Identify your favorite meal and explain where each of the four molecules of life can be found.


Answer 1


Spaghetti.  Wheat is in the noodles and is found it a field. Tomatoes is the sauce and is grown at a farm. Cows or chicken is used for the meatballs and the are on a farm. And these all have mass, atoms, and nutrients to help your body grow and be strong.


Related Questions

45 / 10000 Word Limit Question 2 (b) The membranes of both B cells and the cancer cells are largely composed of phospholipids. Explain how, when the membranes are fused, the polar parts of the phospholipids from one cell will interact with the phospholipids from the other cell and how the nonpolar parts of the phospholipids from one cell will interact with the phospholipids from the other cell.



Hydrophobic tails interact among themselves, while polar (hydrophilic) heads interact with water


In the first place, the polar heads of the phospholipids localized on the membrane surface interact with surrounding water molecules that also surround other cell phospholipids. Second, the non-polar tails of the phospholipids from one cell interact with molecules that repel water in the other cell phospholipid. Consequently, it forms a bilayer structure composed of two sheets of phospholipids where hydrophobic tails are arranged on the inside of the membrane, thereby allowing the interaction tail-to-tail among different cell membranes, while the polar heads of the disrupted phospholipid membranes interact together with the surrounding water.

Based on calculations, students should have 10.4 grams of powder after conducting an experiment. The students get these results: 10.2 grams, 10.4 grams, 10.3 grams, 10.4 grams, and 10.5 grams.

Which words best describe this data?

accurate and precise
falsified and inaccurate
invalid and redundant
redundant and falsified



accurate and precise



      True value  = 10.4 grams

   Measured values = 10.2 grams, 10.4 grams, 10.3 grams, 10.4 grams, and 10.5 grams.


To a very reasonable extent, the values measured given are accurate and precise.

Accuracy is the nearness of the measured value to the true value. We can see that the measured value would have a mean of 10.36grams which is very close to the true value on approximation.

Precision is the ability to repeat a given set of values from a measurement. The measured values are quite precise.  

How do you know if something is alive? Describe some of the characteristics of living things.



We can determine if something is a living thing by seeing if they show some of the living characteristics. These characteristics include:

Reproduction - to make more of the same organism

Sensitivity - the ability to detect and react to stimuli

Nutrition - eat and digest food.

Movement - the ability to change its position or location

Respire - to breathe / gas exchange

Excretion - get rid of toxic / materials in excess

All living things show the characteristics above.  

For example, we can be sure that robots are not living things because they cannot excrete, respire, or reproduce even if they can move and sense stimuli from outside. We can also be sure that plants are living because they show all characteristics, even for movement, we don't obviously see that, but for example, they may grow towards a light source.


To be alive organisms have to include all of the following:

- Made up of a cell or cells

- Has DNA

- Can reproduce

- Responds to the environment

- Grows and develops

- Exchanges energy

- Evolves


Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells are both alive because they contain all of the seven necessary characteristics listed above. Viruses are not alive because they do not contain all of the seven characteristics listed above.

In chickens, FF produces extreme frizzle (very brittle and curly feathers), Ff has mild frizzle and ff has normal feathers. An extreme frizzle hen is mated with a normal
Which of the following represents the phenotype ratio for their offspring?
•2 mild frizzle: 2 normal
•2 extreme frizzle: 2 mild frizzle
•100% mild frizzle
•3 extreme frizzle: 1 normal



3 extreme on normal


Use a punnett square to put this question into an easy to understand visual tool.

The hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico is not unique; at least 200 dead zones exist at estuaries and along seacoasts worldwide. These low-oxygen regions share many of the same causes, and they all have ecological and economic repercussions for ecosystems and people. Fortunately, we can pursue strategies to lessen the number, severity, and impacts of dead zones. The following list includes examples of factors that contribute to the development of dead zones (the cause), the consequences that result from dead zones, and possible solutions. Which of the following are consequences of dead zones?

a. Economic losses for fisher's
b. Death or aquatic organism that cannot escape
c. Policies to promote no-till agriculture
d. Construction of wetlands to absorb nutrients
e. Nutrient runoff from agriculture fertilizers, manure, and urban sources, which leads to rapid algal growth and subsequent bacterial decomposition




e. Nutrient runoff from agriculture fertilizers, manure, and urban sources, which leads to rapid algal growth and subsequent bacterial decomposition



Run off from agricultural wastes which contain Nitrogen and Phosphorus are the major sources  causes dead zones.The process where these chemical get washed into the aquatic bodies is called Eutrophication.

