if the sequence of dna on the template strand of a gene is aaa, the mrna codon produced by transcription will be _______ and will specify the amino acid ______.


Answer 1

If the sequence of DNA on the template strand of a gene is AAA, the mRNA codon produced by transcription will be UUU (due to the complementary base pairing rules of DNA and RNA), and it will specify the amino acid phenylalanine (Phe).

The process of transcription is the synthesis of mRNA from a DNA template strand. During transcription, the DNA template strand is used as a template to synthesize a complementary mRNA strand. The mRNA molecule is synthesized in a 5' to 3' direction, with RNA nucleotides being added to the growing mRNA strand according to the complementary base pairing rules, where adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U) in RNA, and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G).

Learn more about “ phenylalanine (Phe) “ visit here;



Answer 2

If the sequence of DNA on the template strand of a gene is aaa, the mRNA codon produced by transcription will be UUU, and will specify the amino acid phenylalanine.

This is because during transcription, RNA polymerase reads the DNA template strand and synthesizes a complementary mRNA strand, following the base pairing rules (A-U, C-G).

The DNA sequence aaa on the template strand will pair with UUU on the mRNA strand, which is the codon for phenylalanine.

The genetic code is universal, meaning that the same codons code for the same amino acids in all organisms, from bacteria to humans.

Therefore, the UUU codon will always specify phenylalanine, regardless of the organism or cell type where transcription occurs.

For more such answers on DNA Sequence



Related Questions

The model shows a specialized cell in the nervous system. Schwann cell What is this type of specialized cell called? OA. Tracheid OB. Stem cell OC. Osteocyte OD. Neuron​


Schwann cells are specialized cells of the nervous system which arise from the stem cells of the neural crest.

The correct option is option B.

The neural crest cells which are basically known as the neural crest stem cells happen to produce a number of certain sub-lineages, one of these sub-lineages are the Schwann cells which are the glial cells of the peripheral nerves.

They can be either the non-myelinating type or the myelinating type. Schwann cells basically serve the function as the myelinating cell of the PNS as well as the support cells of the neurons.

Hence, the correct option is option B.

To know more about neurons



sporophytes are attached to the gametophytes; green gametophytes that manufacture food; distinct leaves and roots; mosses.


Sporophytes are attached to the gametophytes; green gametophytes that manufacture food; distinct leaves and roots; mosses. This statement is true.
Alternation of generation:
In mosses, alternation of generations occurs, which is a life cycle that alternates between two distinct phases: the haploid gametophyte phase and the diploid sporophyte phase. Haploid refers to a cell or organism with a single set of chromosomes, while diploid refers to a cell or organism with two sets of chromosomes. In mosses, the green gametophytes are the dominant and photosynthetic phase, which means they manufacture food through the process of photosynthesis. These gametophytes have distinct leaves and roots that help in anchorage and absorption of water and nutrients.
What are sporophytes?
Sporophytes, on the other hand, are the diploid phase that grows on and remains attached to the gametophytes. They depend on the gametophytes for nutrients, making them somewhat like a "parasite" in the sense that they rely on another organism for sustenance. The sporophyte produces spores through meiosis, which then germinate to form new gametophytes, thus completing the alternation of generations in mosses.

To know more about sporophytes, visit:



Fungi are necessary evil. Justify​



The statement "fungi are necessary evil" is not an accurate representation of the role of fungi in the natural world. Fungi play a crucial role in many ecosystems and are essential to the functioning of the biosphere.

Firstly, fungi are decomposers and are responsible for breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem. Without fungi, dead plant and animal material would accumulate and ecosystems would become choked with debris, leading to a decline in biodiversity and productivity.

Secondly, fungi form important symbiotic relationships with other organisms, including plants. Many plants rely on mycorrhizal fungi to help them absorb water and nutrients from the soil, and some fungi can even help to protect plants from pathogens and predators.

