If you were the President back then, would you: pay the tribute or go to war over the piracy? Why?


Answer 1

I wont pay the tribute, I will rather go to war over the piracy.

Why I wont pay the tribute

Paying the tribute will further embolden the pirates to continue to wreak harvoc.

I will take a defensive military action without seeking a declaration of war from Congress. I believe that a more decisive response would be needed, and so I will ask Congress for formal action.

In response, I will expect Congress to pass the “Act for Protection of Commerce and Seamen of the United States against the Tripolitan Corsairs.” This act authorized an expanded force to “subdue, seize and make prize of all vessels, goods and effects, belonging to the Bey of Tripoli, or to his subjects.”

Learn more about piracy here https://brainly.com/question/306405


Related Questions

Exercise 2 Columbus' discovery of America brought about the slave trade. Find out more about this era and write a short essay entitled 'The Slave Trade' to explain what happened during the period.​


The essay on Slave trade : The transatlantic trading patterns that were established as early as the middle of the 17th century are referred to as the slave trade.

With a cargo of manufactured goods, trading ships would sail from Europe to the west coast of Africa. First, millions of African men, women, and children were harmed by a slave trade between Europeans and Africans. Second, the development of economic and political growth in major regions of the Americas and Europe was made possible by the profits Americans and Europeans made from the slave trade and slavery.

How did the slave trade operate and what was it?

The Africans were sold as domestic servants and plantation laborers. After that, the goods were shipped to Europe. Additionally, there was bilateral trade between Africa and Europe, Europe and the Americas, and Africa and the Americas. One of the most successful nations in the trade of slaves was Britain.

Learn more about The slave trade :



As Americans took over more and more land, what happened to
Native Americans?
They agreed to give up their land.
They were forced to live in reservations.
They were given their choice of where to live.
They voluntarily moved to Canada and Mexico.



They were forced to live on reservations


The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 authorized the creation of Indian areas

Removal and settlement on reservations served two purposes for the United States. First, it cleared land of Native Americans for western expansion. Second, it permitted the United States to carry out a program of Americanizing Tribes into communities of small farmers.


They were forced to live on reservations


Choose two quotations from the people Schnabel interviewed, and write the question you think ...


Of course, Anne Frank is also no longer with us, but her spirit lives on to awaken people's consciences around the globe. Nearly all languages have read her extraordinary journal.

What is a journal?

An academic journal is a periodical that features articles published by academics, researchers, and other subject matter specialists. Journals concentrate on a certain subject or area of research.

Journals, as opposed to newspapers and magazines, are written for an academic or specialized audience, not for general readers.

Individual books are published. They might be reissued in fresh editions. In issues of a journal, articles with a common theme but written by different writers are published together.

A journal and a diary are both of the same kind but not to the same extent. Both are used to keep personal records, however journals are intended for larger-scale reflection and aspiration while diaries typically deal with the day-to-day and more data collecting.

Learn more about journal, here



"By God, we've kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all!" So said President George
Bush in a euphoric [joyful] victory statement at the end of the Gulf War, suggesting the extent
to which Vietnam continued to prey on the American psyche more than fifteen years after the fall of Saigon. Indeed the Vietnam War was by far the most convulsive and traumatic of America's three wars in Asia in the 50 years since Pearl Harbor. It set the U.S. economy on a downward spiral.
It left America's foreign policy at least temporarily in disarray, discrediting the postwar
policy of containment and undermining the consensus that supported it. It divided the American people as no other event since their own Civil War a century earlier. It battered their collective soul.
Such was the lingering impact of the Vietnam War that the Persian Gulf conflict appeared at
times as much a struggle with its ghosts as with Saddam Hussein's Iraq. President Bush's eulogy
for the Vietnam syndrome may therefore be premature. Success in the Gulf War no doubt raised the nation's confidence in its foreign policy leadership and its military institutions and weakened long-standing inhibitions against intervention abroad. Still it seems doubtful that military victory over a nation with a population less than one-third of Vietnam in a conflict fought under the most favorable circumstances could expunge [erase] deeply encrusted and still painful memories of an earlier and very different kind of war....
Source: George C. Herring, "America and Vietnam: The Unending War, Foreign Affairs, Winter 1991/92


According to the above document, what was one impact of the Vietnam War on United
States foreign policy?