These substances leads to algae boosts in the water.The increases population of the algae consumes the available oxygen in the water, therefore making the oxygen concentration drops or no oxygen at all;(Hypoxia)

As the algae population feed on the available resources in the water they exhausted this,and later die.

When the decomposing bacteria used the oxygen in the water to breakdown the dead algae they make use of the available oxygen.This further reduced the oxygen availability and therefore   reduces the oxygen and hence the zone becomes the dead zone, because little or no oxygen is available  for survival of organisms.

This is reversible if the process if europhication or other causes  is eliminated



In the question “How does pineapple consumption affect the number of digestive bacteria?”, pineapple consumption is

A) the control group B) independent Variable
C) dependent variable D) experimental group



For the approach of how does pineapple consumption affect the number of digestive bacteria?, pineapple consumption is  the independent variable (option B).


The formulation of a hypothesis is not complete without the existence of the independent and dependent variables, the main variables from the research point of view.

The independent variable is one whose change or modification is capable of impacting the dependent variable, which is one that can be quantified or measured.

According to the approach, if somebody want to know how the consumption of pineapple influences the number of digestive bacteria, the independent variable is the consumption of pineapple, which can be controlled and modified, while the characteristic that is under the influence of this variable is the amount of bacteria, so that the latter is the dependent variable.

The other options do not apply because:

The experimental (D) and control (A) groups refer to the population in which the study is conducted. The dependent variable (C), in this case, is the amount of digestive bacteria.

How does the movement of water, carbon, and nitrogen in ecosystems differ from the movement of energy?

Please help me this is due today, thank you if you do^^



While water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle through the ecosystem, energy flows through an ecosystem.


There is a limited amount of water, carbon, and nitrogen in an ecosystem, and therefore, it cycles and passes through an ecosystem multiple times. In the case of energy, however, it is different. Energy goes into a system, flows from organism to organism, and then leaves the system. For example, with water, that water will rain, gather in a river or body of water, and evaporate, doing the cycle over and over again. Energy from the sun however, gets collected by producers, then flows to the organism that eats the plant, then flows to the organism that eats that organism, and so on. The energy does not return to the sun, it just leaves the system (like for example when an organism dies).

One of the favorites to win a marathon to be held at sea level has been invited by a sponsor to train in Bolivia (very high altitude place) for three weeks before the race. The sponsor has promised to fly him to the race a day before the race. Based on your understanding of hemoglobin function, would you advice the athlete to accept the invitation or continue with his/her plans to train at low altitude


Answer: At high altitude the body will get prepared for marathon.


The human body is able to adapt the high altitude by long-term and immediate acclimatization.  At high altitude the lack of oxygen is sensed at the carotid arteries. It causes the increase in rate of breathing or hyperpnea.

In addition at high altitude the heart beats faster, gradually the body will also compensate itself for low availability of oxygen and get prepared for marathon.

An atom has a mass number of 36 and an atomic number of 16, how many
neutrons does the atom have?





To find out how many neurons an element has you subtract it’s mass from the atomic number.

Mass (36) - number (16) = 20 neutrons

is a dragon fly a insect




I hope this helps!

What is the closest star to the Sun?

Hint: Watch one of the SML videos on "Who wants to be a Millionaire" (Super Mario Logan).



The closest star to the sun is Alpha Centauri A.


already have.


Lesson 5 Student Activity Sheets: How do bacteria grow?
1. If you could zoom in really close to see what was happening on a petri dish, what do you think you
would see?


Answer:I need some points,, I hope y’all can understand


The growth of bacteria can be observed as the bacteria grows very rapidly and fast by the process of asexual reproduction. They continuously multiplied and in very short period of time they divided from one to thousands.

What is asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is defined as the process of reproduction in which only a single parent is involved. Reproduction has been defined as the process carried out by the living organisms and during the process of reproduction the living organisms produces their own young ones and feed them. Reproduction is the supreme quality of living things.

There are two types of reproduction and these are sexual and asexual reproduction. The process of reproduction in which two parents are involved is said to be sexual mode of reproduction and the process of reproduction in which only single parent is involved in known as asexual mode of reproduction. The example of asexual reproduction are budding, fragmentation, spore formation, and binary fission.

Therefore, The growth of bacteria can be observed as the bacteria grows very rapidly and fast by the process of asexual reproduction. They continuously multiplied and in very short period of time they divided from one to thousands.