Thirdly, fungi have important applications in medicine and industry. For example, the antibiotic penicillin is derived from a species of fungi, and other fungi are used to produce food and beverages such as bread, beer, and cheese.

Overall, the role of fungi in the natural world is far from being a necessary evil. Fungi are essential to the functioning of ecosystems, support the growth and survival of many other organisms, and have important applications in medicine and industry.

Fungi are living organism that feed on others and are very harmful if came with contact.

Fungi harm by

spoiling food, destroying timber, and infecting crops, livestock, and people with diseases. Many foods that have been stored spoil because of fungi, mostly molds like Penicillium and Aspergillus.

The majority of plant diseases are brought on by fungi, which also result in significant economic losses.

Fungal diseases of plants, like potato blight caused by Phytophthora and the Great Irish Famine can occasionally cause widespread human suffering. In a similar vein, fungi are the primary factor in the financial loss of timber in buildings. Lastly, numerous human and animal diseases are brought on by fungi.

to know more about Fungi are necessary evil


which nerve is highlighted? the image shows the inner ear. the highlighted structure is a bunch of yellow-colored tissue attached to another bunch of yellow colored tissue that arises from a spiral structure.which nerve is highlighted? facial vestibular cochlear vestibulocochlear


Vestibulocochlear nerve is highlighted. The answer is OPTION D

The vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as cranial nerve eight (CN VIII), is made up of the vestibular and cochlear nerves. The brainstem contains unique nuclei for every nerve. Hearing and balance are provided by the vestibulocochlear nerve. Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss are common in patients with this nerve damage.

TBI-related hearing loss is typically a sensory loss rather than a conductive loss. Your inner ear sends information about head position and motion to your brain via the vestibular nerve. These signals become muddled and erroneous when this nerve is injured, confounding your brain and causing dizziness, nausea, and movement problems.

To learn more about nerve, click here.



How does industrial biotechnology fit into the discussion about gmos in past units


A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered by biotechnology in a way that does not occur normally through multiplication and/or natural recombination; cloned animals fall under this definition.

Why are GMOs significant in biotechnology and current society?

Genetically modified crops yield more, have a longer shelf life, are resistant to diseases and pests, and even taste better. These advantages help both farmers and consumers.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Today, gene technology is a significant aspect of modern biotechnology, and it is utilised to give bacteria, plants, and animals new traits, among other things. This is accomplished by introducing a gene from, say, a bacteria into a plant or mammal.

learn more about genetically modified organism



in comparison with prokaryotic genomes, eukaryotic genomes have fewer repetitive sequences. have fewer regulatory sequences. have a lower proportion of protein-coding dna relative to the overall size. have fewer protein-coding genes. contain less dna.


In comparison with Prokaryotic genomes, Eukaryotic genomes have a lower proportion of protein-coding dna relative to the overall size.

C is the correct answer.

Many Eukaryotic genes are found in many copies, or gene families, as opposed to the majority of Prokaryotic genes, which are often only present once in the genome. To create RNAs or proteins needed in vast amounts, such as ribosomal RNAs or histones, several copies of a gene may occasionally be required.

One circular DNA molecule can hold the whole bacterial genome. Prokaryotes may have additional genes on separate, smaller, circular or linear DNA molecules called plasmids in addition to this one "chromosome."

The Watson-Crick Double Helix structural model is followed by eukaryotic genomes, which are linear. They are found in chromosomes, which are made up by nucleosomes, which are collections of DNA and proteins (Histone).

To know more about Prokaryotic genomes, Eukaryotic genomes visit:



The complete question is:

In comparison with prokaryotic genomes, eukaryotic genomes:

A. have fewer repetitive sequences.

B. have fewer regulatory sequences.

C. have a lower proportion of protein-coding DNA relative to the overall size.

D. have fewer protein-coding genes.

E. contain less dna

the radioactive isotope that would be used in radiometric dating of a human skeleton found in association with an agricultural site is __________.