The document showed that an impact of the Vietnam War on the United States foreign policy was that it was not as organized and strong as before.

How did the Vietnam War shatter America's foreign policy?

One of the ways the Vietnam War shattered America's foreign policy was by exposing the limitations of American military power. Despite the vast resources and technological advantages of the US, the war ended in a stalemate and a devastating loss for the US.

This realization led to a reevaluation of the US's approach to Cold War foreign policy and a shift away from the doctrine of "containment" and the use of military force to achieve foreign policy goals.

This is why Bush was so ecstatic when they won the Gulf War as it meant the United States could still enforce a strong foreign policy.

Find out more on the Vietnam War at https://brainly.com/question/12918391


Why did Marat condemn the approach of the Girondins?


The public upheavals of May 27 and May 31 further weakened the Girondin position in government, and François Hanriot, commander of the Paris National Guards, purged the Girondin Convention.

What is  public upheaval?

The first half of the 19th century saw significant societal implications brought about by economic transformation in western Europe. The fundamentals of daily living altered, and the definition of work kept evolving.

Naturally, the extent of the change varied, with manufacturing employees being most severely impacted and agricultural laborers being least, but some of the pressures were common.

The autonomy of labor for wage workers decreased, and more people worked under the daily supervision of others.

Early textile and metallurgical firms had shop rules that required employees to be on time, stay at their machines rather than walk off, and refrain from idle conversation and singing.

Foremen, who served as a mediator between owners and common laborers, were increasingly responsible for upholding these restrictions. The pace of the work increased.

Learn more about public upheavals, here



when first experiencing an unfamiliar work of art, start by asking questions about expressive content, historical style, individual style. patrons, function, and collocation. historical significance and context. composition, formal analysis, medium and technique. all of these.


When first experiencing an unfamiliar work of art about expressive content, historical style, individual style. patrons, function, and collocation. historical significance and context. composition, Forma.

The correct answer is Option E.

Any kind of art may be admired for both its form and its content. Shapiro claims that music, dance, film, literature, and poetry all combine to form the yin and yang of art.Through formal observation, the physical characteristics and components of an artwork are highlighted. Content analysis covers the significance of the work, the artist's objectives, and how the art influences our emotions.

As stated by Shapiro, "Some creatives aim for a balance between the two. While some artists use a more formal approach, others are more concerned with the substance." The most rewarding experience in enjoying and understanding art, in my opinion, is contemplating the piece from these two angles.

Learn more about art at



Imagine you are a member of the British Parliament at the time when the Declaration of Independence was written. You have been tasked to write a reply to the Declaration, which will be delivered to the colonies. Write an essay (three paragraphs) presenting counterarguments to the key points in the Declaration of Independence. Cite textual evidence from the Declaration to support your counterarguments. Be sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion to your essay, and keep in mind your intended audience. Finally, develop and strengthen your writing as needed with planning, revising, and editing.

(please dont explain what i need to write, ik, if you cant write the damm essay dont respond or I will report your account for point farming)


We must represent the British Parliament, so we must have been British at the time the Declaration of Independence was written. The Declaration of Independence is a formal declaration of war with clauses. So, if one represents the colonies, he will undoubtedly be dissatisfied.

What do you understand by Declaration in law?

In common law, a declaration is a court judgment or an arbitration tribunal award that is a binding adjudication of the parties' rights or other legal relations but does not provide for or order enforcement. They have the right to be free of British rule.

Some topics of discussion could include:

1. The British monarchy established absolute despotism in its colonies.

2. The King was a dictator who violated and manipulated the rights of the colonies and their people.

3. The colonies' petitions were dismissed without any consideration and were sometimes met with more serious violations.

4. The Monarch has turned a blind eye to the colonies' plight.

5. The American colonies have the right to secede from British rule as well.

Therefore, The British person must now make the observation and respond by emphasizing the colonies' opinions and counter-arguments.

