if your wheels drift onto the dirt shoulder of a road and you want to return to the paved road you should?


Answer 1

If the wheels of your vehicle begin to float onto the street shoulder, you Should dial back, recapture control, and turn gradually back onto the street. You Should NOT endeavor to turn around onto the asphalt immediately.

At the point when it is protected to do as such, delicately go left to help the right wheels solidly land on the asphalt. Right brake the tenderly to fix when you feel your wheels return to the asphalt.

When you're securely back on the asphalt and in full control of your vehicle, advance to stay aware of the progression of traffic. Before endeavoring to get back to the street, dial back to 25 MPH or less.

Learn more about wheels drift:



Answer 2

Still, you must, If your vehicle's bus drifts onto the shoulder of the road. Not trying to turn back onto the pavement, you must decelerate down,  recapture control, and turn sluggishly onto the road.  

Check for business approaching from the reverse in the lane you'll re-up. Turn on your left-turn signal. Gently steer left to ease the right bus onto the pavement when it's clear. As soon as you feel your bus come back onto the road, gently steer right to unbend out.  

Slow down to 25 MPH or lower before returning to the road. Decelerating down to this speed allows you tore-establish all four buses' drift on the thruway without losing control of your vehicle.

To learn more about buses drift, visit here



Related Questions

resulted in the settling of the frontier by farmers is


The growers met Indians armed with ordnance. The trading frontier, while steadily undermining Indian power by making the lines eventually dependent on the whites.  

The shifting frontier had ruinous goods on Native American societies. White settlers pushed Indian lines off their lands. Resistance by the lines frequently led to wars with theU.S.  service, wars the lines generally lost.  A body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their motherland;  occupants remain citizens of their home state but aren't literally under the home state's system of government.  

The Homestead Act of 1862 drove more western migration by granting colonials 160 acres of land in exchange for cultivating it. The western homes were rich, and growers who settled reaped tremendous prices from planting crops, though they plodded with the loneliness of their insulation from others.

To learn more about frontier, visit here



Which piece of evidence best reveals Norma’s curiosity toward Mr. Stewards offer?



“Norma closed her eyes. Fifty thousand doallars, she thought.” (Paragraph 69)


throughout the letter, king juxtaposes opposites to highlight tension between what is and what should be. focusing on two points, whwat points does he raise?


The first two portions of the entry highlight the discrepancy between Ignatius's critical manner, his shabby clothes, and his preparation. The storyteller contrasts the storyteller's discourse on Ignatius's appearance with the storyteller's account of Ignatius's internal thoughts.

Why did King juxtapose his ideas?

The conflict between those who supported and opposed the segregation and mistreatment of African Americans grew throughout the 1950s and 1960s. The African American community started to stand up for themselves because they were sick and tired of just being treated like objects.

Many people were resistant to this idea, but they eventually warmed to it as a result of the many motivational speeches delivered by Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and other leaders of the movement. Malcolm X's "Message to the Grassroots" and Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" were two of those addresses.

Learn more about juxtaposes with the help of the given link:



2. where in the story does orwell use the rhetorical device of "unifying 2 2" as described in the stanton video? how does orwell make the rhetorical device work?


In his book "1984", Orwell makes use of the rhetorical device "unify 2 + 2" to illustrate how simple it is for the major powers to distort the truth about a particular aspect of society.

Where was the rhetorical device used?

It makes use of logical and obvious examples of government interference in the real world to make this rhetorical device effective.

Bringing the truth back to society through deductive reasoning and critical thinking is referred to as "unifying 2 + 2." This is a reference to how simple it is for the government to alter historical facts and ideas that have shaped society

Learn more about Orwell on:



-How do paragraphs 11-13 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?
A. They show that Johnson was often unwilling to work with other politicians.
B. They show how forceful Johnson could be to get what he wanted.
C. They show that Johnson relied on fear to get what he wanted
D. They show how menacing could be when he didnt get what he wanted


Paragraphs 11-13 contribute to the development of ideas in the text as B. They show how forceful Johnson could be to get what he wanted

What was the great society about?