The radioactive isotope that would be used in radiometric dating of a human skeleton found in association with an agricultural site is carbon-14.

Radiometry is the measurement of radiant (electromagnetic) energy, including “optical radiation” with wavelengths between 101 and 106 nanometers (nm). The optical radiation spectrum is composed of the ultraviolet, the visible, and the infrared regions.

Radiometric units allow us to make absolute statements about the power of sources ranging from the sun to light bulbs or LEDs. This is critical given that the sensitivity of any radiometric measurement system is subject to the variation of all of the components such as the detector and optical components.

To know more about isotopes, click here:-



The radioactive isotope that would be used in radiometric dating of a human skeleton found in association with an agricultural site is carbon-14 (c-14). Unstable forms of an element are referred to as radioisotopes.

Cosmic ray bombardment causes the radioactive isotope of carbon, carbon-14, to form in the Earth's atmosphere. During photosynthesis, it is absorbed by plants, after which it is integrated into the tissues of animals that consume the plants.

The carbon-14 in an organism's tissues starts to degrade when it dies at a known rate, with a half-life of roughly 5,700 years. Scientists can estimate the age of the linked agricultural site by calculating how much carbon-14 is still in the organism's skeleton and calculating when it died.

For dating archaeological sites that date back several thousand years, including those connected to the emergence of agriculture, radiocarbon dating is very helpful. An unstable radioactive isotope is one that is likely to decay into a more stable form.

Learn more about Radioactive isotope



an end plate potential is an event that involves a gain of:A. positive charge for the cell, as potassium rapidly enters.B. positive charge for the cell, as sodium rapidly enters.C. negative charge for the cell, as potassium rapidly enters.D. negative charge for the cell, as sodium rapidly enters.


D. Negative charge for the cell, as sodium rapidly enters. An end plate potential is caused by the flow of sodium ions into a cell. This influx of sodium produces a localized negative charge within the cell, which results in a sharp excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP).

What is Excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)?

Excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) is an electrical current created when neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the cell membrane of a postsynaptic neuron. This electrical current causes the neuron to become more likely (or “excited”) to release neurotransmitters of its own, leading to a chain of neuronal activity. This excitatory activity results in an action potential, which is the electrical signal released by neurons when they become “activated”. EPSPs are the basis for the way neurons store and pass along information in the central nervous system.

What is electrical gradient?

Electrical gradient is the rate of change of electrical potential, or voltage, with a change in position. It is typically expressed in volts per meter. Electrical gradient is a measure of the force created by electric fields and is used to calculate the direction in which an electric current will flow.

To know more about action potential, visit:



Please help me!! Due tomorrow


9. As the mother is a carrier for hemophilia, there is a 50% chance that she passed the hemophilia-causing gene to her son. The father does not have hemophilia and therefore does not carry the hemophilia-causing gene.

The phenotypically normal woman has a 50% chance of inheriting the normal gene from her mother and a 50% chance of inheriting the hemophilia-causing gene. However, since she is phenotypically normal, it means she inherited the normal gene from her mother. Therefore, her chance of being a carrier for hemophilia is 0% (she did not inherit the hemophilia-causing gene).

Mom: X^H X^h (carrier of hemophilia)

Dad: X^N Y (does not carry hemophilia)

The possible gametes that each parent can produce are:

Mom: X^H or X^h

Dad: X^N or Y

We can now create a Punnett square by combining the gametes of both parents:

                X^H                                      X^h

X^N           X^N X^H                               X^N X^h

                (son with hemophilia)                 (daughter carrier of hemophilia)

Y         X^H Y                                           X^h Y

                (son with hemophilia)                 (normal son)

10. A sex-linked trait is a characteristic or trait that is determined by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes. In humans, females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Therefore, sex-linked traits are often associated with the X chromosome, as the Y chromosome contains very few genes.