Learn more about Declaration, here;



Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground
The main character concludes the novel with a moralizing monologue directed at the reader.




True I hope you get it. . ........

Which phrases are examples of sensory imagery that
make the details of the setting more vivid? Choose three
U crops withered, curled up, then died under the thirsty
morning in July a hurricane
came out of the east
O snapping their roots and tearing them out of the earth
a voice that seemed to rumble out of the earth itself
D prodding each other and giggling, went back to the


The phrases that are examples of sensory imagery that make the details of the setting more vivid are:

U crops withered, curled up, then died under the thirstysuna voice that seemed to rumble out of the earth itself prodding each other and giggling, went back to the house

What is sensory imagery ?

Using sensory imagery, authors can appeal to the reader's mind on various levels. The five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell are examined in sensory imagery.

It explains the sensations you can really experience, including things like temperature, movement, texture, and other attributes. Illustrations of tactile images Her body shivered as a burst of cold air blew across her. She felt warm and comfortable after she had the soft blanket drawn up to her chin.

Therefore, option A,C and D are correct.

Learn more about imagery at:



what of group were a part of the collision of cultures in the new world in the 15th century that gave rise to the region that we know as latin america?


African, European, Indigenous (Native America) were a part of the collision of cultures in the new world in the 15th century that gave rise to the region that we know as latin america.

Definition Of Latin America

The following are several definitions for Latin America, but none of them is consistent and satisfactory to all parties.

In its most common usage, the term Latin America only refers to areas of the Americas where people still speak Spanish or Portuguese, namely Mexico, most of Central America, South America, plus Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

In a narrow sense, Latin America refers to countries and territories on the American continent whose inhabitants are native speakers of Romance languages (languages derived from Latin), such as: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Creole languages based on them. According to this definition, Latin America also includes the territories and former territories of France, namely Quebec in Canada, Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean, as well as French Guiana in South America.

Suriname, Netherlands Antilles, and Aruba which are all three former Dutch colonies, are often excluded as countries and territories in Latin America. However, the majority of the population of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba speak Papiamento Creole which comes from the Iberian dialect.

The term Latin America, especially for people of the United States of America, means "all" of the countries located south of the United States, including Belize, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda and the Bahamas Islands, where the majority of the population speaks English (not English). Romance).

In a historical context, "Latin America" means all the areas of the American continent that were formerly colonies of the Spanish, Portuguese and French empires whose inhabitants spoke languages derived from Latin. In this sense, the Southwestern United States of America, such as Florida and French Louisiana, also includes Latin America.

Learn more about latin america at



between 1880 and 1900, the south surpassed new england as the largest producer in which of the following industries?


Between 1880 and 1900, the South surpassed New England as the largest producer in textiles industries.

The most prevalent traditional industry in the South West was textiles, but the region's textile industries were very different from those in other parts of England. For centuries prior to the construction of factories during the Industrial Revolution, the industries of wool, flax, and hemp, for instance, had extraordinarily early origins and shaped the growth of towns and the countryside. A large number of the remaining mills are the final stages of construction at locations that have been in operation for an extraordinarily long time, with earlier generations of construction illustrative of the continual improvement of tools and methods. The region's working communities have long used the textile industry's vernacular because it was frequently linked with other industries, including farming or fishing.

To know more about textiles industries



The complete question is:

Between 1880 and 1900, the south surpassed new england as the largest producer in which of the following industries?

1) Railway

2) Textiles

3) Food

4) Steel

Children and youth can be referred for case management services for a variety of reasons. Some examples include problems with school, behavioral problems, developmental delays, adjustments to events such as divorce or the death of a parent, trauma associated with abuse and/or neglect, and homelessness. When a child's parent calls to obtain services for their child, they may have been referred by the child's doctor's office, school, or local social service agency. Practice documenting an initial inquiry.