Learn more about asexual reproduction here:


Photosynthesis/CR definition



Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants and some other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

Cellular Respiration is the process through which cells convert sugars into energy. To create ATP and other forms of energy to power cellular reactions, cells require fuel and an electron acceptor which drives the chemical process of turning energy into a useable form.

Somebody help ????!!!!


The answer should be d

Why don’t you get the flu when you get a flu shot?
A. You wash your hands to keep from getting the flu
B. Your body makes antibodies to keep flu away
C. Your body makes a pathogen to fight the flu
D. Your body makes a natural immunity for the flu


B is the correct answer

Which statement BEST explains why the Moon is visible from the Earth?

1) The Moon reflects light from the Sun.

2) The Moon is always lit up by the Sun for us to see.

3) The Moon reflects light from the Earth.

4) The Moon produces its own light through radiation.


The Moon is always lit up by the Sun for us to see.

help plz i will do anything





Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion and it varies with mass. Mass is that quantity that is solely dependent upon the inertia of an object. The more inertia that an object has, the more mass that it has.

Which is the correct ratio of Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen found in a carbohydrate? 2:21 1:1:2 0212 121​





The ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen in carbohydrate molecules is 1:2:1.




carbohydrates have a general formular of C6H12O6.

divide all through by a common factor(I.e 6)


To which groups do most of the unknown species belong?



insects and fungi


Describe the importance of the intrinsic muscles in the hand as you reach to turn a



Finger kinematics during grasp were measured on 5 cadaveric hands. To simulate finger flexion, the FDP was activated by a motor while intrinsic muscles were loaded at various levels (0, 125, 250, 375 or 500g). Finger movement was characterized by the order of metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joint flexion and by the maximal fingertip-to-palm distance during finger closure.


Without any intrinsic muscle contribution (0g load), FDP activation resulted in flexion of all 3 joints, whereby flexion began at the proximal interphalangeal joint, followed by distal interphalangeal joint and then metacarpophalangeal joint. With increasing intrinsic muscle load, finger flexion was initiated at the metacarpophalangeal joint, followed by the proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints. This altered joint flexion order resulted in a larger maximal fingertip-to-palm distance during finger flexion. The difference between the 2 extreme conditions (0g vs. 500g of intrinsic muscle load) was 19mm.


These findings demonstrate that simultaneous activation of the FDP and the intrinsic muscles results in an apparently more functional hand closing compared to FDP activation alone because of altered kinematics and larger fingertip-to-palm distances.

Clinical Relevance

These findings suggest that intrinsic muscle balancing during reconstruction of grasp in tetraplegic patients may improve function. Keywords: grasp, hand, intrinsic muscles, tendon transfer, tetraplegia

Go to:


Regaining arm and hand function has been identified as the highest priority for persons with tetraplegia.1,2 Recovering even partial function can have an enormous impact on independence, which enhances quality of life.3 Restoration of finger flexion is an achievable goal in reconstructive surgery of many tetraplegic hands. It can be performed if both the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis are fully innervated, in which case the extensor carpi radialis longus is transferred to the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP),4 which enables patients to grasp and hold objects. However, by restoring FDP function only, fingertips coming into full flexion approach the bases of the fingers rather than the center of the palm.5 This happens because finger flexion begins at the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint, and fingers curl into flexion rather than following a large arc, which would provide a broad sweeping movement.6 The roll-up finger flexion tends to push large objects out of grasp5 and is therefore considered less functional in daily life.

In normal hand function, the intrinsic muscles, both the lumbricals and interosseus muscles balance finger movement7 and create this broad sweeping movement. Besides abducting and adducting the fingers, they are responsible for coupling metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) flexion with interphalangeal joints (IP) extension.8,9 For 2-dimensional finger movement during grasp, the lumbricals and the interossei provide the same function, as shown by Leijnse et al.10 Since their function is redundant in the sagittal plane, we refer to them as 1 entity, the intrinsics. Intrinsic function is so important that even when patients have neither functional intrinsic muscle nor a sufficient number of transferable muscles to reconstruct them with an active tendon transfer, passive tenodeses are used to substitute for intrinsic muscle function.11,12

We characterize functional hand movement for tetraplegic persons as a large fingertip-to-palm distance during flexion because this enables them to grasp objects of varying sizes and shapes necessary for activities of daily life. The exact contribution of the intrinsic muscles to this function is incompletely understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify the role of intrinsic muscle force in creating a functional grasp. We hypothesized that increasing intrinsic muscle contribution would result in a more functional grasp.