President Lyndon B. Johnson first used the phrase to describe his domestic policy in a commencement address at the University of Michigan in 1964. The main goal was to completely eradicate racial injustice and poverty.

The United States' domestic policy initiatives, programs, and legislation known as "The Great Society" were first introduced in the 1960s. These Great Society initiatives aimed to decrease racial injustice, crime, and poverty while also enhancing the environment.

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about great society on:



The Thread That Runs So True

What Do You Think Stuart Is Trying To Say To The Reader


The Thread That Runs So True through these lines Stuart Is Trying To Say To The Reader that in life there are so many choices and you have to pick all sorts of choices and have outcomes.

The Thread That Runs So True is a book written by Jesse Stuart. It got its unique name from the song that the students of the first job he had at school sang.

He wrote this book as his autobiography describing the time he spent in the hills of Kentucky. as a school teacher. Throughout the book, he emphasized the outdoor life of Kentucky.

Stuart describes the character fictional or non-fictional with dignity. The book might have a here and there swear word but no violence except for the time he had a fight with a first grader determined to drive him away. He shared many valuable lesson and excerpts from his experience that magnifies the role of teachers in our lives.

To know more about visit:



Speculate What does the speaker mean when he or she says the ""unseen creatures/who tower over us omnisciently and laugh""?


Speculate omnisciently and laugh the oppressor who is never held accountable and is to blame for the suffering of the people is referred to as the "unseen beast" in Margret Walker's poem "For My People."

One of the most prominent black female writers of the 20th century, Margret Walker is an author with American roots who also writes poetry and novels. Orwell indicates that there is a significant disconnect between british imperialist.

Ideology and its actuality when he claims that the entire activity of imperialism is carried out to avoid being laughed at. It was anticipated that the Burmese people would gain from their interactions with Britain on many fronts when Britain took control of Burma the Burmese, however, adhered to their traditions additionally, they mocked and detested the British.

To know more Market walker visit:



Which statement correctly describes how a reader can identify character motivations?
A. by supporting ideas with textual evidence and commentary that explains the evidence
B.by making a claim about a character's, traits, attitudes and relationships
C.by consulting reference materials, such as dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauruses
D.by analyzing a character's language and examining the contrasts the author creates


Answer: D. by analyzing a character's language and examining the contrasts the author creates.

Explanation:  Identifying character motivations involves analyzing a character's language, including their dialogue and inner thoughts, and examining the contrasts created by the author. By closely examining these aspects, readers can gain insights into why a character behaves and acts the way they do.

Learn more about character motivation here: https://brainly.com/question/8862488.  

why did president jackson oppose the second bank of the united states?


The concept here Second Bank was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States. The answer is, it trampled on states' rights.

President Jackson's distrust of the bank was also political, believing that a federal entity like the bank violated state rights. He also believed that the bank had placed too much power in the hands of too few private individuals, the power that could be used to the detriment of the government.

Founded in 1816, the second-largest bank in the United States was intended to bring order and stability to the chaotic financial state of the United States. Instead, the bank had poor credit, and paper money helped set the stage for the panic of 1819.

Although foreign ownership was not a problem (foreigners owned about 20% of the bank's shares), the Second Bank was plagued by mismanagement and open fraud (Galbraith). The bank had to adhere to the “currency rule”: keep the ratio of foreign currency to deposit constantly at around 20%.

To know more about Second Bank,



Which line bet help to develop a theme of the poem?
Stopping By Wood on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frot

Whoe wood thee are I think I know.
Hi houe i in the village though;
He will not ee me topping here
To watch hi wood fill up with now.

5 My little hore mut think it queer
To top without a farmhoue near
Between the wood and frozen lake
The darket evening of the year.

He give hi harne bell a hake
10 To ak if there i ome mitake.
The only other ound' the weep
Of eay wind and downy flake.

The wood are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promie to keep,
15 And mile to go before I leep,
And mile to go before I leep


To emphasise the speaker's general melancholy and how desperately he longs for rest, the poet in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" may repeat the line "And miles to go before I sleep."