First, select two clients from the examples below.

Six-year-old child was referred by his teacher for severe attention and aggression difficulties. Normal interventions for behavior change have been ineffective. Child's father is calling for services.
Two-year-old child was referred by pediatrician for social skill delay resulting from previous neglect by birth parents. Adoptive parents are calling for services.
Ten-year-old child was referred by pediatrician for displaying some regressive behaviors. He has been wetting the bed almost nightly and having nightmares. Child's mother is calling for services.
Fifteen-year-old youth is several months pregnant. She manages in school but only reads at the sixth-grade level. She is planning on dropping out after she has the baby. Youth's mother is calling for services.

Second, develop your client and your client's problems. You can review articles in the Purdue Global Library or look online to find additional issues that your client might be struggling with. You can also think about how the client's parent(s) might be feeling and what issues the client's parent(s) might be facing when they make the first call. You will be creating information about your client to complete sections of a new referral or inquiry form.

If you choose to research your topic in the Library, a suggested search format includes: "children" AND "severe aggressive behavior" AND "human services". Review the articles that come up to find an article on human service work with children/youth and the topic that you choose. You may have to open several articles to find one that meets these requirements; do not give up. You will find one. If you get stuck, use the "Library Help" area of the homepage. The librarians are excellent resources and will help you find what you are looking for.

Third, provide information for each of the following sections, for both of your clients, as if you were completing a new referral or inquiry form.

Referred by
Chief complaint and/or description of problem
Previous evaluation, services, or treatment
Taken by

Finally, discuss how it felt to complete your first referral. Were there any sections that you struggled with?


The topic of the article is children and their severe aggressive behavior. Due to some issues the behavioral problems or disorders in the children can be seen in different different habits.

What is  behavioral disorder?

The  behavior disorder is the different habit and behavior in some children which is a part of a normal child. There are  children who  have extremely difficult and challenging behaviors that are different from the normal children of their age.

The behavioral disorder can be a result from temporary stress in the child’s life or they can be some natural disorders. The most common disruptive behavior disorders are oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Learn more about behavioral disorder here:



In your own words,State the point of view expressed in the second passage


It's clear that this passage is written in third person: the narrator uses pronouns like “he,” “she,” and “them,” instead of first person.

Who is a pronoun?

Pronouns have traditionally been considered one of the parts of speech, but some modern theorists would not consider them a single class, given the variety of functions they perform across linguistics. An example of a pronoun is "you", which can be singular or plural. Subtypes include personal and possessive pronouns, reflexive and reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative and interrogative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns.

To know more about pronoun, click the link given below:



What did the Court say about the right to counsel in the Powell case?



Alabama is a case decided on November 7, 1932, by the United States Supreme Court holding that, under the Sixth Amendment, counsel must be provided to all defendants charged with a capital felony in a state court regardless of that defendant's ability to pay.

match the following items. match the items in the left column to the items in the right column. 1. assassinated in 1589 edict of nantes 2. began bourbon dynasty paulette 3. granted freedom of worship and political rights to huguenots henry iii 4. duke of sully maximilian de bethune 5. tax on the offices of state henry iv 6. land tax on the peasantry taille



An ancient French noble family by the name of Bourbon took its name from the castle of the same name in the Castrum Borboniense region. The Capet Dynasty was distantly related to the Bourbons of today.


The three most influential politicians in Georgia following Reconstruction—Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon—are referred to as the Bourbon Triumvirate.

The Bourbon Triumvirate wanted to industrialise the South so that it would resemble the North while still maintaining traditional southern practises. They were proponents of white supremacy.

Henry IV was the first French monarch of the Bourbons. He was born in the Kingdom of Navarre on December 13, 1553. His father, Antoine de Bourbon, was a French king Louis IX's ninth generational descendant.

to learn more about Bourbon dynasty, click here:



If the stock market were to crash today and wipe out everything you have, list the first 5 things you would do when you woke up in the morning to start your life over again.