Since males only have one copy of the X chromosome, any genetic variation or mutation on the X chromosome will be fully expressed, regardless of whether it is recessive or dominant. In contrast, females have two copies of the X chromosome, and the expression of a sex-linked trait depends on the dominance or recessiveness of the gene, as well as which X chromosome is active in each cell.

Hemophilia is an example of a sex-linked trait, as the gene that causes hemophilia is located on the X chromosome. As a result, males are more likely to inherit and express hemophilia than females. If a female carries a hemophilia-causing gene on one of her X chromosomes, she has a 50% chance of passing the gene to her sons and daughters, while a male who inherits the gene from his mother will have hemophilia.

11. Males inherit color blindness or hemophilia from their mothers because the genes responsible for these conditions are located on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. The gene for color blindness or hemophilia is recessive, meaning that the trait is expressed only when both copies of the gene are affected.

Since females have two X chromosomes, they have two copies of the gene responsible for color blindness or hemophilia. If one X chromosome carries a normal copy of the gene and the other X chromosome carries a mutated copy of the gene, the normal gene can compensate for the mutated gene, and the female will not express the trait. However, she will be a carrier of the trait and can pass it on to her offspring.

In contrast, males have only one X chromosome, and if that X chromosome carries a mutated gene for color blindness or hemophilia, they will express the trait. Males do not have a second X chromosome with a normal copy of the gene to compensate for the mutated gene, as females do. Therefore, if a male inherits a mutated gene for color blindness or hemophilia from his mother, he will express the trait.

This is why color blindness or hemophilia is more common in males than females, and why males must inherit these conditions from their mothers, who are carriers of the mutated gene.

12. Color blindness or hemophilia is more common in males than in females because the genes responsible for these conditions are located on the X chromosome, and males have only one X chromosome while females have two.

Since the gene for color blindness or hemophilia is recessive, females who carry a mutated copy of the gene on one of their X chromosomes can still produce enough of the normal protein to avoid the symptoms of the condition. In contrast, males have only one X chromosome, and if it carries a mutated copy of the gene, the symptoms of the condition will be expressed.

For example, in the case of hemophilia, females have two X chromosomes and can be carriers of the mutated gene but are less likely to express the condition unless both X chromosomes carry the mutated gene. In contrast, males have only one X chromosome and if it carries the mutated gene, they will have hemophilia.

In the case of color blindness, females can have a normal copy of the gene on one X chromosome and a mutated copy on the other X chromosome, resulting in normal vision. Males, on the other hand, have only one X chromosome, and if it carries the mutated gene, they will be color blind.

Therefore, color blindness or hemophilia is more common in males than in females because males only need to inherit one copy of the mutated gene to express the condition, while females need to inherit two copies, one on each X chromosome, to express the condition.

Learn more about sex-linked traits:


sharpey's or perforating fibers group of answer choices (a) are a continuation of collagen fibers from the dense regular ct of the periosteum (b) penetrate and are anchored into the matrix forming the outer circumferential lamellae (c) are a continuation of the collagen of dense regular ct of tendons and/or ligaments (d) a and b (e) all of the above


The correct answer is (d) because Sharpey's or perforating fibers are a continuation of collagen fibers from the dense regular connective tissue of the periosteum and penetrate and are anchored into the matrix forming the outer circumferential lamellae. Additionally, they are also a continuation of the collagen of dense regular connective tissue of tendons and/or ligaments.

although many chimpanzees live in environments with oil palm nuts, members of only a few populations use stones to crack open the nuts. the likely explanation is that


The likely explanation for only a few chimpanzee populations using stones to crack open oil palm nuts is cultural transmission.

This means that the behavior of cracking open nuts with stones is passed down through generations by learning from other members of the same population, rather than being a genetically determined behavior.

In other words, even though all chimpanzees have the physical ability to use stones to crack open nuts, only those who have learned the behavior from their peers will actually do so. This cultural variation in behavior has been observed in many other animal species, including primates, and is thought to be an important mechanism for adapting to changes in the environment and for promoting diversity within a species.