Walking in the Woods on a Snowy Evening The tale of a writer going through some forests is summarised. The poem's author stops with his horse near the woods by a neighbor's house to watch the snow fall while he is riding through the snow in the dark. Frost touches on a number of subjects in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," including life, death, commitment, pessimism vs. optimism, and gloom. The journey of life is this piece's central theme. It appears frequently in the poem and is emphasised in the final few lines.

To know more about "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" click here:



Great Gatsby

1. " he looked as if he killed a man", speaking figuratively who had Gatsby killed and how did it impact Daisy? Use a quote and the pg. Number from the story to support your answer


At the end of Chapter 8, George Wilson, the proprietor of a gas station, shoots Jay Gatsby to death in the mansion's swimming pool because he thinks Gatsby is the hit-and-run motorist who murdered his wife, Myrtle.

Jay Gatsby eventually won Daisy over, and they had a romantic relationship before he enlisted in the army. Daisy made a commitment to hold off on marrying Gatsby until 1919, but she ultimately decided to wed Tom Buchanan, a teenage boy from a respectable, affluent family who could guarantee her a comfortable existence and who had the backing of her parents. Daisy displays some fondness for Gatsby all through the novel, demonstrating that she must have had some sorrow over his passing.

To know more about Tom Buchanan :



What type of figurative language is “cut us to the quick” that is used in the first sentence of this passage.


Figurative language is a way of expressing oneself that does not use a word’s strict or realistic meaning.

What is Figurative Language?

Common in comparisons and exaggerations, figurative language is usually used to add creative flourish to written or spoken language or explain a complicated idea.

Have you ever heard someone talk about “butterflies in their stomach” when they’re nervous. There aren’t actually butterflies inside of their stomach—that would be cruel.

They’re just using figurative language to describe the uneasy sensation in their body that feels as if a butterfly were moving around inside them.

Therefore, Figurative language is a way of expressing oneself that does not use a word’s strict or realistic meaning.

To learn more about Figurative Language, refer to the link:



What is this view called in PowerPoint?


This view is called in power point is Normal view.

What is Power point?

PowerPoint presentation describes a slide show-like work that conveys a message or story, breaking it down into slides. Think of each slide as a blank canvas for pictures and words to help us tell a story.

The views in PowerPoint that we can use to edit, print and distribute the presentation:

Normal viewSlide Sorter viewNotes page view

Normal view is the editing mode where we'll be working most often to create slides. Below, this view displays slide thumbnails on the left, a large window showing the current slide, and a section below the current slide where we can type speaker notes for that slide.

Thus, this view is called in power point is Normal view.

Learn more about PowerPoint, here:



why does claudius ask rosencrantz and guildenstern to come to denmark? what is their relation to hamlet and why are they, therefore, particularly qualified for the job they have been asked to do? does this remind you of polonius


Claudius invites Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to Denmark in order for them to investigate what is going on with Hamlet.

They are Hamlet's childhood friends, and thus they are suitable for the task they have been asked to do due to their a long existing relationship with Hamlet.

Yes, Polonius, the chief counsellor of the play's ultimate villain, Claudius, comes to mind.

In William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are characters. They are Hamlet's childhood friends, invited by King Claudius to take the focus away the prince from his apparent insanity and, if possible, ascertain the source of it.

And about Polonius, he serves as Claudius' Lord Chamberlain. He is also Ophelia's and Laertes' father. He spies on his children as well as Hamlet. Throughout the play, Polonius makes numerous mistakes and is finally killed by Hamlet while attempting to hide behind an arras, or screen.

Learn more about Hamlet https://brainly.com/question/806658


How would a close reader respond to the following quote, a memorable sound bite from the reading: "Nobody shall despise me or think me weak or passive. Quite the contrary. I am a good friend but a dangerous enemy. For that is the type the world delights to honor. "


A close reader would likely respond to this quote by exploring its implications.

The speaker is asserting their strength and power, and presenting themselves as someone who should be respected and honored. This suggests a type of confidence and self-assurance that could be admirable, or it could be interpreted as arrogance.