The ,list of things that you would do if the stock market crashed have been listed below.

What would you do if the stock market crashed?

Here are some possible things someone might do after a stock market crash wiped out everything they have:

Assess the situation: The first step would be to gather information about the extent of the financial damage and what, if anything, can be recovered.

Create a budget: The next step would be to create a budget to manage the limited resources available, making sure that the basic needs of food, shelter and healthcare are met.

Develop a plan: It's important to have a plan for how to move forward and rebuild, whether it's by returning to school, looking for a new job or starting a new business.

Reach out for support: It's important to reach out to family, friends, and professionals for help and support. They can offer practical, emotional and financial support, which can be critical during difficult times.

Focus on mental and physical well-being: This is a critical step, it's important to take care of oneself and not let the stress of the situation get the better of you. Make sure to take the time to exercise, eat well, sleep well and stay positive.

Read more on the stock market here: https://brainly.com/question/3210355


3 changes that occurred in the maps between 1820 and 1850.


The three changes that occurred in the maps between 1820 and 1850 with regard to the Westward Expansion are:

The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 greatly expanded the United States' western borders, making land west of the Mississippi River available for American settlers.

What happened with the Oregon Trail?

The Oregon Trail, which was heavily used in the 1840s, allowed thousands of American settlers to travel westward to the Pacific coast.

The Mexican-American War in 1846-1848 resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ceded vast areas of land, including present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma, from Mexico to the United States.

This expansion further increased the amount of land available for American settlers.

Read more about Westward expansion here:



Which statement best describes the experience of Chinese workers on the
Transcontinental Railroad?
OA. Chinese workers only achieved the same pay as white workers by
going on strike.
OB. Chinese workers only received the same pay as white workers if
they did the most dangerous jobs.
receive meals or housing.
C. Chinese workers were paid less and required to work longer than
white workers.
; க
in the par
D. Chinese workers were paid the same as white workers but did not receive meals or housing


Chinese workers were paid less and required to work longer than white workers.

For what purposes was the railroad used?

Competitors like the steamship were beaten out by railroads because they were more efficient, dependable, and quick. Nearly fifty times more freight could be carried by them than by steamships, and they sailed faster and farther. Unlike earlier forms of transportation, they were weather-independent and more dependable.

How do railways operate?

Many trains run entirely on electricity, in addition to those with steam and diesel engines. The third rail, often known as the electrical line, provides them with power. Transformers transmit the lines' voltage, and the electrical current powers the AC or DC motors on the wheels.

To know more about Railroad visit:



What difficulties do you think might arise when trying to understand ideas from the past,



The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The difficulties I think might arise when trying to understand ideas from the past, especially when those ideas are so different from our modern thinking are that people cannot understand the circumstances that were present in past events in order to understand the meaning of those events. If we want to understand how and why things happened in the past without knowing those circumstances, then our view would be biased or incomplete. Primary resources show a complete picture of the period they are from but in a partial way. You have to connect the dots, the stories of that time in the past to have the full perspective of the events.

The example would be the following. If you try to understand the reasons that led to the American Civil War just from the perspective of the southern states, your information would be biased. You have to know both sides of the story to have the full view. Again, understand the circumstances will help you to get the right idea.

Which of these best describes the global response to the Fourteen Points?


Wilson's 14 Points were intended to weaken the Central Powers' resolve to fight on while motivating the Allies to victory. The 14 Points were launched from behind the enemy's lines with rockets and shells, and they were broadcast all over the world.

The Fourteen Points are a set of moral principles that Woodrow Wilson created in response to the various factors that led to World War I. In a message to Congress on January 8, 1918, he announced these rules to the entire world. Wilson called for the repeal of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment to colonial claims that would benefit both native peoples and colonists, as well as freedom of speech in his speech, which directly addressed what he perceived to be the causes of the world war.