Overall, cultural transmission is the likely explanation for only a few chimpanzee populations using stones to crack open oil palm nuts is cultural transmission.

To learn more about cultural transmission here



by inhibiting calcium channels, what effect does alcohol have a neurotransmission


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that affects various neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including the GABA and glutamate systems.

When consumed, alcohol inhibits the voltage-gated calcium channels in the presynaptic neurons, which are responsible for the influx of calcium ions necessary for neurotransmitter release. This results in a decreased release of neurotransmitters, particularly glutamate, which is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.

As a result, alcohol slows down neurotransmission and leads to a decrease in cognitive and motor functions, including impaired judgment, slowed reaction time, and loss of coordination. The inhibitory effect of alcohol on calcium channels also contributes to its sedative and anxiolytic effects.

Learn more about neurotransmitter systems



what is the ratio of adp adp to atp atp transported by the adenine nucleotide translocase, how many adp adp are transported for each atp atp transported?


" The ratio of ADP to ATP transported by the adenine nucleotide translocase is 1:1.

The adenine nucleotide translocase, which is a protein located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, is responsible for exchanging ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) across the mitochondrial membrane.

This means that for every molecule of ATP transported out of the mitochondria, one molecule of ADP is transported into the mitochondria in exchange. This process helps to maintain the balance of ATP and ADP levels within the mitochondria, which is crucial for cellular energy production and metabolism.

Learn more about “ adenine nucleotide translocase “ visit here;



sauropodomorpha are defined on the basis of their small skulls (~5ody length), large thumb with claw, elongate femur, and elongate teeth with serrated crowns true or false


False. Sauropodomorpha are defined by a suite of skeletal features, including elongated necks, small heads, long tails, and columnar limbs, among others.

These features allowed them to grow to immense sizes and become some of the largest animals to have ever lived on land. While some sauropodomorphs may have had small skulls, large thumbs with claws, elongate femurs, and elongate teeth with serrated crowns, these are not defining characteristics of the group as a whole.

Sauropodomorpha is a clade of dinosaurs that includes the sauropods, a group of long-necked, herbivorous dinosaurs that were some of the largest land animals to have ever existed. Sauropodomorpha also includes some earlier, smaller dinosaurs that are more basal to the group, such as Plateosaurus and Massospondylus.

To know more about skulls  here



the chordae tendineae attach to the lower surface of cusps of the ______ valve and prevent the valve from flipping into the atrium when the right ventricle is contracting.


The chordae tendineae attach to the lower surface of the cusps of the tricuspid valve and prevent the valve from flipping into the atrium when the right ventricle is contracting.

What is the importance of chordae tendineae attaching to the lower surface of cusps?

This is an important mechanism to ensure proper blood flow from the atrium to the ventricle and prevent backflow. On a separate note, pupillary refers to the size and response of the pupils, which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The atrium and ventricle are two of the four chambers of the heart, with the atrium receiving blood and the ventricle pumping it out to the rest of the body.

The chordae tendineae attach to the lower surface of the cusps of the tricuspid valve and prevent the valve from flipping into the atrium when the right ventricle is contracting. The term "pupillary" is not relevant to this topic, as it relates to the eye's pupil, not the heart. In summary, the chordae tendineae play a crucial role in ensuring the proper function of the tricuspid valve, connecting it to the right ventricle and preventing backflow into the atrium.

To know more about Chordae tendineae, visit:



5) energy released from the electron transport chain is used to pump h ions into which location in eukaryotic cells? a) cytoplasm adjacent to the mitochondrial outer membrane b) mitochondrial inner membrane c) mitochondrial intermembrane space d) mitochondrial matrix


Energy released from the electron transport chain is used to pump h ions into Mitochondrial intermembrane space location in eukaryotic cells Therefore the correct option is  C.