A close reader might reflect on the implications of this quote in regards to power dynamics, and consider the notion that strength is often valued more than kindness or gentleness. They might consider how a person’s willingness to stand up for themselves can lead to respect from others, but could also create a “dangerous enemy” in the process.

Learn more about implications:



bts member jimin is now a global ambassador for which brand. Which brand ambassador is BTS Jimin?


BTS member Jimin is now a global ambassador for the brand name house Dior.

The BTS singer Jimin has been chosen as a global brand ambassador by Dior, underscoring the country's rising significance to the top luxury fashion businesses in the globe.

In a social media post announcing the collaboration, Dior stated that the singer's employment "solidifies" her association with the French fashion house and "continues a link" with Kim Jones, artistic director of menswear, who has previously designed stage costumes for the K-pop group.

Pictures of the 27-year-old celebrity wearing several ensembles from the company's Summer 2023 collection were posted alongside the article. The release noted that Jimin, whose full name is Park Ji-min, "exemplifies the ageless essence and individuality of Dior."

Learn more about BTS:



3.you are collecting evidence for your speech on why you should not vaccinate children. you are having a very difficult time finding scholarly research on the topic but have found numerous anonymous blog posts on the subject. how can you be ethical and responsible in presenting your speech on vaccinations?


On this quest-ion, a way to be ethical and respons-ible in presenting my spe-ech on vaccinations, would be to use the blog posts, but not as citations or evid-ence.

I would gather up inform-ation and see the two differ-ent sides to the issue of vaccinations. I would be hon-est and talk ab-out where this inform-ation came from. I would also do my best to fi-nd real cited rese-arch to also ba-ck up the blog posts.

Vaccine hesitancy” is a relat-ively new term used in rese-arch over the past few years to describe any-one who is doubt-ful about vacci-nations or who cho-oses to delay or refuse immuni-zations even when they are readily avail-able.

To know more about vaccinations click below:



How do these story elements interact to give the text meaning? How can certain story elements be connected?


Answer: Story elements interact by giving you hints toward what the story of the meaning might be. Certain elements can be connected by following the steps of the elements by order until you can make out the meaning.

Explanation: Hope This Helps!

janice is attending an off-campus event featuring a well-known political figure. toward the end of the speech, the microphone goes out, and janice cannot hear the speaker's last comments. according to the communication model, which element caused a failure in the communication process?


The interference is anything that obstructs communication. This is further characterized as a barrier that hinders communication by acting as a diversion. Additionally, it may be either internal or external.

When the cause of it (its source) comes from within an individual, it is internal; when it comes from the outside world, it is external.

Fear, anxiety, headaches, and other symptoms of internal interference are examples.

External interference examples include playing loud music in a testing environment, honking while on the phone, etc.

In Jeron's instance, his internal headache is the cause of the diversion. As a result, the transmission failed due to internal interference.

For such more question on communication.



D) The communication model says that an element broke the channel and the communication process.

What are the components of channel communication?

The eight essential components of the communication process are understanding, sharing, and meaning: feedback, environment, context, and interference are all components of the source.

Which aspect of communication impedes conversation flow?

Anything that hinders a speaker's ability to communicate with an audience is considered noise in information theory and communication studies. Interference is another name.

What model sees communication in a practical way that breaks the sender-receiver model?

Note: There is a continuing interpretation of the message from beginning to end. Only the message is received on the basis of this interpretation. The sender-and-receiver model is broken by this model, which appears to make communication more practical.

To learn more about communication model here:



Full Question = Janice is attending an off-campus event featuring a well-known political figure. Toward the end of the speech, the microphone goes out, and Janice cannot hear the speaker's last comments. According to the communication model, which element caused a failure in the communication process?

A. The feedback

B. Internal interference

C. Speaker credibility

D. The channel

Questions 44-55. Read the following passage from Ralph Ellison’s Living With Music (1955) carefully before you choose your answers. It can be inferred that the speaker and the drumk were “fellow victims” (line 30) in that
Select one:
a. Both had lost control in their passions
b. Neither received support from friends or relatives
c. Each hand in a different way proven to be a failure
d. Neither was any longer able to feel guilt or responsibility
e. Both were tormented by distracting disturbances


e. Both were tormented by distracting disturbances.