To know more about Wilson here



In 1839, 53 Cuban slaves took control of the ship Amistad; after being captured by a United States Revenue Service ship, most of the slaves were


53 Cuban slaves commandeered the Amistad in 1839; after being apprehended by a vessel of the United States Revenue Service, the majority of the slaves were sent back to Africa with assistance from American abolitionists.

The Amistad Mutiny, which occurred on the slave ship Amistad on July 2, 1839, off the coast of Cuba, had significant political and legal ramifications for the American abolitionist cause. The mutineers were apprehended and tried in the United States, and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to release the rebels in 1841 represented an unexpected win for the nation's antislavery forces. A group that was established to protect slaves subsequently became the American Missionary Association (incorporated 1846).

The prosecution claimed that because the mutineers were slaves, they were subject to the regulations dictating how slaves and their masters should interact. However, trial evidence established that while importing slaves from Africa was illegal, slaving was lawful in Cuba. In light of this, the judge decided that the Africans weren't slaves but rather kidnapped captives who had the right to flee their captors in whatever way they saw fit.

To know more about The Amistad Mutiny



What has been one long-term result of the constitutional protection of free speech? A. More court cases involving minors B. More laws limiting minority rights C. A more accurate election D. A more informed society


More laws limiting minority rights has been one long-term result of the constitutional protection of free speech.

What are minority rights?

Minority rights are both the collective rights granted to any minority group as well as the typical individual rights applicable to individuals of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic, or gender and sexual minorities.

Civil-rights campaigns frequently work to ensure that no one's rights are restricted because they belong to a minority group. The international campaigns for women's rights, LGBT rights, and numerous racial-minority rights movements are examples of civil-rights campaigners.

Minority rights concerns may come up in discussions about historical justice or positive discrimination. International human rights legislation includes the protection of minorities' rights, including those of indigenous peoples and minorities of linguistic, religious, and ethnic groups.

Learn more about minority rights, here



compare the trend lines for south asia and sub saharan africa during the 1991 to 2006 time period frq


During the 1991–2006 time period, the trend lines for South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa show some similarities and differences.

Both regions experienced economic growth, with South Asia having a slightly higher rate of growth. However, the pattern of growth was different between the two regions. South Asia saw a steady increase in GDP per capita throughout the period, while Sub-Saharan Africa experienced more fluctuations, with periods of growth followed by periods of decline. In addition, South Asia had a lower poverty rate compared to Sub-Saharan Africa, which remained relatively unchanged throughout the period.

These trends suggest that while both regions experienced some economic growth, South Asia had a more consistent and sustainable pattern of development compared to Sub-Saharan Africa.

Learn more about Sub-Saharan Africa here: brainly.com/question/20038270


Describe the constitutional argument made by Craig and Mullins as well as the Colorado Civil Rights Commission.


The commission found that the bakery had discriminated against the couple and issued specific orders for the bakery.

What is  Colorado Civil Rights Commission?

The Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) is charged with enforcement of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA).

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ("CCRC") is a seven-member, bipartisan board whose mission is to: Conduct hearings regarding illegal discriminatory practices. Advise the Governor and General Assembly regarding policies and legislation that address illegal discrimination.

CADA is the Colorado Antidiscrimination Act. Any person who claims to have been aggrieved by a discriminatory act, as contemplated by the Colorado Antidiscrimination Act, may timely file a timely charge of discrimination with the CCRD. Such charge of discrimination results in the initiation of an investigation.

To learn more about civil rights refers to:



4. The __________ border(s) Canada in the northeast
A. Great Lakes
B. Rocky Mountains
C. Mississippi River
D. Gulf Coastal Plain



A. Great Lakes

pls give me brainliest

evaluate which paragraph would make the most interesting movie scene why site evidence


Use language that conveys size, form, texture, and color. Include details that serve to establish the atmosphere as well as detailed descriptions of the plot's main elements. Describe the scene's audio elements in your writing. Use words to convey the mood, volume, and other qualities of different sounds, such as tone and pitch.

What is an essay of evaluation?

Giving your perspective or point of view on a topic or body of work is the goal of an evaluation essay.