Explanation: i hope this helps plz tell me if its wrong so i can fix it :)

The intrinsic muscles, including the lumbricals and interventions ” muscles, balance hand movements and provide this broad sweeping motion in normal hand function.

Define intrinsic muscles.

The intrinsic muscles define the arch of the hands, twist the knuckles, and resist with the thumbs.

The intrinsic muscles, including the lumbricals and interventions ” muscles, balance hand movements and provide this broad sweeping motion in normal hand function. They are able to bridge metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) flex with interphalangeal joint (IP) extension, in addition to abducting and adducting the fingers.

Find out more information about intrinsic muscles here:

Identify the structure labeled C

A. Phosphate
B. Nucleotide
C. Base
D. Sugar


C. Base

In DNA there are 4( sometimes 5) types of bases: adenine, guanine, thymine. They are the BASES

Hope that helps :)!


What is a subjective claim?
A claim based in personal opinion.
A claim that covers two subjects or topics.
A claim based on verifiable fact.





its a expression of belief, opinion, or personal preference

which of the following is considered a condition of the nervous system and not a disease of the nervous system?
celebral palsy
multiple sclerosis
parkinson's ​


im not sure since it’s kind of hard to identify which one is not a disease they’re all related to the nervous system but i narrowed it down to either the top two, i hope it helps somehow :)

_________ are organisms that consume other organisms.



C: Producers

D: Plants


I believe it’s B- heterotrophs
I’m pretty sure It’s B ,

Although Natasha is a brilliant pianist snd highly acclaimed ballet dancer, her high school intelligence test scores were only average. What does Natasha’s experience suggest regarding the nature of intelligence



It suggests she have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence according to Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligences.


Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are eight different types of intelligence instead of a single generalized one. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is one of them that is the ability to skilfullly use the body or its parts.

Natasha's experience tells that she may be high on this specific kind of intelligence as athletes like her and dancers like her are high on bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Which of the following hormones can be taken orally because they are lipid-soluble and can diffuse across the digestive system wall?

Check All That Apply

Antidiuretic hormone
Thyroid hormone



The hormones that can be taken orally because they are lipid-soluble and diffuse across the digestive system wall include Prednisone, Testosterone, Thyroid hormone and Cortisone.

Steroid hormones are liposoluble hormones that can translocate through cell membranes.

Prednisone is a synthetic hormone similar to cortisone.

Cortisone is a corticosteroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.

Thyroid hormones are liposoluble hormones secreted by the thyroid gland.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the testicles in males and by the ovaries in females.

In conclusion, the hormones that can be taken orally because they are lipid-soluble and diffuse across the digestive system wall include Prednisone, Testosterone, Thyroid hormone and Cortisone.

Learn more in:

The height of a painting is ft. Between which two consecutive whole numbers is ​?
Choose the correct answer below.





I don't understand what you want it's all the same they all say and

When you stop growing, your cells stop dividing.
Help please



Absolutely not mitosis and meiosis don't stop until your heart stops beating.

It is false that When you stop growing, your cells stop dividing.

When you stop growing, it does not mean that all your cells stop dividing. In fact, cells in the human body continue to divide and replenish throughout life, albeit at different rates depending on the type of cell.

The human body is composed of various cell types that have different lifespans and rates of cell division. For example, cells in the skin, gastrointestinal lining, and blood undergo continuous division and turnover to replace old or damaged cells. These tissues are constantly renewing themselves.

However, some cells, such as neurons in the brain and muscle cells, have limited or no capacity for cell division after a certain stage of development. These cells primarily grow in size rather than dividing to create new cells. Therefore, not all cells in the body continue to divide once growth stops.

Try to know more about cells :


How do you get 0 blood type?



You cannot change your blood type. You are born with what you are biologically given and it is permanent.


What happened was that dad and mom each passed both an O and an Rh negative to the baby. The end result is an O negative child. Each of their kids has around a 1 in 8 chance of having O negative blood. This is possible because both O and Rh- are something called recessive traits.


My trusty sidekick google, i hope it helps :) <3

Which is one of the purposes that technology serves in science?
O It illustrates complex systems.
It helps create new science problems.
It assists in data collection.
O It simplifies representations of real objects.




It illustrates complex systems


C) It assists in data collection.


trust me bro

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