What is Ralph Ellison’s Living With Music?

Ralph Ellison's Living With Music is a collection of essays and reflections by the author, in which he explores the role of music in his life and in the lives of African Americans more broadly.

In the essays, Ellison reflects on the ways in which music has shaped his identity and provided him with a sense of community and connection to his cultural heritage. He also discusses the ways in which African American music has been both celebrated and marginalized in American society, and the ways in which it has been used to both express and resist oppression.

Learn more about Ralph Ellison’s Living With Music, here:



article on topic


Physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks, and improve your cognitive health.

What is cognitive health?

The capacity to comprehend, learn, and recall things clearly is known as cognitive health. It is crucial to the wellbeing of the brain.

Others include sensory function, which assesses how well a person can feel and react to touch sensations like pressure, pain, and temperature, emotional function, which measures how well a person can interpret and respond to emotions, and motor function, which measures how well a person can move and control their movements.

Cognitive reserve is the brain's ability to withstand harm. It shows resistance to neuropathological injury.

The ability to handle the cognitive demands of daily living is referred to as cognitive reserve. This ability is seen in the ability to recognize relationships, integrate information, and generate logical conclusions and strategies.

Learn more about cognitive health, here



What is The climax Of my Wonder Horse? And What is the Resolution Of my Wonder Horse?


The story of a youngster who successfully tamed a renowned wild horse is the subject of "My Wonder Horse" .

The boy's realization that the horse should stay in its natural state is the basis for the story's concept. The young man understands that if the horse were to stay in captivity, it would either perish or turn into another horse. Watching the horse endure pain and humiliation pains him. The horse's fear and distress make him happy. Even the horse's fall goes unnoticed by him. Fortitude, bravery, and freedom, the horse is a metaphor. With the knowledge that the horse cannot be taken, the narrator matures. For the sake of the family's honor and dignity, the sons gave the man his horse back.

To know more about My Wonder Horse refer to the link below :



Question 1 of 10
Someone who has a(n).
mindset rather than a(n) ____
to ask a teacher for extra help after scoring low on a quiz.
OA. fixed; growth
B. open; hidden
OC. hidden; open
D. growth; fixed
mindset is likely


We can see that completing the sentence, we have:

Someone who has a(n) growth mindset rather than a(n) fixed

mindset is likely to ask a teacher for extra help after. D. growth; fixed mindset is likely.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a grammatically complete set of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically includes a subject (the person or thing being spoken about) and a predicate (the action or state of being being described), and it must begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

Examples of sentences include "The dog barked loudly," "I am going to the store," and "Are you feeling okay?"

The correct option is option D.

We see here that the above question wants us to complete the sentence by selecting the correct answer from the options.

Learn more about sentence on https://brainly.com/question/28881535


The blind man curses the money because he wants to find something else in chapters 4-6 of Treasure Island. What does he want to find?

A. His stick

B. The captain’s spy-glass

C. The key to the chest

D. Flint’s fist


In the chapter 4-6 of the Treasure Island, the blind man wants to find the map, Flint's Fist.

In chapter 4-6 of Treasure Island, the blind man Pew is on a mission to find Flint's Fist, a map that contains a treasure. Pew is determined to obtain the map, and enlists Jim Hawkins, the novel's protagonist, to help him on his quest. Flit fist is the name of the map which they use. Along the way, the blind man come across various dangers, and must use their wit and strength to overcome them

By the end of their journey, the two of them manage to find the map and get their hands on the long-sought after treasure. Through their adventure, Jim and Pew come to realize that friendship and courage are far more valuable than any amount of gold or jewels.

Hence, the correct option is "D".

To know more about blind man, click here.



The blind man curses the money because he wants to find the key to the chest in chapters 4-6 of Treasure Island. (option C)

In these chapters of Treasure Island, the blind beggar Pew delivers a "black spot" to Billy Bones, and later dies after being run over by horses. Jim and the others discover that Pew had a map that leads to the location of a treasure buried by the infamous pirate Captain Flint. The key to the chest containing the treasure is missing, and the blind man curses the money when he realizes that it is not the key that he was looking for. It is later revealed that Long John Silver, who is part of Jim's crew, has the key and is planning to double-cross them.