                                  An overview of the relevant topic should be given first, followed by a point-of-view supported by examples and evidence that is presented utilizing a thorough, well-structured argument.

What is the scene analysis and summary?

Stories progress to the following "main moment" through summary paragraphs. The action that is taking place in a "scene" is considered to be pseudo-realistic.

                             The author is aware that readers love to watch those dramatic moments where there is struggle between people or between a person and a force of nature.

Learn more about an evaluation essay



Evidence that neck-level spinal cord injuries reduce the intensity with which people experience certain emotions most directly refutes the A) James-Lange theory. B) Yerkes-Dodson law. C) two-factor theory. D) Cannon-Bard theory.


In the Cannon-Bard hypothesis, which emphasises the simultaneous and independent occurrence of physiological and emotional responses to environmental stimuli, emotions are modelled as biological processes. One important location for coordination in this process is thought to be the thalamus.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, our reaction to stimuli and the feeling it causes us to feel happen simultaneously. Both the physical and emotional responses are independent of one another. When a specific event occurs, the thalamus notifies the amygdala. Additionally, it sends signals to the autonomic nervous system, causing it to experience physical arousal and emotional processing at the same time. These physical reactions include muscle tension, shivering, and sweating.

To learn more about Cannon-Bard theory, click here:



After fleeing Sodom, Lot’s daughters did what?


The daughters of the biblical patriarch Lot appear in chapter 19 of the Book of Genesis, in two connected stories. After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar and so he and his two daughters resettle into the hills, living in a cave.

What is the Book of Genesis?

The first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament is Genesis. Genesis is a story about the creation of the world, the early history of humanity, Israel's ancestors, and the Jewish people's origins.

Believing that there were no men left alive, the two chaste daughters plotted to get their father intoxicated on wine and each have a child by him in order to keep the family line going. Moab and Ben-Ammi, the founders of the Moabites and Ammonites.

Therefore, after fleeing Sodom, Lot’s daughters had two sons with their father, to continue their family.

To learn more about Book of Genesis, click here:



Place the following groups in the order they were given the right to vote in the United States, starting with the earliest.


They were granted the right to vote in the United States in the proper order of  White men > African American Men > Women.

Since the country's founding, there has been conflict in the US around voting rights. Only white men were permitted to vote until 1870 since the original U.S. Constitution did not specify citizens' voting rights. Two constitutional changes made that different. All men, regardless of color, are now eligible to vote because of the 15th Amendment. However, despite this amendment, voting rights for African Americans were still restricted by state constitutions, legislation, literacy tests, the "grandfather clause," poll taxes, and outright intimidation. In addition to these constitutional amendments, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 guaranteed the right to vote to all adult citizens, regardless of their color or gender, through the enactment of federal statutes that carried out the amendments.

The right to vote for women in America is legally protected under the 19th amendment. This accomplishment needed a protracted and challenging battle; triumph required decades of activism and resistance.

Learn more about 19th amendment here:



The complete question is:

Place the following groups in the order they were given the right to vote in the United States, starting with the earliest.

Women, White men, African American Men.

What was the main difference between the French and the British army’s in the French and Indian war.


The main difference between the French and British armies in the French and Indian War (1754-1763) was their approach to warfare. The French relied on the tactics of their Native American allies, which emphasized surprise attacks and ambushes, while the British relied on traditional European tactics, such as linear formations and open-field engagements.

What is the army about?

The French army was made up mostly of regular soldiers, who were well-trained and equipped with the latest weapons and tactics. They also relied heavily on their Native American allies, who were skilled at fighting in the rugged wilderness of North America and knew the land well.

The French soldiers and their allies would often use guerilla tactics, such as surprise attacks and ambushes, to gain an advantage over the British.

On the other hand, the British army was made up mostly of regular soldiers, along with some colonial militia. They relied on traditional European tactics, such as linear formations and open-field engagements. The British soldiers were well-trained and equipped with the latest weapons and tactics.

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