This process is called chemiosmosis. The H+ ions move through protein channels, known as ATP synthase, and are actively transported across the inner membrane of the mitochondria. When they reach the other side of the membrane, they bind to ADP molecules and form ATP,

which is then released back into the cytoplasm for use in metabolic processes throughout the cell. By transferring H+ ions through a concentration gradient this process stores energy which can be used by other parts of the cell.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about electron transport chain visit:



Mount Pinatubo ejected large volumes of gas and ash into the atmosphere during its eruption in June 1991. Scientists measured an average global temperature decline of about 2% during the next year. if the average temperature of an area was 25*C prior to the eruption what was the temperature the next year?


Following the Pinatubo explosion, the region's average temperature would be about 24.5°C.

What is a region?

Areas are utilised in a variety of disciplines, including geography, physics, engineering, and architecture. In these sectors, the term "area" refers to the size of a surface, such as a building's floor area or a three-dimensional object's surface area.

The size of an object with three dimensions or the pace of change of an equation in mathematics can both be calculated using areas. A region's or surface's size in two dimensions is expressed as an area. Usually, it is expressed in square units like square metres or square feet.

The extent of a region or shape.

To know more about area visit :



What would happen to the sea lamprey population if it never reproduced? and what must a sea lamprey do in order to be a predator? thank you


If the sea lamprey population never reproduced, it would eventually go extinct. Reproduction is essential for the survival of any species. In order to be a predator, the sea lamprey attaches itself to other fish and feeds on their body fluids. Adult sea lampreys, which are 12-24 inches long, feed entirely on other fish. They are already predators. They are parasitic in nature and have no jaws, but possess a skeleton made of cartilage. In their native ocean, they don't typically kill their hosts, but in the Great Lakes, where no co-evolutionary link exists, they act as predators and can kill up to 40 pounds of fish each over their 12-18 month feeding period. The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is working on several methods to control sea lamprey populations, including the use of a pesticide called TFM and the release of sterile male lampreys. [2][3]


[1] High predation of native sea lamprey during spawning ...

[2] Great Lakes Fishery Commission - Sea Lamprey

[3] Sea Lamprey


If you slam your hand in a door, which neurotransmitter will most likely be released? Select one: a. Cortisol b. Dopamine c. Endorphins d. Acetylcholine.


If you slam your hand in a door, the neurotransmitter that will most likely be released is Endorphins. The correct option is c.

Endorphins are naturally occurring neurotransmitters that are released in response to pain or stress, helping to reduce pain sensations and providing a sense of relief. When you injure your hand, the body perceives pain, and in response, it releases endorphins to help manage the discomfort.

In contrast, cortisol is a hormone released during times of stress, but it is not directly involved in pain relief. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in reward and motivation systems in the brain, and it does not play a primary role in pain perception.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter involved in muscle activation and the parasympathetic nervous system, and it is not primarily associated with pain relief either.

To summarize, if you slam your hand in a door, endorphins will most likely be released as they play a key role in managing pain and providing relief.

To know more about Endorphins refer here:



why does an action potential only move ahead, toward the axon terminus (rather than backwards toward the cell body)?


These factors contribute to the unidirectional movement of an action potential along the axon of a neuron, typically from the cell body towards the axon terminal, and prevent it from moving in the reverse direction towards the cell body.

This unidirectional movement is due to the specific properties and characteristics of the neuron's anatomy and physiology.

Polarized Axon: The axon of a neuron is typically polarized, meaning that it has distinct regions with different electrical charges. The region closest to the cell body, called the axon hillock, has a higher concentration of voltage-gated sodium channels compared to the rest of the axon.

Refractory Period: After an action potential is generated at the axon hillock and travels down the axon, the region that was previously depolarized enters a refractory period.

Membrane Properties: The neuron's plasma membrane has a higher concentration of negatively charged ions on the inside compared to the outside, resulting in an electrical potential difference across the membrane known as the resting membrane potential.

Learn more about “ axon terminal “ visit here;



the epiglottis is a structure that needs to be strong but extremely flexible. what type of tissue gives the epiglottis this property? multiple choice


The correct answer is b) Cartilage.