Learn more about Treasure Island:



Read Ahmad's argument in favor of changing the minimum driving age from 16 to 15.

Every year, millions of teenagers look forward to the freedom of earning their driver's license. It has been proven over time that teenagers are fully responsible by the time they are 15, and making teens wait until they are 16 to obtain a driver's license is wrong. Many teenagers play sports, work jobs, and have an active social life when they are 15. It would be beneficial to the functioning of society if these people were able to independently drive themselves around. Parents agree, too. Most people believe that the streets would be safer if the minimum driving age were reduced to 15.

What is the best evaluation of Ahmad's reasoning?

It is illogical because it relies on faulty reasoning.
It is logical because it stays on topic.
It is illogical because it shows no bias.
It is logical because it gives true statistics.



its A. It is illogical because it relies on faulty reasoning.


How are "little things are big" and "we wear the mask" alike and different


They are alike, so they are both people of color and they are both scared to do things that they should.

What are "little things are big" and "we wear the mask"?

Dunbar's repeated use of the phrase "We wear the mask" in "We Wear the Mask" conveys the idea that social status is largely determined by outward looks.

People frequently hide their true emotions behind masks and lie about them. The poetry suggests that the "mask" is a metaphor.

Therefore, the red barrette is meant to prove that Sparma was at least the assassin of Rathbun. On the other hand, the viewers discover that Deacon bought the barrette but could not locate it at Sparma's home.

Learn more about "Little Things Are Big.", here:



4. Mr. Gery compares his fist to
a. a rock.
b. a lump of clay.
c. a magic wand.
d. everything that can happen out in the real world.





because clay is what is nearest to a fist when it is formed correctly

What did John Adams have in common with Thomas Jefferson when it came to their political careers after the American Revolution?


John Adams have in common with Thomas Jefferson when it came to their political careers after the American Revolution. They both served as vice president before becoming president.


JOHN ADAMSJohn Adams, Jr. (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second President of the United States (1797–1801). He also served as the first Vice President of the United States (1789–1797). As a politician, he is remembered as the Founding Father of the United States.

John Adams became one of the leaders of the independence movement to liberate America from England.

He co-signed the Proclamation of American Independence which was announced on July 4 1776. In the war of independence he served in France and the Netherlands as a diplomat and participated in peace negotiations. From 1788 to 1796, he was the first American Ambassador to England. He also served as the first vice president with a term of service from 1789 to 1797.

Learn more about John Adams at https://brainly.com/question/12416301.


hello help in doing the Tag Question
1) Bharat said he wan't feeling well?
2)Your number is in the telephone book?
3)She'd better stop teasing ?
4)You ought to do this ?
5)We last met in March ?


The question tag will be:

1) Bharat said he wan't feeling well?

, didn't he?

2)Your number is in the telephone book, isn't it?

3)She'd better stop teasing, won't she?

4)You ought to do this, oughtn't you?

5)We last met in March, don't we?

What is a question tag?

An interrogative element is added to a declarative or an imperative clause in a tag question construction.

The speech act that results consists of an assertion and a request for confirmation. The English tag question "You're John, aren't you?" is one example.

Learn more about tag questions on:



If you could create the perfect social media app, what would you call it? What features would you Include?


I would call the app "Echo" and it would have the following features:

1) A personalized news feed that only shows content relevant to the user's interests, with the ability to block or mute certain topics or sources.

2) A robust privacy and security system that allows users to control who can see their content and personal information.

3) A built-in fact-checking system that flags potentially false or misleading information.

4) A feature that allows users to easily report and block harassment or hate speech.

5) A system for verifying the identities of public figures and politicians to reduce the spread of misinformation.

6) A feature for creating and joining interest-based communities, where users can share and discuss content with like-minded individuals.

7) An easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and find the content they want.

8) An option for "off the grid" mode, where the user can disconnect from the social media and enjoy the real-life.

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