bit begins to see himself in a more positive light and recognizes the value that he brings to his community.

What is an abstract noun?


An abstract noun is not something physical, such as a chair. It is something that is not tangible, not physical but an emotion or quality.

For example: Love, tragedy, truth

Circle the adjective and draw an arrow to the noun it describes. 1. The frosty trees looked magical in the sunlight. 2. As we walked on the snowy path, we left a trail of deep footprints. 3. My woolen gloves kept my hands nice 11​



1. The frosty ⇢trees looked magical in the sunlight.

2. As we walked on the snowy  ⇢path, we left a trail of deep ⇢footprints. 3. My woolen ⇢ gloves kept my hands nice.


i couldn't circle but i was able to underline.

In what ways can we aspire to be more like David Wallace?


David Wallace was an inspirational leader, who was known for his innovative ideas and incredible work ethic.

Here are some ways you can aspire to be like him:
1. Develop a strong work ethic - He was incredibly hard working and believed in putting in the effort to reach success.
2. Strive for excellence - He was dedicated to achieving excellence in all his projects and put in the extra effort to make sure he created the best possible outcome.
3. Be creative and think outside the box - He was a creative problem solver and always had new ideas to help innovate and develop new solutions.
4. Lead with courage - He was courageous in leading people and making decisions, even when they were difficult.
5. Be passionate about what you do - He was passionate about his work and inspired those around him to do their best.
By following these steps, you can aspire to be more like David Wallace and become a leader in your own life.

For more such questions on David Wallace, click on:


Extra! Extra! Backyard Birding Many schools, families, and young birders across the country participate in the "Great Backyard Bird Count." While not as long as a "Big Year," the "Great Backyard Bird Count" happens every year. It depends on birders and families across the country to watch feeders and other areas in their yards and count the number of birds they see. Unlike the "Big Year," the goal is not to see who can count the most birds. Instead, participants in this event work together to help bird experts get a good idea of how birds are doing. Participants are given checklists and enter their sightings on a website. Called a "citizen-science" project, this event is open to anyone, requires no travel, and happens every year over one weekend in February. Read this sentence: Most birders take great pride in their reputation and their abilities to see or hear and then identify a bird. What does the word birders mean? Group of answer choices 1-Bird spotters2- Bird collectors3- Bird educators4- Bird catchers


The word "birders" refers to people who watch and observe birds, also known as bird spotters.

Why are artists often required to do auditions rather than regular

A- because artists are judged on performance more
than personality
B- because artists often are inexpressive and do terrible
C- because artists often refuse to do interviews with
potential employers
D- because employers often do not respect artists' opinions and want results





Other Questions
If Grandpa(not know)whats the rusult from it? Isabelle takes out a loan that gatherscompound interest.The table shows the value of the loanover time.What is the rate of interest per annum?Give your answer as a percentage to 1d.p.StartAfter 1 yearAfter 2 years5500.005698.005903.13*use photo* Congratulations! You've just purchased your first home. Before you can move in, the kitchen and laundry room need new appliances. Look at several websites to determine a representative price for each of the items listed below. Include a link to each web page used to find your information. Refrigerator Gas stove Washing machine Microwave oven Dishwasher mention 3 reasons why protestors in an advocacy campaign should avoid using violence during their protest The spinner below was spun 20 times. The frequency that the spinner landed on each color is shown in the table below. What are the experimental and theoretical probabilities of landing on a red portion.Work for the experimental probability and the theoretical probability shown. Show work!A. Experimental: 80%; theoretical: 30.5%B. Experimental: 8%; theoretical: 8%C. Experimental: 40%; theoretical: 37.5%D. Experimental: 30%; theoretical: 62.5% ________________ is a system for securing drill bits to drills Do you realize ............. youve done?a) thatb) whatc) whyd) which 4) Hamid purchased some educational stationary and paid GST of Rs.1800. He sold all educational stationary Nishaben and collected GST of Rs.2100. Find the GST CGST and SGST to be paid what is a DischargePetition Digital PhotographyTo get started, think about your own experience with lighting as you have taken pictures.Have you ever taken a photograph under less-than-perfect lighting conditions that turned out to be rather impressive? Have you ever seen a photograph that used light creatively to achieve effects that might have been considered undesirable otherwise? What was appealing about these photographs?Write an answer in three to five sentences that address these questions. You should thoroughly explain every statement you make in your response. If possible, include links to any photographs you make reference to in your response. Work out the size of angle x in the diagrambelow.Give your answer in degrees ().3544XNot drawn accurately Everything is made of tiny atoms. Each of these atoms is made up of a core that has a positive charge, and some electrons that circle around the core. These have a negative charge. When these electrons move around in a substance and between substances, an _______________ is created.A. uneven chargeB. even charge create a driver in a class called studentmain. use the student class you created in question 8 above to create two students called abby and brady. assign grade 83.9 to abby and grade 75.5 to brady. use the tostring method to display/ print these two students. a 10 g particle is moving to the left at 28 m/s . how much net work must be done on the particle to cause it to move to the right at 48 m/s ? express your answer with the appropriate units. If MNO IS NMO what statement best describes triangle MON? PLSSSS HELP IF YOU TURLY KNOW THISSS Baseball Players' Salaries. We have access to data regarding the salaries of all professional baseball players in 2015. That is, if we consider all professional baseball players in 2015 our subjects of interest, then we have information on every individual in the population. In this problem, we are going to examine how varying the sample size impacts the sampling distribution of the sample mean. We will be using an applet called StatKey to complete this problem. Start by opening a web browser on your computer and going to the following website: (a) In the top left corner of the page, under StatKey, click on the button with the words Percent uith Internet Access (Countries) and select Baseball Players-2e (2015 Salary in millions) The top graph on the right hand side displays the distribution of the population as well as some numerical summaries describing the population. Use this graph and the numerical summaries to answer the following questions i. Report the mean (in millions of dollars) for all 868 salaries of 2015 professional baseball players to 3 decimal places ii. Report the standard deviation (in millions of dollars) for all 868 salaries of 2015 pro- fessional baseball players to 3 decimal places iii. The values in parts (a) and (b) above are (Choose all that apply) . Parameters o Statistics o Estimates . Numerical summaries of the sample . Numerical summaries of the population iv. (Free Response) Describe the shape of the distribution of salaries for professional baseball players in 2015. Be sure to comment on skewness and modality.Previous question Need help with this for a social studies paper You've just finished making 3 batches of plastic tumblers: a red batch, a yellow batch, and a purple batch. There are 500 tumblers in each batch. You are now making sets of 3 tumblers that contain 1 tumbler of each color. How many sets can you make? add an adverb to a harmless snake slithered across the path.