The epiglottis is made up of elastic cartilage, which is a type of cartilage that contains elastic fibers, giving it the ability to be both strong and flexible.

The epiglottis is a flap of tissue that is located at the base of the tongue and is responsible for directing food and liquid into the esophagus during swallowing while preventing them from entering the airway. It needs to be strong to withstand the pressure of food and liquid passing over it during swallowing, but also flexible to move out of the way to allow air to pass through the trachea. The type of tissue that gives the epiglottis this property is:

B) Elastic cartilage

The epiglottis is composed mainly of elastic cartilage, a type of cartilage that is rich in elastic fibers, which gives it the strength and flexibility needed to perform its functions effectively. Elastic cartilage is found in other parts of the body that require both strength and flexibility, such as the external ear and the larynx.

Click the below link, to learn more about Epiglottis:



A defect in the _____ results in difficulty in visual detection of color and fine detail. a. lens. b. cones. c. rods. d. cones and rods.


A defect in the cones results in difficulty in the visual detection of color and fine detail. The correct option is b.

Cones are specialized photoreceptor cells located in the retina of the eye that is responsible for detecting color and fine detail. A defect in the cones can result in difficulty in the visual detection of color and fine detail, which is known as color blindness or color vision deficiency. This condition can be genetic or acquired and affects both men and women.

In some cases, people with color blindness may only be able to distinguish between two or three colors, while others may see the world in shades of grey. There are different types of color blindness, including protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia, each of which affects the ability to perceive different colors.

While color blindness is not a serious medical condition, it can affect a person's ability to perform certain tasks, such as driving or identifying color-coded objects, and may require special accommodations.

To know more about  visual detection refer here:



True or False: DNA polymerase can only work to elongate DNA in the 5` --- 3` direction?


True. DNA can only be extended by DNA polymerase in the 5' to 3' direction. This is so that the 5' phosphate group and the phosphodiester bond can be formed, which is catalysed by DNA polymerase.

Why does DNA grow 5 to 3 times longer?

Using a deoxyribonucleotide, DNA polymerase separates the two terminal phosphates from the nucleotide's 5' end and then uses the free energy to create a phosphodiester bond.

Why only one way of DNA polymerase action?

DNA polymerase can only synthesise in one direction by extending the 3' end of the previous nucleotide chain because it needs a free 3' OH group to begin synthesis. As a result, DNA polymerase travels in a 3'–5' direction along the template strand.

To know more about polymerase visit:-



PLS HELP ME I NEED THIS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Write a 4-5-sentence paragraph that evaluates the effect of rainforest deforestation based on the loss of specific plant structures and functions from the ecosystem. Focus your essay on the loss of leaves, stems, and roots, and use the term transpiration in your answer.


Deforestation of rainforests can have significant impacts on the ecosystem, especially on the plants that inhabit it. The loss of leaves, stems, and roots from deforestation can have negative effects on the water cycle and nutrient cycling in the ecosystem. Leaves play a critical role in transpiration, which is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere, and also in photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants produce their own food. Stems and roots provide structural support, store nutrients, and help absorb water and other essential nutrients from the soil. The loss of these plant structures can lead to changes in the microclimate and soil properties, affecting the composition and diversity of the plant community and potentially leading to a decrease in overall productivity and biodiversity of the ecosystem.

what is chief energy currency of cells; formed by chemiosmosisi?





Chemiosmosis is the process by which ATP is produced during cellular respiration.

in the exercise using known microbes, was the thermal death time or the thermal death point determined?


The thermal death time refers to the amount of time required at a specific temperature to kill a particular microbe or population of microbes.

On the other hand, the thermal death point refers to the specific temperature required to kill a particular microbe or population of microbes in a given amount of time.

Both the thermal death time and the thermal death point are important parameters for determining the effectiveness of a particular heat treatment for microbial control. The determination of which parameter to focus on would depend on the specific objectives of the exercise and the nature of the microbe being studied.

learn more about thermal death time HERE



the radial arrangement of microtubules around the polar centrioles in an animal cell is called a(n)


Aster refers to the radial arrangement of microtubules surrounding the polar centrioles in an animal cell.

Nine microtubule triplets form the centriole, which is a circular structure. Most of the time, the centrioles that are next to each other are at right angles. Triplets are the arrangement of nine microtubules in a ring.

The term "array" refers to the arrangement of microtubules in cilia or flagella. Q. Statement: The game plan of axonemal microtubules in cilia or flagella is called the 9+2 cluster. Reason: The axoneme typically consists of a pair of centrally located microtubules and nine pairs or doublets of radially arranged peripheral microtubules.

Nine triplet microtubules in a circular arrangement make up the majority of centrioles. A triplet microtubule consists of an entire microtubule, the A-tubule, and two additional partial microtubules, the B- and C-tubules, which are attached to it.

To learn more about microtubules here



an arrangement of microtubules located in the matrix of cilia and flagella is called the _


An arrangement of microtubules located in the matrix of cilia and flagella is called the axoneme.

The axoneme is the structural core of cilia and flagella, which are long, whip-like structures that protrude from the surface of cells. It consists of nine microtubule doublets that surround a central pair of microtubules, arranged in a cylindrical pattern.

The microtubules are connected by radial spokes and nexin links, which provide stability and flexibility to the axoneme. The movement of cilia and flagella is generated by the sliding of the microtubule doublets against each other, powered by the ATP-dependent activity of dynein motor proteins.

The axoneme is essential for many biological processes, including the motility of sperm cells, the clearance of mucus from the respiratory tract, and the movement of fluid in the female reproductive system.

To know more about microtubules refer here:



what traits is the shared ancestor of photosynthetic eukaryotes likely to have shared with other eukaryotic organisms?


These traits are likely to have been present in the ancestor of photosynthetic eukaryotes because they are fundamental characteristics of all eukaryotic organisms. However, it is important to note that the evolution of photosynthesis in eukaryotes involved significant changes to cellular structures and metabolic pathways, which may have resulted in additional unique traits in photosynthetic eukaryotes.

The shared ancestor of photosynthetic eukaryotes likely had certain traits in common with other eukaryotic organisms. These traits include:
1. Presence of a nucleus: Both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic eukaryotes have a well-defined nucleus containing their genetic material.
2. Membrane-bound organelles: Eukaryotic cells have various membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum, which perform specific functions within the cell.
3. Linear chromosomes: The genetic material in eukaryotes is organized into linear chromosomes, as opposed to the circular chromosomes found in prokaryotes.
4. Cytoskeleton: Eukaryotic cells possess a cytoskeleton, a network of protein filaments that helps maintain cell shape, provides structural support, and aids in cell movement.
5. Sexual reproduction: Many eukaryotes, including the shared ancestor, likely underwent sexual reproduction, which involves the fusion of gametes to produce offspring with a combination of traits from both parents.
In summary, the shared ancestor of photosynthetic eukaryotes would have had traits such as a nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, linear chromosomes, a cytoskeleton, and the ability to reproduce sexually, which are common features of eukaryotic organisms.

To know more about cytoskeleton,



true or false once a couple makes a commitment to an intimate relationship is made by a couple, the relationship culture becomes static.


The statement "once a couple makes a commitment to an intimate relationship is made by a couple, the relationship culture becomes static." is false.

A relationship culture is not static even after a commitment is made because it evolves continuously based on various factors. Couples need to adapt to changes in their lives, such as personal growth, external circumstances, and evolving communication styles.

As a result, relationship culture requires ongoing effort and nurturing to maintain a healthy and successful partnership. Open communication, understanding, and flexibility are crucial components for a couple to effectively navigate changes and challenges throughout their relationship.

To know more about personal growth click on below link:



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